While Life May Be Full of Uncertainties ... A Charitable Gift Annuity With A Masonic Charity of the Grand lodge Of Pennsylvania is Not. A Win-Win Situation: Purcha.'" a charit:tblc gin annuit} from the Ma,onic Charitic;, Fund: Masonic Village': Pcnn,}hania Youth Foundation: The Penn,yh-:~nia Masonic Foundation for Children: or The ~ l :t.\Onic Libra!) and Mu~um of Penm,yhania and you'll rccci,e: • Entitlement to an immediate income tax deduction • Great potential to mcrca'c } our •nco me • 1\ fix~'<! and dependable mcome ~tream for the rc't of your life • Sati,faction 111 pm' iding for other-. The chan bclo" 'how' variou' gift annuit} payout rates for selected age' that are current!) a\ailable from the 1\ l a~onic Charitie, . The rates penain to one-life gin annuitic' only. Rate' arc 'omc" hat lower" hen two persons receive payment' from an annuity due to increa,ed longevity. For further information about chnritahle gift annu ities. in complete confi dence and at no co;,t or obligation. simply complete :md return the accompanying rc,pon'c forn1 or call to speak with one of our Maff mcmhcl'l- in the region nearest you: Sample Gift Annuity Rates: Central Pennsylvania 8gl: Rate% (717) 367- 11 2 1. ext. 33460. 60 5.7 or (800) 599-6454 r---------- 65 6.0 Complete nnd return to the O flice or G l fl l'lunnln~: Western Pennsylvania 70 6.5 (412) 74 1-1400. cxt 30 11 . 75 7.1 0 Send me your brochure on Charuahlc Gift J\nnuii!C,. or (866) 872-0664 80 8.0 '::l Send me a ~unple ilfu,tr-Jiion ot J G llt t\nntlll) 85 9.5 ba.\Cd on t~ follm-. ing mformation: Eastern Pennsylvania 90+ 11.3 Ag<'l\); ___ _ .-\moum: S ---- (610) 825-6100. ext 13-18 (Minimum pu rchase amount :l ca,b is $5,000) ..-\gcC'-) "hen \tU1Uil) pJ}JI'k!nt\ Jr.:lo ~gm:-­ The official registration and financial information for any ofthe Masonic Charities J may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, ':::1 Comoc1 m<' 10 d'"'"" a J'<"'iblc G1ll \nnu•l) within Pennsylvania, (800) 732~. Registration does not Imply endorsemenL \\ ith one of the \la-.otue Chariuc, of the Gmnd All contributions are tax-<leductible to the extent allowed by law. J Lodge of Penn'} hania. S..'tld me a l>rochurc ah<11.11 lhc FranLhn U'l!.JJ.') Attention Pos tmaster: Dated Mate rial Enclos ed :J Soc:ict). ::J IJ\Vc ha\C rcm.:mhcn..-d ooc or mnrc of ahc \l.a••.unu.. · ChariliC" in m~/oure,tatc pl.tnf,J: - ----- \ ame: --------- ------- .-\ddre": ------ --------- Cil): - ----- Sl:nc: __ /Jp: ____ Telephone: _.__-~. _____ ______ E-mail Addre,,: - ---- ------- MAIL TillS FOR~ I TO: Office of Gif1 1'1 " '""" ~· Mat-onic Charitil.!,, One Ma,onic l)ri\ ..:. F.litnbellllown. PA 1702~ MASONIC VILLAGE AT GRAND LODGE OF ELIZABETHTOWN WINS PENNSYLVANIA Fall 2004 m a g a z i n e NATIONAL SERVICE AWARD .hc.lnk: \'1lla~ at 8i:abet.htown ha, ~~~ '<1<-.:t<•J t<> Governor Rendell r-."l:cl\\' tilt' 1(\'\.f Community Sen·icc A\\,m.l fnml M the Amc.·r•can A··'tOCianon of H ome~ and Sc:n l'-1:'' becomes a for the 1\!lon~ (AAHSA). Ma-omc \'lll:ll!< i> r,'CO!:no:..J 32• Scottish Rite Mason for tx-tcn .. ,,.c ~·rvke' w che community throu~h ~atl\'\' rd:ttlon-.hir.. wnh ch(· Elt::tl'c!chtown Arta School n,~trkt ,1nd nun'lcn:'u~ cummunny )!WUp ... tfie Pennsy{van ia M~1~onk Villnttl' maL,·., lt~ tilcilitic;:~ ~wniloblc to the ~thoul page 7. Ji~trict an ..l ,lW.U\1' ~hnlur.. hips to teen volumt:..:r .., hoM .. tht> FREEMASON ~chuul \ prom, prc.wiJ\•:o. tutorin~ nnJ mcmoring ami opt:n" h" I \Ull .1.;;L mu!'t people where tlwy \\\:~tkl hLc hl 'pcn~l rheir MAGAZ INE pool to .. wlm tc;Hlh. Mu .. k theraP)' ....:-rvicc:; and fit~· .... d., .. '4.', rt·urcmt:m yean,, tht:l will rc,ponJ, I w.ant ro ... t.\\ r1~ht one dlw ..:Mcnd"'l tu elk community. I he,..,," published four times annually The Pennsylvania '"Home'" repn:..-<nt' ......,.:urny dnJ tnJercn~lt.·nt:t", but wnh by the Grand Lodge Freemason Model Railroad Club Slates .lJ.."t:', It become.;; m(\re anJ more J1ftk·ult h) m.um.un - whil1!' ai"' of Pennsylvania Jnvane h> ...Lx:ror :tppointmcnb.... hc.,I'PIOt:. t."UOlmt: an.._l Joinc Calabtatea 50 Years huu-.,hoiJ ffiol'<!l'. Open House Schedule Foutfllrta ..,,_,..w The quesrit1n t"'-"1\ 1--t."<Qnu.... •tct mc-,·c vr "'" to mc.-,·e!"' Vol. Ll Number 4 c Masonic ViiiOJ,oc ond Elizabethtown Model Cun,tJcr 1he:se heneflt, of nl<l\'101! to .1 reurcmcnc Cl)mmunil\·: Fall2004 ptl(ltl22. Rmlrood C luh will hold FREE open houses on the • Q,m·emence of ne.·ul"\ ,)mcn•tic' .m;J ~0 hc)u-.choiJ chores.! Tiollowin~ dnte~t nnJ timr:s: • Rtuh·in :1crivirie.s. anJ MX:i.tli:.a.uon OJ"'fKlrtunitil'l'l Novemher 6 oml 7, 2 p.m.- 4 p.m. · St•nmty; when rhe tim\! cornc~ th:tt )\)4.1 nc~~.·.. l more c:tre. tho...:: EDITORIAL BOARD Dcccmhcr 4 .,,15, 2 p.m.· 4 p.m. "c:rvicc~ :tre m han.. l, ensurinc that )'-Htr future nc...-..ed, are cuver.!~,l . Autumn Day l:>.:<:cmhcr 18, I p.m. - 4 p.m. William Slater II The Residential Living area lU the MnM.>ntc Village •lt Food, Fun & R. W. Grsnd Msster Com~;: sec the dub's 0-J,..rnugc, HO·gauge., N·gaugc, Eli!.tbctluown combu"'e.s an nctiv(' lifc"'t\ ll' and Ctlnvenicnce in Fellowship stamlal\_~ ~outre trnilu :.m~.l trolleys! Once at the Masonic mll' ph..:c. SruJio, suite .an~l Jnuhl..: unlt~ ,,rc ntt'cm.. ,l furni,he'-1. James L. Ernette Village. Eliwbetluown, follow directional signs. 81111. HMIId 8lrri:lr :uno c"Srra charge, htn you cal\ hnnj_.; \lltll' own funw;hil\~., R. W.P.G.M., Chslrmsn .......Fllhllr­ tt ~uu w1 ..h. Dinine is l'k."'f jlhl :tl'IC;lUl IU\lJ, hm :.I~' offer.. :1 D. William Roberts ,....., ...... '-''M:ial time tOr ma..rt)'. Th~ mc.tl, .1 ~b) .uc andu;.k-..1 wlth the Re,& .. lcnnal Uving: pa.cl.11."e. Qn.,atc hc.thh ,.uc '4!f\'ICC' Mk Editor page23. Marketplace in ... art.> ot ,·our me.Jictl neeJ.,. Shun I.: ...... n ~c tr.ln ..J'l"' \l."1ll to COMMIITEE (tn~~mpu... a.nJ off<ampth ~n~... Planning Stages For mN~ mfom.am>n. rlc.l'< <JII I-N.'\.'4H-12C'7. Wh" nvt Mark E. Biller Also In this Issue: mo1kc Ma~mic \'Hiage ~uur ne\\- hnnh..'~ Rodney E. Boyce The Gland Mu18r'8 Fal Message 5 .M.l••onic \illnt::e ;n Eh: ..lhct-hrown '" worlam: m r , Kenneth R. Brooks Feature Judge Seamus McCalfery - A Mason 8 n'IJUU,tilm warh \V,lgman Con~truction, Inc., to Please send me more information about Residential T:l",,.,,bly dl'\·dup a marketplt\ct :'It the m:tin cntromct• Living at Masonic Village at Elizabethtown! David Calrd Ill A Woman's Touch • . .13 to the campu ... ,, ... p;UC ,.,(it .. 20.ycnt ma~tcr rbn. The project William D. Johnston Treaauteta of the Temple 19 could ilwol \•c.~ rcnnvmin~ tour o( the historic ~tone huildln,~.t.. , nnd Name _________________ James N. Katsaounls Holiday Gilt Items .............. .. ............30 huildin).: on udj.tCl'l'lt prdpCrty i t'l tht1t ~ rc:.t to accommt~I.Hc .,omc John T. Merva convenient '-\'rvu..:c" for Mn-.onic Villn.,..uc rc~kt..·nb :md ~t.tlt, ;h. I Address--------------- THE PENNSYLVANIA FR EEMASO~. VOL. Ll, NOVEMBER 2004, NO. 4 wdl ~t!> the Eli:..thcthto\vn community. Tina L. Raybold Pllbllc;allon No. USPS 426-140 . November 20041ssue ol 1M Pemsylvania FrO<Ifli8SOrll!l is publish«! quonerty by the Masonic Homes, One Masonic Drive. Ehlabollllown, POMSylvar'la 11022. City_ _______ State __ Zip---- In ~•JJit"lll to rduc.:.uin)! the (Jrm market to tht' more Grand Lodgt Otflc.ra oonn.•ntcnt l<.xauon. tht' m.uk,'tplacc wouJJ ~ oln iJcallc)(:o\Uun WiloolnSiole<ll, R.W. Gland-er RonaldA.kwlgsl. S< . RW o.putyGrondM8SitN ford nu~l u"" "'"'n·un.:n:tJ.I, rt'uil anJ oftke Jn·dopmem f(_,.f Phone+---~L---------------------------- Slophon ~. R.W -Gland wa-. Thomas K. ~. R w JurWx Gntnd wa-. Jttroy W Coy. R.W. Gland TI'NSIMW Donold 1.. Alborl. R W Gntnd s.a.tary ~uch anwntuc ... oh .1 rc.,uurant. Jl)· dt."3.J'k"r. recul .. hop. h.1nl. 1O Send me a Masonic Village at Elizabethtown Brochure 02004 The R w, Gtanci..LO®t F.&A~. of Ponrt1ylvonla hotel or mcdlCll (tr tlthcr h1siOC'~s offices. lninJI t'(C1..1J~UK'\ '' Call me to arrange a personal tour. (Mocloo.,., .,._... .,be ()()OiSOdeol>d lor be ... -locol Masonic autllonly 10 proJC<tcd (.,, 1(\'5. 0 lho Edolor. 1M,._,.~ ROOioiOSOI ... 54t5p-- Fftl Avonuo. S..Ot 1029, Plt1$llurgll. PA 15232·2256. Wa~m;ln C,m,tntftKln Inc .• is condlk.'Tinc 3 mark...-r.an~ I Exotpl by ""'*" Onangomenl. .. - ~..,. .. .,., - btc:omo llle popet!y"' the Grand Please complete coupon and return to: Lodge 1 Publosiled by 111e Masonoc Homes. owned and _..~*~ by lho G<and Lodge d Free and feasthilll\' "l\14h h)r .. lt."\doping this projo..,. n'tr more I Admissions Office, Masonic Village. One Masonic Drive.
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