
Date: 19 July 2017

Item: Commissioner’s Report

This paper will be considered in public

1 Summary 1.1 This report provides an overview of major issues and developments since the meeting of the Board held on 29 March 2017 and updates the Board on significant projects and initiatives.

2 Recommendation 2.1 That the Board note the report.

List of appendices to this report:

Commissioner’s Report – July 2017

List of Background Papers:


Mike Brown MVO Commissioner Transport for July 2017 Commissioner’s Report 19 July 2017 About (TfL) Contents

Part of the Greater London Authority family of organisations led by Mayor of London 1 Introduction 4 Sadiq Khan, we are the integrated transport authority responsible for delivering the Mayor's strategy and commitments on transport. 2 Safety, health and security 5

As a core element in the Mayor’s overall plan for London, our purpose is to keep London 3 Planning and delivery 12 moving, working and growing, and to make life in our city better. We reinvest all of our income to run and improve London’s transport services and to make it safer, more 4 Our customers 40 modern and affordable for everyone. 5 Our people 46 Our operational responsibilities include , , , , TfL Rail, , , London 6 Securing value 52 Dial-a-Ride, , and the Emirates Air Line.

On the roads, we regulate taxis and the private hire trade, run the Congestion Charging scheme, manage the city’s 580km red route network, operate all of the Capital’s 6,300 traffic signals and work to ensure a safe environment for all road users.

We are delivering one of the world’s largest programmes of transport capital investment, which is building the Elizabeth line, modernising Tube services and stations, transforming the road network and making it safer, especially for more vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists.

We work hard to make journeys easier through effective use of technology and data. We provide modern ways to pay through Oyster and contactless payment cards and provide information in a wide range of formats to help people move around London.

Real-time travel information is provided directly by us and through third party organisations, which use the data we make openly and freely available to power apps and other services.

We listen to, and act upon, feedback and complaints to constantly improve our services and work with boroughs, communities, representative groups, businesses and many other stakeholders to shape transport provision in London.

Improving and expanding is central to driving economic growth, jobs and housing throughout the United Kingdom. Under the Mayor’s housing strategy, we are using our surplus land to provide thousands of new, affordable homes. Our own supply chain creates tens of thousands of jobs and apprenticeships across the country.

Commissioner’s Report 3 This paper will be considered in public 1 Introduction 2 Safety, health and security

This report provides a review of major Attacks on , Manchester, Khadija Saye, died in the fire, and others issues and developments since the Board London Bridge and Finsbury Park have been affected through their meeting of 29 March. Our thoughts are with everyone affected family and friends. Khadija, a talented by these dreadful acts of terrorism and photographer, worked for the museum we join the country in admiration for our in a number of roles. She joined the wonderful emergency services who dealt museum’s Young Freelancers Programme, with them so bravely. We responded which enables more young people to immediately to the three London work in creative industries, at the start attacks and stood up our operational of 2016. Through training, mentoring command structures to support the and paid work opportunities within the emergency services and worked with Learning team, Khadija excelled while the Service (MPS) working on the Family Programme to deploy enhanced hostile vehicle and the Route into Work scheme. mitigation measures. We will, of course, Photography was her passion and continue to support the authorities and this shone through when she became to make sure London remains fully the museum’s photographer for family open for business. and learning activities. Her art is being displayed in Italy, at the 57th Grenfell Tower Venice Biennale. We have also sought to support those affected by the terrible fire at Our thoughts go out to the victims and Grenfell Tower. Our Lost Property their families as well as the community Office team helped on location with in North Kensington. We remain ready to the logistics of handling the generous provide whatever further assistance the donations from the public and our local community might need, now and in Contact Centre Team has also been on the longer-term. hand to supply free Oyster cards. We also offered our vacant arch units in Croydon tram derailment Shepherd’s Bush for storage and enabled On 26 June, a paper was brought to collections on behalf of the British Red the Safety, Sustainability and Human Cross London Fire Relief Fund. We have Resources Panel with the most recent been operating a free shuttle bus service update on investigations into the between the Community Assistance tragic derailment. Centre, at the Westway Sports Centre, and the hotels where large numbers of Discussions have been held with the families have been temporarily housed. London Borough of Croydon on a memorial and longer term community Tragically, one of our young freelancers support arrangements. at the Museum,

4 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 5 We continue to work with the Rail of platforms yellow to make them more Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) to visible to train operators and customers. support its investigation, and with the This was suggested by our train Office of Rail and Road (ORR) and the operators. We have also repainted the British Transport Police (BTP) who are also yellow and white lines at all 20 stations conducting investigations. with the highest risk.

We continue to work on the development The last D-stock train was removed from of in-cab systems for monitoring and service on the on 21 April managing tram speed to provide live 2017, meaning that only the new S-stock tracking and speed warnings. Such trains now run on the line. As a result, we To improve Tube safety, we have repainted the systems are rare on trams, so we are are now able to start works to reduce the yellow lines at the most high-risk stations seeking input from the wider industry to gap between the platform and the train help support us in development and as to further improve safety. rapid an introduction as possible. • The lifts and escalators team, including and new cameras offering the Manual handling training our contractors, has gone more than driver 360-degree visibility, thus We immediately alerted the RAIB and We have introduced bespoke manual 430 days without a lost time injury increasing safety for other road users. the ORR to media reports about fatigued handling training, developed specifically Interchangeable liveries mean they can drivers, with a driver appearing to be for maintenance teams working Industry good practice be turned into police trucks, which asleep at the controls of a stopped tram. in restrictive environments when The ORR and the HSE have identified enables them to be driven by BTP officers The ORR confirmed it is investigating this maintaining, inspecting and fixing track LU as good construction practitioners, under blue-light conditions as necessary. independently of the derailment. and signals equipment in deep Tube in particular for the application of the tunnels. This will reduce the risk of Construction (Design and Management) The ERU engineers are highly skilled, with We continue to exercise rigour over the injuries by providing our employees with Regulations on complex sites. The qualifications ranging from rerailing trains end-to-end process for acting upon practical techniques and guidance. HSE is working with us to develop case to dealing with floods and managing safety-related complaints across all forms study material to share with the biohazards. The team works mainly with of transport. This includes working closely Incident-free working construction industry and other metros LU but also supports the DLR, London with FirstGroup, whose company, Tram The importance of safety runs through for training purposes. Trams and train operating companies Operations Limited, operates the trams, everything we do and this is reflected by such as and South West Trains. to ensure all tram-related complaints are two teams within LU who have achieved Emergency Response Unit reviewed and appropriate action taken. significant safety performance: Our Emergency Response Unit (ERU) Streets Our thoughts remain with those affected. has recently received 10 new vehicles, Safer Junctions evidence analysis • The modernisation programme on which were designed and manufactured On 19 April, the Walking and Cycling London Underground (LU) the Circle, District, Hammersmith & by coachbuilder John Dennis using Commissioner, Will Norman, appeared Improving safety on platforms City and Metropolitan lines has now Volvo trucks. before the London Assembly Transport A significant proportion of accidents had more than 1.2 million working Committee to set out his priorities for happen while people get on or off trains. hours without a Health and Safety Improvements include better increasing walking and cycling in London. As part of our action to improve safety, Executive (HSE) reportable incident accessibility to on-board equipment via He explained the analysis completed we have painted the barriers at the end pull-out units; enhanced floodlighting; to identify a programme of Safer

6 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 7 Junctions across London. A number of March. The scheme focused achieving a 70 per cent reduction against the fleet. This is one of a of junctions on the TfL Road Network on: addressing safety concerns by 2005-09 levels in the number of people range of road safety measures (TLRN) were identified by analysing our widening footways and extending traffic killed or seriously injured by a bus by contributing towards the Mayor’s most recent data to find those with the islands to reduce traffic speeds; raising 2022, with zero people killed in or by a Vision Zero approach. highest number of collisions involving zebra crossings on all four sides of the London bus by 2030. pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. junction to slow traffic on the approach We are awaiting responses to our to the roundabout; and installing clearer There are six main workstreams: invitation to tender for a supplier to A number of these junctions already lane markings to improve vehicle lane harness the best technologies that can had improvements planned, and further discipline. The changes also provide 1. Vehicle Design and Bus Safety Standard: avoid or reduce the severity of incidents. analysis will identify a final list of more space for pedestrians and develop a world-leading bus safety We expect to announce the successful locations where new safety schemes improve the crossings. We launched a standard for London, and roll out bidder during the summer. will be initiated. public consultation on proposals for Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) transformative longer-term solutions We have launched a new safety South at both the northern and southern 2. Contracts and Performance performance index for bus services, This scheme will introduce significant roundabouts, which began on 26 June. Management: update TfL’s bus which combines a number of safety improvements and connectivity for contracts to include new safety indicators to improve overall safety pedestrians and cyclists, tackling Bank Junction requirements and incentives performance of the network. The an intimidating junction currently On 22 May, the indicators have been selected on the basis dominated by motor traffic. Following Corporation delivered its 'Bank on 3. Driver Training: provide a new safety of having clear potential to affect overall the Westminster attack on 22 March, Safety' scheme. It provides short-term training module to all 25,000 drivers safety performance. This approach has and after careful consideration and road safety benefits while long-term been successfully used for a number of discussion with all key stakeholders proposals are developed and consulted 4. Sarah Hope Line: provide a UK first years in our rail businesses. including Parliamentary Estates, on for the All Change at Bank project. We Incident Support Service for those Westminster Council and Lambeth have been working closely with City of affected by fatal or serious injuries To complement the index, revised Council, construction began on 18 April London colleagues to manage the new assurance arrangements have been with works initially around the gyratory weekday restrictions for vehicles, which 5. Bus Collision Data: publish introduced for bus operators. These south of Westminster Bridge. Work on include the exclusion of cyclists and taxis. additional bus collision data replace the annual audit of their health the bridge itself will start later this year We have been carefully managing the and make it more accessible and safety management systems with and will introduce segregated cycle lanes impact on the wider network and have continuous monitoring of the ‘safety on both sides of the carriageway. The seen a limited effect to date as predicted 6. Transparency: provide maturity’ of their organisations. This full scheme is due to be completed in our traffic modelling. We will continue greater transparency on bus enhances the regular dialogue with by early 2018. monitoring as the scheme beds in. collision investigations. operators regarding safety performance, as well as encouraging greater Lambeth Bridge northern and Buses Bus manufacturers Alexander Dennis and collaboration between operators to learn southern roundabouts Safety programme Wrightbus have been appointed delivery lessons and share good practices to drive We finalised interim road safety We are committed to improving bus partners to help us develop a bus safety down risk and injuries. improvements at Lambeth Bridge safety standards in line with the Mayor’s standard for London – a revised technical northern roundabout at the end Transport Strategy (MTS) targets of specification for new vehicles entering

8 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 9 We will also publish details of research particularly useful for employees who do this summer that formed the basis not operate from a ‘base’ location. The of equipment trials and our analysis application also means we can respond of police investigations into fatal bus to incidents on the network faster, as an collisions, along with our report into a employee’s proximity to a specific event trial of Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) can be seen from the control room. – safety technology that alerts drivers when they exceed the speed limit. Roll- out of ISA will start in December this year with all London buses fitted with ISA by 2022.

Enhanced safety arrangements Non-operational employees across TfL now have online access to British Safety Council accredited training, that helps them identify and control health and safety risks on our networks. This replaces classroom-based training and allows more people to benefit from this valuable course.

In support of the Mayor's commitment to increase the number of compliance officers within Taxi and Private Hire (TPH) by 250, we have delivered an intensive programme of safety training to new officers. The programme encompasses our British Safety Council accredited course and conflict avoidance. To date, we have recruited 245 officers.

CentreComm, the London Buses control room, has introduced SafeApp which allows employees working remotely to sign-on at the start of their shift using a mobile device, and confirm they are fit and well at the end of their shift. This is CentreComm, the London Buses control room, is using SafeApp, which ensures a faster response to issues on the network

10 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 11 3 Planning and delivery

Mayor’s Transport Strategy The consultation is open until 2 October. On 21 June the Mayor published his draft We will host a series of stakeholder events transport strategy for consultation. over the summer and autumn to gather The strategy is the statutory document people’s views. The final MTS is expected that sets out the Mayor’s policies and to be published early next year. proposals to reshape transport in London over the next 25 years. This will 2 be the third version of the strategy with Following the submission of the Strategic the last published in 2010. It builds on the Outline Business Case (SOBC) to the vision for a better London that the Mayor Government in March, there has been outlined in ‘A City for All Londoners’, and very substantial support and press Reducing car dependency and encouraging active travel takes forward the approach set out in coverage of Crossrail 2 prior to the are at the heart of the draft Mayor’s Transport Strategy ‘Healthy Streets for London’. general election. Business leaders, major property developers, representatives At the heart of the draft strategy from regional councils, London undertaken on behalf of Government, decisions have yet been made. All affected is a focus on reducing the capital’s boroughs and MPs from all parties wrote to ensure that major projects are MPs and borough leaders along the route dependency on the car. The Mayor to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and proceeding as they should. were contacted. has set out bold plans to increase the the Secretary of State for Transport to proportion of people walking, cycling and urge the Government to make Members of the Department for At the end of June, the (NIC), chaired by taking public transport to 80 per cent Crossrail 2 a priority. Transport (DfT) and our project teams Lord Adonis, published their ‘Top 12’ of journeys by 2041, compared to 64 per attended to answer questions and infrastructure priorities on which cent now, meaning an average of three The Westminster Property Association provide further detail on the scheme. Ministers must make rapid progress in million fewer car journeys in London launched a major piece of research In addition, the scheme’s Senior the next year. Crossrail 2 was included on each day. This is at a time when the highlighting the growth Crossrail 2 will Responsible Officers meet each month the list of priorities and the NIC stressed city’s population is set to grow from 8.7 support, and offered recommendations to review progress and direct the that urgent action from the Government million to 10.5 million, generating more on how the Mayor and local authorities, development of the scheme. is crucial if the scheme is to open, as than five million additional daily trips along with the development sector, needed, in the early 2030s. across the network. could capitalise on the economic and There were media reports at the end built environment outcomes. The of July setting out our proposed route Cycling and walking The strategy puts people’s health and London Chamber of Commerce and following feedback and further work Rotherhithe-Canary Wharf crossing quality of life at the heart of planning Industry held an event to focus on the since the 2015 public consultation. For the The Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf the city’s transport. Along with the new benefits Crossrail 2 will bring for housing, purposes of the business case, we needed crossing will provide a new cross-river London Plan and the Mayor’s other suppliers and skills development. to determine a case scheme option walking and cycling link between the two strategies for economic development, the against which to test alternatives. This Opportunity Areas of the Isle of Dogs environment, housing, health inequalities A meeting with senior Treasury needed to reflect the recommendations and , which are expected and culture, it provides the blueprint for officials was held in April to discuss of the National Infrastructure to accommodate more than 36,000 making London a city that is not only the SOBC and findings of the Project Commission (NIC), however, this is not new homes and 112,000 new jobs. This home to more people, but is a better Assessment Review (PAR) report. The a commitment to that route and no will provide a safe, attractive and direct place for all of those people to live in. PAR is an independent assurance review,

12 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 13 route for pedestrians and cyclists, Mini-Holland programme Strategic Cycling Analysis people to continue cycling, even over reducing journey times and encouraging The London Borough of Waltham Forest On 16 June, the Strategic Cycling Analysis the winter months when the weather healthier travel. continues to make good progress on was launched. The analysis draws from is less favourable. its Mini-Holland programme, with Lea the latest data, models and forecasts We held a series of workshops in late Bridge Road, the flagship four-kilometre to identify where the highest potential Cycle hire June with local residents and other segregated route, well under way. The corridors are for cycling growth and will Santander Cycles had a record 2016/17 interested parties at venues north and new highway layout at Walthamstow inform our infrastructure planning. It with 10.5 million hires against a target of south of the river. We explained the Central is now in place and has already also identifies the potential for future 10.2 million. The financial year saw record types of crossings being explored had a positive result on bus journey schemes to contribute to Healthy Streets months in May, July, October, December, and asked for views on the height, times. In May, Waltham Forest also outcomes such as improving walking and January, February and March, providing architecture, landings, width and user launched its latest cycle hub in Leyton cycling safety and enhancing access to further evidence of the scheme’s experience. Feedback is being used with space for 150 cycles. Construction public transport. continued popularity. to inform the scheme and formal is continuing on the A105 scheme in the consultation is planned on the initial London Borough of Enfield and is roughly Using this analysis, we will also work Cycle parking design for January 2018. halfway through completion. with the London boroughs to produce During 2016/17, our Cycle Parking a Healthy Streets ‘Cycling Delivery Plan’ programme delivered 5,412 spaces at 195 The Central London Grid The Royal Borough of Kingston upon for London. We will use this evidence-led schools, exceeding our target of 3,250 A total of 47km of the Central London Thames launched its Portsmouth approach to plan a future London-wide spaces. The programme has achieved Grid is now either complete or under Road scheme on 22 April with support cycle network and identify opportunities the lowest cost per space to date (£86 construction. This represents 55 per cent from Val Shawcross, Deputy Mayor for to achieve the Healthy Streets outcomes per space compared to £165 the previous of the core 85km grid network. We have Transport, and the Walking and Cycling of the MTS. year) allowing us to deliver significantly completed designs for 83km of the core, Commissioner, Will Norman. The 1.4km more spaces for less money. We have and expect 60km to be complete by the segregated cycle track links Surbiton Cycling in central London received an overwhelming amount of end of September 2017. and Kingston with a safe cycle route and In April 2017, we published data for positive feedback from the schools we dramatically improves the riverside for cycling in central London for Quarter 4 have worked with. Quietways programme pedestrians too. The borough received of 2016 (October to December). A daily Building is now under way on 16 Quietway approval to progress with the Wheatfield average of 485,516km, or an estimated Cycling workplaces routes. In 2016/17, 30km of route was Way scheme this year – a two-way 159,000 journeys, was cycled in the During 2016/17, 600 workplaces registered completed, bringing the total to 55km of segregated cycle track. The Kingston Congestion Charge zone. This is the for the Cycling Workplaces scheme, and Quietways finished with a further 28km Station Plaza work continues, which will highest level of cycling recorded during 2,308 cycle parking spaces were installed under construction. improve the local area with a new cycle Quarter 4 in central London since at workplaces at their own cost and on hub and an upgraded pedestrian and measurement began in 2014, and a 7.2 private land. More than 300 employees We will officially launch Quietway 2, cyclist bridge. Work has just completed per cent increase from the previous received cycle training and 1,300 bikes from Bloomsbury to Walthamstow, later on a key uphill segregated track on year. This is a positive indication that were serviced and repaired. In addition, this month, and significant sections St Mark’s Hill which links two Mini- the North-South and East-West Cycle 700 employees attended our London of up to 10 other Quietway routes Holland schemes, Kingston-Surbiton and Superhighways and Quietway routes into By Bike safety seminar, which shares will complete and launch on a rolling Kingston-Tolworth. central London are encouraging more important safety information and details programme between July 2017 and of new cycle infrastructure. March 2018.

14 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 15 We have improved our customer systems to the Mayor as well as considering so that workplaces can start to promote any adjustments needed to our ULEZ cycling immediately on registration. More proposals as a result of the consultation. than 84 per cent of employees who we work with said their understanding of Rapid Charging Point Concession how to cycle safely on London's roads Framework Agreement had improved. On 26 April, in conjunction with the Mayor’s office and London Councils, we Guided walk weekends hosted an event at City Hall to highlight On 20 and 21 May, in association with the support to boroughs on take up Walk London, we ran 40 free guided of ultra low emission vehicles (ULEVs). We organised 40 free guided walks in May, and sponsor walks, covering a number of highlights The Deputy Mayor for Environment a number of walking weekends every year across the Capital. Led by an experienced and Energy announced the award of guide, they encourage more people the Rapid Charging Point Concession to walk. We sponsor three walking Framework Agreement, which will enable cut tailpipe nitrogen oxide (NOx) and The launch follows a recent City Hall poll weekends each year to help people us, along with GLA functional bodies and particulate matter (PM) emissions by up in which nine out of 10 Londoners said enjoy the city’s best walking routes and London boroughs, to offer concession to 95 and 80 per cent respectively. air pollution is at 'crisis' level. A report motivate people to get out on foot contracts for the supply, installation, released by the Mayor in March showed more often. operation and maintenance of rapid The corridor, running from Putney every London borough has recorded charge points. Councillors Julian Bell Station to Putney Bridge Road is the illegally high levels of air pollution in the Reducing emissions and and Tim Coleridge, the Chair and Vice first of 12 Low Emission Bus Zones to be past two years, with Wandsworth among improving air quality Chair of London Councils’ Transport introduced at air quality hotspots. the highest. and Environment Committee, set out Our consultation on proposed changes to the opportunities for boroughs to bid The zones represent an extensive The locations of the Low Emission Bus the central London Ultra Low Emission for funding for residential and car club network of clean buses and are one part Zones are: Zone (ULEZ) closed on 25 June. We are charge points through the Go Ultra Low of a major transformation the Mayor has proposing to: City Scheme. The event was attended by asked us to deliver to reduce emissions • Putney High Street – from Putney Cabinet members and borough officers from London's bus fleet. The programme Station to Putney Bridge Road • Introduce ULEZ 17 months earlier from across London. also includes the commitments to in central London than proposed purchase new double-deck buses that • Brixton to Streatham – from Brixton by the previous Mayor Low Emission Bus Zones are either hybrid or zero-emission from Hill via Stockwell Road and Streatham In March we delivered the Capital's first 2018, and raise the entire fleet up to the High Road to Streatham Place • Strengthen the emissions standard ever Low Emission Bus Zone in one of Euro VI engine emission standard or to also cover Particulate Matter (PM) the most polluted parts of London – better by 2020. Putney High Street will • A12 Eastern Avenue – from Blake emissions from diesel vehicles Putney High Street. The clean bus zone, also have effective bus priority measures Hall Road via High Road Leyton and which has a total of 145 buses running on in place to keep bus delays to a minimum Homerton High Street to Marsh Hill We have received more than 18,000 seven scheduled routes, is now served and reduce unnecessary pollution caused responses and will prepare a report by the cleanest conventional buses to by sitting in traffic.

16 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 17 • Lewisham to Catford – from year following agreements to convert fleet now has 1,900 of the latest ultra low This will be followed by a report Bromley Road via Rushey Green another six routes to fully electric. These emission Euro VI engine vehicles, most from the Planning Inspectorate to the to Lewisham High Street include route 360 between Kensington of which are hybrids, which cut harmful Secretary of State for Transport, due and Elephant and Castle, route C1 from emissions while the hybrid systems three months from the end of the • Stratford – from Abbey Lane via Mile White City to Victoria, route 70 from reduce carbon dioxide. examination. The Secretary of State then End Road to Woodgrange Road South Kensington to Acton, route 46 has a further three months to consider between and ; route Streets the report and make his decision on • Haringey – from High Road 153 between Finsbury Park and Moorgate, Oxford Street consent before 11 October 2017. to Green Lanes and route 214 between Highgate Village In partnership with Westminster City and Camden. Route 360 will convert Council, the first public consultation on During the period of the DCO • Camberwell to New Cross to fully-electric buses later this year, proposals to turn Oxford Street West examination some key changes were – from Blackheath Road via and routes 70 and C1 are set to follow in (Orchard Street to Oxford Circus) into made to reflect the Mayor’s objective of Camberwell Green and Peckham spring 2018. Routes 45, 153 and 214 will a world-class public space ran from 24 making the crossing greener and more High Street to Wood's Road convert by mid-2019. Earlier routes that April-18 June. The consultation received public transport focused, as well as have gone all electric include routes 312, more than 10,000 responses on how to ensuring that local residents benefit. • Wandsworth to St John's Hill – from 507 and 521. improve the look and feel of the area Lavender Hill to Wandsworth Road to create a more pedestrian friendly These include: We currently have eight zero-emission environment. Subject to the feedback • Edgware Road (Kilburn to ) hydrogen fuel-cell buses on route RV1 received, we may hold a more detailed • A commitment to move 55 per cent – from Broadway via between and Tower consultation on specific proposals in the (the maximum feasible amount) of Kilburn High Road to Shoot-Up Hill Gateway, which will rise to 10 in late 2017. autumn. We are on schedule to deliver all construction material and spoil The hydrogen fleet will grow by at least the first phase of the Oxford Street via the river to reduce traffic • Edmonton to Seven Sisters – from 20 more fuel-cell vehicles from 2018 transformation by December 2018 in time Amhurst Park via Green Lanes and following our success at tapping into for the opening of the Elizabeth line. • All construction vehicles to meet Seven Sisters Road to The Broadway external funding. We continue to develop ULEZ and Direct Vision Standards plans for a trial of overhead conductive Silvertown Tunnel • Uxbridge Road to Shepherd’s Bush – charging of range-extended hybrid buses The new Silvertown crossing will consist • A bespoke cycle bus to enable from Ealing Broadway via Hanger Lane that can operate up to 80 per cent of of a twin bore tunnel connection cyclists to use the tunnel to Uxbridge Road, The Broadway the time in full electric mode. This will between the Greenwich Peninsula and involve pantograph technology on route the Lower Lea Crossing in the Royal • A commitment to providing cross- • Chiswick High Road to 37 and partners include Volvo and Go- Docks area. It will address congestion river bus services through the tunnel Kensington – via Hammersmith Ahead Group. at the Blackwall Tunnel and enable Broadway and Kensington High a significant improvement in cross- • Specific improvements for local Street to Studland Street Hybrid buses programme river bus services and support future residents in the host boroughs of The proportion of the bus fleet served by economic growth. The six-month Greenwich, Newham and Tower Zero emission buses low-carbon emission diesel-electric buses public examination of the Development Hamlets, which include: The number of pure-electric buses is at 27 per cent. There are currently 2,550 Consent Order (DCO) application for in the fleet will rise to over 170 next hybrids in the fleet. In addition, the bus Silvertown Tunnel concluded on 11 April.

18 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 19 • A 50 per cent discount on the user Subject to the outcome of the Secretary charge for low income local residents of State’s decision, construction could – this would work in a similar way start in 2019 with the scheme open for to the TfL Bus & Tram discount for use in 2023. people receiving certain benefits Archway gyratory • Residents would not need to pay The multi-million pound transformation a user charging registration fee of Archway into a safer, more pleasant in the first year of operation and accessible town centre is complete. The work, which was supported • To encourage take-up of the in a public consultation, began in Work is progressing well to replace Ardleigh Green Bridge, new bus services enabled by February 2016. In partnership with with the new deck section already in place the new crossing £2m will be Islington Council, we have replaced the available for free bus journeys disconnected one-way gyratory with two-way traffic around three sides of the replacement of the remaining bridge scope of the Lane Rental charge. This • A £1m fund to help small the central island, introduced safer cycle over the Christmas 2017 period. includes removing the sunset clause businesses plan their logistics lanes, improved the pedestrian from our current regulations in 2019. during the period of construction crossings and created a new public Ardleigh Green Bridge It also includes widening the scope for and beginning of operation space which will make the area more replacement project using the surplus fund beyond reducing attractive for residents and visitors, The first part of the existing bridge deck the adverse effects caused by roadworks. Following an earlier shortlisting process, and for future investment. over the East Anglia railway line was The consultation is due to take place in the Invitation to Negotiate documents demolished during a closure over the autumn 2017. were issued to the three pre-qualified Highbury Corner Bridge May Day Bank Holiday. Close working bidders on 20 June 2017. The bidders replacement project with the main contractor, Network Rail Scheme development are competing to Design, Build, Finance, The road bridge over the North London and other key stakeholders ensured We have launched a consultation for Operate and Maintain (DBFOM) the line immediately outside Highbury & completion was on time and that the transforming the Waterloo area. The crossing, with submissions to be Islington station was demolished and road and railway were re-opened as proposals will create a new larger, assessed against technical, pricing and rebuilt over the Easter weekend. The planned. The new deck section is already greener public space to provide commercial elements. original plan was to use the Easter on site and will be in use across the a healthier and more accessible period to undertake the demolition and railway this summer. The A127 will then environment for pedestrians, bus The use of a DBFOM contract means the then install the new deck over a series be diverted across the new half of the passengers and cyclists. project company must raise the capital to of weekend closures through April and bridge before the second part of the pay for the construction, with us making May. However, the contractor made existing deck is demolished in 2018. We also launched a consultation on payments to the operator once the good progress so only one closure after pedestrian safety improvements tunnel is available for use. This means the Easter was required (saving five weeks Lane Rental Scheme at Charlie Brown’s Roundabout in majority of the construction, maintenance on the overall project plan). We are now Following our lobbying, Government Redbridge, and the second phase of and risks reside with the project company. focusing on diverting services from the confirmed in the spring budget that there consultation for the A23/A232 Croydon A1 on to the new bridge deck ahead of will be a consultation on extending the Fiveways scheme at a number of key junctions and routes in the Waddon area.

20 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 21 We have also started consultations for work, which meant disruption to road demonstrate the technology, safety, for central London. This helped with improvements to the A1 Mill Hill Circus, users was considerably reduced. insurance and service models for the selection of central London corridors A12 Redbridge Roundabout and bus delivering an autonomous shared where enhanced bus priority will be able priority improvements along London Connected and autonomous vehicle solution to replace private cars, to deliver resilient and reliable Road in Southwark – London’s busiest funding awarded for R&D projects including the design of a shared bus movements. bus corridor. On 11 April 2017, central government service in outer London. Operational announced the winners of Innovate UK's tests are expected to begin in 2018 Buses customer experience programme Local Implementation Plan (LIP) Major competition for funding for research and We continue to support our bus drivers Schemes programme development projects on connected and For these and any other projects or in their crucial role of carrying 55 per At the end of March, the London Borough autonomous vehicles. future trials, we will work with lead cent of public transport passengers of Croydon completed the LIP funded organisations to ensure the safety of across the Capital each day, through Major Scheme project at East Croydon. A number of the successful projects have Londoners as our number one priority; customer experience training and This forms part of their Connected a London element and we are actively and to promote consistency with the extensive marketing. Croydon programme of coordinated involved in three: Project Alloyed, Mayor’s Transport Strategy. We will public realm projects and transport DRIVEN and StreetWise. develop more detailed policies to More than half of all drivers have now improvements across the Croydon shape the emergence of connected and attended the 'Hello London' training Metropolitan Centre. • ‘Project Alloyed’ is a 12 month feasibility autonomous vehicles in London as we course with 93 per cent rating as project, led by Epitomical, which learn more. excellent or very good. We have trained The project delivers improvements will study and build technologies Hello London champions in every garage around East Croydon interchange for vehicles of the future. The Buses and there will be around 90 champions, including a high quality arrival space project aims to enable uninterrupted Speeding up the bus network drawn from drivers, garage managers outside the station concourse, revised access to vehicle to infrastructure We are planning to implement a and controllers. taxi ranks, improved interchange with (V2X) networks, regardless of further 170 bus priority schemes in buses, and enhancements to the public where the vehicles are located, 2017/18 to help speed up bus journeys in We are also seeking to remind passengers realm in George Street. enabling the sharing of data from targeted areas with tailored marketing of the human face of drivers and explain the vehicle and information about in pilot areas, such as Barkingside, to that they do much more than drive the A3 Kingston by-pass resurfacing its immediate surroundings. make the bus network more intuitive bus. Our new driver commendation In March 2017, we resurfaced the A3 and approachable. The aim is to get scheme called ‘Thank You’ also continues Kingston By-Pass using a brand new • ‘DRIVEN’ is a 30-month project existing and new passengers to want with more than 500 commendations asphalt mix. Using conventional being led by Oxbotica, an Oxford to make more bus trips in parts of the awarded to date. Each driver observed methods, resurfacing would have University spinoff, to examine the Capital, particularly those with growing delivering commendable customer required replacement of asphalt with at insurance and safety implications of populations and jobs. service receives a certificate, badge and least three new layers and resulted in 43 operating fully automated vehicles. £25 voucher. nights of working. In 2016/17, the Bus Priority Programme • ‘StreetWise’ is a 30-month project exceeded delivery targets: 159 schemes Status and respect are important issues, The new material outperforms standard being led by the autonomous vehicle have been delivered against a target of and we have been enhancing facilities materials and requires a single layer of technology software providers, 148. In early May, we held a workshop for bus drivers including trialling a new asphalt. The new mix saved 21 nights of FiveAI. This project will develop and with borough officers on bus priority design of temporary toilet. We have

22 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 23 extended the Hello London course included face painting, rides on heritage to all our frontline bus staff so they 1950s buses and the opportunity to understand the importance of colleagues ‘meet the managers’. The station was feeling more valued, providing timely first built in 1985 and now handles seven passenger travel information, and million people a year with a convenient reducing incidents of buses not stopping. tram interchange. The event saw a large attendance and raised more than £130 Some drivers have indicated they need for the local vulnerable adults charity, more confidence in communicating. We Pathwaze. A community bus station open have also put on further public address day was also held at Ash Grove on 22 systems training and delivered 43 sessions April, supported by operators CT Plus West Croydon bus station hosted an open day in April – seven up to the end of June. We are also trialling and . million people pass through this station every year on-bus voting devices on route 363 for three months which will allow customers Recognition for West Croydon to provide instant feedback on their bus station tackle it both above and below ground. not contain components at levels which journey by pressing a button as they West Croydon bus station re-opened The Mayor has already introduced new are likely to pose a risk to the health of disembark. Seventy-four per cent of the in October 2016, following its measures to lower emissions from passengers or staff. 600 customers who use the devices on re-development, and serves 25 bus cars and buses, and is now also focused their route each day rate their journeys as routes and 150 buses per hour at peak on wider sources of pollution including We will commission an updated review ‘good’ following an initial trial in April. times, with 23,000 passengers. the Tube, river transport and of the evidence. The findings will help construction sites. prioritise action to ensure that the A parallel part of the trial has seen touch The redevelopment of the station has Tube system is as clean and healthy as screen devices at been recognised by the Royal Institute On 23 June, the Mayor instigated a possible. We have requested independent where waiting customers can answer of British Architects (RIBA) and Royal review of air pollution on the Tube, support and advice from the Department brief questionnaires on the bus station Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). introducing measures to minimise dust of Health’s independent expert environment. These are being used to levels to ensure staff and passengers Committee on the Medical Effects of help us understand how we might collect RIBA recognised the project with a breathe the cleanest air possible. Air Pollutants. customer satisfaction information at RIBA London Award 2017 and RIBA bus stations in future. From the 250 London Project Architect of the The work is part of a wide-ranging review We have also launched a new air quality users a day, an early emerging theme is Year Award 2017, for our in-house across planning, housing, construction, action plan on the Underground to a strong desire for improved real-time architect team. The project was also transport and river services to protect deliver improvements straight away. information on site. highly commended by RICS in its Londoners from the damaging health This includes an enhanced air quality Infrastructure category. impacts of air pollution. monitoring programme, testing at more Bus network open days than a dozen stations, an expanded We have started our community open London Underground Previous independent scientific research cleaning regime, learning from the days to promote the wider contribution Improving air quality on the Tube funded by us in 2004 found that the best examples of dust management in the bus network makes to different parts Air quality is one of the biggest health composition of dust particles on the metros around the world. There will also of London. The first of these was held at challenges of this generation and we are Tube was different from that above be further improvements as the Tube West Croydon bus station on 2 April and committed to doing everything we can to ground, and concluded that the dust did modernisation programme continues,

24 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 25 expanding the use of a replacement • Two along Old Kent Road to the first basement level continues. between the train and the platform fuel for diesel generators and specialist dust suppressants. • One at New Cross Gate, providing an At Nine Elms station, excavation to • Resealing the train roofs and interchange to London Overground the first basement level is complete replacing windows to address Emergency services network and National Rail services and work to excavate level two has water ingress issues We are working closely with the Home begun. The station’s platforms will be Office to ensure there is continuous • One at Lewisham, providing constructed at basement level three. Five refurbished trains are coverage for the emergency services on an interchange to National now in service. the Underground and a seamless move Rail and DLR services Two sections of railway running tunnels from the existing Airwave system to the have already been mined from two Victoria new Emergency Services Network (ESN) We received just under 5,000 responses and newly created access/ventilation shafts At Victoria station three new lifts are in time to support the transition to the will publish our response later this year. at Kennington Park and Kennington providing step-free access between the new network by the emergency services. Green. These connect the extension to Cardinal Place entrance, the north ticket This is part of the Home Office’s Northern line extension the existing line at the Kennington loop. hall and the Victoria line platforms. national Emergency Services Mobile The Northern line extension will provide Spheroidal graphite iron rings have been Communication Programme and they two new stations, at Battersea Power installed to form the permanent tunnel In May, new tunnels linking Cardinal have contracted with mobile network Station and at Nine Elms, with two new linings at these junctions. Place and the District and Circle line operator EE to deliver the required 4G tunnels linking Battersea with the existing platforms opened. communication network. Given the scale Northern line at the Kennington loop. Jubilee line trains of the intervention needed in the tunnels We are improving the Jubilee line fleet to Work on fire and communications and stations, we are also looking to use Both tunnel boring machines (TBMs) have increase reliability and safety. The £27m, systems, and the mechanical, electrical this opportunity to build infrastructure begun their excavations with TBM Helen two-and-a-half-year project to refurbish and architectural fit-out are progressing that can be expanded separately scheduled to complete the southbound the line’s trains is under way and will well in the remaining tunnels. Work to provide mobile coverage to our tunnel in September 2017, and TBM Amy bring a refurbished train into service continues on the westbound link customers in the London Underground scheduled to complete the northbound every other week. passage and south ticket hall escalators. environment. By working together with tunnel in October 2017. Fit-out of the remaining lifts and works the Home Office, we will deliver this The works include: to rebuild the Duke of York pub are important and complex project that will As the 100-metre TBMs advance, nearly under way. benefit both the Emergency Services and 20,000 precast concrete segments will be • Creating a partitioned wheelchair the travelling public. put in place to line the tunnels. More than area, compliant with Rail Vehicle Victoria line signals 300,000 tonnes of earth will be excavated, Accessibility Regulations Over Easter we commissioned new extension and the spoil taken by barge to Goshems signalling and software on the Victoria Our consultation on proposals to extend Farm in East Tilbury, Essex, where it will • Adding anti-graffiti panels, line. This has enabled us to run 36 trains the Bakerloo line beyond Elephant and be used to create arable farmland. which can easily be replaced, per hour in the morning and evening peak Castle to Lewisham, serving Old Kent to the outside of the train since May. This makes the line one of the Road and New Cross Gate, closed In the main Battersea station box, we most intensive rail services anywhere in on 21 April. We are proposing four have completed the retaining walls. • Putting a yellow plate in the footwell the world, with a train every 100 seconds new stations: Construction of the capping beam and to draw more attention to the gap cross beam is under way and excavation

26 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 27 South Junction and Tower Hill are also Four new lifts and 16 new escalators expected to be completed by July, will be installed, and there will be taking the total to 22. upgrades, to the CCTV and customer Help Points. The Arthur Street access Paddington shaft is complete and work is continuing Work is progressing well on the tunnel to enable the Northern line tunnelling to at Paddington, which will link the begin. We will start on the foundations new Elizabeth line station to the Bakerloo for the new Cannon Street entrance in line platforms. July. Work is proceeding to enable the three new escalators to be built to serve Tunnelling works are now complete, the Central line. Three new lifts now provide step-free access at Victoria station including the escalator barrel in close proximity to the Bakerloo line At the new Waterloo & City line platform tunnels. entrance on Walbrook, temporary at the busiest times carrying 3,000 more await fitment in Derby and the target is hoists have been removed, opening people an hour. to complete two trains per week. The We have started installing two new up more work areas. Installation of ATC train simulator is in operation at escalators and a fixed stair, which will services continues, enabling finishes to Modernising the Circle, District, Hammersmith and we have completed take passengers to Bakerloo line be installed. Completion is planned for Hammersmith & City and pilot training sessions for drivers. platform level. December 2017. Metropolitan lines On 21 April, the last D-stock train Thales' signalling upgrade has begun Bank Bond Street operated in passenger service on the on five of the 14 signalling migration At Bank station we are boosting At Bond Street station contractors District line. Since 22 April, the four areas, and four more are due to start capacity by 40 per cent. The work continue to fit-out the new tunnels. sub-surface lines have run solely with this quarter. We are writing to lineside has three elements: The current focus is on fitting the cable the new air-conditioned, walk-through neighbours to inform them about the management systems into the roof voids S-stock fleet. work we are doing. We have also handed • An upgrade to the existing station, so the ceiling support system can be over the signal equipment room (SER) at including a new Northern line tunnel constructed and the new ceilings and We are preparing trains for automatic Aldgate to Thales. This means we now and platform, a new entrance on lighting installed. train control (ATC) running which goes have five of the 46 rooms ready to have Cannon Street, step-free access to live from 2018. ATC systems control ATC equipment installed. Twenty-eight the Northern line and DLR platforms, Work to install lifts for step-free access train movements, giving more frequent more SERs are currently in construction and a moving walkway between is well advanced. All the lift mechanics and reliable services. The modifications – with completion expected within the Central and Northern lines are installed and the control and include new antennas, changes to the 15 months. communications systems are being train cab and other equipment for • A new Waterloo & City line entrance installed and tested. reading the train’s position. Work to deliver the track layout has within the Bloomberg building progressed ahead of plan with new We are liaising with Westminster City At the end of April, nine trains had layouts at Earl’s Court, East Putney and • An upgrade to systems at been modified. A further eight trains Farringdon now in service, and 20 of the Monument station including a 29 layouts now complete. Harrow new station operations room

28 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 29 Council on street level landscaping and Transportation in Derby running in access. Work on the station is due to be passenger service between Liverpool completed later this year. Street and Shenfield.

Elizabeth line Construction progress and There are a number of cost and schedule railway fit-out pressures being actively managed by Crossrail’s central section construction Crossrail Limited. The project is 85 per programme remains focused on fitting- cent complete. The new tunnels and out the stations, tunnels, shafts and stations through central London and portals. The last piece of earth was Docklands are on schedule to open excavated at Liverpool Street with more The Elizabeth line is now almost complete, with passenger as planned in December 2018 as the than seven million tonnes of spoil trains running between Liverpool Street and Shenfield Elizabeth line. excavated since construction began, three million of which went to construct the Works carried out by Network Rail on RSPB nature reserve at Wallasea Island. handover in mid-2018 to ensure a period distinctive timber framed roof. Interior the existing rail network have focused on of trial running and operations before fit-out and construction of the staircases completing the infrastructure on time All platforms are now complete, and Elizabeth line passenger services start is under way. The equipment room has for the staged opening of the Elizabeth installation of escalators, lifts and at the end of 2018. In addition, Crossrail also been completed and handed over so line. Network Rail is currently working on platform screen doors is continuing. The Limited is focusing on the significant fit-out of the signalling, communications platform extensions, CCTV installation ceiling at the new interface risk between the train control and traction power supply, ready to and the other equipment needed to western ticket hall is now complete. management system on board new support dynamic testing later this year enable testing of the new Elizabeth line More than 100 diamond-shaped concrete trains and the systems and signalling can commence. trains before they start running between segments, precast by a company in being used for dynamic testing later this Paddington and Heathrow next year. Derbyshire, were pieced together to year from Heathrow to Paddington, and Key events create a dramatic lattice roof inspired then through the central section under During May the BBC Crossrail The major station building upgrades have by the historic Hatton Garden jewellery London next year. documentary ‘The Fifteen Billion Pound proved to be a significant challenge for quarter located opposite the station. Railway’ returned for a second two-part National Rail. It has assured Crossrail Surface works series. Both episodes attracted millions that the works at the five stations in west Railway fit-out continues with the track, Vital work at Ilford depot has been of viewers and was very well received, London will be completed by December cables, overhead power, communication completed with the commissioning of with the first episode seen by 3.4million 2019 when Elizabeth line through- systems and ventilation equipment being the sidings and Operations and Welfare viewers making it the most watched services start from Reading, Maidenhead put in place to ensure dynamic testing of Building. Network Rail is continuing its programme in 2017 to date on BBC2. and Heathrow into central London via the new rolling stock in the southeastern work on the upgrade of the existing Paddington. spur can start before the end of 2017. rail network. Its works at Easter were Art All track in the tunnels is due to be completed successfully with more than In May it was announced that Goldman The first of five opening stages began completed in mid-July 2017. Significant 60,000 hours worked over the four- Sachs and the City of London in June, following a period of rigorous attention is being given to the plans for day period. At Abbey Wood, the new Corporation would be funding British testing and approvals, with the new Class testing and commissioning, regulatory station continues to take shape with the artist Simon Periton to create permanent 345 trains constructed by Bombardier approvals, operational readiness and completion of zinc cladding above the art installations in both ticket halls at

30 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 31 Farringdon. The artwork at the station’s 2017/18. This demonstrates the benefit to London Trams benefits of investment in extending piers eastern entrance will see the exterior passengers of devolving responsibility for Track renewals and introducing Oyster and contactless glazing on three sides of the building London suburban rail networks to us. During Easter we delivered essential payment come to fruition. feature an intricate pattern that reflects track replacement projects in Croydon on the elaborate Victorian metalwork of Gospel Oak to Barking electrification Wellesley Road, Station Road and George In May, the Thames and London the historic Smithfield Market directly As a result of significant delivery issues, Street, totalling 230 metres of new Waterways Forum was created and has opposite. This installation will form a key Network Rail was unable to complete track and 400 square metres of highway since held its inaugural meeting. This part of The Culture Line – a unique line- its electrification project for the Gospel resurfacing. Coordination with Croydon forum brings together two previous wide exhibition of large-scale art at Oak to Barking route within the agreed Council enabled their resurfacing team existing groups, the Mayor’s River seven stations. timescales. We will monitor Network to start early on Wellesley Road bus lane, Concordat and London Waterways Rail’s delivery performance through and enabled the dual carriageway to be Commission to centralise all river In addition, three artists with significant our independent assurance function opened to traffic ahead of schedule. transport and waterways discussions and ties to east London have been shortlisted until completion. bring all key stakeholders together. to work with local people to deliver Docklands Light Railway designs for the trackside wall in Newham We continue to challenge Network Rail Rolling stock replacement programme The new group will support the relevant which runs through Custom House, to deliver in the most efficient and DLR is procuring 43 new three-car fixed goals set out in the MTS, London Plan Silvertown and North . The customer-orientated way, recognising formation trains to replace two-thirds and London Environment Strategy, as artists’ proposals will go on display for there is unfortunately still significant of the current fleet and support growth well as the Authority’s community feedback in the summer access required to complete the around the network. Once introduced, Thames Vision. before a final selection is made. electrification works in early 2018. the new trains will increase overall capacity by 30 per cent and will enter Taxi and private hire White Hart Lane station into service from mid 2022. The Official Private hire operator fees consultation Performance The capacity upgrade of White Hart Journal of the European Union notice for Between April and June we undertook East London line train performance Lane station is part of a wider vision the replacement DLR rolling stock was a consultation on proposed changes to continues to improve as a result of the to stimulate regeneration and growth issued in early May. Six manufacturers the licence fees charged to private hire regulation agreement between Network within the borough of Haringey. Planning have expressed an interest. A shortlist of operators. The proposed changes seek to Rail, London Overground and approval was granted in October 2016 between three and five manufacturers better reflect our costs of administering Railway. and the contract for the design and will be agreed in September before the and enforcing a high quality service. This build was awarded to Taylor Woodrow final Invitation to Negotiate is issued. work addresses a commitment in the TPH This period marks the two-year on 11 July 2017. The new station is due to Activities continue on a number of other Action Plan which was published last year. anniversary of the devolution of open in spring 2019 and will cater for the work streams including the RIBA 2 design West Anglia services to London increased number of people for the expansion of Beckton depot. Sustainable freight Overground. Train performance has expected following the completion of The Freight Forum improved dramatically during this time. the capacity enhancements at London River Services On 31 March we hosted the 14th Freight Performance was 95 per cent when we Tottenham Hotspur Football Club and There were a record number of passenger Forum, our opportunity to engage with the took over at the end of period 2 in 2015; the start of American football being journeys on the river in 2016/17, with 10.6 freight industry, businesses and regulators and is now at 98 per cent in period 2, staged at the venue. million undertaken against a target of about the challenges surrounding 10.5 million. The last year has seen the deliveries and servicing in London.

32 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 33 The Forum, chaired by Phil Roe, Managing and businesses are broadly supportive Director, Transport, DHL Supply Chain, of the principle of the standard, but was themed around congestion, its have real concerns about the timing of causes and our strategies for managing the implementation fearing the cost to it. Attendees heard presentations from replace vehicles could be prohibitive. Leon Daniels, Managing Director, Surface Specialist consultants were appointed in Transport, and Ben Plowden, Director of April to support development of scheme Surface Strategy and Planning. options and the Integrated Impact Assessment that will form the basis of Spencer Palmer, Director, Transport Phase 2 of the consultation, scheduled and Mobility at London Councils, also for autumn 2017. The Direct Vision Standard is aiming to boost safety provided an update on their review of standards and protect vulnerable road users the London Lorry Control Scheme (LLCS). Another key project milestone was met Following the discussion, London Councils on 21 June when we hosted the Industry said they would use the feedback and Technical Expert workshop to our supply chain must be DVS three star antisocial behaviour bulletin, which brings provided by delegates to help inform establish the principles for applying the or above by 2020. together crime statistics from the MPS their work on LLCS. objective DVS measurement to the ‘five and BTP to provide a summary. star’ rating. This will allow our academic Fleet Operator Recognition Delegates took part in a lively and well partners to complete the work to apply a Scheme (FORS) The headline figures for 2016/17 include: received working group session to discuss star rating to vehicles and inform future The scheme continues to grow at around what each individual organisation could purchasing decisions. 25 per cent each year, and has now • The levels of transport crime excluding do to reduce congestion, and how we reached 4,500 accredited operators, TfL Rail in 2016/17 were 0.5 per cent can provide the tools and guidance to Direct Vision Standard (DVS) in Work consisting of around 135,000 vehicles. higher (161 additional offences). The support them. This feedback will help Related Road Risk contracts FORS began in TfL and was fully funded rate of crime has also increased slightly inform our work on engaging operators We have made changes to our by us. We still own the scheme, but to 7.5 crimes per million passenger and businesses on key schemes like the procurement framework to make the currently operate it under a concessionary journeys (from 7.4 in 2015/16). Levels of proposed changes to Oxford Street. vehicles working for us even safer. From 1 contract. It is now fully funded by bus-related crime in 2016/17 were two April 2017, all newly advertised contracts industry. FORS now has operations in per cent lower (356 fewer offences) The next Forum will be held in the include a requirement for all vehicles 10 other European countries. compared with the previous year. Crime summer as part of the Mayor’s Draft in our future supply chain to be rated for the bus network has remained at 7.5 Transport Strategy consultation. against the standard, in addition to being Enforcement and On-Street Operations crimes per million passenger journeys accredited to at least Fleet Operator Transport-related crime 2016/17 Direct Vision Standard Recognition Scheme Silver or equivalent. Public transport in London continues to • Crime on LU/DLR increased by six per The first phase of consultation on the In future, vehicles must have a one star be a safe and low crime environment. cent (643 additional offences). The rate Direct Vision Standard (DVS) ended in rating or above within one year of the More than 10 million passengers travel of crime also increased to 7.6 crimes April. There is strong support for the DVS ratings becoming available, allowing on our public transport services each per million passenger journeys from 7.3 scheme from vulnerable road users suppliers time to replace any vehicles that day with very few of them ever groups and a desire to implement its do not meet this standard. Our contracts experiencing or witnessing crime. We use more quickly. The freight industry also stipulate that all vehicles working in recently published our annual crime and

34 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 35 • Crime on London Overground continuing our efforts to drive this down. with business owners to encourage the On 6 April, similar provisions came into decreased by eight per cent (100 use of alternative means of advertising force obliging drivers of wheelchair- fewer offences) The rate of crime Reported sexual offences have continued and to apply to the local authority for the accessible TPH vehicles to carry also decreased to 6.1 from 6.8 to rise. This was anticipated and is a necessary licence. wheelchair users and provide mobility positive result of the continuing efforts assistance without additional charge. • Crime on London to tackle unwanted sexual behaviour as Since Clearway was introduced, street We will take a robust approach against decreased by 9.8 per cent (26 fewer part of the Project Guardian initiative and clutter has reduced in all the locations any driver who is found not complying offences) The rate of crime also ‘Report it to Stop it’ campaign. Project targeted. In 2016/17, we issued 531 warnings with these obligations and will seek the decreased to 8.1 crimes per million Guardian aims to increase confidence and 177 Fixed Penalty Notices, and strongest possible outcome at court. passenger journeys from 9.6 in reporting sexual offences which, like prosecuted 14 persistent offenders and Since 6 April, we have received three sexual offences generally, have historically those who failed to pay their fines within complaints relating to this offence which Measures have been put in place to deal been underreported. We commend the following four boroughs: are currently being investigated for with the upward trend in violence and victims who come forward to report potential prosecution. serious public order offences seen on these crimes which has helped the police • Camden: Swiss Cottage Grocers some rail modes, most notably LU and the identify and catch offenders. Since 2013, Hate crime DLR network. The rise is largely due to an when Project Guardian launched, reports • Hackney: Lift, The Corner We are determined to ensure that our increase in low level violence, pushing and have more than doubled to almost 2,000 Shop and Banh Mi services are safe, welcoming and accessible shoving, verbal disputes and threatening in 2016/17. to everyone. Along with our police behaviour at busy commuter times when • Islington: Hoxley & Porter, partners, we have prioritised action against services are at peak capacity. Overall there Obstructions of the highway and Beyrouths hate crime to reassure those who feel remain a very low number of offences The Mayor has made a public vulnerable. A programme is in place that with 2.8 violence against person/serious commitment in his Healthy Streets • Wandsworth: Tooting Bec Hand Car includes regular days of engagement where public order offences for every million vision to make it easier and more Wash (twice), JR Butchers, Tooting police and our staff speak with customers passenger journeys made on the LU/DLR enjoyable to walk around London. Market, and Tooting Supermarket and local communities about hate crime, network. To help deliver this, we are tackling raising awareness of how to report it and unauthorised highway obstructions such Taxi and Private Hire enforcement the action under way to tackle it. Concerted action is under way to address as freestanding advertising boards, tables As part of our commitment to improving these offences and we are working with and chairs. These can hinder the free accessibility across all of our services, A programme of staff briefing and training the BTP to implement targeted action flow of pedestrians and create a hazard, we continue to investigate complaints is also under way. This raises awareness focused on priority transport hubs which particularly for older people and those and prosecute TPH drivers who refuse and clarifies expectations of staff if they have seen the largest volume of offences. who have visual or mobility impairment. to comply with requirements to provide experience, witness or are told about hate Other measures include high visibility access for people whose mobility is crime, and to reassure them how seriously policing combined with our travel demand Operation Clearway uses a combination impaired. In 2016/17, we successfully we and the police take crime against our management and communications of education, engagement and prosecuted 11 drivers for refusal to carry a staff. We are also developing an eLearning activities to encourage improved enforcement to keep pavements clear. As guide dog – an offence under the Equality course, which will be suitable for all staff passenger behaviour. Levels of violence we want to support business, especially Act 2010. Sentencing for these convictions and contractors. on the bus network are stable but this small and independent enterprises, our included penalty points and fines/costs remains one of our priorities and we are on-street enforcement officers engage totalling more than £7,000. Events Tall Ships Regatta

36 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 37 We supported the delivery of a number ran a day of cycling celebrations including HAL of building the spur in the 1990s. We of major events including the Tall Ships a fan zone at , our own were an interested party in the case, as Regatta which returned to Greenwich for ‘Celebration of Cycling’ ride for female was the DfT. the first time since 2014. The event took cyclists, Breast Cancer Care’s Pink Ribbon place over Easter and included 30 ships Tour and a race start flag competition with Aviation being berthed at two festival sites at school children. On 9 July, our Palestra On 25 May the Mayor responded to the Woolwich adjacent to the Royal Arsenal, Event Liaison Facility was used to oversee Government’s National Policy Statement and at Greenwich alongside the Old the British 10k for the first time this year. (NPS) consultation on a third runway at Royal Naval College, Cutty Sark Gardens . The Mayor is clear in and Creekside. The events were free We continue to plan for a major series his support for additional aviation capacity to attend and attracted large numbers of events later this year including the but has raised significant concerns with of spectators. London Triathlon, Prudential RideLondon, the specific proposal for expansion at the International Amateur Athletics Heathrow, particularly in light of the Virgin Money London Marathon Federation and International Para-athletics negative impacts on the environment On 23 April we saw the 36th year of the World Championships and the Women’s and the health of Londoners. As it is London Marathon. More than 35,000 Cycling Tour of Britain. currently drafted, the NPS singularly fails people took part making it one of the to demonstrate that Heathrow can be largest mass-participation events in Legal issues - Private hire vehicle (PHV) expanded without: the world. There were numerous road regulations: judicial review closures to facilitate the event and several Uber’s appeal in relation to the PHV • Severe air quality impacts and changes to bus services. Our Travel driver English language requirement and exceeding legal limits Ambassadors were at Tube and DLR our appeal in relation to the requirement stations providing travel information and to have a telephone line have both • Dire noise impacts assistance to customers. been given permission by the Court of Appeal to proceed. The appeals, which • Significant investment in surface MoonWalk will be considered together, start on 20 access improvements, which MoonWalk, an overnight walking February 2018. are currently unfunded marathon, took place on 13 May. This was the 20th year which involved participants Elizabeth line: Heathrow judicial review In addition to this, there remain concerns covering either a marathon or half of ORR charging decision about the impact on efforts to mitigate marathon on roads in and around On 26 May, the High Court dismissed a the effect of climate change, and on the central London. challenge brought by Heathrow Airport economic case made in favour of the Limited (HAL) against a decision of the expansion of Heathrow. On the basis of Women’s Tour ORR that HAL could only recover from the current proposals the Mayor remains On 11 June, London hosted for the first us the direct additional costs caused by deeply sceptical as to whether Heathrow time the final stage of the OVO Energy the use of the spur line from the Great expansion can ever be the right answer for Women’s Tour, the world’s largest Western mainline to Heathrow, and not London and the UK. professional cycle race for women. We the historical long-term costs incurred by

38 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 39 4 Our customers

Accessibility: digital We are also actively working with partners partnerships summit and app developers to standardise Fourteen per cent of Londoners have features for users through consistent some form of disability, and our own guidelines, irrespective of the app. digital channels play a key role in providing customers with the right information New map to help people with about step-free access routes, lift conditions including claustrophobia availability and crowding levels. On 2 June, and anxiety the Deputy Mayor for Transport opened On 5 July, we launched a new map, the digital partnerships summit which following suggestions from our examined how our open data and our customers to help people with New ideas and cross-sector collaboration were discussed information can be leveraged to improve claustrophobia or other anxiety as part of the Mobility Accelerator Programme the services on offer. conditions. The new map will help a range of customers navigate the network Building on a number of apps already more comfortably by showing them The Accelerator Programme ran from CCTV analysis; and an app that enables using our open data, major technology routes they can take to avoid areas with April to June and provided startups with on demand deliveries to be carried out by organisations, app developers and large stretches of tunnels. mentoring from senior FTSE 250 leaders, cycling commuters, with zero emissions representatives from disability groups market insights from colleagues across and a reduction in freight traffic. These worked on the challenges together. In the new design, parts of the lines on our organisation and culminated with a ideas are now seeking funding and we Results have started to be delivered: Harry Beck’s iconic map have been given showcase evening, at which the startups will be sharing what we learned during a grey overlay to illustrate which stations pitched to their mentors, the transport the pilot across the organisation. • New data such as wheelchair accessible or sections of track are underground. sector and potential investors. The bus stops have recently been released The new map also shows which London programme was delivered by Nitrous, Customer Service Overground, DLR and TfL Rail services a third party organisation specialising Innovation Programme • Moovit, used by more than 60 million are in tunnels. in accelerating good ideas, and we We seek to harness the many excellent users in 1,200 cities, has implemented supported the programme with officer ideas that our employees produce to industry-leading features to help Mobility Accelerator Programme – time and customer insights to help improve customer service. Under our disabled people. These include supporting startup creativity the startups realise a better market fit latest programme, nearly 250 ideas comprehensive VoiceOver/TalkBack New ideas and cross-sector collaboration and alignment with our priorities. The were submitted. Eight exciting projects support for visually impaired people are critical to harnessing technology and programme was an opportunity for us to secured support to proceed and seven of and larger buttons strategically innovation to help London's continued try new ways of working. these have either been completed or are placed on the app’s bottom bar successs. We have supported a Mobility at trial stage: Accelerator Programme that has sped up The products in the programme included: This month, Moovit announced the most the growth of six promising startups with a smart cycling ‘bell’ which provides • Recycling: Vinyls of Mr Tickle at comprehensive route planning service for products that could help our customers enhanced navigation, captures and Southwark and London Bridge Tube people with restricted mobility, such as by tackling congestion and promoting communicates dangerous hotspots when stations to persuade customers step­-free access routes from street level walking, cycling and public transport. rung; advanced machine learning that to use our bins, encouraging to the train and lift availability on the captures bus crowding levels through more paper recycling transport network

40 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 41 • Customer feedback: Instant feedback you-go journeys are now paid for using devices on bus route 363 and two contactless payment cards – up from feedback kiosks at Stratford bus station around 25 per cent a year ago. More than 23 million cards and mobile devices have • Event Planning: A geospatial tool been used on bus, Tube and rail services that captures road closures and then in London since the system launched in shares the information with the public December 2012. On average, two million via their personal smart devices contactless journeys are made daily. and satellite navigation providers Customers from more than 100 countries • Improved Journey Planning: Steps and have now used contactless payment Forty per cent of all pay-as-you-go journeys are walking distance data for two trial cards and mobile devices to make paid for using contactless payments cards stations successfully integrated into journeys on the Capital’s public transport a demo in station Journey Planner network, with more than 20 new countries, including Estonia, Morocco and demand information, showing the busiest Managing platforms • Improved Customer Information: Peru, having been seen for the first time times at each station and on the lines Staff on LU platforms at 14 stations are TfL chatbot on Facebook in the last year. serving it, was released for all London being encouraged to give messages to Messenger that gives customers Underground stations. The data was customers that are relevant to their real-time travel information on Digital displays in stations released as part of the open data policy location and the time of day. Instead of the go now launched publicly Four LU stations, St James’s Park, and was also launched as part of new standard scripts, staff are giving tailored West Hampstead, Leicester Square functionality on Tube station pages on messages about safety and reliability • Improving Customer Experience: and King’s Cross, have trialled new This was complemented with such as: Integrating sound with advertising to electronic service update boards. The a social media campaign highlighting the create a unique customer experience new digital displays adapt to time of busiest times at the 94 most heavily used • 'Welcome to London Bridge, the day and location, alerting customers to stations, encouraging travel outside these second busiest station on the • Addressing crowding: A ‘green lane’ on service disruptions, severe weather or periods if possible and suggesting network – you are using the station the southbound Victoria line platform other changes to their journeys. They alternative travel options including at the most popular time of day’ at King’s Cross St. Pancras station to will improve customer experience and walking and cycling. encourage better behaviours that will help us manage demand and customer • ‘The temperature is a little higher reduce crowding on the platform flow, for instance, by giving advice on Passengers told us they found this useful today so if you are feeling unwell, alternative routes. The new displays and 64 per cent of those who saw the please stay here on the platform Planning for the 2017/18 Customer will also provide partnership and campaign changed their travel as a result. and we’ll take care of you’ Innovation Fund is currently under way. sponsorship opportunities. Busiest times for the Blackwall Tunnel • ‘If you are carrying a backpack I’d really One billion journeys made by Spreading demand will be released this month, to encourage appreciate if you can drop if off your contactless payment Following the successful trial at 23 Tube travel outside the peak and reduce shoulders as you are boarding, to We have now seen more than one stations in February 2016, which achieved congestion, and station demand data and create more space within the carriage’ billion pay as-you-go journeys on our a three to five per cent shift in the information for key DLR stations will be network. Forty per cent of all pay-as- times people travelled, localised station published in the autumn.

42 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 43 Customers have been enjoying Members of SDCT went into the vacant the change, backed up by the unit at the beginning of June to give it commendations we have received. We a paint job and to clean it up. It was plan to brief all station staff on the new then used to host a photographic approach by the end of August before exhibition and as the focal point for a rolling out this initiative at other stations. number of events.

Borough engagement The community group was thrilled London’s boroughs are one of TfL’s and there was some great coverage on main partners in delivering the Mayor’s social media. The unit has now been transport policies and proposals. This is handed back to us after the very particularly important in the operation successful week. and development of the Capital’s highway network. A good understanding of the varied local priorities of the boroughs is a key contributor towards achieving the best outcomes. This requires successful engagement and two-way communication at a range of levels with both officers and elected council members. I am continuing my own programme of high level visits to boroughs as a part of this vital task.

Southgate Civic Week Back in March, we had a request from Southgate District Civic Trust (SDCT) for use of an empty unit at Southgate Tube station for a pop-up HQ for its annual Southgate Civic Week which was held between 10-18 June. Our Property and Stakeholder Engagement teams worked together with the organisers to draw up a lease. It was agreed that SDCT would pay a peppercorn rent – and they sent an actual peppercorn in exchange for the unit, along with a letter of thanks.

44 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 45 5 Our people

Awards We also won the Digital Technology Rail Business Awards Excellence award for our automatic track LU has won the Train Operator of the measuring system which has drawn on Year and TfL has won Rail Business of expertise from across our organisation. the Year at the 2017 Rail Business Awards, which recognise and celebrate the best in The European Women in Construction the rail industry. & Engineering Awards Sharon Young, Lead Project Engineer, has The judges were impressed by our won the Best Woman Rail Engineer at demonstration of overall business the European Women in Construction & excellence through outstanding Engineering (WICE) Awards. Participants of our Steps into Work programme receiving their customer service: certificates following their work experience placements Women represent just nine per cent • Maximising service to customers: of UK engineering professionals, for continuously improving compared to 18 per cent in Spain, 26 per employed more than 7,600 apprentices Steps into Work and Smart Sourcing make reliability and increasing capacity cent in Sweden and 20 per cent in Italy. and we are continuing to invest in our the Lord Mayor’s Dragon shortlist WICE aims to make construction and apprenticeship schemes. Awards for the Our Steps into Work and Smart Sourcing • Better, more accessible stations: engineering more enticing to women, best apprenticeship were given to: programmes have been nominated for a we have improved step-free access, and create role models. Lord Mayor’s Dragon Award for Inclusive working towards our goal of making • Harry Warman in London Underground Employment. These awards recognise more than 40 per cent of our Three further LU staff reached the finals: the contribution that business can make stations fully accessible by 2018 • Harry Joseph in Professional Services to society and in tackling social issues. • Fiona Barry, Assistant Project Manager, Both programmes support people • Improving every element of Best Woman Project Manager finalist • Taha Hanif in Surface Transport who may encounter barriers when our customers’ experience and trying to gain employment. By offering making further commitments • Viki James, Senior Project Manager, Management Consultancies them the opportunity to undertake to continue improving with the Best Woman Project Manager finalist Association Award work placements, individuals gain key best possible value for money Our Real-Time Origin Destination employability skills and confidence. • Martin Roach, Lead Construction Analysis Tool (RODAT) has been highly • Planning ahead: our investment Engineer, Best Male Mentor finalist commended for innovation at this year’s Royal recognition programme is delivering Management Consultancies Association Pat Thomas (MBE) has been recognised significant benefits to customers Apprentice and graduation awards. RODAT is a 24/7 monitoring as a Member of the Order of the British and will continue to do so award ceremony tool which provides us with real-time Empire (MBE) in the Queen’s Birthday At the end of March we held the 2017 intelligence to manage our network Honours for services to transport in Project Manager, Helen Wright, who is Apprentice Graduation and Award more effectively. It enables the control London and the community. Pat, who currently leading the team replacing the Ceremony at City Hall. We have an of traffic flow increases and unplanned has worked in the HR team for 13 years, Central line’s DC traction system with a outstanding apprentice programme closures. It is the only such approach of has been an inspirational driving force more reliable AC system, won the Young and our apprentices will be central to its kind in the world. in her professional and public life, working Professional of the Year award. our future success. Since 2009, we have

46 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 47 to foster greater understanding between their stereotypes of careers in science, construction of the Crossrail is now over Keith becomes Chair of the Museum diverse groups of people with technology, engineering and mathematics 85 per cent complete, the training facility Trustees at a significant point in the different faiths. (STEM) and TfL and promoted our has transferred to us to support future museum's history as it develops an apprenticeships, graduate schemes tunnelling and infrastructure projects. ambitious five-year plan which will Pat was Chair of our Faith and Wellbeing and encouraged the school to sign up establish financial sustainability, extend Staff Network Group for six years. to our TfL Schools Challenge (Year 12 TUCA will offer apprenticeships and audience reach, create additional Her passion and creativity led to the students) and Inspire Engineering (Year training in the skills to build and run commercial value by maximising assets membership of the group tripling in 8/9 students). Feedback was extremely the transport networks of the future. and increase engagement through a size and she now uses this experience positive from the volunteers The facilities include spaces to practise distributed museum model. His initial to mentor other staff who chair staff and students. sprayed concrete lining, a laboratory to priorities will be to support the museum network groups or who are looking to study tunnelling material and a tunnel in establishing a longer-term planning improve their leadership skills. Enjoyment to Employment mock-up for evacuation simulations. By framework, and help to raise awareness This year we will reach more than 50,000 the end of the year, TUCA will also be within the industry about LTM’s role as Congratulations to Ron Kalifa – children and young people through home to the Elizabeth line maintenance an educational charity. TfL Board member Enjoyment to Employment initiatives and station staff training centre. A mock- On 25 May, TfL Board member and which turn childhood enthusiasm in up of a new station will also be installed His extensive experience includes Vice-Chairman of Worldpay, Ron Kalifa, transport into careers in industry, thanks to train station staff in customer service. holding key posts with regional transport was ranked third in the EMpower 100 to the support of Costain, Hitachi Rail authorities in the UK and overseas which, Ethnic Minority Leaders list, presented Europe, telent Technology Services and We are planning for 20 new rail as well as Go-Ahead and ATOC includes: by the ‘Financial Times’. The list aims to Siemens. Each of these supporters is maintenance apprentices to begin Interserve plc; Eversholt Rail Group; showcase and rank the top 100 executive giving their time, expertise and financial training in 2017. More than 130 railway Bristol Water; Aspin Group; TXM Plant; black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) support toward the programme. In engineering apprentices from the and Network Rail. He is a fellow of professionals working in the US and UK. return, the industry will start at TUCA from both the Chartered Institute of Logistics is working with our supporters to meet September 2017. and Transport and the Institution of Ron was recognised for his individual their corporate social responsibility and Railway Operators. commitment to driving the BAME agenda business needs. Appointment of Keith Ludeman as new inside and outside of the workplace and Chair of London Transport Museum for his business achievements. Tunnelling and Underground Former Chief Executive of the Go-Ahead Construction Academy Group and Chair of the Association of Engaging young people We have signed a contract with Prospects Train Operating Companies (ATOC), TfL takes over Sarah Bonnell School College of Advanced Technology to Keith Ludeman, took up his role as the On 28 April, 19 of our apprentice and run the Tunnelling and Underground new Chair of London Transport Museum graduate volunteers took over Sarah Construction Academy (TUCA) in Ilford. at the beginning of the year. He takes Bonnell School, one of our gold target TUCA was set up by Crossrail Limited over from Sir David Bell, who stood girls’ schools in Newham, and led a in 2011 to meet the training needs of down after a successful nine-year term debate for more than 200 Year 9 students the project and the wider underground in the role. at the school. This innovative TfL-themed construction and tunnelling industries. event introduced the girls to different More than 15,000 contractors and ways of exploring careers. It challenged apprentices have been trained. As

48 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 49 Pride in London OUTbound, our LGBT+ Staff Network Group, took part in the Pride in London Parade on Saturday 8 July to demonstrate the diversity of London and its workforce. Dressed in the colours of the rainbow and equipped with rainbow roundels, our staff sent the very clear message that London is open and welcomes you, regardless of background, religion, race, gender, disability, age or sexual orientation.

To mark the occasion, we transformed parts of our transport network with a new rainbow design. This saw the bold new design highlighting #LoveIsLove above the Oxford Street entrance of Tottenham Court Road station and a number of rainbow roundels installed at Tottenham Court Road, Oxford Circus and Piccadilly Circus Tube stations. Customers were also given the chance to ride on one of the 50 Santander Cycles that were decorated with rainbow livery on their rear mudguards to demonstrate and celebrate how proud the capital is of its diversity.

On the day of the parade, we also decorated a number of bus stops along its route, two of which will permanently stay in place in the area to serve as a reminder of our support to the LGBT+ community.

Santander Cycles were decorated with rainbow livery for the Pride in London celebrations

50 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 51 6 Securing value

Reducing costs and a better place to work, attracting and As part of our cost reduction programme retaining a talented, diverse workforce. £699m of savings are included in our budget for 2017/18. Slow running escalators save energy Electricity is a significant cost for LU, We are modernising our organisation by so reducing consumption has both eliminating duplication and ensuring environmental and financial benefits. we are integrated, lean, commercially minded and agile. We have reached At airports, escalators run slow (or stop) a major milestone in this work. when they are not being used. Sensor Consultation on new organisational detectors around the escalator notice The Landmark Court site, Southwark Street, will offer affordable design proposals has launched, as the presence of customers, slowing housing as well as commercial, retail and workspace planned, in six areas of the business – the escalator down as customer flow LU, Surface, Engineering, City Planning, reduces. This system is now fitted on Customers, Communication and LU’s newest escalators at Greenford we design the best possible scheme Street. Triangle London Developments Technology and Corporate Assurance. and King’s Cross (Northern line), and for Northwood. We hope to select a (TLD), a consortium of U&I and Notting will be implemented at Chancery Lane preferred partner by the end of this year, Hill Housing, will work with us to deliver We are ensuring that change is and Liverpool Street. We are also with a view to start consultation on new around 80 new homes, at least 35 per coordinated, and have briefed more than trying it out on an existing escalator proposals in 2018. cent of which will be affordable, in line 4,500 staff and are in continuing dialogue at North Greenwich. with London Borough of Southwark’s with them and trade unions about these Planning submission for 444-450 affordable housing policy and supporting proposals. This follows consultation Generating income and delivering Kingsland Road Arches our commitment to deliver 50 per cent launching in our Commercial, Finance affordable housing On 16 June, we submitted a planning affordable housing across our portfolio. and Technology and Data functions Northwood station launched to market application for the improvement The site is in walking distance from earlier in the year. On 14 June, we started the search for of 444-450 Kingsland Road Arches , Borough Market, a joint venture partner through our which are currently vacant. Our Tate Modern and the Globe Theatre, and Each business area also shared their Property Partnerships framework. proposals will create new commercial our partnership with TLD will transform proposed leadership structure for Our partner will work with us to bring space for retail or food and drink it from an underused lot to a local the future. All directors will retain forward new shops and homes at operators and improve the look of cultural and social hub for people to their current accountabilities until Northwood station. Our 4.7 acre site the property on Kingsland Road, live, work and visit. Alongside housing, consultation is complete and our new has the potential to deliver more than between Dalston Junction and the site has the potential to deliver structure goes live. This is to ensure we 100 homes, at least 35 per cent of which Haggerston Overground station. 134,500 square feet of new commercial, continue to deliver a safe and reliable will be affordable, and provide step-free retail and workspace, boosting the service as we modernise. We have a access to the station. Landmark Court development growing social and commercial activity number of director roles that we are partner announced on Southwark Street. Any proposals will recruiting for. Once selected, our joint venture partner On 10 July, we announced the selection seek to maximise outdoor public space will work closely with us and the of our preferred bidder for a joint venture and pedestrian routes on Southwark These are important steps in becoming a local community to develop detailed to deliver a mixed-used development on Street, Redcross Way, Borough High more efficient and effective organisation, proposals for the site, ensuring that our Landmark Court site on Southwark Street and provide access to the

52 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 53 Costa has opened a unit on the advertising screens on the A406 near westbound District and Circle line Wembley on the Abbey Road and Harrow platforms at Westminster Tube station. Road underpasses. The screens are part This follows on from the successful of our contract with Outdoor Plus which opening of a Costa unit on the eastbound will generate £13m to reinvest in the platform earlier this year. The coffee transport network over 10 years. During shops make use of previously disused the installation works for both sites space on the platforms to provide we have kept disruption to neighbours attractive shops for our customers, and road users to a minimum. We used without any impact on operations. acoustic sheeting to reduce noise and Costa units are now open at Westminster Tube station – they take These Costa units will generate at least for all but one of 20 nights’ work have advantage of formerly disused space to improve customer experience £100,000 a year to invest in transport. kept the roads open, closing single lanes only each night. At Sun-in-the-Sands Lucozade ‘Find Your Flow’ campaign testing has now been completed and increasingly popular walkway along the step-free access to the District and with Hello London commercial advertising is live. At Sun-in- Low Line. Circle line. We received a number of In early June, through our advertising the-Sands and Wembley we will be able high quality bids and have shortlisted six partnership with Exterion Media – Hello to use the screens to inform road users The existing unconsecrated Cross Bones bidders. Subject to planning consent, the London – we worked with Lucozade of upcoming works, events and traffic Graveyard, which is currently let to development could be complete by 2022. to deliver a two-week advertising and disruption. the Bankside Open Spaces Trust and experiential campaign for the brand. The managed by the Friends of Crossbones, Blackhorse Road campaign at Oxford Circus Tube included Appendices to this report: will be safeguarded as part of the Following the launch of our Blackhorse station domination advertising and None development – and will provide a high- Road car park site to our Property product sampling. In an innovative twist, quality memorial garden. Partnership framework in March, bids the 5,000 bottles handed out were fitted Background papers: have been received back from a number with a near field communication (NFC) None Once a contract has been exchanged, of our partners and we are in the process chip which could be used to make one the new joint venture will consult with of evaluating these with the intention of free journey on Mike Brown Londoners, neighbours and local interest selecting a partner later in the summer. our network. The campaign has Commissioner groups to develop a detailed design The site is currently a commuter car generated £290,000 to reinvest in the Transport for London in order to seek planning permission park of 1.8 acres with potential for a transport network. March 2017 and to start on site in 2019, aiming for residential-led scheme of 368 units, 50 completion by 2022. per cent of which will be affordable, Sun-in-the-Sands and Wembley and almost 20,000 square feet of underpass advertising screens South Kensington station commercial space. On 19 June, we completed installation redevelopment of two new digital advertising screens We are seeking a partner to work with Costa Westminster at the Sun-in- the-Sands underpass on us on a long-term basis to restore and the A102 in Greenwich, and on 26 June develop South Kensington station and 2017 we began installing two new digital bring forward a redevelopment with

54 Commissioner’s Report Commissioner’s Report 55 © Transport for London Windsor House 42 – 50 Victoria Street London SW1H 0TL July 2017 PUB17_026