An Walking Tour of

The West End

t How to get to the start al S B Tickets Royal ow JameFsl oSr S Phone 020 7766 7337 or Opera House t The start is outside the Tube Station entrance in Q N Covent t Theatre G ueens ve. ewp Museum Bridge St. - opposite . ielgud y A Garden t A t ussell S esbur t or en R If you arrive by "tube", this is exit No 4. p t rd S t P ov London ol Shaf era 9 l t C den L G G ar S Transport yr lo W 39 45,46 St arrick S King SS G o The half way point is at (segment 32) and can be ar cester ne t t Paul's uthampt Museum Gt ic t Lei Lei our dour S P t ranb y W R 47,48 lac c Cour C Alber easily reached from Covent Garden Tube station in James St. up Lisle S es 32,33 indmill S e ter New Row er Bear St Leic. Sq 36,37 34,35 on e S Alternatively, you can hail a Taxi at most points along the route. t S t L T t S Empir an ro t M aiden Lane cader t er 38 M o est deon e a t O r 30,31 B and Leic G t edf tr i S R e ns ege A 49,50 try St Squar Irving St ar o The nt St ir S Coven rick Coliseum rd S S S P t ackville Sw t icc 39,40 William IV St B al R C 43,44 41,42 S A R lo adilly t ur o E egen ir lingt cademy w S adilly agle P cus trait M Route al A icc l Por a Legend Y lban t P C tiona r 26,27 28,29 hur Na t ar t S y i lternative route lac y n A O on A d y Ct t S Galler St Martin t James ch P t aller s A ld B y e P P b r tional G r inc Na l Directions to the next stop le ond S c lac Duncannon St 46 mar ade F es A ross D or 51,52 e 24,25 tary D P & M Commen e S uk rc 45 o t icc tnum ade ing C B 53,54v a e S rafalgar tion th er er S t di ason T e Street or pa k ll t Squar har Sta ele t S y A C Steps y S t Jam rc A ade Northumb Point of interest / t r erland A lingt es S Admir ve. alty stop for directions itz t Arch 22,23 e R on ard Th S nd Y Tube StationHunger Q t otla Leic. Sq u Sc fo e Gt. rd B en l Pedestrian Street or Plaza ri tehall P dge 55 's Whi W se Admission Charges a Hou lk er ve. 6 Parliament £ 7 enc M ards A 7 Jewel Tower £ 3 Sp ar all rse Gu lb M s Ho ing 12 £ 8 o The seguard nquet rough Hor Ba 15 Cabinet War Rooms and £10 St James Guards ouse St James Park Horse W H Churchill Museum ace 20,21 Pal R arade hi C oad P 20 Banqueting House £ 4 H la t Green Park o renc e 32 Museum £ 6 S hall t use able e 32 - tour £ 8 Y 58,59 No 10 ar Richmond Terr. 56 Buckingham Palace -Royal £25 d R ake sland d k L Downing St 18,19 MewsW, Sesttamtien sRteoroms and Queen's te . s Par uck I a Marlborough Gate D GallerMyi.llennium Pier Con St Jame stituti nada G King C on Hill Ca harles St Victoria

1P 4,17 r

60,61 15,16 Cabinet a Embankment

e m a i l Derby Gate Victoria War Wordsworth Rooms ia Sonnet Memorial ec 56,57 n (Exit 4) Gr t ? eat Geor ge St S Westminster oad

B t uckingham ate Walk B S Anne's G dcage 2,3 Palace pur R Queen Bir C 1 hurchill Bridge St Parliam en t d t 4,5 Big Ben . Queen x Square dlese Anne's id all M ldh Gate Gui Cromwell B St Margaret ham uck ing G liamen Royal Mews uck ing 12,13 B at te e ha St James Park West ar Ga minster Abb P ey 0 m 0.25 0.5 Miles Approx. Scale 10,11 Richard I 0 0.5 Km 6,7 River Thames Jewel Tower Sovereign's uses of Approximate Distances 1 to 33 3.6 Km (2.3 miles) 33 to 1 (via 55) 4.1 Km (2.6 miles) Entrance o 8,9 H 1.0 © 2005 Digital Audio Tours Inc. Walking Tours for the Digital Age