Volume-1 | Issue-3 | December-2018 | ISSN - 2617-4413 (Print) | ISSN - 2617-717X (Online)) | East African Scholars Multidisciplinary Bulletin (An Open Access, International, Indexed, Peer-Reviewed Journal) History A Publication of East African Scholars Publisher, Kenya www.easpublisher.com Short Communication Roger Puybouffat (1909-1983): A man who said « No! » Xavier Riaud Doctor in Dental Surgery, PhD in History of Sciences and Technics, Laureate and Associate Member of the National Academy of Dental Surgery *Corresponding Author Xavier Riaud Email:
[email protected] Article History Received: 12.11.2018 | Accepted: 20.11.2018 | Published: 30.12.2018 DOI: 10.36349/easmb.2018.v01i03.001 Abstract: Roger Puybouffat was a dentist. He was an inmate in Nazis concentration camps. He survived after the camp was liberated. He was injured. He was a WWII hero. Here is his history. Keywords: History, Dentistry, WWII, Concentration Camps DISCUSSION Roger Puybouffat was born on February 18th Back to Pontivy, he was arrested by the 1909. At the age of 11, Roger obtained his school Germans. As he had not been demobilized yet, he was certificate. But, his family was penniless and he had to considered as a war prisoner and had to exercise his work very young and did all kinds of small jobs. One of talents in the civil hospital set up in the high school his uncles allowed him to start an apprenticeship with a compound. dental mechanic. He showed very early provisions for this profession. His uncle convinced him to take He was not released until February 19th 1941. evening classes. After obtaining his elementary and On 1st March, Roger headed to Châteaubriant where he higher certificate, he began studying dental surgery at had found a colleague, Pierre Bernou, who welcomed Garancière.