Synagogue and Siddur by Rabbi Susan Leider
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The Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies Walking with History Edited By Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson and Rabbi Patricia Fenton In Memory of Harold Held and Louise Held, of blessed memory The Held Foundation Melissa Held Bordy Joseph and Lacine Held Robert and Lisa Held Published in partnership with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, the Rabbinical Assembly, the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs and the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. UNIT 6: SYNAGOGUE AND SIDUR RAbbI SUSAN LEIDER The reading of the Torah is a central part of Jewish liturgical life. At the heart of everysidur , or Jewish prayer book, we find the liturgy that guides the way we read from our most sacred book. As we gather around the reading table and welcome members of our community forward to bless, read, lift or dress the Torah, we participate in the pageantry that symbolizes our deep connection to Judaism. As this connection comes to life before our eyes, we cleave to the Torah physically and prepare to encounter it on an intellectual level. We elevate the presence of Torah by covering it in beautiful materials, crowns and ornaments. We escort the Torah through the community and bring it to rest on the reading table, carefully undressing it. Joy and awe permeate the congregation as we prepare ourselves to glean wisdom from Torah. As we touch the Torah with our tzizit, the ritual fringe of our tallit/prayer shawl, and bring it to our lips, we physically enact our hope to fulfill our covenant with God: we literally choreograph our desire to bring the mitzvot, the commandments, as close as possible to our lips, expressing our intent to internalize and actualize Torah in our everyday lives. book developed the way it did and what it can mean to us today in our own We are commandedspiritual toodyssey hear the as reading Jews. of the original Torah text and to study it in our primary language. As our ears absorb the Hebrew chanting and our eyes take in the translation, we have the opportunity to be book developed the way it did and what it can mean to us today in our own transformed. It is in this liturgical moment that we celebrate a Bar or Bat Mitzvah coming of age, and welcome a bride and groom“TORAH”spiritual to celebrateodyssey AS SEEN on as the Jews.THROUGH Shabbat before BIBLICAL their wedding. EYES We pray for healing and for the well being of our communitybook developedin the presence the of waythe Torah it did as andit lies whatdirectly it beforecan mean us. to us today in our own The word torah literally means “instruction.” It appears many, many times in the spiritual odyssey as Jews. In this essay,Bible.“TORAH” we will We explore ASsee SEEN the the word history THROUGH torah and in the ExodusBIBLICAL background 24:12, EYES of for the example, Torah Service, in the the context centerpiece of Go ofd the Jewish liturgicalspeakingThe wordexperience. totorah Moses. Biblical literally God and means tellsrabbinic Moses“instruction.” texts towill come guide It appears upour to journey th many,e mountain to manunderstandingy timesand to in howwait the and why this part of the prayer book developed the way it did and what it can mean to us today in our own “TORAH”Bible. We ASsee SEEN the word THROUGH torah in ExodusBIBLICAL 24:12, EYES for example, in the context of God spiritual odysseythere. as This Jews. promise follows: The word torah literally means “instruction.” It appears many, many times in the speaking to Moses. God tells Moses to come up to the mountain and to wait “TORAH” AS SEEN THROUGH BIblICAL EYES Bible.there. WeThis see promise the word follows: torah in Exodus 24:12, for example, in the context of God The word torah Andliterally I will means give “instruction”. you the stone It appears tablets many, with many the timesTorah in theand Bible. commandments, We see the word torah speaking to Moses. God tells Moses to come up to the mountain and to wait in Exodus 24:12,which for example, I have ininscribed the context to instruct of God speakingthem... to Moses. God tells Moses to come up to the mountain andthere. to wait This there. promise This promisefollows: follows: And I will give you the stone tablets with the Torah and commandments, In Deuteronomywhich I have inscribed1:5, we read: to instruct them... And I will give you the stone tablets with the Torah and commandments, which I have inscribed And I will give you the stone tablets with the Torah and commandments, to instruct them... In Deuteronomywhich I have inscribed1:5, we read: to instruct them... Moses undertook to expound this Torah. In Deuteronomy 1:5, we read: In Deuteronomy 1:5, we read: Moses undertook to expound this Torah. AndMoses in Deuteronomy undertook 4:44,to expound we read this these Torah stirring. words that the rabbis later wove And in Deuteronomyinto the liturgy 4:44, we of read the theseTorah stirring service words itself: that the rabbis later wove into the liturgy of the Torah Moses undertook to expound this Torah. service itself:And in Deuteronomy 4:44, we read these stirring wor ds that the rabbis later wove into the liturgy of the Torah service itself: And thisAnd is the this Torah is the that Torah Moses thatset before Moses the set children before of Israel...the children of Israel... And in Deuteronomy 4:44, we read these stirring words that the rabbis later wove In the Bible,into then, the torah liturgy is instruction of the Torah imparted service by Goditself: to Moses, and it is Moses’ role to teach Torah to the people. It seemsIn the Andthat Bible, Torahthis isthen, and the Moses Torahtorah as is thatteacher instruction Moses of Torah set imparted arebefore almost bythe indivisibleGod children to Moses, inof the Israel... biblical and it Moses’ In the choreography of the Torah service, we reenact the giving of the Torah at Sinai and the covenantal drama of role to teach Torah to the people. It seems that Torah and Moses as teacher of receiving and acceptingAnd this it isas thea people. Torah that Moses set before the children of Israel... TorahIn the Bible,are almost then, torahindivisible is instruction in the biblical imparted mindse by Godt. In to the Moses, choreography and it is Moses’ of the Torahrole to service,teach Torah we reenact toZIEGLER the people. theSCHOOL giving ItOF seems RABBINICof the that Torah STUDIES To rahat Sinaiand Moses and the as covenantalteacher of In the Bible, then, torah is instruction56 imparted by God to Moses, and it is Moses’ dramaTorah areof receiving almost indivisibleand accepting in the it asbiblical a people. mindse t. In the choreography of the role to teach Torah to the people. It seems that Torah and Moses as teacher of Torah service, we reenact the giving of the Torah at Sinai and the covenantal Torah are almost indivisible in the biblical mindset. In the choreography of the Kingsdrama andof receiving priests hadand aaccepting special relationshipit as a people. to Torah. This “instruction” was an Torah service, we reenact the giving of the Torah at Sinai and the covenantal especially powerful presence in the lives of the priests. The word torah is used drama of receiving and accepting it as a people. overKings and and over priests in chaptershad a special six and relationship seven of to the Tor biblah.ical This book “instruction” of Leviticus, was anas instructionespecially powerfulis given concerningpresence in the the different lives of thecateg proriesiests. ofThe sacrificial word torah offerings. is used A Kingsover and and overpriests in chaptershad a special six and relationship seven of to the Tor biblah.ical This book “instruction” of Leviticus, was anas especially powerful presence in the lives of the priests. The word torah is used instruction is given concerning the different categories of sacrificial offerings. A2 over and over in chapters six and seven of the biblical book of Leviticus, as instruction is given concerning the different categories of sacrificial offerings. A2 2 SYNAGOGUE AND SIDUR instruction is given concerning the differentinstruction categories is ofgiven sacrificial concerning offerings the .different categories of sacrificial offerings. instruction is given concerning the different categories of sacrificial offerings. A repeating pattern appears, in which God Agives repeating Moses patternthe “instruction” appears, inwhich which God gives Moses the “instruction” which A repeating pattern appears, in which God gives Moses the “instruction” which Moses, in turn, should “command” to his brotherMoses, inAaron turn, and should Aaron’s “command” sons. We to his brother Aaron and Aaron’s sons. We Moses, in turn, should “command” to his brother Aaron and Aaron’s sons. We Moses, in turn, should “command” to his brothersee again Aaron the andnear Aaron’s-identification sons. We of Torah and Moses as teacher of Torah, as Kings and priests had a specialsee again relationship the near -toidenti Torah.fication This of“instruction” Torah and Moseswas an as especially teacher ofpowerful Torah , presenceas see again the near-identification of Torah Godand “spoke”Moses as to teacher Moses, whilof Torahe Moses, as is to “command Aaron and his sons". in the lives of the priests. GodThe “spoke”wordtorah to isMoses used, whilovere and Moses over is into chapters“command six Aaronand seven and ofhis the sons biblical". book of Leviticus, as instruction isGod given “spoke” concerning to Moses the, differentwhile Moses categories is to “c ommand of sacrificial Aaron offerings.and his sons A "repeating. pattern appears, in which God gives Moses the “instruction” which Moses, in turn, should “command” to his brother This “instruction” was also a powerful presenceThis “instruction” in the lives was of thealso Israelitea powerful presence in the lives of the Israelite Aaron and Aaron’s sons.