CONFRATERNITY OF PILGRIMS TO ROME * NEWSLETTER APRIL 2008 No. 3 Contents 1 Editorial Alison Raju Chris George 2 “A Pilgrim’s Tale” in the footsteps of Sigeric, Archbishop of Canterbury Veronica O’Connor 10 The Seven Pilgrim Churches of Rome Almis Simans 18 Who was St. Maurice? Janet Skinner 20 Medieval Itineraries to Rome Peter Robins 28 Rome for the modern pilgrim: traces of Peter and Paul Howard Nelson 36 Michael Alberto Alberti 38 Reviews William Marques Alison Raju 42 Additions to the CPR Library Howard Nelson 45 Secretary's Notebook Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome Founded November 2006 Chairman William Marques
[email protected] Webmaster Ann Milner
[email protected] Treasurer Alison Payne
[email protected] Newsletter Alison Raju
[email protected] Chris George
[email protected] Secretary Bronwen Marques Company Secretary Ian Brodrick
[email protected] AIVF Liason Joe Patterson
[email protected] Editorial This is the third issue of the Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome's Newsletter. We started on a modest scale to begin with - two issues a year, June and December, in 2007 - but in 2008 we plan three: April, August and December. Eventually we hope to make it a quarterly publication. There are six articles, four book reviews, a listing of new additions to the CPR library and the section entitled “Secretary's Notebook,” containing short items of information likely to be of interest to our members. Veronica O’Connor has written an account of her experiences on her pilgrimage from Canterbury to Rome in 2002, after which Almis Simans tells us about the Seven Pilgrim Churches in Rome.