Commercializing Canadian Airport, Port and Rail Governance - 1975 to 2000
Changing Course: Commercializing Canadian Airport, Port and Rail Governance - 1975 to 2000 By Mark Douglas Davis, B.Sc. (Hons.), M.A. A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy Carleton University Ottawa, Ontario © 2016 Mark Douglas Davis Abstract This thesis examines the historical public policy circumstances surrounding the Government of Canada’s decision to commercialize Canadian National (CN) Railways, as well as federal airports and ports over the period 1975 to 2000. Its focus is on testing one specific empirical hypothesis: That the commercialization of federal airport and port assets between 1975 and 2000 occurred primarily due to: (i) federal government concerns over the growing size of the national debt and deficit; and (ii) the emergence of the neoliberal ideology in Canada and its growing influence throughout federal policy making, as witnessed by the swift 1995 privatization of CN Railways. In particular, this thesis considers the role and influence of various policy factors, such as efficiencies, governance challenges, organizational cultures, stakeholder behaviours, ideological pressures, and political realities encountered by senior federal transportation bureaucrats and the political leadership during this period. The selection of CN Railways, airports, and ports also provides a window into Transport Canada’s repeated attempts at developing an integrated and multi-modal national transportation policy. This thesis conducts a rigorous, forward-looking deductive analysis using a meso institutional framework to examine the interactions of the major micro and macro circumstances surrounding federal transportation commercialization. The three modal case studies apply the meso framework to each unique case with special consideration of the context and causality of each major reform.
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