SNG-Copenhagen Volume 1 ITALY – SICILY | TABLE of CONTENTS Part 1: Italy 1: Etruria-Campania

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SNG-Copenhagen Volume 1 ITALY – SICILY | TABLE of CONTENTS Part 1: Italy 1: Etruria-Campania SNG-Copenhagen Volume 1 ITALY – SICILY | TABLE OF CONTENTS Part 1: Italy 1: Etruria-Campania. 1942 Part 2: Italy 2: Apulia-Lucania (Metapontum). 1942. Part 3: Italy 3: Lucania (Poseidonia)-Bruttium. 1942. Part 4: Sicily 1: Abacaenum-Petra. 1942. Part 5: Sicily 2: Segesta-Sardinia. 1942. Mint City Plate # Coin # Mint City Plate # Coin # Mint City Plate # Coin # ITALY Apulia SICILY Etruria Arpi ............................. 15 ............ 600-613 Abacaenum ................. 1 ...................... 1-8 Populonia .................... 1 ...................... 1-7 Asculum ...................... 15 ............ 614-616 Acrae .......................... 1 ......................... 9 Populonia-Vetulonia-Camars? ................ 8 Azetum ....................... 15 ............ 617-621 Adranum ..................... 1 .................. 10-12 Vetulonia .................... 1 .................... 9-10 Barium ........................ 15 ............ 622-625 Aetna .......................... 1 .................. 13-19 Peithesa ....................... 1 .................. 11-16 Butuntum .................... 15 ............ 626-628 Agrigentum (Acragas) 1-3............. 20-125 Cosa (Volcentium) ...... 1 ....................... 17 Caelia .......................... 15 ............ 629-641 Agyrium ..................... 3 .............. 126-131 Canusium .................... 15 ............ 642-645 Volaterrae ................... 1 .................. 18-25 Alaesa ......................... 3 .............. 132-141 Hyrium ........................ 15 ............ 646-647 Uncertain .................... 1 .................. 26-54 Aluntium ..................... 3 .............. 142-147 Luceria ........................ 15-16 ....... 648-665 Amestratus .................. 4 .............. 148-149 Umbria Mateola ....................... 16 ................... 666 Ariminun ..................... 2 .................. 55-59 Assorus ....................... 4 ..................... 150 Neapolis ...................... 16 ............ 667-668 Calacte ........................ 4 .............. 151-157 Iguvium ....................... 2 ....................... 60 Rubi ............................ 17 ............ 669-677 Tuder ........................... 2 .................. 61-77 Camarina .................... 4 .............. 158-172 Salapia ........................ 17 ............ 678-686 Campani ..................... 4 ..................... 173 Uncertain .................... 2 .................. 78-81 Samadi? ...................... 17 ................... 687 Catana ......................... 4-5........... 174-208 Picenum Teate ........................... 17 ............ 688-700 Centuripae .................. 5 .............. 209-221 Acona .......................... 2 .................. 82-84 Venusia ....................... 17 ............ 701-714 Cephaloedium ............. 5 .............. 222-233 Firmum ....................... 2 ....................... 85 Calabria Enna ............................ 5 .............. 234-236 Hatria .......................... 2-3 ............... 86-94 Brundusium ................ 17 ............ 715-745 Entella ........................ 5 .............. 237-240 Graxa .......................... 17 ............ 746-752 Vestini ......................... 3 .................. 95-97 Eryx ............................ 6 .............. 241-250 Orra ............................. 17 ............ 753-763 Latium Gela ............................ 6 .............. 251-291 Sturnium ..................... 17 ................... 764 Alba Fucens ................ 3 .................. 98-99 Herbessus ................... 7 .............. 292-293 Tarentum..................... 18-22 ..... 765-1089 Aquinum ..................... 3 .............. 100-103 Himera ........................ 7 .............. 294-320 Uxentum ..................... 22 ........ 1090-1093 Rome ........................... 3-7 ........... 104-237 Himera as Thermae..... 7 .............. 321-324 Lucania Signia .......................... 7 ..................... 238 Hybla Magna .............. 7 .............. 325-328 Lucani ......................... 23 ........ 1094-1097 Central Italy Iaetia ........................... 7 .............. 329-333 Heraclea ...................... 23 ........ 1098-1144 Uncertain .................... 8 .............. 239-255 Leontini ...................... 8 .............. 334-373 Laus ............................ 23 ........ 1145-1157 Samnium Lilybaeum ................... 8 .............. 374-377 Metapontum ................ 24-25 ... 1158-1270 Aesernia ...................... 9 .............. 256-263 Poseidonia................... 26 ........ 1271-1323 Menaenum .................. 8 .............. 378-386 Aquilonia .................... 9 ..................... 264 Paestum....................... 26-27 ... 1324-1386 Zancle-Messana .......... 9 .............. 387-427 Malies (Maeventum?) . 9 ..................... 265 Siris and Pyxus ........... 27 ................. 1387 Mamertini ................... 10 ............ 428-470 Frentani Sybaris ........................ 27 ........ 1388-1404 Morgantina ................. 11 ............ 471-475 Frentrum? .................... 9 ..................... 266 Thurium ...................... 28-29 ... 1405-1518 Motya ......................... 11 ............ 476-484 Larinum ...................... 9 .............. 267-275 Copia .......................... 29 ........ 1519-1520 Naxos .......................... 11 ............ 485-496 Social War ..................... 9 .............. 276-294 Velia ........................... 29-31 ... 1521-1611 Panormus .................... 12 ............ 497-568 Campania Ursentum?................... 31 ................. 1612 Petra ............................ 12 ................... 569 Allifae ......................... 9 .............. 295-298 Bruttium Segesta ........................ 13 ............ 570-590 Atella .......................... 9 .............. 299-300 Brettii .......................... 31-32 ... 1613-1697 Selinus ........................ 13 ............ 591-606 Cales ........................... 9-10 ......... 301-324 Caulonia ...................... 32-33 ... 1698-1732 Silerae ......................... 13 ................... 607 Capua .......................... 10 ............ 325-353 Consentia .................... 33 ........ 1733-1734 Solus ........................... 13 ............ 608-613 Compulteria ................ 10 ............ 354-356 Croton ......................... 33-34 ... 1735-1827 Syracuse ..................... 14-20 ....... 614-915 Tauromenium ............. 20 ............ 916-947 Cumae ......................... 11 ............ 357-369 Croton and Temesa ..... 34 ................. 1828 Tyndaris ...................... 20 ............ 948-955 Hyria ........................... 11 ............ 370-380 Hipponium .................. 34-35 ... 1829-1835 Siculo-Punic ............... 16-22 ..... 956-1033 Neapolis ...................... 11-14 ....... 381-565 Vibo Valentia .............. 35 ........ 1836-1856 Locri Epizephyrii ........ 35 ........ 1857-1898 Romano-Sicilian ......... 22-23 ... 1034-1071 Nuceria Alfaterna ....... 14 ............ 566-572 Mesma ........................ 35 ........ 1899-1901 Uncertain Localities.... 23 ........ 1072-1074 Phistelia ...................... 14 ............ 573-578 Nuceria ....................... 36 ........ 1902-1906 Sicily? ......................... 23 ........ 1075-1083 Suessa Aurunca ........... 14 ............ 579-589 Petelia ......................... 36 ........ 1907-1922 Lipara ......................... 23 ........ 1084-1100 Teanum Sidicinum ...... 14 ............ 590-595 Rhegium ..................... 36-37 ... 1923-1991 Sardinia ....................... 23 ........ 1101-1114 Uncertain Irnum? ........ 14 ............ 596-598 Scylletium? ................. 37 ........ 1992-1993 Uncertain Venafrium .. 14 ................... 599 Terina .......................... 37 ........ 1994-2041 SNG-Copenhagen Volume 2 THRACE AND MACEDONIA TABLE OF CONTENTS Part 6: Thrace 1: The Tauric Chersonese-Thrace (Mesembria). 1942. Part 7: Thrace 2: Odessus-Sestos. Islands. Kings And Dynasts. 1943. Part 8: Macedonia 1: Acanthus-Uranopolis. Dynasts. 1943. Part 9: Macedonia 2: Alexander I-Alexander III. 1943. Part 10: Macedonia 3: Philip III-Philip VI. Macedonia Under The Romans. Kings Of Paeonia. 1943. Mint City/Authority .... Plate # ....... Coin # Mint City/Authority Plate # Coin # Mint City/Authority Plate # Coin # THRACE Agathopolis .................17 .................... 855 Mende ......................... 6 .............. 198-221 Tauric Chersonese: Alopeconnesus ............17 ............ 856-861 Neapolis ...................... 6 .............. 222-232 Carcine ........................ 1 ......................... 1 Cardia ..........................17 ............ 862-871 Olynthus ..................... 6 .............. 233-249 Cercinitis ..................... 1 ...................... 2-3 Coela ...........................17 ............ 872-885 Orreschii ..................... 6 .............. 250-252 Cherronesus ................ 1 .................... 4-16 Crithote........................18 ............ 886-888 Paroreia ....................... 7 .............. 253-255 Panticapaeum .............. 1 .................. 17-65 Elaeus ..........................18 ............ 889-898 Pella ............................ 7 .............. 256-289 Sarmatia: Olbia ........... 2 ................ 66-116 Lysimachia ..................18 ............ 899-922 Philippi ......................
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