[Pennsylvania County Histories]

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[Pennsylvania County Histories] § — Vi ■% N 5 'JFWW,'WW\ ' sr t _x- Page Page T U V w w w X Y Z j The old fort which Washington occupied TLERS.” with his troops while the British held I Philadelphia is still plainly visible on the :em-y Cunreds I summit of the hill. It overlooks a wide Pa. stretch of country, and Chestnut Hill is ".Some Regarding Thone separated from it by a deep valley, across Kundersti'_ __-._-.j-_-_if. V-.is the title of an which the British were obliged to travel interesting pamphlet, prepared by Henry C, in order to reach the fortifications. The Conrad,: and issued from the press of W. large stone building used by Washington Costa of this city. The little book contains as his headquarters is still standing in 128 pages, is nicely printed on fine paper, and is an ejegaftt souvenir of the sturdy ancestor Upper Dublin township, near by. The of the nearly 1600 descendants whose names Continental army was encamped there appea r on its pages.- • from October 20 to December 11, 1777,. The record of-Thones Kunders’s childreu’ap when they proceeded on their march to pearmg in the Book is that of the children of I Valley Forge, to go into winter quarters. his youngest son, Henry Cunreds, of whom General Lafayette’s headquarters, a large the-author is a descendant of the fourth gen¬ eration. stone building of about the same dimensions ( ThOnes Kunders came to. America from as that occupied by Washington, is also Crefeld, Germany,' in 1683. In the spring of near at hand, on the east side of the North that year William Penn sold a track of about Penn Railroad. Camp Hill, on the oppo- 18,006'acres of iand’tO'sfx eitizens of Crefeld, | site side of the river, was once the site of of whom Thones Kunders was one. In July, 1683, the first German colonists, to settle in the encampment of the Continental army. Pennsylvania sailed-from Crefeld in the ship An old frame barn, recently destroyed by Concord. There were thirteen men and their fire, was brought into service in those try¬ families, making a company of thirty-three ing times as a temporary hospital, and the persons. The land which they had purchased remains of many of the wounded soldiers was in the neighborhood of Germantown, now died there were said to be buried in the a part of Philadelphia, and the colonists were adjoining field. the founders of that village. The colonists were principally members of The country for several miles around the Society of Friends and the history of their Fort Washington is rich in historical in¬ early life in America, of the division of their cidents pertaining to the Revolution. Many lands by lot, their homes in “caves,” which of the buildings that did service in sh el- were not unlike the Kansas dugout, the build- tering the suffering soldiers in Washing¬ iugs of meeting houses and of their industry ton’s army are still standing as monuments in reclaiming the wilderness, makes pleasant reading, prepared as it has been, as a labor of to the trying scenes of that period. St. love in honor of his sturdy German ancestors, Thomas’ Episcopal Church, within half a by the author. mile from the old fort, was used by both The list of Henry Cunreds’s children con¬ the British and American armies as a tains the names of a large number of men hospital. The walls of this ancient struc¬ and women, who have achieved honorable ture have been replaced by a mor ) modern distinction in the business and political pro¬ Wi 1 i rt nr - gress of the State of Pennsylvania and of the United States. PENNSYLVANIA FAMILY HISTORY. As increased interest is being taken in A REVOLUTIONARY Pennsylvania history, the narrative of i Brief Sketch of the Surroundings of what the different races that first settled ! Hlstft.^s Fort Washington. j in the colony did to build it up and TJie Independent two weeks ago con¬ carry it into the forms and conditions of fined the following anuon,, •» lent: the state and the mighty commonwealth The Pennsylvania Society oi Sons of the Revolution has erected on the south side which it now is, it seems to us to be a )f the Chestnut Hill turnpike, a short dis- good time to urge on Pennsylvanians the ;ance south of Fort Washington, a heavy I ;ranite shaft, bearing the inscription: benefits to be derived from each family ‘About 7C0 feet south of this stone is an keeping v record of its origin and growth. American redoubt and the site of Howe’s threatened attack, December 6, 1777. As a rule, there is not enough pride in 'rom here Washington’s army marched to preserving records of all kinds among the alley Forge. Erected in 1891 by the 'ennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revo- people of Pennsylvania. In towns the ution.” history of homes, public buildings, In view of the fact that it is the in ten- ; churches, etc., are not as carefully re¬ |tion of the Society to mark several addi-1 corded as they should he, and the fact is tional spots in this historic vicinity by the I 'erection of similar granite shafts, the sub- j often a serious drawback to many public (joined sketch of the surroundings will proceedings, when such efforts of the prove of interest: ■Hp-- • - people are made. It is then chat every- iy is chagrined to discover how little it is of importance that we iey really know of matters which had attention given to family re< of-igjn and made their progress head of every family should kee where they were horn and lived all their sort of a record of its affairs, its lives, simply because no careful record berk, their birth, education and training is made of the transaction. The reason of this is that there is seldom if ever a man did while under the roof of the paternal in a locality who interests himself suffi¬ home. Such a record would prove of in¬ ciently in its progress to note the facts estimable value in more ways than per¬ thereof where they can be preserved, and sonal gratification, and could be often if there is such a person, he often does used in public affairs with the g his work under the belittling disparage¬ possible benefits. ments of people who should encourage him, if they are really what they pose as being, the foremost citizens. , Every family has a history that is worth preserving, in shapes that are accurate and forms that will enable its descendants to read intelligently. The family pride that is jealous of its good name and proud of its membership, can REPRESENTATIVE WOMEN.1 always find enough of events in its EITTSBVRH LEADERS, IN THE EAST growth and progress to be worthy of ...y ■ -i AAD REES EAT, 1A1 ALL EATHS. record, and whenever the records are carefully kept, we do not care how An Army for Mercy, .Charity Guidos humble such a family may be in social Their Steps from the Lowly Work of llie Good Samaritan lo the Front Hanks ol position or material possessions,the facts the Professions—Women Who Founded are liable to be of service in history or Onr Asylums, Built Our Monuments and Turn Friendless Wails Into Good Citizens. business at some time. Every man has Though Pittsburg has- borne successively a record that ought to be preserved such prosaic names as Gas, Smoke and Irou by himself or some one else, City, all far from suggestive of those gentler, and every family has a history subtler forces supposed to be characteristic of feminine influence in public affairs, a which if fairly preserved can be used for glance at its past history and a daily scan¬ good effects among its descendants or the ning of the newspapers show that woman’s public at large. It is no expense to keep influenoe has all along been tacitly ac¬ knowledged—sometimes with the rather such records—while the labor involved dubious praise of a stinging sense of defeat is as often one of love as of trouble, the on the part of a male opponent in some latter being always lessened where the matter of business, profession or politics records are kept regularly. To show (political races are not all for offices), and that it is not alone to the hearth we must look how careless many American families are forour representative women.There can beyio in this respect, it may be mentioned that doubt but that Pittsburg women are some¬ scores of them in all localities do not what backward in the matter of filling pub¬ even preserve the dates of births and lic positions of honor, profit and emolument; . I but, firstly, it is not matter of history that I deaths of theif members. Such an they were ever offered any, hence that ever | ignoring of family pride is well calcu¬ they refused any; and, secondly, the word lated to sink those who indulge it be¬ “trust” is generally, in public reports, t neath contempt. placed iu contradistinction to those of profit, honor, etc., which speaks volumes in itself. We repeat, then, now that new inter¬ And positions of trust they have and do fill. est is being awakened and taken in the But politics and the race for patronage is acts of civil life and the deeds of military a narrow, though not necessarily a straight struggle, attending the settlement and path, compared to the broad fields of general philanthrophy, education, chanty and the progress of Pennsylvania as a colony and arts, which have been, to a high degree, a commonwealth, by the de- monopolized by the fair, and proliably Adam i.
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