1997-1999 Biennial Report

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1997-1999 Biennial Report 月 艮 Ε Ⅲ Ⅱ KON NURsEs。 AssOCIATI●N ■ 冖 ﹁Γ≡一 〓 ~ ¨ ≡^ π ﹁ J∵ 以丁 。 一 一 二 哕 ∴吉 J丿 △ 卜 一 〓 〓 J匚 亠 ﹁ 一 J≡ Γ ` '{ / `· ι 〓 用 ︱ r、 r'′ tr厂17卢 丿彳厂丿丿″17丁 严εε ″厂‘f 丨{勹 厂厂 ° 。 丿厂/丿 厂严r‘ ″ 丿 严1 丨{亿 ∷r厂 严汀ε `。 ``厂 `ξ BackgrouⅡ d Hospice care is one of the most important kind of care in health service。 As health is integralto Ⅱfe,hospice care is therefOre bynecessity a continuous life long process。 This need is precipitated by a shift in the demographic structure,health care needs and expectation of the population。 Therefore, interchange ofideasis Ⅴital壬or us。 The girst group of nurses graduated from’ ·{CertiⅡ cate Training on Hospice Nursing" from Bradbury Hospice & IANS, have been meeting informally but regularly since 1995。 In ord℃ r to further the development of hospice nursing in】Hong Kong,and to promote the knOwledge, ski11s and interest of hospice nurses,the idea of for1ming a hospice nurses· association emerged。 In addition,with the growing number of trained hospice nurses each year,it is necessary to have an organization specially formed to take care of this group of nurses and to work towards professionalism。 After a consult缸 ion period,"Hong Kong Hospice Nurses口 Association" was foHma11y established and was registered in Hong Kong on25th June1997under Chapter151ofthe societies Ordinance。 |哪哪 our objective 1. To promote and enhance the knowledge and ski11s of and expertise in training and development of Hospice Nursing。 2. To promote the welfare and protect the interest of nurses engaged in Hospice Care。 3. To provide for the delivery and holding of educational activities related to Hospice Care。 4. To send representatives to attend and participate in conferences and other events in training and development in a11parts of the world。 5. To grant scholarships and to make recoⅡ Ⅱnendations to any institution or organiz狨 ion whose o凵 ectives盯 e similar to those of the associauon。 6. To liaise between the association and the receptiⅤ e authorities, when necessa1γ 。 7. To coⅡ11nent on policies and enhance】 Hospice patient· s right。 8. To acquire knowledge and ski11s from oⅤ erseas experts,and transfer ortransform to Ⅱtthe local setting。 ,2 Message from sister Mary GabrieI o· Mahony Patron of The HoⅡ g Kong Hospice Nurses· Association 饧″'石 彡钐 夕 彡澎‰″扬 彡 彳‰ 彡彡 乡 '钐 扬 乡彡勿 矽∥ 易 钐 彡~ '侈刀勿钐 饣‰钐'勿 刀彡 〃冫彡 ↓ ` 夕 彳 ˉ ' ˉ 〃 钐 ″ 彡彡 彡 勇 z彡 彡'侈 彡 夕勿 饧 ‰ ″ 勿 ″ 勿F 历 〃 彡' 历 钅 ″ 钐 勿 、 产 ' 彡 衫 纟 饣 勿 彡 纟 屁 饧 歹 彡 钐 彡 夕勿 勿 ″ 彡 钐 纟彡 彡 彡 '侈 钐 '彬 彡 叨钐 彡 勿 钅 乙 '石 彡 钐 纟 多 纟 彡钐 纟 纟 纟 彡 彡 多钐 幻 ∥ 彳 '彡 ' ' 矽 饧 ″ '勿 勹 ·″ 彡 勿 勿 '勿 钐 纟 ″ 钐 ″ 彡 ″ 膨 ●纟 侈 彡乃 勿 ' '勿 多 彡 勿 钐 ∥ 彡 勿 夕 彡ˉ 彡· 彡 伤 冫 ~钐 钐 纟·彡仰 飞 勿 0/钐 包 ''彡 ' 勿 彻 溺 饧 冫 彡 多 ″ ∥ 冫 多纟 ″ ∥ 彡 侈 石 石 彡 够 纟 勿 侈 尸 严 纟 ' u饣够″刀 倪乡 彡 彡″夕彡钐彡纟 ″″%劫 印 彡 彳 '彡 诌彳 纟冖勿 ,彡 '彡 ∥‰ '纟ˉ彡 勿 〃V勹 纟 夕勿 勿 纟 饣 石 纟 彡 历 ‰ 彡 ″ ∥ 勿 ″ ' 彡彡 勿 多彡 勿 彡'彡ˉ ρ 夕 元 勿 彡 ″ 钐 饧 侈 色 〃 〃 彡 ' ''彡 ~彡 · '夕 彡 钐 ″ 勿 锊 彡 钐 ∥ 侈 钐 衫民 彡 句 印 9 彳 ″ m∥ '叼 '≥ ' '彡 勿 Ⅱ ″ 勿 彡 侈 彡砀 乡 ″ 勿 ‰ 钐 ″ 彳 〃 / 勹 乡 '彡 ''乡 ''彡 彡 钐 ∥ 彡~勿 乡 侈 ″ 免 '〃 Ⅱ ˉ 〃彡钐″彡 ″纟饣乡 彡'勿 彡彡″纟亻乡% t酬山 J· 's△ Message from Ms Lucy Chung Honorary advIsor of The Hong1Kong Hospice Nurses· Association HaⅤing wOrked with1uany nurses Over the years,I feel that thOse whO are interested in hospice、 vOrk share sOnle quaⅡ ties in cOn11uOn。 They are Often co1η passiOnate tO peOple whO are in pain and suffering,dedicated to nursing and have a deep cOlη n1itn1ent tO develOp the1TlselⅤ es persOna1ly and prOfessiOnaⅡ y。 TwO years agO,a grOup Of hOspice nurses tOld1η e thatthey wished tO fOrΠ 1a prOfessiOnal grOup an1ong nurses、 vOrking in palliative care sO thatthere wOuld be a jOined effOⅡ to develOp paⅡ ative n町si11g in HOng KOng。 I was fully suppOltive tO this idca。 In these two years,I haⅤ e seen hOw end1usiastically they、ⅤOrk tO111ake their drea1η s co1η e true。 You can alsO read1℃ On1this repOrt,、 Ⅴhat has bcen achieved by the new lHOspice Nurses· AssOciatiOn in such a th11e is an1azh1g。 This re∏ ect their dedicatiOn and cOn1Π 1it1η enttO nursing and tO thOsc thcy scrve∶ and gives us hOpe that pal1iatiⅤ e nursing wⅡ l cOntinue to dcvelOp and l11ature in HOng KOng。 As the flrst executive cOlulη ittee has cOn1pleted their tern1ofser`/ice and a new cOⅡunittee will be elected,I wish the AssOciatiOn allthe bestin cOntinuing its valuable service to the nursing prOfessiOn and the cOn11η unity。 LI‘ cv C乃 3rr?g :氵 ˇ 卩 卜 )‘ Message froⅡ1{Chairperson It has always been Our beⅡ ef that Only through jOined effort of nurses that could we leaHa best,share with and care fOr Our staff and cOlleagues。 In June1997,we have taken a cOurageOus1η OvetO setup the Hong Kong Hospice Nurses’ AssOciation(HKHNA). r During the part18mOnths,the HKHNA has carried Out Π1any activities。 ft獬 These included for1η ing subco1η lη ittees for Organizing training and 。 educatiOn,welfare and interest,promotiOnal actiⅤ ities,recruit1nent,and `礻 participation in variOus work groups and coInΠ 1ittees serⅤ ing si1nilar ol(,1jectives as ours。 In fact,our s狨 isfactiOn derives from the feedback, a3hr1mation and encouragement frOm our cOlleagues and coΠ Ⅱnunity agenc1es。 As chairpersOn ofthe HOng KOng lHOspice Nurses· AssOciation,I share the honor with the{CouncⅡ 】members in prOviding all the services fOr professional interface。 On behalfofthe HKHNA,I wOuld like to extend Our gratitude tO our adⅤ isors, and all organizatiOns which have generously and selflessly contributed tO our serⅤ ice。 Finally, may I call upon your continual support tO enhance better hospice nursing services。 Let· s join hands and keep hospice care moⅤ 1ng。 CFc曰 Po-彳 刀彳vj曰 刀 `】 organization Chart Patr● Ⅱs Ji!!ii}′ r ⅡJil|}∷.彳Il′ li,Cε DrJ纟 J sr〃L Cr纟 εnεy Th● C● uⅡ c" C● Ⅱsu:tat:ˇ e :s● ry B● ard ^dˇ C● mm:ttee i1冫 ‘【t,CHⅡⅣC,L刃 cy 姒、L/马 CJ四 r纟 ″rs FI/NC,Ⅳ纟 sr M色刃r纟 纟刀砌rcCj刀 J‘v 'Jy MsL♂Ⅵ、s刃 sJ纟 Ms y乙WGⅣ 纟v臼 〃、LJ△ F臼 jr力 MFPOVNE`,/刀 ,刂 ' 'r纟 ■Ⅱterest Pr● m●t:● Ⅱ Recru:tme"t Tra■ Ⅱg a & & subc●"■m■ We:fare P烈 y Ⅲe茹 subc● m■ 辟 艹茁Pip j刃 /刀 刀ε LJ C力 s四 刃Lj刀 g 彳v9四 刀Chε 刀 EJ四 J刀 纟」lI‘ ‘r‘历,刀 E'J纟 刀1咱 刀g P力 o纟 D纟 L纟 刃刀g 肠刀g Mα屠C此 J刃 s四 rε 力sJ Cε cj`j曰 'J饣Kwε 刀 L召 叨刀g Mα刀9怃zj DJrJs C力 纟刃刀g C屁 曰刀L曰 j Ng@r Edit● r:a:B● ard 肠刀匆L四 j Mαry Lj叨 C乃 仍刀g@j Bj刀g △ 一 ■ 1玉 压 k阝 Γ ⒈ ︱ }l · The∶ ||∶ ∶ii|rst members ofthe councⅡ Chairperson C而 ε刀Po Ⅱ仂,/” J四 刀 Vice Chairperson MG刀 sJ刃 LJmg,EJcJ刀 纟 Hon。 secretary 1[9190召 刃 刀g仂 刃 刀 Fo刀 g,D口 r沁 Hon。 Treasurer 彡饣刀g冂‰J FJ刀 g,EJJF刀 Council Members LJ OJ丿吼9巧 z亻 ‘刀刀四 sJ sj刀 吻 讠s臼 r四 力 Cˇ汀刃s臼 刃Lj刀 g L四 1McJ H臼 r,;Ⅱ9亻1,刀 JJ, L纟刃刀g5々纟肠讠P凡 口纟D纟 ⅣQ刀g Ma七 C饧 j刃 Recruit■ment Notes Up to January1999,there were72ordinary1nembers and72associate rnembers registered。 E冫 istribution ofmembers as follow∶ 0)rdinary了 nember Associate1nember ∷Alice Ho Mh Ling Nethersole Hospital l Bradbury Hospice 9 l C0ritas Medical Centre 3 10 DepartInent of Health 1 ∷¤uchess ofKent ChⅡ dren Hospital 1 G}rantham Hospital 2 9 3 ∷HIven ofHope Hospital HK Buddhist Hospital ∷∷K0wloon Hospita1 2 854 Nam Long Hospital 1 ouF Lady ofMary Knoll Hospital 3 Pok Oi Hospital 2 ∷ⅡPFince ofWales Hospital 1 Private ⅡQuoen Elizabeth Hospita1 2 Queen Mary Hosp1tal 7 RuttonJee Hosp1ta1 2 11 Shatin Hospital 8 3 ∷s。0iety for AIDs Care 1 6 Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care l ∷∷Tu0n Muh Hospital 10 9 United Christian Hospital 2 7 ∷Wong Tai sin Hospital 5 3 FinanciaI■ ⅡghⅡght s刃 〃〃εry Jr姒 cJ〃 纟&EJpε 刀 rε 户J〃 25.6。 夕7ro Jr。 F2。 9J 'Jr刃 INCOM[E TotalIncome HK$70,891.50 EXPENDITURE stage HK$90.00 charges HK$103.90 Sl,525.00 !I:l1rge for RO。 Box ∶ HKSl,000.00 Sundγ 3.00 Total Expendi"re HK$41,929.30 EJc‘ Js Jrr刀 co昭 纟JV‘ r EXp‘ 昭 r‘。¨¨。。。」HFJ2J,9犭 2。 2J 'JrⅡ TrainiⅡg and∶EducationaI Programs TO pro1η Ote and enhance the knOwledge and skⅡ ls HOspice Nurse Specialists9Ms Cecilia Kwan,Ms OfhOspice nursing,a series OfeducatiOnal activities EⅡ en Yeung and Ms Anna Li shared their cⅡ nical has been Organized by The HOng KOng HOspice cxperiences with participants。 Over40nurses f1。 Oln Nurses△ ⒋ssOciatiOn。 diκerent hOspice and OncOlogy units attended the On Feb201998,the scientiflc prOgran1fOllOwing lecture(target at30)。 the flrst inauguratiOn lueeting Of The Hong KOng On Septe1η ber23,1998,we were delighted tO have HOspice Nurses· AssOciatiOn was held狨 RuttO犭 ee Ms Liu Fung Ming9Ph。 D。 (廖凰l明博士)臼 ving atalk HOspital。 It was Our honOrtO have Dr。 Peter W。 H。 on "The view of death froⅡ l different Lee9 Ph。 D。 and Ms Lucy Chung, EducatiOn perspectives" cOnsultant to give us lectures On "BereaVement (生 死 亡面面 care" and "Be There, Where it hurts" 度 觐)。 The se1n1nar was respectiⅤ ely。 Participants were all h11presscd by their case study and experience sharing。 very lntercst1ng and enhghtening, On June191998we cO-Organized with SOciety for which attracted AlDS Care and SOciety fOr the Pro1ηotiOn Of 1η Ore than 100 Hospice Care to mn a workshOp On "Healing part1c1pants。 techniques for carers"。 Techniques included "Therapeutic tOuch,Heung Kung(香 功)and On March131999,the I-IKHNA co-organized with Reiki",were all Ⅴery new tO us and participants the SOciety OfPaⅡ iative Medicine for a seΠ 1inar On e犭 Oyed the demOnstratiOn very much。 "spiritual Care for the TerⅡ linaⅡy IⅡ Patients and their FaΠ liⅡ es"。 Reverend Tho1nas lKwan In Septe1nbe△ three workshOps were held by (CathOlic)and V3nerable Sik Hin Hung(Buddhist) SOciety forthe Pro1nOtiOn ofHOspice Care and The were invited as speakers fOr the selη inar。 It was HOng KOng HOspice Nurses· Association。 Mrs OⅤ erwhelrningly successful with n1ore than 70 Ruth Sulη mers frOm U。 K。 was inⅤited to run · participants(target at50)。 丨 wOrkshOps On· ’lHospice MaⅡ agement for Nurse Manager"and"(CIinical Audit"On4and16of The HOng KOng Hospice Nurses’ AssOciation alsO Septe1Tlber respectively。 iⅤ · Chairpers。 n,
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