Will Duckworth - working for you in

Netherton, Woodside and St. Andrew's Special edition – March 2012

Green Party Leader Backs

Will Duckworth For Last month Leader MP paid a visit to Dudley to show her support for

local candidate Will Duckworth.

This was one of only two such visits

Caroline made in the whole of the , showing just how much she is behind Will’s bid to become Dudley’s first ever Green

Party Councillor. Caroline Lucas MP Will Duckworth Caroline Lucas knows all about making history herself. She was elected as the Green Party’s first

MP in May 2010. Since then she has worked tirelessly, fighting the tax evasion practised by multinational corporations that costs the country billions every year, calling for the

Government to make rail travel affordable and opposing cuts that hurt those on low incomes.

Even though she is the only Green MP, Caroline was named the most influential MP of 2011.

Caroline said, "I visited Will Duckworth to lend my support to his campaign. Will introduced me to local residents with poor heating and

insulation, who are being badly let down by their Council .

I know Will is working hard to support everyone in his ward and would make an excellent Councillor. In May, Dudley has the opportunity to get its first Green voice on the

Council – and Will Duckworth is that voice ." Reproduced by kind permission of Dudley News

WILL DUCKWORTH - Here all year round, not just at election time A Regional Figure Working Locally for You

Anyone who knows Will would tell

you that he is absolutely dedicated to his work for the people of Netherton, Woodside and St Andrew’s.

But not everyone knows that Will is also one of the Green Party’s leading figures throughout the whole of the West Midlands region.

Will has represented the Green Party and appeared on local and national

Will Duckworth regularly appears on BBC Midlands Today TV and radio many times. Don’t miss Will’s next TV appearance, where he will be speaking up for you and the whole region, calling for more jobs on the Midlands Today Debate on Monday 19 th March, 10.35pm, BBC1 . Set your video now! With YOUR Help Will Can Win

At local elections last May your Labour, Conservative and LibDem candidates each got around 1,000 fewer votes than the year before . Will Duckworth was the only candidate to buck the trend – with a massive increase in support – up 900 votes , each one earned by sheer hard work .

In May you can help elect Will Duckworth as a Councillor, giving him an even better position to help the people of Netherton, Woodside and St Andrew’s – a massive win for everyone in the area.

Will is local. Will is working hard for you. This May, please support him with your vote.

Here to help. Always glad to hear from you. If you would like to tell Will about any issue or to find out more about the Green Party then please contact Will:

Post: 122 Cinder Bank, Netherton, DY2 9BP Email: [email protected] Phone: 01384 238836 or 07711 726849 Web:

Will is local, listening and working for you

Learn more about our policies and become a member by visiting www

Will Duckworth “Stop me in Dudley Green Party on Facebook the street and talk to me.”

Printed, published and promoted by Will Duckworth, on behalf of Dudley Green Party, both of 122 Cinder Bank, Netherton, Dudley, West Midlands, DY2 9BP.