
The Journal of Clinical Investigation COMMENTARY Leukotrienes and sex: strange bedfellows?

Lewis J. Smith Department of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

ed leukotriene levels and the response of these conditions to Leukotrienes are proinflammatory mediators that have been drugs. Several of these diseases have a shown to be upregulated in several diseases, including , aspirin- female predominance and have been exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD), inflammatory bowel disease, associated with sex hormone levels (e.g., and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Leukotrienes have been asthma in adults, AERD) (8, 10). Based on explored as therapeutic targets for these diseases and others; however, these data, it is possible that leukotriene leukotriene inhibitors have had limited success in the clinic. There are modifiers would have a greater effect in noted differences in the incidence of leukotriene-mediated diseases in those with the highest leukotriene levels. males and females, but sex as a factor in the response to leukotriene In this issue, Pace and colleagues build inhibitors has not been fully explored. In this issue of the JCI, Pace and on their previous work and address a colleagues present evidence that there are sex-specific differences in the potential mechanism that may be respon- effectiveness of certain leukotriene inhibitors and link the differences in sible for the relatively limited response to response to the presence of androgens. The results of this study indicate leuko­triene modifiers in several disease that sex needs to be taken into consideration in the future evaluation of states (11). Pace et al. exposed male and leukotriene inhibitors to treat disease. female mice and rats as well as peripheral blood cells from male and female human volunteers to inflammatory stimuli and administered different leukotriene syn- Leukotrienes and disease patients with disease. Specifically, leuko­ thesis inhibitors. The results from this Leukotrienes are bioactive mediators triene expression has been associated with study confirmed their previous findings that were initially identified in the 1970s, asthma (2, 3), aspirin-exacerbated respi- that there are sex-dependent differenc- and the biosynthetic pathways involved ratory disease (AERD) (4), allergic rhini- es in leukotriene biosynthesis and the in leukotriene formation were elucidated tis (5), inflammatory bowel disease (6), effects of leukotriene modifiers and that around the same time (1). The major leu- and acute respiratory distress syndrome these differences are mediated at least kotrienes were designated as leukotriene (7). However, with rare exceptions, such in part by androgens (12). Pace and col-

B4 (LTB4) and as the cysteinyl leukotrienes as AERD (8), leukotriene modifiers have leagues also note that females are more

(LTC 4, LTD4, and LTE4). Subsequent- shown only a modest beneficial effect on likely than males to have 5-LO/FLAP

ly, several leukotriene receptors (BLT1, diseases in which leukotrienes would be complex assembly at the nuclear mem-

BLT 2, CysLT1, CysLT2) were discovered, expected to play an important role. Sever- brane, the site where this complex medi- and small molecules were developed that al explanations, including differences in ates its effects. Additionally, androgens inhibited leukotriene synthesis either by leukotriene levels in individual patients, inhibited the tight assembly, and drugs targeting 5- (5-LO), 5-LO– the heterogeneity of disease phenotypes, that directly interfered with FLAP and activating protein (FLAP), cytosolic phos- and differences in drug pharmacokinet- 5-LO/FLAP assembly were most likely

pholipase A2 (cPLA2), or molecules, such ics, pharmacodynamics, and pharma- to result in a sex-specific effect. One area as leukotriene antagonists, that cogenomics, have been proposed for why that Pace and colleagues did not explore interfere with the ability of leukotrienes targeting leukotrienes does not benefit is how androgens may alter the inter- to mediate their effects. Increased leukot- leukotriene-related diseases (9); howev- action between 5-LO and FLAP. None- riene production has been linked to sever- er, there has not been a clear explanation theless, their experiments highlight the al inflammatory diseases through a series for why antileukotriene drugs have not complexity of trying to understand the of animal, in vitro, and human studies in worked as expected. role of sex in the differences in leukot- which leukotriene levels were measured riene synthesis and response to leukot- under basal and stimulated conditions and Sex and the response to riene-targeting drugs, as the results were in which the newly developed leukotriene leukotriene inhibition influenced by the specific stimulus and modifiers were administered to various One possible explanation comes from the model system, the type of inflammatory animal species, healthy individuals, and study of diseases associated with elevat- cell (human peripheral blood and and mouse and rat perito- Related Article: p. 3167 neal macrophages), and the leukotriene modifier selected. Even the use of struc- Conflict of interest: The author has declared that no conflict of interest exists. turally dissimilar 5-LO inhibitors showed Reference information: J Clin Invest. 2017;127(8):2895–2896. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI95717. different effects.

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