nhbs annual new and forthcoming titles Issue: 2000 complete January 2001
[email protected] +44 (0)1803 865913 The NHBS Monthly Catalogue in a complete yearly edition Zoology: Mammals Birds Welcome to the Complete 2000 edition of the NHBS Monthly Catalogue, the ultimate Reptiles & Amphibians buyer's guide to new and forthcoming titles in natural history, conservation and the Fishes environment. With 300-400 new titles sourced every month from publishers and research organisations around the world, the catalogue provides key bibliographic data Invertebrates plus convenient hyperlinks to more complete information and nhbs.com online Palaeontology shopping - an invaluable resource. Each month's catalogue is sent out as an HTML Marine & Freshwater Biology email to registered subscribers (a plain text version is available on request). It is also General Natural History available online, and offered as a PDF download. Regional & Travel Please see our info page for more details, also our standard terms and conditions. Botany & Plant Science Prices are correct at the time of publication, please check www.nhbs.com for the Animal & General Biology latest prices. Evolutionary Biology Ecology Habitats & Ecosystems Conservation & Biodiversity Environmental Science Physical Sciences Sustainable Development Data Analysis Reference Mammals Activity Patterns in Small Mammals 318 pages | 59 figs, 11 tabs | Springer An Ecological Approach Hbk | 2000 | 354059244X | #109391A | Edited by S Halle and NC Stenseth £100.00 BUY Links chronobiology with behavioural and evolutionary ecology, drawing on research on mammals ranging from mongooses and civets to weasels, martens and shrews. .... African Rhino 92 pages | B/w photos, figs, tabs | IUCN Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan Pbk | 1999 | 2831705029 | #106031A | Richard Emslie and Martin Brooks £15.00 BUY Action plan aimed at donors, government and non-government organisations, and all those involved in rhino conservation.