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18 EMBL December 2003 &cetera Newsletter of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory Monterotondo celebrates mouse house 8 Under the 3D microscope 3 EMBL DG joins Pontifical Academy 5 “Centres” to promote cross-Unit research We know that lots of you have been waiting to do your “dream” inter- There must be something disciplinary research project – if you could just link up to the right collaborators, get input from a group in a dark corridor way down behind the Mosquito in the water at EMBL Feeding Room, and ...what was that other thing? Oh yes, funding. Well, here’s Five of them were born in Monte- your chance. EMBL is establishing several new thematic “Centres” to more rotondo in the past year alone, and actively encourage new projects across disciplines and EMBL Units. another’s on the way... Photos with Coordinators of the Centres are currently soliciting project proposals. Find out birth dates, birth weights and other more on page 2 measurements are taking over Programme announcement boards. Science in the European Constitution Practically the entire Mattaj lab The European Union is making history by involving citizens in composing a new seems to have been infected with the Constitution – and science is mentioned. The new treaty will have an impact on virus... European research policy and its implementation. Claus Madsen from the Across the EMBL sites kiddywinks, European Southern Observatory and Christian Boulin explain on page 4 Nachwuchs, bambini and enfants terri- bles are popping up everywhere. Grand challenges in global health EMBL is undergoing a veritable baby boom. Is it something in the water? In October, the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health and the Bill and EMBL&cetera contributor Selene Melinda Gates Foundation announced the first 14 scientific challenges that will States investigates... on page 10 be the focus of the “Grand Challenges in Global Health” initiative – a $200-mil- lion medical research project which aims to help overcome roadblocks and lead to rapid progress against diseases affecting the developing world. EMBL Director-General Fotis C. Kafatos was one of three European experts to partici- pate on the project’s scientific board. Learn more about this exciting initiative at in this issue... A creative approach to “Physics and Life” 3D microscopy 3 If you couldn’t find a good physics or biology teacher during the second week of November, it’s because they had all ridden the train, flown, or biked to molecular medicine 3 Noordwijk on the coast of Holland. Their destination was the campus of the strategic forward look 4 European Space Agency, where they made loud noises, blew things up, explored bizarre uses of magnetism, or put on performances to demonstrate science and society 6 the best of European high school science teaching. (Not to forget the liquid PhD student symposium 7 nitrogen ice cream.) This was the third Physics on Stage, sponsored by the EIROforum (that includes EMBL) and the European Commission. EMBL is the EMBO corner 9 helping to collect the products – a set of unique classroom teaching resources news & events 11 – into a public on-line collection. A good time was had by all, especially by Eric Karsenti, who explained the wonders of microtubules and self-organization in people@EMBL 12 the keynote speech. Find out more at the EIROforum website: EMBL&cetera Issue 18 - December 2003 Joint appointments and Centres to strengthen EMBL’s cross-disciplinary research As research in the life sciences moves Centres will also facilitate the development tional know-how throughout all Units of toward Systems Biology (a shift away from of methods and rapid technology exchange EMBL. (Coordinators: P. Bork, V. Lamzin, J. “one gene - one function” thinking towards across the Laboratory. They will provide Thornton) viewing living systems as based on integrat- important input to the development of the Disease Mechanisms. This Centre will ed molecular complexes), EMBL finds itself Laboratory’s core facilities. extend and reinforce the laboratory’s current well positioned to face new challenges. Currently the Units administer most Molecular Medicine activities and strength- Though the Laboratory has a strong tradi- research resources: personnel, budgets and en initiatives of EMBL faculty members in tion in fostering collaborative research, most shared equipment. Centres should be more the use of mammalian and lower organism collaborations involve only two groups and flexible and dynamic, open to new partici- models to investigate the mechanisms of happen within Units more often than across pants, quickly adapting to changes of human diseases. (Coordinators: M. Hentze, N. them. EMBL has introduced two mecha- emphasis within molecular biology. New Rosenthal, M. Pasparakis, J. Wittbrodt) nisms to promote interdisciplinary activities projects will be supported by modest funds more widely, systematically and effectively: High-Throughput Functional Genomics. from the Lab, matched by the Units of the 1. Joint appointments. More than 20 Group This Centre aims to promote and facilitate participating groups. Through the Centres, high-throughput approaches essential for Leaders have now been appointed to two Units will have the chance to invest in larg- different EMBL Units, strengthening efficient studies on functional genomics. er-scale collaborative research projects that Participants will share and cooperatively exchange across the Laboratory. they want to do, but might not be able to do develop their expertise in all aspects of high- 2. EMBL Centres. EMBL is establishing a on their own. throughput biology, and will reinforce the number of thematic “Centres” to promote Coordinators of the Centres are currently shared infrastructure of EMBL. (Coordinators: new projects across disciplines and EMBL soliciting ideas for activities. Project propos- E. Furlong, F.C. Kafatos, L. Steinmetz) Units. They will involve many scientists als will be discussed and decided upon by (from Group Leaders to PhD students), in Molecular and Cellular Imaging. Imaging the end of this year. If you are interested in critical areas that cut across EMBL’s vertical is now a crucial technology for research at all participating, contact a coordinator. structure represented by the Units. levels of biological organisation, from the The Centres currently being developed are: The Centres will be virtual, rather than lim- atom to the organism. This Centre will make ited to one EMBL site, catalysing the creation Computational Biology. This Centre will imaging tools and training widely available of electronic as well as "in person" discussion include scientists whose major focus is the across the Laboratory. It will integrate the groups, seminar series, workshops, and use and development of computational best software packages and algorithms into retreats of faculty members in different Units tools, and experimentalists whose research an appropriate computing infrastructure, who have similar or complementary techni- interests now heavily depend on computa- and thus produce a valuable and evolving cal and intellectual interests. Centre websites tional approaches. The major goals are the set of tools of use to structural, cell, develop- will provide information, expertise, and a efficient and wide dissemination of software mental and computational biologists. means of communication. tools and the spread of advanced computa- (Coordinators: J. Ellenberg, M. Wilmanns) report from the heads of units meeting First joint PhD degrees from EMBL and Heidelberg University awarded The Heads of EMBL’s Units (Research Prog- Christoph Müller, Pernille Rørth and Rolf rammes in Heidelberg and Monterotondo, Apweiler will organize both activities. plus the Outstations) meet regularly to dis- 3. Beamline scientists to meet. Beamline sci- cuss developments affecting the Laboratory. entists working at different EMBL sites will Their last session was held on November 6- now hold regular meetings in order to coor- 7 at EMBL-Monterotondo. Here are some dinate efforts. When possible, meetings will key points that were discussed: take place in conjuction with other events 1. EMBL Centres. Following a status report such as Lab Day or SPINE meetings. The on the development of the Centres, (see first will be coordinated by Stephen Cusack above), coordinators of the Centres were and Matthias Wilmanns. The possibility of asked to identify interested participants extending these meetings to include other On Saturday, November 15, 2003, (Group Leaders, postdocs, PhD students) EMBL staff working on instrumentation will Clemens Grabher and Thomas Vaccari and gather project proposals to be discussed be discussed. received their joint PhD degrees with Heidelberg University during a festive and decided upon by the end of this year. 4. In an effort to integrate IT projects and Web sites will be introduced to support com- ceremony in the magnificent “Alte experience and needs throughout the Aula.” These degrees are the first to be munication within the virtual Centres. Laboratory, IT staff from across EMBL sites awarded jointly by EMBL and Heidel- Mechanisms to improve internal communi- will hold regular meetings. The proposed berg University since the two institutes cations throughout the Lab were also dis- first topic of discussion is IBM servers. Peter signed a partnership agreement in cussed. Stoehr (EBI) will head up this initiative. December 2002. Uli Wiehe also received 2. Key dates for next year. Lab Day will take 5. The Spanish Ministry will fund three his degree from the University during place on June 15-16, 2004, at the main new postdoctoral fellowships to enable the ceremony. From left to right are: Nils Metzler-Nolte (Vice-Dean, Heidelberg Laboratory in Heidelberg. Spanish researchers to join groups at EMBL University), Clemens, Matthias Hentze The Faculty Retreat will take place on working in one of four specific research (Dean of EMBL's Graduate Studies December 3-5, 2004, near Grenoble, and will areas: systems biology, structural biology, Programme), Thomas and Uli. include both strategic and scientific topics. bioinformatics, and structural genomics.