Introduction Library Technology Reports January—February 2007 ■ Audiobooks: Successofdigital Tothe Tors Contribute Fac Several Form
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Chapter 1 Introduction igital audiobooks are becoming popular with li- digital audiobooks are available legitimately on the Web. brary users. There are many possible reasons for Dthis newfound popularity, which will be explored throughout this report. One possible reason is that de- What Are We Talking About? mand for audiobooks may be part of the larger demand for content for portable media players. These devices This report focuses on digital audiobook systems for li- have become amazingly widespread. Portable MP3 play- braries, library consortia, and other institutional custom- ers, for example, were the hottest gift item during the ers. It examines in some depth digital audiobook services 2005 holidays.1 Now that tens of millions Americans have that can be purchased or leased. It also looks briefly at a Reports Library Technology these gadgets, the scramble for compelling content is on. few free online digital audiobook sources. Digital audiobooks are part of this content rush. Digital audiobooks are works of fiction, nonfiction, The direct-to-consumer market for downloadable digi- poetry, and drama primarily listened to, rather than read tal music is booming; however, in the case of digital au- visually. They are digital files, as opposed to analog re- diobooks, it is not yet clear how many will be obtained in- cordings. A digital audiobook may be narrated by a hu- dividually and how many will be supplied by institutions. man reader, or it may be a synthetic text-to-speech product Online retail stores such as the iTunes Store and Audible made via computer software. Most of the vended services sell directly to individuals. Over the next few years, librar- mentioned in this report currently offer human-narrated ies may emerge as major suppliers of digital audiobooks digital audiobooks. in the United States, or they may become minor niche Services, such as Audible, OverDrive, and NetLibrary, players in the digital audiobook market. that offer digital audiobooks via downloading from the People often listen to their favorite music repeat- Web have generated much interest from libraries, but edly, which may be why they tend to purchase this con- other viable distribution models exist. Playaway, for exam- tent directly. I suspect, however, that not many people ple, delivers its digital audiobooks on preloaded, self-con- listen to more than a few favorite audiobooks more than tained portable playback devices. TumbleTalkingBooks, once. Therefore, end users may turn to their libraries for on the other hand, streams its content over the Internet. digital audiobooks they will use only once, in particu- Downloading, streaming, and preloaded playback devices lar because a library can offer them a broader, deeper are all viable distribution methods. Each has its strengths selection of content without a direct monetary charge. and weaknesses, which will be explored in this report. January—February 2007 Nevertheless, any library or library consortium consider- Before these types of services were introduced in the ing launching a digital audiobook service must ask what past few years, audio content was delivered on distribution it can give its users beyond what is available through the media (e.g., wax cylinders, LP records, eight-track tapes, direct-to-consumer market. Certainly, if a library circulates audiocassettes, CDs) that required another machine, sup- digital audiobooks, users can avoid some out-of-pocket plied either by the library or by the end user, for playback. expenses, but that fact alone may not sustain such a ser- This report does not cover audiobooks delivered via these vice, especially now that an increasing number of free older media. 5 The two largest vendors to the library market in late to an audiobook. The same applies to people who 2006—OverDrive and NetLibrary—offer digital audiobooks have long commutes to work. The average commute via downloading. OverDrive and NetLibrary sell only to in- length continues to increase in the United States.4 stitutions, while other companies—for example, Playaway It seems that the overall quality and variety of radio and Audible—sell to both institutions and individuals. broadcasts are declining, so more people may look to The purpose of this report is not to convince librar- digital audiobooks for a compelling, enjoyable audio ians to implement a digital audiobook service, but to help experience. librarians make an informed decision. Every attempt has ■ Convenience: More and more people are becoming been made to ensure that the information in this report is comfortable with downloading content from the fair, balanced, and accurate as of late 2006, but obviously Internet. Users can download an audiobook and the details will quickly become dated. I hope, however, transfer it to a playback device conveniently from that the outline of decision points will be useful for a their homes. longer time. ■ Limited time needed for getting audiobooks: Choosing an audiobook, downloading it from the Internet, and transferring it to a portable playback Why Are Audiobooks So Popular? device can take from several minutes to several hours, depending on the speed of the Internet connection An industry survey conducted by the Audio Publishers and the size of the audiobook. Once each phase is Association this past summer found sales of audiobooks begun, however, the user can work on other things in the United States reached an estimated $871 million until that phase is completed. in 2005, a 4.7 percent increase over the previous year. ■ Narration as art form: Audiobooks add the element Downloadable digital audiobooks represented 9 percent of of performance to a book. The narrator of an audio- audiobook sales, compared to 6 percent in 2004. CDs con- book plays a key role in the overall quality of the tinue to be the dominant format. According to the survey listening experience. overview, “In the 2005 results, CD sales made up 74 per- ■ Media mix: Audiobooks fit well with other types of cent of format sales (measured by dollar volume). In com- cultural, educational, and entertainment content. parison, CDs represented 35 percent of revenue in 2002, Based on feedback from users, it seems likely that 45 percent in 2003, and 63 percent in 2004.” Audiocassette many people have both audiobooks and digital music sales, which represented nearly 60 percent as recently as loaded on their portable playback devices. In addi- 2002, are in sharp decline—down to 16 percent of sales tion, the trend is toward adding other types of con- in 2005.2 Because audiocassette sales are declining and tent, such as motion pictures, television shows, radio sales of downloadable digital audiobooks are rising, it is programs, and music videos, to the mix on portable reasonable to predict that downloading will soon surpass devices. audiocassettes as the second-place distribution method. In ■ Coolness factor: The coolness factor of the portable fact, that may have happened in 2006. (This report was playback devices may contribute to the popularity of completed before 2006 sales data were available.) digital audiobooks. Although a wildly success tech- The survey report also stated that unabridged con- nological device often eventually recedes into the January—February 2007 tent accounted for 54 percent of total sales, abridged background of our collective consciousness, most content for 36 percent, and non-book content for the re- MP3 players are still seen as cool. With their sleek maining 10 percent. Fiction garnered 58 percent of sales, styling and vibrant colors, the devices almost become compared to 32 percent for nonfiction and 10 percent for apparel accessories. 3 other types of content. ■ Confidentiality: When the earbuds are in, no one Digital audiobooks are eminently portable, but so are knows what you’re listening to. It could be a classic printed books, especially in paperback form. Several fac- work of literature or the latest bodice ripper. It could tors contribute to the success of digital audiobooks: be classical music or funk. ■ Mastery of a slightly convoluted process: Although ■ Lifestyle fit: Audiobooks fit well into today’s busy, downloading digital content from the Internet is be- active lifestyles. As an avid reader, I can report that coming easier, it still has the aura of a slightly ar- it is much easier to find situations to listen to an au- cane, techie process. By playing digital audiobooks diobook than to sit down and visually read a printed on a portable playback device, users convey that they book. I listen to audiobooks when I walk the dog, have mastered that process. exercise, wait in line, and relax in bed before falling ■ No library visit required: The joy of accessing li- asleep. In addition, many people, such as truck driv- brary materials without physically visiting the library ers and business people, travel extensively. While should not be underestimated. Libraries bring to- Library Technology ReportsLibrary Technology their eyes are on the road, their ears can be listening gether substantial collections of content and support 6 services at a cost far below the go-it-alone cost for They are designed primarily for lithe, nimble-fingered, each individual. One downside has been the incon- eagle-eyed teenagers. If you wear bifocals, or have a venience of having to visit the library to retrieve the touch of arthritis, or have low vision (or are legally content. Patrons do not need to make that visit, how-