Day Day One August 21

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Day Day One August 21 Thursday Day One August 21 2p 8:30p 9:9:9: "Life on the Fast Lane" :2222: :22"Itchy and Scratchy and Marge" 2:30p 9p :0110: :01"Homer's Night Out" :3223: :32"Bart Gets Hit by a Car" 3p 9:30p :1111: :11"The Crêpes of Wrath" :4224: :42"One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish" 3:30p :2112: :21"Krusty Gets Busted" 10p :5225: :52"The Way We Was" 4p :3113: :31"Some Enchanted Evening" 10:30p :6226: :62"Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment" Season 2: 1990 -1991 Season 1: 1989 -1990 11p 4:30p 10a :4114: :41"Bart Gets an 'F'" :7227: :72"Principal Charming" 1:1:1: "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire" 11:30p 5p 10:30a :5115: :51"Simpson and Delilah" :8228: :82"Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?" 2:2:2: "Bart the Genius" 5:30p 11a :6116: :61"Treehouse of Horror" 3:3:3: "Homer's Odyssey" 6p 11:30a :7117: :71"Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish" 4:4:4: "There's No Disgrace Like Home" 12p 6:30p 5:5:5: "Bart the General" :8118: :81"Dancin' Homer" 12:30p 7p 6:6:6: "Moaning Lisa" :9119: :91"Dead Putting Society" 1p 7:30p 7:7:7: "The Call of the Simpsons" :0220: :02"Bart vs. Thanksgiving" 1:30p 8p 8:8:8: "The Telltale Head" :1221: :12"Bart the Daredevil" Friday Day Two August 22 6a 1p 5p Season 2: 1990 -1991 (cont'd) 414141:41 ::: "Like Father, Like Clown" 555555:55 ::: "Colonel Homer" 636363:63 ::: "Lisa the Beauty Queen" 12a 292929:29 ::: "Bart's Dog Gets an "F"" 6:30a 1:30p 5:30p 424242:42 ::: "Treehouse of Horror II" 565656:56 ::: "Black Widower" 646464:64 ::: "Treehouse of Horror III" 12:30a 303030:30 ::: "Old Money" 7a 2p 6p 434343:43 ::: "Lisa's Pony" 575757:57 ::: "The Otto Show" 656565:65 ::: "Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie" 1a 313131:31 ::: "Brush with Greatness" 7:30a 2:30p 6:30p 444444:44 ::: "Saturdays of Thunder" 585858:58 ::: "Bart's Friend Falls in Love" 666666:66 ::: "Marge Gets a Job" 1:30a 323232:32 : "Lisa's Substitute" 8a 3p 7p 454545:45 ::: "Flaming Moe's" 595959:59 ::: "Brother, Can You Spare Two 676767:67 ::: "New Kid on the Block" 2a Dimes?" 333333:33 ::: "The War of the Simpsons" 8:30a 7:30p 464646:46 ::: "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk" 686868:68 ::: "Mr. Plow" 2:30a 343434:34 ::: "Three Men and a Comic Book" 9a 8p 474747:47 ::: "I Married Marge" 696969:69 ::: "Lisa's First Word" 3a 353535:35 ::: "Blood Feud" 9:30a 8:30p 484848:48 ::: "Radio Bart" 707070:70 ::: "Homer's Triple Bypass" Season 3: 1991 -1992 10a 9p 3:30a 494949:49 ::: "Lisa the Greek" 717171:71 ::: "Marge vs. the Monorail" 363636:36 ::: "Stark Raving Dad" 10:30a 9:30p 4a 505050:50 ::: "Homer Alone" 727272:72 ::: "Selma's Choice" 373737:37 ::: "Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington" 11a 10p 4:30a 515151:51 ::: "Bart the Lover" 383838:38 ::: "When Flanders Failed" Season 4 : 1992 -1993 737373:73 ::: "Brother from the Same Planet" 11:30a 3:30p 10:30p 5a 525252:52 : "Homer at the Bat" 393939:39 ::: "Bart the Murderer" 606060:60 ::: "Kamp Krusty" 747474:74 ::: "I Love Lisa" 12p 4p 11p 5:30a 535353:53 ::: "Separate Vocations" 404040:40 ::: "Homer Defined" 616161:61 ::: "A Streetcar Named Marge" 757575:75 ::: "Duffless" 12:30p 4:30p 11:30p 545454:54 ::: "Dog of Death" 626262:62 ::: "Homer the Heretic" 767676:76 ::: "Last Exit to Springfield" Saturday Day Three August 23 4a 10:30a 5p Season 4: 1992 -1993 (cont'd) 858585:85 ::: "Rosebud" 989898:98 ::: "Bart Gets an Elephant" 111111111:111 ::: "Lisa on Ice" 12a 777777:77 ::: "So It's Come to This: A Simpsons 4:30a 11a 5:30p Clip Show" 868686:86 ::: "Treehouse of Horror IV" 999999:99 ::: "Burns' Heir" 112112112:112 ::: "Homer Badman" 12:30a 5a 11:30a 6p 787878:78 : "The Front" 878787:87 : "Marge on the Lam" 100100100:100 ::: "Sweet Seymour Skinner's 113113113:113 ::: "Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy" Baadasssss Song" 1a 5:30a 6:30p 797979:79 ::: "Whacking Day" 888888:88 ::: "Bart's Inner Child" 12p 114114114:114 ::: "Fear of Flying" 101101101:101 ::: "The Boy Who Knew Too Much" 1:30a 6a 7p 808080:80 ::: "Marge in Chains" 898989:89 ::: "Boy-Scoutz 'N the Hood" 12:30p 115115115:115 ::: "Homer the Great" 102102102:102 ::: "Lady Bouvier's Lover" 2a 6:30a 7:30p 818181:81 ::: "Krusty Gets Kancelled" 909090:90 ::: "The Last Temptation of Homer" 1p 116116116:116 ::: "And Maggie Makes Three" 103103103:103 ::: "Secrets of a Successful Marriage" 7a 8p 919191:91 ::: "$pringfield (or, How I Learned to 117117117:117 ::: "Bart's Comet" Season 6: 1994 -1995 Stop Worrying and Love Legalized 1:30p 8:30p Gambling)" 104104104:104 ::: "Bart of Darkness" 118118118:118 ::: "Homie the Clown" 7:30a 2p 9p 929292:92 ::: "Homer the Vigilante" 105105105:105 ::: "Lisa's Rival" 119119119:119 ::: "Bart vs. Australia" 8a 2:30p 9:30p 939393:93 ::: "Bart Gets Famous" 120120120:120 ::: "Homer vs. Patty and Selma" 106106106:106 ::: "Another Simpsons Clip Show" 8:30a 3p 10p 949494:94 ::: "Homer and Apu" 107107107:107 ::: "Itchy and Scratchy Land" 121121121:121 ::: "A Star Is Burns" 9a Season 5: 1993 -1994 10:30p 959595:95 ::: "Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy" 3:30p 2:30a 108108108:108 ::: "Sideshow Bob Roberts" 122122122:122 ::: "Lisa's Wedding" 828282:82 : "Homer's Barbershop Quartet" 9:30a 11p 969696:96 ::: "Deep Space Homer" 4p 3a 109109109:109 ::: "Treehouse of Horror V" 123123123:123 ::: "Two Dozen and One 838383:83 ::: "Cape Feare" 10a Greyhounds" 979797:97 ::: "Homer Loves Flanders" 4:30p 3:30a 110110110:110 ::: "Bart's Girlfriend" 11:30p 124124124:124 ::: "The PTA Disbands" 848484:84 ::: "Homer Goes to College" Sunday Day Four August 24 6a 6p Season 6: 1994 -1995 (cont'd) 731137:137 ::: 731 "Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming" 161161:161 ::: 161 "Hurricane Neddy" 12a 6:30a 6:30p 521125:125 ::: 521 "'Round Springfield" 831138:138 ::: 831 "The Simpsons 138 th Episode 261162:162 ::: 261 "El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro 12:30a 12:30p Spectacular" 051150:150 ::: 051 "Raging Abe Simpson and His Jómer (The Mysterious Voyage of 621126:126 : 621 "The Springfield Connection" Homer)" Grumbling Grandson in 'The 7a 1a 931139:139 ::: 931 "Marge Be Not Proud" Curse of the Flying Hellfish'" 7p 721127:127 ::: 721 "Lemon of Troy" 361163:163 ::: 361 "The Springfield Files" 1p 7:30a 1:30a 041140:140 ::: 041 "Team Homer" 151151:151 ::: 151 "Much Apu About Nothing" 7:30p 821128:128 ::: 821 "Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part One)" 461164:164 ::: 461 "The Twisted World of Marge 8a 1:30p 251152:152 ::: 251 "Homerpalooza" Simpson" Season 7: 1995 -1996 141 141:141 ::: 141 "Two Bad Neighbors" 8p 2a 8:30a 2p 351153:153 ::: 351 "Summer of 4 Ft. 2" 561165:165 ::: 561 "Mountain of Madness" 921129:129 ::: 921 "Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two)"241 142:142 ::: 241 "Scenes from the Class Struggle in 2:30a Springfield" 8:30p Season 8: 1996 -1997 166: "Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala 031130:130 : 031 "Radioactive Man" 9a 2:30p (Annoyed Grunt)cious" 341143:143 ::: 341 "Bart the Fink" 3a 451154:154 ::: 451 "Treehouse of Horror VII" 9p 131131:131 : 131 "Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum- 9:30a 3p 761167:167 ::: 761 "The Itchy and Scratchy and Doodily" 441144:144 ::: 441 "Lisa the Iconoclast" 551155:155 ::: 551 "You Only Move Twice" Poochie Show" 3:30a 10a 3:30p 9:30p 231132:132 ::: 231 "Bart Sells His Soul" 541145:145 ::: 541 "Homer the Smithers" 651156:156 ::: 651 "The Homer They Fall" 861168:168 ::: 861 "Homer's Phobia" 4a 10:30a 4p 10p 331133:133 ::: 331 "Lisa the Vegetarian" 641146:146 ::: 641 "The Day the Violence Died" 751157:157 ::: 751 "Burns, Baby Burns" 961169:169 ::: 961 "Brother from Another Series" 4:30a 11a 4:30p 10:30p 431134:134 ::: 431 "Treehouse of Horror VI" 741147:147 ::: 741 "A Fish Called Selma" 851158:158 ::: 851 "Bart After Dark" 071170:170 ::: 071 "My Sister, My Sitter" 5a 11:30a 5p 11p 531135:135 ::: 531 "King-Size Homer" 841148:148 ::: 841 "Bart on the Road" 951159:159 ::: 951 "A Milhouse Divided" 171171:171 ::: 171 "Homer vs. the Eighteenth 5:30a Amendment" 12p 5:30p 631136:136 ::: 631 "Mother Simpson" 941149:149 ::: 941 "22 Short Films About Springfield" 061160:160 ::: 061 "Lisa's Date with Density" 11:30p 271172:172 ::: 271 "Grade School Confidential" Monday Day Five August 25 6a 5:30p Season 8: 1996 -1997 (cont'd) 581185:185 ::: 581 "The Two Mrs. 802208:208 ::: 802 "When You Dish Upon a Star" 12a Nahasapeemapetilons" 6p 371173:173 ::: 371 "The Canine Mutiny" 6:30a 902209:209 ::: 902 "D'oh-in' in the Wind" 12:30a 681186:186 ::: 681 "Lisa the Skeptic" 471174:174 ::: 471 "The Old Man and the Lisa" 6:30p 7a 012210:210 ::: 012 "Lisa Gets an 'A'" 1a 781187:187 ::: 781 "Realty Bites" 571175:175 ::: 571 "In Marge We Trust" 7p 7:30a 112211:211 ::: 112 "Homer Simpson in: 'Kidney 1:30a 881188:188 ::: 881 "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace" Trouble'" 671176:176 ::: 671 "Homer's Enemy" 8a 7:30p 2a 1p 981189:189 ::: 981 "All Singing, All Dancing" 991199:199 ::: 991 "Girly Edition" 212212:212 ::: 212 "Mayored to the Mob" 771177:177 ::: 771 "The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase" 8:30a 1:30p 8p 091190:190 ::: 091 "Bart Carny" 002200:200 ::: 002 "Trash of the Titans" 312213:213 ::: 312 "Viva Ned Flanders" 2:30a 871178:178 ::: 871 "The Secret War of Lisa Simpson" 9a 2p 8:30p 191191:191 ::: 191 "The Joy of Sect" 102201:201 ::: 102 "King of the Hill" 412214:214 ::: 412 "Wild Barts Can't Be Broken" Season 9: 1997 -1998 9:30a 2:30p 9p 3a 291192:192 ::: 291 "Das Bus" 202202:202 ::: 202 "Lost Our Lisa" 512215:215 ::: 512 "Sunday, Cruddy Sunday" 971179:179 ::: 971 "The City of New York vs.
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