
ICEPV 2018


The International Conference IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF VALUES

10th Edition, October 10-11, 2018 ,


10th Edition, October 10-11, 2018 Alba Iulia, Romania

Organisers  "1 Decembrie 1918" of Alba Iulia, Romania  State University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova

Website http://www.uab.ro/sesiuni_2018/educatia_din_perspectiva_valorilor/ e-ISBN: 978-606-711-983-1

© Eikon Publishing House, 2018

Edited by D. Opriş, I. Scheau, O. Moşin

1 ICEPV 2018 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 10th Edition, October 10-11, 2018


This book is a collection of the abstracts of the papers presented during the 10th edition of the “Education in the Perspective of Values” International Conference held in Alba Iulia between October 10-11, 2018. The conference is organized by the “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia together with the State University of Moldova. Ideas and examples from various areas of the academic life have been highlighted in a debate systematically focussed on supporting the development of the human personality through direct educational means. As usual, the conference gathered academics, and researchers. The people’s constant interest in this conference is manifest in the 134 published papers from subjects such as: , , theology, literature, economy, law, , sociology, , medicine and .

The 2018 edition was dedicated to the celebration of the Centennial of the Great Unification, a cornerstone in the foundation of the Great Romania and in the reshaping of some national cultural elements. The Doctor Honoris Causa award ceremony held a central spot in the proceedings of the conference, it being awarded to Professor Constantin Cucos, the Head of the Department for Training from the “” University of Iasi, in the presence of the Senate of the “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia and numerous guests from local and international .

The papers of the conference were grouped into several categories that showcased the new educational trends, including even a cross-curricular educational survey. The categories are the following: education and values in the contemporary society, the teachers’ initial training and their professional development, methodology and innovation in teaching, studies on the use of ICT in education, models of life-long learning, benchmarks in the religious and moral education, literature, moral values and education, teaching experiences in and primary schools, ethical issues in education, and the relationship between the national and the universal values from the perspective of the contemporary education.

ICEPV 2018 Organising Committee

2 ICEPV 2018 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 10th Edition, October 10-11, 2018




9.45 – 11.30 PLENARY SESSION Moderators: - Dr Ioan SCHEAU, Associate Professor at the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia - Fr Octavian MOŞIN, Associate Professor at the State University of Moldova Speakers: - Dr Florin-Vasile FRUMOS, Associate Professor at the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, TEACHING AND LEARING STRATEGIES. AN ATTEMPT TO THE UNIFICATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL STRATEGIES - Dr Constantin POPESCU and Dr Alexandru TAŞNADI, Professors at the Academy for Economic Studies of Bucharest, THE HOPE EFFECT IN RESPIRITUALIZING EDUCATION - Fr Octavian MOŞIN, Associate Professor at the State University of Moldova, ALEXANDRU SCARLAT STURZA ABOUT THE EDUCATION OF THE YOUNG GENERATION - Dr Virgil MÂNDÂCANU, Professor at the "Ion Creangă" State University of Pedagogy of Chişinău, HARMONIOUS EDUCATION AS A SYNTHESIS OF FAITH, CULTURE AND FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHALLENGES OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY - Dr Ioana TODOR, Associate Professor at the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, A PSICHOPEDAGOGICAL APPROACH OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE IN THE CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY

11.30 – 12.00 COFFEE BREAK

12.00 – 13.00 DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA AWARD CEREMONY for Professor Constantin Cucoş, the Head of the Department for Teacher Training from the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi

13.00 – 15.00 LUNCH BREAK

3 ICEPV 2018 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 10th Edition, October 10-11, 2018

15.00 – 16.00 "Education and Values in The Contemporary Society" WORKSHOP Moderators: - Dr Constantin CUCOŞ, Professor at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi - Dr Dorin OPRIŞ, Associate Professor at the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia

16.00-16.30 COFFEE BREAK

16.30 – 18.00 PLENARY SESSION Moderators: - Dr Ioana TODOR, Associate Professor at the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia - Dr Valentin Cosmin BLÂNDUL, Professor at the University of Oradea Speakers: - Dr Constantin CUCOŞ, Professor at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi, HYPOSTASES OF THE EDUCATIONAL VALUES: STATUS, MEANING, AND CONSEQUENCES - Dr Valentin Cosmin BLÂNDUL, Professor at the University of Oradea, SOME ELEMENETS ABOUT TEACHRES’ INTERESTS FOR CONTINUES TRAINING IN NON-FORMAL EDUCATION - Dr Dorin OPRIŞ, Associate Professor at the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, THE RESEARCH PROJECTS AND THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF THE UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM - Dr Victoria FONARI, Associate Professor at the State University of Moldova, PSYCHE IN THE HIERARCHY OF VALUES: THE SEARCH PATH BETWEEN EROS AND THANATOS - Dr Ruslan ŞEVCENCO, Researcher at the Insitute for Efficient Politics from Chişinău, PROSECUTIONS OF BELIEF AND BELIEVERS BETWEEN THE PRUT AND DNIESTER (THE END OF THE 1950TH - THE 1960TH YEARS) - Dr Ioan SCHEAU, Associate Professor at the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS

19.00 DINNER

4 ICEPV 2018 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 10th Edition, October 10-11, 2018


9.00 – 11.00 PARALLEL SESSIONS (details enclosed in the portfolio)

Senate Hall: SESSION 1 Moderators: - Dr Nicolae CHICUŞ, Professor at the "Ion Creangă" State University of Pedagogy of Chişinău - Dr Florin-Vasile FRUMOS, Associate Professor at the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi

Aula Minor: SESSION 2 Moderators: - Dr Constantin POPESCU, Professor at the Academy for Economic Studies of Bucharest - Dr Alexandru TAŞNADI, Professor at the Academy for Economic Studies of Bucharest

A6 Hall: SESSION 3 Moderators: - Dr Victoria FONARI, Associate Professor at the State University of Moldova - Dr Rodica SOLOVEI, Associate Professor at the Institute for Educational of Chişinău

A1 Hall: SESSION 4 Moderators: - Dr Stela SPÎNU, Associate Professor at the "" State University of Chişinău - Dr Teodor Vasile VĂLCAN, Associate Professor at the "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca

A5 Hall: SESSION 5 Moderators: - Fr Marian VÎLCIU, Professor at the "Valahia" University of Târgovişte - Dr Victor GHILAS, Head Researcher at the Institute for the Cultural Heritage, Chişinău A2 Hall: SESSION 6 Moderators: - Dr Viorica GORAŞ-POSTICĂ, Professor at the State University of Moldova - Dr Maria DOBRIŢOIU, University of Petroşani

5 ICEPV 2018 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 10th Edition, October 10-11, 2018

A9 Hall: SESSION 7 Moderators: - Dr Nelu VICOL, Associate Professor at the Institute for Educational Sciences, Chişinău - Dr Carmen-Maria BOLOCAN, Professor at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi

11.00 – 11.30 COFFEE BREAK


13.00 – 13.30 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS (A9 Hall)



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CONSTANTIN CUCOŞ "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi

Abstract A normal society needs the simultaneous activation of several structures and formative factors. The existence of a specialized forum for education (school) does not mean abandoning a number of complementary forms of acquiring and learning values. No matter how pragmatic we want to be, we shouldn’t neglect the educative effusions of the concrete environment in which human beings coexist. It is obvious that not all values can be "crowded" in school (this can often become a sufficient environment, disagreeing with reality). The main factors of education (Family - Church - School - Mass Media etc.) are called to manage the person's training on this axis, in a specialized and efficient collaboration. The educational effect is ensured not by the performance of an educated factor taken separately, but by the way of interference or co-operation among several factors of the education of the person.

Keywords: education for values, factors of education, family, school, church, integral education.


 Bârsănescu, Ştefan, Curs de Pedagogie generală, predat în anii 1933-4, 1934-5, Ed. a II-a, Ed. J. Livescu şi D. Ungureanu, Litografia C. Ionescu, Bucureşti, 1935.  Bruner, Jerome, L’éducation, entrée dans la culture, Ed. Retz, Paris, 1996.  Depover, Christian, Un dispositif d’apprentissage a distance base sur le partage des connaissances, în Alava, Seraphin (sous la direction), Cyberspace et formations ouvertes. Vers une mutation des pratiques de formation ?, De Boeck Université, Bruxelles, 2000.  Dewey, John, Démocratie et éducation, Armand Colin, Paris, 1990.  Houssaye, Jean, Valeurs à l'école, Presse Universitaire du France, Paris, 1992.  Houssaye, Jean, Autorité ou éducation? Entre savoir et socialisation: le sens de l’éducation, ESF Editeur, Paris, 2001.  Kant, Imanuel, Tratat de pedagogie. Religia în limitele raţiunii, Editura „Agora” SRL, Iaşi, 1992.  Molyneaux, Brian, L., Introduction: the represented past, in Peter G. Stone, Brian L. Molyneaux, The Presented Past. Heritage, museums and education, Routledge, London, 2006.  Reboul, Olivier, Les valeurs de l'éducation, PUF, Paris, 1992.  Văideanu, George, Education pour et par les valeurs ou l'éducation axiologique, Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza”, Iaşi, seria Psihologie-Pedagogie, tom 2, 1993.  Whitehead, A. N., The Aims of Education, and Other Essays, Ernest Benn Limited, London, 1962.  Woolley, Isolde, In Defense oh the Human in Education, Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 2012.

7 ICEPV 2018 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 10th Edition, October 10-11, 2018

CONTEMPORARY ROMANIAN PEDAGOGY AND SELF-DISCOVERY TOWARDS THE FORMATION OF MAN INTO MAN. Professor Constantin Cucoş - Doctor Honoris Causa of "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia

DORIN OPRIŞ "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia

Abstract 100 years after the unification of the Romanian provinces in a single state, we pay tribute to all those who have supported the Romanian national ideals, many of them losing their freedom or even their lives. But we also remember with gratitude the personalities who are embarking on the difficult mission of forming the new generations today. Professor Constantin Cucoş, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iaşi, received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia for his outstanding work in the field of . Its activity in the field of education is unanimously recognized in Romania and in Europe. Among his works we mention: 19 author volumes, 12 university courses and 34 contributions as co-author of volumes that were published in the country or abroad. In addition, there are 136 contributions to the volumes of some scientific conferences held in Romania or abroad, as well as the quality of coordinator, scientific consultant or preface author for 45 papers.

Keywords: education, culture, history, research, education sciences, Romania, Iaşi.


 Cucoş, Constantin, Pedagogie şi axiologie, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1995.  Cucoş, Constantin, Educaţia religioasă. Conţinut şi forme de realizare, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1996.  Cucoş, Constantin, Minciună, contrafacere, simulare. O abordare psihopedagogică, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 1997.  Cucoş, Constantin, Educaţia. Dimensiuni culturale şi interculturale, Iaşi, Polirom, 2000.  Cucoş, Constantin, Teoria şi metodologia evaluării, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2008.  Cucoş, Constantin, Educaţia. Iubire, edificare, desăvârşire, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2008.  Cucoş, Constantin, Educaţia. Experienţe, reflecţii, soluţii, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2013.  Cucoş, Constantin, Educaţia estetică, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2014.  Cucoş, Constantin, Pedagogie, ediţia a III-a, revăzută şi adăugită, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2014.  Cucoş, Constantin, Educaţia. Reîntemeieri, dinamici, prefigurări, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2017.  Cucoş, Constantin, Istoria pedagogiei. Idei şi doctrine pedagogice fundamentale, ediţia a II-a revizuită şi îmbogăţită, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2017.  Opriş, Monica, Religie, morală, educaţie. Perspective teologice şi pedagogice, Bucureşti, Editura Basilica, 2011.  Pânişoară, Ion-Ovidiu, Recomandare, în vederea acordării titlului de Doctor Honoris Causa domnului Prof.univ.dr. Constantin Cucoş, de către Universitatea „1 Decembrie” din Alba Iulia, 2018.  Stan, Emil, Recomandare, pentru decernarea titlului de Doctor Honoris Causa domnului Prof.univ.dr. Constantin Cucoş, 2018.

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VIRGIL MÂNDÂCANU "Ion Creangă" State University of Pedagogy of Chişinău

Abstract In the jubilee year of “The Centenary of the Great Unification”, we proposed to the readers who are less aware of the issues concerning the history of Romanianism, unionism and the struggle against the separation of Romania, the newly edited book “Union in the destiny of the Bessarabian ” (2017, 600 p.). It’s time for the Bessarabian Romanians “to change the public opinion, giving it another direction, producing a huge moral reaction, a revolution of ideas” (M. Eminescu). Given the worsening of the hybrid war, the Russian propaganda, the complication of the geopolitical situations and the contemporary postmodernist challenges, the emphasis should be placed on the education of the national consciousness. Thus, the book intitled "Education as a synthesis of faith, culture, science" (2018, 800 p.) was published.

Keywords: morality, spirituality, education, reform, pedagogy, re-spiritualization.


 Bulacu, Mihail, Pedagogia creştin-ortodoxă, Bucureşti-Cernica, 1935.  Callo, Tatiana, Fundamentele pedagogice ale integralităţii dezvoltării personalităţii, Chişinău, 2006.  Cucoş, Constantin, Educaţia religioasă, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 1999.  Mândâcanu, Virgil, Pedagogia creştin-ortodoxă, Chişinău, Ed. I-II, 2014-2017.  Mehedinţi, Simion, Altă creştere, Bucureşti, 1921.  Moşin, Octavian, De la Suflet la Suflet. Cugetări creştine pentru omul de astăzi, vol. 1, Chişinău, 2015.  Opriş, Dorin, Dimensiuni creştine ale pedagogiei moderne, Bucureşti, EDP, 2012.  Opriş, Dorin, Educaţia religioasă şi dezvoltarea personală, Bucureşti, EDP, 2014.  Opriş, Monica, Religie, Morală, Educaţie, Bucureşti, Editura Basilica, 2011.  Popescu, Constantin, Despre viaţă şi economie, Bucureşti, Editura ASE, 2012.  Sârbu, Ana, Ştiinţa credinţei şi credinţa ştiinţei în: Educaţia ca sinteză a credinţei, culturii şi ştiinţei, Chişinău, 2018.  Scheau, Ioan, Filosofia educaţiei, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Eikon, 2014.  Stăniloae, Dumitru, Teologia dogmatică ortodoxă, vol. I, Bucureşti, EIBMBOR, 1978.

9 ICEPV 2018 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 10th Edition, October 10-11, 2018


NICOLAE CHICUŞ, VALENTIN CUŞCĂ "Ion Creangă" State University of Pedagogy of Chişinău

Abstract This article analyzes the value principles that made possible the 1918 Great Union, the changes that occurred in the current perception of these values in the context of globalization and innovation of values, including the national ones. In this context the collective vision referring to the Union's historical importance, the principles and values which today nurture this process have changed greatly; the causes which facilitate this process are analyzed, as well as those which create difficulties. It is stated that the vector of European economic and energetic integration in the present conditions represent the main foundation for an eventual reunification of the two Romanian states - the Republic of Moldova and Romania. The core of this process must be the values promoted by the political elites from both sides of the river Prut, which are to be economically, culturally, educationally synchronized and consolidated through a concrete programs and actions.

Keywords: The Centenary of the Great Union, The globalization and innovation of values, Collective vision – traditional and modern, Vector of European integration, Political elite value in time.


 Vezi: Virgil Mândâcanu, Educaţia în perspectiva idealului naţional, pp. 21-27; Natalia Carabet, Idealul naţional şi educaţia, pp.100-103; Nicolae Chicuş, Valentin Cuşcă, Formarea profesională a pedagogilor în spiritul valorilor şi tradiţiilor crengiene, pp. 7-12; Виктор Андрющенко Европейские ценности: проблемы имплементации, pp.11-12. În Educaţia din perspectiva valorilor. Idei, concepte, modele, Tom IV, Suma pedagogica, Ed. EICON, Cluj Napoca, 2013.  Peiu, Petrişor Gabriel, Se mai poate face astăzi unirea?! (publicat în Jurnal de Chişinău, nr.1- nr.15, 2018).

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LILIANA STAN "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi

Abstract An intrinsic component of people and communities lives, moral duty is being instituted as a requisite and is being assimilated to some moral value which is fundamental to socio-human existence. Moral duty asserts for essential moral values (good, truth, justice, dignity, humaneness, etc.), through and beyond its concrete covering which it owns at a determined moment within peculiar existential contexts. In the field of education, the issue of moral duty requires deep and complex understanding with a view to assure authenticity of the contents being proposed to its trainees. This study brings forward some specifications within two significant ideation registries. In the first place, ample openness of the semantic areal of the moral duty (etymology of the word duty and its linguistic forms of expressing the idea of the duty) is being emphasised, and secondly an inventory is being made of some determiners for establishing duty (in a generic meaning).

Keywords: moral duty, requisite, moral value, ethics, deontology.


 Aristotel, Etica Nicomahică, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, 1988.  Ceterchi, I., Craiovan, I., Introducere în teoria generală a dreptului, Bucureşti, Editura All, 1993.  Cicero, Despre îndatoriri, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică, 1967.  Dalai, Lama, Etica noului mileniu, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică, 2000.  Descartes, R., Discurs asupra metodei de a ne conduce bine raţiunea în a căuta adevărulîn ştiinţe, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică, 1957.  Durkheim, E., L'Education morale, Paris, Felix Alcan, 1925.  Grayling, A., C., Viitorul valorilor morale, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică, 2000.  Kant, I., Critica raţiunii practice, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică, 1972.  Laertios, D., Despre vieţile şi doctrinele filosofilor, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Române, 1963.  Lipovetsky, G., Amurgul datoriei, Bucureşti, Editura Babel, 1996.  Pitagora, Legile morale şi politice, Bucureşti, Editura Antet, 1996.  Spinoza, B., Etica, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică, 1981.

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VIORICA GORAŞ-POSTICĂ State University of Moldova

Abstract This article contains the result of a qualitative pedagogical investigation on personal development management, from the perspective of Christian spirituality, carried out through the study of the specialized literature and of an interactive training program applied to a sample of over one hundred teachers from the Republic of Moldova. Considered a field of relatively new , personal development and its management, although having its ancient origins in the vast majority of representative cultures of mankind, has become a legitimate concern also for contemporary theorists and practitioners. The formative valences of personal development tools and techniques gain significance in the cultural-religious context in which the church is to expand its role and involve, further equip the professional pedagogues in and for its enlightening and saving work.

Keywords: spiritual issues, personal development, management of personal development, Christian spirituality, Christian values, teachers.

Web resources

 Dezvoltare personală. Available: https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dezvoltare_personal%C4%83  Standardele de competenţă profesională a cadrelor didactice din învăţământul general, Chişinău, 2016. Available: https://mecc.gov.md/sites/default/files/standarde_cadre_didactice.pdf  Dezvoltarea resurselor umane în educaţie: de la idei strategice la acţiuni durabile, Chişinău, 2016. Available: http://prodidactica.md/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/ dezvoltarea_resurselor_umane_ in_educatie.pdf  Rujoiu, Marian, Ce este şi ce nu este dezvoltarea personală?, 2018. Available: https://www.marian-rujoiu.ro/dezvoltare-personala/  Curriculum Dezvoltare personală, Chişinău, 2018. Available: https://mecc.gov.md/sites/default/files/dp_liceu_2018-08-18_curriculum_ghid_0.pdf

12 ICEPV 2018 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 10th Edition, October 10-11, 2018


CARMEN-MARIA BOLOCAN "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi

PAVEL LUNGU "Veniamin Costachi" Orthodox Theological Seminary, Neamt Monastery

Abstract The study wishes to emphasize the presence of several didactic methods in the work “Address to Young Men” of Saint Basil the Great, as well as the actuality of these methods for the youth of our century. Connoisseur of the classical culture, Saint Basil recommends it to young men, for it contributes to the understanding of the Christian teaching. He does this by virtue of his experience: “For my time of life, my many-sided training, yea, my adequate experience in those vicissitudes of life which teach their lessons at every turn, have so familiarized me with human affairs, that I am able to map out the safest course for those just starting upon their careers”. Saint Basil puts an emphasis on prayer, as a fundamental element of the , on the religious chanting, on the reading of psalms, which brings spiritual comfort. The eternal life is the ideal of every Christian, no matter the age, and it is also the main theme of the “Address to Young Men”.

Keywords: method, homily, young, , actuality.


 Sfântul Vasile cel Mare, Cuvânt către tineri, cum pot avea folos din scrierile păgânilor, traducere de Prof. Petre Procopoviciu, Cernăuţi, Tiparul Glasul Bucovinei, 1939.  Sfântul Vasile cel Mare, Omilii şi cuvântări, traducere şi note de Pr.Prof. Dumitru Fecioru, Bucureşti, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, 2004.

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PETRUŢA-MARIA COROIU "Transilvania" University of Brasov

Abstract Our work aims to analyze the relevance of the theological factor in the religious works of the cult music of the last three centuries, so as to highlight the importance of the theology's involvement in musical . Music strengthens the message of prayer, not only enriches the external (auditive) beauty of the liturgical space. The singing prayer is deeper for those who access the integral resources of the sound art and the time and attention given to the perception and inner assimilation of the text message are significantly greater.

Keywords: music, pray, symphonism, tradition, modernity.


 Furtwangler, Wilhelm, Muzică şi iubire, Bucureşti, Editura Niculescu, 2005.  Ierom. Isaac Aghioritul, Viaţa Cuviosului Paisie Aghioritul, Bucureşti, Evanghelismos, 2017.  Despina Petecel Theodoru, Un recviem românesc. Available: http://www.romlit.ro/index.pl/un_recviem_romanesc.

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CONSTANTIN POPESCU, ALEXANDRU TAŞNADI Academy for Economic Studies of Bucharest

Abstract The anchors of life end with the „hope effect”, where nestle the nature and society within man. Because we die with each step and we live with what is left, life is governed by hope as living, conscious energy that gives direction to our expectations in an environment of uncertainty submitted to the final certitude... So as to the hope of dying happy, buried in the hearts of the beloved ones to become immortal, our contributions to the bonds of the ancestors from which we nurture life as a dream, there is need that they spring from the organic need of tying the chain of life with love in giving. The authors integrate in the „hope effect” the respiritualizing of education from the perspective of life’s sense in harmony with liberty in love, responsibility and the faith in the certitude of immortality. The complex, integrating character of the „hope effect” raises the problem of forming and ripening human being in the frame of an educational system where family, community and society are in harmony as „living integrated integers” with the cosmic endowment of human nature. Through each aim of the „hope effect” which crosses the stages of childhood, youth, active maturity and twilight of life, there can be staked the objective-subjective criteria of respiritualizing education on the basis of the values of life in love, responsibility and faith in the certitude of hope. The „hope effect” is always positive, creator and generator of energy in a direction, when education is in harmony with the laws of the health of the whole living. The authors think and believe that hope is learned and lived daily, harmonizing the endowment from nature with the endowment from society, as a belief in the values of sense that form the true loving conscience of life in divinity.

Keywords: hope effect, whole living, respiritualizing education, integrated integers, values of sense.


 Bartolomeu I, Întâlnire cu taina, , Editura Andreiana, 2016.  Backer, Philip, Secretele oamenilor împliniţi, Bucureşti, Editura Amaltea, 2008.  Tolstoi, Lev, Despre Dumnezeu şi om, ediţia a 2-a, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2017.  Ghika, Vladimir, Profesor de Speranţă, Bucureşti, Editura Arhidieceza Romano-catolică, 2013.  Popescu, Constantin, Taşnadi, Alexandru, Respiritualizarea. Învaţă să fii Om, Bucureşti, Editura ASE, 2009.  Page, Rick, Speranţa nu e o strategie, Bucureşti, Editura Amaltea, 2006.  Antonie de Suroj, Viaţa, Boala, Moartea, Bucureşti, Editura Sophia, 2014.  Popescu, Constantin, Visul din speranţă, Bucureşti, Editura ASE, 2015.  Taşnadi, Alexandru, Dăruiţi bucurie, Satu Mare, Editura Eco Print, 2018.

15 ICEPV 2018 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 10th Edition, October 10-11, 2018


DUMITRU STAN "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi

Abstract A society can be defined by several modes depending on the criteria intended to this purpose. When the criterion refers to specificity and coherence of values, the definition of society is being resumed to the syntagm “axiotropic space”. Within this space, individuals must appeal to tools which could help them clearly and rapidly distinguish between value and non-value. From a sociological perspective, such a tool is the axiotropic axis. This study mainly presents socio- cultural advantages generated by methodical application of axiotropic axis, distributions and classifications of some values in relation to such an axis and some criteria for the analysis of values within a unitary axiological space.

Keywords: axiotropic axis, axiotropic space, axiological registry, social actors, social middle.


 Ionescu, I. & Stan, D., Elemente de sociologie, vol. II, Iaşi, Editura Universităţii “Al. I. Cuza”, 1999.  Liiceanu, G., Încercare în politropia omului şi a culturii, Bucureşti, Editura Cartea Românească, 1981.  Năstăsel, E. & Ursu, I., Argumentul sau despre lucrul bine gândit, Bucureşti, Editura ştiinţifică şi enciclopedică, 1980.  Neamţu, G., & Stan, D., (coord.), Asistenţă socială. Studii şi aplicaţii, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2005.  Orwell, G., O mie nouă sute optzeci şi patru, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1991.  Riesman, D., La foule solitaire, Paris, Arthaud, 1964.  Savater, F., Etica pentru Amador, Iaşi, Editura Timpul, 1997.  Scheler, M., Omul resentimentului, Bucureşti, Editura Trei, 1998.

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VICTOR JUC "Dimitrie Cantemir" State University of Chişinău

Conf.univ.dr. MARIA DIACON State University of Tiraspol

Abstract The idea of initiating a process of European integration in the current sense of the phenomenon is relatively recent, overlapping with modern times. However, in order to move from the idea of unification to its transposition into precise projects and the institutionalization of new structures, it took a while for the peoples of Europe to become stronger in relation to what differentiates and separates them; a time when, from the simple aspiration of artists, philosophers or politicians, the European idea began to be animated by powerful individualities and national entities and thus to translate into a political will capable of giving it finality. As a result of the enlargement produced in the years 2014 to 2013, Europe has not become more homogeneous, and within the European Union, sharing between the Western elites on the one hand and the Central and Southeast European countries has increased, with historical memory (the Brezhnev doctrine of limited sovereignty) and the conceptual-value transition in perpetuation. The Central and Southeast European nations have accepted and supported economic integration, but are reluctant to institutions and migrants, which can not spark disagreements and different approaches.

Keywords: National values, european values, philosophical approaces, european integration.


 Pascariu, Gabriela Carmen, Integrare Economică Europeană, Suport de curs, Iaşi, Centrul de Studii Europene, 2009.  Cotea, Felician, Drept comunitar european, Bucureşti, Editura Wolters Kluwer, 2009.  Enciu, Nicolae; Enciu, Valentina. Construcţia europeană (1945-2007). Curs universitar, Chişinău, CIVITAS, 2007.  Marcu, Viorel, Drept instituţional comunitar, Bucureşti, Lumina Lex, 2001.  Duculescu, Victor, Dreptul integrării europene. Tratat elementar, Bucureşti, Lumina Lex, 2003.  Albericus Gentili. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alberico_Gentili.  Savu, Dana Victoria, Integrare Europeană: dimensiuni şi perspective, Bucureşti, Oscar Print, 1996.  Domonique, Colas, Larousse Dicţionar de gândire politică. Autori. Opere. Noţiuni, Bucureşti, Univers Enciclopedic, 2003.  Scăunaş, Stelian, Uniunea Europeană. Construcţie, Instituţii, Drept, Bucureşti, ALL Beck, 2005.  Hen, Christian; Leonard, Jacques, Europa, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 1992.

17 ICEPV 2018 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 10th Edition, October 10-11, 2018


LUDMILA ROŞCA Institute of International Relations of Moldova

Abstract The sustainable development of contemporary society, the human survival and his community, depends to a large extent, on the ability of the social relations' subject to consciously select the life priorities and activity, based on the moral values and the balanced requirements / conditions of the global ecological system, regional, national, local. A personality responsible for the consequences of their own activity, able to manage and get involved in different social processes, is the target of the quality education system. In this study, the author analyzes different aspects of socialization, personalization, personality orientation in the contemporary world, noting that the university mission is to prepare man to assume responsibility in various life situations, to engage actively in the community life. The analysis of different scientific interpretations of the phenomena approached allows the author to substantiate his conclusions.

Keywords: personality, educational system, moral values, rational choice, activity.


 Jiblin, Les, Arta dezvoltării relaţiilor interumane, traducere de Irina –Margareta Nistor, Bucureşti, Curtea Veche, 2000.  Ralea, Mihai, Explicarea omului / Scrieri, vol.1, Bucureşti, Editura Minerva, 1972  Roşca, Alexandru, Omul ca agent şi obiectiv social în contextual tranziţiei.// ACADEMOS. Revistă de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă, Chişinău, AŞM, nr.2-3, 2007, pp. 42-44.  Roşca, Ludmila, Supravieţuirea, moralitatea şi potenţialul personalităţii umane: analiză teoretico-metodologică. Monografie, Chişinău, CEP UASM, 2007.  Roşca, Ludmila, Filosofia. Ghidul afacerii de succes, Chişinău, Tip. ,,Print-Caro”, 2013.  Roşca, Ludmila; Lazari, Constantin, Etica şi integritatea universitară: experienţe, realizări, probleme. Monografie, Chişinău, Tip. ,,Print-Caro”, 2014.  Roşca, Ludmila, Filosofia Integrării Europene. Curs universitar, Chişinău, Tip. ,,Print-Caro”, 2017.  Tănase, Sârbu, Etică. Valori şi virtuţi morale, Iaşi, Editura Societăţii Academice Matei Teiu Botez, 2005.  Барблан А., Иерархия знаний // Вестник высшей школы. Аlma mater, 1994, nr.3, c.30-35, C.30.  Каган М.С., Вновь о сущности человека/ Отчуждение человека в перспективе глобализации мира. Сборник статей, Выпуск 1, Под ред. Маркова Б. В., Изд. «Петрополис», Санкт - Петербург, 2001.  Жан Жак Руссо, Об общественном договоре. Трактаты.М.: Канон-Пресс.Ц.Кучково поле, 1998, 416 с., С. 25.

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Abstract The didactic profession is one of the most beautiful, noble, but, at the same time, complex one. There are many reasons that make this profession so complex, but one of the most important one could be that, in order to meet the growing demands of contemporary society, teachers need to be in a continuous process of refinement. This continuous training must be carried out in those 3 most relevant fields of activity − specialty, psycho-pedagogy and methodical. However, it is very important for the teacher to invest in his personal development as he is not only a source of knowledge in a specialty, but also a human model for their students. Therefore, one of the most effective ways in which teachers can transmit such human values to their pupils is non-formal education, but also in this area a permanent teacher training is required. In this article, we propose to refer to a possible socio-professional portrait of teachers who are interested in their professional training in non-formal education.

Keywords: continues professional training, motivation for didactic career, non-formal education, personal development, socio-professional profile.


 Blândul, V., Bazele educaţiei non-formale, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2015.  Bradea, A., Elemente de didactică generală, Oradea, Editura Universităţii din Oradea, 2014.  Guţu, Vl., Vicol, M., Compendium of Pedagogy, between Modernism and Postmodernism, Iaşi, Editura Performantica, 2014.  Haines, S.L., Summa, M.A., Peeters, M.J., Dy-Boarman, M.A., Willson M.N., Toolkit for US colleges/schools of pharmacyto prepare learners for careers in academia, in: Currents in Pharmacy Teachingand Learning, 2017, Volume 9, Issue 5,  Koshkina, E., Bordovskaia, N., Bochkina, N., Didactic Terminology Operated by Russian Futureand Practicing Teachers: Comparative Analysis, in: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2016, Volume 217.  Marinescu, M., Noi tendinţe în didactica modernă, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 2009.  Pânişoară, I.O., Ghidul profesorului de succes, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2017.  Popa, C., Învăţarea prin cooperare, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 2010.  Stănescu, Al., Profesorul în cariera didactică, in: Jurcău, N., (coord.), Psihologia educaţională, Cluj-Napoca, UT Press, 2000.  Tong, C.W., Madhur, M.S., Rzeszut, A., Abdalla, M., Freeman, A.M. ,Status of Early-Career Academic Cardiology: A Global Perspectivem, in: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 70, Issue 18, 2017.

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VICTOR GHILAŞ Institute of Cultural Heritage of Chişinău

Abstract The present research attempts to shape the evolution of Bessarabian musical culture in the context of the new realities, marked by the Union of Bessarabia with Romania, consecrated on 27 March, 1918. The climate generated by the great event accelerated the process of modernizing society, ensuring qualitative transformations in the fields of education, science and culture. During its historical course, the Bessarabian artistic movement has an ascending evolution, in which the musical art seeks its identity and its way of affirmation. Under the new conditions, the contact of the Bessarabian public with the European sound universe, in general, and with the Romanian one, in particular, is accentuated. In the series of Bessarabian musical culture manifestations, some dominant ones are highlighted: the activities of concerted character, the compositional creation and the musical-artistic education. A special role in the promotion of the national and universal academic music in Bessarabia was played by George Enescu's tournaments in Chisinau and in the big cities in the region. The actions undertaken during the years 1918-1940 supported the aesthetic advancement through music of the artistic life in the province, ingraining it with superior professionalism that had strong reverberations on the climate and dynamics of the musical art on the left bank of the Prut.

Keywords: Bessarabia, Great Union, artistic culture, musical life.


 Boldur, Alexandru, Muzica în Basarabia. Schiţă istorică, Bucureşti, Institutul de Arte Grafice „Marvan”, S.A.R., 1940.  Cântece şi coruri moldoveneşti, în: (Chişinău), 3 decembrie 1917, Anul 1, 10, p. 4.  Cosmovici, Alexandru, Anexe VI. Turneele de concerte ale lui George Enescu în ţară şi în străinătate, în: „George Enescu în lumea muzicii şi în familie”, Bucureşti, Editura Muzicală, 1990, pp. 192-198.  Figuri contemporane din Basarabia, Chişinău, Editura „ARPID”, 1939.  Ghilaş, Victor, Arta muzicală, în: „Republica Moldova”, Chişinău, Biblioteca Ştiinţifică (Institut) „A. Lupan” a Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2016, pp. 602-603.  Ghilaş, Victor, Constantin Brăiloiu şi cercetarea etnomuzicologică din Basarabia, în: „Centenar Constantin Brăiloiu”, îngrijitori de ediţie Vasile Tomescu şi Michaela Roşu, Bucureşti, Editura Muzicală, 1994, pp. 170-172.  Ghilaş, Victor, „Istoria muzicii basarabene” în sintezele lui Alexandru Boldur, în: Arta. Seria Arte audiovizuale. Muzică, Teatru, Cinema. Serie nouă, 2017, vol. XXVI, nr. 2, p. 14-18.  Ghilaş, Victor, Preocupări folclorice în Basarabia, Bucovina şi Transnistria, în: „Arta muzicală din Republica Moldova: istorie şi modernitate”. Chişinău, Grafema Libris, 2009, pp. 39-65.  Siminel, Iulia, Cântecele moldoveneşti din Basarabia, Imprimeria Chişinău, 1933.

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 Ştefănucă, P. ,V., Cercetări folklorice în Valea Nistrului-de-Jos, în Anuarul Arhivei de Folklor, II, publicat de Ion Muşlea. Bucureşti: Monitorul oficial şi imprimeriile statului. Imprimarea naţională, 1937, pp. 31-227.  Ştefănucă, Petre V., Folclor din judeţul Lăpuşna, în: „Folclor şi tradiţii populare”, I. Alcătuire, studiu introductiv, bibliografie, comentarii şi note de Grigore Botezatu şi Andrei Hîncu. Chişinău, Ştiinţa, 1991, pp. 60-148.  Ştefănucă, P. V., Folklor din judeţul Lăpuşna, în: Anuarul Arhivei de Folklor, II, publicat de Ion Muşlea. Bucureşti, Monitorul oficial şi imprimeriile statului. Imprimarea naţională, 1933, p. 89-180.

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ANA GHILAŞ Institute of Cultural Heritage of Chişinău

Abstract The article discusses an aspect of the interference of – ekphrasis, which involves the description of a work of art in a literary / dramaturgic text, and which is also referred to as „restricted intermediality”. The interaction of the arts in such an artistic discourse is based on subject matter, conflict, characterization of the characters, and in the dramaturgical text also on the creation of the scenic atmosphere, the pre-staging, the stage directions – dialogue relationship, the spectacularity and the staging. In this context, the artistic and ontological visions of the creative individual I. Druta, and at the same time the various valences and significations that he gives to the dramaturgical discourse, are revealed through the ekphrasis (the description of the work of art at the structural level or at the level of significance).

Keywords: ekphrasis, dramaturgic text, stage directions, theatricality, axiological valences.


 Druţă, Ion, Scrieri: în 4 volume. Vol. 4, Chişinău, Editura Literatura artistică, 1987.  Ghilaş, Ana, Prolegomene la didascalii, în: „Arta. Arte audiovizuale. Muzică. Teatru. Cinema”, Serie nouă, volumul I (XXII), nr.2, AŞM, Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, 2013, pp. 137-144.  Meniuc, George. Interior cosmic: Poezii, proză, eseuri, Chişinău, Editura Litera, 1997.  Sărăcuţ, Cristina, Ekphrasis. De la discursul critic la experimentul literar, Iaşi, Editura Institutul European, 2015.  Taylor, J.C., Two visual excursions. The language of images, Chicago, 1980.  Vrânceanu, Alexandra, Tabloul din cuvinte, Bucureşti, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2010.  Vrânceanu, Alexandra, Reprezentarea oraşului invizibil în romanul ekphrastic contemporan, în „Philologica Jassyensia”, An 3, Nr. 1, 2007, pp. 263-270.  Изер, Волфганг, К антропологии художественной литературы, перевод с англ. И Пешкова, в „Новое Литературное Обозрение”, 2008, № 94, cc. 7-21.  Kaндинский,, В.В., Избранные труды по теории искусства: в 2 т. Т.1. Москва, Гилея, 2008.  Кандинского, В., Марка Ф. (ред). Синий всадник, Москва, Изобразительное искусство, 1996.  Тамарли, Г. И., Синхронный диалог Чехова с культурой, Таганрог, Изд. ТГПИ им. А.П. Чехова, 2014.  Яценко, Е.В., «Любите живопись, поэты…». Экфрасис как художественно- мировоззренческая модель, в „Вопросы философии”, 2011, № 11, cc. 47-58.  Таранникова Е. Г. Экфрасис в англоязычной поэзии. Санкт-Петербург, АКД, 2007.  Marino, Toni, Dall ekphrasis alla narrazione: la scriitura visiva di Virginia Woolf, 2013. Available: http://www.arabeschi.it/la-scrittura-visiva-di-virginia-woolf/

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Abstract In approaching the stated problem we begin from the need of transition from the linear economy towards a circular economy. There are highlighted the advantages of such a transition for society, economy and natural environment. The sustainability of national economies demand a new model of growth in which products are designed, produced, used and recycled in each E.U. member country. The paper focuses on the european level strategy regarding plastic materials which will be implemented in a specific way also in the romanian economy. Furthermore, in the paper it is shown the way of adopting investment policies within circular economy, as there is in view the creation of a resilient and more competitive industry of plastic materials. Implementing the strategy until 2030 supposes educating consumers so as to make informed choices, in view of protecting the environment. At the end of the article, the authors show that in the conditions of resource limiting and climatic changes, the demand for sustainable products, and circular economy will grow exponentially.

Keywords: circular economy, investment policy, recycling of plastic materials, natural environment.


 A Longer Lifetime for Products: Benefits for Consumers and Companies, Study for the IMCO Committee, European Parliament, 2016.  A review on circular economy: theexpectedtransitionto a balancedinterplay of environmentaland economic systems https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959652615012287.  Ciuclea, Ilie Ionel, Bazele economiei circulare, Monitorul Oficial, Editura şi Tipografie, Bucureşti, 2017.  Pauli, Gunter, Economia albastră, Bucureşti, Editura Paideia, 2010.  Stăncescu, Mihaela, Lumea ca un cerc perfect: economia circulară va schimba planeta, în www.descopera.ro (3.07.2012).  Strategia UE pentru plastic în contextul economiei circulare, http://www.mmediu.ro/articol/ strategia-ue-pentru-plastic-in-contextul-economiei-circulare/2475.  Wijkman, Anders; Rockström, Johan, Falimentarea naturii: negarea limitelor planetei, Bucureşti, Editura Compania, 2013.

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EUGEN ONICOV Academy of Orthodox Theology, Chisinau

Abstract: The outstanding activity of Saint Paisie Velicicovski in Neamt was continued by his disciples. Two of the most important of them were Teofan Cristea and Andronic Popovici. These are presented in the present research starting from the testimonies of various works and on the basis of the texts written by them. This paper also addresses a number of issues concerning the history of the library at Noul Neamţ Monastery. Documents from the National Archives of the Republic of Moldova, manuscripts from the 19th-20th centuries have been used. The works we analyze present the spiritual heritage of Saint Paisie and how it lasts until the coming of communism.

Keywords: prints, old books, Teofan Cristea, Andronic Popovici.


 Buzilă, Boris, Istoria Basarabiei, Chişinău, 1995.  Ganiţchii, M., Tipărituri de carte veche şi manuscrise la Mănăstirea Noul Neamţ, Moscova, 1996.  Iaţimirschii, A., Manuscrisele slavone de la Mănăstirea Neamţ din Moldova, Moscova, 1998.  Pelin, Valentina, Paisie Velicikovschi, scrieri şi scrisori duhovniceşti, vol. I, Chişinău, 1999.  Pomelnicul Mănăstiri Noul Neamţ, Arhiva Naţională a Republicii Moldova, Fond R-2119, Inventar 3, Dosar 55.  Popovici, Andronic, Oarecare aducere aminte despre mine, 1892, Arhiva Naţională a Republicii Moldova, Fond R-2119, Inventar 3, Dosar 90.  Popovici, Andronic, Viaţa egumenului Teofan, Chişinău, 1887.  Poştarencu, Dinu, Mănăstirea Noul Neamţ, Chişinău, 1994.  Vornicescu, Nestor, Un manuscris necunoscut al părintelui Andronic. Istoria Mănăstiri Secu, // „Mitropolia Moldovei şi Sucevei”, an L (1974), nr. 3-4.

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STELA SPÎNU "Dimitrie Cantemir" State University of Chişinău "Nicolae Testemiţanu" State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Chişinău

Abstract In the context of promoting diversity and social cohesion on a political, economic and socio- cultural level, intercultural communication offers the opportunity for people living in different cultural backgrounds to share their myths and symbols, values and identities, lifestyle and good manners. The main barriers in communication are stereotypes and prejudices: stereotypes are the nucleus of prejudice that reflects the characteristics of all members of a community, whether positive, negative or neutral; prejudices are emotive engrams based on irrational feelings of fear and dislike for an entire community that has a different lifestyle. In order to get true information about how young people perceive stereotypes and prejudices in the intercultural communication process, we conducted a survey among 20-22 year-old youths, representatives of the Bessarabian Romanian groups, of Indians (the country of origin - India) and Arabs (the country of origin - Israel), who study at the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu” and at the State University “Dimitrie Cantemir”. The survey results have shown that stereotypes and prejudices do not reflect the reality for the respondents, being a form of generalized information, maintained over time, yet overcome. They do not affect the interpersonal relationships of young people for whom the individuality of human personality is more important.

Keywords: stereotypes, prejudices, intercultural communication, cultural backgrounds, interpersonal relationships.


 Beck, U., Ce este globalizarea: erori ale globalismului – răspunsuri la globalizare, Bucureşti, Editura Trei, 2003.  Cernat, V., Psihologia stereotipurilor, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2005.  Cucoş, C., Educaţia. Dimensiuni culturale şi interculturale, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2000.  Dumitrescu, L., Rolul stereotipurilor în comunicarea interculturală. Orient şi Occident, în „Revista Română de Sociologie”, serie nouă, anul XX, nr. 1–2, pp. 83–104, Bucureşti, 2009.  Macovei, O., Respect pentru Diversitate, 2010. Available: https://www.britishcouncil.ro/sites/default/files/ghid-respecting-diversity.pdf.  Mara, D., Dimensiunile interculturale ale educaţiei, în „Transilvania”, nr. 1, 2008, pp. 73-76.  Nagy, R., Preliminarii teoretice la o analiză a clişeului/stereotipului din discursul artistic, în „Meridian critic”, nr.1, 2016, pp. 71-77.  Plugaru, L., Pavalache M., Educaţie interculturală, Sibiu, Editura Psihomedia, 2007.  Coltescu, G., Vocabularul pentru societăţi plurale, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2005.  Персикова, Т., Межкультурная коммуникация и корпоративная культура, Москва́, Издательство Логос, 2002.  Чернокожева, Ă., Межкультурный диалог: концепты и практические шаги, 2010. Available: http://m.terrahumana.ru/arhiv/09_01/09_01_10.pdf.

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NELU VICOL Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract The functionality of the written and oral language for bringing things to "sight" and ”hearing" is focused on the cultural / civilization and educational principle of the connection of phenomena and becoming, which is identified in the message of the investigations (the human being always investigates life, the causality of its existence) because the human diverse can not be brought to the unity of understanding rather than by starting from the variety of causes; thus, according to the theory of mentalities, the language "discovers" multiple explanations for the presence of one and the same human form of existence, proving its cultural, ethnographic, historical, psychological, mythological, sociological compatibility, through the concreteness and the imaginary "transliterated" of things, the language being the specialized instrument in the spirit of knowledge and identification of the individual with himself become humanity, through a multi-secular rhetoric of a coherent judgment.

Keywords: value, culture, language, personality, education.


 Doron, R., Parot, F., Dicţionar de psihologie, Bucureşti, Humanitas, 2007.  Dubar, Claude, Criza identităţilor. Interpretarea unei mutaţii, Chişinău, Ştiinţa, 2003.  Durkheim, Émile, De la division du travail social, Paris, PUF, 1994.  Elias, Norbert, La société des individus, Paris, Fayard, 1991.  Godin, Cristian, Sfârşitul umanităţii, Chişinău, Ştiinţa, 2005.  Hugo. Victor, Acts et Parole, II, Œuvre complètes. IX.– Paris, Club francais du livre, 1968.  Iucu, Romiţă B., Instruirea şcolară. Perspective teoretice şi practice, Iaşi, Polirom, 2008.  Leclerc, Gérard, Mondializarea culturii. Civilizaţiile puse la încercare, Chişinău, Ştiinţa, 2003.  Marele dicţionar al psihologiei, Bucureşti, Editura Trei, 2006.  Miroliubov, T., Omul: ştiinţă, credinţă, putere, în „Univers Om”, Chişinău, nr. 4.11.2011.  Pasecinic, Victoria, Psihologie imaginii, Chişinău, Ştiinţa, 2006.  Picq, P., Sagart, L., Dehaene, G., Lestienne, C., Cea mai frumoasă istorie a limbajului (trad.: Luminiţa Brăileanu), Bucureşti, Art, 2010.  Revel, J.-F., Histoire de la philosophie occidentale, Paris, Nil, 1993.  Sadoveanu, M., Baltagul. Lecturi necesare, Chişinău, Editura Cadran, 2003.  Vicol, Nelu, Funcţii şi valori ale limbajului în construcţia comunicării, Chişinău, Totex-Lux, 2016.

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VALENTINA CIOBANU "Ion Creangă" State University of Pedagogy of Chişinău

Abstract Linking the Education from Republic of Moldova to the requirements of European Community within the domain of , deep educational transformations oriented towards modernization in all its components, imposes a new vision in regards of in-service teacher training. Addressing the issue of quality of the in-service teacher training on the level of primary Education in the spirit of moral values we stopped emphasizing the importance of promotion of national customs and traditions. Ensuring the improvement of in-service primary teacher training in the spirit of moral values and promoting new curricular and educational policies, we will succeed to make the students experience the feelings of customs and traditions of our people.

Keywords: primary education, traditions, people, moral values.


 Cojocaru, V., Calitatea în educaţie. Managementul educaţiei, Chişinău, 2007.  Cucoş, C., Pedagogie, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2002.  Curriculum Naţional. Învăţământul primar, Chişinău, 2018.  Standarde de eficienţă a învăţării, Chişinău, Editura , 2012.

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NINA PETROVSCHI Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract The current trend of the school towards new goals and contents, towards new experiences of knowledge has generated a new approach to the perspectives of knowledge in the educational process - the integralist one. Isolated sciences and exclusive theories no longer meet demands, can’t explain the problems and phenomena more complex. In this context, there is a need to update the idea of full education. This new concept calls for a new re-conceptualization of the learning process to ensure education, where motivation, individualization, differentiation of education and training, the application of new didactic create conditions for transformation of learning with emphasis on results, standards, on the increase of quality in training and research.

Keywoeds: integration, integrated curriculum, development of integral human personality, holistic vision.


 Buzărnescu, Şt., Introducere în sociologia organizaţională şi a conducerii, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1995.  Boyer, J.-Y., Pour une approche fonctionelle de l integration des matieres au primaire, in Revue des sciences de l education, 1983, vol.IX, pp. 433-452.  Callo ,T., O pedagogie a integralităţii. Teorie şi practică, Chişinău, CEP, USM, 2007.  Callo, T., Valoarea integralităţii prin prisma hermeneutică. Repere filosofice şi pedagogice, in Univers Pedagogic, 2011, nr. 2, pp. 10-18.  Ciolan, L., Învăţarea integrată. Fundamente pentru un curriculum transdisciplinar, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2008.  Joiţa, E., Pedagogie. Ştiinţa integrativă a educaţiei, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 1999.  Minder, M., Didactica funcţională. Obiective, strategii, evaluare – cognitivismul operant, Cluj-Napoca, Editura ASCR, 2011.  Petrovschi, N., Învăţarea pragmatică a istoriei, Chişinău, Editura Print – Caro SRL, 2012.  Алексашина, И.Ю., Новая философия образования: пути и проблемы становления, in: Журнал Директор школы, 2001, № 1, с. 71-74.  Гузеев, В. В.,Теория и практика интегральной образовательной технологии, Москва, Народное образование, 2001.

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SVETLANA COANDĂ State University of Moldova

Abstract In this article are analyzed the reflections of the Romanian philosophers Mircea Eliade, Lucian Blaga, Constantin Noica and Nicholas Steinhardt on culture as a special medium in which the self- development, identity and originality of man develop. They considered that is an imperative of time when the spiritual values prevailed over material values. M.Eliade, L.Blaga, C.Noica and N.Steinhardt teach us how to give meaningfulness to life, to eliminate injustice, hatred, envy, and to promote freedom, justice, courage, love. Namely, spiritual values determine the specificity of human presence and value in the world, they have said.

Keywords: culture, philosophy, identity, spiritual values, traditions, faith, happiness, humanism.


 Eliade, Mircea, Tendinţele tinerii generaţii, în: Vremea, 1932, An. V.  Eliade, Mircea, Gânduri către sine însuşi, în: Împotriva deznădejdii, Bucureşti, Humanitas, 1992.  Noica, Constantin, Mathessis sau bucuriile simple, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 1992.  Noica, Constantin, Jurnal de idei, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 1991.  Steinhardt, Nicolae, Jurnalul fericirii, Ediţia a II-a, Cluj-Napoca, Editura , 1992.  Viaţa Românească, 1988, nr.3.

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SERGHEI SPRINCEAN "Dimitrie Cantemir" State University of Chişinău, Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research, Chisinău

Abstract The main benchmarks in the education and research have to be correlated with the main social imperatives. Among them, security and bioethical values and principles are the most stringent, due to the necessity of respecting human rights in conditions of aggravation of contemporary global crises. The discipline of Bioethics was founded more than 40 years ago by American biologist Van Rensselaer Potter as an appropriate set of theoretical and practical methods and tools to counter the global problems. Global bioethics of Van Rensselaer Potter, actually, deals with the correlation and adaptation of social mentality, of social moral and value systems to most fundamental needs of contemporary human civilization as the necessity to survive in sustainable conditions, by overcoming global menaces and to assure global security for a better future of the offspring of contemporary humankind.

Keywords: security, bioethics, human rights, education, research.


 Bell, D., The coming of Post-Industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting, 2nd ed. New York, Basic Books. 1976.  Blatz, W. E., Human Security: Some Reflections, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1966.  Buzan, B., Popoarele, statele şi teama. O agendă pentru studii de securitate internaţională de după războiul rece, Chişinău, Cartier. 2000.  Buzan, B., Wæver, O., de Wilde, J., Securitatea. Un nou cadru de analiză, Cluj-Napoca, Editura CA Publishing. 2011.  Chen, L. C., Human Security: Concepts and Approaches, in Tatsuro Matsumae and Lincoln C. Chen (eds), Common Security in Asia New Concepts of Human Security, Tokyo, Tokai University Press, 1995, pp. 137-147.  Foucault, M., The Birth of Biopolitics. Lectures at the Collège de France, 1978-1979, London, Palgrave Macmillan UK. 2008.  Fukuyama, Fr., Viitorul nostru postuman: consecinţele revoluţiei biotehnologice, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas. 2004.  Giddens, A., Fate, Risk and Security, in A. Giddens (ed.), „Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age”, Cambridge, Stanford University Press. 1991.  King, G., Murray, Ch., Rethinking Human Security, in Political Science Quarterly, nr. 116. Winter. 2002, pp. 585-610.  Mische, P., Mische, G., Toward a Human World Order: Beyond the National Security Straitjacket, New York, Paulist Press, 1977.  Møller, B., Common Security and Non-Offensive Defense. A Neorealist Perspective, Boulder Lynne Rienner and London, UCL Press, 1992.  Møller, B., National, Societal And Human Security. A General Discussion with a Case Study from the Balkans, in What Agenda for Human Security in the Twenty-first Century. Paris, UNESCO, 2001, pp. 36-57.

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 Møller, B., National, Societal and Human Security: Discussion. Case Study of the Israel- Palestine Conflict, in H. Günter Brauch, P. H. Liotta, A. Marquina, P. Rogers, M. Selim (eds), Security and Environment in the Mediterranean. Conceptualising Security and Environmental Conflicts, New York, Springer, 2003, pp. 277-288.  Møller, B., The Concept of Security: the Pros and Cons of Expansion and Contraction, in COPRI Working Papers, nr. 26. 2000.  Sprincean, S., Securitatea umană şi bioetica. Monografie, Chişinău, Editura ”Tipografia Centrală”, 2017.  Van Ginkel, H., Newman, E., In Quest of Human Security, in Japan Review of International Affairs, nr. 14 (1), 2000, pp. 59-82.

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TEODOR DUMITRU VĂLCAN "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca

Abstract In a recent paper (Vălcan, 2016), titled very suggestively „From Mathematics Spectacle. Examples of Good Practice for Pupils, Students and Teachers”, we have proposed, obtaining remarkable limits of sequences, at the upper level of the high school, so only using mathematical knowledge learned in school, but in a comprehensive approach. So, first we used Moivre's formula and Newton's binomial in solving three higher-level algebraic equations, after which, using Viête's relations, we got some inequalities that helped us calculate the limits of remarkable sequences. Finally, we applied the results obtained when calculating the limits of less known sequences. In this paper we will continue this show of Mathematics, through new applications of the results of the paper (Vălcan, 2016) in calculating the limits of new categories of convergent sequences.

Keywords: sequence, convergence, limit, sum, fraction.


 Nicolescu, M. (coord.), Analiză Matematică (Mathematical Analysis), Vol. I, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1996.  Sireţchi, Gh., Calcul diferenţial şi integral, Vol. I, Noţiuni fundamentale (Differential and integral , Vol. I, Fundamental notions), Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, 1985.  Vălcan, D., From Mathematics Spectacle. Examples of Good Practice for Pupils, Students and Teachers, în Modernity and Competitiveness in Education, Bucureşti, Editura Universitară 2016, pp. 320-330.  Vălcan, D., From limits of sequences to definite integrals, in „Educaţia din perspectiva valorilor”, Tom 12 : Summa Paedagogica, Bucureşti, Editura Eikon, 2017, pp. 139-145.  Vălcan, D., From Integrable Functions To Limits Of Sequences, in The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS, Published by the Future Academy, Volume XLI, 2018, pp. 422-431.

Web resources

 http://www.integral-calculator.com/.  http://mathworld.wolfram.com/zetafunction.

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VICTORIA FONARI State University of Moldova

Abstract The study focuses on the axiological threads of an artistic work that oscillates in approaching sometimes with a passion for life, sometimes vertiginously dead. The value of existence, which means crossing the boundary, can be placed at a common point of intersection of Eros with Thanatos. The limit opens the characters, the characters reveal another vision of the world. His parallelism in Nicolae Dabija's novel is an inversely proportional route: from death to life, from life to death. Conjunctions include searches and losses, retrievals and disappearances, voices of secondary characters that value love as life and death, happiness and despair, creation, and indigence. In the extreme situations of the central characters, the deontology of the physician appears to be overwhelming, a supraew that does not forbid, but contributes to the living of the present. Freud's perspective on the instinct of death refers less to the characters, death is perceived as a way of recognizing life as an exasperated source in the name of love. I mention that Psyche's name does not exist in the creation of Nicolae Dabija, but both poetry and prose insist on a type of woman who gives force to the man. Likewise, Psyhei, from the myth presented in all its beauty by Apuleius in the novel Golden Donkey, the feminine character of Nicolae Dabija's prose comes to overcome the limits in the name of the instinct of life.

Keywords: axiology, the instinct of life, the instinct of death, the novel of Nicolae Dabija, the limit, love.


 Adler, Alfred, Cunoasterea Omului. Trad. de dr. Leonard Gavriliu, Bucureşti, IRI, 1996.  Bonchiş, E., Drugaş, M., Dindelegan, C., Trip, S., Introducere în Psihologia personalităţii, (ed. a II-a), Oradea, Editura Universităţii din Oradea, 2009.  Dabija, Nicolae, Te blestem să te îndrăgosteşti de mine! Chişinău, Editura pentru Literatură şi Artă, 2017.  Dicţionar de psihanaliză, LaRousse. Sub direcţia lui R. Chemama. Trad. de dr. Leonard Gavriliu, Bucureşti, Univers Enciclopedic, 1997.  Hesiod, Opere. Naştere zeilor (Theogonia). Munci şi zile. Scutul lui Heracles. Trad. de Dumitru T. Burtea, Bucureşti, Univers, 1973.  Freud, S., Dincolo de principiul plăcerii. Trad. din l. germană de G. Pudrea şi V. Dem. Zamfirescu, Editura „Jurnalul literar”, 1992.  Pavel, Constantin C., Tragedia omului în cultura modernă, Bucureşti, Anastasia, 1997.  Platon, Banchetul (despre dragoste), Trad. de C. Paracostea, Timişoara, Editura de Vest, 1992.  Strochi, Lucian, Doine. Descântece. Blesteme. Bocete. Colinde. Pluguşor, Piatra-Neamţ, Cetatea Doamnei, 2017.  Vianu, Tudor, Ştiinţa culturii, curs litografiat, predat la Facultatea de Filosofie din Bucureşti în anul 1933-1934.

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Abstract In Romania, the teaching of classical humanistic disciplines (Ancient Greek and Latin) has experienced ups and downs depending on the various reforms. After being appreciated in the interwar period, in 1947 they were removed from the curriculum at the recommendation of the NKVD being considered "bourgeois". In the '70s one hour of Latin language per week was introduced to remind the students of the Latin origin of the Romanian language. After 1989 classical disciplines were again appreciated, but only for a few years, because in the 2000s many reforms have considerably reduced the number of hours. Nowadays Latin is studied only in the philology classes, and the ancient Greek only at the Theological Schools with very few hours. These disciplines are the foundation of humanistic culture and have the ability to transmit the most powerful values to subsequent generations. Why should Latin and Ancient Greek be studied in schools and what will be their future in Romania?

Keywords: Latin, Ancient Greek, classics, Romania, humanistic culture.


 Popescu, David, Valoarea educativă a studiilor clasice, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1972.  http://www.ise.ro/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Criterii-de-evaluare-a-planurilor-cadru.pdf  http://www.ise.ro/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Profilul-de-formare-al-absolventului_final.pdf

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Abstract Various changes have taken place in recent years in terms of education in Romania and especially in primary education. The current changes in Romanian education have been driven by the need to harmonize our system with the other Member States' systems, as recommended by the European Parliament (EP) in the European Reference Framework. Thus, it is stipulated that the 8 key competences represent a graduate's acquisition and leave states free to implement the document in its own way. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comparative overview of policies and practices in developing and assessing competences in the education systems of several EU Member States. We also considered the presentation of key competency assessment methods in these countries.

Keyword: competences, key competences, evaluation, assessment methods, assessing competences.


 Black, P. & Wiliam, D. Assessment for Learning: beyond the Black Box ,Phi Delta Kappan, 80(2), 1998, 139–148.  Cucoş, C. (2008) Teoria şi Metodologia Evaluării, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2008.  Eurydice Network National Testing of Pupils in Europe: objectives, organisation and use of results (Brussels), 2009.  Eurydice Network Key competencies A developing concept in general (Brussels), 2002.  Gonczi, A. Teaching and Learning of Key Competencies. In Rychen, D.S., Salganik, L.H., and McLaughlin M. E. (Eds.) The definition and Selection of Key Competencies: Contributions to Second DeSeCo Symposium. Geneva, Switzerland, 2003.  Gordon, J., Halasz, G., Krawczyk, M., Leney, T., Michel, A., Pepper, D., Putkiewicz, E. & Wisniewski, J. Key Competences in Europe: opening doors for lifelong learners across the school curriculum and (Warsaw), 2009.  Hipkins, R. The nature of the Key Competencies. A Background Paper. Wellington: NZCER, 2006.  Hipkins, R. Assessing Key Competencies: Why Would We? How Could WE? Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Education – Learning Media Limited, 2007.  Kerr, D., Keating, A. & Ireland, E. Pupil Assessment in Citizenship Education: Purposes, Practices and Possibilities. Report of a CIDREE Collaborative Project (Slough, NFER/CIDREE), 2009.  Manolescu, M.; Potolea, D. Teoria şi practica evaluării educaţionale, Bucureşti, Editura Ministerul Educaţiei şi Cercetării, 2005.

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IOAN SCHEAU "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia

Abstract The present paper analyzes the implementing steps of educational projects as a complex management activity that aims the following types of activities: (1) Main activities of project implementation – including the management of the material resources, the management of human resources and the management of financial resources. (2) Contiguous activities (secondary) of project implementation – including the management of the relatioship with the financing authorities and beneficiaries, risk management and quality management.

Keywords: implementing, management, educational projects, resources, risk management, quality management.


 Bârgăoanu, A., Finanţare europeană, Bucureşti, Editura Comunicare.ro, 2004.  Bârgăoanu, A., Fondurile europene – strategii de promovare şi utilizare, Bucureşti, Editura Tritonic, 2009.  Bârgăoanu, A., Managementul proiectelor, Suport de curs, SNSPA, Bucureşti, 2013.  Balogh, M., Managementul proiectelor – suport de curs, Cluj Napoca, Editura Accent, 2005.  Florescu, M., Managementul proiectelor publice, Bucureşti, Editura Curtea Veche, 2008.  Florescu, M., Marton, B., Neamţu, B., Balogh, N., Managementul proiectelor. Dezvoltare durabilă, Suport de curs, Universitatea Babeş Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca, 2013.  Garreis, R., Happy projects, Bucureşti, Editura ASE, 2006.  Lock, D., Management de proiect, Bucureşti, Editura Codecs, 2000.  Opran, C., Managementul proiectelor, Bucureşti, Editura Comunicare.ro, 2013.  Opran, C., Stan, S., Managementul proiectelor, Bucureşti, Editura Comunicare.ro, 2008.  Scheau, I., Spînu, S., Managementul proiectelor, Chişinău, Editura Universităţii Academiei de Ştiinţe, 2017.  Stan, S., Opran, C., Monitorizarea proiectelor, Bucureşti, Editura Comunicare.ro, 2003.

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NINA BÎRNAZ, VALERIA BOTEZATU State University of Moldova

Abstract Researches over the past decade highlight the value and impact of implementing in an interactive strategy in the formative assessment process, called feedforward. The literature synthesis confirms that feedforward is a continuous feedback that aims to guide and encourage the student in the learning process. Thus, formative assessment being part of the initial training, it is effective if feedback is given to students on learning outcomes and is accompanied by feedforward consisting of guidelines and suggestions to prevent errors or distortions. The article presents examples of feedback and feedforward in the context of learning activity which highlights that feedforward is more than feedback, is a constructive suggestion that guides the student in future learning tasks. In order to improve the formative assessment process, we propose at the end of the article a set of recommendations for providing an efficient feedforward.

Keywords: feedforward, feedback, formative assessment, learning, professional competencies.


 Basso, D., & Olivetti Belardinelli, M. (2006). The role of the feedforward paradigm in cognitive psychology. Cognitive Processing, 7(2), 73-88.  Benjamin, C. (2012). Feedback for enhanced student performance: lessons from simple control theory. , 7,2, 16–23.  Bloxham, S. (2014). Assessing assessment: New developments in assessment design, feedback practices and marking in higher education. In F. Heather, S. Ketteridge & S. Marshall (Eds.), A Handbook for Teaching and Learning. NY: Routledge: 107-123  Boud, D. & Molloy, E. (2013). Feedback in Higher and Professional Education. Understanding it and doing it well. London: Routledge.  Evans, C. (2013) Making Sense of Assessment Feedback in Higher Education. Review of Educational Research, 83, 70-120.  Fernández-Ferrer, M., & Pons-Seguí, L. (2017) Feedforward. The Key to Improve Learning in Higher Education. Innovative Practices for Higher Education Assessment and Measurement, 188-207. Springer International Publishing.  Gibbs, G. & Simpson, C. (2004) Conditions under which assessment supports student learning. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 1, 3-31.  Merry, S., Price, M. & Taras, M. (2013). Reconceptualising Feedback in Higher Education. London: Routledge.  Rae, A. M, & Cochrane, D. K. (2008) Listening to students: How to make written assessment feedback useful. Active Learning in Higher Education, 9 (3), 217-230.  Rodríguez-Gómez, G., & Ibarra-Sáiz, M. S. (2015). Assessment as Learning and Empowerment: Towards Sustainable Learning in Higher Education. In M. Peris-Ortiz & J. M. Merigó Lindahl (Eds.), Sustainable Learning in Higher Education. Developing Competencies for the Global Marketplace (pp. 1–20). Springer International Publishing.

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NADEJDA OVCERENCO State University of Tiraspol (Chişinău)

Abstract The article analyzes the relationship between the education of young people for parenting and gender education, the study focuses on the necessity to reject the myths concerning the inequality of men and women's opportunities for parenthood. Gender education implies overcoming the simplistic, traditional gender difference; identifies women and men not from the point of view of biology, but from the perspective of personality abilities. In the paper we find solid arguments demonstrating the need to report youth education for parenting and the concept of global education. Global education aims to promote and internalize values such as respect, freedom, justice, peace, equality, solidarity, through the formation and outsourcing of attitudes of self- respect, respect for others, interest in global issues, critical approach, involvement and constructive action, social responsibility. Thus, the education of young people for parenting appears as a response to the processes, chances and risks of globalization. Hence the idea of forming the future parent's personality from the perspective of gender education in the era of globalization. The article mentions that parenthood education becomes a chance to raise awareness of future parents on the dimension of recognizing the supreme value of parenthood, conceiving maternity and paternity as a psycho-energetic spring of the fulfillment of the joints of life. And this chance in no case is being missed.

Keywords: education for parenting, gender education, global education.


 Bodrug, Valentina, ş.a., Gender şi educaţie. Note de curs, Chişinău, Editura CEP USM, 2001.  Cuzneţov, Larisa, Tratat de educaţie pentru familie. Pedagogia familiei, Chişinău, Editura CEP USM, 2008.  Gatens, M., Feminism şi filozofie. Perspective asupra diferenţei şi egalităţii. Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2001.  Ovcerenco, Nadejda, Educaţia tinerilor pentru parentalitate în contextul globalizării. Studiu monografic, Chişinău, Editura UPSC, 2016.  Ţarnă, Ecaterina, Adaptarea studentului în mediul universitar, Chişinău, Editura UPSC, 2013.

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ECATERINA ŢĂRNĂ "Ion Creangă" State University of Pedagogy of Chişinău

Abstract The way we try to relate to others, to integrate into the socio-professional environment, can awaken sympathy or antipathy. In the latter case, the development of socio-professional integration strategies through persuasive communication has an important role to play in rectifying professional maladaptation, favoring the development of positive relationships, since antipathy is often unjustified and develops out of incapacity for integration and communication. As we will mention in this article, the process of socio-professional integration includes, on the one hand, the professional integration, which means adapting to the character, conditions and organization of the work process and, on the other hand, social integration, which signifies the process of adaptation of the debutant teacher to the values of the existing professional group, acceptance of persuasive communication and approval of relational behavior. Socio-professional integration therefore depends on the knowledge of the specific elements mentioned in this article, and the specificity is the extent to which personal and professional characteristics are generalized in various situations of socio-professional integration.

Keywords: persuasive communication, socio-professional integration, teacher debutant, maladjustment, relational behavior.


 Callo, Tatiana, Pedagogia practică a atitudinilor, Chişinău, Editura Litera, 2014.  Cerghit, Ioan, Sisteme de instruire alternative şi complementare: structuri, stiluri şi strategii, Iaşi, Polirom, 2008.  Cojocaru-Borozan, Maia, Ţărnă, Ecaterina, Sadovei, Larisa, Integrare socioprofesională prin discurs didactico-ştiinţific, Chişinău, UPSC, 2014.  Gass, Robert, Seiter, John, Manual de persuasiune, Iaşi, Polirom, 2009.  Milcu, Marius, Psihologia relaţiilor interpersonale: competiţie şi conflict, Iaşi, Polirom, 2005.  Mucchielli, Alex, Arta de a comunica: metode, forme şi psihologia situaţiilor de comunicare, Iaşi, Polirom, 2005.  Pânişoară, Ion-Ovidiu, Comunicarea eficientă. Metode de interacţiune educaţională, Iaşi, Polirom, 2004.  Ţărnă, Ecaterina, Bazele comunicării, Curs universitar. Chişinău, Prut Internaţional, 2017.  Zamfir, Cătălin, Vlăsceanu, Lazăr, Dicţionar de sociologie, Bucureşti, Babel, 1998.

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LARISA ILEANA CASANGIU "Ovidius" University of Constanta MARIA MÎNDRU "Carmen Sylva" Theoretical High-School in Eforie Sud

Abstract The valences of writing letters are unquestionable, especially in psychotherapy. Many other domains use different types of letters as a form of special correspondence or as documents that communicate intentions, information, motivation or professional issues. Due to its reflexive intent and character, the writing of the letters has proved extremely useful, both for personal development and in therapeutic purposes. In order to support the didactic degree I, the research on the contribution of the letter writing to the fundamental school acquisitions took place during the school year 2014-2015. |The group of subjects included 4th grade pupils. This intent was possible as one of the objectives of the school curriculum on the functional writing (note, invitation, greeting card, letter) is scheduled mostly at the end of the primary cycle, especially through the formative valences of the correspondence compositions (letters). The experience gained during the twenty-two weeks of the formative stage is worthy of sharing, enriching not only the didactic experience, but also the ability of the pupils to communicate, the sphere of interpersonal relationships and their scientific knowledge as a whole. The effectiveness of using functional writing as a didactic tool was successfully proven, although the alphabet period has just ended in the current class of pupils. Schoolchildren write tickets and small letters with plenty of joy. Their joy, as well as their valences, has led to the cultivation / perpetuation of such an exercise. Pupils play, but also acquire freedom of expression; in the meantime, their communication skills develop spectacularly and their self-esteem shapes beneficially, without the awareness of the volitional effort made to acquire knowledge.

Keywords: letters, teaching process, communication, development.


 Beligan, Radu, Între acte, Bucureşti, Editura Alfa, 2014.  Bărbulescu, Gabriela; Beşliu, Daniela, Metodica predării Limbii şi literaturii române în învăţământul primar, Bucureşti, Editura Corint, 2009.  Boldea, Iulian (editor), Globalization and Intercultural Dialogue. Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Tîrgu-Mureş, Editura Arhipeleag XXI Press, 2014.  Casangiu, Larisa Ileana, Literatură română şi literatură pentru copii. Note de curs şi sugestii de lecturi plurale ale unor opere, Constanţa, Editura NAUTICA, 2007.  Casangiu, Larisa Ileana, Repere în organizarea procesului didactic la disciplina Limba şi literatura română, în învăţământul primar, ediţia a II-a, Constanţa, Editura Nautica, 2009.  Daniel, Patriarhul B.O.R., Cuvânt înainte la Sf. Ioan Gură de Aur, Scrisorile, traducere din limba greacă veche de Pr. Prof. Constantin Fecioru, Bucureşti, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune Ortodoxă, 2008.  Casangiu, Larisa Ileana, Valences of the communication by diary/journal and letter, în volumul: Iulian Boldea (editor), Globalization and Intercultural Dialogue. Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Tîrgu-Mureş, Editura Arhipeleag XXI Press, 2014.

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 Faber, Adele & Mazlish, Elain, Comunicarea eficientă cu copiii. Acasă şi la şcoală (trad. Irina Negrea), ediţia a IV-a, Bucureşti, Editura Curtea Veche, 2013.  Nuţă, Silvia, Metodica predării limbii române în clasele primare, vol. II, Bucureşti, Editura Aramis, 2000.  Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur, Scrisorile (traducere din limba greacă veche de Pr. Prof. Constantin Fecioru), Bucureşti, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune Ortodoxă, 2008.  Sfântul Vasile cel Mare, Epistole, Bucureşti, Editura Basilica a Patriarhiei Române, 2010.  ***Părinţi şi Scriitori Bisericeşti, vol. 3, Bucureşti, Editura Basilica a Patriarhiei Române, 2010.

Web resources

 Casangiu, Larisa Ileana, Valences of the communication by diary/journal and letter. Available: http://www.upm.ro/gidni/GIDNI-01/GIDNI%2001%20-%20Literature.pdf (accesat: 23.05.2018).

41 ICEPV 2018 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 10th Edition, October 10-11, 2018


MARIA-CAMELIA DICU "Constantin Brancusi" University in Targu-Jiu

Abstract Although W.B. Yeats himself states in a letter addressed to Ezra Pound, who has been his assistant and advisor since 1911, his art was not the end of his life, nor was it an accident, as the poet claims. Indeed, the scholars agree that Yeats’s work was, in fact, his lifetime search for reality. Via the present study, I am going to examine Yeats’s ‘secret discipline’ in order to illustrate the way in which the new encountered old to create finally the gold enamelling he had dreamed. In other words, W. B. Yeats made use of traditional writings in order to renew the Irish literature. In his attempt to revive the Irish literature, not only did he utilize old legendry and by this bringing into the world’s attention the Irish vein. Yet, the result was highly valued and brought the poet the Noble prize.

Keywords: new, old, modernism, traditional, poetic creation, unity of being.


 Anghel, Florentina, Approaches to Twentieth-Century British Literature, Editura Universitaria, , 2011.  Albright, Daniel Ed., W.B. Yeats. The Poems, Everyman, Orion Publishing Group, London, updated 1994.  Brown Terrence, The Life of W.B.Yeats, Blackwell Publishers, 2001.  Cave, Richard Allen, Introduction to W. B. Yeats, Selected Plays, Penguins Books, 1997.  Foster, R.F., W.B. Yeats – A Life. I. The Apprentice Mage. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.  -----. W.B. Yeats – A Life. II: The Arch-Poet. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.  Frank, Kermode and John Hollander, The Oxford Anthology of English Literature, Modern British Literature, London, Oxford University Press, 1973.  Marcus, L. Phillip, Yeats and the Beginning of Irish Renaissance, Syracuse University Press, New York, 1987.

Web resources

 Donoghue Denis, Three presences: Yeats, Eliot and Pound, The Hudson Review, http://hudsonreview.com/2013/03/three-presences-yeats-eliot-pound-2/#.V-lyNpiLTNM (retrieved 26.09.2016, 22.30).  Longenbach James, The Odd Couple - Pound and Yeats Together, Published: January 10, 1988 in The New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com/1988/01/10/books/the-odd-couple- pound-and-yeats-together.html?pagewanted=all (retrieved 26.09.2026, 21.30).  Simion Otilia-Minodora, Modernism and Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, Annals of “Constantin Brancusi” University, No. 1/2014, pp.120-124, http://www.utgjiu.ro/revista/lit/pdf/2014-01/17_Minodora%20Otilia%20Simion.pdf

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 Vendler Helen, Lyric Form in Yeats’s Poetry, Prophecy, Love and Revolution in Our Secret Discipline. Yeats and Lyric Form, The Bleknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, 2007, https://books.google.ro/books?id=- rr5s5T9GCsC&pg=PA1&source=gbs_toc_r&hl=en#v=onepage&q&f=false (retrieved 11.07.2016) Pages displayed by permission of Harvard University Press. Copyright, pp.1-26.

43 ICEPV 2018 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 10th Edition, October 10-11, 2018


NICOLAE DOBRIŢOIU University of Petrosani

Abstract:. The quality of a university study program results mainly from the satisfaction of the requirements of a larger number of future students, which is achievable by fulfilling the following conditions: – the society as a whole needs the field and specialization approached by the university study program; – a theoretical and practical training well-balanced and harmonious; – creation of specialists, well-trained professional, scientific and cultural, which will constitute a reservoir of professionals necessary for the good development of some activities in the society: production, medium and higher education, scientific research; – efficiency of the contribution that future graduates of the university study program bring to the development of society, from all points of view (economic, technical, scientific, cultural etc.); – ensuring the knowledge required for the future graduates so that they meet the requirements for employment in the field, respectively the specialization, approached by the university study program.

Keywords: university studies program, quality of education, authorization, university management.

Web resources

 Standarde specifice privind evaluarea externă a calităţii academice a programelor de studii din domeniile de licenţă şi master aferente (ARACIS).  Hotărâre nr. 577/2017 din 9 august 2017 privind aprobarea denumirilor calificărilor şi titlurilor conferite absolvenţilor învăţământului universitar de licenţă înmatriculaţi în anul I de studii în anii universitari 2014-2015, 2015-2016 şi 2016-2017, emitent: guvernul României, publicată în Monitorul oficial nr. 670 din 16 august 2017.  Legea nr. 1/2011 a educaţiei naţionale actualizată, publicată în Monitorul Oficial nr. 18 din 10.01.2011, consolidată cu modificările şi completările ulterioare.

44 ICEPV 2018 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 10th Edition, October 10-11, 2018


GABRIELA DUMBRAVĂ University of Petrosani

Abstract The paper traces the historical evolution of the concept of national identity as it emerges from the positions it has held in different systems of values over the past five decades. By analyzing the ways in which national values have been dealt with from the communist period to the present, the paper emphasizes the role of education in fostering the sense of identity supported by knowledge and understanding of the national history and culture, respect for the national heritage, and balanced acceptance of diversity. Finally, based on national and international research in the field, the paper attempts to demonstrate the necessity of a paradigm shift in the Romanian education system meant to reconcile national and global identities so that they complement each other and yield globally competent individuals.

Keywords: national culture, national identity, global identity, system of values, education system, diversity, global competence.


 Cerghit, Ioan, Metode de învãţãmânt [Teaching Methods], Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2006.  David, Daniel, Psihologia poporului român. Profilul psihologic al românilor într-o monografie cognitiv-experimentală, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2015.  Dumbravă, Gabriela, The Present Collapse of Romanian Higher Education. Causes and Effects in Annals of the University of Petroşani, , vol. 14, no. 2, 2014, pp. 101- 110.  Marino, Adrian, Pentru Europa. Integrarea Romaniei: aspecte ideologice si culturale, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2005.  Morrison, Terri, et.al., Kiss, Bow or Shake Hands: The Bestselling Guide to Doing Business in More Than 60 Countries (2nd ed.), Adams Media, 2006.  Rădulescu-Motru, Constantin, Psychology of the Romanian People, Bucureşti, Editura Paideia, 2012.  Sternberg, Robert J., Wisdom, Intelligence, and Creativity Synthesized, Cambridge University Press, 2007.  Yoonmi, Lee, Modern Education, Textbooks, and the Image of the Nation: Politics and Modernization and Nationalism in Korean Education, Routledge, 2009.

Web resources

 Badea, Camelia, Despre reforma lui Funeriu si performanta in educatie, cu doi dascali de aur (I), in Ziare.com, 9 September, 2011. Available: http://www.ziare.com/scoala/educatie/despre-reforma-lui-funeriu-si-performanta-in- educatie-cu -doi-dascali-de-aur-i-1119554/.

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 *** Bucharest Communiqué, EHEA Ministerial Conference, Bucharest, 2012. Available: http://media.ehea.info/file/2012_Bucharest/67/3/Bucharest_Communique_2012_610673. pdf  European Commission, Education and Training Monitor 2016. Romania. Publications Office of the European Commission, 2016. Available: https://ec.europa.eu/education/sites/education/files/monitor2016-ro_en.pdf/.  European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, Funding of Education in Europe 2000-2012: The Impact of the Economic Crisis. Eurydice Report. Publications Office of the European Commission, 2013. Available: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/education/eurydice/documents/thematic_reports/147EN.pdf/.  European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, Teachers' and School Heads’ Salaries and Allowances in Europe – 2015/16, Eurydice Facts and Figures. Publications Office of the European Union, 2016. Available: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/mwikis/eurydice/images/2/22/Teacher_salaries.pdf/.  Miclea, Mircea, Lazãr Vlãsceanu, (coord.), Nevoi şi prioritãţi de schimbare educaţionalã în România – fundament al dezvoltãrii şi modernizãrii învãţãmântului preuniversitar [Needs and Priorities of Educational Change in Romania – Foundation of the Development and Modernization of Pre-university Education]. Ministry of National Education, 2006. Available: www.edu.ro/index.php/genericdocs/8246/.  NEA – National Education Association. Preparing 21st Century Students for a Global Society. An Educator’s Guide to the Four Cs, 2014. Available: http://www.nea.org/assets/docs/A- Guide-to-Four-Cs.pdf/.  Sumita, Takayuki, Innovation: A key for Global Knowledge-based Economy. Paper presented at the OECD Conference, METI, Japan, October 2006. Available: http://www.oecd.org/sti/ind/37521451.pdf/.  Teodorescu, Gabriel, The Student’s Low Success Rate – A Present Problem of the Romanian Education, in iTeach: Didactic Experiences. Institute of Educational Sciences, 2014. Available: https://iteach.ro/experientedidactice/succesul-scazut-al-elevilor-problema- actuala-a-scolii-romanesti  *** The Glossary of Education Reform for Journalists, Parents, and Community Members, 25 August 2016. Available: http://edglossary.org/21st-century-skills/.

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ANGELICA HOBJILĂ "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi

Abstract Children’s literature illustrates, through its coordinates, general human values and desirable behaviours that can be approached / accessed at any age. Particularizing for pre-school age, values such as friendship, empathy, altruism, truth, goodness, beauty can be approached in and / or at home, in order to optimize communication and relationship between children. In this sense, illustrations/ examples – for the epic genre – can be used in the sphere of characters / their typology and in the action plan. Such elements can be identified and analysed, for example, from pre-school literature, in the Rabbit & Hedgehog Books series, by Paul Stewart and (illustrated by) Chris Riddell. My paper proposes, in this context, the analysis of the volumes A Little Bit of Winter, The Birthday Presents, Rabbit’s Wish, and What Dou You Remember?, through the grid of illustrating, in these literary texts, of empathy and its associated values.

Keywords: children’s literature, empathy, human values, relationship, pre-school age.


 Botiş, Ana, Mihalca, Loredana, Despre dezvoltarea abilităţilor emoţionale şi sociale ale copiilor, fete şi băieţi, cu vârsta până la 7 ani, Buzău, Alpha MDN, 2007.  Bouley, Theresa M., Godfrey, Phoebe C., Reading Outside the Boundaries: Children’S Literature as Pedagogy For Building Empathy and Understanding of Social Justice in the College , în „The Journal of Effective Teaching”, 2008, 8(1), pp. 33-41.  Cress, Susan W., Holm, Daniel T., Developing Empathy through Children’s literature, în „Education”, 2000, 120(3), pp. 593-597.  Creţu, Tinca, Psihologia vârstelor, Ediţia a 3-a revăzută şi adăugită, Iaşi, Polirom, 2009.  Decety, Jean, Jackson, Philip L., The Functiona Architecture of Human Empathy, în „Neuroscience Reviews”, 2004, 3(2), pp. 71-100.  Geangu, Elena, Argumente pentru studiul empatiei în primii ani de viaţă, în „Analele Institutului de Istorie G. Bariţ din Cluj-Napoca, Series Humanistica”, 2006, IV, pp. 53-65.  Hoffman, Martin L., Empathy and Moral Development. Implications for Caring and Justice, Cambridge University Press, 2000.  Hogan, Patrick Colm, Affective narratology: the emotional structure of stories, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2011a.  Hogan, Patrick Colm, What literature teaches us about emotion, Cambridge University Press, 2011b.  Ionescu, Mihaela (coord.), Anghelescu, Carmen, Boca, Cristiana, Repere fundamentale în învăţarea şi dezvoltarea timpurie a copilului de la naştere la 7 ani, Bucureşti, Vanemonde, 2010.  Keen, Suzanne, Empathy and the novel, New York, Oxford University Press, 2007.  Lithoxoidou, Loukia S., Georgopoulos, Alexandros D., Dimitrou, Anastasia Th., Xenitidou, Sofia Ch., „Trees have a soul too!” Developing Empathy and Environmental Values in Early Childhood, în „International Journal of Early Childhood ”, 2017, 5(1), pp. 68-88.

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 Mallan, Kerry M., Empathy: narrative empathy and children’s literature, în: Yan Wu, Kerry Mallan, Roderick McGills (Eds.), „(Re)imagining the World: Children’s Literature’s Response to Changing Times”, London, Springer, Dordecht, 2013, pp. 105-114.  Tyra, Courtney, Bringing Books to Life: Teaching Character Education through Children’s Literature, în: „Rising Tide”, 2012, p. 5.  Vermeule, Blakey, Why do we care about literary characters?, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.  Wilkes, E., Hidden Slave Narratives: The Power of Teaching Empathy with Children’s Literature, în: „Digital Literature Review”, 2015, 2, pp. 94-105.  Wolf, Lois C., Children’s Literature and the Development of Empathy in Young Children, în: „Journal of Moral Education”, 1975, 5(1), pp. 45-49.

Main references

 Stewart, Paul, Bulgăraş de primăvară, Ed. a 2-a, Il. de Chris Riddell, trad.: Daniel Măndiţă, Bucureşti, Editura Trei, 2014.  Stewart, Paul, Cadou de ziua ta, Ed. a 2-a, Il. de Chris Riddell, trad.: Daniel Măndiţă, Bucureşti, Editura Trei, 2014.  Stewart, Paul, Ce-ţi aduci aminte?, Ed. a 2-a, Il. de Chris Riddell, trad.: Daniel Măndiţă, Bucureşti, Editura Trei, 2014.  Stewart, Paul, Dorinţa iepuraşului, Ed. a 2-a, Il. de Chris Riddell, trad.: Daniel Măndiţă, Bucureşti, Editura Trei, 2014.

Web resources

 Almerico, Gina M., Building character through with children’s literature, în „Research in Higher Education Journal”, 2014, 26. Available: http://www.aabri.com/manuscripts/141989.pdf  Nikolajeva, Maria, Guilt, empathy and the ethical potential of children’s literature, în „Children’s Literature Research”, 2012, 35(1). Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/clr.v35i0.18081  Nikolajeva, Maria, Recent trends in children’s literature research: Return to the body, în „International Research in Children’s Literature”, 9, 2016, pp. 132-145. Available: https://doi.org/10.3366/ircl.2016.1098.

48 ICEPV 2018 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 10th Edition, October 10-11, 2018


LIDIA COJOCARI, STELA GÎNJU "Ion Creangă" State University of Pedagogy of Chişinău

Abstract Using virtual excursion in familiarizing children with the environment, at the level, helps children to acquire knowledge about the environment; to express interest, curiosity; to participate actively in the process of knowledge; learn to establish relationships; interdependence between objects and phenomena of nature; to observe the rules of behavior in nature; to empathize. And the systematic use of virtual tours brings pedagogical activity to a new qualitative level, updating the content of the educational process, ensuring the quality of the process in line with the new modern educational standards. The programming and realization algorithm model of virtual excursion includes three blocks: organization, deployment, capitalization.

Keywords: virtual excursion, environment, pre-school level, algorithm.


 Aşevschi, Valentin, Management ecologic şi Dezvoltare durabilă, Chişinău, Editura Foxtrot, 2012.  Gînju, Stela et al., Didactica educaţiei preşcolare. Sinteze, Chişinău, Tipografia UPS Ion Creangă, 2012.  Gîngu, Stela, Teorii şi metodologii avansate în didacticile particulare ale învăţămîntului preşcolar (cunoaşterea mediului şi cultura ecologică), Suport de curs, Chişinău, Edidura Tipografia UPS „I. Creangă”, 2016.  Jurat, Svetlana, Educaţia ecologică a preşcolarilor, Chişinău, Editura Lumina, 1996.  Александрова, Е. В., Виртуальная экскурсия как одна из эффективных форм организации учебного процесса на уроке литературы. // Литература в школе, 2010, № 10, pp. 22–24.  Кичатова, Ольга, Виртуальные экскурсии по природным достопримечательностям Самарской Луки – эффективный инновационный инструмент формирования экологической культуры детей дошкольного возраста: Учебно-методическое пособие. Тольятти, 2018.  Платунова, Елена, Виртуальные экскурсии как средство формирования познавательных универсальных учебных действий обучающихся, Молодой ученый, 2017, № 14, pp. 645-647.  Сластенин, Виталий и др., Педагогика: Учеб. пособие для студ. высш. пед. учеб.заведений. Москва, Издательский центр «Академия», 2002.

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ELENA ŢAP "Ion Creangă" State University of Pedagogy of Chişinău

Abstract The article represents a theoretical and practical study of success as a result, as a finite achievement, as a variable in personal and professional life. Here are explained and analyzed the conditions of personal and professional success from the perspective of psychology of personality, sociology and management. Here are also the components of professional success from a leadership perspective and the basic roles of a leader-manager based on the needs of the group or team driven. In order to train - optimize personal effectiveness and achieve personal and professional growth and happiness, the author suggests strategies for strengthening the potential of the human person. Strategies to become a successful person include: principles, rules, methods and techniques of self-control, self-management, self-motivation and short and perspective design, organization, achievement and self-evaluation of its activities.

Keywords: success, successful man, leader, leadership, conditions for success, strategies for success.


 Adair, John, Action Centred Leadership, London, Kogan Page, 2019.  Drucker, P.-F., Despre decizie şi eficacitate, Bucureşti, Editura Meteor Press, 2007.  Drucker, P.-F., Management. Eficienţa factorului decizional, Deva, Editura Destin, 1994.  Hill, N., Secretul bogăţiilor. Cum să obţii ceea ce-ţi doreşti, Bucureşti, Editura Curtea veche, 2007.  Hakamada, I., ДАО жизни: мастер-класс от убежденного индивидуалиста, Москва, Изд. Альпина паблишер, 2018.  Ralea, M., Hariton, T., Sociologia succesului, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică, 1962.  Tracy, B., Succesul în viaţă. Deprinderi şi strategii care vă vor revela puterile şi calea spre succes, Bucureşti, Editura For You, 2005.

Web resources

 https://www.bl.uk/people/john-adair  http://www.business24.ro/articole/psihologie+succes

50 ICEPV 2018 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 10th Edition, October 10-11, 2018


ROXANA GHIAŢĂU "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi

Abstract The present paper analyses some ambiguities and difficulties involved in defining codes of ethics for teachers. In general, a code of ethics is a document including principles, values and rules governing duties, guided reflection and action in the field of education. But a strong ambiguity is that of situating codes of ethics in relation to two different registers: the profession and organization. This ambiguity train different definitions and construction methods for codes. Ethical codes of the profession are made by members of the same profession, reunited in professional associations, while ethical organisational codes are constructed by members of the organization in order to inform the public with the values and norms of a particular institution. Other ambiguities arise when we want to establish codes of ethics functions. Overall, we conclude that there is a tension between two types of functions: (1) orientation and axiological function, where the code is a statement of aspiration encouraging practitioners to adhere to the values and (2) compliance, obedience function, which supporting the role of assessment tool in judging teachers behaviors.

Keywords: code, ethics, teaching profession, values.


 Bertrand, Claude-Jean, Deontologia mijloacelor de comunicare, Iaşi, Editura Institutul European, 2000.  Campbell, E., The Ethical Teacher, Open University Press Mc-Graw-Hill, Maidenhead, UK, 2003.  Cozma, Carmen, Etica şi deontologia asistenţei sociale, în: „Asistenţă socială: învăţământ la distanţă”, Iaşi, Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2005.  Davis, M., Writing a Code of Ethics, în: „Perspectives on the Professions”, 1999, 1(19), p. 2.  Obin, Jean-Pierre, Les établissements scolaires entre l’éthique et la loi. Hachette Éducation, Paris, 1996.  Moisil, Grigore, Ştiinţă şi umanism, Iaşi, Editura Junimea, 1979.  Sârbu, Tănase, Introducere în deontologia comunicării, Iaşi, Editura Cantes, 1999.  Shapiro, J. P., & Stefkovich, J. A. Ethical leadership and decision making in education: Applying theoretical perspectives to complex dilemmas. Routledge, 2005.  Soltis, J. F., Teaching Professional Ethics, în „Journal of Teacher Education”, 1986, 37, pp. 2- 4.

Web resources

 Baker, R. Codes of Ethics: Some History. Perspectives on the Professions, 19, 1999 (1),4, Available: http://ethics.iit.edu/perspective/pers19_1fall99_2.html  Birkett, W. P., Barbera, M. Codifying Power and Control: Ethical Codes in Action, Intl Federation of Accounts, Australia, 2000. Available: http://www.ifac.org/ Library/ SpeechArticle.tmpl?NID=96261008030

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 Allan, Hall “Notes on a Code of Ethics for New Zealand Registered Teachers” în Introducing Codes of Ethics Workshop Kit, New Zealand Teachers Council, 2003. Available: http://www.teacherscouncil.govt.nz/consultation/ethics/ background/hall.stm.  Rishword, Paul, „The Code of Ethics as Shield, Sword and Guide”, în Introducing Codes of Ethics Workshop Kit, New Zealand Teachers Council, 2003. Available: http://www.teacherscouncil.govt.nz/consultation/ethics/background/rishworth.stm

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MARIA LIANA LĂCĂTUŞ, CAMELIA STĂICULESCU Academy for Economic Studies of Bucharest

Abstract The Bucharest University of Economic Studies is one of the most important universities in Romania and the most important economic one. It was established in 1913 by Royal Decree and in its’ over 100 years of existence has provided „higher and in-depth knowledge” in the field of economics sciences and prepared generations of economists. In addition to its mission of preparing professionals for economic activity and public administration functions, at Bucharest University of Economic Studies were prepared economics and business teachers who have to contribute to economic education of population. The pedagogical seminar, as it was called, the former Department for teacher education started to function soon after the beginning of the university. Students enrolled in teacher education programs have gained a solid economic preparation and an also solid pedagogical one and many of them became dedicated teachers both at pre-university and university level.

Keywords: Teachers’ education, teachers’ education programs, economic education and teachers’ education, in-service teacher training.


 Cace, Corina; Lăcătuş, Maria Liana; Stăiculescu, Camelia, Quality assurance in the teacher training programs at university teacher training departments. Case study: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, in: Pamfilie, Rodica, Dinu, Vasile, Tăchiciu, Laurenţiu, et al. (ed.) „BASIQ International Conference: New Trends in Sustainable Business and Consumption – 2017”: Proceedings of BASIQ, 2017, Vol. 01.  Davidoglu, Anton, Cuvântare rostită la inaugurarea cursurilor Academiei Comerciale, în: Năstase, Pavel şi Zaharia, Răzvan (coordonatori), „Centenar ASE: memorii şi documente”, Bucureşti: Editura ASE, 2015. Available: http://ase.ro/ase105/centenar_ase_memorii_si_documente.asp  Istudor, N., Raportul Anual al rectorului Academiei de Studii Economice din Bucureşti privind starea universităţii, 15 martie 2017. Available: http://www.ase.ro/2013_files/despre_ase/legislatie/strategia14- 20/RAPORTUL%20RECTORULUI%202016.pdf .  Năstase, Pavel; Roşca, Ion Gh., (coordonatori), Academia de Studii din Bucureşti. Un secol de existenţă, Bucureşti: Editura ASE, 2013. Available: http://ase.ro/ase105/ase-un-secol-de- existenta.asp.

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GALINA PĂDURARU "Dimitrie Cantemir" State University of Chişinău

Abstract Language learning is a compulsory component of the school curriculum; at the same time, individuals are often exposed to different languages throughout their lives. In the communication process, these languages overlap and there are various changes in language and speech. Interference with mother tongue generates great difficulties in learning a foreign language, these difficulties are different for speakers of different languages. To illustrate the issue, we will talk about the situation in the Republic of Moldova and about the contact between the Romanian language and the Russian language.

Keywords: language learning, school curriculum, Republic of Moldova.


 Chiţoran, Dumitru, Analiza contrastivă şi procesul de predare şi învăţare a limbilor străine, în Studii şi cercetări lingvistice. XXI, 1970, nr.2, p. 241-248.  Botnarciuc, Vasile, Studiu asupra îmbinărilor de cuvinte în limba română, Chişinău, 2008.  Lado, Robert, Predarea limbilor. O abordare ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1976.  Slama-Cazacu, Tatiana, Corpusuri de achiziţie, corpusuri aberante şi sisteme de ierarhie de erori în diverse situaţii contrastive, în Studii şi cercetări de lingvistică. XXIV, 1973, nr.2, p. 155-171.  Лебедева, М.Н., Словарь-справочник синтаксической сочетаемости глаголов, Москва., 2006.  Луцкая, Н.М., Сочетаемостные трудности русских слов и их методическая интерпретация при обучении русскому языку как иностранному, în: Сочетаемость слов и вопросы обучения русскому языку иностранцев. Москва, 1984, c. 121-127.  Хельбиг, Герхард, Языкознаниe – сопоставление – преподавание иностранных языков, în Новое в зарубежной лингвистике, вып. 25. Контрастивная лингвистика. Москва, 1989, c. 307-326.  Щерба, Л.В., Избранные работы по языкознанию и фонетике, т. 1, Ленинград, 1958.

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Abstract Evaluation is a moral issue because: it performs classifications and selections, through which verdicts are given and the fate of some people is decided. Within the State University „Dimitrie Cantemir”, in addition to classical assessment methods, evaluation / self-evaluation is carried out using information technologies - educational platform e-learning (http://e- learning.unasm.asm.md/). The educational platform offers the teacher the opportunity to plan the evaluation at the day / hour / minute of start and day / hour / minute of completion.

Keywords: evaluation, ICT, e-learning educational platform.


 http://e-learning.unasm.asm.md/.

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TAMARA CRISTEI "Dimitrie Cantemir" State University of Chişinău

Abstract The performance obtainment of trained subjects in one the major goals of the postmodern pedagogy. From this perspective, the stringent expectations of today's society call for the educational process to focus on the imperative of forming a young, personalized, active, well- informed, decision-maker and assuming responsibility, with prospective visions and concrete analysis skills, etc. - all of which translates into life through the performance of building its competitive discourse as a reflection of the potential it holds and as a way of promoting democracy in the socializing environment. Modern pedagogy therefore directs the need for the development of a didactics of the discourse as an instructive performance course that can be carried out starting from an incipient moment - the awareness of the information already held, then the segments: the specification of the finality, the processing of the recent and relevant information, transfer of infirmity into new concepts, ideas, interactive structures, formulated, explained, argued and promoted in verbal and action discourse. The transfer of all the acquisitions listed in the actions, aims at the complete final moment: the application by pupils and students of new discursive skills in various situations of affirmation and promotion of their valuable personality.

Keywords: rhetorics, speech, text-mark, textual values, speech didactics, discursive performance.


 Ardeleanu, S.-M., Pentru o sintaxă a textului, în Conexiuni şi perspective în filologia contemporană. Chişinău, CE USM, 2002, pp. 96-100.  Dijk, V., Issues in the Pragmatics of Discourse, în Новое в зарубежной лингвистике, Moscova, 1978, vol. VIII, pp. 259-337.  Eco, Um., Lector in fabula, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1991.  Pâslaru, VL., Introducere în teoria educaţiei literar-artsitice, Chişinău, Editura Muzeum, 2001.  Plămădeală, I. Opera ca text. O introducere în ştiinţa textului, Chişinău, Editura Prut Internaţional, 2002.  Ricoeur, P., De la text la acţiune. Eseuri de hermeneutică II, Cluj, Editura Echinox, 1999.  Slama-Cazacu, T., Psiholingvistica. O ştiinţă a comunicării, Bucureşti, Editura ALL Internaţional, 1999.  Şerbănescu, A., Cum se scrie un text, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2001.  Vlad, C., Textul aisberg. Teorie şi analiză lingvistico-semiotică, Cluj, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2003.

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ŞTEFANIA ISAC Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract Reality leads us to recognize that changing society, lifelong learning is becoming more and more a necessity and a priority turning the guarantor for employability, economic success, thus allowing citizens to participate fully in social life. The correct approach to social theory of learning proposed by Wenger (Anderson 1983; Wenger 1987; Hutchins 1995, Social Theory Learning) and transitional learning, under which individuals are faced with unpredictable societal changes, faced with the need to anticipate, manage and reorganize these conditions changing as a solution that will "require massive investments in skills and a major rethinking of education and lifelong learning" (Comisia Europeană, 2017, Cartea albă privind viitorul Europei).

Keywords: European framework of key competences, European integration, the European education, principles of educational policy, curricular principles, institutions of continuous training, continuous training, lifelong learning, curriculum teaching social theory of learning, learning Transitional size, two-dimensional space, transnational mobility, strategic objectives, quality assurance.


 Comisia Europeană (2017), Cartea albă privind viitorul Europei, https://ec.europa.eu/commission/white-paper-future-europereflections-and-scenarios-eu27_ro.  Comisia Europeană (2009), Explicarea Cadrului european al calificărilor pentru învăţarea de-a lungul vieţii. Luxemburg: Oficiul pentru Publicaţii Oficiale ale Comunităţilor Europene, 2009. Accesat: https://ec.europa.eu/ploteus/sites/eac- eqf/files/broch_ro.pdf.  Politica Uniunii Europene în domeniul educaţiei şi formării profesionale. Revista şcoala gorjeană/septembrie 20, 2016. Accesat: https://scoalagorjeana.com/2016/09/20/politica- uniunii-europene-in-domeniul-educatiei-si-formarii-profesionale/.  Regulamentul cu privire la formarea continuă a adulţilor (Hotărârea de Guvern nr. 193 din 24 martie 2017), cap. V, accesat la: http://lex.justice.md/md/369645/.  Strategia de dezvoltare a educaţiei pentru anii 2014-2020 „Educaţia-2020” strategie 2.12.doc.docx Accesat: http://lex.justice.md/UserFiles/File/2014/mo345- 351md/strategie_944.docx  Studiu Calitatea sistemelor educaţionale la nivel european, atât din perspectiva statelor membre, cât şi a agendei comisiei europene şi a strategiei Lisabona. Accesat: http://debirocratizareineducatie.ro/sites/default/files/calitatea%20sistemelor%20educa%c8%9 aionale%20la%20nivel%20european.pdf.  Wenger Social Theory Learning (Anderson, 1983; Wenger, 1987; Hutchins, 1995). Accesat: https://int.search.myway.com/search/GGmain.jhtml.

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ANGELA CUCER Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract The issue of the professional orientation of people with disabilities is becoming more and more current. This article is a synthesis of the study, conducted within the project "Epistemology and Pracology of Psychological Assistance in Education", coordinator Aglaida Bolboceanu, aiming to determine the professional values for people with disabilities. The study highlighted statistical differences between the two experimental groups (adults and adolescents with disabilities) regarding professional values, the hierarchy of problems related to the attitude towards values.

Keywords: professional orientation, disabilities, professional values, adults, adolescents.


 Dumitru, I. Al. , Consiliere psihopedagogică, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2008.  Isofache, Liliana Mirela; Şmira, Liliana, Abordarea valorilor profesionale în demersul consilierii carierei, Revista de Asistenţă Educaţională, 2012. Available: http:/ /revistade asistenta educationala. blogspot. com / 2012/03/ abordarea-valorilor-profesionale-in.html  Valorile – adevăratele standarde în opţiunea pentru carieră. Available: http://cs-efica.ro/ consiliere/ wp-content/uploads-2015/01/20141210_CS_Valorile_ECP2.pdf.  Чернявская А.П., Психологичесое консултирование по профессиональной ориентации. Москва, Изд-во Владос-Пресс, 2001.

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TAMARA MATEI "Dimitrie Cantemir" State University of Chişinău

Abstract In recent years the importance of affective issues has become a matter of debate and extensive research among language teachers, linguists and researchers. The author of this presentation will attempt to demonstrate that any learning, and in particular the study of a language, is an emotional experience, and the psychological state of the learner in the process of knowledge acquisition, the mood, caused by the teaching process, sometimes determine the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the results.

Keywords: affective factors, the acquisition of language skills, psychological atmosphere, motivation, self-exposure.


 Brown, H. D. Principles of language learning and teaching (5th ed. ). New York: Longman, 2000, ISBN 0130178160  Johnson, D. W. , Johnson, R. T. Learning together and alone: Cooperative, competitive, and individualistic learning (5th ed. ), 1999, Boston: Allyn & Baconhttps, ISBN-13: 9780205287710  Richards J. C. , D. Nunan. Second language teacher education, 1990 Cambridge (England); New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990 ISBN: 9780521387798  Rogers, C. On Becoming a Person: A Therapist's View of Psychotherapy. London: Constable, 1961, ISBN 1-84529-057-7  Stanford, G. Developing Effective Classroom Groups, New York City: Hart Publishing Company, Inc, 1977, ISBN-13: 9780805512199

Web resources

 Bailey K. M. Competitiveness and Anxiety in Adult Second Language Learning: Looking at and through the Diary Studies. Available at: http://www. kathleenmbailey. com/pdfs/compet01. gif  Covington M. V. The Social Importance of Self-Esteem. Available at: http://publishing. cdlib. org/ucpressebooks/view?docId=ft6c6006v5&chunk.  Whitaker, P. Managing to Learn: Aspects of Reflecting and Experiential Learning in Schools, 1995 Cassell, London. Available at: http://www. sid. ir/en/vewssid/j_pdf/140420100105. pdf

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MIRCEA BREAZ "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca

Abstract This work is an investigation in the domain of children’s and youth literature’s thematic repertoires as an optional discipline that derives from the discipline The Romanian Language and Literature in the primary and . Our research aims to cover three of the most important thematic domains, for which are offered textual-thematic proposals, examples and didactic solutions for children’s folklore. It is also examined the ways these three thematic domains function as integrant themes in the curricular area called Language and Communication.

Keywords: children and youth literature, children’s folklore, theatre for children, aphoristic literature, enigmatic literature for children.


 *** MEC, Ordin Nr. 3449/ 15.03.1999, cu privire la regimul disciplinelor opţionale în perspectiva aplicării noilor planuri cadru de învăţământ, începând cu anul şcolar 1999-2000, Bucureşti, 1999.  *** MEN, Ordin Nr. 4224/ 22.07.1998, referitor la Metodologia privind regimul disciplinelor opţionale (Anexa I), în perspectiva aplicării Planului-cadru de învăţământ pentru învăţământul primar şi gimnazial, începând cu anul şcolar 1998-1999, Bucureşti, 1998.  Breaz, Mircea, Literatura pentru copii. Repere teoretice şi metodologice, Cluj-Napoca, Editura ASCR, 2013.  Ciocan, Neculai, Aspecte privind regimul disciplinelor opţionale în învăţământul preuniversitar, în Preocupări didactice, Anul III, Nr. 1-2, Suceava, 2000, pp. 5-7.  Comişel, Emilia, Folclorul copiilor, Bucureşti, Editura Muzicală, 1982.  Comişel, Emilia, Folclorul copiilor, în Istoria literaturii române, 1 (pp. 180-190), Bucureşti, Editura Academiei R.S.R., 1970.  Medan, Virgil, Folclorul copiilor, Cluj-Napoca, IPC, 1980.  Pârvan, Lucia, Abordarea didactică a disciplinelor opţionale. Curriculum la decizia şcolii, Piteşti, Editura Carminis, 2000.

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GALINA MARTEA Full member of the Romanian-American Academy of Sciences and Arts, The Netherlands

Abstract Education based on authentic systemised criteria can create that evolutionary form that can develop both the individual and their society, as well as the development of the whole country in all the fields of social activity. Through training and education methods appropriate, the individual partakes in the achievement of all social processes, thus forming a particular mechanism in conveying ideas and actions based on knowledge and skills. The purpose of training, focused on logical thinking, the capacity to undertake as many actions autonomously, and the development of a true personality – these all are the processes that define the efficiency and quality of an education system, this being a true promoter of human identity.

Keywords: education system, human identity, personality, society, cognition.


 Educaţia din Moldova: fruntaşă la cheltuieli, codaşă la rezultate. 2013. Informează Unimedia, portalul de ştiri nr.1 din Moldova. Available: http:// unimedia.info/stiri/doc- educatia-din-moldova-fruntasa-la-cheltuieli--codasa-la-rezultate-63853.html.  Evoluţia finanţării educaţiei din Europa. European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2013. Funding of Education in Europe 2000-2012: The Impact of the Economic Crisis. Eurydice Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Available: http://www.6pentrueducatie. ro/finantarea-educatiei-in-romania/evolutia-finantarii-educatiei/.  Martea, G. Fiinţa umană şi sistemul de valori. Materialele Conferinţei Ştiinţifice Internaţionale din 18-19 octombrie 2013, secţiunea V, AŞM, IŞE, Chişinău, 2013.  Martea, G. Managementul resurselor financiare ale instituţiilor de învăţământ preuniversitate. Chişinău, Editura Print-Caro, 2010.  Martea, G. „Sistemul de învăţământ – promotor al identităţii naţionale”. Chişinău, Editura Pontos, 2015.  Kant, I Despre pedagogie. 1803. Available: www.slideshare.net/tutrent 2/kant-im-despre- pedagogie.  Dewey, J. The school and social progres. Chapter 1 in The School and Society. Chigago, University of Chigago, Press (1907), page 19-44. Available: http://www.brocku.ca/.  Hubert, R. Calităţile cadrului didactic.1965. Available: http://www.aidd-fse.ro/documents/ 10157/ 313284/ S3_M5_Calitatile+cadrului didactic_S3.pdf.  Strategia Naţională de dezvoltare a Republicii Moldova 2012-2020. Chişinău, pag. 11. Available: http://particip. gov.md/public/files/strategia/Moldova_2020_proiect.pdf.

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ARGENTINA CHIRIAC, INA DRIGA "Nicolae Testemiţanu" State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Chişinău

Abstract In the process of purchasing or fixing of medical terms by students, we offer one of the most effective methods, namely the role-play/dialogue in the teaching and learning specialized terminology in a foreign language. The aim of the study is to highlight the importance that has the role-play/dialogues in education, and especially in teaching and learning medical terminology in a foreign language. Analyzing different methodologies today, we see that playful activities create a favorable environment for the teaching - learning process to be not only fun, but also efficient and friendly.

Keywords: Role-play, specialized language, dialogue, method, interactive.


 Bocoş, M., Instruirea interactive, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2013.  Chiriac, A., Caiet de exerciţii audio în baza dialogurilor cu tematică medicală, Chişinău, CEP Medicina, 2017.  Guţu, V., Curriculum educaţional, Chişinău, CEP-USM, 2014.

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DUMITRU CĂLDARE State University of Moldova

Abstract In this article some Christian ethical and moral aspects from the work the „Divan” by Dimitrie Cantemir are examined: the essence of the dialogue of „The Wise-The World”, „The World-The Wise”, the victory of the Wise in the World as iveli as the correlation Faith-Reason, Sin-Penance, „the emptiness”, Christian dignity, Christian pity, Divine authority, Holiness, Christian virtues, Wisdom, Good-Evil, Education etc.

Keywords: ethics, education, christian moral, christian pity, divine authority, virtue, holiness, sinunishment, emptiness, ignorance.


 Biblia. Psalmii. Chişinău, 2004.  Cantemir, Dimitrie, Divanul sau gâlceava înţeleptului cu lumea, Bucureşti, Editura Minerva, 1999.

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STELA SPÎNU "Dimitrie Cantemir" State University of Chişinău "Nicolae Testemiţanu" State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Chişinău

Abstract The process of globalization, which originally dominated only the economic sphere, subsequently led to profound social, political and cultural transformations and had a significant impact on national cultures by uniformizing them and shaping a global culture. The new interferences between cultural and communication processes led to redefining identities and manipulating them nationally and internationally. In this context, intercultural communication has become an inevitable and timely fact, which is influencing interethnic and inter-confessional relations in multilingual and multicultural environments, where the problem of identities is inherent and challenging.

Keywords: the globalization process, intercultural communication, language, culture.


 Boldea, I., Memorie, identitate şi comunicare interculturală, în „The Proceedings of the International Conference „Communication, Context, Interdisciplinarity”, Târgu-Mureş, 2012, pp. 17-26.  Bonte, P., Izard, M., Dicţionar de etnologie şi antropologie, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 1999.  Bujalos, István, Istoria identităţii moderne, în „Identitate europeană, naţională şi regională: teorie şi practică”, Oradea, Editura Partium, 2011.  Cruceru, D., Cultură. Ideologie. Valoare. Elemente pentru o interpretare axiologică a culturii spirituale, Bucureşti, Editura Meridiane, 1989.  Cucoş, C., Educaţia. Dimensiuni culturale şi interculturale, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2000.  Georgiu, G., Cultură şi comunicare, Bucureşti, Editura Diogene, 2008.  Mocan, G., Problematica identităţii în comunicarea interculturală, Rezumat, Cluj-Napoca, 2013.  Oprea, I., Curs de filosofia limbii, Suceava, Editura Universităţii, 2001.  Spînu, S., Procese culturale europene: implicaţii pentru Republica Moldova, Chişinău, Editura Primex-com, 2013.  Topor, R., Diaconu, F., Cultură. Termeni şi personalităţi, Bucureşti, Editura Vivaldi, 2004.  Zoltán, S., Perspective ale spaţiului rural mocian prin prisma reperelor identitare, în Analele Institutului de Istorie „George Bariţ” din Cluj-Napoca, Series Humanistica, tomul III, 2005, pp. 109-126.

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NELU VICOL, OLGA CALEACHINA Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract The attractive work conditions can make a significant contribution to the improvement of the moral climate, the reduction of teachers’ fluctuation, and the increase of the teachers quota. The educational activity brings more satisfaction, when teachers are really involved in the process of school activity streamline. Obviously, professional satisfaction is dependent on the teacher's value system. The achievement of superior values offers a deeper satisfaction. In this context, it is appropriate to determine the teachers for widening their personal axiological sphere, supporting the evolution of their motivations towards the highest ones. (achievement, professional fulfillment, value harmony, etc.), consolidating the professional consciousness, supporting the process of establishing the professional identity, developing the autonomy and the individual responsibility of each actor.

Keywords: teacher, value, education, continuous training, personal and professional values.


 Andrei P., Filosofia valorii, Iaşi, Polirom, 2000.  Andriţchi, V., Valorile – sistem de referinţă al cadrelor didactice în activitatea şi dezvoltarea profesională, în „Cadrul didactic: atât de mult al şcolii... (Coord.şt.: Nelu Vicol)”, Chişinău, Tipogr. Totex-Lux, 2017, pp. 102-106.  Cojocaru, V. Gh., Calitatea în educaţie. Managementul calităţii, Chişinău, 2007.  Cojocaru-Borozan, M., Tehnologia dezvoltării culturii emoţionale, Chişinău, Tipografia UPS “Ion Creangă”, 2012.  Dandara, O., Conceptualizarea ghidării carierei în contextul educaţiei permanente, Chişinău, 2013.  Dandara, O., Traseul carierei didactice şi particularităţile evoluţiei profesionale, în Revista „Studia Universitas Moldovae”, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2016, nr.5.  Drobot, L., Pedagogie socială, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, R.A., 2008.  Potolea, D., Perfecţionarea şi autoperfecţionarea cadrelor didactice, Bucureşti, EDP, 1981.  Vianu, T., Filosofia culturii şi teoria valorilor, Bucureşti, Editura Nemira, 1998.  Vicol, Nelu; Voloh, Lilia, Formarea profesională iniţială şi continuă ad valorem, în „Cadrul didactic: atât de mult al şcolii... (Coord.şt.: Nelu Vicol)”, Chişinău, Tipogr. Totex-Lux, 2017, pp. 138-147.  Педагог: профессиональная деятельность и совершенствование, Сборник нормативных документов, М., Изд. „Национальное образование”, 2016, стр. 105.

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MARIA DOBRIŢOIU University of Petroşani

Abstract In contemporary conditions, Mathematics is one of the most important sciences, the science of concepts of great generality, that has an important role in thinking formation and contributes to realization of the creativity, the highest and most complex form of human behavior. The study of mathematics in education at all levels is of particular importance through the formation of mathematical thinking, expressed in an appropriate mathematical language and by a system of calculus and reasoning algorithms. The presentation of this theme is organized on two parts, one on pre-university education and the other on university education, and aims to highlight some relevant aspects regarding the role and importance of studying mathematics in education at any level. In this article we briefly refer to some of the aspects that highlight the role and importance of studying mathematics in pre-university education.

Keywords: mathematics, science, education, study, importance.


 Berinde, V., Explorare, investigare şi descoperire în matematică, Editura Efemeride, Baia Mare, 2001.  Brânzei, D., Onofraş, E., Aniţa, S., Bazele raţionamentului geometric, Editura Academiei, Bucureşti, 1983.  Buicliu, G., Probleme de construcţii geometrice cu rigla şi compasul, Bucureşti, Editura Tineretului, 1967.  Buşneag, D. (coord.), Boboc, F., Piciu, D., Aritmetică şi teoria numerelor, Craiova, Editura Universitaria, 1999.  Câmpan, T.Fl., Povestiri despre probleme celebre, Bucureşti, Editura Albatros, 1987.  Creangă, I., Introducere în teoria numerelor, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1965.  Cucurezeanu, I., Probleme de aritmetică şi teoria numerelor, Bucureşti, Editura Tehnică, 1976.  Dobriţoiu, M., Rolul problemelor de matematică În educarea creativităţii şi inventivităţii, în: Opriş, Dorin, Scheau, Ioan, Moşin, Octavian (coordonatori), „Educaţia din perspectiva valorilor, Tom 12: Summa Paedagogica”, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Eikon, 2017, pp. 59-65.  Dobriţoiu, M., Dobriţoiu A.-M., Matematica – esenţă şi importanţă, Summa Paedagogica, în Opriş, Dorin, Scheau, Ioan, Moşin, Octavian (coordonatori), „Educaţia din perspectiva valorilor, Tom 10 : Summa Paedagogica”, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Eikon, 2016, pp. 125-130.  Dobriţoiu, M., Frumuseţea problemelor de matematică din gimnaziu, în „Studii de pedagogie, vol. aniversar, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 2015,pp. 132-143.  Dobriţoiu, M., Metodica predării Aritmeticii – punte de legătură între Matematică şi Pedagogie, în: Opriş, Dorin, Scheau, Ioan, Moşin, Octavian (coordonatori), „Educaţia din perspectiva valorilor, Tom 8: Summa Paedagogica”, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Eikon, 2015, pp. 56-62,

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 Dobriţoiu, M., Didactica predării matematicii, Petroşani, Editura Universitas, 2015.  Hardy, G.H., A Mathematician's Apology, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1940.  Kordeski, B.A., Matematica distractivă, Bucureşti, Editura Tineretului, 1959, p. 312.  Neagu, Gh., Metode de rezolvare a problemelor de matematică şcolară evidenţiate prin exemple, Bacău, Editua Plumb, 1997.  Polya, G., Cum să rezolvăm o problemă ?, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică, 1965.  Polya, G., Descoperirea În matematică. Euristica rezolvării problemelor, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică, 1971.  Rusu, E., Atracţia pentru problematic În activitatea matematică, în „Revista de pedagogie” Bucureşti, 1965, Nr. 1.  Tisescu, I., Metode de activizare a elevilor în lecţia de matematică la ciclul primar, Bacău, Editura Rovimed Publishers, 2014, p. 54.  Trigg, C.W., Ingeniozitate şi surpriză în matematică, Bucureşti, Editura Enciclopedică Română, 1975.

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RUSLAN ŞEVCENCO Insitute for Efficient Politics from Chişinău

Abstract The end of the 1950th – the first half of the 1960th years – one of the most dramatic periods for believers between the Prut and Dniester. There are a large-scale closing and robbery of churches, repressions against those who protected them. The militia and the state security agencies have suppressed an anti-Soviet revolt to the village of Rechula (1959) provoked by closing of local church. The Chisinau Cathedral has been violently closed (1962), and his bell tower – is blown up in December of the same 1962. Many priests have been subjected to repressions. Since 1965 there is a weakening of the toughest repressions though closing of churches continues. At the same time the tax and propaganda pressure upon orthodox church grows in the region.

Keywords: priests, believers, repressions, violent closing, power bodies.


 Pasat, Valeriu, RSS Moldovenească în epoca stalinistă (1940-1953), Chişinău, Cartier, 2011.  Şevcenco, R., Viaţa politică în RSS Moldovenească (1944-1961), Chişinău, Pontos, 2007.  Arhiva Organizaţiilor Social-Politice ale Republicii Moldova (AOSP RM). Fond 51. Inventarele 19-25, 27-30. Dosarul. Pagina.

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NATALIA CARABET "Ion Creangă" State University of Pedagogy of Chişinău

Abstract The article deals with the problem of forming the value of human personality through the common actions of teachers and parents, by taking into account the factors influencing the education and development of children through different methods and forms of educational interaction.

Keywords: personal identity, awareness, interdependence, national values, education, personality.


 Baburovа, И., Изучение и воспитание ценностных отношений школьников: монография, СмолГУ, 2008, 320 с.  Baburovа, И., Пример в воспитании ценностных отношений школьников: монография, Смоленск: СмолГУ, 2007, 224 с.  Mândâcanu, V., Măiestria pedagogului, Chişinău, 1989.  Mândâcanu, V., Etica pedagogică, Chişinău, 2001.  Mândâcanu, V., Arta comportamentului moral, Chişinău, 2004.  Mândâcanu, V., Etica pedagogică praxiologică, Chişinău, 2010.  Mândâcanu, V., Pedagogul creştin, Chişinău, 2011.  Mândâcanu, V., Pedagogia creştin-ortodoxă, Chişinău, 2014.  Mândâcanu, V., Tehnica pedagogică şi măiestria învăţătorului, Chişinău, 1991.  Mândâcanu, V., Moştenirea noastră – bogăţia spirituală, Chişinău, 2001.  Mândâcanu, V., Educaţie. Credinţă. Umanism, Chişinău, 2007.  Mândâcanu, V., Arta de a deveni şi a fi pedagog, Chişinău, 2016.  Văideanu, Gh., Rassekh, Sh., Educaţia la frontiera dintre milenii, 1988  Zolotareov, E., A vedea cu inima, Chişinău, 2014.

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OCTAVIAN MOŞIN State University of Moldova

Abstract The article focuses on the issue of educating the young generation in the approach of Alexandru Scarlat Sturza. The theory of education, developed by Sturza, consists of two parts: religious education and scientific education, also called training through education. In the vision of the distinguished scholar, the scientific education must be directed to the correct assimilation of the law of necessities to which the human being is subjected. In this sense, Sturza believes that real and artificial needs must be reduced, and moral and physical powers multiplied, which would allow the return to the primary, undetected essence of the human spirit.

Keywords: religious education, scientific education, training through education, scientific creationism, scientific principles, educational process.


 Morris, Henrz M. (editor), Creaţionismul ştiinţific, întocmit de cercetătorii şi consultanţii Institutului pentru Cercetări Creaţioniste, Oradea, Societatea Misionară Română, 1992.  Sturza, Al., Priviri istorice asupra învăţăturii şi duhului Bisericii Ortodoxe, Trad. de I. I. Beleuţă Făgăraşi: Tiparul tipografiei Ioan Lazăr, 1931.  Стурдза, А., Вера и ведение или Рассуждение о необходимых согласии в преподовании религии и наук питомцам учебных заведений нам, B: В.П. Романюк, Л.А., Ершов, Быть, а не казаться. Александр Стурдза и его время, Киiв: Автограф, 2004a, сc. 85-92.  Стурдза, A., План воспитания молодого христианина, француза и дворянина римского причастия, B: В.П. Романюк, Л.А., Ершов, Быть, а не казаться. Александр Стурдза и его время, Киiв: Автограф, 2004b, сc. 61-71.  Стурдза, А., Эссе об оновных законах общества и человеческих взаимоотношениях. B: В.П. Романюк, Л.А., Ершов, Быть, а не казаться. Александр Стурдза и его время. Киiв: Автограф, 2004c, сc. 71-85.

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MARIA-CAMELIA DICU "Constantin Brancusi" University in Targu-Jiu

Abstract Considered one of the greatest women novelists in British literature, Doris Lessing is widely known as a feminist writer and an advocate of the feminist movement. Her characters are women, frequently victims of men and of their social status. It is also the case of the protagonist, Susan Rawlings, in the story To Room Nineteen. By stating the basic question of whether any connections can be established with today’s women, the present article aims to analyse the evolution of the protagonist from a young, powerful and intelligent woman of great personality to a woman lacking personal life. What was it that led her to losing her personal life? Why did she get to the ultimate gesture? Was it a psychological issue? These are some of the issues, the present paper is going to discuss.

Keywords: To Room Nineteen, feminist, depersonalization, travel, analysis.


1. Elizabeth Gilbert, Mananca, Roaga-te, Iubeste, (Eat, Pray, Love), Editura Humanitas, Bucuresti, 2008. 2. Harold Bloom – Editor, Doris Lessing, Chelsea House, New York, 1986, pp. 137-138. www.questia.com. 3. Rick Oehling, Doris Lessing in A Reader's Companion to the Short Story in English. Erin Fallon - Editor, R. C. Feddersen - Editor, James Kurtzleben - Editor, Maurice A. Lee - Editor, Susan Rochette-Crawley - Editor. Greenwood Press. Westport, CT. 4. 2001, pp. 241-251. www.questia.com 5. Baird James, Primitivism and Cultural Failure in Ishmael, John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1956, pp. 3-50.

Web resources

 Doris Lessing, To Room Nineteen, http://litandplacesp2011.qwriting.qc.cuny.edu/files/2011/02/To-Room-19-Lessing.pdf.  Dana Badulescu, 2012. „Heterotopia, Liminality, Cyberspace as Marks of Contemporary Spatiality” The Round Table. Partium Journal of English Studies. http://www.theroundtable.ro/Current/Cultural/Dana.Badulescu_Heterotopia,Liminality,Cybers paceas_Marks_of_Contemporary_Spatiality.pdf [retrieved: 10.09.2017].  Michel Foucault. n.d. (1984). „Of Other Spaces. Heterotopias.” http://web.mit.edu/allanmc/www/foucault1.pdf [retrieved: 10.09.2017].  Alessandra Boller, Celtic Tiger Ireland as a Liminal Space: Movement and Paralysis in Gerard Donovan’s Country of the Grand http://www.estudiosirlandeses.org/wp- content/uploads/2017/02/Artículo-2-Boller.pdf [retrieved: 10.09.2017].  Rula Quawas, Lessing’s To Room Nineteen, Susan’s Voyage into the Inner Space of ‘elsewhere’, http://ieas.unideb.hu/admin/file_9550.pdf.

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 Kun Zhao, An Analysis of Three Images in Doris Lessing’s To Room Nineteen, http://www.academypublication.com/issues/past/tpls/vol02/08/15.pdf.  Frederick Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra https://nationalvanguard.org/books/Thus-Spoke-Zarathustra-by-F.-Nietzsche.pdf.  Martin Stephen, An Introductory Guide to English Literature, Longman York Press, Third impression, 1986.

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RODICA SOLOVEI Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract The article highlights some aspects of the moral-Christian education of pupils. It is briefly presented the opinion of some personalities in the field of theology and pedagogy, about the enormous role Christianity has in the moral education of the young generation: It is emphasized that the true moral-Christian education of the young generation is based on teacher's example, as a Christian teacher is open to faith and aspires to perfection, and his/her pedagogical activity is oriented towards the moral and spiritual formation of the disciples. The article reveals the role of classes and extracurricular activities in educating students in the spirit of moral-Christian values. At the same time, it is underlined that, in order to achieve the expected results, the teacher will promote community action projects in partnership with the local church.

Keywords: moral-Christian education, personalities in the field of theology and pedagogy; virtues, moral values, community action project.


 Cucoş, Constantin, Pedagogie, Iaşi, Editura Polirom,1998.  Cucoş, Constantin, Educaţia. Iubire, edificare, desăvârsire, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2008.  Joiţă, Elena, Management educaţional. Profesorul-manager: roluri şi metodologie, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2000.  Macavei, Elena, Pedagogie. Teoria Educaţiei, Bucureşti, Editura Ararmis, 2002.  Mândâcanu, Virgil, Pedagogia creştin-ortodoxă, Chişinău, Editura Iulian, 2014.  Rădulescu, Eleonora; Tîrcă, Anca, Adaptarea curiculum-ului la contextul rural, MEC, Bucureşti, 2007.  Solovei, Rodica; Eşanu, Rodica, Şcoala şi comunitatea. Ghid metodologic, Chişinău, Editura Ştiinţa, 2007.  Vianu, Tudor, Studii de filosofia culturii, Bucureşti, Editura Eminescu, 1982.

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DORIN OPRIŞ "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia

Abstract Aspiration towards the internationalization of education has become more and more evident today by supporting the international dimension in curriculum design and application. In this context, the axiological guidelines are increasingly discussed in the academic environment, especially the comparative studies of values and their impact on the individual and on society. The present paper is based on a project that aims to investigate the ways to support the process of training future teachers and to research by integrating Romanian and European values into the educational, practical and scientific research activities.

Keywords: value, cultural-educational values, syncretism of values, personal development, educational program.


 Bocoş, Muşata; Opriş, Dorin; Opriş, Monica, Cercetarea în domeniul educaţiei morale şi al educaţiei religioase. Modele şi aplicaţii, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2006.  Bunăiaşu, C.M., Elaborarea şi managementul proiectelor educaţionale, Bucureşti, Editura Universitară, 2012.  Gherghuţ, Alois; Ceobanu, Ciprian, Elaborarea si managementul proiectelor în serviciile educaţionale, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2009.  Ionel, Viorel, Pedagogia situaţiilor educative, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2002.  Joiţa, Elena, Management educaţional. Profesorul manager: roluri si metodologie, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2000.  Opran, Constantin, Managementul proiectului, Bucureşti, Editura Universitară, 2002.  Opriş, Dorin, Dimensiuni creştine ale pedagogiei moderne, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 2012.  Opriş, Dorin, Metodologia cercetării pedagogice, Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia, 2016.  Scheau, Ioan; Spînu, Stela, Managementul proiectelor, Chişinău, Universitatea Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2017.  Voiculescu, Florea, Analiza resurse-nevoi şi managementul strategic în învăţământ, Bucureşti, Editura Aramis, 2004.

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MARIA GOGA Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest

CLAUDIA DANIELA MIHUŢ Secondary School nr 1, Bragadiru, Ilfov County

Abstract The Religion Teacher is not only a teacher who shares religious knowledge among children, but also a practitioner of what s/he said. From him/her the students expect to have the qualities of the divine Master and his/her advice to be received with joy by them. The efficiency of his/her actions is given on how s/he will know to be a true mentor when students face discipline or learning problems. The present research aims at exploring the relevance of the religious teacher’s interventions in improving the situation in education and discipline of students of the 7th grade from Secondary School No. 1 Bragadiru, Ilfov County, as well as identifying efficient solutions leading to the improvement of the teacher-student relationship in the conditions in which the indiscipline and the lack of motivation for pupil’s learning were alarming. We present a case study in which both quantitative and qualitative research methods have been used. The results of the research show that, through the effective intervention of the religious teacher, students have been able to finish the school year with fewer absences and desire to learn. Intrinsic motivation has grown with the use of various effective communication methods, but also with the involvement of students in attractive activities.

Keywords: religion teacher, students, secondary school, discipline, motivation to learning.


 Călugăr, Dumitru, Catehetica, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Renaşterea, 2005.  Dinu, Mihai, Comunicarea. Repere fundamentale, Ediţia a 2-a, Bucureşti, Editura Algos, 2004.  Gordon, Vasile, Introducere în Catehetica Ortodoxă, Bucureşti, Editura Sofia, 2004.  Gordon, Thomas; Burch, Noel, Profesorul eficient, Bucureşti, Editura Trei, 2011.  Paştina, Horea, Ascult şi privesc, Alba Iulia, Editura Reîntregirea, 2011.  Timiş, Vasile, Religia în şcoală. Valenţe eclesiale, educaţionale şi sociale, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2004.

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MARIA LIANA LĂCĂTUŞ Academy for Economic Studies of Bucharest

Abstract Economics is known as the science of rational decisions due to the fact that economists are studying, mainly, the choices individuals considered to be rational who are targeting a maximum gain in the existing conditions. The strategic behavior involves decisions made by taking into consideration the possible reactions of the others. This happens, for example, on a market with a small number of active firms and each firm has to make decisions depending on all of the others. If the firm would like to diminish the prices in order to increase the income, it has to anticipate first how would respond the other competitors. If they will diminish the prices too, the firm could not be able to meet its income objective. The paper is focused on models, such as game theory, used in economics to understand the strategic behaviors of firms and to provide basis for optimal decisions.

Keywords: Decision, decision making process, strategy, economic models, strategic behavior.


 Stiglitz, Joseph E., Walsh, Carl, E., Economie, Bucureşti, Editura Economică, 2005.  Heilbroner, Robert, Thurow, Lester, Economics explained : everything you need to know about how the economy works and where it's going, New York: Touchstone, 1998.  Wheelan, Charles, Naked Economics. Undressing the Dismal Science, New York: W.W.Norton & Company, 2010.  Buchanan, James M., Tullock, Gordon, Calculul consimţământului, Bucureşti, Editura Publica, 2010.

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ARINA ANTOCI "Dimitrie Cantemir" State University of Chişinău State Agricultural University of Moldova

Abstract The Kant moment is epochal in the history of philosophy. It is not just what Kant himself called the ”Copernican Revolution”, that is, moving the center of gravity of reflection from objects to the knowledgeable subject. Kantian philosophy undergoes a profound change, even affecting the status of philosophy: philosophy ceases to be a vain speculation about the transcendent and becomes critical, that is, a transcendental research. This mutation deepens the experience of philosophical thinking, preparing the new currents of contemporary culture bearing the indelible mark of kantianism. Kant is a decisive moment, an overwhelming, essential novelty, with a decisive role in shaping and developing the personality of the one who, with much courage, tenacity and effort, tries to assume it. The substantial connection, any knowledge, Kantian philosophy has the effect of a real awakening. The impact of critical philosophy on the individual who is thinking was compared by Schopenhauer with the effect of cataract surgery, which renders a blind eye. Kant's actual, hotly acquiring knowledge allows the knowledge of the fundamental structures that make the human condition possible and thus explains the uniqueness and exemplary presence of man in the world. Through its synthesis power, Kant's philosophy was considered a true philosophical microcosm, a brevity of modern thinking.

Keywords: transcendent, ethics, critical philosophy, copernican revolution.


 Aristotel, Etica Nicomahică, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, 1988.  Kant, Im., Întemeierea metafizicii moravurilor, Bucureşti, Ed. Ştiinţifică, 1972.  Kant, Im., Critica raţiunii practice, Bucureşti, Editura Paideia, 2003.  Maiorescu, T., Prelegeri de filosofie, Craiova, Editura Scrisul Românesc, 1980.  Miroiu, Adrian, Etică aplicată, Bucureşti, Editura Alternative, 1995.  Miroiu, Adrian, Filosofia în haine de gală, Bucureşti, Editura All, 1998.  Miroiu, Mihaela, Societatea retro, Bucureşti, Editura Trei, 1999.  Pierre, Trotignon, La philosophie allemande depuis Nietzsche, Paris, Armand Collin, 1968.  Petrovici, Ioan, Douăsprezece prelegeri universitare despre Immanuel Kant, Iaşi, Editura Agora, 1994.

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RODICA CIOBANU "Dimitrie Cantemir" State University of Chişinău State University of Moldova

Abstract The aim of the article is to cherish and advocate for the interdisciplinary open perspectives research in the field of law. The perspective on which the approach is focused on lay in a cross- disciplinary analysis by balancing among multi, inter and transdisciplinarity. Drawing on the peculiarities of contemporary society, we argue for the necessity to return and re-evaluate the normative sciences that regulate the social and human relations, in order to determine the competence, reality, efficiency, and utility criteria in the conditions of a society in transition, with high technologies, knowledge based and in globalization. From one side, the theoretical and methodological particularities of the contemporary sciences are emphasised, on the other side, we opt for their capitalization on the field of law, as a domain that has assumed to secure the social order through the legal order.

Keywords: science methodology, normativity, interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinary, contemporary society, transdisciplinary.


 Botez, A., Concepte integrative antice, moderne, postmoderne, Bucureşti, Editura Semne, 1999.  Dobre, A., Introducere în epistemologie, Bucureşti, Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine, 2004.  Dogan, M., Pahre, R., Noile ştiinţe sociale, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 1993.  Habermas, J., Sfera publică şi transformarea ei structurală, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1998.  Kuhn, T., Structura revoluţiilor ştiinţifice, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, 1976.  Marga, A., Filosofia lui Habermas, Bucureşti, Editura Rao, 2017.  Memelis, G., Iosif, A., Raileanu, D., Realitatea transdisciplinară: o fuziune de orizonturi ale teologiei, ştiinţei şi filosofiei, Bucureşti, Editura Curtea Veche, 2010.  Metodologia ştiinţelor socioumane, S. Moscovici, F. Buschini (coord.), Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2007.  Nicolescu, B., Camus, M., Rădăcinile libertăţii, Bucureşti, Editura Curtea Veche, 2004.  Nicolescu, B., Transdisciplinaritatea, Manifest (trad. rom.), Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 1999.  Papu, E., Despre stiluri, Bucureşti, Editura Eminescu, 1986.  Săvoiu, Gh., Iorga-Siman, I., Multidisciplinaritatea şi educaţia academică, Bucureşti, Editura Universitară, 2011.  Töffler, A., Al treilea val, Bucureşti, Editura Politică, 1983.

Web resources

 Kroeze, Irma J., Legal research methodology and the dream of interdisciplinarity. Available: ttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/260776965.

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 Solomon, Marcus. Available: http://www.complexity.ro/old/html/complexitate.html.  Cuceu, Codruţa Liana, Problema normativităţii în configuraţia contemporană a sferei publice. Modelul habermasian şi relevanţa lui astăzi. http://www.humanistica.ro/anuare/2012/Continut/15.Cuceu.pdf.  Marga, A., Condiţia comunicativă a dreptului. În: Fondul şi forma, Populismul. Irezistibila ispită politică. Nr. 02/2017. Available: https://www.punctulcritic.ro.

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ALIONA AFANAS Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract The article presents methodological aspects of the continuous professional training of teachers in the context of lifelong learning. An essential aspect is the realization of training activities based on experiential learning, emphasizing four phases: concrete experience, reflected observation, abstract conceptualization, active experimentation.

Keywords: Continuous Vocational Training, Lifelong Learning, Teachers, Experiential Learning, Authentic Activity.


 Bron, Agnieszka; Schemman. Michael. Social Science Theories in Research, Bochum Studies in International Adult Education LIT Verlag, Munster, 2002.  Cristea, Sorin. Instruirea/procesul de învăţământ. Bucureşti, Editura Didactica Publishing House, 2017, vol.6.  Jarvis, Peter. Adult and – Theory and practice. Publisher: Routledge, Londra, 1983, 2003.  Joiţa, Elena (coord.) ş.a. Formarea pedagogică a profesorului: instrumente de învăţare cognitiv-constructivistă, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 2007.  Pogolşa, Lilia; Afanas, Aliona (coord. şt.) [et al.] Formarea profesională continuă în Republica Moldova: un studiu comprehensiv privind sistemul de formare profesională continuă a cadrelor didactice. Chişinău, Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, 2017.

Web resources

 Curs de formare profesională pentru ocupaţia de formator, 68 p. Available: educatoritimisgrb.wikispaces.com/file/view/suport+curs+formatori+bihor.pdf].  Minighid pentru formarea de formatori, Bucureşti, 2012. Available: http://www.anfp.gov.ro/  Paloş, Ramona; Sava, Simona; Ungureanu, Dorel. Educaţia adulţilor: baze teoretice şi repere practice, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2007.

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MARIA HADÎRCĂ Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract The article tackles the crisis of values in the contemporary society, highlights the role of the school curriculum in developing the personality of the pupil, and suggests an axiological referential which could guide the development and implementation of education at the pre-university level.

Keywords: education, crisis of values, personality development, school curriculum, axiological referential.


 Callo, T., O pedagogie a integralităţii: teorie şi practică, Chişinău, CEP USM, 2007.  Cristea, S., Dicţionar de pedagogie, Chişinău, Editura Litera Internaţional, 2000.  Cucoş, C., Pedagogie şi axiologie, Bucureşti, EDP, 1995.  Cucoş, C., Pedagogie, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2002.  Hadîrcă, M., Dimensiunea axiologică a învăţământului actual, în: Perspectiva axiologică asupra educaţiei în schimbare, Chişinău, Print Caro, 2011.  Pâslaru, Vl., Valorile educaţiei din perspectivă curriculară, în: Principiul pozitiv al educaţiei, Chişinău, Civitas, 2003.  Ministerul Învăţământului al Republicii Moldova, Curriculum de bază. Documente reglatorii, 1997.

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ALIONA PANIŞ Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract The article reveals the value by targeting manifestly positive to teachers and social environment and institutional framework in which it is formed as a unique being and develop ideas, skills, capacities in ethics accumulated in the family, kindergarten, school, initial vocational training abaut: rules and principles that aim to protect every individual in the organization.

Keywords: moral, ethical, universal principles, morals principles, ethics principles, code of ethics for teachers.


 Certo, S. C., Managementul modern: diversitate, calitate, etica si mediul global, Bucureşti, Editura Teora, 2002.  Craciun, D., Etica în afaceri, Bucureşti, Editura A.S.E., 2005.  Mihailov, V., Etica profesională a cadrului didactic: principii şi norme, în revista Univers Pedagogic, nr.3 (55) 2017.  Popa, M., Etica afacerilor şi managementul, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2006.  Codul de etică al cadrului didactic, Chişinău, 2016. http://mecc.gov.md/sites/default/files/document/attachments/codul_de_etica_ro_4.pdf.

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MIRCEA BREAZ "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca

Abstract Our work analyzes the poem Good morning, Spring! by Tudor Arghezi as an initiatory hymn that praises the springs mystery, the big celebration of the material and spiritual world’s regeneration. This orphic perspective reveals the power to be in control of nature through the power of art. The poetic message is coded through the ambiguous significances that can be associated with the two alternative cores of meaning, Homeland, the Spring, respectively Homeland’s Spring. These two syntagms express a specific lyrical equivoque that generates complementary ways of understanding. The text illustrates the third type of literary ambiguity identified by Empson (1981), respectively the ambiguity obtained through the simultaneous significances. This happens when two ideas, connected by the same importance in the context, are expressed simultaneously, through one single word. In our study, this key-term is “Spring”, that symbolizes at the same time the nature, the human spirit and the creative inspiration’s revival.

Keywords: spring, initiatic hymn, orphic perspective, lyrical equivoque, literary ambiguity.


 *** Antologia Palatină. Selecţie, traducere, cuvânt înainte, indice de autori şi note de Viorica Golinescu, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1988.  *** Antologia poeziei latine. Antologie şi tabel cronologic de Dumitru Crăciun, Bucureşti, Editura Albatros, 1973.  *** Poeţi latini, I, II, Antologie, prezentări ale autorilor, traduceri şi note de Petre Stati, Bucureşti, Editura Minerva, 1973.  Arghezi, Tudor, Stihuri pestriţe, Bucureşti, Editura Minerva, 1990.  Bercea, Livius Petru, Tudor Arghezi: „Bună-dimineaţa, Primăvară!”, în: Limba şi literatura română, Anul XVIII, Nr. 3, Bucureşti, Societatea de Ştiinţe Filologice, 1989, pp. 26-27.  Bousoño, Carlos, Teoria expresiei poetice, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1975.  Cioculescu, Şerban, Introducere în poezia lui Tudor Arghezi, Bucureşti, Editura Minerva, 1971.  Creţia, Gabriela, Prefaţă la Antologia poeziei latine, antologie şi tabel cronologic de Dumitru Crăciun, Bucureşti, Editura Albatros, 1973, pp. V-XXVIII.  Durand, Gilbert, Structurile antropologice ale imaginarului, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1977.  Eliade, Mircea, Făurari şi alchimişti, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 1996.  Empson, William, Şapte tipuri de ambiguitate, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1981.  Orfeu, Imnuri, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1972.  Poulet, George, Metamorfozele cercului, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1987.  Scarlat, Mircea, Istoria poeziei româneşti, vol. III, Bucureşti, Editura Minerva, 1986.  Simion, Eugen, Orientări în literatura contemporană, Bucureşti, Editura pentru literatură, 1965.  Sorescu, Roxana, Tudor Arghezi: Bună dimineaţa, Primăvară!, în: Limba şi literatura română, Anul IV (VII), Nr. 4, Bucureşti, Societatea de Ştiinţe Filologice, 1978, pp. 25-27.

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GAVRIL TRIFA West University of Timişoara

Abstract The family is the first social framework that every person uses in order to develop as a person. Its main purpose and function is to provide the multiplication, continuation and growth of humankind. The family is a keystone for the security and balance of social life, given that it naturally ensures birth, upbringing and training of society’s members. Through their children, spouses open more towards society in general, which they need in order to raise their children and to integrate them in society. The family promotes the cohesion of the religious community, not isolated or solitary individuals. In the 21st century, unexpectedly, the role of the family in society and education is changing more and more radically. Postmodernism leads the Enlightenment further. In fact, it makes it more current. Here's the big challenge for the family. This article addresses these issues.

Keywords: children, family, parents, role models, society.


 *** Biblia sau Sfânta Scriptură, tipărită sub îndrumarea şi cu purtarea de grijă a Prea Fericitului Părinte Teoctist, Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, Bucureşti, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, 1988.  Barreiro León, Bárbara, Urban theory in postmodern cities: Amnesiac spaces and ephemeral aesthetics, in URBS. Revista de Estudios Urbanos y Ciencias Sociales, 2017, Vol. 7(1), pp. 57-65.  Bria, Ion, Hermeneutica teologică dinamica ei în structurarea Tradiţiei, curs, Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Andrei Şaguna” din Sibiu, 1999.  Filişanu, Cristina, În interesul copilului, în Buletin informativ trimestrial al Departamentului pentru Protecţia Copilului, vol. I, nr. 4, Bucureşti, iulie 1997.  Guenon, Rene, Criza lumii moderne, trad. Ioan Milea, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2004.  Lyotard, Jean-François, Condiţia postmodernă, Cluj-Napoca, Idea Design, 2003.  Jaziri Bouagina, D., Triki, A., From Postmodernism to Postmodern Consumer. The Impact on the Consumption Theory, in Postmodern Openings, 2014, 5(2), June, pp. 99-117.  Opriş, D., Opriş, M., Valori, modele şi aşteptări ale liceenilor din judeţul Alba, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Eikon, ediţia electronică, 2015.  Patapievici, H. R., Omul recent, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2001.  Pavel, Constantin, Familia preotului, în Glasul Bisericii, anul IX, nr.1-2, 1960.  Radu, Dumitru, Repere morale pentru omul contemporan, Craiova, Editura Mitropoliei Olteniei, 2007.  Sfântul Marcul Ascetul, Filocalia, vol. I, Bucureşti, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, 1981.  Stăniloae, Dumitru, Studii de teologie dogmatică, Craiova, Editura Mitropoliei Olteniei, 1990.  Stăniloae, Dumitru, Teologia Morală Ortodoxă, vol. III, Bucureşti, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, 1981.

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GALINA MARTEA Full member of the Romanian-American Academy of Sciences and Arts, The Netherlands

Abstract The teaching staff, the essence and the main content of pedagogic science, is the representative image of an educational body and of the processes related to changes in the contemporary era. Contemporary age, with stringent requirements in development, imposes over the education and training system concrete tasks, with a special focus on training the individual personality. In relation to the current development requirements and through evolutionary change, the school, the teacher and the student become the key players in a society, always tending to recognise themselves through the notion of personality and identity. Respectively, through the notion of personality and identity, the individual in turn can get its authentic existence only under the influence of educational factors that intersects directly and indirectly with the schooling environment and wider social setting.

Keywords: education, training, development, personality, society.


 Kant, I. Despre Pedagogie. Colecţia cărţilor de seamă, Redactor Simona Pelin, Traducere de Traian Brăileanu. Bucureşti, Editura Paideia, 2002. Available: http://ro.scribd.com/doc/7026843/Despre-Pedagogie-Imm-Kant.  Mitrofan, N. Aptitudinea pedagogică, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 1988.

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Abstract Various changes have taken place in recent years in terms of education in Romania and especially in primary education. Currently, changes in Romanian education have been driven by the need to harmonize our system with other Member States' systems, as recommended by the European Parliament (EP) in the European Reference Framework. Thus, it is foreseen that the 8 key competences should represent a graduate acquisition and leave states free to implement the document in its own right. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a study on the frequency of using assessment methods and self-assessment techniques of pupils, which took place during the school year 2016-2017 at the "Ionel Teodoreanu" School in Iasi.

Keyword: competences, evaluation, assessment methods, self-assessment, mathematics and science


 Cucoş, C., Teoria şi Metodologia Evaluării, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2008.  Gonczi, A., Teaching and Learning of Key Competencies, in Rychen, D.S., Salganik, L.H., and McLaughlin M. E. (Eds.) The definition and Selection of Key Competencies: Contributions to Second DeSeCo Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland, 2003.  Manolescu, M.; Potolea, D., Teoria şi practica evaluării educaţionale, Bucureşti, Editura Ministerul Educaţiei şi Cercetării, 2005.  Pepper, D., Assessing Key Competences across the Curriculum-and Europe, „European Journal of Education”,Vol. 46, No. 3, 2011.jed_1  Rychen, D.S., A Frame of references for Defining and Selecting Key Competencies in an International Context, in Rychen, D. S., Salganik, L.H., and McLaughlin M. E. (Eds.) The definition and Selection of Key Competencies: Contributions to Second DeSeCo Symposium. Geneva, Switzerland, 2003.  Salganik, L.H., Highlights from Current Assessment, in Rychen, D.S., Salganik, L.H., and McLaughlin M. E. (Eds.) The definition and Selection of Key Competencies: Contributions to Second DeSeCo Symposium. Geneva, Switzerland, 2003.  Stoica, A., Evaluarea progresului şcolar – de la teorie la practică, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas Educaţional, 2007.  Stoica, A. coord., Evaluarea curentă şi examenele. Ghid pentru profesori, Bucureşti, Prognosis, 2001.  Vogler, J., Evaluarea în învăţământul preuniversitar, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2000.

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LUIS SERDEŞNIUC "Dimitrie Cantemir" State University of Chişinău

VALERIU CAPCELEA Academy of Sciences of Moldova, North Branch

Abstract This article discusses the philosophical and religious references of humanity education in general and contemporary society in particular. Are elucidated some fundamental philosophical and religious conceptions, which constitute the foundation stone in humanist education, which through a re-evaluation could contribute to spiritual renewal, to the discovery of new values and educational models. Special attention is paid to the humanistic views of our the great philosopher, D.Cantemir.

Keywords: philosophy, religion, humanism, education, reason, faith.


 Bagdasar, Nicolae, Bogdan, Virgil, Narly, Constantin, Antologie filosofică, Filosofi străini, Bucureşti, Editura Universal Dalsi, 1995.  Biblia sau sfânta scriptură, Bucureşti, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, 1991.  Boca, Irina, O pledoarie pentru educaţia religioasă, în Filosofia educaţiei - imperative, căutări, orientări: simpoz. intern., ed. a 5-a, 11-12 noiem. 1997, Chişinău, 1997, p. 166-172.  Cantemir, Dimitrie, Divanul sau Gâlceava înţeleptului cu Lumea, Bucureşti, Editura pentru literatură, 1969.  Cantemir, Dimitrie, Istoria Ieroglifică. /ed. Îngrijită cu un articol introductiv şi glosar de Iosif Varticean. Ed. a 2-a, Chişinău, Cartea moldovenească, 1973.  Cantemir, Dimitrie, Opere complete, Vol. I, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei, 1974.  Gheiamt, Dumitru, Dimitrie Cantemir - învăţătura despre omul desăvârşit, în Materialele Simpozionului Ştiinţific consacrat aniversării a 325-a de la naştere, Chişinău, Editura Civitas, 1999.  Mândâcanu, Virgil, Remodelarea filosofică a idealului şi politicii educaţiei pentru schimbare prospectivă, în Filosofia educaţiei – imperative, căutări, orientări, Chişinău, 1997, p. 5-16.  Mândâcanu, Vergil, Etica pedagogică, Chişinău, 1998.  Бохенский, Юзеф, Духовная ситуация времени, în Вопросы философии, № 5, 1993, p. 93-100.  Лосева, Ирина, Миф и религия в отношении рационального познания, în Вопросы философии, № 7, 1992, p. 64-76.

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VASILE CREŢU University of Bucharest

Abstract The Romanian Ortodox Church does not relate in a triumphalist manner to the social, moral and religious realities in Romanian society, instead it carries out through its parishes in Romania and abroad the specific mission, by adapting the pastoral and missionary methods and ways to the realities and expectations of the contemporary man. The main particularities of the religious and catechetical context in Romania today are: the lack of participation of the ortodox believers to the liturgical and sacramental life of the church, the lack of catechetical education, the mixture of faith and superstition, occultism and the heresy, the vulgarization of the Romanian strong traditions and religious holidays, the family crisis. The main goal of the pastoral care in the modern world is the re-christianization of the Romanian society, by reintegrating the believers into the body of the Church, into the ecclesial community, through catechetical education and family pastoral care.

Keywords: religion, catechesis, Romania, The Ortodox Church, family.


 Bel, Valer, Parohie, misiune, pastoraţie. Coordonate pentru o strategie misionară, Cluj- Napoca, Editura Renaşterea, 2002.  Bria, Ion, Regenerarea misiunii creştine în contextul urban, în „Relevanţa operei Părintelui Profesor Ioan Bria pentru viaţa bisericească şi socială actuală”, Sibiu, Editura Universităţii Lucian Blaga, 2010.  Bria, Ion, Misiunea urbană în prezent şi viitor, condiţii şi exigenţe, în „Relevanţa operei Părintelui Profesor Ioan Bria pentru viaţa bisericească şi socială actuală”, Sibiu, Editura Universităţii Lucian Blaga, 2010.  Jucan, Emil, Neopăgânismul Europei la început de mileniu al treilea – o provocare pentru credinţa creştină, în „Identitate creştină şi dialog în noul context european”, Alba Iulia, Editura Reîntregirea, 2006, pp. 174–192.  Necula, Nicolae, Tradiţie şi înnoire în slujirea liturgică, vol. 3, Bucureşti, Editura IBMBOR, 2004.  Vanca, Dumitru, Reflecţii liturgice şi pastorale într-un univers globalizant şi desacralizat, în „Biserica în era globalizării”, Editura Reîntregirea, Alba Iulia, 2003.

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SORIN-AVRAM VÎRTOP "Constantin Brancusi" University in Targu-Jiu

Abstract Approaches the cultural and educational issues as reflected in the work of the aforementioned thinkers. Even if their scientific contribution is treated throughout the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, we can not discuss the depletion of this topic in relation to these thinkers. The works and analyzes so far reflect different aspects of their acitivity in a diverse, non- uniform way and with different degrees of intensities. Even the republication and editing of these works in complete series of works is still desirable. At the same time, although all these thinkers were directly involved in organizing and directing the public education system, this is one of the least discussed and analyzed aspects of their work. The paper approaches their contribution to national education and culture, as well as the scientific scope of their work at the centenary celebration, as best suited to reflection on the values of culture and science.

Key words: Romanian culture, education, Centenary of the Great Union of Romania 1918-2018.


 Acad. Sudru, Alexandru, Metamorfoza logicii lui Maiorescu în Urs, Iosif, R.(Coordonator), Maiorescu Primul Secol din Eternitate. Ediţie omagială 100 de ani de la trecerea în eternitate a fondatorului culturii româneşti moderne, Bucureşti, Editura Pro Universitaria, 2017, pp.15- 35.  Academia Română, Institutul de Filosofie şi Psihologie “Constantin Rădulescu – Motru, coordonatori Alexandru Surdu, Dragoş Popescu, Istoria Logici Româneşti, Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, 2006.  Antonescu, G.G., Educaţie şi cultură, ediţia a III-a, revăzută şi adăugită, Bucureşti, Editura „Cultura Romînească”, S.A.R., 1935.  Compagnon, Antoine, A Troisième République des Lettres, Paris, Seuil, 1983.  Compagnon, Antoine Les Antimodernes, de Joseph de Maistre à Roland Barthes. Gallimard, Paris, 2005. Precum şi Antimodernii. De la Joseph de Maistre la Roland Barthes, traducere din limba franceză de Irina Mavrodin şi Adina Diţoiu, prefaţă de Mirecea Martin, Editura Art, 2008.  Compagnon, Antoine Les Cinq Paradoxes de la modernité. Seuil, Paris, 1990. Precum şi Cele cinci paradoxuri ale modernităţii, traducere şi postfaţă de Rodica Baconski, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Echinox, 1998.  Drăghicescu, Luminiţa, Simion Mehedinţi - teoretician al educaţiei, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică S.A., 2009.  Ion Holender, Între România culturală şi cea reală. Un decalaj enorm, p. 426-431, în Martin, Mircea (coordonator), Identitatea românească, identitate europeană, ediţia a II-a, Bucureşti, Editura Muzeul Literaturii Române, 2017.  Lovinescu, Eugen, Scrieri, p. 252 op. citat în Simion, Eugen, Posteritatea critică a lui E. LOVINESCU, Bucureşti, Editura Tracus Arte, 2017, p. 449-450.

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 Lovinescu, Eugen, Istoria civilizaţiei române moderne, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică, 1972.  Maiorescu, Titu, Discurs asupra REFORMEI INSTRUCŢIUNII PUBLICE rostit în Senat de TITU MAIORESCU Ministrul Cultelor şi al Instrucţiunii Publice. IN ANEXA Proiectul de Lege pentru Reformă, Bucureşti, Tipografia Grunberg, Joseph Göbl, 1891.  Mehedinţi, Simion, Ideile lui J.J. Rousseau asupra educaţiei (1892), Iaşi, Editura Tipo Moldova, 2010.  Negulescu, Paul Petre, Reforma Învăţământului, Bucureşti, Editura Casei Şcoalelor, 1927.  Petreu, Marta, Promisiunile generaţiei Unirii în Apostrof, anul XXIX, nr. 8(339), Revistă a Uniunii Scriitorilor, 2018.  Petrovici, Ion, Amintiri universitare, Bucureşti, Alcalay & Co.  Petrovici, Ion, Către preoţi, profesori şi tineretul şcolar, în Talentul oratoric, Conferinţe la Radio 1932-1943, Societatea Română de Radiodifuziune, Bucureşti, Editura „Casa Radio”, 2002.  Schifirneţ, Constantin, FORMELE fără FOND un brand românesc, Bucureşti, Editura comunicare.ro, 2007.  Soare, Oana, Ceilalţi moderni. ANTIMODERNII. Cazul românesc, Bucureşti, Editura Muzeul Literaturii Române, 2017.  Tarde, Gabriel, Les lois de l'imitation, Etude sociologique, Paris, Felix Alcan, 1890.  Tufescu, Victor, Simion Mehedinţi. Viaţa şi Opera, Bucureşti, Editura Enciclopedică, 1994.  Urs, Iosif, R. (coordonator), Maiorescu Primul Secol din Eternitate. Ediţie omagială 100 de ani de la trecerea în eternitate a fondatorului culturii româneşti moderne, Bucureşti, Editura Pro Universitaria, 2017.

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ARGENTINA CHIRIAC, TATIANA TREBEŞ, ALINA LOPATIUC, GALINA CIUBOTARU "Nicolae Testemiţanu" State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Chişinău

Abstract The education, in each manifestation sequence, is guided and regulated by a system of values, aware and expressed by the actors involved in the instructive-educational action. Research shows that attitudes and values are sustainable construction and organization of personality, acting implicitly mediator, advance, and that in fact latent human behavior. Knowledge of values has a predominantly qualitative character, recognizing the type of value to which a certain reality relates, and deciphering the attitudinal meanings involved in this recognition. Being, by their nature, qualitative, potential standards, the values can not be reduced to quantitative indicators. Values are, therefore, a specific and essentially human creation. Motivation is the factor that energizes and directs behavior for a purpose. If the theories are more of an explanatory-informative value defining the essence, content and explaining the profound mechanisms of motivation, the models have a practical-applicative value, instrumental, reflecting rather the methodical directions of organizing the didactic activities to reach optimal levels of motivation, which then affect the quality of learning.

Keywords: education, value, globalization, motivation, culture.


 Andrei, Petre, Filosofia valorii, Iaşi, Polirom, 1997.  Bunescu, Gheorghe, Şcoala şi valorile morale, Bucureşti, Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, 1998.  Cucoş, Constantin, Pedagogie şi axiologie, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi pedagogică, 1995.  Geert Hofstede, Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit. Kulturen - Organisationen – Management, Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1993.  Kaikkonen Pauli, Intercultural learning through foreign , Experiential learning in foreign language education Harlow, Essex, Longman, 2001.  Vianu Tudor, Introducere în teoria valorilor, Bucureşti, Editura Albatros, 1997.  Whorf Benjamin, Lee, Language, Thought & Reality, Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf, Cambridge, Mass, The Massachusetts Institute of Press, 1956.

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NADEJDA BUTNARI, NINA BÎRNAZ State University of Moldova

Abstract Personal meaning production is defined as the capacity to have a purpose in life, the meta-analysis of this concept indicated some contraversual questions, which, in our point of view, may be solved using psychological and pedagogical approaches of integrated structure of spiritual intelligence. Certain clarifications from the literature suggest that the term “self – overcoming” means that the man must overcome itself with concrete meaning of life, which is not exhausted within the boundaries of existence. There are three ways to discover the life’s meaning: a) by creating a work or accomplishing some task; b) by experiencing something fully or loving somebody; c) by the attitude that one adopts toward unavoidable suffering.

Keywords: personal meaning production, spiritual sustainability, purpose, existence, attitude.


 Breitbart, W., Rosenfeld. B., Pessin, H. ş.a., Depression, hopelessness, and desire for hastened death in terminally ill cancer patients. J am med assoc, 2000.  Davoudi, M., Chavosh, M., The Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Listening Self-Efficacy among Iranian EFL Learners. English Language Teaching, 9 (6). Retrieved July 18, 2016.  Delshad, A., Kolouie, S.R., Ali, S.A., The effect of intellectual intelligence on employee perceptions of organizational justice in qeshm free zone. Human resource management, 3 (1), 2016.  Emmons, R.A., Spirituality and intelligence: problems and prospects. The international journal for the psychology of religion, 10, 2000.  Frankl, V.E., Man’s search for meaning. Boston: Beacon Press. Retrieved July 17, 2016. Hierotheos, Vl., Psihologie existenţialistă şi Psihoterapie ortodoxă. Iaşi: Editura Doxologia, 2011.  King, D.B., Personal meaning production as a component of spiritual intelligence. International journal of existential psychology and psychotherapy, [s.l.], v. 3, n. 1, aug., 2010.  King, M., Speck, P., Thomas, A., The royal free interview for spiritual and religious beliefs: development and validation of a self-report version. Psychological medicine, 31, 2001.  Koenig, H.G., Mccullough, M., Larson, D.B., Handbook of religion and health. New York, NY: Oxford university press, 2000.  Mascaro, N., Rosen, D.H., Existential meaning’s role in the enhancement of hope and prevention of depressive symptoms. Journal of personality, 73, 2005.  Mazzoli, S.L., Campbell, R.J., So-called giftedness and teacher education: issues of equity and inclusion. Teachers and Teaching, 22(2), 2016.  Mccall, G.J., Simmons, J.L., Identities and interactions. New York: The free p. London: collier-macmillan ltd, 1966.  Meddin, J.R., Dimensions of spiritual meaning and well-being in the lives of ten older australians. International journal of aging and human development, 47, 1998.

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 Nasel, D.D., Spiritual orientation in relation to spiritual intelligence: a consideration of traditional christianity and new age/individualistic spirituality. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of South Australia, Adelaide, 2004.  Papanikolaou, K.A., Makrh, K. ş.a., Synthesizing technological and pedagogical knowledge in learning design: a case study in teacher training on technology-enhanced learning. International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence (IJDLDC), 7(1), 2016.  Reker, G.T., Personal meaning, optimism, and choice: Existential predictors of depression in community and institutional elderly. The gerontologist, 37, 1997.  Reker, G.T., Wong, P.T.P., Aging as an individual process: Toward a theory of personal meaning. In j. E. Birren and v. L. Bengtson (eds.), handbook of theories of aging. New York, NY: Springer, 1988.  Steger, M.F., Frazier, P. ş.a., The meaning in life questionnaire: Assessing the presence of and search for meaning in life. Journal of counseling psychology,53, 2006.  Taylor, J., Group work with dreams: the “royal road” to meaning. In k. Bulkeley (ed.), dreams: a reader on religious, cultural, and psychological dimensions of dreaming. New York, NY: Palgrave, 2001.  Thompson, P., I don’t feel old: subjective ageing and the search for meaning in later life. Ageing and society, 12, 1992.  Torralba, F., trad. Inteligenţa spirituală. Bucureşti: Curtea Veche Publishing, 2012.  Wong, P.T., Personal meaning and successful aging. Canadian psychology, 30, 1989.  Worthington, E.L., Sandage, S.J., Religion and spirituality. Psychotherapy, 38, 2001.  Zohar, D., Marshall, I., SQ: connecting with our spiritual intelligence, New York, NY: Bloomsbury, 2000.

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ANA-ELENA COSTANDACHE "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati

Abstract: In the process of assimilation of the great universal values that took place mainly during the nineteenth century, the reception of ethical and aesthetic senses was made differently, depending on the aspirations and the moral, artistic and ideological needs of the Romanians. The writers, especially those from the period 1840-1848, eager to integrate into the European context, gave up old influences and neoclassical poetry, seeking new forms of expression. The promotion of moral values was achieved through education, in parallel with the national regeneration movement, but also due to foreign influences (both political and cultural), grafted on the already existing Romanian background. The present paper proposes a study of the Romanian cultural space in order to bring to the fore the promotion of the local values of the 19th century.

Keywords: moral, ethical, aesthetic values, culture, education.


 Duţu, Al., Umaniştii români şi cultura europeană, Bucureşti, Editura Minerva, 1972.  Iorga, N. Les écrivains réalistes en Roumanie comme témoins du changement de milieu au XIXe siècle, Paris, Librairie Universitaire J. Gambert, incomplet, MCM XX, 1925.  Iorga, N., Istoria învăţământului românesc. Studiu introductiv, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1971.  Istoria literaturii române (De la Şcoala Ardeleană la Junimea), vol. 2, Coord. Al. Dima, I. C. Chiţimia, P. Cornea, E. Todoran, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, 1968.  Kogălniceanu, M., Despre literatură, Bucureşti, Editura de Stat pentru Literatură şi Artă, 1956.  Kogălniceanu, M., Scrieri, Bucureşti, Editura Tineretului, 1967.  Munteanu, R., Metamorfozele criticii europene, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1988.  Piru, Al., Istoria literaturii române de la început până azi, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1981.

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SILVIU MIHĂILĂ Academy for Economic Studies of Bucharest

Abstract It is well known that Zoe Dumitrescu-Buşulenga was one of the most important Romanian cultural figures of the last century with a rich and polyhedral professional activity that covers not only the field of (Comparative and Ancient Oriental) literature and Greek-Latin Antique culture, but also portraits an international self-orientation towards a diplomatic career. But few of us know that Zoe Dumitrescu-Buşulenga became Mother Benedict at the age of 85. Becoming a nun, Mother Benedict was more and more interested in spending a life under moral and religious values. Therefore, our paper focuses on some comparative religious and cultural associations between Mother Benedict and the kairotic human, the latter representing a virtuous model/ prototype of living life which, eventually, has to be embraced by every human being.

Keywords: Zoe Dumitrescu-Buşulenga vs. Mother Benedict, moral and religious values, kairotic human, homo viator, human model/ prototype, the typology of Wise Man (Honnête Homme).


 ***, Mănăstirea Văratic. Cuvânt înainte de Înalt Prea Sfinţitul Teoctist, Suceava, Editura Mitropoliei Moldovei şi Sucevei, 1986.  ***, Academia Română, Institutul de Istorie şi Teorie Literară ,,G. Călinescu” (volum colectiv), Omagiu- Acad. Zoe Dumitrescu-Buşulenga la 80 de ani, Bucureşti, Editura Roza Vânturilor, 2001.  Arghezi, Tudor, Antologie comentată. Alcătuită de Florea Firan şi Constantin M. Popa, Craiova, Editura Macedonski, 1993.  Benedicta, Maica (Acad. Zoe Dumitrescu-Buşulenga), Caietul de la Văratec (Convorbiri şi cuvinte de folos). Ediţie îngrijită de Fabian Anton, Bucureşti, Editura Lumea Credinţei, 2007.  Buşulenga-Dumitrescu, Zoe, Contemporanii mei: portrete. Ediţie alcătuită şi îngrijită de Elena Docsănescu, Bucureşti, Editura Niculescu, 2008.  Buşulenga-Dumitrescu, Zoe, Locuri de epifanie: de la Putna la Văratec. Mărturisiri testamentare, Bucureşti, RCR Editorial, 2008.  Buşulenga-Dumitrescu, Zoe, Opera încoronată. Florilegiu de Artur Silvestri, Bucureşti, Editura Carpathia Press, 2005.  Buşulenga-Dumitrescu, Zoe, Portrete, Bucureşti, Editura Elion, 2002.  Cantemir, Dimitrie, Divanul, Bucureşti, Editura Litera Internaţional, 2004.  Câmpan, Diana, Sub semnul ultimei mirări, în revista ,,Credinţa străbună”, rubrica Eveniment, anul XVI, nr. 6 (243), iunie, 2006.  Curticăpeanu, , Curs de Istoria literaturii române (perioada veche), ţinut la Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea ,,Babeş-Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca, anul I, semestrul I, Română A, anul universitar 2005-2006.  Fabian, Anton, Dependenţa de cer. Convorbiri duhovniceşti realizate de Anton Fabian, Cluj- Napoca, Editura Eikon, 2003.  Gracian, Baltasar, Cărţile omului desăvârşit, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 1994.

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 Noica, Constantin, Modelul cultural european, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 1993.  Poe, Edgar Allan, Prăbuşirea casei Usher, Bucureşti, Editura Pentru Literatură, 1965.  Râpeanu, Elis, Lumină din Lumină... Marea Profesoară Zoe Dumitrescu-Buşulenga, Piteşti, Editura Printeuro, 2007.  Vicenzo, Tommasini, Musica e religione. Estratto dalla Rivista ,,Musicale Italiana”, vol. XI, fasc. 1, Torino, Fratelli Bocca Editori, 1904.

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RAMONA HURDUZEU West University of Timişoara

Abstract In the life of small children, mass-media are present like an active „character”, real, influent, necessary at times, other times offering parents an alternative to the individual activities of children, but most of the times having unwanted long term effects on the behaviour, language, emotions and even the physique of the children. Children become at an early age the actively involved witnesses to events from the real or imaginary world, seldom integrated in their mind and soul without the educational and emotional filter of a parent. Parents and educators seldom mention boredom, decrease of determination, uncontrolled patience, frustration, addiction to speed, decrease of general vigilance and self-forgetting as some of the effects of the interference of the world of the technologies in the life of children causing problems in the performance of school duties. Children need to interact with the adults present in their lives, to learn from the experiences offered by their environment of living and to receive feedback for what they do, see, hear, feel or live through their experience.

Keywords: mass-media, childhood age, development, integration of school tasks, the „I’m bored” phenomenon.


 Cernica, V., editor, Plictiseala ca exces metafizic şi căderea în aforism, in: Studii de istorie a filosofiei româneşti, vol. 7, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 2011.  Cioran, E., Lacrimi şi sfinţi, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 1991, p. 123;  Tears and Saints, editor- transl. Ilinca-Zarifopol- Johnston, University of Chicago Press, 1995, p. 88.  Gheorghe, V., Criveanu, N., Drăgulinescu, A. Efectele micului ecran asupra minţii copilului, Ed. Prodromos, 2008.  Gheorghe, V., Revrăjirea lumii sau de ce nu mai vrem să ne desprindem de televizor, Institutul de Cercetări Psihosociale şi Bioetică, 2016.  Palladino, L.J., Copiii în epoca dependenţei de tehnologie. Noile dispozitive digitale şi riscurile utilizării lor excesive, Editura Polirom, 2015.  Winter, R., Plictisit în epoca divertismentului, Oradea, Scriptum Publishing, 2011.

Web resources

 Frederick J. Zimmerman, Dimitri A. Christakis, H Andrew N. Meltzoff (2007, Associations between Media Viewing and Language Development in Children Under Age 2 Years), 2007. Available:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/6345045_Television_and_DVDVideo_Vi ewing_in_Children_Younger_Than_2_Years.  Hikaru Takeuchi, The Impact of Television Viewing on Brain Structures: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analyses, 2013. Available:

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https://www.researchgate.net/publication/258822919_The_Impact_of_Television_Viewing_o n_Bra in_Structures_Cross-Sectional_and_Longitudinal_Analyses.  Landhuis C.E., et al, Does childhood television viewing lead to attention problems in adolescence? Results from a prospective longitudinal study, 2007. Available: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/120/3/532?download=true.  Linebarger D.L. and D.Walker, Infants’ and Toddlers’ Television Viewing and Language Outcomes, 2005. Available: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0002764204271505.  Ozmert, E., Toyran M., Yurdakok, K, Behavioral Correlates of Television Viewing in Children Evaluated by the Child Behavior Checklist, 2002. Available: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12197799.  Zimmerman F.J. and Christakis D.A., Children's television viewing and cognitive outcomes: a longitudinal analysis of national data, 2005. Available: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15996993.

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Abstract This paper highlights the contribution of literary texts and fairy tales to the development of the personality and language of children. Fairy tales make an important contribution to the development of knowledge processes, affective processes, the formation of wills and character traits - generally the development of children's personality and language. Through its structure, form and ethical message, fairytale integrates into the infant universe, responds to the particularities of the reception and understanding of the child, strongly influencing the formation of the personality. Even mirroring only symbolic images, real feelings, real qualities, fairytale retains its vitality, awakening a strong echo in the hearts of many generations of children, and is therefore a powerful educational factor. The development of language involves not only understanding the verbal structures and their use in immediate contexts but also learning the expression of their own ideas and feelings. These goals can be made much easier by bringing the child closer to the wonderful world of stories and fairy tales, a world that has always enchanted the childhood of many generations.

Keywords: fairy tales, education, values, language development, personality.


 Bodiştean, F., Literatura pentru copii şi tineret dincolo de „story”, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2007.  Bonchiş, E., Teorii ale dezvoltării copilului, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Dacia, 2006.  Bratu, B., Preşcolarul şi literatura, Bucureşti, E.D.P., 1977.  Dumitrana, M., Educarea limbajului în învăţământul preşcolar. Comunicarea orală, Bucureşti, Compania, 1999.  Laurian Fitzgerald, S., Literatura pentru copii. Valori estetice şi educative, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 2010.  Pascariu, C., Religion Teacher – Clergy man VS Layperson, Education and Applied Didactics EAD 2017, 1(2), December, 83-90, 2017.  Piaget, J., Judecata morală la copii, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1980.

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VALERIA PASCARU GONCEAR State University of Moldova

Abstract False behavior manifests itself through the conscious distortion of reality in the intention of giving an erroneous impression of facts and events. As a social phenomenon, the dishonest behavior is manifested in relationships affected by fear, hostility, competition, suspicion. It is very important to understand the reasons, the causes that conditions the behavior of the liar. In order to remedy the false behavior, it is necessary to change the perspective of the problem, the attitude towards mistakes and the lie as a method of solving these problems. This article proposes effective ways to correct a liar’s behavior.

Keywords: behavior, fear, remediation, values, abilities, lie, truth.


 Baban, Adriana, Consiliere educaţională, Cluj-Napoca, 2001.  Dobrescu, Iuliana, Tulburarea de conduită, în: Manual de psihiatrie a copilului şi adolescentului. Bucureşti, Editura Infomedica, 2010.  Young, Howard, Evaluarea şi tratamentul REBT la adolescenţi, în: Terapia raţional emotivă şi comportamentală în tulburările copilului şi adolescentului. Sub red. Ellis, Albert, Bernard, Michael, E., Cluj-Napoca, Editura RTS, 2006.  Neculau, Adrian, Psihologia socială a câmpului educaţional, Iaşi, Polirom, 1998.  Sutherland, Valerie, Cum să te porţi cu oamenii dificili, Bucureşti, Editura Image, 1999.  Savca, Lucia, Psihologia personalităţii în dezvoltare, Chişinău, Editura Sirius, 2003.  Savca, Lucia, Aspecte ale psihocorecţiei, Chişinău, 2002.  Zarkowska, E., Clements, J., Problem Behavior and People With Severe Learning Disabilities, Chapman & all, London, 1994.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1981, Vol. 41, No. 4, 766-775  Dalgleish, Tim, The emotional brain, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 5, 583-589, July, 2004.

Web resources

 https://www.timpul.md/articol/creierul-se-obinuiete-in-timp-cu-minciuna-- 9482.html?action=print

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DANIEL DUŢĂ "Adventus" University of Cernica

Abstract Man's struggle with the system is a challenge, which seems to be a gain, for understanding the system, for rectifying it, or for rectifying the position of individuals that relate to the system. The constitution of each individual is due to a system: parental, scholastic, social, political, religious, in which morality and normality is conferred on each one.

Keywords: System, freedom, suffering, morality, parental.


 Carl G, Jung, Antwort auf Hiob, Zurich und Stuttgart, Editura Rascher Papperback, 1952.  Constantin Enăchescu, Liliana Enăchescu, Psihosomatica, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2008.  Daniel Sorin Duţă, Nicolae Grosu, Psihosociologia Grupurilor şi Organizaţiilor, Bucureşti, Ed. Universitară, 2011  Mânzat, O. Brazdău, Coştiinţa Multidimensională, Bucureşti 2003.  Stephen Hawking şi Leonard Mlodinov, Marele plan, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2012.  Vladimir Peterca, Drama lui Iob Drama omului, Iaşi, Institul Teologic Romano-Catolic, 1997.  Pleşu, Andrei, Minima moralia, Bucureşti, Humanitas, 2002.  https://dexonline.ro/definitie/sistem.

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OTILIA SANDA BERSAN West University of Timişoara

Abstract Nowadays preschool children (age 3-6 years old) live in a period marked by quick and evident changes in their familial, cultural and social background, and have to adapt to a world that is not anymore as sure and predictable as it was so far, a reason for which a passing a commutation from the intellectual, informative part of the instructive and educative process from the kindergarten, to the formative one that means the development of some abilities, capacities and attitudes that are essentials for the preschool age. Before being a teaching institution that prepares children to integrate and adapt without problems to the exigencies of the school, the kindergarten should be the place where people form harmonious relationships with themselves, with their parents, their colleagues the teaching stuff and the people around them. In this regard it is more and more felt the need of several special services of prevention, counselling and orientation of the preschoolers.

Keywords: counselling, preschool activities, children.


 Boca, C. (coord.), Dulman, A., Consilierea în grădiniţă...start pentru viaţă, Bucureşti, Editura Educaţia 2000+, 2009.  Catrinel, A.Ş, Kallay, E., Dezvoltarea competenţelor emoţionale şi sociale la preşcolari: ghid practic pentru educatori, Cluj-Napoca, Editura ASCR, 2007.  Kathryn, G., Geldard, D., Consilierea copiilor – O introducere practică, Editura Polirom, 2013, Iaşi.

Web resources

 http://programe.ise.ro/Portals/1/Curriculum/Progr_Pre/TT/Curriculum%20pentru%20invatam antul%20prescolar%203%20%E2%80%93%206-7%20ani.pdf

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DANIELA PASCARU, GABRIELA ŞAGANEAN "Dimitrie Cantemir" State University of Chişinău

Abstract Self-regulatory learning is the process of continuously monitoring progress in the learning process with the goal of verifying the results and overcoming the failure. Self-regulated learning is an activity based on self-responsibility, giving students the chance to be more active and make decisions on their own. Students individually set learning goals, choose the content, strategies, methods and techniques for studying the language, objectively assess the results. Self-regulatory learning not only develops the individual's skills and motivates them to be active in the process of acquiring knowledge but also promotes lifelong learning.

Keywords: Self-training skills, individual learning strategy, self-evaluation skills, individual study.


 Bandura, Albert, Regulation of cognitive processes through perceived selfefficacy, in Smith, P.K., Pellegrini, A.D., (coord.) 2000, Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York, pp. 365-381, 2000.  Foucher, Roland; Hrimech, Mohamed, L’autoformation dans l’enseignement supérieur, Montréal, Nouvelles, 2000.  Garcia, Teresa; Pintrich, R. Pintrich, Regulating motivation and cognition in the classroom: The role of self-schemas and self-regulatory strategies, Hillsdale, N.Y: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 127-153, 1994.  Negovan, Valeria, Autonomia în învăţarea academică – fundamente şi resurse, Bucureşti, Editura Curtea Veche, 2004.  Schraw, G., Brooks, D. W., & Crippen, K. J. Improving instruction using an interactive, compensatory model of learning, J. Chem. Educ., 82(4), 637-640, 2005.  Vermetten, J. Yvonne, Vermunt, Jan, and Lodewijks, Hans, A longitudinal perspective on learning strategies in higher education – different view- points towards development, British Journal of , Vol. 69, No. 2, 221- 242, 1999.  Vygotsky, Lev, Mind in society, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978.  Zimmerman, Barry, Attainment of self-regulation: A social cognitive perspective, San Diego, CA: Academic Press, p. 13-39, 2000.

Web resources

 Neacşu, I. Învăţarea academică independentă. Ghid metodologic, Bucureşti, 2006. Available: www.unibuc.ro.

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MIHAELA OROS "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca

Abstract In the current society, subsequent to the social realities developed so very quickly, appeared an inadequacy of the emotional reactions of students and young people to the concrete life situations. As a result, the society, via the school and not only, should find solutions, should be more preoccupied about education and, most of all, about the development of the emotional intelligence, in order to explain the emotional states or the feelings of the children and for the mastering of the emotional excesses, irrational most of the times. The development of the intellectual intelligence is not enough to succeed in life or to live beautifully and in harmony with the people around us. The development of the emotional intelligence is based on empathy, on the capacity to transpose oneself in somebody else’s place, to live what somebody else is living, meaning to love him/her, in accordance with the divine commandment: love your neighbour as yourself.

Keywords: emotional intelligence, authentic values, religious education, school.


 Biblia sau Sfânta Scriptură, redactată şi adnotată de IPS. , IBMBOR, 2012.  Cucoş, C., Educaţia religioasă,repere teoretice şi metodice, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 1999.  Cury, A., Părinţi străluciţi, profesori fascinanţi, Editura For You, Bucureşti, 2005.  Elias, M. J.; Tobias, S.E.; Friedlander, B.S., Inteligenţa emoţională în educatia copiilor, trad. Andreea Rosemarie Lutic, Editura Curtea Veche, Bucureşti, 2012.  Goleman, D., Inteligenţei emoţională, Editura Carte Veche Publishing, Bucureşti, 2001.  Lantieri, L., Dezvoltarea inteligenţei emoţionale a copiilor, trad. Mihaela G.Deniz, Editura Curtea Veche, Bucureşti, 2017.  Opriş, D., Dimensiuni creştine ale pedagogiei moderne, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 2012.  Roco, M., Creativitatea şi inteligenţa emoţională, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2011.  Vergote, A., Religion, foi, incroyance, Editura Pierre Mardaga, Bruxelles, 1987.  Voicilă, C., Importanţa inteligenţei emoţionale în educaţia copiilor, 2017, http://ziarullumina.ro/importanta-inteligentei-emotionale-in-educatia-copiilor.

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NICOLAE HURDUZEU West University of Timişoara

Abstract The use of audio-visual teaching aids shows countless advantage for the complex process of teaching-learning history. The teacher is the utmost authority in deciding when and how much of the richness of these materials will be shown to the students. The teacher is also aware that teaching aids are and remain auxiliary in the process of teaching-learning history, they cannot replace the system of teaching methods and processes which ensure the substance of every thoroughly planned and organized teaching activity.

Keywords: history, movies, audio-visual teaching, propaganda, resources, teaching activity.


 Căpiţă, Laura, Căpiţă, Carol, Stamatescu Mihai, Educaţie non-formală comunicare şi istorie, Bucureşti, 2007.  Debauche, Leslie, The United States’ Film Industry and World War One. In The First World War and Popular Cinema: 1914 to the Present, ed. Michael Paris, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2000.  Furhammer, Leif, Isaksson, Folke, Politics and film, New York: Praeger., 1971.  Garden, Ian, The Third Reich’s Celluloid War: Propaganda in Nazi Feature Films, Documentaries, and Television ,Gloucestershire, UK: The History Press, 2012  Kenez, Peter, Cinema and Soviet Society: From the Revolution to the Death of Stalin, New York: I.B. Tauris Publishers, 2001.  Messinger, Gary S., An Inheritance Worth Remembering: the British Approach to Official Propaganda During the First World War. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television vol. 13, no. 2: , 1993.  Popescu, Cristian Tudor, Filmul surd în România mută: Politică şi propagandă în filmul românesc de ficţiune (1912-1989), Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2011.  Reeves, Nicholas, Official British Film Propaganda. In The First WorldWar and Popular Cinema: 1914 to the Present, ed. Michael Paris, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Pressm, 1999.  Taylor, Philip. M., Munitions of the mind: War propaganda from the ancient world to the nuclear age. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 1990.  Toeplitz, Jerzy, The Cinema in Eastern and Central Europe Before the Guns of August, în Film and the First World War, eds. Karel Dibbets and Bert Hogenkamp, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 1995.

Web resources

 Bardi, Ugo, The WWI and the Rise of Propaganda, 2014. Available: http://cassandralegacy.blogspot.ca/2014/07/the-great-war-and-rise-of-propagandam .htmlm .  Damian, Horaţiu, Ca plumbul în sânge, 2013. Available: http://www.istoriafilmului.ro/articol/217/ca-plumbul-in-sange-propaganda-in-filmul-romanesc

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 Hentea, Călin, Propagandă şi manipulare în filmul românesc, 2010. Available: https://www.historia.ro/sectiune/general/articol/propaganda-si-manipulare-in-filmul-romanesc  Stevenson, Michael, Notes on Paul Virilio’s War and Cinema. 2008. Available: http://mastersofmedia.hum.uva.nl/2008/03/10/notes-on-paul-virilios-war-andcinema/

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VASILE CREŢU University of Bucharest

Abstract Preaching God in the contemporary society is very challenging. A priest has to prepare every day to preach the Gospel to every person, adapting to their cultural background. It’s not easy to teach perennial values in a world which changes very fast. Pastoral mission in rural and urban areas needs a detailed knowledge of the life in that specific communities and a comprehensive understanting of a specific „modus viventi”, with all its particularities such as lifestyle, area, demography or occupations.

Keywords: pastoral mission, urban area, rural area, catechesis, religion, Romania, the Orthodox Church.


 Bria, Ion, Regenerarea misiunii creştine în contextul urban, în vol. „Relevanţa operei Părintelui Profesor Ioan Bria pentru viaţa bisericească şi socială actuală”, Sibiu, Editura Universităţii Lucian Blaga, 2010.  Bria, Ion, Misiunea urbană în prezent şi viitor, condiţii şi exigenţe, în vol. „Relevanţa operei Părintelui Profesor Ioan Bria pentru viaţa bisericească şi socială actuală”, Sibiu, Editura Universităţii Lucian Blaga, 2010.  Mihalache, Flavius; Croitoru, Alin, Mediul rural românesc: evoluţii şi involuţii. Schimbare socială şi antreprenoriat, Bucureşti, Editura Expert, 2011.  Necula, Nicolae, Tradiţie şi înnoire în slujirea liturgică, vol. 3, Bucureşti, Editura IBMBOR, 2004.  Necula, Constantin, Pastoraţia Bisericii în vreme de criză, Sibiu, Editura Agnos, 2012.  Soare, Ovidiu, Biserica şi comunităţile umane, Galaţi, Editura Episcopiei Dunării de Jos, 2008.  Timiadis, Emilianos, Preot, parohie, înnoire, trad. de Paul Brusanowski, Bucureşti, Editura Sophia, 2015.  Vanca, Dumitru, Reflecţii liturgice şi pastorale într-un univers globalizant şi desacralizat, în „Biserica în era globalizării”, Alba Iulia, Editura Reîntregirea, 2003, pp. 455-478.

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ELENA OLIVIANA EPURESCU Politehnica University of Bucharest

Abstract As the social life is complicated and we are witnessing the challenges of the modern world, it is becoming increasingly clear that a family-school-community education partnership is needed in favor of and to ensure the future of the world, in order to raise children as properly as possible.The child carries out his first family life experiences. In the restricted social environment, with his parents, siblings and close relatives, the child comes in contact and assimilates the first social experiences. The home in which he grows, the warmth, the tension or the indifference of the family will strongly shape his lifestyle, personality and courage to approach life.What is learned in the early years is the starting point for development complexity of the individual and that is why it is important for the family environment to be well organized and responsible for its educational missions. The question is, “How can the family meet the social requirements, but also the individual requirements of today’s and tomorrow's generations”. We will try to answer this question by proposing some methods and techniques of family counseling.

Keywords: counselling, family counselling, preschool, consulting room, methods and techniques of counselling.


 Mateiaş, Alexandra, Copiii preşcolari, educatoarele şi părinţii. Ghid de parteneriat şi consiliere, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 2003.  Şoitu, Laurenţiu; Vrăjmaş, Ecaterina; Păun, Emil, Consiliere familială, Iaşi, Institutul European, 2001.  Vasile, Diana-Lucia, Introducere în psihologia familiei şi psihosexologie, Bucureşti, Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine, 2006.  Vrăjmaş, Ecaterina, Consilierea şi educaţia părinţilor, Bucureşti, Editura Aramis, 2002.

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ANAMARIA POPESCU University of Petrosani

Abstract Thinking is defined as the cognitive process of the central island in reflecting the reality that, by abstracting and generalizing coordinated mental actions, extracts and processes information about categorical and determinant relationships in the form of concepts, judgments, and reasoning. In order to expand his understanding of phenomena that are within his marginalized senses, man uses − along with other ways of knowing − the knowledge of mathematics. Problems of mathematics are closely linked by enrolling them in practice, but also by solving them. Mathematical knowledge has a special contribution to the development of logic and logical creation, to the development of the receptivity of pupils in the primary cycle. By learning mathematics, a series of attitudes are created: to use personally and actively, to use analogies, to analyze a problem and to decompose it into simple problems, as well as a series of math skills: the ability to selectively perceive, the ability to move from the differential to the whole or vice versa, the plurivalent of thinking, the ability to put a concentrated effort.

Keywords: mathematical education, logical thinking, education, intellectual development.


 Dobriţoiu, Maria, Rolul problemelor de matematică în educarea creativităţii şi inventivităţii, în: Opriş, Dorin, Scheau, Ioan, Moşin, Octavian (editori), „Educaţia din perspectiva valorilor, Tom 12: Summa Paedagogica”, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Eikon, 2017, pp. 59-65  Golu, Pantelimon, Învăţare şi dezvoltare, Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1985.  Muntean, Adelia Maria, Valenţe formative ale activităţii de rezolvare şi compunere de probleme în direcţia cultivării creativităţii, Brăila, Editura Sfântul Ierarh Nicolae, 2010.  Nandrea, Maria, Tipuri de învăţare, în rev. Universul Şcolii, Editura Universul Şcolii a Casei Corpului Didactic Alba, 2018, Anul XX, nr. 3 (63).  Oprea, Crenguţa L., Strategii didactice interactive, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 2009.  Polya, George, Cum rezolvăm o problemă?, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică, 1965.  Roşca, Alexandru, Creativitate, modele, programe, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică, 1967.  Rusu, Eugen, Psihologia activităţii matematice, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică, 1969.

Web resources

 Educaţia matematică. Analiză şi direcţii de acţiune, Societatea de Ştiinţe Matematice din România. Available: http://ssmr.ro/files/scoala/brosura.pdf.  Educaţia contează. Formarea conceptelor matematice. Available: https://educatiamarcheazaviitorul.blogspot.com/2016/06/capitolul-i-formarea- conceptelor.html

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DANA MATEI University of Petrosani

Abstract Since the beginning of his existence, Man has given his mind to nature, observing the vegetal elements, the behavior, the attitude or the peculiarities of different animals. Man has conceived a symbolical image of animals, comparing their habits with the aspects of his own life. The animals have accompanied him in the great adventure of knowledge and the observations made by him were transposed into myths, legends, fables or proverbs. The present paper intends to realize a contrastive study of Romanian and Spanish proverbs regarding two animals: the fox and the goat, looking for the differences or similarities of their perception in the popular mentality of the two cultures. This sort of proverbs allude to human qualities or vices, holding up to ridicule Man in quite various situations of life, aiming to send, by word of mouth, advice or lore coming from verified experiences.

Keywords: proverbs, fox, goat, image, symbol.


 Babeş, Al., Unde începe drama omului, în Geneza zeilor (eseu de antropologie religioasă), Bucureşti, Editura Enciclopedică Română, 1970.  Blaga, Lucian, Semnificaţia metafizică a culturii, în Trilogia culturii, (ediţie îngrijită de Dorli Blaga, studiu introductiv de Al. Tănase), Bucureşti, Editura Minerva, 1985.  Calles Valles, José, Bermejo Meléndez, Belén, Expresiones y dichos populares, Editorial Libsa, Madrid, 2009.  Cebrián Sevilla, Isabel, ¿Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto?: la mujer y el refranero, în Paremia, 5, Madrid, 1996.  Coman, Mihai, Mitologie populară românească, I: Vieţuitoarele pământului şi ale apei, Bucureşti, Editura Minerva, 1986.  Coşbuc, George, Naşterea proverbiilor, în Despre literatură şi limbă, Editura de Stat pentru Literatură şi Artă, Bucureşti, 1960.  Golescu, Iordache, Proverbe comentate (ediţie îngrijită de Dr. Gh. Paschia), Bucureşti, Editura Albatros, 1973.  Kernbach, Victor, Dicţionar de mitologie generală, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, 1989.  Legende populare româneşti, Litera Internaţional, Bucureşti-Chişinău, 2002.  Lewinsohn, Richard, O istorie a animalelor, Bucureşti, Editura Meridiane, 1988.  Sevilla, Julia, Cantera Jesús, Pocas palabras bastan, Centro de Cultura Tradicional, Diputación de Salamanca, 2002.  Negreanu, Constantin, Structura proverbelor româneşti, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, 1983.  Proverbele şi zicătorile, în Istoria Literaturii Române, vol 1 (Folclorul. Literatura română în perioada feudală 1400-1780), Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Române, 1964.

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Web resources

 Antonescu, Romulus, Dicţionar de simboluri şi credinţe tradiţionale româneşti, ediţie digitală. Available: http:// www.cimec.ro.  Papahagi, Tache, Din folklorul romanic şi cel latin, Bucureşti, 1923. Available: www. dacoromanica.ro.  Zanne, Iuliu, Proverbelor românilor, Bucureşti, 1907. Available: http://www. digibuc.ro.

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ELIZA MIHAELA SPĂTĂRELU "Adventus" University of Cernica

Abstract This research explores the practices related to the value integration in primary education, based on the view expressed by parents and teachers. The data and information obtained were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively, depending on factors such as age, occupation, residence environment, and gender of subjects involved in the research. Particular attention was paid to analysing the nature of teachers' preoccupation in term of transmission, and integration of values, identifying important values for the current society, defining typologies related to teachers and schools, and studying the actual practices related to the process of teaching-learning-evaluation. For a more complex vision of reality, the idea of fondness to culture, religiosity, and success in life was also introduced. This study is the beginning of a series of phased researches that will thoroughly investigate the universe of value integration in primary education. These first results will be used as tools for guiding future research in this area.

Keywords: Primary Education, Value Education, Teaching Methods, Religious Education, Educational practices.


 Albulescu, I., Doctrine pedagogice, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 2007.  Antonesei, L., Paideia. Fundamentele culturale ale educaţiei, Iaşi, Polirom, 1996.  Cubukcu, Z., The Effect of Hidden Curriculum on Character Education Process of Primary School Students, 12(2), 2012, pp. 1526-1534.  Cucoş, C., Educaţia. Experienţe, reflecţii, soluţii, Iaşi, Polirom, 2013.  Demirel, M., Ozmat, D., Elgun, I. O., Primary School Teachers Perceptions about Character Education, Educational Research An Reviews, 119 7, 2016, pp. 1622-1633.  Kaymakcan, R., Meydan, H., Values în the Curricula of Education and Social Studies în Primary Schools în the Context of Local-Universal Dilemma, Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 12(2), 2012, pp. 1588-1591.  Schwartz, S. H., An Overview of the Schwartz Theory of Basic Values, Online Readings în Psyhology and Culture, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.9707/2307-0919.1116, 2012.  Susilana, R., Asra, Developement of Quality Assurance System în Culture and Nation Character Education în Primary Education în Indonesia, 2013 (https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1086212.pdf).  Tonga, D., Transforming Values into Behaviors: A Study on the Application of Value Education tu Families în Turkey, Journal of Education and Learning, 5(2), 2016, pp. 24-37.

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IRINA TEODORA MOŢĂŢĂIANU University of Bucharest

Abstract Academic achievement, academic progress, and academic success are complex interfering situations that concern the pupil, the direct beneficiary of the teaching process. Their evolution depends on many factors. Certainly, teaching communication, a complex, continuous, dynamic, multidirectional, reversible process itself, holds an important place among these factors. We believe that educational communication, which integrates teaching communication, is involved in the determination of academic progress and academic success. The main objectives of our study are to identify the role of educational communication in the pupil’s academic development and to identify the requirements that need to be met in ensuring effective educational communication. Application-type research starts from the following main assumption: “When the communication between all agents of education evolves towards effective communication”. The investigation was conducted on three samples (students, their parents and the respective classes’ teachers). The questionnaire survey, case study and school documents analysis methods were used.

Keywords: educational communication, effective educational communication, teaching communication, academic progress, academic success.


 Abric, J. C., Psihologia comunicării, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2002.  Cucoş, C. , Pedagogie. Ediţia a III-a revizuită şi adăugită, Iaşi,Editura Polirom, 2014.  Cucoş, C. , Teoria şi metodologia evaluării, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2008.  Dinu, M. , Comunicarea, Bucureşti, Editura Algos, 2000.  Drăgan, I., Paradigme ale comunicării de masă, Bucureşti, Casa de Editură şi Presă SRL 1996.  Enăchescu, E., Comunicarea în mediul educaţional, Bucureşti, Editura Aramis Print, 2008.  Gamble, T. K., & Gamble, M., Communication Works. New York, Mc. Graw- Hill, 1993.  Hybels, S., & Weaver, R., Communicating Effectively, New York, Random House, 1986.  Jigău, M., Factorii reuşitei şcolare, Bucureşti, Editura Grafoart, 1998.  McQuail, D., Comunicarea, Iaşi, Editura Institutul European, 1999.  Mucchielli, A., Corbalan, J. A., & Ferrandez, V., Teoria proceselor de comunicare, Iaşi, Editura Institutul European, 2006.  Pânişoară, I. O., Comunicarea eficientă. Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2008.  Popescu, V.V., Succesul şi insuccesul şcolar- precizări terminologice, forme de manifestare, cauze, În Revista de pedagogie nr. 12, 1991.  Radu, I.T., Evaluarea în procesul didactic, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 2000.  Sălăvăstru, D., Psihologia educaţiei, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2004.

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VICTORIA GHEORGHE University of Bucharest, branch Buzău

DANIELA IVAŞCU School Center for Inclusive Education, Buzău

Abstract The articol proposes the Educational counselling as an optional discipline for high school and/or university education. The Educationalal counselling is valuable by the fact that it tackles the issue of ”in classroom” student – counseling, the support being granted by every teacher on age-specific issues of the students – the matter concerning collegial relationships, the motivation for education and development, the state of student”s mind at a given moment in time (especially when the pupil need immediate support, discreetly or explicitly). The science of developing a closer and more sincere connection with child/student concerned and with the world that houses their problems can be growth where the incentive, the instruments and the content of psyhopedagogical counseling are suitable. The discipline is thought as a symbiosis between the theoretical and the practical part, with multiple concrete training experiences.

Keywords: educational counseling, psyhopedagogical counselling, personal development, optional discipline.


 Anghel Stănilă, Elena, Psihologia educaţiei pe tot parcursul vieţii, Bucureşti, Editura For You, 2017.  Dumitru, Al. Ion, Consiliere psihopedagogică. Baze teoretice şi sugestii practice, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2008.  Santrok, John, Essentials of Life-Span development, McGraw – hill Companies, 2008.  *** ”855 de jocuri şi activităţi. Ghidul animatorului”, Chişinău, 2005.

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ZINAIDA MICLEUŞANU University of European Studies of Moldova

Abstract Family education and the training of younger generations, through family counseling within the school, are valuable and become an indispensable necessity in the process of strengthening and harmonizing family relationships. Thus, the school has a new function, the remediation and support of the family, the realization of effective family education, adjustment to the problems and demands of the social integration of the young generation. This objective aims at supporting and counseling not only the student but also the family within the . Collaboration of educational agents through the counseling of the pupil and his / her family is a current priority aimed at making the best possible use of the family to optimize the child's education and to strengthen family relationships. Children's education includes not only their training, but also their counseling to learn effectively and sustainably, thus providing conditions conducive to the harmonious formation and development of personality.

Keywords: family, adolescence, family education, counseling, children's education.


 Adams Gerald, R.; Berzonsky, Michael, D., Psihologia adolescenţei, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2009.  Albu, Gabriel, În căutarea educaţiei autentice, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2002.  Attila, Vandra, Cum să ne educăm copiii, Ghid pentru părinţi în exerciţiu, Bucureşti, Editura Teora, 2008.  Băban, Adriana, Consiliere educaţională. Ghid metodologic pentru orele de dirigenţie şi consiliere, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Ardealului, 2009.  Birch, A., Psihologia dezvoltării, Bucureşti, Editura Tehnică, 2000.  Bonchiş, Elena, Familia şi rolul ei în educarea copilului, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2011.  Calaraş, Carolina, Consilierea educaţională realizată de diriginte în situaţii de criză ca element al culturii pedagogice, Chişinău, Vol. 1, 2009.  Carabet, Natalia, Consilierea familiei, Chişinău, CET ,,Ion Creangă”, 2009.  Caron, Gerard, Cum să susţinem copilul în funcţie de temperamentul său: la şcoală şi acasă, Bucureşti, Didactica Publishing House, 2009.  Cuzneţov, Larisa, Consilierea parentală, Chişinău, Primex-Com SRL, 2013.  Cuzneţov, Larisa, Consilierea şi educaţia familiei. Introducere în consilierea ontologică complexă a familiei, Chişinău, Primex-Com SRL, 2015.  Cuzneţov, Larisa, Dimensiuni psihopedagogice şi etice ale parteneriatului educaţional, Chişinău, U. P. S. ,,I. Creangă”, 2002.  Dimitriu-Tiron, Elena, Consiliere educaţională, Iaşi, Editura Institutul European, 2005.  Dragu, A. (coord.), Consilierea şcolară între provocări şi paradigme, volum cu lucrările primei conferinţe naţionale a psihologilor şcolari, Constanţa, Editura NewLine, 2009.  Dumesnil, Francois, Tot ce trebuie să ştie părinţii, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2010.  Dumitru, Ion Al., Consiliere psihopedagogică, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2008.

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 Gherguţ, A., Evaluare şi intervenţie psihoeducaţională. Terapii educaţionale, recuperatorii şi compensatorii, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2011.  Golu, P., Zlate, M., Verza, E., Psihologia copilului, Bucureşti, E. D. P., 1995.  Moraru, Monica, Consiliere psihopedagogică şi orientare şcolară şi profesională, Constanţa, Editura Muntenia CTA, 2004.  Nelson-Jones, R., Manual de consiliere, Bucureşti, Editura Trei, 2009.  Nemţeanu, C., Consideraţii despre consilierea psihologică, Bucureşti, Editura Gnosis, 2004.

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MĂDĂLINA-MARIA TOADER University of Bucharest

Abstract The well known French geographer played an important role in the developement, the affirmation and the spiritual consolidation of the Romanian geography school being well informed about the Eastern part of Europe. The strong relation that Emmanuel de Martonne had with our country, was seen both at a theoretical level, through the influence of his scientific activity on the developpement of the Romanian georaphy and practical, through his contribution to the establishement of the new Romanian borders. So, in the final part of the study, I will present the fundamental part that Emmanuel Martonne played supporting the cause of the at the Peace Conference in Paris (1919-1920), with solid scientific arguments, based on the results of several years of field reserch, that took place in the and also in the Romanian territories that were part of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and the Tsarist empire. The main purpose of this study is to prove that „La Valachie” is a fundamental and permanently useful work in the training process of geographers, a true methodological guide, which makes its author remained a cultural reference in the Romanian geography school.

Keywords: Romanian geography, culture, education, science, research.


 Badea, Lucian, La Valachie: un veac de la apariţie = La Valachie: a century from the first publication, în: Forum Geografic – Studii şi cercetări de geografie şi protecţia mediului, Anul 2, Nr. 2, Anul 2003, pp. 118-122.  Bowd, Gavin, Un geographe francais et la Roumanie: Emmanuel de Martonne (1873-1955), Paris, L'Harmattan, 2012. 217 p.  Bowd, Gavin; Clayton, Daniel, Emmanuel de Martonne and the wartime defence of Greater Romania, în: Journal of Historical Geography, Vol. 47 (2005), p. 50-63.  Clout, Hugh, French geographers during wartime and German Occupation, 1939 – 1945, în: Journal of Historical Geography, Vol. 47 (2005), p. 16-28.  Dragomirescu, Şerban, Emm. de Martonne. Lucrări geografice despre România. vol. 1, 2, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei R.S.R., 1981.  Gilles Palsky, Emmanuel de Martonne and the Ethnographical Cartography of Central Europe (1917-1920), 2002.  Gavid Bowd, Emmanuel de Martonne et la Naissance de la Grand Roumanie, 2011.  Gaëlle Hallair, Les carnets de terrain du géographe français Emmanuel de Martonne (1873- 1955): méthode géographique, circulation des savoirs et processus de visualisation, 2013.  Ielenicz, Mihai, The Romanian School of Geomophology, în: Revista de Geomorfologie, Universitatea Bucureşti, Facultatea de Geografie. Vol. 14, 2012, p. 5-11 .  Minassian, Taline Ter, Les géographes français et la délimitation des frontières balkaniques à la Conférence de la Paix en 1919, în: Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine (1954-), Vol. 44, Nr. 2 (Apr. - Jun., 1997), p. 252-286.

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 Palsky, Gilles, Emmanuel de Martonne and the Ethnographical Cartography of Central Europe (1917-1920), în: Imago Mundi, Vol. 54 (2002), p. 111-119.  Posea, Grigore, Tratatul de geografie fizica al lui Emm. De Martonne. Extras din: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Fasciculus 2, Cluj: Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, 1974, 5 p.  Safier, Neil, The 19th International Conference on the History of Cartography: Report, în: Imago Mundi, Vol. 54 (2002), p. 135-141.  Toader, Mădălina-Maria, Valori culturale franceze, fundament al geografiei umane moderne, Bucureşti, Editura Ars Docendi, 2015.  Tufescu, Victor, Emmanuel de Martonne, făuritor al geografiei moderne şi rolul său în formarea geografiei româneşti, în culegerea „Emm. de Martonne. Lucrări geografice despre România”, vol. 1, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 1981.  Vâlsan, George, Opere alese, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică, 1971.

Web resources

 Morar, Ioan T., Emmanuel de Martonne – omul cu graniţele. Available: http://www.lapunkt.ro/2018/02/emmanuel-de-martonne-omul-cu-granitele/, http://tara- barsei.ro/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/dragomirescua2013.pdf.  Ursu, Vasile-George, Geograful francez Emmanuel de Martonne şi mediul românesc. Elemente de imagologie şi constatări proprii din Basarabiei postbelică. Available: https://prezi.com/r6vww8qgvq46/geograful-francez-emmanuel-de-martonne-si-mediul- romanesc-elemente-de-imagologie-si-constatari-proprii-din-basarabiei-postbelica/.  9AM, Un cercetator vizionar: Emmanuel de Martonne. Available: https://www.9am.ro/stiri- revista-presei/2005-07-25/un-cercetator-vizionar-emmanuel-de-martonne.html.

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ARGENTINA CHIRIAC, GALINA CIUBOTARU, TATIANA TREBEŞ, ALINA LOPATIUC "Nicolae Testemiţanu" State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Chişinău

Abstract In the process of teaching a foreign language, communication has a very important role. The communication is based of linguistic and intercultural competences. Linguistic competences deal with grammar, stylistics, vocabulary, topics, but intercultural skills are based on the ability to know the culture of the country where are you studying and to be polite and empathic with persons with another religion, nationality, ideology. The teacher of Romanian who teach medical language has the obligation to prepare students for medical practice. The patients are different and must do their best to succeed in this practice. That is why a correct communication and knowing of values is a strong point in teaching Romanian. The values are discovered by students during the lessons through real examples, interactions and communication between two students or groups of students.

Keywords: values, communication, interculturality, competence, teaching Romanian as a foreign language.


 Cucoş, Constantin, Pedagogie şi axiologie, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică R.A., 1995.  Geert, Hofstede, Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit. Kulturen - Organisationen – Management, Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1993.  Kaikkonen, Pauli, Intercultural learning through foreign language education, Experiential learning in foreign language education Harlow, Essex, Longman, 2001.  Vianu, Tudor, Introducere în teoria valorilor, Bucureşti, Editura Albatros, 1997.  Whorf, Benjamin, Lee, Language, Thought & Reality, Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf, Cambridge, Mass, The Massachusetts Press, 1956.

Web resources

 Alexandru Florentina, Concepte generale ale comunicării interculturale – cultură şi limbă,2011,Available:http://euromentor.ucdc.ro/vol2nr1martie2011/eurro/concepte%20genera le%20ale%20comunicarii-florentina-alexandru.pdf.  Rusu Mina-Maria, Competenţa de comunicare – perspective de abordare, 2009 Available: http://www.limbaromana.md/index.php?go=articole&n=797 .

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RĂZVAN DIACONU-POPOVICI "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi

Abstract The new generations, born in the 1990s and the first decade of the 21st century represent the digital generation. The new generation develops competencies, abilities and mechanisms of relationship different from those of previous generations, mainly the technological capabilities that have become mandatory in the natural succession of new realities in the contemporary information society. In the proposed study, we analyze the implications of psychological testing in assessing the potential of young people in education systems. Psychological testing is a priority factor in contemporary societies and is a modeling element with a clear impact on the socio-professional trajectory of young people.

Keywords: testing, digital generation, assessment, skills, competencies.


 Abric, Jean Claude, Psihologia comunicării. Teorii şi metode, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2002.  Adăscăliţei, Adrian, Instruire asistată de calculator. Didactică informatică, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2007.  Vasile Baltac, Lumea digitală. Concepte esenţiale, Bucureşti, Editura Excel Books, 2015.  Ceobanu, Constantin, Învăţarea în mediul virtual. Ghid de utilizare a calculatorului în educaţie, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2016.  Cristea, Sorin, Fundamentele pedagogiei, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2010.  Gardner, Howard, Mintea disciplinată sau educaţia pe care o merită orice copil, dincolo de informaţii şi teste standardizate, Bucureşti, Editura Sigma, 2004.  Păun, Emil, Pedagogie. Provocări şi dileme privind şcoală şi profesia didactică, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2017.  Prensky, Mark, Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants, in „On the Horizon”, MCB University Press, 2001. vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 1-6

Web resources

 http://www.razvidiaco.wordpress.com.  http://hart.ro/upload/reports/ [email protected].

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ŞTEFAN IOVAN West University of Timişoara

RAMONA MARGE University of Oradea

ALINA-ANABELA IOVAN Railway Informatics, Bucharest

Abstract For today's young people, cutting-edge technology does not pose any problems either at home or at work, but they need constant feedback for their own development. I value my free time and my personal life, but I build more career options in parallel because they are interested in very diverse themes that require their creativity. According to Gartner, enterprise IT (Infornation Technology) − and so on from work (office) − has entered an era of digitization where new disruptive products provide continuous development, innovation and differentiation. IT development in business productivity − switching to cloud, using a mobile workforce and keeping inherited data while maintaining security and control − are necessary for your company's competitiveness and for the performance of your employees. These changes require communication solutions that can keep up with the growing demands of the connected world. With a growing amount of data growing, security and data management issues at work are evolving. Technological changes have a huge impact on today's office space. Scientific papers explore how digital environments cause companies to manage their business and people differently in order to develop their business. At present, employee productivity is on the increase due to collaboration, thanks to mobile and fast access to the network and the cloud, and to the growing number of collaborative technologies. The paper aims at presenting some technological aspects regarding the evolution of the current workplace towards a digital workplace in a future digital age.

Keywords: digital workspace, digital world, disruptive solution, digital era.


 Iovan, Ştefan, Mental models and knowledge management, în: Opriş, Dorin, Scheau, Ioan (coordonatori), „Educaţia din perspectiva valorilor. Studii, analize, sinteze”, Chişinău, Editura Pontos, 2016, pp. 268-272.  Iovan, Ştefan, Folosirea tehnologiei „cloud computing” în sectorul public, în: Pascaru, Mihai, Marina, Lucian, Călina, Buţiu, Ana (coordonatori), „Inteligenţă, teritorii şi dezvoltare umană”, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană 2014, pp. 193-204.  Iovan, Ştefan, Impactul generatiei net asupra societatii, în: Opriş, Dorin Scheau, Ioan, Moşin, Octavian (coordonatori), „Educaţia din perspectiva valorilor, Tom 8: Summa Paedagogica”, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Eikon, 2015, pp. 221-227.  Iovan, Ştefan, Iovan, Alina-Anabela, Avantajul cunoaşterii şi abordarea proactivă, în: Moşin, Octavian, Scheau, Ioan, Opriş, Dorin (editori), „Educaţia din perspectiva valorilor, Tom 9: Summa Theologiae”, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Eikon, 2016, pp. 197-202.

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 Iovan, Ştefan, Iovan, Alina-Anabela, Trecerea de la Generaţia Y la Generaţia Z, în: Moşin, Octavian, Scheau, Ioan, Opriş, Dorin (editori), „Educaţia din perspectiva valorilor, Tom 11: Summa Theologiae”, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Eikon, 2017, pp. 185 – 191.  Iovan, Stefan, Ivanus, Cristian, Software applications for mobile and mobile protection, in: Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu-Jiu, Fiability & Durability Series, Târgu-Jiu, „Academica Brancusi” Publisher, 2018, Issue: 1(21), pp. 263-268.  Iovan, Stefan, Marge, Ramona, Malware for mobile devices and their security, in: Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu-Jiu, Fiability & Durability Series, Târgu-Jiu, „Academica Brancusi” Publisher, 2018, Issue: 1(21), pp. 269-274.

Web resources

 Dragan, Stefan, Ce imi doresc de la un loc de munca?, 2016. Available: http://stefandragan.ro/personal-developement/auto-coaching/ce-imi-doresc-de-la-un-loc-de- munca/.

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VIOLETA VRABII Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract This work approches the issue of personal development of the theacher in the context of adult education. In this way, education and adult learning through value coordinates, social factors, awareness of action. The age is viewed as the continuous process of developmental procurement. Personal change is a unique individual experience that guides the formation of the teacher in order to increase the level of social adaptation and the development of the theacher in accordance with the changes in the system and process of education.

Keywords: normative acts, teacher, personal development, professional development, adult education.


 Allport, G., Structura şi dezvoltarea personalităţii, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1991.  Callo, T., O pedagogie a investigaţiei. Teorie şi practică, Chişinău, CEP USM, 2007.  Codul Educaţiei al Republicii Moldova, în Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova, 24.10.2014, Nr. 319-324 (634).  Gherghinescu, R., Conceptul de competenţă didactică, în Marcus S. (coord.), Competenţa didactică, Bucureşti, Editura All Educaţional, 1999, pp. 11-23.  Jung, C., Psihologia individuală şi socială, în antologia Puterea sufletului, vol. 3, Bucureşti, Editura Anima, 1994.  Neculau, A., Educaţia adulţilor, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2004.  Paloş, R., Sava, S., Ungureanu, D., Educaţia adulţilor: baze teoretice şi repere practice, Iaşi, Editura, Polirom, 2007.  Paniş, A., Deciziunea managerială în profesionalizarea cadrului didactic, Chişinău, Editura, Print Caro, 2010.  Săucan, D., Specificul comunicării didactice în contextul comunicării interumane, în Marcus S. (coord.), Competenţa didactică, Bucureşti, Editura ALL Educaţional, 1999.  Sion, G., Psihologia vârstelor, Bucureşti, Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine, 2003.  Stan, E., Profesorul între autoritate şi putere, Bucureşti, Editura Teora, 1999.  Standarde de competenţă profesională ale cadrelor didactice din învăţământul general, Chişinău, 2016.  Strategia sectorială de dezvoltare Educaţi-2020, pentru anii 2014-2020 al ME.  Tudorel, O., Actualizarea de sine: de la starea de bine la viziunea asupra lumii, În Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 2013, vol. 15, nr. 1, p. 20-26.  Viţanu, N., Educaţia adulţilor, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1998.  Меренко, А.В., Педагогика саморазвития личности, Екатеринбург, Издательство Ураl, 2001.  Митина, Л.М., Психологические аспесты труда учителя, Учебное пособие, Тула, 1999.

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LILIA BUIMESTRU Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract In a constantly changing society, life long learning aimed at improving knowledge, skills and competences for personal, social and professional reasons, with a double social goal: employability and social inclusion has become a prerequisite for every individual. The article outlines the vocational training of the engineer (teacher) in the driving school, based on the dimension of competences approach as an aspect of lifelong learning and career development.

Keywords: life long learning, continuous vocational training, driving school, engineer (teacher), educational skills, pedagogical competence, retraining.


 Codul Educaţiei al Republicii Moldova nr. 152 din 17 iulie 2014, în Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova, nr. 319-324, 24.10.2014, data intrării în vigoare: 23.11.2014.  Bontaş, Ion, Tratat de pedagogie, Bucureşti, Editura BIC ALL, 2008.  Cristea, Sorin, Dicţionar enciclopedic de pedagogie (v.I), Bucureşti, EDP, 2015.  Debeleac, Constantin, Ghid privind certificarea competenţelor şi recunoaşterea calificării pentru profesii din sectorul transporturilor rutiere: instructor de conducere auto şi profesor de legislaţie rutieră, în cadrul proiectului Reţeaua autorităţilor Competente pentru Calificările Profesionale din România – (IMI OQ NET România), 2013.  Legea Educaţiei Naţionale nr. 1, din 5 ianuarie 2011, data intrării în vigoare: 9 februarie 2011, în Monitorul oficial al României, nr.18, 2011, actualizată în M.O. al României, nr.943, 2016.  Legea Învăţământului din Federaţia Rusă din 29 decembrie, cu completări din 19 decembrie 2016, redacţie în vigoare din 01 ianuarie 2017 (trad.). Available: www.право.гов.ру.  Legea nr. 131-XVI din 07.06.2007 privind siguranţa traficului rutier, cu modificările ulterioare în Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova, nr.209-216, 2014.  Ordinul nr. AK – 2924/06 din 11.09.2014 al Ministerului Învăţământului şi Ştiinţei al Federaţiei Ruse. Despre implementarea programelor de formare profesională a conducătorilor auto (trad.). Available: www.минобрнауки.рф.  Ordinul Nr. 733, 25.04.2013 al Ministerului Transporturilor, România. Pentru aprobarea Normelor privind autorizarea şcolilor de conducători auto şi a instructorilor auto, a Normelor privind atestarea profesorilor de legislaţie rutieră şi a instructorilor de conducere auto, în Monitorul oficial al României, partea I, Nr. 267 bis/13.V.2013.  Panţuru, S., Voinea, M., Niculescu, R., M., Honcz, C., Fundamentele pedagogiei. Teoria şi metodologia curriculum-ului: aspecte de management al curriculum-ului, Braşov, Editura Universităţii „Transilvania”, 2008.  Regulamentul privind funcţionarea unităţilor de formare profesională a conducătorilor de autovehicule. Hotărârea Colegiului Ministerului Educaţiei nr.4 din 30.09.2013;  Ştefan, M., Lexicon pedagogic, Bucureşti, Aramis Print, 2006.

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ALINA GEORGETA MAG "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu

Abstract The massive attention given to children and childhood is unprecedented. Today's child psychology presents a very complex childhood model, fundamentally different from that presented by traditional psychology. The recent vision of the child is constantly changing and will change forever. This paper - Ethics of relationships in early childhood - aims to analyze the ethics of building relationships with current child generations. Modern research no longer focuses on the opinions of parents or teachers about how they see the child and the relationship with him, as it has been the case so far. The fundamental change in attitudes towards children involves recognizing them as individuals with their own rights and needs, so that they are no longer seen as adults’ properties. These ideas have led to a re-examination of contemporary attitudes towards children.

Keywords: ethics of relationships, childhood model, contemporary attitudes, children’s rights, children’s needs.


 Cable, Carrie; Miller, Linda, Working with children in the Early Years. Second Edition, London and New York, Routledge Taylor&Francis Group, 2010.  Collins, Janet; Foley, Pam, Promoting children’s wellbeing. Policy and practice, United Kingdom, The Open University, 2008.  Cynthia D’Amour, Crearea relaţiilor - o deprindere pe care şcolile au uitat să ne înveţe, Bucureşti, Business Tech International Press, 2003.  Jones, Phil, Rethinking childhood. Attitudes in Contemporary Society. New childhoods, New York, Continuum, 2009.  Schaffer, Rudolph, Introducere în psihologia copilului, Cluj - Napoca, Editura Asociaţia de Ştiinţe Cognitive din România, 2007.

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MARIA ALEXANDRESCU "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi

Abstract This study is based on the results of the field research on the „Relationships between School Education and Family Education”, a research conducted within the Doctoral School of „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi. The study presents a series of changes that Romanian education has undergone over time, especially in the communist and transition eras. First of all, I mentioned the contribution of social actors in the development of the Romanian education. Afterwards, I described the realities from the education (the role and status of the didactic staff, the incentives for students and professors in the communist era, the effects of changing the legislation in the field of education on students and didactic staff, the relationship between centralization and decentralization, as well as the ratio between the qualification obtained through school and the labour market). The school has as final goal to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills, either to help them integrate them into the work field, or to continue their studies.

Keywords: school, changes, didactic staff, realities from education, decentralization.


 Anghelache, Valerica, Managementul schimbării educaţionale. Principii, politici şi strategii, Iaşi, Institutul European, 2012, p. 25 şi p. 240.  Antonescu, George G., Educaţie şi cultură, Ediţie îngrijită, studiu introductiv, note şi comentarii de Ion Gh. Stanciu, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică,1972, p.179.  Gheorghiu, Mihai Dinu, Analiză şi intervenţie în ştiinţa socială, Editura Universităţii ,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi, 2005, p. 42.  Gheorghiu, Mihai Dinu, Arnault, Paul (eds.), Les sciences sociales et leurs publics. Engagements et distanciations, Iaşi, Editura Universităţii ,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2013, pp. 10-11.  Glasman, Dominique, Le travail des élèves pour l’école en dehors de l’école, Paris, Rapport établi à la demande du Haut Conseil de L’evaluation de L’école, n°. 15, Décembre, 2004, p. 143.  Ion, Vlăduţ, Introducere în sociologia juridică, a IV-a, Bucureşti, Lumina Lex, 2003.  Ionescu, Ion, Sociologia şcolii, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 1997, p. 230.  Nicu, Adriana, Politici educaţionale. Repere teoretice şi pragmatice, Cluj-Napoca, Editura ASCR, 2013, pp. 95-96.  Păun, Emil, Şcoala abordare sociopedagogică, Iaşi, Editura Polirom,1999, p. 49.  Schifirneţ, Constantin, Sociologie românească modernă, Ediţia a doua completată şi revizuită, Bucureşti, Tritonic, 2017.  Stanciu, Ion Gh. ,,Studiu introductiv” la Educaţie şi cultură, Antonescu, George G., Ediţie îngrijită, studiu introductiv, note şi comentarii de Stanciu, Ion Gh., Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1972, p. 32.  Scott, Richard, W., Instituţii şi organizaţii, Traducere de Alina Radu, Iaşi, Polirom, 2004 (ed. eng. 2001).

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 Stănciulescu, Elisabeta, Sociologia educaţiei familiale, Prefaţă de I. Bădescu, D. Bertaux, J.- M. Berthelot, A. X. de Brio, J. - Cl. Kaufmann, A. Pitrou, E. Plaisance, Fl. A. Platon, Tr. Rotariu, vol. II, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2002.

Web resources

 Legea 272 /2004 cu modificările şi completările ulterioare. Available: http://www.devatgi.ro/sites/devatgi.ro/files/legi/LEGE-272-21-06-2004.pdf.

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ŞTEFAN IOVAN West University of Timişoara

RAMONA MARGE University of Oradea

Abstract Labor work is in rapid change. Flexible start-up hours, homework, mobile workers and unallocated workstations and employees who interact daily across national borders contribute to a diverse and sometimes difficult to manage landscape. With a growing amount of data growing, security and data management issues at work are evolving. Psycho-social changes have a huge impact on today's office space. Scientific papers explore how digital environments cause companies to manage their business and people differently in order to develop their business. In Central and Eastern Europe there is a rapid adoption of Western European standards in the field of data security, the growth of mobile activities and cloud applications. However, at a time of digitization, printing is still essential in office work. The notion that the office is a specific space in which professional activities are carried out is less and less widely spread. Nowadays, more and more employees can be productive anywhere, thanks to mobile and fast access to the network and the cloud, and the increase in the number of technologies that allow online collaboration. The paper aims to present some psycho-social considerations regarding the evolution of the workplace to a digital office one in a future digital era.

Keywords: digital workplace, digitalisation, workspace, digital era.


 Iovan, Stefan; Iovan, Alina-Anabela, The Role and Importance of Data Analyst in Using Large Volumes of Data, in: Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu-Jiu, Engineering Series, Târgu-Jiu, „Academica Brancusi” Publisher, 2015, Issue 3, pp. 160-165.  Ivanus, Cristian; Iovan, Stefan, Internet – The Foundation for the Future Societies Permanently Connected, Proc. of 16th European Conference (E_COMM_LINE 2015), Bucuresti, Romania, 2015.  Iovan, Stefan; Ivanus, Cristian, European Economic Growth Through the Mobilization of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Proc. of 16th European Conference (E_COMM_LINE 2015), Bucuresti, Romania, 2015.  Iovan, Stefan, e-Government, Development and Evolution, in: Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu-Jiu, Engineering Series, Târgu-Jiu, „Academica Brancusi” Publisher, 2016, Issue 4, pp. 20-26.  Iovan, Stefan; Ivanus, Cristian, Modeling of Management Processes in an Organization, in: Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu-Jiu, Fiability & Durability Series, Issue: Supplement, Târgu-Jiu, „Academica Brancusi” Publisher, 2016, Issue 1, pp. 213-219.  Iovan, Stefan; Ivanus, Cristian, The Mobility – A Trend in Multinational Companies, in: Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu-Jiu, Engineering Series, Târgu-Jiu, „Academica Brancusi” Publisher, 2017, Issue 3, pp. 175-180.

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 Iovan, Stefan; Marge, Ramona, Some Legal Aspects on Cybercrime, in: Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu-Jiu, Engineering Series, Târgu-Jiu, „Academica Brancusi” Publisher, 2017, Issue 3, pp. 181-186.  Iovan, Stefan; Ivanus, Cristian, Software applications for mobile and mobile protection, in: Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu-Jiu, Fiability & Durability Series, Târgu-Jiu, „Academica Brancusi” Publisher, 2018, Issue: 1(21), pp. 263-268.

Web resources

 Dragan, Stefan, Ce imi doresc de la un loc de munca?, 2016. Available: http://stefandragan.ro/personal-developement/auto-coaching/ce-imi-doresc-de-la-un-loc-de- munca/.

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GRIGORE COSTIN Academy of Theology, Moldova

Abstract The subject of this article is represented by the analysis of the involvement of the Basarab clergy in the events that took place in 1918. After a short version of the situation of the Church in Basarabia, before the year 1918, we presented in the second part the image of the clerics who fought with Romania for the Union of Basarabia.

Keywords: union, priests, bishops, Romania, religion, Orthodox faith.


 Bogos, Dimitrie, La raspântie, Chişinău, Editura Ştiinţa, 1998.  Boldur, Alexandru V., Basarabia şi relaţiile române-ruse, Bucureşti, Editura Albatros, 2000.  Buzilă, Boris, Din istoria vieţii bisericeşti din Basarabia, Editura Fundaţiei Culturale Române, 1996.  Ciobanu, Ştefan, Cum se oglindeşte viaţa românilor basarabeni, în rev. „Viaţa Basarabiei”, anul II (1933), nr. 74-75, p. 34-35.  Ciobanu, Ştefan, Din istoria mişcării naţionale în Basarabia, Chişinău, 1923.  Ciobanu, Ştefan, Unirea Basarabiei, Chişinău, Editura Alfa, 2001.  Colesnic, Iurie, Basarabia necunoscută, Chişinău, Editura Universitas, 1993.  Fassel, Luminiţa, Das deutche Schulwesen in Bessarabien 1812-1940, Editura Verlag Südostdentsches Kulturwerk, München, 2000.  Gherman, Ion, Istoria tragică a Bucovinei, Basarabiei şi ţinutului Herţa, Bucureşti, Editura All, 1993.  Ghibu, Onisifor Pe baricadele vieţii, Chişinău, Editura Universitas, 1992.  Hitchins, Keith, România 1866-1947, trad. de George G. Potra şi Delia Răzdolescu, Bucureşti, Humanitas, 1994.  Holfbauer, H.; Roman, V., Bucovina, Basarabia, Moldova, trad. de Toma Paul Dordea, Bucureşti, Editura Tehnică, 1995.  Holfbauer, H.; Roman, V., De la Basarabia rusească la Basarabia românească, Bucureşti, Editura Semne, 1997.  Holfbauer, H.; Roman, V., Rumania 1866-1947, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994.  Kiriţescul, Constantin, Istoria războiului pentru întregirea României 1916-1919, Bucureşti, Editura Casa Şcoalelor, 1925.  Lupulescu, Ioan V., Monumentele Unirii, Bucureşti, Editura Sport-Turism, 1985.  Mateevici, Alexei, Opere, vol . I, Chişinău, Editura Ştiinţa, 1993.  Morariu, Pr. C., Arhiepiscopul Gurie Botăşăneanul – vicarul Mitropoliei Moldovei şi Sucevei, Cernăuţi, 1919.  Murafa, Andrei, Doruri Sfinte, Chişinău, 1918.  Nistor, Ion, Istoria Basarabiei, Cernăuţi, 1923.  Păcurariu, Pr. Prof. Dr. Mircea, Basarabia, Iaşi, Editura Mitropoliei Moldovei şi Bucovinei, 1993.

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 Plămădeală, Antonie, Alte file de calendar de inimă românească, Sibiu, 1988.  Popovschi, Nicolae, Istoria Bisericii din Basarabia în veacul al XIX-lea, Ediţie îngrijită de Iurie Colesnic, Editura Museum, 2000.  Proţenco, Pr. Al., O scurtă privire istorică asupra Bisericii din Basarabia, în rev. „Luminătorul”, anul LVIII (1925) nr. 1, p. 47-48.  Purici, Ştefan, Introducere în Istoria Basarabie, Suceava, Editura Universităţii „Ştefan cel Mare”, 2006.  Saka, Serafim, Basarabia în Gulag, Chişinău, Editura Meridianul 28, 1995.  Ţurcanu Ion, Papuc Mihai, Basarabia în actul Marii Uniri de la 1918, Editura Ştiinţa, 2017.

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VERONICA MIHAILOV Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract Social representation is characterized by a certain "lifespan" and sustainability, but over time the social representation structure undergoes more transformations. An important step in the social representation study is to determine the contents that will allow them to be transformed. Thus, in this article, we aim to identify the representative elements of the quality of life and to identify methods that can contribute to the development of social representation as a product and process of transformation of reality towards lifelong learning.

Keywords: social representation, characteristics, conditions, quality of life, lifelong learning.


 Abric, J.-C, Analiza structurală a reprezentărilor sociale, în S. Moscovici, F. Buschini (coord.)., Metodologia ştiinţelor socioumane/traducere de Savin V., Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2007.  Abric, J.-C, Reprezentările sociale: aspect teoretice, în A. Neculau (coord.)., Reprezentările sociale. Psihologia câmpului social, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 1997.  Curelaru, M., Reprezentările sociale, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2006.  Flament, C., Structura, dinamica şi transformarea reprezentărilor sociale, în vol. Reprezentările sociale, Neculau, A. (coord.), Bucureşti, Editura Societatea Ştiinţă şi Tehnică, 1995.  Mihailov, V., Reprezentarea socială a învăţării pe tot parcursul vieţii în R. Moldova, în revista Univers pedagogic, 2016, nr. 4, pp.76 - 80.  Moscovici, S., Influenţă socială şi schimbare socială, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2011.  Muntele-Hendreş, D., Starea subiectivă de bine, Iaşi, Editura Universitatea „Al. Ioan Cuza”, 2009.  Neculau, A. (coord.), Reprezentările sociale, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 1997.  Seligman, M.E.P., Fericirea autentică, Ghid practic de psihologie pozitivă, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2007.  Zamfir, E., Psihologie sociala. Texte alese, Iaşi, Editura Ankarom, 1997.

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MONICA OPRIŞ "St. Simion Ştefan" Orthodox Thelogical Seminary of Alba Iulia

Abstract After falling into sin, marriage remained a way of life consecrated into the frames of time, but altered by the effects of the ancestral sin. Pure love turned into erotic passion, inferior instincts were enforced aggressively, and together with the physical strength of the most powerful favored the man, which affected the relations between man and woman. The Savior, coming into the world from The Most Pure Virgin, raises the woman to the dignity for which she was created. This paper presents, first of all, a number of theological and pedagogical aspects of the role of women in the salvation of the world. We presented details concerning the role of the woman in forming the child's personality, as well as data from a survey on the importance of the mother in the adolescents’ life. Last but not least, we analysed the way the theological seminary students noticed remarkable aspects in the life and activity of the priest's wife in their parish.

Keywords: Christianity, Our Savior Jesus Christ, priest, education.


 Abrudan, D., Corniţescu, E., Arheologie biblică, Bucureşti, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, 1994.  Călugăr, D., Catehetica, Bucureşti, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, 1984.  Fericitul Augustin, Confesiuni, Bucureşti, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, 1994.  Kant, Immanuel, Despre pedagogie, trad. Traian Brăileanu, Bucureşti, Editura Paideia, 2002.  Moldovan, Ilie, Iubirea taina căsătoriei. Teologia iubirii I, Alba Iulia, Editura Episcopiei Ortodoxe Alba Iulia, 1996.  Opriş, Dorin, Educaţia religioasă şi dezvoltarea personală. Cercetări, analize, puncte de vedere, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 2014.  Sfântul Simeon Kholmogorov, Unul din cei de demult. Stareţul Gavriil, Bacău, Editura Bunavestire, 1998.  Trifa, Gavril, Familia creştină şi căile pentru redescoperirea de sine, în O. Moşin, I. Scheau, D. Opriş (ed.), „Educaţia din perspectiva valorilor”, Tom XI, Bucureşti, Editura Eikon, 2017.

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NICOLETA MENDREA "Ion Minulescu" National College of Slatina

Abstract The purpose of education, since its beginnings, was the development of a human as a human, shaping personality. Although affected by history, it never stopped to place a strong emphasis on cultivating spiritual values which offer humans a special status, dignity and respect. Inevitably Christian values must be considered here, the values that open a new horizon, one of the eternal values, a sublime reality that give purpose to human life. Without these, the seeds that were placed inside humans will never reach their endgame; science and everything else that will be gained, without the spiritual side, will never bring full satisfaction, and the Good, the Truth, and the Beautiful (as fundamental values) cannot be fully understood without „I am the Way and the Truth and the Life”. Living by Christian values, sensibility, and a tender soul make the education whole. In other words, there is a bridge between education and the Christian principles, and it is created by belief, hope, and love.

Keywords: education, values, belief, soul, dignity.


 Cucoş, Constantin, Educaţia religioasă, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 1999.  Todoran, Isidor, Bazele axiologice ale binelui, Craiova, Editura Omniscop, 1996.

Web resources

 Parfeni, Mihai, Relaţia între frumos, bine şi Adevăr ca valori fundamentale ale omenirii. Available: https://jurnalspiritual.eu/relatia-dintre-frumos-bine-si-adevar/.  PF Daniel, Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, Educaţia - lumină edificatoare pentru viaţă. Available: http://patriarhia.ro/educatia--lumina-edificatoare-pentru-viata-7888.html.  Metu, Vasile, Educaţia, necesitate în dezvoltarea omului, 2009. Available: http://ziarullumina.ro/educatia-necesitate-in-dezvoltarea-omului-38897.html.  Cucoş, Constantin, Frumosul şi experienţa religioasă, 2014. Available:  http://ziarullumina.ro/frumosul-si-experienta-religioasa-88407.html.

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Abstract Contemporary with the political events that took place on Romanian territory at the beginning of the 20th century, major events of vital importance in the evolution of the Romanian nation, Ion Agarbiceanu, cultural personality established by his contributions to "Astra" and "The Romanian Writers' Society", militates in favour of the accomplishment of the secular national ideal through his publications. His academic and political experience helps him understand and involve in the difficult moments in the country's destiny. Endowed with a special creative energy he creates an ample "chronicle" of Romanian contemporary society at the beginning of the century. The trilogy "Times and People. New World (1943, the first two books "Home" and "On Roads" had been censored), brought down to a single volume, was published during his refuge in Sibiu, when the Writer withdrew for a period from public life, period appreciated later on by literary critics for the writer's important writings. The common element of these writings is the beginning of the narrative thread that stands under the dome of the Union.

Keywords: Romanian society, anxieties, willingness, soul, reality.

References  Agârbiceanu, Ion, OPERE, VII., Bucureşti, Academia Română, Fundaţia Naţională pentru Ştiinţă şi Artă, 2017.  Balotă, Nicolae, Arta lecturii, Bucureşti, Editura Cartea Românească, 1978.  Bachelard, Gaston, Dreptul de a visa, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 2009.  Bahtin, M., Probleme de literatură şi estetică, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1982.  Brad, Ion, Ion Agârbiceanu – sfânt părinte al literaturii române, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 2007.  Bucur, Marin, Istoriografia literară românească de la origini până la G. Călinescu, Bucureşti, Editura Minerva, 1972.  Iorga, Nicolae, Studii literare, vol. I, Scriitori români, Bucureşti, Editura Tineretului, [f.a.]  Marino, Adrian, Cultură şi creaţie, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Eikon 2010.  Mărginean, Ion; Buzaşi, Ion; Macaveiu, Ioan V., Ion Agârbiceanu sau armonia dintre om şi scriitor, Alba Iulia, Editura „Altip”, 2008.  Negrici, Eugen, Expresivitatea involuntară. Figura spiritului creator. Imanenţa literaturii, Bucureşti, Editura Universalia, 2000.  Ornea, Z., Poporanismul, Bucureşti, Editura Minerva, 1972.  Pop, Ioan-Aurel, Istoria, adevărurile şi miturile, Cluj-Napoca, Şcoala Ardeleană, 2018.  Popa, Mircea, Ion Agârbiceanu – constelaţia realului, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Eikon, 2013.  Popa, Mircea (coord.), Presa românească şi ideea naţională. Alba Iulia, Editura Aeternitas, 2006.  Vianu, Tudor, Arta prozatorilor români, Bucureşti, Editura Eminescu, 1973.  Zaciu, Mircea, Ceasuri de seară cu Ion Agârbiceanu, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Dacia, 1982.  Zaciu, Mircea, Ion Agârbiceanu, Bucureşti, Editura pentru Literatură, 1964.

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MIHAI FLOROAIA "Spiru Haret" Technological College in Piatra-Neamt

Abstract The present study started from the fact that education expresses an exclusively human, spiritual nature, the issue of the interaction between it and society, generating multiple questions in the sphere of socio-human disciplines. How did religious education take place in schools in our country around 1918, through what changes and reforms has passed, how it is today, and last but not least, what are its perspectives in a materialist society in which the true values of morality tend be excluded? These are just a few of the things I'm trying to answer in this step. We cannot neglect the fact that the purpose of achieving religious education concerns the two aspects: the formation / modeling of moral conscience and the formation of the moral conduct of young people. The formation of moral character is of paramount importance. Only by realizing this aspect, the school will be able to offer free and responsible people to society, able to integrate in certain historical contexts.

Keywords: religion, education, conscience, moral, centenary.


 Antonescu, G. G., Educaţia morală şi religioasă în şcoala românească, Bucureşti, Editura „Cultura românească”, S.A., 1937.  Băncilă, Vasile, Iniţierea religioasă a copilului, Bucureşti, Editura Anastasia, 1996.  Bunescu, Gheorghe, Antologia Legilor Învăţământului din România”, Bucureşti, Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, 2004.  Cristea, C. G., Reforma învăţământului. O perspectivă istorică (1864 – 1944) Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, R.A., 2001.  *** Constituţia României, publicată în M.Of. nr 767/31 octombrie 2003; Modificată şi completată prin Legea de revizuire a Constituţiei României nr. 429/2003, publicată în M.Of. nr. 758/29 octombrie 2003.  Cucoş, Constantin, Educaţia religoasă, conţinut şi forme de realizare, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1996.  Cuciureanu Monica, Velea Simona (coord.), Educaţia moral-religioasă în sistemul de educaţie din România, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 2012.  *** Decret nr. 175 privind Reforma Învăţământului şi Decret nr. 1383 din 2 august 1948, publicate în M. Of. al României, Partea I A, nr. 177 din 3 august 1948, pp. 6322-6356.  Deletant, Dennis, România sub regimul comunist, Bucureşti, Fundaţia Academia civică, 1997.  Floroaia, Mihai, Abordări interdisciplinare în scopul dobândirii competenţelor specifice vizate de noua programă analitică pentru predarea Religiei la gimnaziu - cultul ortodox, în Pavelescu, Marinela (coord.), „Lucrările Simpozionului Naţional – Inovaţie şi continuitate în plan curricular – Târgovişte, aprilie 2018”, Târgovişte, Editura Casei Corpului Didactic Dâmboviţa, 2018, pp. 69-73.  Floroaia, Mihai, Rolul metodei didactice în învăţământul religios, Piatra-Neamţ, Editura Alfa, 2004.

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 Förster, F. W., Şcoala şi caracterul, Bucureşti, Editura Librăria Nouă, f.a.  Holbea, Gh., Opriş, D., Opriş, M., Jambore G., Apostolat educaţional. Ora de religie – cunoaştere şi devenire spirituală, Bucureşti, Editura Basilica a Patriarhiei Române, 2010.  *** Legea nr. 84 din 24 iulie 1995 sau Legea învăţământului a fost publicatǎ în Monitorul Oficial nr. 67 din 31 iulie 1995; şi în M.Of. nr. 606 din 10 decembrie 1999; republicată în M. Of. din 5 ianuarie 1996; modificată prin O.U.G. nr. 36/1997, publicată în M.Of. nr. 152 din 14 iulie 1997, şi prin Legea nr. 151/1999; republicată în M.Of. nr. 606 din 10 decembrie 1999.  *** Legea Educaţiei Naţionale nr.1/2011, publicată în M. Of. nr.18/10 ianuarie 2011.  Manolescu, Anca, Europa şi întâlnirea religiilor, Iaşi, Polirom, 2005.  Munteanu, Alexandru Armand, Compendiu alfabetic şi tematic din Hotărârile Sfântului Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române (1986-2000), Constanţa, Editura Arhiepiscopiei Tomisului, 2003.  Opriş Dorin, Opriş Monica, Şebu Sebastian Metodica predării religiei, ediţia a II-a, revăzută şi adăugită, Alba Iulia, Editura Reîntregirea, 2017.  Pascariu, Constantin Cătălin, Oprea, Ionuţ Mihai, Ora de religie! – disciplină obligatorie în şcolile de stat din România?, în Octavian Moşin, Ioan Scheau, Dorin Opriş (editori), „Educaţia din perspectiva valorilor. Tom XI: Summa Theologiae”, Bucureşti, Editura Eikon, 2017, pp. 215-220.  Panţuru, pr. lect. dr., Cosmin, Învăţământul religios în România modernă, în „Analele Universităţii de Vest din Timişoara”, Seria Teologie, Timişoara, Editura Universităţii de Vest, nr. 23, 2017, pp. 65-75.  Păcurariu, pr. Prof. dr., Mircea, Istoria Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, vol. III, Bucureşti, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, 1994.  Pop, pr. dr., Vasile, Curriculum şi reformă în predarea religiei, Arad, „Vasile Goldiş” University Press, 2014.  Popeangă, V., Şcoala românească din părţile Aradului în perioada 1867-1918, Arad, Comitetul de Cultură şi Educaţie Socialistă al Judeţului Arad, 1976.  Scorpan, Costin, Istoria României – Enciclopedie, Bucureşti, Editura Nemira, 1997.  Şelaru Sorin, Vâlcu George, Studiul Religiei în şcolile publice din statele membre ale Uniunii Europene, în „Studii Teologice”, nr. 1, 2012, pp. 229-252.  https://www.utcb.ro/informarepublica/docs/2_MO%20177%203%20aug%201948.pdf.  http://religiecalarasi.blogspot.com/2012/07/religia-ca-disciplina-de-invatamant.html.  https://www.scribd.com/document/101117711/75242030-Curs-Metodica-I.  http://www.umft.ro/data_files/documente-atasate- sectiuni/203/legea_1_din_2011_educatiei_nationale.pdf.  http://programe.ise.ro/Portals/1/Curriculum/Progr_Lic/OS/Religie%20Cultul%20ortodox_clas ele%20a%20IX-a%20-%20a%20XII-a.pdf.  https://isj.vs.edu.ro/download/notiuni-generale-programe-scolare-Religie-.doc.

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LILIAN RAŢĂ State University of Moldova

Abstract The sermon has the same nature and the same functions as the rhetorical discourse. The dialogue between Socrates and Gorgias described by Plato emphasizes that the basic function of rhetoric is conviction. By conviction (also called persuasion) is meant the modifying process of attitudes, beliefs, opinions or behaviors. Only a thought in advance and based on reflexive activity communication can become reflective. A good rhetorician can solve any conflict without confrontation, persuading others to accept his point of view and leading the public opinion to taking action. The persuasive function is achieved by knowing the needs / problems of the person we are discussing with and by identifying the ways to offer the right solutions. Persuasion is based on rational arguments rather than on coercion or wrong information. In communication, it is important to chisel the message and to know the permissiveness of the reception and transmission channel of the message, as well as the ability of those who communicate to encode and decode the message.

Keywords: Communication, sermon, competence, oratory, persuasion.


 Biblia sau Sfânta Scriptură, Bucureşti, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, 1988.  30 de exerciţii de dicţie. Vorbiţi mai clar şi mai convingător. Available: https://www.traininguri.ro/exercitii-de-dictie/.  Campbell, G., The philosophy of rhetoric, Southern Illinois University Press, 1988. Available: https://muse.jhu.edu/book/21762.  Dex online. Retorica, 2018. Available: https://dexonline.ro/definitie/retorica.  Johnson, The rhetoric triangle. Available: http://slideplayer.com/slide/5990848, 2018.  Perelman, C., The New Rhetoric (pp. 145-149), in: Bar-Hillel Y. (Eds). Pragmatics of Natural Languages. Synthese Library (Monographs on Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, Philosophy of Science, Sociology of Science and of Knowledge, and on the Mathematical Methods of Social and Behavioral Sciences), vol 41. Springer, Dordrecht, 1971.  Sălăvăstru, Constantin, Teoria şi practica argumentării, Iaşi, Polirom, 2003.  Scheau, I., Leviţchi, I., ş.a., Comunicare, Chişinău, Cuvântul ABC, 2013.  Tacu, M., Persuasiunea: Arta sau puterea de a convinge, în: Studia Universitatis. Revistă ştiinţifică a Universităţii de Stat din Moldova, 2007.

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NATALIA LOZAN "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia

Abstract One of the main weapons used by the communist regime was the ideological propaganda. Religion, being „deprived of truth”, useless and dangerous, had to be combated by all means. Instead, the „dialectical materialism” and communist atheism had to be installed. Once with the elaboration of the atheist education „content”, were established techniques and methods of transmitting them to the whole society. The official atheist propaganda had not to leave room for faith in God. In addition to the violent measures taken against religion, has widely been applied the ideological weapon, aiming to cease the religious concepts in all social groups, especially among children and young people. Thus, the religion had to be excluded from the life of the „soviet man”, and instead being imposed the communist ideology in all its aspects.

Keywords: communist regime, communist atheism, ideological propaganda, religion, atheistic education.


 Igor, Caşu, „Politica naţională” în Moldova Sovietică (1944-1989), Chişinău, Cartdidact, 2000.  Iancovinescu, Ioana, Părintele Voicescu, un duhovnic al cetăţii, Bucureşti, Editura Bizantină, 2002.  Tihonov, Ludmila, Politica statului sovietic faţă de cultele din R.S.S. Moldovenească (1944- 1965), Chişinău, Prut International, 2002.  Gribincea, Mihai, Basarabia în primii ani de ocupaţie sovietică (1944-1950), Cluj-Napoca, 1995.  Valeriu, Valeriu, Asprul adevăr al istoriei: Deportări de pe teritoriul RSS Moldoveneşti în anii 40-50, Chişinău, Editura Arc, 2000.  Ciorbă, Veaceslav, Biserica Ortodoxă din Basarabia şi Transnistria (1940-2010), Chişinău, Pontos, 2011.

Web resources

 Victor Dogaru, Lupta împotriva religiei prin aşa numitul „ateism-ştiinţific” în regimul comunist. Available: https://dogaruvictor.blogspot.com/2016/07/lupta-impotriva-religiei-prin- asa.html.

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VEACESLAV IORDACHESCU State University of Moldova

Abstract The subject of religious tolerance is increasingly imperative in contemporary society. According to the study of the social progress index, the lack of religious tolerance is placed on the 7th place in the list of concerns of the population of the Republic of Moldova. One way to reduce religious intolerance is to implement the religious education in the educational sistem. Each country have an individual model of religious education, it depends of national specifics, traditions and history. The issue of religious intolerance and religious discrimination, was studied through the questionnaire applied, after the introduction of the optional religion course in public school. The analysis of the answers allowed us to ascertain the contribution of Christian-Orthodox education at the increasing of level of religious tolerance. Thus we reaffirm the necessity of axiological formation of students in the spirit of Christian love and religious tolerance.

Keywords: religious literacy, religious tolerance, tolerance, pupils, religious curriculum.


 Buda, D., Misiunea Bisericii Ortodoxe în lumea contemporană, în Revista Teologică, 2018. Available: https://www.revistateologica.ro/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/ Misiunea-Bisericii- Ortodoxe-în-lumea-contemporană.pdf.  Cuciureanu, M., Velea, S., Educaţia moral-religioasă în sistemul de educaţie din România, Bucureşti, Editura Institutului de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, 2008.  Cucoş, C., Posibilităţi de integrare a conţinuturilor la disciplina Religie în învăţământul românesc, în: Dialog Teologic. Revista Institutului Teologic Romano-Catolic, Iaşi, 2002, Anul 5, nr. 9.  Education et diversite religieuse en Mediterranee occidentale, 2014. Available: https://book.coe.int/eur/fr/droits-de-l-homme-citoyennete-democratique-et- interculturalisme/6104-education-et-diversit-religieuse-en-mditerrane-occidentale.html.  Iordachescu, V., Predarea religiei în şcoală: oportunitate umanistică şi promovare a valorilor creştine, în: Univers Pedagogic, 2018, nr. 2(58).  Korpela, Salla, Finnish schools: Religion lessons support kids’ identities, 2010. Available: https://finland.fi/life-society/religion-lessons-support-kids-identities/.  Railean, C., Toleranţa în sistemul autohton al valorilor. Analiza atitudinii noastre faţă de cei care nu sunt ca noi, 2017. Available: http://www.platzforma.md/arhive/37543.  Şelaru, S., Vâlcu, G., Studiul Religiei (SR) în şcolile publice din statele membre ale Uniunii Europene, în Revista Studii Teologice, nr.1, 2012, pp. 229-252.  Ştefan, Flavia-Tania, The role of education in the problem of tolerance, în Discourse as a form of multiculturalism in literature and communication, Section: Psychology and Education sciences, Târgu Mureş, Editura Arhipelag XXI Press, 2015.

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ANASTASIA OLOIERU "Ion Creangă" State University of Pedagogy of Chişinău

Abstract The article analyzes the family from different perspectives, focusing on the economic aspect. Theories are briefly presented, which attempt to explain the functionality of the family, each having its own concepts, positions and methods of investigation. These theories can be used in microeconomic family research as it reflects the stages of family evolution, its functions, the link between its members, and a multitude of issues related to income distribution, division of roles, involvement of children in decision-making family, learning domestic behaviors, which ultimately underpin an economic family culture that can be successfully passed from generation to generation. The practical part of the article includes the investigation of pupils and parents skills and attitudes regarding the family's economic culture. Basic activities including questioning, observing, assessing parents and students about the basic aspects of family economic culture. Thus, in this article are presented and analyzed the results of the pedagogical experiment.

Keywords: family, household, education, economic education, economic culture.


 Bonchiş, Elena, Familia şi rolul ei în educarea copilului, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2011.  Cuzneţov, Larisa, Tratat de educaţie pentru familie. Pedagogia familiei, Chişinău, Editura CEP USM, 2008.  Iluţ, Petru, Sociopsihologia şi antropologia familiei, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2005.  Neagoe, Alexandru, Asistenţa socială a familiei şi copilului: O abordare sistemică, Iaşi, Editura Aula Magna, 2015.  Segalen, Martine, Sociologia familiei, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2011.  Simcenco, Irina, Valorificarea pedagogică a culturii postfigurative în educaţia familială, Chişinău, 2016.  Stăniloaie, Dumitru, Teologia dogmatică ortodoxă. Vol.III, Bucureşti, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, 1978.  Voinea, Maria, Sociologia familiei, Bucureşti, Editura Universitatea Bucureşti, 1993.

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ŞTEFAN ŞUTEU "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca

Abstract Terms such as ”image”, ”religion”, ”value”, ”family”, ”education”,”hieroglyph”, ”history” and ”Bible” are so impregnated with meanings (as possible worlds), that my title should be simplified. And for all that... In Introduction I have to elucidate two concepts: ”Mirror Image” and ”Value”, specifying that the description of magical objects belongs to extrabiblical texts, and the supernatural objects to the biblical texts. The present article aims to analyze a magical practice from Dimitrie Cantemir’s work Hieroglyphic History (1705) versus a supernatural practice from Bible and transmission of religious values in the relationship between parents and children, between teachers and students.

Keywords: Mirror image, value, education, family, Hieroglyphic History, Bible.


 Butler, David, Four Questions on Visual Self-recognition: Development, Evolution, Function and Mechanisms, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015.  Cantemir, Dimitrie, Descrierea Moldovei, Bucureşti, Editura Minerva, 1986.  Cantemir, Dimitrie, Istoria ieroglifică, vol. II, Bucureşti / Chişinău, Editura Litera Internaţional, 2001.  Citatepedia: http://www.citatepedia.ro/index.php?id=119664.  Dragomir, Silviu, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu (ed.), Larousse – Marele dicţionar al psihologiei, Bucureşti, Editura Trei, 2006.  Eşanu, Andrei (coord.), Neamul Cantemireştilor (Bibliografie), Chişinău, Editura Pontos, 2010.  Haag, James W., Gregory R. Peterson, Michael L. Spezio (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Religion and Science, London & New York, Routledge, 2012.  Hartman, Geoffrey, Daniel T. O’Hara (eds.), The Geoffrey Hartman Reader, New York, Fordham University Press, 2004.  Mattison, William C. III, Introducing Moral Theology: True Happiness and the Virtues, Grand Rapids, Brazos Press, 2008.  Mellinkoff, Ruth W., The Horned Moses in Medieval Art and Thought, Eugene, OR, Wipf & Stock, 1997.  Pascal, Blaise, Misterul lui Isus, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Dacia.  Riley, Michael W., Plato’s Cratylus: Argument, Form, and Structure, Amsterdam & New York, Rodopi, 2005.

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ECATERINA BRĂGUŢĂ State University of Moldova

Abstract Image of the Virgin Mary as Mother of God is a central image of Orthodoxy. In the current study we aimed to analyze how do the Christians receive the image of the Virgin Mary. Orthodox hymnography is a genuine and very rich source from which we can constitute the maryologic concept. There a lots of forms of orthodox hymnographie; we will analyze a single one – the Akathist Hymn, especially the Akathists dedicated to the Mother of God. Many features of the Virgin Mary are played using the deverbal nouns that transmit simultaneously the processuality and the result. Our article analyzes deverbal nouns structurally and quantitatively as mechanisms for establishing the concept Theotokos.

Keywords: concept, deverbal nouns, Mother of God, Theotokos, orthodoxy, hymnographie, akathist.


 Buchet de Acatiste ale Maicii Domnului, Editura Biserica Ortodoxă - Alexandria, 2001.  *** Formarea cuvintelor, volumul I, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, 1970.  Goicu, Viorica, Derivarea cu sufixe neologice în româna contemporană, Timişoara, Editura Augusta, 2002.  Sternin, I.A., Popova, Z.D., Lingvistica cognitivă, Moscova, 2007.

Web resources

 Bria, Ion, Maica Domnului – Născătoare de Dumnezeu. Available: https://www.crestinortodox.ro/religie/maica-domnului-nascatoarea-dumnezeu-69550.html  Eco, Umberto, Tratat de semiotică generală. O teorie a „minciunii”. Available: http://www.scritub.com/literatura-romana/carti/TRATAT-DE-SEMIOTICA-GENERALA- U12724.php  Козлов, Максим, Акафист в истории православной гимнографии. Available: http://www.liturgica.ru/bibliot/akafist.html

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IULIANA BABIN "Ion Creangă" State University of Pedagogy of Chişinău

Abstract Moldovans have always respected the beautiful winter customs, which have meant faith, kindness, wealth. In this article I aimed to study customs and traditions in the New Year's Eve: „Plugusorul”, „Semanatul”, „Sorcova”, „Christmas”, „Folk Theater”, „Malanca”, etc., which are brought annually in the homes and courtyards of the people. Various variants, interpreted differently, they remain beautiful everywhere. The Republic of Moldova, being in the vicinity of the Ukraine, has some common traits (analogies). Analyzing the known mutual influence of these ethnic cultures, We wanted to compare some Moldovan customs with others – of the region of Ukraine and investigated the origin of these common customs, cultural interferences. Winter customs are characteristic of the whole country, they are many, varied and very rich. The mystery of the winter holidays continues the New Year to cross the boundaries of the times, introducing the man, full of faith and kindness, to another world. The holidays related to the beginning of the year have an ancient origin and are based on man's faith in his power to influence nature, the course of events, to remove evil spirits and to attract beneficial, protective ones. On these occasions, specific songs, texts with ecclesiastical features were performed, but grandiose were also celebrated, dramatic representations, wedding stagings. These customs were preserved after Christianity, and the church sought Christian meanings over the ancient pagan symbols. However, the primordial function of the winter rituals remained the same: the belief that by their participation man acquires the spiritual force to influence the unfolding of the whole cycle of human and natural life.

Keywords: customs, traditions, cultural interferences, Plugusorul, Semanatul, Christmas, Folk Theater (Malanca).


 Adăscăliţei, Victoria, Istoria unui obicei, în „Pluguşorul”, Iaşi, 1987.  Băieşu, Nicolae, Tradiţii etnofolclorice ale sărbătorilor de iarnă, Chişinău, 2008.  Bolfosu, Svetlana, Moisei, Ludmila, Practici de valorificare a patrimoniului cultural în sistemul educaţional, în Cercetarea şi valorificarea patrimoniului cultural naţional şi universal în sistemul educaţional. Culegere de studii. Ursu, V. (Ed.), Chişinău: „Garomont- Studio”, 2016, pp. 168-175.  Burada, Teodor, Istoria teatrului în Moldova, Chişinău, 1991.  Cantemir, Dimitrie, Descrierea Moldovei, Chişinău, 1992, p. 127.  Creaţia populară, Chişinău, 1991.  Cringoiu, Dumitru, Legătura dintre tradiţie şi datini, în Lumina, 2013.  Folclor din Moldova, Bucureşti, 1996.  Folclor din Bugeac (alc. Gr. Botezatu, I. Buruiană, N. Băieşu ş.a.), Chişinău, Ştiinţa, 1982.  Folclor din nordul Moldovei (alc. Gr. Botezatu, I. Buruiană, N. Băieşu ş.a.), Chişinău: Ştiinţa, 1983.  Folclor din Ţara Fagilor (alc. Gr. Botezatu, I. Buruiană, N. Băieşu ş.a.), Chişinău, Hyperion, 1993.  Folclor din Ţara Fagilor, Chişinău, 1993.

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 Moisei, Ludmila, Ornamentul – fenomen artistico-estetic (Viziuni ontologice şi estetice asupra ornamenticii ţesăturilor tradiţionale), Chişinău, Pontos, 2017.  Filip, Iulian, Primiţi Căluţul? Teatru popular pentru şcoala medie, Chişinău, Literatura artistică, 1983.  Registrul Naţional al Patrimoniului Cultural Imaterial din Republica Moldova, Coord. şt. Buzilă Varvara. Vol. A, Chişinău, Lumina, 2012, 223 p.  Березовська, Вікторія, Зимові свята молдаван Бессарабії у ХIХ столітті (за матеріалами «Кишинівських єпархіальних відомостей»), în Науковий вісник Ізмаїльського державного гуманітарного університету: збірник наукових праць. Серія «Історичні науки», Ізмаїл : РВВ ІДГУ, 2017, с. 156-161.  Воропай, Олекса, Звичаї нашого народу, Київ, Оберіг, Том 1-2, 1993.  Кожолянко, Григорій, Дослідження зимової календарної обрядовості молдаван у другій половині ХХ ст., în Русин, 2010, №2 (20), c. 142-147.  Мироненко, Ярослав, Молдавские и украинские новогодние песни, Москва, 1989.  Мойсей, Антоній, Зимові карнавальні традиції східно-романського населення Буковини, în Етнологія, 2009, №16, c. 157-169.  Попович, Юрий, Молдавские новогодние праздники, Кишинев, Штиинца, 1978.  Скуратівський, Василь, Дідух. Київ, Ocвіта, 1995.  Славянский и балканский фольклор, Москва, 1989.  Харчишин, Ольга, Дослідження українсько-молдовських етнокультурних зв’язків у радянській фольклористиці: сучасне прочитання, în: Українсько-молдовські етнокультурні зв’язки, Т. 1: Міжнародні наукові читання пам’яті академіка Костянтина Поповича, Кишинів, 2015, cc. 321-329.  Харчишин, Ольга, З історії дослідження фольклору українців Молдови (1870-1930-ті рр.) în Народознавчі зошити, 2015, № 2, cc. 370-375.  Щедрий вечір. Колядки, щедрівки, засівалки, Київ, 1992.

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AUGUSTINA ZBANCĂ Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract An updated approach to the teaching and learning of the fable in primary classes from the perspective of ethical and moral values. Essential changes in the system of values, attitudes, behaviors that occur in society have an obvious impact on the applied education process today. Hence the role of the school teacher to examine and consider the imperative of connecting these changes to the construction of didactic approaches and design, to form new pedagogical concepts on the methodological and didactical reconsideration of curricular content, in this case teaching - learning the fabula during the primary cycle. In order to do this, it is necessary to reconfigure the methodological vision and the didactic paths recommended by the curriculum of the primary classes, to propose some changes in the traditional approach of the teaching-learning of the fabula by the young pupils, to develop recommendations and new didactic products in order to streamline the instructive-educational teaching process of fabula. This type of prose can be studied in the form of four didactic pathways: a) as a fragment of everyday life in the environment in which the pupil grows and forms; b) as behavioral-model context with visual and emotional impact on the child of this age; c) as an offer of communication structures and colloquial / literary language; d) as a literary work offering a functional text of ethical and moral education of pupils.

Keywords: fable, didactic approach, updated approach, ethical-moral values, instructive process, didactic product.


 *** Curriculum şcolar, clasele I-IV, Chişinău, Lyceum, 2010.  Norel, Mariana, Didactica limbii şi literaturii române pentru învăţământul primar, Bucureşti, Grup Editorial ART, 2010.

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CRISTINA STRAISTARI-LUNGU Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract Concerns about the axiological sphere of education necessarily involve defining and / or redefining the value, values of education, and contexts to which they are reported. A brief investigation of the users of the two key terms demonstrates a superficial, approximate understanding of them, the meaning being given being located in the specific field. For example, Early Learning. Examined from an epistemological point of view, such an approach to the problem reveals a clear delimitation of the subject of knowledge from the competences specific to the field of activity, which certifies a vision on competence-based education.

Keywords: axiological sphere of education, values of education, early education, competences specific.


 Cristea, S., Dicţionar de pedagogie, Chişinău – Bucureşti, Grupul Editorial Litera, 2000.  Guţu, Vl., Bucun, N., ş.a. Cadrul de referinţă al curriculumului naţional, Chişinău, Lyceum, 2017.  Guţu, VI., Pâslaru, VI., Grâu, E., Drăguţan, A., Tehnologii educaţionale, Chişinău, Editura Cartier Educaţional, 1998.  Pâslaru, Vl., Drăguţan, A., Grâu, E., Atitudini fundamentale. Constituire, formare, proiectare. Chişinău, Editura Cartier Educaţional, 1998.  Pâslaru, VI., Crişan, Al., Cerkez, M., Curriculum disciplinar de limba şi literatura română. Clasele V-IX. Chişinău, Ştiinţa, 1999.

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IOAN LISNIC Prot. of Floresti, Republic of Moldova

Abstract This article focuses on the biography of Metropolitan Visarion Puiu and on his efforts towards developing religious education system in Bessarabia. The article draws on archival files from the National Archive of the Republic of Moldova, and other additional sources like memoires. Between 1918 and 1935, Visarion Puiu was the head of the Seminary of Chisinau, the exarch of Bessarabian monasteries, and served for 12 years as bishop of Hotin. Mitropolitan Visarion Puiu contributed to the development of religious life in different cities of Bessarabia, like Chisinau, Balti, Edinet, and in Bessarabian monasteries.

Keywords: Bessarabia, Bishop of Bessarabia, Visarion Puiu, Orthodox Seminary of Chisinau, Orthodox Seminary of Balti, Orthodox Seminary of Edinet, Education.

References  Arhiva Naţională a Republicii Moldova (ANRM)., F. 1862, inv. 10, d. 1.  Arhiva Naţională a Republicii Moldova (ANRM)., F. 1217, inv. 1, d. 372.  Arhiva Naţională a Republicii Moldova (ANRM)., F. 706, inv. 1, d. 1049.  Anuarul Episcopiei Hotinului, Chişinău, Tipografia Eparhială, 1925.  Anuarul Seminarului Teologic Superior “Mitropolitul Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni” din Chişinău, Chişinău, Tipografia Eparhială “Cartea Românească”, 1926.  Anuarul Episcopiei Hotinului, Chişinău, Tipografia Eparhială, 1930.  Cuciulschi, Teodor, Pr., Câteva cuvinte despre Episcopia Hotinului, în Revista Luminătorul, nr. 10, 1933.  Drăgoi, Eugen, Pr., Arhimandritul Visarion Puiu. Documente inedite 1908-1917, Galaţi, Editura Episcopiei Dunărea de Jos, 2005.  Negru, Nina, Misiunea Ortodoxă de peste Nistru în timpul celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial, în Revista Destin Românesc, nr. 1, 2001.  Parhomovici, Iosif M., Scurtă schiţă istorică despre Societatea Istorico-Arheologică Bisericească din Basarabia, în Revista Societăţii Istorico-Arheologice Bisericeşti din Basarabia, vol. XIX, 1929.  Puiu, Visarion, Mitropolit, Însemnări din viaţa mea, Iaşi, Editura Trinitas, 2004.  Stavarache, Dumitru, Mitropolitul Visarion Puiu, Documente din pribegie (1944-1963, vol. I), Paşcani, Editura Moldopress, 2002.  Tomescu, Constantin N., Şcoala de cântăreţi din mănăstirea Dobruşa, în Buletinul eparhial, Episcopia Hotinului, nr. 19 – 20, 1928.  Tomescu, Constantin N., 10 ani de la reînfiinţarea Episcopiei Hotinului, Bucureşti, 1934.  Tomescu, Constantin N., Prof. Univ., Mitropolitul Visarion al Transnistriei la mormântul mitropolitului Gavriil Bănulescu, în sf. mănăstire Căpriana şi la fosta lui reşedinţă din Dubăsari, în Revista Luminătorul, nr. 5-6, 1943.  Valenciuc, D., Visarion Puiu, Mitropolit al Bucovinei, un martir al demnităţii ortodoxe, în Revista Analele Bucovinei, 2004.

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TUDOR ŞANDROVSCHI Technological College of Chisinau

Abstract Moral, spiritual and professional education represents some elements within human being’s process of teaching along the lifetime, they being interdependent and simultaneous within the educational process. Entrepreneurship skills represent some of basic abilities coming from professional education, but their mastering is also due to moral and spiritual education. Moral and spiritual education based on Christian Orthodox teachings relies on some specific educational paradigmatic principles, meant to develop a complex personality with well-defined goals and life meaning, with sense and result of self-development and social integration. This paper comprises some ideas regarding paradigmatic principles of mastering the Christian Orthodox teachings that have a main impact on development of entrepreneurship skills and generally, of any human entity across his/her life, thus comprising professional education too.

Keywords: paradigmatic principles, perfection, faith, love, free will.


 Biblia sau Sfânta Scriptură, tipărită cu binecuvântarea ÎPS Vladimir, Mitropolit al Chişinăului şi al Întregii Moldove, Chişinău, 2004, (http://www.bibliaortodoxa.ro/).  Cucoş, Constantin, Istoria pedagogiei. Idei şi doctrine pedagogice fundamentale, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2001.  Credincioşii ocoliţi de depresie. De ce nivelul de spiritualitate protejează creierul? http://www.evz.ro/credinciosii-ocoliti-de-depresie-de-ce-nivelul-de-spiritualitate-protejeaza- creierul-1074998.html.  Moşin, Octavian, De la suflet la suflet: Cugetări creştine pentru omul de astăzi, Chişinău: CEP USM, 2015.  Sfântul Grigorie de Nazianz, Cele cinci Cuvântări despre Dumnezeu, (http://tineretulortodox.md/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Sf.-Grigorie-de-Nazianz-Cele-cinci- Cuvantari-despre-Dumnezeu.pdf).  Sfîntul Ioan Damaschin, Dogmatica, (http://www.google.md/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahU KEwjBnOLD8bLPAhVMiSwKHbyuDNMQFggbMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.manasti rea-sireti.md%2Fuploads%2Fbooks%2Fro%2FSf.%2520Ioan%2520Damaschin%2520- %2520Dogmatica.pdf&usg=AFQjCNGeao33ZGQJuNAVENJfiOpKQWL8Hw).  Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur, Problemele vieţii, (http://www.google.md/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahU KEwjP3v_S77LPAhVEDSwKHRonATsQFggbMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hexaimer on.ro%2FHexaimeron%2FSfantul_Ioan_Gura_de_Aur_Problemele_Vietii.pdf&usg=AFQjCN Evy9qO99C9Rhsgkv2I8oEtuOKWnA).  Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur, Scrieri, Partea întâia, Omilii la Facere (I), (https://archive.org/stream/Psb-ColectiaParintiSiScriitoriBisericesti/21SfIoanGuraDeAur- ScrieriI#page/n1/mode/2up).

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 Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur, Scrieri, Partea a doua, Omilii la Facere (II), (https://archive.org/stream/Psb-ColectiaParintiSiScriitoriBisericesti/22SfIoanGuraDeAur- ScrieriIi#page/n1/mode/2up).  Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur, Scrieri, Partea a treia, Omilii la Matei, (https://archive.org/stream/Psb-ColectiaParintiSiScriitoriBisericesti/23SfIoanGuraDeAur- ScrieriIii#page/n1/mode/2up).  Sfântul Maxim Mărturisitorul, Scrieri, Partea a doua, Scrieri şi epistole hristologice şi duhovniceşti, (https://archive.org/stream/Psb- ColectiaParintiSiScriitoriBisericesti/81Sf.MaximMarturisitorul-ScrieriIi#page/n1/mode/2up).  Sfântul Simeon Noul Teolog, Imnurile iubirii dumnezeieşti, (http://www.google.md/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahU KEwiiiLDm7rLPAhVDiSwKHTltAGgQFggbMAA&url=ftp%3A%2F%2Fftp.logos.md%2F Biblioteca%2F_Colectie_RO%2FSimeon%2520Noul%2520Teolog%2520- %2520Imnurile%2520Iubirii%2520Dumnezeiesti.pdf&usg=AFQjCNFrhRmfPmqPQJkYK05 APMG-0ChfvA).  Sfântul Vasile Cel Mare, Scrieri, Partea a treia, Despre Sfântul Duh. Corespondenţă (Epistole), (https://archive.org/stream/Psb- ColectiaParintiSiScriitoriBisericesti/12SfVasilieCelMare-Scrieri#page/n1/mode/2up).  Sfântul Vasile Cel Mare, Scrieri, Partea întâia, Omilii la Hexaemeron. Omilii la Psalmi. Omilii şi Cuvântări, (https://archive.org/stream/Psb- ColectiaParintiSiScriitoriBisericesti/17SfVasileCelMare-ScrieriI#page/n1/mode/2up).  Осипов, Алексей Ильич, Основные проблемы духовной жизни современного человека (Лекция. г.Пушкино, 2015.03.18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3KrEDgGGxU).

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ANGELA DASCAL Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract Early education is the central axis of the policy of a state, the basic factor in the transmission and creation of new cultural and general human values. The child's penetration of culture occurs in the family during the first years of his life and continues in the kindergarten, school. Kindergarten is the first institution that makes the child aware of the values of folk creations, to preserve and cultivate the interest in knowing the traditions, the beauty of folklore, the dance, the song and the popular port.

Keyword: early education, national values, general-human values, integrated activity.


 Cemortan, Stela, Educaţie civică la preşcolari, Chişinău, Editura Stelpart, 2010.  Granaci, Lidia, Sărbători, obiceiuri, tradiţii. Activităţi extracurriculare. Ghid pentru cadrele didactice, Chişinău, Editura Epigraf, 2006.  Guţu, Vladimir, Clichici, Veronica, Dascal, Angela (ş.a.), Cadrul de referinţă al educaţiei timpurii, MECC, 2018. Available:http://particip.gov.md/public/documente/137/ro_5632_ Cadrul-de-referina-al-educaiei-timpurii.pdf.  Sârbu, Tănase, Etică: valori şi virtuţi morale, Iaşi, Editura Societăţii Academice Matei Teiu Botez, 2005.

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STELLA DUMINICĂ Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract In the literary education activities, the main goal of the teaching staff is to select literary works appropriate to the age of preschoolers in order to educate them in the spirit of love for the country, the people, the language, the work, the nature and the ancestral customs and traditions, to cultivate in their souls the most chosen moral virtues, such as: honor, humility, diligence, generosity, dignity, courage, moral strength, modesty, respect for others, to develop their imagination, thinking and language, be fair, clear and expressive.

Keyword: early education, literary-artistic education, moral values, the literary text, creativity.


 Cemortan, Stela, Jocurile literare, Chişinău, Editura Lyceum, 1998.  Gînju, Stela; Carabet, Natalia; Haheu, Eugenia, Didactica educaţiei preşcolare. Sinteze, Chişinău, Editura Universitatea Pedagogică Ion Creangă, 2012.  Golu, Pantilimon; Verza, Emil; Zlate, Mielu, Psihologia copilului, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1993.  Uşinski, Konstantin, Opere pedagogice alese, Vol. II. E. S. D. O., 1957.

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MIRELA NISTOR "Virgil Madgearu" Economic College, Galaţi

Abstract The present study aims to illustrate, in terms of teaching experience, the close relationship between the consumerism of post-decade society and the notion of patriotism. Ideas have the particularity, platonic speaking, to exist before the birth of people, the creators, but also to survive considerably after the death of the authors who issued and imposed them. Under these circumstances, we have the opportunity to build two types of history: a history of personalities and a history of ideas. If human society, on its path to global globalization, stops for a few moments to return to the idea of moral value – the future will decide. Everything will depend on the level of intellectual, cultural and moral development of each individual, on the consciousness of groups, communities, and peoples, who will know how to appreciate the difficult uphill of their predecessors for millennia, for the realization of the material, cultural and spiritual edifices that we we are enjoying at the beginning of the third millennium. Man, as an axiological being, enriches every value, being the carrier of new faces, new human and natural valences. Individualism, greed, but also the economic or financial crises have exhausted the world, these being the factors that have determined and still determine the reversal of the value scale, especially the moral values which generate stability and human development. The great values of culture, such as patriotism and morals, have been marginalized, although they have been at the foundation of our civilized life for many years. People have lost the honor of being Romanians and became slaves in the accumulation of material goods, preferring poor quality entertainment offered by TV channels, more interested in rating, instead of human modeling. Considering these trends, education is on the verge of decisions that could cause the relocation of confidence in their own identity and the duty to shape the future in the whirlwind of the globalist movement.

Keywords: patriotism, myth, history, moral values, human modeling.


 Bădescu, Ilie, Sociologia si economia problemelor sociale, Bucureşti, Ed. Mica Valahie, 2012.  Cristea Sorin, Pedagogie pentru pregatirea examenelor de definitivat, grad didactic II, grad didactic I, reciclare, Piteşti, Ed. Hardiscom, 1996.  Cucoş, Constantin, Pedagogie, ediţia a II-a revăzută şi adăugită, Iaşi, Ed. Polirom, 2006.  Jinga, Ion, Istrate, Elena, Manual de pedagogie, Bucureşti, Ed. BIC ALL, 2006.  Nedelcu, Elena, Morar, Ecaterina, Cultura civică, Manual pentru clasa a VII-a, Bucureşti, Ed. All Educational, 1999.  Neumann, Victor, Heinen, Armin, Istoria Romaniei prin concept. Perspective altenative asupra limbajelor social-politice, Iaşi, Ed. Polirom, 2010.  Pleşu, Andrei, Minia moralia, Bucureşti, Ed. Cartea Românească, 1988.  Silistraru, Nicolae, Dinamica şi funcţionalitatea dimensiunilor educaţiei, Chişinău, Tipografia UPS „Ion Creangă”, 2001.

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 Stoica, Gabriela, Din istoria culturală a unui concept afectiv – patriotism. Analiză contextual- semantică, Perspective comparative şi diacronice asupra limbii române, Secţiunea Istoria limbii române, filologie, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2016.

Web resources

 Dâncu, Vasile, România făra mituri, 2017. Available: http://revistasinteza.ro/romania-fara- mituri/.  Gabor, Alexandru, Un patriotism al libertăţii, 2016. Dsponibil: http://www.contributors.ro/fara-categorie/un-patriotism-al-liberta%C8%9Bii/.  Kogălniceanu, Mihai, Cuvânt pentru deschiderea cursului de istorie naţională, 2014. Available: https://tiparituriromanesti.wordpress.com/2014/06/17/mihail-kogalniceanu-cuvant- pentru-deschiderea-cursului-de-istorie-nationala-iasi-1843/.  Nicola, Iancu, Manual de patriotism, 2012. Available: https://tiparituriromanesti.wordpress.com/2012/01/18/iancu-nicola-manual-de-patriotism-iasi- 1829/.  Olosu, Petru, Criza morală a lumii. Available: http://www.dacoromania- alba.ro/nr31/criza_morala_a_lumii.htm.  Popescu, N., Naţionalismul pe plaiurile mioritice, 2018. Available: https://foaienationala.ro/naionalismul-pe-plaiurile-mioritice.html.  Zub, Alexandru, Istorie, mit şi demitizare. Marginalia, 2018. Available: http://convorbiri- literare.ro/?p=9564.

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ANTONIO BOLOŢ "Nicolaus Olahus" High School of Technology, Orastie

Abstract We believe that the issues encountered by students but also by teachers in the teaching process nowadays, show a moral crisis. Which are these problems that perturbs the silence, the order, the peace, the cohabitation, the school achievements and the joy of learning and teaching? Here it is: the violence, the incuriosity, the poverty, the imorality. The negative influences from society are spreading towards school, so that because of being disordered, the students lose the aim for learning, so teachers have nothing to do but suspire when seeing their teaching activity leading to nowhere. What can be done? Trying to educate students about ethical principles, the awakening of consciousness, especially during the Romanian Language and Literature class. The purpose of this formative assessment, which is very important, is to educate the moral student or being. It is certainly worth pursuing this objective, because doing so, the impediments/disturbing factors will disappear in time.

Keywords: ethics, moral, education, Romanian school, literature.


 Bernea, Ernest, Treptele bucuriei, Bucureşti, Editura Vremea, 2008.  Boloţ, Antonio, Textul literar. Strategii şi metode eficiente de consolidare a valorilor etice în şcoală, Bacău, Editura Rovimed Publishers, 2016.  Dottrens, Robert (Coord.), A educa şi a instrui. Traducător Manolache Andriescu Andriadi, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1970.  Duţulescu, Fanu-Al., Dicţionarul filosofiei (Înţelesurile a 1300 termeni), Craiova, Editura Scrisul Românesc, s.a.  Giussani, Luigi, Riscul educativ. Creaţie de personalitate şi de istorie. Traducere: Victoria Câmpan, în colaborare cu Mihaela Alina Boancă. Lector: Anna Tetta, Bucureşti, Editura Corint, 2005.  Papilian, Victor, Despre elite şi tineret (Sibiu, 1942-1943), în „Astra clujeană”, anul V, nr. 1- 2, 2008.  Pennac, Daniel, Necazuri cu şcoala. Traducere din limba franceză şi note de Ileana Catuniari, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2008  Pleşu, Andrei, Minima moralia. Elemente pentru o etică a intervalului, Bucureşti, Editura Cartea Românească, 1988.  Sproul, R. C., Etica creştină, http://ro.scribd.com/doc/64920142/Etica-crestina (accesat la data de 15 iulie 2014).

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VICTORIA CAPTARI Institute for Family and Social Initiatives, AOIFIS Chisinau

Abstract Human relationships are communion with others, bringing extraordinary moments, but also deep pains or wounds. In this respect, various aspects of inter-human relationships can be approached, such as husband-wife, parent-child, friends or acquaintances, service relationships, as all of them have something specific each. Each person has a set of values that defines their identity according to their experience and the environment in which they lived. Therefore, violation of needs and own values can lead to aggressive behavior, depends on the model taken from the family of origin and the way in which they expressed their needs and emotions in stressful situations. Aggression is a hostile and destructive attitude that targets one or more people. This is a common social phenomenon, especially among adults who have a system of soul-making in their relationships with others. Aggressive relationships are a non-value for the whole of society because of the small child all these relationships have a negative effect on the development of their own identity and the choice of their life partner. Aggressive relationships can only be of value to society when both partners become aware of the root of aggressive behavior in relation to the other, and then follow a rehabilitation and psychotherapy program to diminish aggression in relation to others.

Keywords: inter-human relationships, human values, types of value orientations, aggression.


 Bandura, A., Dorothea R., and Sheila A. R., Transmisssion of Agression Through imitation of aggressive models, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, (1961) 63, pp. 575-582.  Corduneanu, Loredana, Program specific de asistenţă psihosocială destinat persoanelor cu conduită agresivă, Bucureşti, Tipărit print&grafic, 2009.  Doron, R., Parot, F., Dicţionar de psihologie, Bucureşti, Humanitas, 1999, 2006.  Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I., Agresivitatea umană, Bucureşti, Editura Trei, 1995.  Goleman, Daniel, Inteligenţa emoţională, Bucureşti, Editura Curtea Veche, 2000, 2008.  Kluckhohn, Clyde, Values and value-orientations in the theory of action: An exploration in definition and classification, in Parsons, Talcott, Edward Shils, eds., Toward a general theory of action. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1951, pp. 388-433.  Păunescu, Constantin, Agresivitatea şi condiţia umană, Bucureşti, Editura Tehnică, 1994.  Rokeach, Milton, The nature of human values, New York, Free Press, 1973.  Schwartz, Shalom H., Are there Universal Aspects in the Content and Structure of Values?, Journal of Social Issues, 50, 1994a, pp. 19-45.  Schwartz, Shalom H., Universals in the content and structure of values: Theoretical advances and empirical tests in 20 countries, in Mark Zanna, ed., Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, San Diego, Academic Press, 1992, pp. 1-65.  Tudose, Cerasela, Aspecte psihologice ale agresivităţii umane, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Naţionale de Informaţii, 2003.

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Abstract The therapeutic story brings many benefits mainly to pupils, and to the teacher, subsidiarily. In order to get them, the teacher takes care of the most important aspect: the socio-emotional development of the child who, in the process of education, has the greatest need of attention – the one with CES – but especially in the process of his development as a person being in harmony with himself and the world. We describe the side from which the therapeutic story is a radial point, a point from which it directly refers to many needs of the child. The effects of the story unfold in all the angles of his being. Using the background of a story, the teacher can identify and examine the cases requiring the recovery of pupils with CES and their inclusion among those without dysfunctions and learning difficulties.

Keywords: story, learning, experience, transformation, child with CES.


 Popescu-Cevei, Patricia Lidia, Petre Crăciun, autor de texte pentru copii: „Ca să avem o mare literatură (pentru adulţi), trebuie să avem mai înainte o mare literatură pentru copii” (interviu), 2014. Available: https://.hyperliteratura.ro/petre-craciun-autor-de-texte-pentru- copii/.  Raţiu, Iuliu, O istorie a literaturii pentru copii şi adolescenţi, Chişinău, Editura Prut Internaţional, 2006.

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LIVIU NEAGOE "Dimitrie Cantemir" National College in Oneşti

Abstract The text analyses the cleavages and inequalities from the system of education by starting on the few philosophical assumptions: self-sufficiency; asociality; elitism and intellectualism; authoritarianism and hierarchization; inequality of chances; false competition and bipolarity. As such, the Romanian educational system is self-reproductive with a huge pressure on the exams results achieved by a large industry of meditations. In order to chasing the best results of the students, the system of education is perpetuating the social polarization and misses the most of its students. The organizational culture of school is a paternalist one and lack of autonomy, without a mentoring or life-learning component. In this respect, the university system is also polarized and focusing on achieving a diploma but not producing knowledge or relevant expertise. Investing in human resource, increasing autonomy of schools and universities, within a greater flexibility and predictability, creating educational softs and digitalization of curriculum for training a generation more connected than ever, could be few solutions for improving the quality of education.

Keywords: system of education, reform, cleavages, inequalities.


 ARACIP, Studiu naţional privind stadiul dezvoltării culturii calităţii la nivelul sistemului de învăţământ preuniversitar, 2013. Available: http://beta.aracip.eu/Resurse/Rapoarte%20despre%20starea%20calitatii%20educatiei .  Comisia Prezidenţială pentru analiza şi elaborarea politicilor din domeniile educaţiei şi cercetării, România educaţiei, România cercetării, 2007. Available: http://old.presidency.ro/static/rapoarte/Raport_CPAEPDEC.pdf .  Emil, Păun, Şcoala – abordare socio-pedagogică, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 1999.  European Commission, Education and Training Monitor Romania, 2017. Available: https://ec.europa.eu/education/sites/education/files/monitor2017-ro_en.pdf ,  Gog, Sorin, Ministerul (Sub) – Educaţiei Naţionale, Consiliul Naţional al Rectorilor şi strategia perdantă a universităţilor "World- class" din România, 2018. Available: http://www.criticatac.ro/ministerul-sub-educatiei-nationale-consiliul-national-al- rectorilor-si-strategia-perdanta-a-universitatilor-world-class-din-romania/.  Maci, M., Anatomia unei imposturi – o şcoală incapabilă să înveţe, Bucureşti, Editura Trei, 2016.  Miroiu, Adrian, Învăţământul românesc azi: studiu de diagnoză, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 1998.  Miroiu, Mihaela, Societatea retro, Bucureşti, Editura Trei, 1999.  Moraru, Oana, Şcoala de astăzi: ştii – bine, nu ştii – iarăşi bine. Mergi mai departe pentru că trebuie să hrăneşti sistemul, 2018. Available: https://republica.ro/scoala-de-astazi-stii-bine- nu-stii-iarasi-bine-mergi-mai-departe-pentru-ca-trebuie-sa-hranesti-sistemul.  Ţoc, Sebastian, Sistemul de învăţământ din România – un eşec pentru elevii săraci, 2018. Available: http://www.criticatac.ro/sistemul-de-invatamant-din-romania-un-esec-pentru- elevii-saraci/.

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VERONICA CLICHICI Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract The necessity of the educational action that is approached conceives, executes and offers the child the opportunity to learn to independently choose the activity he / she prefers in his free time. The organization of the child's leisure/free time is defined from the perspective of three basic piles: the family, the kindergarten, the community. In this context, the value of free time is a child's right that stimulates the need to conceptualize education for leisure time in general education.

Keywords: children, family, values, leisure/free time, education.


 Cemortan, Stella, Curriculum preşcolar şi necesitatea dezvoltării lui în conformitate cu noile educaţii, în Revista Studia Universitatis, 5, 2007, pp. 65-68.  Clichici, Veronica, Conceptualizarea educaţiei pentru timpul liber din perspectivă axiologică. Teza de doctor în ştiinţe pedagogice, Chişinău, IŞE, 2015.  Cucoş, Constantin, Pedagogie şi axiologie, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, R.A., 1995.  Cuzneţov, Larisa, Etica educaţiei familiale, Chişinău, Complexul editorial-poligrafic al ASEM, 2000.  Cuzneţov, Larisa, Educaţie prin optim axiologic. Teorie şi practică, Chişinău, S.n., 2010.  Daly, Kerry J., Deconstructing Family Time: From Ideology to Lived Experience, în Journal of Marriage and Family, 63(2), 2001, pp. 283-294.  Sorin, Cristea, Dicţionar de Pedagogie, Chişinău-Bucureşti, Editura Litera, 2000.  Şchiopu, Ursula, Verza, Elena, Psihologia vârstelor: ciclurile vieţii. Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1995.

Web resources

 Guţu, Vladimir, Clichici, Veronica (ş.a.), Cadrul de referinţă al educaţiei timpurii, MECC, 2018. Available: http://particip.gov.md/public/documente/137/ro_5632_Cadrul-de-referina-al- educaiei-timpurii.pdf  Guţu, Vladimir, Vrânceanu, Maria (ş.a.), Standarde de învăţare şi dezvoltare a copilului de la naştere până la 7 ani, MECC, 2018. Available: http://particip.gov.md/public/documente/137/ro_5633_Standarde-de-invatare-si- dezvoltare.pdf

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CRISTIAN ADĂSCĂLIŢEI, ANDRA-MIRABELA ADĂSCĂLIŢEI "Ion Creangă" State University of Pedagogy of Chişinău

Abstract Exploring and choosing a proper career are the most important steps of development. Vocational identity, a concept synonymous with occupational identity and professional identity in the literature, contains the pre/adolescents options concerning school and career (aptitudes, abilities, values, skills, preferred disciplines). Vocational development is influenced by the character, by the social, economical and cultural context (Adams & Berzonsky, 2009). School adaptation implies the action of modification, adjustment, transformation of the child to become „able” for school, capable to cope with the educational requirements. Prevention of the difficulties of adaptation at the transition to another stage of schooling tends to balance between „assimilation” and „accommodation”. Therefore, the development of vocational identity becomes the more complex in his capacity of the premise of the prevention of the difficulties of adaptation. The opportunities of vocational development of the preadolescents are generated by the purposes of education, but on this contribute and extracurricular activities such as: volunteering, summer schools, hobbies, free time activities. Strong vocational commitments doubled by increased vocational exploration are important resources for positive pre/adolescents adaptation.

Keywords: vocational identity, prevention of the difficulties of adaptation, preadolescents, vocational development.


 Adams, G.R., Berzonsky, M.D. (coordonatori), Psihologia adolescenţei. Manualul Blackwell, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2009, 701 p.  Baban A., Consiliere educaţională. Ghid metodologic pentru orele de dirigentie si consiliere, Cluj-Napoca, Editura ASCR, 2009, 308 p.  Bogdan-Tucicov, Ana, Chelcea, Septimiu, Golu, Mihai, Golu Pantelimon, Mamali Cătălin, Pânzaru Petru, Dicţionar de psihologie socială, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, 1981.  Jigău, M. (redactor), Consilierea carierei. Compediu de metode şi tehnici, Bucureşti, Editura Sigma, 2007, 683 p.  Cristea, Sorin, Educaţia vocaţională, în „Didactica Pro”, 2005, Nr. 2 (30).  Cucoş, C., Pedagogie, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2006, 463 p.  Hyejin, An, Seung-Hee, Lee, Career exploration behavior of Korean medical students, în „Korean Journal of ”, 2017, 29 (3), pp. 175-185.  Papuc, L., Cojocaru, M, Sadovei, L., Rurac, A., Teoria educaţiei: suport de curs, Univ. Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă”, Chişinău, 2006.  Negovan, Valeria, Relaţia identitate profesională – model parental, în „Revista de pedagogie şi asistenţă socială, 2004, nr. 16-17, pp. 28-39.  Norbert, Sillamy, Dicţionar de psihologie Larousse, Bucureşti, Ed. Univers enciclopedic, 1998, 112 p.

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 Piaget, Jean, Psihologie şi pedagogie, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1972.  Popescu-Neveanu, P., Dicţionar de psihologie, Bucureşti, Editura Albatros, 1978.  Rădulescu-Motru, C., Personalismul energetic în „Opere alese”, V. 1, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 2005.  Rudică, T., Devierile comportamentale ale elevilor şi combaterea lor. Eşecul la învăţătură şi prevenirea lui, în „Psihopedagogie pentru examenele de definitivare şi grade didactice”, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2005.  Super, D.E., A life-span, life-space approach to career development, în „Vocational Behavior”, 1980, 16(3), pp. 282-298.

Web resources

 Crocetti, E. Identity formation in adolescence: The dynamic of forming and consolidating identity commitments, în „Child Development Perspectives”, nr. 11, pp. 145-150. Available: https//:doi.org/10.1177/1073191115584969.  Negru-Subţirică, O., Pop, I.E., Asociaţii reciproce între identitatea educaţională şi identitatea vocaţională: o investigaţie în trei etape. J.Youth Adolescence. Available: https//DOI//10.1007/s10964-017-0789-y (vizitat 31.07.2018).

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IOANA CORINA ROTARU "Ion Creangă" State University of Pedagogy of Chişinău

Abstract Preteen is a young spirited, lively and eager to learn as much as possible. He is characterized by great sensitivity and successive passages from one state to another and he is aware of himself, when the first events of the future and destiny appear. Analysis of technological progress and his evolution is a crucial argument for technological education. Technological education has always played an important role in the preparation of preadolescents for life in society. This type of education is imposed by itself because science and technology is highly developed. While we are in a permanent scientific evolution, preteens should have sufficient technical knowledge to know how to integrate them effectively in everyday life.

Keywords: preteens, technological education, skills, the originality crisis, creative energies.


 Şchiopu, Ursula, Criza de originalitate la adolescenţi, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi pedagogică, 1997.  Faure, Edgar, A învăţa să fii, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi pedagogică, 1974.  Cucoş, Constantin, Pedagogie, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2014.  Kudreavţev, T.V., Psihologia gândirii tehnice, Editura Didactică şi pedagogică, 1981.  Momanu, Mariana, Introducere în teoria educaţiei, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2002.

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MARCELA CRISTINA STAN Orthodox Theological Seminary in Cluj Napoca

Abstract Children’s literature began to departure from folk literature, becoming a distinct area, which re- told the past and conferred meaning to untold mysteries of the world. As inspiration sources we find myths, legends and fables. Children’s literature can be seen as an intergenerational text. Fantasy literature recreates past meanings and proves to be a successful recipe for many authors. One of these was Frank Lyman Baum, who wrote, at the turn of the century The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. In the preface, the author mentions folklore as a souce of inspiration. But his novel tends to be a modern fairytale, because we can recognise a mythical strata: the fight between Good and Evil forces, the Hero with his friends and helpers, the challenges, the repetitive number and colours and the bildungsroman or self-discovery journey. The novel gives us multiple reading keys and the intertext generates a continuous textual coding and decoding.

Keywords: children’s literature, fantasy, modern fairytale, bildungsroman, intertext.


 Baum, Frank L., Viaţa şi aventurile lui Moş Crăciun, Vrăjitorul din Oz, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 2008.  Carpenter, Humphrey, Prichard, Mari, The Oxford Companion to Children’s Literature, Oxford, New York, Oxford University Press, 1984.  Gates, Pamela S., Steffel, Susan B. Molson, Francis J., Fantasy Literature For Children And Young Adults, Maryland, And Oxford, Then Scarecrow Press, Lanham, 2003.  Langley, Noel, Ryerson, Florence and Allen Woolf,Edgar, The Wizard of Oz, Movie- script,1939,Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Available: http://www.wendyswizardofoz.com/printablescript.htm, 17.07.2011.  Montandon , Alain, Basmul cult sau tărâmul copilăriei (Micul Prinţ, Pinocchio, Vrăjitorul din Oz, Peter Pan, Povestea fără sfârşit), traducere şi prefaţă de Muguraş Constantinescu, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 2004.  Propp, V.I., Rădăcinile istorice ale basmului fantastic, traducere de Radu Nicolau, prefaţă de Nicolae Roşianu, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1973.

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MIRONA OLIVIA CRIŞAN "Dorin Pavel" Technical College in Alba Iulia

Abstract There are a few contemporary novels that attract both children and adults in such a big number. Wonder by R.J.Palacio, the pen-name of the New York based graphic designer Raquel Jaramillo, has earned such fame. It is a children’s novel at the core, but the entire writing technique is engaging and your dashed expectations are met. The multiple-narrators gravitate towards a quite simple storyline. August (Auggie) Pullman is the main character who has a facial malformation, and has been home-schooled until the fifth grade. The novel starts at the time of great change, and Auggie has to adapt to school life and new friends. The readers learn important life- lessons as: loyalty, acceptance, fair-play, kindness and diversity. Both for the child and adult reader, the present novel represents a mutation in judgment and view of the world.

Keywords: contemporary novel, writing technique, multiple-narrators, mutation, view of the world.


 Aiken, Joan, The Way to Write for Children, Penguin Books, London, England, 1998. “A good children’s book makes complex experience available to its readers; a good adult book draws attention to the inescapable complexity of an experience.” [t.n.]  Lakatoş, Andrei Eugen, De ce (mai)citim?, de pe Biblioteca Respiro. Available: https://bibliotecarespiro.ro/blog/de-ce-mai-citim.  Manolescu, Nicolae, Literatura pentru copii? în România literară, nr. 25, anul 1997.  Palacio, R.J., Minunea, traducere din limba engleză şi note de Iulia Arsintescu, Bucureşti, Editura Artur, 2013.  Umberto Eco, Şase plimbări prin pădurea narativă, traducere de Ştefania Mincu, Constanţa, Editura Pontica, 1997.

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MARIANA BATOG Institute for Educational Sciences of Chişinău

Abstract In this article we will analyze the significance and impact of lifelong learning and some obtained results in an experimental research conducted within IŞE, on a sample that included various professionals (technicians, teachers, civil servants, health workers, lawyers, arts specialists), concerning the definition of lifelong learning, the significance of this process for society, capacities that can be developed in this context and the impact of lifelong learning.

Keywords: lifelong learning, the significance and impact of lifelong learning, professional categories, personal and professional development.


 Batog, Mariana, Lifelong learning - consideraţii ale cadrelor didactice, în: „Şcoala modernă – provocări şi oportunităţi”. Materialele Conferinţei ştiinţifice internaţionale, 5-7 noiembrie, 2015. Chişinău, editura Cavaioli, 2015, pp. 464-469.  Bolboceanu, Aglaida, Aspecte psihosociale şi psihologice ale învăţării pe tot parcursul vieţii, în „Şcoala modernă – provocări şi oportunităţi”, Materialele Conferinţei ştiinţifice internaţionale, 5-7 noiembrie, 2015, Chişinău, editura Cavaioli, 2015, pp. 397- 402.  Bolboceanu, Aglaida, Pavlenko, Lilia, Abordări epistemologice şi praxiologice ale asistenţei psihologice a învăţării pe tot parcursul vieţii, Revista Univers Pedagogic, 1, 2016, pp. 68-73.  Bolboceanu, Aglaida, Cucer, Angela, Pavlenko, Lilia [et. al.]. Referinţe epistemologice ale asistenţei psihologice în contextul învăţării pe tot parcursul vieţii, Chişinău, Print-Caro, 2018.  Collins English Dictionary. Complete & Unabridged, 2012. Digital Edition© William Collins Sons&Co, Ltd. 1979, 1986. Harper Collins Publishers, 2012.

Web resources

 Codul Educaţiei al Republicii Moldova. Publicat: 24.10.2014, în: Monitorul Oficial, Nr. 319- 324, art. Nr: 634, 2014. Available: http://lex.justice.md/md/355156/  Hotărârea Guvernului RM Nr193.din 24.03.2017 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului cu privire la formarea continuă a adulţilor. Available: https://mecc.gov.md/ro/content/acte- normative-5  Programul Guvernului Republicii Moldova „Integrarea Europeană: Libertate, Democraţie, Bunăstare 2009-2013”, 2009. Available: https://cancelaria.gov.md/sites/default/files/ document/attachments/693271_md_program_de_guve.pdf  Strategia sectorială de dezvoltare „Educaţia 2020” pentru anii 2014 – 2020 a Ministerului Educaţiei, 2014. Available: https://mecc.gov.md/ro/content/politici-0  Strategia consolidată de dezvoltare a învăţământului pentru anii 2011-2015, 2010. Available: http://dmc.utm.md/utilsIRDownloads/acteNL/externe/strategiaConsolidataDezvoltare Invatamint.pdf

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OLTEA BOLDUREANU Metropolitan of Chisinau and of the whole of Moldova, Methodist Cabinet

Abstract The present communication spells out a series of less discussed educational problems in the context of today’s society, by analysing the aspects that stand against the formation of people of integrity, mature and well-balanced people, and discusses about a series of existing educational alternatives, as well as about the necessary components of an educational system or institution that would help in the balanced growth of children and their metamorphosis into personalities, strong people from the physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual points of view. Also, we are presenting the beneficial influence of Orthodoxy on the formingprocess of the individual, the importance of knowing the national patrimony as well as the holistic, integrative and Orthodox approach to education in order to ensure the children’s harmonious development.

Keywords: stress and education, spiritual education, emotional education, homeschooling, orthodox christian education, balance and maturity in education, state education system, spiritual and emotional well-being, family and community, national patrimony.


 Cuviosul Paisie Aghioritul, Viaţa de familie, Bucureşti, Editura Evanghelismos, 2003.  Dumitrache, Sorina Daniela; Mitrofan, Iolanda, Din culisele psihoterapiei experienţiale şi unificatoare, Bucureşti, Editura SPER, 2012.  Hrana pentru suflet – Ediţie ingrijita de protosinghelul Arsenie Vaidas de la Manastirea Sf. Sava, com. Berzunti, jud. Bacau, 2009.  Kohn, Alfie, Parenting necondiţionat, Bucureşti, Multi Media Est Publishing, 2013.  Neill, Alexander Sutherland, Summerhill: A Radical Approach To Child Rearing, Hart Publishing, 1966.  Scripcariu, Adriana, Manual şcolar pentru disciplina opţională PATRIMONIU CULTURAL, Şcoala Agatonia, 2013.  Soescu, Sorina, Oboseala Cronică, Constanţa, Editura LEDA, 2011.  Soescu, Sorina, Sănătate 5D, Constanţa, Editura LEDA, 2013.

Web resources

 Virgiliu Gheorghe: "Oamenii au impresia că dacă îşi duc copilul la şcoală acolo se face educaţie şi punct. Educaţia este cu totul altceva". Available: http://stiri.botosani.ro/stiri/educatie/virgiliu-gheorghe-quotoamenii-au-impresia-ca-daca-isi- duc-copilul-la-scoala-acolo-se-face-educatie-si-punct-educatia-este-cu-totul-altcevaquot.html.

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TUDOR ŞANDROVSCHI Technological College of Chisinau

Abstract Professional education interacts simultaneously and closely with moral and spiritual education (interdisciplinary aspect), both actually representing the component parts of human beings’ education along his/her lifetime. From this aspect, moral and spiritual education based on the teachings of Christian Orthodox values builds up necessary steps for further clear creation of life meanings and purposes as result of acquired professional education. However, the achievement of this goal requires selection of some bases from Christian Orthodox teachings. It is necessary that the focus on the development of educableshall be based on certain specific methodological aspects, so that the purposes shall obtain a well-defined orientation in the capacity of faith vector, as well as well- structured logic regarding stages and meaning of human life. Some of these aspects are included in this paper.

Keywords: rebirth, perfection, faith, love, free will.


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