While Life May Be Full of Uncertainties ... A Charitable Gift Annuity With A Masonic Charity of the Grand lodge Of is Not. A Win-Win Situation: Purcha.'" a charit:tblc gin annuit} from the Ma,onic Charitic;, Fund: Masonic Village': Pcnn,}hania Youth Foundation: The Penn,yh-:~nia Masonic Foundation for Children: or The ~ l :t.\Onic Libra!) and Mu~um of Penm,yhania and you'll rccci,e: • Entitlement to an immediate income tax deduction • Great potential to mcrca'c } our •nco me • 1\ fix~'

S..'tld me a l>rochurc ah<11.11 lhc FranLhn U'l!.JJ.') Attention Pos tmaster: Dated Mate rial Enclos ed :J Soc:ict).

::J IJ\Vc ha\C rcm.:mhcn..-d ooc or mnrc of ahc \l.a••.unu.. · ChariliC" in m~/oure,tatc pl.tnf,J: ------

\ ame: ------

.-\ddre": ------Cil): ------Sl:nc: __ /Jp: ____

Telephone: _.__-~. ______

E-mail Addre,,: ------

MAIL TillS FOR~ I TO: Office of Gif1 1'1 " '""" ~· Mat-onic Charitil.!,, One Ma,onic l)ri\ ..:. F.litnbellllown. PA 1702~ MASONIC VILLAGE AT GRAND LODGE OF ELIZABETHTOWN WINS PENNSYLVANIA Fall 2004 m a g a z i n e NATIONAL SERVICE AWARD .hc.lnk: \'1lla~ at 8i:abet.htown ha, ~~~ '<1<-.:t<•J t<> Governor Rendell r-."l:cl\\' tilt' 1(\'\.f Community Sen·icc A\\,m.l fnml M the Amc.·r•can A··'tOCianon of H ome~ and Sc:n l'-1:'' becomes a for the 1\!lon~ (AAHSA). Ma-omc \'lll:ll!< i> r,'CO!:no:..J 32• Scottish Rite Mason for tx-tcn .. ,,.c ~·rvke' w che community throu~h ~atl\'\' rd:ttlon-.hir.. wnh ch(· Elt::tl'c!chtown Arta School n,~trkt ,1nd nun'lcn:'u~ cummunny )!WUp ... tfie Pennsy{van ia M~1~onk Villnttl' maL,·., lt~ tilcilitic;:~ ~wniloblc to the ~thoul page 7. Ji~trict an ..l ,lW.U\1' ~hnlur.. hips to teen volumt:..:r .., hoM .. tht> FREEMASON ~chuul \ prom, prc.wiJ\•:o. tutorin~ nnJ mcmoring ami opt:n" h" I \Ull .1.;;L mu!'t people where tlwy \\\:~tkl hLc hl 'pcn~l rheir MAGAZ INE pool to .. wlm tc;Hlh. Mu .. k theraP)' ....:-rvicc:; and fit~· .... d., .. '4.', rt·urcmt:m yean,, tht:l will rc,ponJ, I w.ant ro ... t.\\ r1~ht one dlw ..:Mcnd"'l tu elk community. I he,..,," published four times annually The Pennsylvania '"Home'" repn:..- ...Lx:ror :tppointmcnb.... hc.,I'PIOt:. t."UOlmt: an.._l Joinc Calabtatea 50 Years huu-.,hoiJ ffiol'.:<:cmhcr 18, I p.m. - 4 p.m. William Slater II The Residential Living area lU the MnM.>ntc Village •lt Food, Fun & R. W. Grsnd Msster Com~;: sec the dub's 0-J,..rnugc, HO·gauge., N·gaugc, Eli!.tbctluown combu"'e.s an nctiv(' lifc"'t\ ll' and Ctlnvenicnce in Fellowship stamlal\_~ ~outre trnilu :.m~.l trolleys! Once at the Masonic mll' ph..:c. SruJio, suite .an~l Jnuhl..: unlt~ ,,rc ntt'cm.. ,l furni,he'-1. James L. Ernette Village. Eliwbetluown, follow directional signs. 81111. HMIId 8lrri:lr :uno c"Srra charge, htn you cal\ hnnj_.; \lltll' own funw;hil\~., R. W.P.G.M., Chslrmsn ...... Fllhllr­ tt ~uu w1 ..h. Dinine is l'k."'f jlhl :tl'IC;lUl IU\lJ, hm :.I~' offer.. :1 D. William Roberts ,....., ...... '-''M:ial time tOr ma..rt)'. Th~ mc.tl, .1 ~b) .uc andu;.k-..1 wlth the Re,& .. lcnnal Uving: pa.cl.11."e. Qn.,atc hc.thh ,.uc '4!f\'ICC' Mk Editor page23. Marketplace in ... art.> ot ,·our me.Jictl neeJ.,. Shun I.: ...... n ~c tr.ln ..J'l"' \l."1ll to COMMIITEE (tn~~mpu... a.nJ offn. rlc.l'< the Eli:..thcthto\vn community. Tina L. Raybold Pllbllc;allon No. USPS 426-140 . November 20041ssue ol 1M Pemsylvania FrOd lor be ... -locol Masonic autllonly 10 proJCia. as a means o1 .-..ng lho pnyscaln linanclalsuppon d lhe mem­ mformoumn and to .. h,cu!'"' lease opporrunines. c<.tnt.l('( lJ,,, b0<1, lhelr families, and the PJblic in general. Periodicals Pootagt Paid llEll- . PA and­ Elizabethtown, PA 17022 el Malht'Q Oflices Postmtsler: Send addrHs chengoa to: MeiOf'llc Homes, cJo The Pennsy1vM 18 \Va~unnn Glt.•:t•r 1H ?l?-577-4252 or lj~""WrrDi'"@\q r,nup n un. ~ ~ Freemason•. On• Masonic Or., EIJ:abethtown. PA 17022·2199 P ETITION HOTLIN E 1-800-990-1935 2. TilE I'I.NNSY lVAN IA FREEMASON NOVfMI\1 R 2004 ~ ' I www.pagrandlodge.org l'l I L r LNN~Y LVANIA IIU I MA \l)N NOVLM BER 2004 J. Elizabethtown Cottages Take Shape Get Ready for Masonic

"ltl.1l"-' (""'' ru-.;CI~ll\ " in full swing ctt Masonic \'1IIJL~ Village atSewickley/ Jt Eh:.olx1htown! With 102 COftai,'<'S to b.! bualt on tll<' t }UU "':rc to ... urvq rhe m(\tl" th.m 2 "-' C'Itt.", the hrUI!hoor 2005 anJ 1<.X'<>. I \ilia,.., 3r S..·wickle), ·'"""' 9l' l"'"•·nt ''' \Vitlun .1 o.:i~:hi"C,rhot,J·tl(''C x"ttin~. coU.J.).,...., will fl".Uun· tll\'m lald} will tell'"" tht.') "''h til<') '""'IJ h»c m"'".J ~rone, hnd, ur 'tuu·d \.'Xtcrion. with some of the unu;. (}(fcnns: ...... ,ncr. AnJ \'-''1 each Ja) the marl.:unt: h:.un h..:-.1.-.. the rwtl<.ar ~M·'~"-"' M'h.l h.hemcnb. ln!>ide, smndarJ te.1um.• .. w1l1 rhra'<. "'l•m JU~"t not reme type ot h.::1lth \'hotOJ:'-' l1m1r' thl"ar mohility. packed with opportun~ies to Share the what truly made it a spectacular journey. of l1v1nc ,.,n .1 (.unpth "here quJIIt)' health C'l~ Kf\'lt;'-'" .uc The rc.1hty h that che ""'lQner the~ ~un ,\ ..:ommunuy. dtt• ogether we've made history by suc­ Light and show friends, relatives, neigh­ As a result, seven men petitioned the ..,-;ul.lhlc III"K.-"C,I'-"J 1n rhc tUrure. "-'K'Ill"f dlC)"i.."aO CI'IJO'f Tcessfully orches1tating the largest bors and coworkers what Freemasonry is Fratematy. We are already planning next the m.tn) bcndltl>. One Day Man to Mason Adventure to date. year's trip - you won't want to miss out! E,·cn "~rh rhc f'k.~ (dn.. crucuon. the w.linn~.: h .. t t<:lr .lll all about. The 3,000 of you who have joined our Turning prospects into petitions is really For ITIOfe iniOITil8tion tum to page 27 . We un1r' tnduJ•nlo! .lr.\nmenr... anJ CtXta~oc-. oontin~~ h.-t l!Rl\\'. Ma~ot,nic Vill-t~ Masonic tamaly on October 2, as wen as the that Simple. Men Will join our ranks if they espeaally en,oyed the hospitality extended Theref<:lte. it,,,._, :t~ ctm-.tJertnl! a move w the M.l .... mu.: v.u.,,_ur namc on che w:minJ,t: l~t. anJ ,n n~c (,5 J·•n•:::1, fluw~~ remer. journeys you will ever eKperienoe. Brethren. better. ed an open meeting with more than 100 }'0\1 ;_ltc d i ~1hlc 10 1110\'t: ro Rcuremenr Li,·in(!. One ~l"'(lU-.c, 11'1 \\'\)txl\\~lfkin~ .;;hop, our membership has grown by five percent The Sturgis trip this summer was an South Dakota Brethren. ch e Cl S..: of ;1 CVUI'Ic. nt--e~h to Oll-"el rhe at\ltcmcntionc.. l crircru. cumpurer cemer. :'lrt already this year, and Ws not over yet! eKperlence ol a liletimel Dozens ol More than $50,000 was raised lor the ~rudh, an.. lmile~ of The top location lor the One Day Masonic Vallage-Eiizabethtown and the Call today! 1-800-676-6452 ""'!kin~ trail>. Li(.: thot Adventure was Pittsburgh with 738 new Arthritis Foundation through the lirst·ever il\ lh ,\,tivc or M! r~ne as members, Including 700 raised to the 32nd Wachovia Masonic Village Charity Mini degree with approKimately 800 who became Grand PrlK held during Autumn Day. The )UU w:mr u ro be. Shrine Masons. The second was M.bonk \'i l la.~e at Sewklk-") pn.n·1dc, .l tulllif.._>cal"l!' Harrisburg with 621 new members. includ· .1,1.!-rl~mcnr. whic:h allow.. r~1denhl w t..•unnmlc p.l~ine ar rhe ing 437 achieving the 32nd degree and 229 .,,,me nwnthly r.m: s.tnKtUrt.> t''\~t.>n 1f tht..-,· .. hvukl "-'me Ja}' neeJ contJnuing on to the Shrine. The top frve ., .. ,,.,r~....J li\'lng or nu~ine care ~n: h.:~. Oistncts with new members are Masonic If )UU rhank )'OU arC' "Ju\.'664 or return rll<' ""'l"'n bduw. 15 teams who participated demonstrated r------, excellent skill and sportsmanship. Next 1 I'm ready to learn more about Retirement Living I tf/r~· . I want to learn mo:bo:-Retirem: Li'•ing , year's race will be held on June 25. 2005. ~(M:IM'Inic Vill~•s:c ru Eli:abcthtown! I at Masonic Village at Sewickley/ I Plans will be announced in future issues of The Pennsylvania Freemason - I can't I Name I Nnmc --:::------=---:-:-~~---'-'-'- wa~ to take my kart for another spin! ------In September, the Grand Master's Charity Goll Tournaments ralsed over 1 Addrc'' 1 ------~·upon and rerum to: ~larkctin~ Office, pr.,._ cqmplere .:oupon and !'dum tt>: We were honored to be joined by Wash~t~gton and Theodore Roosevelt), Please join me in celebrating the holi· I Masonic VillnAC• O ne M aOnic 'liiiJaRc, HX\.1 M""'nic Drh·c, 1 Shnne dignatanes such as the Imperial Crazy Horse Memorial, Spearfish Canyon, day season at the Sharing the Light 17022 Scwtckley, l'A 15143 Recorder, who visited many sites around Needles Highway in Custer Slate Pari< and Holiday Gala on Saturday, December 4th, L. ..I L------.J the Commonwea»h on October 2. Badlands National Pari<. The camaraderie C011tinued on page 7 4. T il l' l'lNNSYLVAN IA FREEMASON NOVIMIII R 2004 ~ ]' F~"-' -- THE PENNSYLVAN IA FREEMASON NOVEM8ER2004 5. Grand Master's Message Coolinu8d from pa!J8 5 showcasing lhe magnifiCeflt Masonic n Thursday, Temple. Prooeeds from this spectacular September 23, 2004, event wiD support lhe Masonic CHIP O pro­ an entourage of Scottish gram in its eflor1s to protect youth across Rite 33• Masons, and lhe Commonwealth from abductions. Our Grand Lodge Officers, goal is to raise aocompanied the R.W. $200,000to Grand Master, William continue our Slater II, 33•, and Walter E. already suc­ Webber, 33•, Sovereign cessful efforts. Grand Commander of the This year, so Northern Masonic far, over 70,000 Jurisdiction, to the Office of youth have the Governor of participated in Pennsylvania, Bro. Edward the school pro­ G. Rendell. gram, Masonic The purpose of the vis~ Temples and was a pleasant one. other locations, The Sovereign Grand and in doing so Commander conducted a have Shared bnef ceremony with the aid the Ught with coundess of those present, thereby making Governor lathers, grand­ Rendall a 32• Scottish Rite Mason. Bro. Slater fathers and congratulated him lor his many years of faithful uncles who have witnessed first-hand how Freemasons are working together to public service both as Mayor of , and currently as Governor of the Commonwealth of make our communities safer places to Pennsylvania. live, wort< and play. See the ad in this Following the presentation by the Sovereign issue for more details on the first-class Grand Commander, the R.W. Grand Master, Bro. entertainment planned for this black tie William Slater II, presented the Governor with his event. (p/INlse tum to page 10.) 2004 Grand Master's medallion. A luncheon One of the most fascinating aspects of followed the ceremony. Freemasonry Is how so many men, from Governor Rendell was initiated in Athelstan so many walks of life, can meet together Lodge No. 482 on September 6, t 983 and is the in peace, always conducting their affairs in harmony and friendship. I've seen this 32nd Governor to be a Freemason. * in my VISits around the country but partic­ ularly here in Pennsylvania Ociober 2nd membership In this great Fraternity offers. was the epjtome of teamworl<, brother­ Become active in your lodge; get involved the Pemtsy(van ia hood, outreach and cooperation. Let us and make your marlIt 8. THE I'ENNSYLVANIA I lUI MA~ON NOVFMIIER 2004 '1 TilE I'I.N~SYLVANIA I Rl l MASON NOVEMBER 2004 9. ·! Florida Hurricane victims helped by District 36 Lodge Members

by Robert J. Bateman District Deputy Grand Master, 36th Masonic District This is what Freemasonry is all

The Gmnd lodge of about , helping those in need! I Pen~~mvttes you to participate in a spe­ n August 15, 2004 I received a phone call from Bro. cial blad<-tie Gala celeb

rother Arnold Palmer played host to President George W. by Deb Phillips 8 Bush on Wednesday, September 22, when he came to Arnold Palmer Regional Airport at latrobe to make a campaign appear­ STATE "Th6 Navy has both a tradrbon ance. Brother Palmer introduced President Bush to a crowd of and a future--and we IOolc wrlh many thousands that wa~ed through a hot aNemoon for his arrival Of The Craft pride and confidence m both by helicopter dlf8CII()I!S." from a tour Washington Lodge No. 164 / Blue -Admiral George Anderson of flood· stricken Knights Ride Benefits Masonic Charities areas In the hat is tradition? Merriam-Webster defines it as PiUsburgh 'W t:A!C-ot'•1: your family values. *

12. Till PfNNSYIVANIA FREEMASON NOVLMBrR 2004 Grand Master of pennsylvania

STURGIS, SOUTH DAKOTA Donald L. Albert R. w. Grand Secratary A Great Day for Freemasonry!

hat a great success our Man to W Mason One Day Adventure has been, and our program is not over yet - it continues until the end of December. You still have time to make a difference by Sharing the Light with one whom you believe possesses the qualities for membership. Remember. that for membership in our Fraternity the man must ask you to be part of this great organization. Please use the ASK ! or Friend to Friend brochures when you believe that he is a good man who wants to be better. Our 13 site locations were swelled with new candidates that we can now all call Brothers. All of the site locations were supported from our membership by participation as Mentors and observers of this great event As with all of us, our Fratem•ty has always been proud that our membership comes from all walks of life with different pol~ical and religious beliefs still meeting together in harmony as friends. The addition of these new members will provide us with future offocers and new ideas needed within our lodges for the benefrt of Freemasonry. We ask you to continue to Share the Light by supporting Brother William Slater II, R.W. Grand Master, with his continued endeavors to strengthen Pennsylvania Freemasonry. *

PetitionHotline 1-800-990-1935

Masonic Village at Warminster Celebrates 75th Anniversary ~~~======:;-:s:e~l :is~d:ecorated with an elaborate coat· of-arms and crest flanked by Iron-red n AUj!U'I 21. the rc'iclcnh. hunil). friend,. Ath i,ory Council member-. volumeen. and 'taff j!eatl\m. In I'!'!'J. the f:rcilit) became p:~n of the Chinese items produced for export were Ma"'nk Home' of the Gmnd Lodge <>I Penn') hanra. The n:rnll) Room. n:rn1<.'tlthe frc) ·S<>Uth:rm(ll<>n Ma,onic Center. wa' an eagle with spread wings, llolding c'Omplctcd in Scptcmher. Lodge. f-..o~,tcm Star :rnd other ~l.r~mic ~roup Masonic Chinese Items, such as punch by Laura Libert, Contributing Curator arrows in "s mecting .... a' \\ell·'' large group ru ...idc:nt acli\ 111~'· t'an no" be held at right talon bow1s, toddy jugs, reverse-paintings-on· the ,iJiage. A ,jgnificomt ponion of l'unt.h fo r th1, projcc1 "3' pro,ided Made in China: and an olive glass and mugs, are currenUy on display b) Southampton Square Club :urd through the "''"'"of John Fre) Jr. branch in its at The Masonic Ubrary and Museum of Pennsylvania. The Masonic Ubrary and ~ta\Onic Vi11agt: ol1 \\·olmun,lcr pnn 1dl", a"r'll."'t.lli,ing and nuf'ing Masonic export items for tell talon, all Museum of Pennsylvania is grateful to M!nice, to62 n.:'idcn1'. The home·, rm .... ion 1ndutJe, pro,iding the Western market within an area formed by the Doylestown Lodge No. 245 for loaning sen ice' to indh idual' in Phil:oddphia Count) "ho arc day-one uring the 18th and 19th cen­ recognizable the wonderful and rare John Flagg Fry ~ l edicuid recipient,. For morc infonn;uion. call (215) 672-2500. Dturies there was an extraordl· square and apron for exhibition. * Top photo: Anne ~1t~hcr. Admin"tr:tt<>r: Cl:rr:r Schmru. PGM PA· nary demand for Chinese-made items compasses. O.E.S.: :rnd Bro. William C. 0.1\ i,, Jt .. Chief Opcr:uing OOiccr-Heahh in England, Europe and America. Silks The shield on the breast of the eagle Is C..1re Service~. cnjo} th.,; Htmaii:m Luuu Annhc~at) celebration. and teas were the primary basis of inscribed with the initials of the owner. Brothers and Sons Bottom photo: Frcy-South:unpton ~l:"onic Center trade, but westerners also desired It is known that many Items ol clothing "exotic" items such as porcelain, lac­ were produced for export to tho west, but are Made Brothers querware, ivories. fans and clothing. most have not survived due to their per­ n June 14, 2004, at a Stated .----Masonic Village Farm Market A great number of these items were Ishable nature. Men's satin breeches OMeeting of University Lodge Grand Chapter Presents made specifically with the Western and waistcoats as well as ladles silk No. 51, W.M. AIIan W. Stitzer. P.M. Onfer 1-arms, biblical scenes. and tory of being made in Canton. China, Hall of the Masonic Temple. Their n June, the Gr.mJ Ch.tptcr of l'cnn,yk .trll,l, O rJcr .,(the Masonic symbols. exists today. John Flagg Fry, member of uncles. J. David Stitzer. P.M. and E.b cl"rn St.u , pr\' ... \'nt\',1 .1 nmt rr huu ~m ot S.h."'I,l";o.~ l to the Affluent and metropolitan Masons of St. John's Lodge No. 1. Providence, Arthur B. Stitzer. Ill, P.M., in the sla· IM ~,'iOniC Vilt.u.'\.'' clth~o.· Gr.m'-1 l()\1,,:.._• ul 1\•nn .. \k.rru.r.• h ,,d l the 18th and 19th centuries desired Rhode Island, had the apron made In lions of Senior and Junior Wardens. a~ om aJJinon.al Sll\(\'\"1 k1r the \X'.unun .. t\'r lnrcMtl\ \", these custom-decorated items 1799. His son, John William Fry, the first The Guides were Bros. Harold Sine..- the union ut our h,nnt: .. m l99S, the: Grand Clupc.er because they displayed not only their Worshipful Master of Doylestown Lodge Lampe, Ill, P.M. and Jeffry A. Lobb. fraternal membership, but also their No. 245, Doylestown, Pennsylvania, Freemasonry is a trad~ion in the h33 pTll\"IJt..J numcnl\1.., (\lntnl'Ytl''"' hl pr'''''J~· .l \.LU.tllt \ u t social standing and good tasle. inherited the apron and presented " to the Stitzer family. Allan Jr. and his broth· lit\.- f,-,r rc .. .Jcnt' \\ ~l m,,, \)(hcrWI'-C J)l;l( ix" ,tbJ\· hl r•l\ f1lr tfwtr One example of such an item is the lodge in 1859. The silk apron is embroi· er Jordan are fourth generation care. Some c\Jmplc .. ut u..-m, '' ludl ~~ IUU''"' n'"'" '""'I tr,,m Masons. Their grandfather served as GmnJ ChJpt

lHI I'FNNSY IVAN IA FRI FMASON NOVEMBER 2004 t?. t ~------~------Bro. Eugene K. Mansdoerfer, 92, \ . Around The receives prestigeous Daniel Beard Masonic Scouting Award D~~~¥.r NEWS STATE n June, at the last Imeeting of Of The Craft Covenant-Excelsior Lodge No. 456, (now William L. Elkins Lodge Preparing to See History in the Making Victorian Funeral Reinactment Honors 271) Bro. Eugene K. o matter tho outcome of tho Bush Inauguration. Lodge No. 9 of 150 year old Allentown Cemetery Mansdoerler was N election on November 2, Pennsylvania has gonorously awarded the Daniel Pennsylvania DeMolay will be sponsored a part of tho trip each Beard Masonic making their "once-evol)'·four· year since t99(3. The 2005 trip will Scouting Award for yeal" sojourn to the Inauguration start wijh departure from the seoving scouting for of the President on Janual)' 20, Masonic Conference Center - n Wednesday, September 29, members of over 80 years. The 2005. Patton Campus in Elizabethtown; OGeorge Washington Chapter, Order of DeMolay, award was presented This trip will be the fifth time for a boxed lunch in the dining room which meets in Chambersburg, PA went to Washington. by Bro. Robert J. Pennsylvania DeMolays to anend of the DC to visij U.S. Congressman Bill Shuster. Chapter Taylor, DOOM. District "8". the Inaugural. The first year was Natlonal Masonic Memorial; and Master Councilor Chad Reichard teamed up with Bro. Mansdoerler's daughter writes: On August 4, in 1989 when a contingent of PA then travel by Metro to the heart of Congressman Shuster eariy in the morning at the my dad celebrated his 92nd Birthday. He has been DeMolay State Officers attended Washington D.C. for groups to Longworth House Office Building and shadowed the active in Scouting for over 80 years. He was a the inauguration of George H.W. lake their plaoes along the parade Congressman through-out the day. Scoutmaster for about 42 years- seoved on troop oom· Bush. This grew into a 1993 trip route. Trip cost, including bus The event included a tour of the U.S. Capitol by mittees and is still the Soout I.A. for the Widener sponsored by PA DeMolay for the fare, lunch and metro pass is $30 George Washington Chaptefs own Senior DeMolay Memorial Boy Soout Troop. The only fully disabled inauguration of William J. Clinton, per person. Chris Gindlesperger, a staffer to Congressman Shuster Soout troop in the Cradle of Liberty District. He has attended by two busloads of Invitations have been mailed to whose father, Bud Shuster, held the oongressional seat received various Scouting Awards including the Silver DeMolays, adVIsors and families. the Masonic-related youth groups before his son. He is a Senior DeMolay from ai·Aksa Beaver Soouting Medal, member of the Order of the In t997. this grew Into a five-bus in Pennsylvania. For more Chapter that met in Altoona, PA. n August 28, an 1857 Masonic Funeral Service was reenacted Arrow for fife, and honored by the Widener Memorial trip for DeMolays, Job's information, please oontact Dave George Washington Chaptefs Alexia McCart received Oby Jordan-Martin Lodge No. 673 at the 150th Anniversal)' school in Philadelphia as "Man of the Year." His grand· Celebration of the Union & West End Cemetel)' in Allentown. The Daughters, Rainbow G i ~s and BefiY, Executive Secretal)', at an American flag from the Coi'IQressman to welcome him son David Vogler Is an Eagle Soout, his Grandson seovloe was part of a Victorian Funeral complete with horse-drawn their families. This was repeated t-8()()..26&8424 x 4 (in PA) or to the United States of America. Shuster helped Alexia's Ronald Pleis, Jr. is Sooutmaster of St. William Boy hearse and Civil War reenactors and mourners. The Lodge was tour years later for the George w. 7t7•367• t5(36 X 4. * parents, Tim and Sue McCart, adopt him from Russia. Soout Troop No. 563 in Philadelphia. His son-in-law Alexia joined his brother Colin, who became a member dressed in the required dress of the period and wearing Barger Lodge Ronald Pleis, Sr. was Scout Master of former Troop No. of the McCart Family in the t 990's. No. 333 aprons, as that was the only Lodge in Allentown in the 23 which was Eugene's Troop and his great grandson, Pennsylvania DeMolay The group, including Reichard. McCarl, Adam Miley, t860's. Bro. James A. Stewart, P.M., exemplified the seovice. Bro. Kyle Pleis will be receMng Eagle Scout this year. and Eric Bailey, also toured the new Native American Cart J. Willis, W.M., is in profile on the left. To his right is Bro. Charles So you can see why I am so proud of him. My Set to Honor the R.W. Grand Master S. Caming. P.M .. President of the Cemetel)' organizer olthe Museum and took a quick metro ndo to the George and mother, E ~zabeth (Betty) recently passsed away on Washington Natlonal Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, event. The casket was on toan from the Valley of Allentown and the August 1, alter they had celebrated their 70th n Saturday, December 4, weekend will continue at the 2004 pall bearers hailed from Allentown DeMolay and Boy Scout Troop 25, wedding anniversal)' on June 2, 2004. She was Pennsylvania DeMotay will Masonic Conference Center ­ Virginia. * O Emmaus. * alWays there by his side In Scouting even though they be honoring William Slater II, A.W. Patton Campus with a Human never had sons only two daughters. * Grand Master, with the oonterral of Risk Game, Naval Missions in the 2005 Masonic Scholarship Father and Daughter in the East the degrees of the Order of pool, a mess-style dinner. seoved Uniontown Initiates 178 Candidates DeMolay on a class named in his by the State Officers and a USO· Resource Guide Available ro. Michael S. Kasyan and honor. Tho oonforral will start themed dance. The theme of the Bhis daughter Charlene owly raised Bro. Brian S. promptly at 9:00AM In the weekend is patterned after the he 2005 Masonic Scholarship Resource Guide, Kasyan have the unique opportu· NWinfie ld was the 3rd Brossman Ball Room at the board game RISK, which Is the Tlisting scholarship, grant and and loan opportuni· nity of presiding over their respec· Degree Exemplar for the Class Freemason Cultural Center at the current membership recruitment ties primarily for Masons. their siblings, children, grand· live bodies at the same time. of 178 In Uniontown PA on Masonic Village in Elizabethtown. program for Pennsylvania children and members of the Masonic-related youth Charlene is a second time Worthy October 2. He is the son of Following the conferral of the DeMolay. groups. is hot off the press and ready for distribution! AdVisor of White Win HillS Bro. Blaine Winfield, Sr., P.M. ln~iatOIY Degree, the first section If you know of a young man The booklet, published by the PennsylVania Youth Assembly No. 87 and Grand of Monongahela Valley Lodge of the DeMolay Degree, depictlng between the ages of 12 and 2t Foundation of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, lists Representative to Alaska. No. 461. neariy 60 scholarships, a brief description of each and the fll\8! trial of Jacques DeMolay years Who would benefn from Currently she is considering a A former Marine, Bro. belore the Inquisition, wiD be per· membership in the Order of the contact information needed to request an apptica· third term. Winfield is a graduate of tion. The Guide has been sent to all Lodges, an Lodge formed on the stage in Brossman DeMolay, please contact Michael is a first time Calnomia University w~ a Ball Room t . The fourth section Executive Secretal)' Dave BefiY at Youth Representatives, Youth Group Adult Leaders and Worshipful Master of South Gate­ Masters degree In Business & Finanoe and is of the DeMolay Degree and pre­ 1-800-26&8424 x 4 (in PA) or at each school district in Pennsylvania. You can request Marshall Lodge No. 808. employed by Northwestern Mutual Finance. He is now sentations will bring the program your oopy by oontacting the Pennsylvania Youth 717· 367·t 536 x 4 for an applica· Additionally, Michael is the Scribe in Zerubabbel Duquesne Royal a member of Westmoreland Lodge No. 518 in Foundation at 1·800·266·8424 (in Pennsylvania) or at to a conclusion. lion and details on the PA DeMolay Arch Chapter No. 162 and Senior Warden in Pittsburgh Greensburg where he resides with his wife. Bro. The fun and fellowship of the Grand Master's Class. * (7t 7) 367·1536. * CommandeiY No. 1, Knights Templar. * Winfield recently celebrated his 26th birthday. * Sharing the Light through Fifty Years of Autumn Day = Food, Fun, Fellowship

n September 11, Patriot Day, The Pennsylvania Freemason Omore than 7,000 Masons, their family and friends attended Autumn Day at the Masonic Village at Elizabethtown. The annual open Editors of The Pennsylvania Freemason house featured its traditional fare, and Bro. William A. Carpenter (1915- down after the issue of May 1987, and attendees consumed a whopping 1990), the first editor, was eminently TllwPBNNSYLVANIA was succeeded by Bro. Robert A. 15,756 sandwiches (hot dog and sausage), 225 gallons of bean soup, qualified for this task. He studied graphic Pote, who stayed through 1991,then FBEJEJWASON 940 vegetable plates, 18,076 drinks arts, management, and labor relations in Bro. Robert G. Boone until 1992. AI college, after which he entered lhe , the end of 1992, in time for the and 11,952 ice cream novelties! It just WUI_____LII• A. Ca.rpc.ntcr _ l'f-:ade P'enM)fvanla_·- Orand "as.tc:r goes to show that fun, fellowship and newspaper business. At first Bro. November issue of Volume 39, the edi­ Franklin D. Caltagirone --·-·----­ food go hand-in hand! Carpenter was a printer's apprentice ----·------.. torial offices were moved from the Grand -=-~:::: :-:_:~=~ with the Chester Times. Upon comple­ :=.::::::::-"'.:": .. ___ Master's office to the then Masonic rethren; Reacquaint The featured entertainment included tion of his apprenticeship, he joined the .::...---='=------Homes, and Bro. William J. Prazenlca Byourself with the _____ ...... __ ----­ ...·--- ,.. staff of the Journal-Every Evening in _ Grand Lodge of ---... __ _ took over the reins, holding them until _----- ___· ------Pennsylvania by visiting it Wilmington (New-Journal Company, ------·------the end of Volume 42 (November 1995). Wilmington, DE), and advanced to type· -·--- --·-·-, Bro. Blaine F. Fabian, 33°, assumed again or for the first time. "":.:.------~----==-=---=__ __ _ seller, compositor, and composing room the Editorship in 1996, bringing years of Bring family, relatives and ---_-:.:::-:::..~...: ....---- ,_.. ·- friends. See the Masonic superintendent. Retiring from the news· =:.~.:=: :.:::::=:;-::::.: :..~·=.. :::::: experience to the helm of The ----~-...... Temple of today standing in paper in 1961 to become a full-time -----.. ~---..=....-- .. - --;~= ------·_,. ___.. Pennsylvania Freemason, where he employee of Grand Lodge, Bro. grandeur on a corner of Philadelphia once a--..._ .... ~---~!...., remained until the end of 2003 (Volumes Carpenter continued as Librarian and ___.. _____.. ______.. occupied by a coal yard with cobblestone -----~--- .... 43 • 50). The Editor Emeritus, a Navy PROJI!CT ·---- - streets. You will then know why it has been Curator (1961-1969) as well as editor of SOLONONII 5-'.::a:.~ =a-r.. -..z= journalist from 1950 to 1954, had held -.:_,. ___ ::=.. -==--=~...: The Pennsylvania Freemason, thus ful· reporting and editing positions for The called one of the great wonders of the ...___ ... __.. --·-·---- Masonic WMd. filling Grand Master Lehr's goal of hav­ ------·--.... ------·- Ephrata Review and the Lancaster ing the "Editor of Publications ... serve as ------· Sunday News. He then moved into pub­ The philanthropic Society Endowment Fund contributions that are received are used to a Director of the Library and Museum." Brother Carpenter, the first editor ol lic relations, and worked for 30 years for Bro. Carpenter's years at the helm were: The Pennsylvania Freemason, featured the Metropolitan Edison Electric maintain and preserve this beautiful architec· 1954-1 962, 1964-1 969, 1980-1981. He on the issue celebrating his Installation as Company, before retiring in 1991 and tural wonder. It exemplifies the heritage and subsequently became a member of the Right Worshipful Grand Master, working as a freelance public relations tradition of Pennsylvania Masonry. The Benjamin Franklin room, with its huge the Greater Kensington String Grand Master's staff (1970·1973), Grand December 27, 1983. consultant. Bro. Fabian has served Band; children's games, pro­ Secretary (1973-1979), then traveled Grand Lodge, also in other capacities, bronze doors, each weighting one ton; the Masonic Library and Museum that houses one vided by Elizabethtown Job's through the Grand Lodge Line to name.) This imprimatur was used from for four decades, for which he was Daughters; roaming jugglers; become Grand Master (1984·1985). Bro Volume 1, No. 1 to the end of Volume awarded the Franklin Medal in 1999 and of the finest collections of Masonic Treasures in the world, which includes Bro. George clowns; tours of the 1 ,400 Carpenter was second to only one other 28 (1981). The other "imprimatur," the the DeMolay Legion of Honor in 2002. acre campus; and farm man in number of Grand Lodge Offices subtitle •An official publication of the Bro. D. William Roberts, 33°, Washington's Masonic Apron. There are seven elegant Lodge Rooms. market, woodworking, crafts, held: Bro. John Thomson (1799·1889; Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free appointed Ed ~or in 2004 (Volume 51, food and Masonic information Grand Master 1861·1862) is the only and accepted Masons of Pennsylvania," No. 1 ), has also served Grand Lodge in This is the perfect time of the year for you to be thinking of a tax deduction and there is stands. Turn page for more on man known to have held every Line also in use from the very first, disap­ many ways, most notably and currently Autumn Day activities. Office in Grand Lodge, but he was never peared In February 1996. II seems that as District Deputy Grand Master for the no better way for you to give to the Gold Book r------Librarian and Curator! for those two decades, whoever held the 47th Masonic District. The Korean War or Philanthropic Societies, to help preseve and Past Grand Master Charles H. post of Assistant to the Grand Master veteran holds a joumalism degree from maintain this great building. Remember $500 Nitsch (1891-1975, Grand Master 1956· was the Editor, assisted by the Committee Duquesne University, and brings to the will place your name in the Gold Book and no 1957), chairman of the reorganized on Masonic Culture. According to Past position of Editor of The Pennsylvania amount is too small to get you started. You Committee on Masonic Culture, became Grand Master McCain (with whom the Freemason a wealth of experience from can build up your contributions on a monthly, Editor of The Pennsylvania Freemason author spoke on May 3, 2002), Bros. a 36-year career in promotion and public semi-annual or annual basis. When you for Volume.s 9 and 10 (1962·1963), after Carpenter and Arthur Thomas Moore, relallons for such diverse companies as reach the $500 level, your name will automati· which Bro. Carpenter returned (Volumes who had been a reporter-editor for The (among others) the Pittsburgh Symphony cally be placed in the Gold Book. Why not 11 -16, 1964- 1969). In February 1970 Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph and editor of Society, Universal Pictures, Gulf Oil send your contribution today? (Volume 17, No. 1) Bro. John L. The Voice of Syria (Shrine) before Corporation, and prior to his retirement, The Philanthropic Society is yet another McCain, who had just been installed as becoming Assistant to the Grand Master, was Marketing Director of Station Square, way for you to preserve this great building. By R.W. Junior Grand Warden, became were charged with the editorship for an office, shopping, and entertainment mailing a gift of whatever amount you would Editor and remained so for that year. most of that time. Bro. Carpenter held Center in Pittsburgh. He was also man­ like to give, this money will not be used until After that, however, for the next 20 the reins alone from 1980 until the end aging editor for two community papers in there is ten million dollars in the endowment years, the masthead lists only the Grand of 1981. The Editor was not designated the Pittsburgh area. May he prosper as fund and then only the interest will be used. Lodge officers, in addition to "Approved in the masthead again until November The Pennsylvania Freemason continues "Team Work" · Coming together is a begin­ and Authorized to be Printed by The 1983, when Bro. Melvin S. Mundie's to be one of the best vehicles for ning. Staying together is progress. Working Grand Master" (with the Grand Master's name appears. Bro. Mundie stepped Sharing the light of Freemasonry! * together is success. * Wachovia Masonic Village Charity Mini Grand Prix

~ ~ohn, ol Oval Track Concepts. lor providing technical services; Jeff Lankes, technical advisor lor the mini grand prix and paint· ng the Grand Master's pace kart; and Soott Gunn at West Mifflin Collision and Doug Heinz lor painting the Grand Master's pace kart. Grand Prix Winners: ' st Place • Rapt or Class 1st Place • OHV Class M& T Investment Group District 45 2nd Place • Raplor Class 2nd Place • OHV Class Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682 Masonic District 55 Beck & Associates Moscow Lodge No. 504 Masonic District 36 Valley of Pittsburgh, AASR his year's highlight was the first·ever Wachovia 3rd Place • Raptor Class 3rd Place • OHV Class TMasonic Village Charity Mini Grand Prix. Rfteen District 10 Scottish Rite Valley ol Pittsburgh teams participated in the event: Abraham C. Treichler ' st Place • Prt Stop • Moscow Lodge No. 504 2nd Place - Pit Stop • Beck & Associates Lodge No. 682, Beck and Associates, tnc., K. L. Haning Transportation. Grand Lodge Floor Officers. Masonic 3rd Place • Pit Stop • K. L Haning District D. Masonic District 10, Masonic District 30, Masonic District 36, Masonic District 45, Masonic District 1st Place • Dash lor Kids • Rapt or Class • K. L. Haning 55, M & T Investment Group. Moscow Lodge No. 504, 1st Place • Dash lor Kids· OHV Class· Abraham C. Pennsylvania DeMolay, Scottish Rite Valley ol Pittsburgh Treichler Lodge No. 682 and Warfel Construction Company. Grand Master Hard Charger Award • District 45 William Slater II was honored with a customo(lesigned Judging Contests: kart, which he drove during the opening ceremonies. 1st Place • Most Authentic Paint Job • District 55 Grand Master Slater commended the participants on 2nd Place · Most Authentic Paint Job • Abraham C. their efforts: "Before and since that dreadful day, (9·11) Treichler Lodge No. 682 Americans have come together to help others, contribute 1st Place ·Most Creative Paint Job ·Beck & Associates Beck & Associates, Inc. to relief efforts and volunteer their time to aid those in 2nd Place • Most Creative Pain! Job • Warfel Construction Co. Pennsylvania DeMolay need. This spirit ol service is exempl~ied in today's mini LLP; Eagle Asset Management; 1st Place ·Most Authentic Un~orm • Dlstrict45 grand prix race, which we are proud to host here at the Montgomery, McCracken, Walker and 2nd Place • Most Authentic Un~orm • Pennsylvania DeMolay Masonic Village to benefit both this caring community Rhoads; Warfel Construction Co.; Yanni 1st Place • Most Creative Uniform • District 36 and the Central Pennsylvania Chapter ol the Arthritis Partners; Commonweatth Caterers; 2nd Place· Most Creative Uniform • District 10 Foundation." He honored the veterans and families with Highmarl< Blue Shield; John Gross & Co.. loved ones in the military, and asked the crowd to Inc.: Kennedy Capital Management; KPMG observe a moment ol silence in memory ol those who LLP: Murray Insurance Associates, Inc.: lost their lives on September 11,2001. The Rev. and Greg and Teni Scott; Caskey Printing, Inc.; Bro. A. Preston Van Deursen led attendees in prayer. Elizabethtown Sporting Goods: The Phillips Through sponsorships lor the event, more than Group; Ettline Foods Corporation; J. $50,000 was raised to benefit the Masonic Village at Kenneth and Pamela K. Brubaker; Morgan Elizabethtown and the Arthritis Foundation, Central Lewis & Bokius LLP; Sollenberger Painting; Pennsylvania Chapter. Sponsors included: Presenting and Hillyard Rrestone. AUTUMN DAY 2005 Sponsor - Wachovia; Dash for Kids Sponsor • Phoenix Thanks to Pennsylvania DeMolay and Investment Counsel; Brandywine Asset Management; Abraham C. Treichler Lodge lor assisting In Saturday, September 24 K.L. Harring Transportation Causeway Capital Management: Beard Miller Company, the set-up ol the grand prix; Jeff and Beth Moscow lodge No. 504 ' y '· " f:: .,.:.. * ."1.... • . ¥.·, ·t '1/ ' '. :.. J' I . ~ ' •• - ...... ,. ' ..,. : - • Grand Lodgo Floor Officer$ Masonic District D Masonic District 10 Masonic District 30 Azalea· Fellowship Lodge No. 687 WarfeiConstructJon M & T Investment Group

24. THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON NOVEMBER 2004 I r THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON NOVEMBER 2004 25. i'l ~~~- -- Around The STATE Of The Craft IS Ride with the Grand Master Harvey Hinch receives Daniel Carter Beard of Pennsylvania Masonic Scouting Award Topol ohr rin1 '-s - Maoonic Star. """"' on ld.l, h;,to rtlon lmctlllj<

~t..onoc Sqw"' and eom.,..,...ncl W:ter -o· are can in

Sides feacure hi~th relief tculr turo of M"~1mc $qu3re and C>m.IX'55Ctl w1th "" Arncriclm Fl .~ and Tem:strllll ao>!l.ol Globes, lk '"' "PA Sace ~'-lc Rlnc' 724-263-1555 or 0 YES, I oiob to onla my PAS....~'-"<"' V my flra ~t.•• SHIPPING ADDRESS {WE CA..'-.""'T SIUP TO P.O. DOXCS) c..v...- ~_.._lot~ J 0 I ALSO A U.S. VETERAN, rl~ase put 1ny J(:rvkle bnmd' embl~•n on my m"' OArmy O N•vy O Airl'o

SPONSORS NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CO. McKAMISH Masonic V1Uage at Sewickley Bulldtng E.xceltenoe WILLIAM SLATER It VALLEY OF PITTSBURGH Funeral Se~e 32 ~ Masons PARENTE RANDOLPH DOLLAR BANK Aocountants & Consultants Banking Specialists SAMUEL W. SPANOS ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Merrill Lynch Spanos Group Irwin Chapter No, 406 ACHIEVE REALTY UNITY PRINTING 0. Lawton Stokes Pnnting & Graphtc Oe~n M. t. FRIDAY DAVID BINLEY FAMILY Mason Contractor Memory. David W. Williams, 32 WESTMORELAND ELECTRIC MIKUSH Electncal Contracting Apphanee Sales & Serv1ce

NOVEMBER 2004 THE PENNSYLVAN IA FREEMASON NOVEMBER 2004 29. Waiting List is Growing for Brockman Appointed Masonic ., This holidax season there 1s Retirement Living at Lafayette Hill/__ Outreach Director .:br,, A . Brod:tn:m somethin8 for every Mason in the r"'"'(ently ha-. h4.'\!0 D:trroinh:J ~lutrc.u.h dirc(tor (or th~ Mo .. nnk Villnt.re.:- oi Masonic Library and ooking for that special th.: Grand LoJg..: '",( r.. ·nn;)~l\,Hli;t. something for a L Shl.' worl.~ at tht.! Eli;.ti'Cthwwn Museum Gift &hop! bag gift or stocking location and i:- n::i(l(ln,ihlc tOr stuffer? Add a money p ro\'tdin_c inform:uion. :-.upport clip to help keep your ~~~; ack by popular demand is our unique Masonic ~ o.tnd dintcrion to Ma~onic ;m~..l nHn· folding bills organized snowflake. Mas<-mic i n ~,lividual~ omd f~tmilic~ B and convenient. Masonic Consisting of the square and compass surrounded symbols are sculptured throu;:hour tht.! l'nir..:J Stat'"·~ by a 3" inch on the front to remind everyone that you are proud to be through rf.'fermb, education an~o.l snowflake. a Mason. Complete your list of gifts with that little some· home as.si:;ranc~. This fraternal thing you have been looking for. Available in two styles. Brockman ~.·nrn~...·,J a b:~chdor symbol can be When ordering specify Money Clip with knife at $8 or ofsocncc d~.,:rw from )(lrk displayed in an Money Clip with compartment at $6. Colk~c of Pcnn.. ylv:tni:l.. She has appropriate place txtcnsh·t· ~:xpcri~.·ncc in the lon~· of your choosing asons always need to be on time for their meetings lhtruction July 26 on seven new retirement term carl! Held and in tmimn~ and ~.k·vdopmenr. during the holidays. b~~a n M so why not include a new Masonic Bulova watch to iving apnrrments; four one-bedroom and three two­ Th~ Mawnk Ourn:.1ch Pro,gram offers assistance to Designed by your timepiece collection. Obedroom units, all of which h:we been reserved. This inJh• idual~ a n~.l t:unilic~ with unique anJ \"arit> .. l Ol.ocd~ by The library and These handsome brings thl' wrnl of retirement living apartments to i7. Each coordinarin}.! rc.soun:cs and pnwiding education and t'tlppon. Museum of Pennsylvania; it is available in gold or sil· watches are precision new unit comes equip~d with a washer and Jryer, \\';.tll·to-wall Scr\'iCl'S :uc pro\'iJl'd 3t no ro:.t. ver through The Gift Shop and is priced at $15. crafted to help you arrive carpeting. sheer curtains, electric rangot-, refriger:nor. eme r~e n cy For more information about the Masonic Outreach Pr~e::ram. at your destination at the cn11 :,.ystem, $nlOke detector and indiv idually controlled hearing call (717) 361·5<'80 or roll·frcc M (800) 462·7664 or em"il appointed time. :tnd air c.onJitionin,e. Completion is cxpecred ar the end of m ltq'j!s'h@ma~njo•jl l agl·sp;l.org . Share the Light The familiar square and Novemhcr with nlOVl."'ins bec~ inning December 1. compass adorns the face with your own I (you would like ro sd1c'"lul..:: a tour o r receive :.tllditional of watch as a constant information about Masonic Vill~c at Lafayette Hill, please rail Masonic Polo Shirt reminder of your dedication to the fraternity. (610) 828-5760 or complete :tmlmail rhe coupon below. Lafayette Hill Residents and Local The Bulova Stretch watch is priced at $ 120 and the ntroducing another new Bulova Square Stretch watch is priced at $140. Lodge Members Assemble Kits IMasonic Fashion available exclusively through the Gift tay warm this winter with a quality sweatshirt. As for Masonic CHIP Program Shop of The Masonic library you work, play or just relax these garments will And Museum Of Pennsylvania. S provide Let your Masonic light warmth and shine when you wear this comfort to all handsomely embroidered your activities golf shirt with navy accents. this winter. Available in sizes M, L, XL, These sweat· and 2XL (S, 3XL and 4XL shirts are may be special ordered) for available in Phon~ $34.95, these 100% cotton navy or grey polo shirts feature the colorful with the 0 Send me a Masonic Village at Lafay~uc Hill brochure logo of R.W. Grand Master Masonic symbol embroidered on the front. Display your sense William Slater If's Share the I of Masonic pride and add this outerwear to your I U Call me to arrange ~' personal tour. light program. Don't let this opportunity pass you by - wardrobe this season. Sweatshirts come in sizes M. order yours today! L, XL, and XXL. Priced at $14 they won't last long. I Please complete coupon and return to: In July an~,.l AuJ.!u~t. ~tutf trom Thl· P~mhylvn.nia Mastmk Marketing Office Fvunthnion fo r Chil~oln:n, ~~~f cml'c.:r~ of C(u'lconlia LA'kl~t.> No. Masonic Village Orders may be placed by calling the Gift Shop at 1-800-336-7317 6 7 nn..l Laiayettt· Hill Rt..~idcnt Council nt\'n'll"'<{"r;.. (picrur~d} 80 I Ridge Pike tbto\.'l'llhlc:J n'lort.: th;m l.l\."X' DNA idcntifk;uiun lir:- tOr the.· Lafaycue Hill, PA t 9444 or through the Gift Shop Web Site www.pagrandlodge.org/giftshop l ------_____.., Masomc Clukl l.lcntifi.:arion Pro~ram (CHIP).