Alessandra Fratini A.Fratini@Fratinivergano.Eu
WebConference on postal, delivery and ecommerce economics and policy 19 May 2020 Summary I. Role of the State/State aid: overview of measures & legal bases 1. Non-aid 2. Compensation of USO 3. Compensation of other SGEIs provided by postal operators or via postal network 4. Pension relief 5. State guarantees 6. Other measures II. Role of the State/State aid in COVID-19 times 1. Temporary Framework: liquidity measures, recapitalisation? 2. FDI screening? 2 Measures&legal bases 1/6 1 Measures not constituting State aid Poste Italiane: remuneration of current account deposited with Treasury (2008, 2019: no advantage); remuneration for distribution of postal saving products (2006: MEIP; 2008: Altmark 4) Royal Mail: 3 loans measures (2009: MEIP) bpost: 2 capital injections (2003, 2012: MEIP) Correos: 3 capital injections (2018: MEIP) Post Danmark: capital injection by PostNord; VAT exemption under Article 132(1)(a) of VAT Directive (2018: not imputable to State) 3 Measures&legal bases 2/6 2 Compensation of USO - Article 106(2) TFUE 1. Poczta Polska: 2006, 2009, 2015 (compensation fund) 2. ELTA: 2003, 2012, 2014 (compensation fund withdrawn) 3. Poste Italiane: 2002, 2008, 2012, 2015 4. bpost: 2003, 2015 5. Correos: 2018, 2020 6. Czech Post: 2018 7. Post Danmark: 2018 4 Measures&legal bases 3/6 Compensation of other SGEIs - Article 106(2) TFUE 3 AnPost: 2002 (counter network) Posten AB: 2002 (basic cashier services) Post Office Ltd: 2007, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2018 (post offices network and over-the-counter access to a set of services) Poste
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