NDSUmagazineNORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SPRING 2003 contents Editor’s note 5 Letters 6-7 Contributors 8-9 On the cover 10-11 Letter to an imaginary friend Introduction by Kathy Freise 12 An homage to Tom McGrath 13-17 Put your finger on it 18-19 Tracking gadget gives professors insight into what students are learning D’oh!-re-mi 20-29 North Dakotan Alf Clausen makes music for “The Simpsons” Excerpts 30-31 Psychology professor Kevin McCaul Lazy bones 32-35 Engineers work on a better bone builder Little time machines 36-37 Historic theaters in North Dakota No longer lost 38-43 Sudanese refugee studies to be an engineer Poetry 44-47 You live it every day Editor Laura McDaniel Editorial staff Cathy Jelsing Dan Koeck Kathy Laid Tammy Swift Volume 3 Number 2 SPRING 2003 Art Direction/Design NDSUmagazine Julie Babler Address changes Send address and name changes to:
[email protected] Letters Unless noted “not for publication,” communications to the editor are considered for publication, often in a condensed version. E-mail: laura.mcdaniel@ ndsu.nodak.edu PO Box 5167 Fargo, ND 58105 Fax: 701.231.1989 Volume 3, number 2 NDSUmagazine is published twice a year, in spring and fall, by North Dakota State University, University Relations, PO Box 5167, Fargo ND 58105. NDSU is an equal opportunity institution. President Joseph A. Chapman
[email protected] Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs R. Craig Schnell
[email protected] Vice President for Student Affairs George H. Wallman
[email protected] Vice President for Research, Creative Activities and Technology Transfer Philip Boudjouk
[email protected] Vice President and Dean for Agricultural Affairs Patricia A.