GREEN VIEW Supporting Will Duckworth for Netherton, Woodside and St. Andrew's WILL DUCKWORTH FOR COUNCILLOR Will Duckworth is the Candidate for the council elections in Netherton Woodside and St Andrew's. ● He was born and brought up in the and has lived in Netherton for more than 25 years. ● He was a teacher at Hillcrest for more than 20 years before retiring from teaching. ● He was a governor of Hillcrest School for 8 years. ● His son went to Northfield Road and Hillcrest schools. ● He is a member of the friends of Netherton Park. ● He regularly attends local police meetings. ● He is a member of the Baptist End Allotment association. ● Will has taken up over 200 issues with the council and other agencies since starting to ask people about their problems. It's WILL DUCKWORTH or LABOUR on MAY 5th This graph shows the results of the canvassing we have been doing in this area. It means that the Green Party is the only real opposition to Labour in the LABOUR GREEN CONSERVATIVE OTHER Council elections on May 5th. Promoted by and on behalf of W Duckworth, both of 122 Cinder Bank, Netherton DY2 9BP printed by Birmingham Green Party at 28 Bond Street, Birmingham B30 2LA THERE IS ANOTHER WAY At their Spring Conference recently, in a response to the huge bonuses and profits announced by British banks Green Party spokesperson Will Duckworth co-sponsored a motion together with Green Party leader . The motion succeeded in introducing a party policy to levy a windfall tax of 50% on bank profits, which would produce about £12.5 Billion - enough to pay for half a million public sector jobs this year. Will said “There are alternatives to the cuts that this Government and our Council are imposing Will with Caroline Lucas on us”. the Green Party leader The local issues This is a local election and there are many things that nedd pushing in the Council now. ● We need more council houses available for rent. ● Council houses need to be brought up to descent standards. ● We need to tackle waste and excessive pay within the Council. ● Stray horses need to be dealt with. ● Pot holes need to be dealt with before they get too dangerous. ● Local residents need to be consulted before things are done in the area. ● Litter needs to be tackled in many areas. Vote Will Duckworth X Vote Green Party X

Contact us: Will Duckworth, 122 Cinder Bank, Netherton, DY2 9BP. E-mail at: [email protected] By phone on 01384 238836, 07711726849 , check our local web site: Find Dudley Green Party on Facebook, or stop me in the street and talk to me.

Will Duckworth and Dudley Green Party. Here all year round not just at election time. Can one Green Councillor If you think that it is time to elect someone on the council who really cares make a difference ? about local people then it is time to; We have 44 Conservative and 26 Labour Councillors in Dudley. VOTE for Will Duckworth Will one more or less of them make any difference to a Council that is not protecting the jobs Vote and services that we need. One X Green Party MP has made a difference in Parliament and Will Green Party Duckworth could make a difference to Dudley Council. on May 5th

Will is Working for You Will has taken up about 200 issues with the council and other agencies since starting to ask people about their problems. These range from one person who needed help to work his washing machine to many Council Tenants who need their homes brought up to the Government's decent homes standard and one teenage school pupil who has to stay indoors while his electric wheel chair stays at his school because the Council take more than a year to fit a ramp to the door of severely disabled tenants. Will thinks that you deserve councillors who take your problems seriously and promisses to fight for you if he gets elected on May 5th. The National issues ● We need to fight against unnecessary cuts. ● The super rich need to pay their fair share and stop dodging tax. ● We need to stop short term thinking, starting big projects then cancelling them. ● We need to boost jobs and get Britain back to work.