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JLX. 121 NEWTOWSi JLJ) Pi Pi VOLUME XI. MAY 1888. 'W P NETON, FRTDAY, 4, IT.II ANKEX. NUMBER 18 Mr Martin Raiser of is Philadelphia v Mr.anfreT. S. Andrews of Bridge- Misses Nellie A. and Ida M. Peck of Xext Sunday's offering at will visiting in town for a couple of weeks. Landlord rector port enjoyi Leonard's' hospital- be for diocesan missions and the : Newpiaven spend the week with their ity. - Mrs Alonzo is anxious that the amount assessed on The aunt, Taylor. patent sounding board, equalizing the parish should then be completed- - scale, tuning pin sockets and stationary-musi- c The return of weather finds Dr Spring The firm of II. & Co. of ELEGANT DISPLAY OF SPRING AND SUMMER BOOTS, SHOES AND desk, only found in theMathushek L. D. Wilcoxson quite restored in health S.Blackinan has been dissolved annu- is home from Dan-- SLIPPERS LEADS THEM ALL FOR AND PRI- piano, are worth attention. The Treat and able to answer all calls Hawleyville oy Mrs Ellen Bradley STYLE, QUALITY LOW again. al Mr Blackraan out his Winter. B- - BARNABY GO. & Shepard Co. consent, buying bury, where she has spent the J. CES, TRUTHFUL REPRESENTATIONS, HONEST, RELIABLE GOODS Mr re- k The son of Mr Ira Wildman of Taunton partner," J. T. Lancaster, who AND ALL CLASSES TREATED ALIKE. READ OUR UNAPPROACHABLE Dentist Smith has moves to New Haven. Debts due the visited his brother, has been very ill with typhoid fever. Mr was home from Jer-- . PRICE LIST: DrE. M. also Col firm are to be paid to Mr Blackman, who Eugene Egan Smithy Smith, the sey City, Sunday. doctor's who is soon to assumes the liabilities. sssy father, open the Mr Lawrence Mitchell began moving LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S : -- at New GENTLEMEN'S AND YOUTHS'- - Weantinaug Milford. the house' of Mrs I. B. Harris, last week. DASBTOT. Ladies' Fine French Kid Button Hoots, eve- Gents' Fine Calf Shoes in all sizes Mr O'Dounell, of Brookfield all sizes Coin-wo- n styles, It will be moved about 50 formerly to rsrEISC TRADE ON THE JUMP. ry pair warranted, ami widths, and widths, hand sewed, 4, regular value $5. rods, to the Commissioners have been appointed Spiisf snd Opera Toe; regular value $4 Gents' Fine Calf Dress Shoe, all sizes The celebrated Ives Glover bow pins, sim- Junction, is now telegraph operator at to fit), our ;( to :! 50. styles, southwest, that the new house be into case of Mrs John J. !4 priee and value $3 50 and $4, our and best, for sale by K. F. may inquire the BECOM- 2 2 widths; regular plest Hawley. Hawleyville. SPRING CLOTHING FAST Ladles' Fine (iluze 1'ntent Boots, sizes prices $2 50, $3 and $3 50. begun near the olfl site. Stone, who, some time ago, was sent to to s, all widths, every pair warranted, with or Our Gents' $2 line ot Fine Dress Shoes leads ING ANIMATED. without patent tip, also Front Lnce Boots; them all. Percale shirts at $1 50. S. the Middletown Retreat for the Insane, value .'J to : so, our $2 50. Spring neckwear, Mr S. Scudder began taking milk to regular price Gents' Fine Calf Hand Sewed Boots $4 50. 25 to 25 .Ladies' American Kid arid Bright Dongola Gents' Calf oil cloth 50c, Ingrain carpets to 75c, S0UTHF0ED. the last noticed in the Bee. It was thought at Our Canorous Boots, regular value from $2 to 75c & Hawleyville condensing factory, Policy; Button, all sizes, also Straight and Pebble $2 50, our price $1 75. tapestry Brussels and rugs at Warner the time tliat there was a little crooked- Uoat; regular value from $1 ftti to 4, our pri-e- e 50 ' V " Mrs Clark Davis visits .week. Our Vast Assortment; l Stogy Boots from $1 to $3. "' " Clark's. w;.. her sister in to 8. Rubber Boots ?2. . - ness in the matter. Dr Hubbard of Our Low Manufacturer's Prices; Children's Slioes.sizes !) to 12,(iile.,worth 85c; Shoes from $1 Cheshire,! ' Mzes 13 to 2. Kic., worth 1. Working up. an'jTbewt line of urn. SPOET HILL. and Dr Stearns of Hartford whether a Men's Low shoes In a of styles, at Largest parasols and Bridgeport Our Polits and Courteous Treatment, Ladies' Patent Leather Oxfords, $1 50, regu- below com vrrlety all new, in town is at E. F. Miss Julie TTay of Newtown is with commissioners. Mrs Stone is 45, lar value 2. prices petition. brellas, Hawley's. the blizzard, E. receiv are the to-d- ay and Youths' Shoes $1 During Seeley buyer of or an intending purchaser; Low tihoen and in Boys' from up. her mother of seven the youngest a Slippers great variety of Bags, Trunk and Shawl Straps grandfather. ed a full benefit of wind and snow. lie children, All servo to make th popularity of our estab- - . styles at prices the lowest. at for E. C. the dealer in artist ami Stone is said to prices unapproachable quality. Whitney, goods II. B. II. Hurd of Xew Haven is - that he had almost all the snow babe of three months. lishmeat a Becognized Fact. in works of art, moves his business from Dan- - stay- thought woman who 16 be infatuated with a young bury to South Korwalk. Mr Whitney has mg in town. of Sport Hill in a favorite orchard of an The his clerked for him. OUR CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT bnilt himself enviable reputation in art Mr aud Mrs Judson are welcomed home years' growth. damage to fruit H. BEITITETT. matters during his sojourn and he will give trees was not less than $100. The snow, O. D. has returned from Flori- IS ONE OF THE PRINCIPAL South Xorwalk a store its of taste can from their long stay in Xew, York. Taylor THE UEAI people although on a southern slope, lasted well da. OF OUR STORE. BARGAIN WIIOLESALF AND RETAIL take pride in. lie has had long experience in FEATURES C. S. lairclough and wife of Seymour and, 1, there was a bank in the or the business and is an excellent Indge of May Mrs Hannah Dean died quite suddenly SHOE HOUSE, works of art. were home, Sunday chard 75 feet 60 feet wide and 10 Our Assortment is unapproachable. Danbury News. long, of on West Wooster street. inches measurement. apoplexy Our 10 cent above the bare cost of lUJIlXJUI'OliT, CT. 3 MAIN STREET. Munson Hine started a fire deep by actual prices per Saturday, S. J. Botsford, Palestine, has worked manufacture'. E. F. Hawley's sales of Baker's fertilizers in which got beyond his control and burn-- Rev A. Booth's wife has visited her one day were five tons, which shows how pop up a trade in the production of his Our owned andcobtrolled by ourselves; ed considerable fence. Mrs E. A. Disbrow and old good styles ular they are. daughter, farm, especially his in Danbury. One saved on every article purchased. friends. dairy, profit you Mrs Mallory, who has been with her He sells all he can produce and could dis- --Children's Suits for $3, the thing for John O. Howland, 405 Slain street, makes just granddaughter, Mrs X. J. Oatman, has Mrs Rice and husband have spent a pose of more. There are many Danbur- - school. a specialty of children's shoes. See his ad. gone to Cornwall Bridge. few days at her old home. ians, regular customers, who consider It STRICTLY ALL WOOL SUITS, $3. E. F. Hawley has the cleanest and prettiest ine oooa are to meet once Fred Booth's have been ill a hardship if they miss their weekly sup it'iupiars family very Banks stock of dress goods in town. No old goods, in two weeks during the Summer. At with sore are some ply of his rich golden butter. but all new aud the latest so the ladies throat; better, though Special Value in a Boy's suit for $0. stylos, the last meet debated the sub Goodsell, Strong's Hill, also supplies say. ing, they Miss ElRe is not out of danger and very Thee goods we defy anyone to duplicate out- ject, '"Resolved, That women are more weak. many families in the same line. for loss than side of our est ablishment $81 In every newspaper worthy the name, and useful than men."' Miss L. Robinson William Maple avenue, hatter, at business center where Plumb Hall spent Sunday with his sis Flynn, every reading peo took the affirmative, A. D. Munson the died, last week, from an over dose of OUR MEN'S AND YOUTHS' SUIT ple congregate, may be seen continually the decided in favor of the ter, Mrs Beach Lyon. name W. B. Hall & Co. and the negative. They opium. COUNTERS ARE A STUDY! multitudinous affirmative. Edward and wife were in wares they have to offer. The system of sell Godfrey Ernest a former to at a small a town, Beach, Palestiner, FOR $10 ing every article prone, but of Monday. the manor born we was thoroughly reliable quality, has done much 0XF0ED. believe, surpris Tou can buy an W. B. A large and pleasant party of young week, friends who to make enviable reputation for Hall Married, April 21, Ernest V Stowe to ed, Thursday night by Handsome Cutaway Suits; & Co. people visited Miss Edith Sherwood on to him celebrate his 21st Miss Amy L. Towner. gathered help Elegant 3 and 4 button Sack Suit; her 14th birthday, Wednesday evening, birthday. He is married. Knowing that A Real Norfolk Suit. No time for blow at Charles W. McCord's, Willis Bucking's house ou Great Hill, 2d, a visit much enjoyed by all who met he will meet with storm and Tony English 375 Main ; too sunshine, street, Bridgeport busynlling with in was burned to the there. um- Tou'd really bs surprised to see what $10, ju- carpets. everything it, his friends presentetl him with an 20th ; insurance 700. diciously expended in this department, would do. ground, It is to be hoped that those interested brella. Fine line of ines. fishing rods, reels, hooks, 1. A. Treat has a line yearling colt for in the future comfort and welfare of the The Y. M. C. A. and Helief PANTALOONS. etc., at E. V. Hawley's. the Society sale. coming generation will make an effort to competed for the $10 gold piece offered Downer & Edwards are have the play grounds around the dis Thero's no uaa talking about Barnaby's exchanging". dollar Mr McXichol, former of the by Standish & Thompson for the largest in money for a lull dollar in furniture and car pastor trict school house look a little more Ureat. Hill church, expects to Hold a number of tickets,by collecting the float- pets at 4.rl Main street, Bridgeport. pleasant and attractive than do. PANTS; meeting here, Wednesday evening, 2d. they ing tickets after tne drawing of prizes. The Y. M. C. A. won by 181. The total knows that cut the best Summer dress goods at the 1). M. Uead Co's two little Fred everybody they fitting, AGENTS FOR THE NEW DEERING MOWERS, Friday, April 27, boys, BROOKFIELD. number brought iu was i34.). most stylishly made pants in New England. GBNEEA.L HARDWARE DEALEHS, 383 MAIN STREET, BRIDGEPORT, CT. die Smith and Harold Treat, set the lot Special bargains in ladies', boys' and miss Clark T. Jackson, who has been quite The Y. M. C. A. have a on these useful articles - on fire Smith's. It took organized Prices range es' black hosier- at K. F. Hawley opposite Henry sick with a threatened attack of a number of men some time to pneumo- Checker and Chess club. The Outing extinguish is and will be FROM 90c TO S8. it. nia, rapidly improving club have been out. Spiux; Announcement! The Copeland Bros. Co. announce special able to resume his route, Saturday. inducements. in all departments. Their car E. C. Wiitney is really going to move BARGAINS IN SPRING pet department deserves a careful inspection SHELT0N- - Miss Fox, a former teacher at West his business to South Norwalk. His Jfi?OUR at an immense stock art thev carry, all seasons, A new awuius adorns the store of L. Iron Works, was in town, Sunday. store here was of the and OVERCOATS FAST GOING; DON'T e lijivo now the alterations that of floor coverings. This season the assort worthy jnan completed V. 15. Hubbard & Son. liberal will be WAIT TOO LONG. ment is larger than ever before. The. prices Rev Mr lloyt of Newtown exchanged deserved patronage. It we have marie at our 489 Main in every instance are away down; some spec II. Hubbard was in town with Mr Pierce on Sunday. missed. Warerooms, st., ial lots are offered at reductions. We 'S. looking startling business L. , recommend an visit. alter patent with E. Staples, Miss Miriam is home from Xew The Rogers Silver Plate Co. have one ii"-mcu- early Taylor aim ime. oj uie nesi as imicn room Monday. York for a week's vacation. bought the shop on Rowan street former-

New Ex-Ward- Dav- lot of carriage and ladies' riding whips en ly occupied by S. White and and as a stock as Henry X. Beardslev suf I). Lake succeeded, with much George Jare any just in at E. F. Hawley's at very low prices. Heury & Van Gal will open a hat shop ' fers from malaria. toil and in 20 out of enport tribulation, saving in the buildings of Foster Bros., May 15. S3. So O. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. David I . lii'Pcher has a cat famous as GO lambs during the blizzard. J. MMMMIkWW An order of L'nited American Friends a snaue Killer. Dr Tierce and The best salve iu the world for cuts Elbridge brother spent was last with 56 char- Furniture Estab intent in salt fever with organized, week, ZLvdZaim. Erld-geport- , Bridgeport. bruises, sores, ulcers, rheum, Ruggles & Clark are also out with a Sunday their parents. members. Indies are admitted and St., Ot. sores,' tetter, chapped hands, chilblains ter 433 new awnaij and it could not decorate Swedish on the is are office. is an NEXT TO THE I), M. READ CO. corns and all skin eruptions and posi- help farm becoming eligible to It institution tively cures piles, or no payment requit the store of a more enterprising firm. almost universal. As a rule they give of the nature of mutual insurance and is to sat OTTIR, ed. It guaranteed give perfect Charles S. French and have satisfaction. friendly aid. PBICES isfaction, or money reinnded. thrice 2oc family Arc now as low to Nichols. as good goods can bo sold for. Our Stock per box. For sale by E. F. Hawley. moved Rev Mr Whitcome held a service at C. M. 1 1 oreh &, Co. have opened a hat at 4 30. Mc-Phele- consists of , An old landmark, the Moore place at Southville, Sunday and gentlemen's furnishing store in Huntington Landing, has been demolish Aaron Williams spent Sunday with new block In White street. block is the finest in FUliMTURE OF ALL ed. Benjamin Starr. That among town, KlfDS, an ornament to that beer-smitt- en street. THE RE'S 0RUASOJi The Coram road is UPHOLSTERED GOODS OF being improved by James Lee has finished a milk wagon OUR MANUFACTURE, Oscar Hubbell. for Mallett of Danbury, superior in style Virgil E. Baraum is recovering and W. THE MODEL GRAND RANGE II. has been released on $25,000 Geor Poole proposes to extend his and color. Hawley WH3T ALL OUR HOUSE FURNISH je bail. - house. Our butcher at Obtuse has E S INGS SHOULD NOT BE IN EVERY enterprising v P t - 5'' I V- r- - T been confined to his holds BETHEL- - The world famous Maltbv cave a sat bed; Jo, Jr, : il RESPECT ARTISTIC. ALL THAT the ribbons. Ill-lo- Of all the makes and newest isfactory entertainment at the Tingue Howard McKenzie's house is ap on w leading designs. IS NECESSARY IS TO EXERCISE ' rink. Maurice O'Donnell, who assisted W. street. . The Heinz AMamjaatiaa REFRIGERATOR, tha only porfeit Venti- TASTE AND GOOD JUDGMENT IN The case of and wife against B. Roe at the Junction, is oierator at con- mm ed. ONE lator on tha market. Taylor J. W. Banks of Danbury has the Has no equal in EVERY BUYING. THE i The largest stock of CHILDREN'S CARRIAGE3 and the best in Ewell aud wife has heeu settled. Hawleyville. tract for J. L. Conklin'a house; also market and will WARRANTED. visits S. son's house on Fleet- the style and quality. HARDEST - QUESTION The house of James H. Beard is being Mrs Robert Knox of Bridgeport building L. Jud avenue. burn either wood or 2 This is the only-Rang- Call anl examins our stock and if in nsai of aiytMng in oar line, wj painted. - her father and sister, Sarah Jones. . wood niiri feel TO DECIDE UPON" IS THE ARTICLE confident that you will is most sell on purchase. Officers elected in ladies social cir Miss Bridget McCarthy killed a brown Arthur Senior builds C. E. Senior coal and the I OP the : adder two store and which one month's cle of the Methodist church President, yards long. paint shop. perfect working Miss Lizzie vice president, Mrs about a dozen men - LEE - Young; David II; Briggs gave T. Hawley's E. T. Andrew has ever trial is : OTHERS,- Range produc- given. VG. George Beardslev ; secretary, Mrs An honse on the hill a new cover of tin. laying stone foundations. Jerome Mor CARPET! drew Dean: treasurer. Mrs Thomas J does John stone work. 48i) Main Conn. J. C. Pratt returned from a business gan McGregor's street, Bridgeport, Chadeayne. The ground is to be filled and the house re trip, Saturday. set well up. It will be a fine We're too busy to spend time blowing.1 Isaac W. Birdseye of Bridgeport place. a his friends E0XBUBY. Whatever kind you are looking for, Ingrains, cently favored few of many George F. Shepard is grading about hm The Fixtures and Good Will Shelton with a call. Stock, Body or Tapestry Brussels, Velvets, Moquattes, at Mrs George Thomas died of pneumon place ; Thomas Doran is also grading. etc-- , or Chinese or Bugs, you can find an The market by ia at her home, last week Thursday ) If you wish a 3AY STATE WOOD STOVE to use for wash- - Slatting recently occupied George H. Crofut has taken the place - endless asso tme&t at the - Charles Smith has been morning. She was a life long resident Jirt( nr tn twit. rmt. in vnur Summp.r Icitfthan. I furnish vnu. ': OF THE purchased by vacated at the depot by B. F.Cronchlej'. ian Arthur C Booth and will be in charge of of the town and will be missed by many Price from $3 to $12, tha litter being nearly new and a great VERY LOWEST PRICES. W. G. Booth friends. Her funeral was attended from A big stir among people here at the the Congregational church, Sunday. notice that the horse railroad will raise bargain. NATIONAL CLOTHING COMPANY Charles Hogue of Bridgeport was ar the fare on the Bethel end of the road. MILK CANS, 20 and 40 in which can be furnish- John Pierce and wife start for Colora- quart stock, rested, on complaint of Grand Juror This is the only part of the line that pays all at an hour's notice; $3 50. and before Justice Tom do, this week. ed, lettered, priee HAVE BEEN PURCHASED BY. ME AT ABOUT 50c ON THE Staples brought and the other end is for the benefit of MILK PANS AND DAIRY PAILS at any price you wish to linson, who found him guilty of intoxi Myron O'Dell has goue north after cat Danbury, as in fact is the whole road. DOLLAR OF THEIR COST. I SHALL CLOSE OUT THE EN--' CHAS. W. I'GOBD, a out pay; also full assortment of Tin, Copper and Granite Iron "Ware. cation1 and stealing registered dog, tle. - Bethel must, as usual, pay the bill, if the TIRE STOCK AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. of the of Officer Tomlinson, IRON LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEADa possession a cat fare is raised. It will be a losing game PUMPS, SINKS, t vho had attached the canine to secure a Bruce Hodge expects car of fat Lowest Possible Prices. 375 Main tle from Indiana. for the road and Danbury and will serve Street, board bill. Sentence, 8 and costs. them right. Bethel is one of the golden Childron's Suits, which have been sold at $5, $6 and $7, we Rev William attends the Litch TO BRIDGEPORT. Elliott O. Lattin will represent Cboley streams that flow into Danbury. ONE PRICE ALL. will now sell at $3 50. field county archdeaconry meeting at tonie lodge, No. G, I. O O. F., at New Mrs Anna Travis presided at the organ BOYS' Suits in from 12 to 16 which have sold at 0. Kent, this week. ages years, London, May in the Congregational church, Sunday, Barnes is out a new meat $10 and $12, we will sell at ?5 per suit. Shelton will welcome A. "11. Neath of Edward with taking the place of William Sherman, 9 cart. to Men's Suits, which have sold at $15, $16, $18 and we Birmingham, who is to occupy the place who has gone Danbury; another good $20, came to Bethel for. C3T- - vail sell at $5 per suit. - THE vacated bv C. S. French. The Shepaug railroad is putting in a thing they the street turn table at Roxbury Station. A committee was appointed in the Con Men's Pants, in from $4 to we will 'close at ALBANY The contract for lighting ranging " price $6, lamps has been awarded to Albert Bray, gregational Sunday school, Sunday, to $2 50. - HULL'S HILL. for a Rev Bene- - of will arrange picnic. George All-wo- The Eepublican3 Huntington TPIB Men's ol Pants, richly worth $2 50 and $3, we will now DENTISTS, Miss Martha J. Stowe has gone to diet preached in the church, Sbuday meet a$ the rooms of the Republican club " to . He is son of .50."' . Main Bridgeport liye. morning. the late Dr sell at SI . 388 street, in Ewell's May 4, hall, Friday evening, George Benedict, is a thinker and -- C. P. Cook was here, last week. - good , Bridgeport, Conn. to elect delegates to the State convention. and holds his audience : speaker by clear nrm our windows and inside store may F. II. went to Xew York on bus FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY, the be Joseph Tomlinson, Jr, was to leave Gray and well delivered thoughts. SEEN ALL THE ABOVE AND MANY MORE GENUINE BAR- on his home iness, last weeK. OFFEE THE PUBLIC Yokohama, Japan, way by Jesse Stanton, reported sick last week. GAINS.- CALL AND SEE THEM. : of San ; Monroo, Conn. PAINLESS DENTISTRY way Francisco, Saturday. Granville Warner went to Roxbury, died, last Friday night and was buried on th most reliable companies in tha country. Insuring against damage by Fire or JLtpreuttinf At Moderate Prices. Mr and Mrs F. A. Stiles of Southbury Sunday, to attend Jthe funeral of Mrs Sunday from the Episcopal church, Rev Thomas. reSueed paid and no Law Suit. RENEWALS promptly made in any TEETH WITHOUT PLATES. were recent guests of A..B. Euggles. Sally George P. Torrence officiating. The rate. Louet promptly, . UOL.U A SPECIALTY pall V '' bearers were all men company. We never wwtee the Teeth before inline. Ernest Stowe is farming with his fa young of about his - TEETH FILLED WITH GOLIJ, $1 up Business - Members of Y. M. on 9nd ma and I will call on and make a of prop- . His Booming. age. the C 4. n ilB!t eU a j, potal you survey your ' si.lv t;u, &u ana 7oc ther. jyott ' to which he without oharfe. , . 'trv .i?? I '' no one thinsr.has caused such Danbury, belonged, were in arty - rHi Probably C. T. is out w ith his tax book. iMmKmv Gray attendance. A lanre number ipnnwafcMwif: vitalized air administered, y 50c a general revival or waae ax ju. a , mw of tu 429 Street, The vitaii7.eo Air, line the aiv we nreatne.is lev's store as their giving away to Mrs D. P. Downs and Mrs Robert Grif friends were also HaBMLKns ami can bo drug bury here. Theodore perfectly taken by eu n w - BRIDGEPORT. anv one, young or old. tneir customers oi mauy nee iai uuie fin were on George's Clark and ife were also Jesse . most s new Ml, Saturday. present. The largest and complete A SET OF TEETH, $3 ties of Dr King discovery for con was in the INSURANCE. BEST SET OF TEETFI, WA.RR.WTED, 8 trade is enor Edson is employ of T. Clark A Co. low H SALU-ru- sumption, ineir simply Mallory sawing out timber line of Ladies' and Misses' ir of rttecra; There is no BETTER made, no matter how valuable The floral were fit- r.i-i- Ifn-uT- mous in this from offerings Insure loss, fire in t.vr-V- ! Hjn'fYn haft1 t SALE. A niow very article, his new . peculiarly your property against by FIOR of first quality Hay, at much vou pay. People trom abroad can come cures never for barn. : An Oxford Ties and Beaded some of the best companies at. reasonable rates calve May 10. MILKS Si. BURR, Cutler's Farm, of tUe estate of. Beach Camp in In the morning and wear their new teeth home the fact that it always and ting anchor from the Y. M. C. JL ghoes, Live stock insured Monroe. xauiiTOn aisirict. ftnauire orctiarles J. Rlaek. the same day. ; r disappoints. . Coughs, colds, asthma, - Mrs Wilbur of Searsville and from agaiust lightning. man near the E. L. Kx. Margaret pillow his sister and a fine piece in received .SALE OR EXCHANGE. premises. JOHNSON, fAUvovk wii'muted; Open, evenings bronchitis, croup and all tnroat and lung Mrs Emily Armstrone of Poueftauahr. Clippers town, just HARRY S. NICHOLS, 17OU Two Buggies, euuiur. jewiow n, isku. , from his April 'ii, OBVIXLE Al-b- ef shopmates. He was 19 nearly new. both In good running or-ile- r. KECTOB, D.D.P., diseases quickly cured, loucan test itl N. Y., have visited their sister, Mrs bat DB H. -- dt E. F- - Hawley's. Newtown, Conn. Will be Hold cheap, or would exchange F. TJHliE. ore buying by getting a trial bottlel mira Van Tassell, who has been years old, but had won a good name and Hatter-town- ; --T- he dying for young cuttle. C I). ST1LLSOX, .SALE. A Lawn Mower two war- - JJ1TS or Box U5, TpOR ont Single Albany Dentists, irue, lare bi.ir ipi.. uoiue witn t 1'Olly stowe's many friends who mourn his loss. His address. Bethel, Conn. Main Cons. n,viy consumption 388 street, . Bhiii(;epoi:t, ranted. , Her is at John L.Lee'8 family-hav- e grandchild,Josie, the sympathy of all her. Fred M. Belden has accepted a position Sunday school will he at 1 30 p m; Thursday morning, for a visit with In the office of & hard-- at 2 30 Kev N. T. Merwin friends in JNcw Canaan and elsewhere. NEWTOWN,Conn.,BEE. Sargent Co.,large preaching by ' ware manufacturers of New Haven. of Trumbull. . , ; C.W. Tator and George H. Brooks, BRILL AH T SPRING OPENING - Dick has a In a who has moved into Patrick Garvey's REUBEN H. SMITH, Publisher. Taylor position jewelry No.-10- store at 12i4 New York. Isaac Wills has repaired the chimney house near School have thor- Broadway, of S. G. destroyed by the road at thefoot of Beardsley's house,' oughly repaired . The Several workmen at the Hatch & the blizzard. ,. Slaughter hill by in of $1 50 a Tear, 4 Cents a Copy. carting quantities Holmes factory have left ; they have not ijBtbnes and covering them .with compact are - received their wages as agreed. Mrs Augevine and daughter expect eartn. FRIDAY, MAT 4. 1888. ed home, next Monday. irresistible. unaDDroachable Assortment The Smith Brothers haye the contract A $25,000 blaze, early Tuesday morn- to build a new house for Noah W. Brad- Miss Ella Thornton has returned from at the Water street harness of - a ing, shop i LONO HILL (HUNTINGTON). ley. few days in Bridgeport. Pendleton Bros m , m Bros. Co., Leonard Copeland Mrs Turney puts new roofs on her Among Mahoney's men: Marietta Lyon, G7 will be buried, to-- house. CHESTNUT HILL Smith lives in Newtown and commutes at 2 m from Stratfield continues to day (4th) p the Before the biizzard, W. E. Waller pur- daily; James F. Wilson home of her brother, Horace Lyon. Spring Clothing. Mlas Henrietta Turney of Stepney chased a cow of S. L. Warner & Son of travel between Lone: Hill and Bridge with her mother. New lie met Mr Gorman, Shorty Scraps The Wheeler & Wilson concerts spent Sunday Milford. Tuesday, port. "Pony" . begin and "Whiskers No. 2" have arrived. a"-- June 2 and each who has been Warner at Newtown and brought home Seaside, continue, Mrs Wells Allls, very - Jack has his boarding con- Is to he ot the cow. Elwyn 'changed Saturday night. Wednesday night DRY GOODS AND CARPET nick with pneumonia, thought place and is back at Uncle Ben's. The certs at Washington park, East Bridge- the road to Mrs hei Miss Julia Hawley has visited the Alonzo Cor recovery. Buckley, Misses Hall. "nephew'' of port, will also bo given. HOUSE. daughter, takes care of her. nell of New York is at Mahoney's. THE RELIABLE COMBINATION AND GENTS' Lieut aud Mrs Starkweather, with their "The contract system at Wheeler & CLOTHIERS,' HATTERS, FURNISHERS little son, are expected at William E. son of Hon L. G. Beers, Wilson's is being gradually abolished," -' ; EICH AND ATTRACTIVE STYLES IN SPRING SUITS! SHELTON. Frederick, V Waller's soon from Washington, 1. C was said an employe. "Some of the smaller V L $b'PV OTai-antce- to be better belter outwear Suit for less here, Sunday. I'nt'Mt fitting, ma.le, anl guarant to any bought than Miss Annie Field of has S. on contractors are being frozen but alto- ?i"i2 S'i ;?', ltJ i?.lllt8' SprinK Styles nn.l Shades, faaltlera flttiiiff. Evervthlnsr tnat is neat, uurauie ana uesirauie Stepney spen Mrs Agur Beach has been the moved to 1,$8.50, $10, $12, $14, $15, $10, $17, $18, $20, $22, $24, $25. Latest and Choicest Novelties in Men's Suits Our for James McCorinack Bridge other contracts, which have men-hav- 1 Youngv styles a week with her sister, Mrs William sick list tor a week or two. gether; young- no equal. KverV VOlmtf ninil wi!lrf nv nnp Intliuu Aun f'..i.l I. .. .. j I ...... 1...... i- - Fulford of New b3en several eon-oTdat- Wheeler. port, Monday. George divided among men, are $6.50, $8.50, $10, $14, $14, $1H, $!8, $20, $22, $24. S25. Albert .Suits The. fluent ,iiui,-w- i MILLINERY. ( Agur S. Beach and W. L. Way went Haven is with his parents, Mr and Mrs Some of the contractors have flat fishing, Saturday, and caught 240 John Fulford, Wednesday and Saturday had their pay cut down and have redue- - . WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN OtTE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT- - WHITE KILLS. 8 flounders. nights. d the wages of their men. Yes, the !,Lr,C!1.1U!r!n i'yPartment receives the same care and attention as Men's. . We are bound to please them and spare ouixelves no trouble to provide them with garments that are as well as serviceable-- , Mr and Mrs are ill is needed." V attractive and leei amply repaid by the exclamation ot Henry Buckingham S. who A. S. change V,'') C"1' snttsfled M-5- George Turner, occupies Mr Hall expects his Mrs n',Vl "!fl"y patrons. Children's Suits $2, $2.50, $3.50, $4, $5, $5.50. $0, $6.50,- $7 and $8. MKN'S Trimmed and Bonnets, all daughter, 1 OlTTirS ODD PANTS! ! 1 w...... ' ...... 1. . ... i Eats representing with mock measles. S. B. AM) BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S ODD PANTS Mother's i i . 1 u ,. . i Beach's tenant house, works for Milton Barlow, from in a few Stiles Wells and moved to the .1...... W Friei tiintn iii. uiu nniu i.w novelties in art-- was at Chicago, family l?na mJll.l1?!?1,?"1,10!) proportions. are the best made Waists for ttovs and Children in the flOe. 75c, the latest millinery Mrs Charles Nichols guest Ivcndeveg. weeks. She will the Summer here; a $1, $1.25, ll,$1.50. c They world; week. spend great West, few years ago and took up OVERCOATS! SPRING OVKKCOATS! GKNTI.K.MEN'S FIJRNISflING GOODS). A complete line of all Highland Lawn, last M rs V wno the latest Novelties and highest grade goods, Underwear, Mine and Flannel Sweet, Orr Co s Trunks and and. ells, visits lier parents, Uags, Horse I Fancy Shirts, Overalls, MiUnHawlcy was Sunday guest oi TRUMBULL. Sprout land and fence belonging to II. Mr and Mrs Stiles Wakeley of State Clothing, nibiellas, Ac, Ac; Spring Styles in Hats and Caps. EVERY NOVELTY Mrs .fames Glover. A Warner, E. M. Beardsley and F. L. street extension, says that the climate is 27 STORES- - RELIABLE GOODS! HONEST REPRESENTATION! COURTEOUS were TREATMENT! 27 STORES. It is expected that l'aul Uehuburg am a a Turney burned, Monday. delightful and the soil productive, but in flowers, feath- the Sun. Sparks from locomotive started tire the of wood is a drawback. 3STOBE OPEN EVENINGS. silks, ribbons, laces, omamtsts, family ot Florida will spend which burned scarcity great ers, in large assortment. merliere; also Mr Upton, Mrs TCehn riday, spread rapidlyand The Tuttle family gave an entertain- jver 40 or 50 acres. The people turned ment the to a full Arthur Couch of Birmingham spent burg's father. ut and worked with a will. Several at hall, Monday night, t house. Little Miss Jessie was the star Sunday here. STRAW GOODS. Mrs Howard Curtis visited her parent-las- nen were sent to their aid the south-ooun- d by of the company. They stayed at the Miss of A. has WHOLESALK AND. It 1ST AIL week. noon train, but the flames wero IT ill house and left for Mabel, daughter Stirn, CLOTHIERS, HATTERS AXI) GENTS' FURNISHERS, Miss Ella Tondinson returned iiider control. A number of farmers Long Stepney, h id scarlet fever in a lighter form than Tuesday, going from there to Newtown. Miss Norma. Every Style.Color and Quality. Tuesday, tor a visit with he ose fences, but the heaviest loss is on h T sister, 3X7 BRIDG-BPORT- , ohn E. two of whose ZMZIIsr STIREJDET, CT. cousin, Mrs I)r Cummings. Summers, hay- Since the new llousatouie time tabli The of 1000 each, willed to i racks and miles of whose fences were legacies Ho such or varied stock in the Master Stanley Beard of Long Hill went into effect, the express leaving t ie orphan asylum and hospital, by the large city. with his Hennet Nichols. icstroyed. Timber land near the Ledge, at 10 05 a m does not late Aaron grandfather, jwned Charles was burned Bridgeport stop Summers,, have been paid, Mrs Hubbell is able to vis; by Booth, here, as the follows in a few with interest, by the executor. It is said rhllo .nd a tool house at the Ledge, was dam- freight I AM A MEAN MAN! friends. A that a goodly sum will be left for the aged. dynamite cartridge in the house Protestant widows and We are now prepared to show Spring Miss Bessie Wheeler- visited out o was exploded. Another field fire near orphans. CLOAKS. .s'orth HUNTINGTON. in Fine Bon- town, last week. Bridgeport, Monday, was thought Married, Monday, at St Mary's church. Styles Millinery, including So my competitors say and they are right. whitewash add to the .o be New paper and incendiary. Mrs George Wheeler and daughter E. J. Malley and Miss Hose Sullivan, by nets and Round Hats of ths latest cheerfulness of Abijah llubbell's home. Florence visited Mrs S. B. of Father Rogers. very L. L. Stuart, Jr, is clerking in H. N. Beardsley We Mean Business! Walking jackets, beaded wraps and outside Nichols Hubbell was one of a shi last week. AVarner's F ench and English designs, which we in yres' Bridgeport shoe store, Saturdays, Bridgeport, Dr I. DeVer son. Commodore garments for ladies, misses and chJdrtn. load of who went to California D. is to be We seek the Golden Mean, Largest Values, Also and for a room itternoou and evening. S. Brownson has bcarun road II., married at North Adams, think cannot be excelled for richness and Suits dresses early spring, which, li4!. Of the six who occupied Byron Mass., May 22, to the daughter, of 1I.--T. Lowest Prices. for of and work Charles Hassett, Henry E. Beach was home working. exquisite taste, novelty design, Henry Lake, Frank expected Cady and the nuptials will be the most effect. manship, cannot be surpassed Downs, Thaddcus Bray, George am from school at Newark, We live within our means. Hen Tuesday. Benjamin Mallette has moved to Shel- elaborate lately seen in New England. Nichols Hubbell, but two returnee, 1 ne on We Nichols Downs John II. Grant has left the of ton. wedding trip will be made the use all honest means ry Downs and Hubbell; employ Daring. WASH DRESS GOODS. Charles W. Beach and works for Karl yacht ilg-epor- To Win custom to lias since died. Mr ('lark of Shelton farm is laying out :19( Main street, liri Conn. and Keep it. Mrs Leauder Wheeler visited her sis- Ochsner. a fine etc. That Mathushek piano in II. N. Ayres' You see the mean mean is not the mean ve garden, large grape arbor, window attracts a deal of they 103 pieces best French sauces, our own iar ' Mrs David Wheeler, last week. attention, mean. ter, W. II. Brothwell's life was despaired one to the amount portation, in handsome designs and newest color is out trees and is John Ilanley has graded and otherwise Every buying goods Frank I'pton setting of several times, last week. He of 1 receives a ticket and the are with to match- - his fully improved the appea.iance of his prem- goods ings, plain goods Improving place. conscious, but cannot speak and takes no ises. of the best quality, sold at regular prices. Work Is slack in the silver and food. For Instance: We are mean enough to sell the shop ' Arthur Williams seeks employment else Edgar Buckingham's teams are carting Landlord Jesse Sands of the Sterling !N"ew best Indigo blue men's flannel suits at $7 50 where. STEPNEY. ice to market. restaurant has two sons in the newspaper Hardware that ourlcompetitors ask $10 for! business, one of whom is Frank E. Sands Store, Mrs Frank Gerard and children expect We sell men's all-wo- ol suits at S3 SO that CARPETS. to snend the Summer in the oKl home Wednesday evening, May .'10, Decora The milk- - is taken to Nichols in the of the Merjden Republican, secretary of ne-a- can't be matched in the of Connecticut un stead. tion nay, mere win .Memorial con- morning now, leaving here 'soon after 3 the Connecticut Press asseciation. The State cert iii the Methodist church ; a in. other has been married in Ohio and der $6 50. The are to improve the ap- music, just I'.uptists decorations, etc., in with the JUr Sands was present at the ceremony Headquarters For The we pearance of the church by new windows. keeping A lire on Island was seen We sell boys solid cassimera suits, sizes 4 to largest and most complete stock have day. The program will chiefly consist Long plainly 31 IN G erer exhibited, at much below those asked Bev D. G. Lawsou will preach at 10 a of the soul which from one of our hills, one evening. Charles M. Gerdinier and Miss Louise AGRICULTURAL, I3Ii'LEMEXTS, FAR TOOLS. 14, strong and durable, at $1 per suit that our prices stirring, rallying songs, Wurtz were 3(H) "Main for similar goods by other houses. m ; subject, "A llnyal Itule." cheered the brave soldiers a thev went married at East For competitors ask S3 for. Mrs E. M. Bailev has returned from a street, last week by Kev Cas Agents to face death on the battle field and se isit. Thursday, we are mean enougn to sail ail goods in our lections from the beautif ul ballads per Brunner. GIBBS' I3IPKR1AL CHILLED EEDDING. pub- PLOW, line 20 per cent cheaper than can be bought any lished during the war. Miss Florence Blakeman is a BEST IN THE AVOKLI. 55 agent for Arthur T.. son of Town Agent Peck, m where else in this State! AN The Tuttle family gave an entertain- convenient rubber and a new INSPECTION SOLICITED. The of has stamp, pen pen is clerk in the post office. We on our wouldn't ment in Whitehead's hall, Saturday judge probate appointed cil combined ; call and examine. brag meanness, you? to a fair audience. Burr liawlev conservatoi for M is Josie Charles M. is to night, Fisher. Calhoun soon wed Mrs Selleck's house Tucker's hymnals have been laid aside Miss of Dr C. C. Sanford. THE KELLER PIANO COMPANY, Saturday, Polly St. church choir and Hutchins Julie,daughter To see if we mean what we call and was discovered to be oil fire. Fortunate- c by Paul's . MANUFACTUBEBS CF THE advertise, From 800 to 1000 dozen ; week The 09th it was seen in time and extinguished now used. anniversary of Odd Fellow examine our goods and at ly ine record ai r. Jiawiev iv siortne ship in the was celebrated pricss THE liy the roof and pouring The s KELLER UPRIGHT PIANOS. cutting through past six weeks.. number of eggs ta Mrs Jame II. Blakeman has been ill m 20, a fraternal oh water. It caught tire in the attu ken into this store in one n list Bridgeport, April by some year ap- Dr Dawson ittended her. visit from Nosahogan lodge of Water-- JOSEPH KELLEE, President; among rags. proach 100,000. to is even- bury Pequonnoek lodge. The visjtors EDWARD K- - MORGAN, Secretary and Treasurer. Bros.Co. The suow bank at the Center still Our good miller busies himself came down 150 SAM HARRIS, Copeland Miss Jessie liawlev of is is strong and were met by several feet deep and bids fair to defy Bridgeport ings at the cobbler's bench, where he the local Odd Fellows with Wheeler FACT0ET: tin- - wuu some of Mrs John T. Porter. a a the 88 to 104 John street, the genial rays of for time. guest reaily to do neat, substantial job for K W Bridgeport. 411 TO 417 MAIN STREET, uson band, who escorted them to Well-Meani- is reasonable sum. WAEEE00MS: The ng Uev W. J. Jennings able to be out Without doubt the recitation of Mr A. trie lodge room, where a banquet was Clothier, and 103 Fairfield e once mure, unable to preach. . held. Avecue, though O. Hull, at the entertainment last A fair audience assembled at the Con 278 Main 185 Main Mr and Mrs .lohnColgan spent Sunday was the best appreciated number on the gregational church, Sunday evening and The fence around L. C. lot on Sired, Bridgepori; street, BRIDGEPORT. at Patrick McDonald's. and it has received man y favor-- Lyon's program listened attentively to an interesting talk North Main street was burned,last week. New York. Mrs K. K. Parkhurst of Lowell, Mass.. iblo comments. About 810 was taken in on temperance by Mrs Fitzgerald. All 17 East 14th Street, Danbury. visits her daughter, Mrs E. P. Shaw. it the door. are loud in her praise. Special mention Kev N. T. Merwin preached in Olivet REPAIRING AND TUNING. should be made of the excellent songs and Arthur Jones and lerris Baldwin work William Judd of Fairfield w as guest of by church, Sunday morning evening. for I). Sanford. Dea O. G. Beard and family. A hand Harry Lvon, Sunday. some collection was presented to Mrs Mr Sweey is building a new garden OTSJUl -- L3NrX fence for Miss Abby Sanford. Perry Hubbell of Bridgeport and Sey Fitzgerald. GOIME iLLL mour J I ot THE BOSTON STORE. Mrs (). C. Hanks a few ubbell .Naugatuck spent Sun The barn of Daniel Shelton, so spends days day at David Hubbell's. badly h n a v. with her Bidge friends. shattered by the blizzard, has been taken Great sale of b ii ii if b w n 00, Belle niece down. Jersey i Miss Sanford and Helen Mrs i J. Lettie Wheeler of Shelton has returned from a visit to New York been at Mrs B. : ' Mr Mrs long llawlev's and Oiir popular is out with a Jackets,,. Waists and New Haven, Tuesday. Beach Wayland of Bethel at George Os groeeryiuan Jersey e newly painted and otherwise improved CreAeral Entertainment for the benefit of Christ borne's; Andrew Joj-e- of Bridgeport at Children's Cloaks ssirca.sro.iro dealers Burritt's. delivery wagon, which means prosperity and at ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR HOUSE. church, by St. .James Guild, Danbury, George in business. Ed will surely give his cus-- comprising a drama and musical pro- iners the benefit. about half Horse Small's Calf Feed-ers,C- alf at White- Mrs Edson Haves has returned from price. Plows, Horse Rakes, Cultivators, Hoes, gram, Friday evening, May 4, New where she visited head's hall, 8 o'clock. Haven, her daugh Mrs Abigail Hawley visits her daugh Rubber Bucket and Force ter, Mrs Charles I rizzel. : & ROY : Weaners, Milking Tubes, Pumps. P. E. Cheney will preach at the Meth- ter, Mrs I). A. Nichols and Lyman Nich STOREY odist church, next Sunday, "th. The usual union church tem ols and wife are with the family of Abi- Have just succeeded in securing three clearing quarterly Hubbell in White Hills. out stocks direct from of Lewis for Woods' Machines, ia I'ev W. L. Porter a no family are set- perance meeting was held in the Baptist jah Upper the manufactory Agents Mowing new S. Cox & Co, Philadelphia, who is considered one tled in their home. church, Sunday evening. "Cry aloud, Charles Beard md wife spent Woods' I spare not, lift up voice like a trum- Sunday of the best manufacturers of Jersey goods in Hay Rake, Ed Wakeman, late of Southbury, thy in Danbury. America. worki for lhomas pet and shew my people their transgres- Byan. sion, and the house of Jacob their The ladies' will meet o75 Jersoy Jackets in black, brown, navy, gar Woods' Hay Tedder, Miss Jennie Bassett was married, Wed sin." sewing society If the trumpet give an uncertain sound, with Mrs A. J. Park, Wednesday after- - net, terra cotta, goD3iin blue, mahogany and a - nesday, April 2.", to Will Gilbert. lhe who shall himself large variety vf fancy which all can be attached to Wood's Mowing Machine.- Kev M. B. prepare to the battle :" noon, 2d. stripes, which ceremony was performed by "But if the watchman see the sword be.;n made for this season's trade- - We shall offer Jr. Cultivators, - Horse Planet Dunlap at the rectory. come and blow not the trumpet and the George Northrop was at church, Sun- - them in three different lots, $3 75, $3 75, $4 75- Planet Jr. Hoes, peopfe be not warned: it the sword come day; also Miss Caroline Wheeler, vvho T.lese were made to sell from $5 to $1 each. Planet Jr. Seed Drills, DIAMOND HILL (REDDING) and take any person from among tlieni, has been confined to the house all Win- - 175 high class Jersey waists.handsomely braid' Tools. he is taken away in his ininuitv: but his ter. ed and embroidered in an endless variety of styles and a full assortmsnt of Garden and small Farming On account of the illuess of the pastor, blood will I require at the watchman's, at $ 2, $3 and $4. These waists were made to sell the Congregational church has been sup hands." " An aged ladv, Mrs David O. Gray, was from $4 to $6 each. i plied with students from laie. found Ivdiiff the muddy street, last 63 Misses' Jarsey Fire ran over 15 or 20 acres west of in an almost unconscious condit campletj suits,"very 4S2 Street, - Hev was with Friday, for summer wear and seaside dresses, all at W.J. Jennings presented Mrs Eliza Elwood's, last week. ion, by Henry Xi Burr, who immediate OS OVEicaLaio j ''ne 50 84 to 6 : a of $S4,, the price, $2 each; original price Street, L purse Monday, by society ly procured assistance and had her con We shall offer in George Brisco has been in Newtown at to the residence of Iewis B. many other bargains this de Mr and Mrs Yv. J. Sherwood went to C. B. veyed Gray, partment, in beaded and brocade velvet wraps Taylor's. where she quietly passed away, Satur- Hattertown to attend the funeral of Mrs Her was about 85. Srul & EOT would recommend those who Sherwood's Miss Crofut. Miss II. C. and Mis A. day.' age are interested in these lots to come as in sister, Turney J. early . A3 3 HE D 1850. Piitchcn visited Mm Willis oi the day as possible, for there is sure to be a rush EST LI Turney - a new cow. - - - Will Banks has bought Long Hill, Huntington, Sunday. BEIDGEP0ET- for such desirable goods- Never in the history of &o CHILDMH'8 SUITS- if Mr aud Mrs George Smith of Orange, the cloak trade have new and fashionable goods HI. JV BAEIBB IBIRO., 15. DuMond & on East are . s. . Mr J. Hawley entertained company Knapp's grocery been offered in such'low NEW YORK. e N. J., at Sherwood Main street was attached for $2500 S. Bridgeport at prices.We 215 PEARL STREET, from Birmingham," .Sunday. by do not believe in flash on- C. Trubce & Co., Friday. advertisements, which . tend to mislead but we feel certain - MONROE. Mr and Mrs J. Benedict were in town, ly customers, & Roy of 342 Main street have that those who call and examine these goods will anures- THIS WEEK WE ARE SELLING CHILDREN;S Satur- Sunday. Story At the adjourned town meeting, something of interest we call admit that our statements are within the mark. ..mflmtclv for POTATOES, CABBAGE, CORN", ONIONS, etc., furnish nil the plant Anril 28, to take action on !..., - day. laying Mrs Ar. E. Gilbert received a nice pres- the attention of our readers, this week, - - 4 TO 13 FOR RK results are better unci aiuioiiKn meite iiimi.iie- iHKt.- ii SUITS, YEARS, SI. . out a road from the foot of Purdy's hill ent from her former sliopmatcs, a set oi in a notice in another column. Messrs TIIFORfES GOOD, but to across the lauds of Rilver tea are Stepney Depot ppoons, sugar spoon and butter Story and Hoy both experienced. dry OR EVER THERE A Messrs Purdy, French and Curtis, it was knife ; alo a bed spread, a tidy from goods men and have at their store many ROY, IP WAS BARGAIN THIS IS ONE. THERE voted, after hearing the reports of the Miss Louise French and a pair of pillow bargains which they have not room to selectmen and surveyor, to indefinitely shams from Mrs ,1. T. Eastwood. mention, but, if you will ca.ll and see THE BOSTON ARE BUT ABOUT 100 SUITS. COME SOON; THEY WILL STORE, level-heade- postKne the matter. Immediately after them, they will be pleased to show you. at asJeTsonaW b furnished for. Many shrew.l, faruiera a town was are 342 MAIN l)ecau'se.tliey know it pays every time. NOT LAST LONG. adjournment, special meeting ' ' This week they driving big bargains STREET, use theiu year after year called to take action on another proposed . ' NICHOLS. in waists and have marked them 60 a on Jersey BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Ammoniated $37 per ton; road front East to the - A. A. Phosphate, Village point Charles Freueh and family have 'mov- at prices that defy competition. Never Super land of Henry E. Plumb at 's in the of the cloak trade could ; - ed from Birmingham to live with David history Pelican Bone Fertilizer- - 32 50 BUT JUST LISTEN TO THIS: ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY Half Way Biver where the railroad pro- Mrs you get bargains as Story & 15oy Bone. The" former stands unrivaled as n spleudid nose to erect a station and Nichols, French's father. are We manufacture both the above from flag watering oilering. UK i fertilizer lor Kenorui use. described' the - Full narticnlars" in our pocket memorandum tank. Mr Plumb proposed George Turner has removed his family l in i. u. j"fs ".t course to the that the While feeding a press for W. G. Kim-bt-rl- y, bookr-'ttu-- for Farmers.'-maUe- free. Send for one. meeting, adding from this village. - ' - railroad company had authorized him to George Vv Langguth caught a fin-ge-l- P2SIOES, . JOB SALE BY. BEen's state-tu-at they would give $.uu toward William Hungerford is working, for in the rorm and badly lacerated it. EDGAR HAWLEY, NEWTOWN, CONN. and Young Men's Suits the proposed layout. E. S. Ohnstead Tait & Son and has moved near Ward's I aid thbt It looked like the mill. Mr Loveland of Beach street, junior asking public member of the firm of Loveland Broth- FURNITURE AND CARPETS THAT COST TO MANUFACTURE FROM $7 TO A to for the up and Improve It. .LewU Co. are friends and .TOTICK. The annual meeting of the New $10 SUIT. pay opening John T. is his house. ers, is ill with V. winning town villaae cemetery association will ment of private property. Samuel Stev Bishop repairing seriously consumption. customers at Flint & Go's old stand, across be liel.l at the Brick buildimr in said Newtown Have their cost and Both depend on the SELLING FOR JUST $5 A SUIT. WE GUARANTEE THESE ens said that the site of the regularly se- pries. corner from the office or uie on Saturday, 31ay 12, lSSS, at i o'clock in the Miss Janet Nichols sutlers with a. Thomas Hamilton and Miss Emma amount sold. Small cost and small are the jjnugvpuu ti annual officers of the proposed depot was not more than half vere attends were married at St. Paul's profits Standard, and their stoakof millinery and gen- afternoon appoint the and it would not benefit cold; Dr Starkweather her. Camp church, possible only with amounts. association, a president, secretary, treasurer SUITS TO BE EXACTLY AS REPRESENTED. a mile away the :S0. - - large V eral i not only worthy of inspect- trustees and to transact such other busi- April V . Our our customers. They will dry goods and public in the least. Edwin Stevens stat -- 30, a team to prices satisfy admiration and inspires to ness as luav be .raimcr to come before said Sunday, April belonging will who ion, but excites Now- - ed that as we already have three pass Tomlinsoii of driven AV'esley F. and bride are home, satisfy you. They delight every lady V. It. Lewis & Co. have a fine meetinar. A. B. PIJIXULE, Secretary, George Oronoque, Hayes knows the difference between "FUENITUEE AND purchase. town, May 4, 13. able roads from the Village to Zoar by Patehen, who undertook to witter the stand for. business and are making the most is not a house locat drowned in Pembroke CAEPETS CHEAP" and "CHEAP FUENITUEE " AND Brldire and as there horse at the brook by 11. L. Fairchild's, Georgie Bunteii, of it. -. F0H TREATMENT CF THE HANDS FEET and : . Just come see them and some other ed on the proposed road, he should vote ran a quarter of a mile, but was stopped lake, was a bright little fellow of 15 AND CARPETS." - WITH HARMLESS REMEDIES BY PAINLESS azaiust laying such a burden on the tax Robert, Robertson. '. years., He was to ha ve taken possession There are some FUEKITUSS AND CAEPET ever" offered. E.i F. .METHODS by houses sell we sell ' The bigrgest bargain pavers. William Curtiss had heard of a news sttfnd at Bull's Head, which that experience; is subox ol line toilet soap con- choice which we have and von will Hawley selling e bargains G. had been for him. funer- pi-ic- enough against the road and asked, if Mrs C. Perry has been at Winsted. purchased Ilis ee cakes assoi-te- for the low ' taining thi there was any one present who could say al was attended Monday. , 10c. There is" a limited do of 5o box, worth only never buv more of the In would " outside a word favor of it, that - be so any Clothing they . LONG HILL. i was and can never duplicated, No one said in its behalf The concert at High School hall quantity - ho. anything most These come quick before it is all gone. it was voted to without date successful, Tuesday evening. " " and adjourn D. Hall of the Long Hill house is look- -r "" r.-- , U entertainments should be patronized by FURNITURE Theodore H. Lock wood under the ing eagerly forward to the middle of - all our lovers of culture. , the best satisfaction. weather and Harris M. Clark Is home when he over 20 Fertilizer that gave June, expects years' AUD' & : season we tried all from the Crotom Military Institute nurs back from the - Glad to ; of land which Lee II. J. Baker Bro. Last pay government. The tract Brothers we could get, side by a cold. , know of his fortune and that is kinds of fertilizers that ing good hope, are filling and grading at West Ehd and found 380 Main Jive to it. . . on corn, potatoes', grass, etc., Office: Conn. Bank Bnilding, 'o. The ladles' of the he may long enjoy about 125 feet wide and extends from side, 191 Improvement society H. J. Baker & Bro's A A Ammoniated Super- Street. Residence, So. Arctic St., Bridge Congregational church gave a successful Railroad avenue, to State street. Part of This nnrt. fonn. Office Hours 9 to 11 a tn.. 12 30 to Spagele takes E. C. Wilson's CARPETS. gave the beat satisfaction..' 7 8 hours lOu in the Church last Joseph the tract is ready to be sold for building phosphate 10 are 5 and to p m., except Sundays: other wupper Parlors, in F. J. Squinobal's employ. season (IHH7), we bought about tons and and calls Consultation Free. The social place lots and one was a few shall use exclus- by appointment; - week Wednesday evening. disposed of, days well satistled with it and it Prices moderate. - Genuine testimonials. committee of the Y. P. S. V. E. gave a Miss Medora C. Beach has become a since, for $1500. As many as 40 men and ively next season & Gideon Cornell, Good references. of vo- or 10 teams have been on To be sure of North Dartmouth, Mass., November 17, pleasant entertainment, consisting member of Trinity church choir, South-po- rt eight employed what you buy, a little caution cal and Inst rumental music, readings and and will sing there, next Sunday, this work. . may be necessary in the selection of a store. We SALE. 2 tons ot Coes Ammoniated recitations. solicit the trade of all who want to a Leo Brothers of Bridgepo.it do a stirring FOB Solnble bone Phosphate at40perct. Gth. Sorry to lose her from Grace church, j exchange but Jt discount. The have dissolved and "be Constable Simon It. Libby accidentally dollar in money for a full dollar in business in babv carriages at nil timed, Company Uev IH M. Hazeltiue will absent, a nail into his hand and is especia lly good just now. The refrigerator tiin must, be sold to close up their aff in ia ex- Rev Mr was guest of Mrs John thrust rusty has AND ion is met an In- airs. Those wishing to get the worth of their the first two Sundays May. It Cheney - FURNITURE CARPETS. and ice chest quest easily by Fulford. suffered severely. . of Ileitis'. & Munschanen's refrigera- money cannot tail to no so unying mese pected that Hev Mr Hartshorne will spection circulation enables all For sale H. H. PkCR,iy Newtown - tor, whoso perfect goods. by next Sunday. The Forge Co. has done it- kinds of etc., to be in the preach, Landlord Hall of the Long Hill house Bridgeport vegetables, kept Notice is that a field of Frank Sher- self proud by turning out a monster shaft same compartment without communicating DISSOLUTION. hereby given has rented large for au ocean steamer. The which : the flavor of one to the other. Call aud see. heretofore existing ' WESTP02T. man for raising vegetables for his Sum- shaft, 'DOWN.BR & between Geer A French Is on and after this weighs 15,000 pounds, must be at the rlnte dissolved bv mutual consent. W. M. Andrew F. WesU Maaager. BRIDGEPORT, COM. The younf? peoples' society meet, mer boarders; he expects a. large num - The of Newtown . dock in Population STEPHEN FRENCH, Depot, '. ' New York, 3d: Work GEER, Stepney at H. A. Ogdcn's. ber. ,'V Thursday, one-ha- lf . Thursday evening, . was not until iuces- - Is about 4,000, and we would say at least Conn., May 1, 1883. ; ' C. has begun April 22, but EDWARDS. are wit some affection of the Mis Mary Morgan of Newtown troubled ac- in- - 11. Miss Julia, daughter of Peter Gablef, .intf well directed , labor completed the throat and lungs, as those complaints are, VTOTICE. Having purchased Mrtieer' Mrs D. Cable. - J visited her sister, recovered from sewre sickness. task and the huge mass of iron was load- cording to statist ics, more numerous than oth- iV terest in the Stepney Depot store, is to the house has 1 .'MAIN ers. We would advise all our readers not to heartilv thank the public for the generous Aaron Bennett confined ed on the steamer City of Bridgeport, 449 aud 45 STREET, in th hoiiimf bv strict atten P. S. Children's ShortPants 25c. Elder X. G. - neglect the opportunity to call on their drug, notrmii.i.n iiast,. to .with sickness. Presiding Cheupy preach- Wednesday, Oh the Ground Floor, gist and get a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the tion to business and courteous treatment Miss Louise Sherman of Mt. Lebanon, ed to a good audience at the M. E. CONN. throat and lungs. Trial size free. Large bot- all to merit a continuance oi ine uic, Ilcn'o All-7o- ol Next Cth, The of James E. BRIDGEPORT, tles 50c and l. Sold nil druggists. STEPHEN' FRENCH. . Pants 52. K V.j Jaa visited Mrs Charles Fable. church, Sunday. Sunday, family Camp left, by NEWTOWN, CONN., BEE. i Mr Charles J. Blackmail w as very sick j 31 r A: L. Peek has been kept busy, the : last week, but Dr .K. M. Smith, we are past week, delivering: nursery stock for glad to say, was able to relieve his in-- William Wilson of Rochester, N. Ysold Hie Great S MAT 1S88. tense pain. by their agent, A. D. McLafterty, last Send from Home to FRIDAY, 4, Winter. a Delegate Every . .... Of Ayer's Sarsaparilla is u. to tint Mr David MeEweu has moved into the fact that it- meets the wants of tbo CIlSCUIiATION. old Bkk oflice, over Mr D. Camp's tin Wilson & Taylor had seven funerals to economical to use and last week, three in one people,, being JANUARY 1. 1883,. ..613 shop. attend, day. plways reliable and effective. Its in- LAST WEEK .1786 are the best, and their never saw heat than that C. has gredients S4 April greater Mr E. Upton moved from the combination the result of profound . of and when Thomas O. Chamber in The IIkk enters upon the eighth year Friday, Saturday Sunday, place Zoar, and skill. Thus, for all diseases the thermometer coyed with the 80s and w here he has lived for a year, back to study of Its rcut ownership, tills week. It !IOs as if it was August. A snow bank White Hills. ' originating in impure blood, Ayer's Conn. Is better fitted for work than it was sev- in plain view on Taunton hill was a strik- Sarsaparilla stands unrivaled. AND LET US en year ujjo, bus oonsiilerably over 1000 ing contrast. i Conductor Dickerman, Mr J. B. Wheel-- "As a- blood-purifi- er and general - j builder-u- p brother-in-la- w, been- of the system," says Eugene more subscribers, but is far from being is ; er's has transferred Father Creigh poorly has caught to I. Hill, M. IX, 381 Sixth ave., New York, Prove our of the of the the paper which the 15ek Man yet hopes more cold and has a renewed attack of from the Watertown branch the main ' I have never found anything to equal knowledge Clothinglwants public. Naugatuck line. to Issue. With gratitude to friends and rheumatism ; Dr Stites is attending him. Ayer's Sarsaparilla." WORTH LISTENING TO!! Prove our unrivalled resources for Latest and he A. Matron of the unexcep- for the I'.kk sticks to-t- Mrs. Eliza Clougli, obtaining Styles charity all, MrK. II. Brisco of Botsford Hill got Mr James F. Brenuan has repaired the M. E. Seminary, Tilton, N. H., writes : Indeed it is. The story is being motto, "Aim high and work hard." 400 from f0 hens in 14 and 800 vestries at St. Eose and will the winter and spring my family," tionable eggs days replace "Every - a chim- myself, use several bottles of told about the completeness Bargains. eggs in April. chimnies blown down with solid including has ney at the rear of the church. He ex- Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Experience - , and. of our Hev Mr Wilklns was at the from Des Moines. in line convinced me that, as a powerful blood- cheapness Prove the careful, conscientious manner of our exclusive present Grateful Response pects to begin work his it is to other pre- conducting session of the .Sunday school, Uev ti. Morris Newtown, Conn. at the house Mrs I. B. Harris is purifier, superior any BEAUTIFUL SPRING STOCK! llawleyville Wilkin, hos- moving, paration of Sarsaparilla." Sunday. Oeiir Sir: The lo.x of clothing for Cottage next week. sat- pital, sent by the Indies of your church, has "Ayer's Sarsaparilla gives better Enthusiasm over it knows no CASH SYSTEM OF DOINGS BUSINESS. been received in (food order. We most grate- isfaction than anv other blood medicine Mr A. X. has the sci- fully acknowledge your generous prill and, had Mr Homer C. Mills and bride of Brook- I handle." Jeo.V. Whitman, Druggist, bounds. ?E0VE we are not afraid of where the best wins without fear or faror. Ilawley brought been with us, could not have It pleases comparison, ence of almost to per- yon working you X. called on friends in town, Albany, Indiana. PE0VE poultry raising n more ourneed. the lyn, Y., that we are out for more seasonable and marvelous- - new-he- perfectly supplied During reaching trade with styles fair prices that are fection. Never before be built his we'have built a new cap- past year, hospital, Saturday. PB0VE our e arnest endeavor - house did Mr Uawley have ggs able of raring for 30 patiiMits. We have had a ECSTATIC EXCLAMATIONS to please every MAN, BOX and CHILD in this Vicinity who needs but have finally succeeded in paying from tlie time of frost in the Fall till struggle, The calls The of Mr T. of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, his this is the last bill of the building. upon daughter Keating Prepared by Di. J.C. Ayer &Co., Lcwelt, Mans. GREET THE EAR Spring and success, season, us are many, our needs have been great, but Walnut Tree Hill is down with pneumo- Bold by nil Druggists. Price $1 ; six bottles, $5. enough to almost make him cranky. it gives us heart and strength to work on to care. and all are eager to proclaim the fact that the feel that others have an interest in us. Such nia umler Dr Stites's Hats and . gifts as you have sent help us more than you YLE AND PRICES Clothing, .Furnishings. We have wards in which QUAL1TY,ST Uev can know. three F. is 'On 26, Mr P. Carroll A. ('. Tierce occupied the Congre- there are alwavs babies und they come friend- Mr George Duucombe shingling Thursday, April We know and feel of it. I - and destitute. It has taxed us to the ut- was bitten a horse and left with a Have no equal. it proud gational pulpit, Sunday. less his house at Broadview. by we our efforts and the result most to provide for these little ones and your ragged wound And bad finger. Dr Stites To that end bend all KEANE & CO., box came lust as there were four newcomers, was called to dress the wound. Mr Car- is eminently satisfactory. Call and see us before JONES, the first to be helped by your bounty. Our Ha- The elici ts of the bliy..ard still remain charitv patients are generally men, miners, The annual meeting of the Xew roll has suffered considerable pain. you buy your in (ireat King, Newtown. A drift meas- and women in the confinement wards. We ven branch of the Woman's Board of Mr the last seldom have children and seldom find wo- held in Center Clothing ured by liennett Sherman, eases who ap- Missions will be the Spring men, other than the mentioned, j Ite-- Mrs J. H. Costello of the Glen and was 177 .feet and '2't constant-lv"wel- Xew 8th. ; line. We know that we can day of'April, long ply for aid. These wards are almost l church, Haven, Tuesday, are under the care of Dr Stites or anything in our CLOTHIERS,MAIN HATTERS, Der-- 349 FURIsriSHERS, Inches deep. tilled, us well as the accident ward. turn tickets on the Consolidated and i daughter you- - We STREET, BURROUGHS' LIBRARY BUILDING. 5ur need of abundance of bed linen can in for colds. satisfy great al- by roads at half rates can be secured be seen and our excellent matron is j Mr S. C. has six cows easilywavs waif who comes to ns the vestibule during the intermission. WILL TREAT YOU CORDIALLY SUCCESSORS TO J. M. HAWLEY. Clover bought careful that every Messrs Ruffles are renovat of Mr V. .J. of Long Hill; shall have at least the second best thing, and Camp make a critical examination of Squinobal cleanliness. If the kiiul workers from whom Mr ?j.l4. Johnson's fences and and nermit you to were j ing house, ot Deiore they delivered, Wednesday. our gift comes could know how far the good Misses Eva and Hammond are Darn & s our stock and comparison prices ouying reaches tliev are helping us to do, they would Sophie with Longman ..Martinez pure never weary in well doing and would feel already in Xewtown for the season. Mr prepared paints. 1ST Mr M. .1. Bradley has secured a gov- repaid tor their labor. We wisn you and Mrs Hammond will join them, this 33 7r mi'-n- t richly READ CO. ernment appoint and lias sold out all prosperity in your church and feel that, week. fi BOYS' AND GIRLS' SHOES. lie with willingheart's anil hands, it cannot but Mrs Bohert Tomlinson is sruest of her M. Ibe business had just started at Sandy lames who has been be alwavs well with you. Very respectfully father, Mr S. D. Crofut of Sandy Hook In llookto Mr. Kelly, yours, 'Lena M. Abdill, Secretary. Mr W. X. Xorthrop brought in a car We make a specialty of all kinds of shoes for children; dainty little cham- 'it tin. Ilt'iittil (Viitritl. Des 28, 1SS8. himself and deep stu. Moines, Iowa, April of cattle from Buffalo for CARPETS AND UPHOLSTERY. ois leather for 6mall brought down another car for Ferris Mr Michael Troy of Botsford is under 3HE moccasins, prettily trimmed, the very ones, price 40c greater ut .. the care of Dr Stites. Soft sole f ,);(n,mrv xv;(rt j,,.,., Sunday, BETHEL- - Brothers, Wednesday. shoes in French kid, bronze and colors, from 25 to 50c. nve ONE-PRI- We pretty prices after ,,. k.'M'. Smith in a call CE House, are showing make .(Mn)anv (.'. Howard Banks has bought the D. Chilling every style, Hand turned sizes 2 to for fine wljrs trick of Cold Spring. all! shoes, 6, at 25c, 39c, 50c, 75c, SI French kid during Keating F. lieebc place, better known as the McXa-- Rev J. P. will resume, next Sun and value ever known to the American In The dauohter of Mr Michael Hoyt SDlinsr heels for those a little nicelv mad a on rnnstrnrfced last ed gre. Epbrahn Barniim place, in Plumtrees. mara of the (ilen is down with bron- day, the Sunday afternoon meetings in larger, rarpfnllv town. HENRY HARRIS, trade the offered J prwlucii'jj M.H0M )lf X. Y., has Arthur Senior has C. E. Senior's store chitis, under the care of Dr Stites. different sections of the First ser Among advantages in a variety of widths, so we can fit any child. They come at all prices. 49r. Martville, vice in the Berkshire church. PE0PE1ET0E, canlzei'isited Betts at Sandy Hook; alsothe up on Center street. He also has the Baptist we mention vast from $1 SI 50. We wish to call to our lines lr contract for next Sunday, Oth, at 4 o'clock and in oth CT. the display 75c, SI, 25, particularly attention at used hoctor's mother from Woodbury, Vanliiper's building. recov- S60 MAIN SI, BRIDGEPORT, an Conductor Thomas Bartlctt has er districts in order, except occasionally James H. BushnelU George A. which to make selections. $1 and SI 25 for children with heels or spring hesls. Finer goods of J. & T a '" Benjamin Stone has bought interest his broken ribs and is on the on when he P S. Messrs Moquettes, son, in the' Center meat market and, as he is ered from Sunday, exchanges. They Hurd and H. C. Eich would be pleased to have Cousins' make. Ut- Mi- - in Brook-the- y road his old on are to be union services in which a ,J. Will I.ee.wbo was born well will his share of trade. again, taking position designed their friends call at Oak Hall- - Axministers, Wiltons, Velvets, lived at the Hook with Mr liked, get the Xew Milford special. practical Gospel truth will be presented. Held and has Cliff Andrews has returned to Bethel A. and at Woodbury w ith Mrs NOTICE! NOTICE!! Boys' scho.ol shoes that are solid and reliable at SI 25 and J 1 50. New- -. thnu,(',. Hough .Jo-ra- BODY AND nk and cuts meat for E. E. Lynch. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, Cole, was recently married to Miss The of Mr inducements made to our out of town S. S. Owen has in a stock of Thousands of tons of paving stone for daughter P. Ready of llaw Special hall and Barber's good3 at $2 and S2 50. This make of boys' shoes has a ,,.,,;,, Voorhces at New Brunswick, put good are from leyville is very ill, under the care of Dr trade. For every $5 purchase made your car gentlemen's and boys' straw hats. Give Waterbury transported Bridge- THREE PLY AND EX SUPER IN wonderful reputation for wearing qualities, a3 well a3 excellence of materials. and.X..!. w'ill port over the llousatonic and Xew Eng- Stites. fare paid direct to the in th him a call and he try you.- Fine of Hanan & Sons' make for those who wish. Ids Hoi-- land roads. GRAINS, goods was enMr Patrick Keating, better known as Nathan Seeley has sold two of the NEW OAK HALL ONE PRICE Moii-niorn- ehreatening died at in stein calves, three days old, for $50 each, Notwithstanding t i.Jot," suddenly Danbury, Fine American from Mine Hill, weather, Sunday evening, a good con : of heart ti7 years M. W. Sherwood has a few granite CLOTHING HOUSE, novel and disease, spent days Boxbury, is arriving for the house of Mr gregation assembled to hear the new surpassingly beautiful, expend ne Nva :1 visit, there at in town. Rev B. L. Marsh. He to bed all P. L. Bonalds on the Hill. preacher, speaks in and color. prospe'uth street and went right, Henry B. Todd and family are here w ithout notes and is a remarkably inter- 3(50 Main St, Bridgei0rt,U0Ml. original design Being JOHN 5. HOWLAND, were e night. The remains were brought Mr '1 odd worked nday from Meriden. here, esting and fluent speaker and deeply in sole agents for cess wil for burial, Tuesday. ..mis ieaimg when younger, with 1). 1. Hubbell in Mr Thomas O. Murphy has sold 400 earnest. last year. the tin business, but ot late years his in worth of land to the railroad and has G.G.Eighme,D.D.S 405 MAIN Next dcor t3 W. B. Hall & has led him into the few weeks.board-in- g THE READ CARPET CO., STREET, Company. ventive genius patent been busy, for past Mrs John Campbell is again on the sick and Mrs John K. Tomliuson, with and he has invented a number of as high as 115 men. is , rights list; Dr Stites in attendance. DENTAL OFFICE. rt S. and wife-- have returned to useful articles and is engaged in manu We are so situated that we are sell-- Mr Wi Ml'' home. Mr Tomliuson facturing them in Meriden. ! ! ! and Mrs Charles Botsford has entertained Miss Florence Middlebrook of Water-bur- y TVTAIN ST.. BRIDGEPORT, CT STORK XEW STORE . 'continue the timber job, going Mrs mother of Xich-ol- s 422 at retail at whole XEW Pattee, George Paltco, Mrs Philo Burr and also Mrs - ot iog goods regular tory oi j when business demands. 11. son, spends the week with her grand- r.f tur- v.nusvlviinia I'ollcfro died, Tuesday, at her home with Mrs French and son of Oxford. ttnrmrv of 1'liiluiU'l ljliiu. Artificial 184G ar - mother in Sandy Hook. r.t..i and sale prices. WILL SHOW THIS WEEK A SPECIAL LIKE OP ALL COLOBS OP W. Tnnanus tit Grassy i'lain. ion,.ie,i tnotli fulfil. h;;inel iriftf JV ...!, i..a b- - tlif newewt luul most LACES, STKAWS, FLOWERS, SHADED TIPS, AND. O VELTIES IN over-t,00,urn- ed w eek in Xew f,'lOIJl'Miss Lulu Xorthrop accidentally Lin D. Hubbell spent last moved from .....i Buy direct from the manufacturers TRIMMED AND TTNTHISSSIED MILLINERY. A PLEASURE TO Mr Edward Botsford has Mrs MeMahon of Lake ..,,.(i,,l j artiilc-ia- l upon her face and hands a bottle Haven. Mr Lewis's to Mr Sherman Botsford's Anthony The new system of inserting SHOW OUR SPECIAL STYLES WHICn-CANKO- EE FOUND carbolic G. A. now of Ueorge has been very ill, but is now im- , witli Willi! l.lOlllltillS. We a and fully assor trar(lf acid, quite severely burning Bev Hubbell, Southport, near Botsford rt .1, with hut little nam by Dr display large was with his D. T. Hubbell, place depot. proving under the care of Ir Stites. t,.,,.t,.,i Father. brother, Kiirhnif 's'process of nmiilnnpr the gums. - - ted stock of such goods as the Co. Monday. NTTTinns OXIDE GAS a.luiiniste red lorpuin- just , .. i 4 ..... it. f i.nt- F. clerks for S. Lunl bslonfting to Mrs Pannelee was Hev and Mrs Marsh to6k the lesa extracting. B. Crouchley George burned last week. The lire was early people want. up lightning rods on the new Bubber Fairchild. over, train to Xew York, Monday. He will abo accidentally started by the Italians. some time at the confer- a.C.EIGHME,D.D. S., factory. Bishop Williams will visit. St Thomas, spend general Second door below lac 14th. ence of the M. K. church, which com- 422 Main St. Fairfield Avenue. 437 Main Monday, SOUTH BRITAIN. menced 1 at the. THE INDICATIONS St., Bridgeport. ev Messrs Ceorge Smith and E. F. and a commot ion was caused on the May Metropolitan opera 18 suckers and Quite house, Xew- York city. He expects to AlfCiii is asrain on the sick th (i. A. Xorthrop caught horse car line, Monday, by a pair of The of the union Sun- Tntiiov tan are now, tnat we are to have iraraiir days, to The D. M. Read Co. subject meeting, return and hold meeting at Southville, ni- - SUV. TllC sudden Opposite at one bream from Bond brook, Saturday horses attached to a car and was the of the Mat MB unrrv to (III takingf right day night", parable talents, and i'i.o-- much for we shall taik about thinner stuffs for dresses. veiling; the total weight was pounds. the driver entire Hev C'oburn Friday Saturday evenings, preach nb of the weather was too running away, losing leading. there and then at constant at we are thirty-Sv- e Sunday morning Sandy .;.,. Tir Stitp lms been in The French Sataens selling at Y . t' control of them. They also ran, Satur- The meet in the Con- as usual. rpz-- c w hen young peoples' ing Hook, Sunday evening tendance. are bast latest colors, attractive v x CANOPY The rats into F. L. Curtis' pen of day. 'Mrs E. C. Huse jumped they 0 30, was led beauties, goods, 1U ll 4 Uf TOPS! got her gregational vestry, at by fancy pigeons and killlcd a lot of young first started, shaking considerably, W. K. Mitchell, school superin- styles. is The horses were Sunday 27. a seven-poun- d to SOUTHVILLE. Of all descriptions. pigeons. as she quite fleshy. tendent, who is the one to assist Born, April boy without other driv- right Mr and Mrs John H. of Podging-tow- n. WHITE GOODS, stopped damage by the in the Ferry l AT Cl.-ir- was ers who live the line. pastor training young. of Slieiton guest EUREKA F0LDIXG, RIGID FRAilE Mr Mrs 11. W. Binknev of Brook along i . of a or so The rem and A simple bouquet of wild diatrefolium of his father, S. I Clark, last week. those that we spoke day ago- H0LL CP CXETAIX3, ETC., ETC., at Mr A. W. Elmshade t lyn are Peck's, adorned lie table in trout ol the Congre- nants and short pieces, enough for a dres3, but this week. Messrs Ilobert Beck and J DANBUEY. beautiful because it had James Ginley, who has been employed Afiea Hnt.tie Kurd was home from her gational puipit, at the Grand Central the we class them remnats and let them go at a price, For Surries, Business asd Flessare I. Schenncrhorn were there, over Sunday the KtandishtV. Thompson tick- a breath of Spring in it. stables, past school, Sunday. Among Winter, has gone to St Joseph, Mo., to Nainsooks, Piques, Lawns, Cambrics, ia checks, Wagons, Phaetons, etc ets given to the Y. M. C. A. was 594, the The thermometer rose, Sunday, from Little York, Satur- - set. nearly live. A party went and The (ilen baseball club expect their number which drew the chamber SO at 4 ) . m. Preachers earned their l tln weddmcr OI i in stribs plaids. also deal in Wapoas, Carriages, and will be ready for The donor could not be found. The Y. bread by the sweat of their brows, April or etc., which wt sometimes take in uniforms, Saturday in Mr and Mrs B. Gorham of West-po- rt Scheilks, brother .vaoipn. LIGHT next week. M. C. A. did a good turn donating the 29, a Sunday to he remembered. George WEIGHT JACKETS, for Cacspies and will dispass challenge, re- returned from a Win- set to the hospital. The piano still vis- just wedding trip is a rare to see the bay Those at lowest - Mrs (ieorge Ilickox of Xew Haven to A 1). made a It pleasure very natty styles, blacks are selling fast. living prices- mains uncalled for. Miss Hattie ashington, C, pleasant dow of Mrs John Ward in Obtuse. She I E. L. Johiwon's its her sister, Bradley. we have i, K. V. law will sell visit at Mr Charles week. with JO at $7.50 ars the most popular, but then ZCTo-wtoxTiri- ley Xorthrops,last v.o- vi ' i . . . . of n efts butter in this An auction of the household goods of ni,- i - ZD. creamery pound prints, HATTEET0WN. tiioeamns and various other kind.- others at less money that are equally as good G. Boors Oo.. Ct. f resit made two or three times a the late Smith was held, Satur- - j season, (ieorge Miss Hattie L. Curtis of Xew Haven of in bloom. value week. moved into the day and people came from far and near! plants McCarty vacation with cousin nv Chauncey to i spends her her went to South-Ainmi- I'ratt place, Saturday, One load turned purchase. Miss Hattie L. Ferris. Orrin Ward and wife CARPETS. 4, T 70L ). Hurllttitt and James a several bar- - .John is success iu j to attend the, funeral of Messrs (ieorge over, breaking stove and Cassidy having we do. NOW IS THE TIME, j Just the same as last week, all can Body Tonlong spent Sunday in Brooklyn. re Is of crockery. hatching eggs by an incubator, having Mrs" Polly Edmonds, an old neighbor. j BK00KFIELD. we the Miss and Itichard I'.ooth are in some 90 already. Brussels have taken a start since changed Sophia fast. John lost ."() sized chick-- j are also cutting up Bemember that E. F. Uawley has the Hartford. Cassidy good Mrs David B.Dibble has visited friends STONY HILL. prices. Ingrains the extreme A j sole agency for 11. J. Baker & Bros' Mrs and Miss M. J. 15i isco of llawley- ens, Sunday, by heat. in Bridgeport. As there has been a it's the and Miss 1 of wedding at the Methodist parsonage and i Jennie Clark vMtrt in phosphates, consequent ly only ville, Mrs Winton Taylor Miss Danbnry, I V. can it. New stock ; no old this week and .will in West 'Purchase an alarm of fire caused Mr and Mr B. T. Jackson have visited week. HE D. M. READ CO. place you buy Dauburv arrived, was caused a small her sister in Monroe. last goods'at reduced' prices. mobiiblV remain in Miss Taylor's resi an excitement.. It by din season. boy smoking .a cigarette He "threw it j Barnuni and family moved from dence ing the A Clark Jackson and Daniel D. Henry into the of down on dry grass. crowd gathered Joyce Mrs Hiram Camp's at Taunton BRIDGEPORT, "BIG REDUCTION" Miss EUiel tirace Parsons has spent a This, the last, day April, Impresses and the fire was soon were appointed delegates to the convent- R. T. Crane ' WATCHES. till with the of life and the extinguished. ion in old plaee, Monday. few In the Glen with her Aunt uncertainty j Hartford, Wednesday. days To-da- Mrand Mrs Ot is have recent- - Jessie. possibilities of death. y carries us Xorthrop and Mrs L. have return and Glasses. of snow that so ly spent a few days with Oliver Mitch-- Mrs Hobert Clark, who has been ill at Rev (i. Teeple All mail orders are delivered with Spectacles Eye back to the ivalanche ed to YVesftield, Mass. A assortment of the as well as in the of Watch Cases descended upon us, strewing ell, Mrs Xorthrops old home. her mother's, is much better. or good very best, price The foundations for barn of Mr P. h. suddenly of! express charges postage prepaid the cheaper kinds, always on hand, at very low are sickness' and death in its pathway. One Mr and Mrs 1. Percy Blackmail Mrs II. H. Knapp has visited her within a few days. We are now Bonul.ls on Taunton hill, 80x20 feet, our friend and Hook were guests" of II. P. Mitch Mrs David Hartram moves, this week, Bristol. by us. Mulshed and work has on the of its victims, neighbor, Sandy to ter, Mrs John Ackerman of Silver begun M.iriha Crofut. whose life so suddenly ell, Sunday. from the Keeler place Bethel, where Ware. Jewelerv, able to sell foundations of the house, 108x110 feet. her son Frank is T)an-- OF N EWTOWX. ss Probate Court Clocks &c. went, out a railroad accident, hedged Mrs X. W. Mitchell Satur-ilay,fro- employed. Mr and Mrs Edward Sanford of DISTRICT .Messrs Owen, John and Oliver Crom- by a returned, Mr and Mrs 1SSS. B. in a snow hank and a Hying engine, visit with Xew Haven friends. vi? lmw si lent, Sundav with ot PATRICK KEATING, late of Xew W. STIFFEN, Sandy Hook. did most of the mason work, by S. E. Ilawii'v has iti'd W. B. Roe at i well, who few'weeks was from a re- Charles Dikeman. town,Fttein said district, Ueeeasen. .. to which since, brought Oorham of Shelron. i liave also laid the foundations in X. J. and de Mr and Mrs (i. Westport Thn nnn il'ntmn Ot ItlVWleV .lenmilKH OI M WATCHES CHEAPER THAN of Mrs I. B. Harris is ceiving vault, Orange, with Mrs Judith Mitchell. and Sherman turn town, that administration DISTRICT OF XEWTOW X.ss.Probate Court, the house being in the 1 cenier.ery, spent Sunday The old Redding praying negranicu 1SKS. and to build the foundat- posited luntnigtown E0XBUET- - is Detween nere on sam esiaie, uertuy iiucaittw ot GIIARI.OTTE ol moved expect The life thus transformed was Married, April Hi, Lew Miller and Miss pike rendered impassible a appears by said application on nie naviuj Kstiite FREEMAN, late for her new mansion. Monday. ow to the caving-i- n lv.x.n Xewtown, in said district, deceased. EVER. ion usefulness. In her years L. Miss and Plumtrees, ing Therefore. ad- one of early Mary Galpiu. Jennie MeEwen visits friends in That-sai- ue nenru The Administrator exhibited his a childless aunt of the abutment of the bridge. okdk.kko d npuiicauon having she wasiidopted by and, Benjamin Post cut his foot, while choj)- - Rosburv. at 1 o'clock in the afternoon on the 12th day ministration account with said estate to this a tried for a ot sam Court for allowance, it is The hoy at the iSubher just upon the threshold womannoou, K. is his house of May, 1SSS, at the rrooate umce in u ping. The festival "J. Sherman having Xewtown and that OHDERKD That the 5th day of May, lsss, half holiday, every Saturday, through vyas sunimoneit iiome to minm Episcopal Easter passed notieeottiieumeanupiuce 1 Office in Call at our store, examine and were painted yellow, with dark trimmings. . of said hearing bo given by publieatiou two at o'clock, afternoon, at the l'robate the Summer months, but the men mother, who transferred tins latner aim EASTOIi. off pleasantly, last week Thnrsday even- in the Xewtown Bkk. a Xewtown, be, and the same is assigned for a H-- 1;5; r weeks successively for ' for her sisters to her care, request-iiit- ing. There was an entertainment in the burned over woods, In Fairfield coun- hearing on the allowance of said administra- compare our .Ladies tooHtmnr them; younger A la rge tire Taunton weekly newspaper printedsame on tion account with said Estate and this Court prices. h.r to remain at the head of the Sylvester Turney of Illinois, son and hall, music, dialogues and Mother Goose and mcn ty, and by posting the the sign post the Administrator to cite all against. nun-m- Saturday Sunday, destroying where the deceased last directs persons Gold Filled American Watches Mip wen luinueu uiai are in town with his "brother tableaux, followed by a supper. The trees. nearefit to the place interested therein to appear at said time and family. to daughter wood and injuring young dwelt in the town of Newtown. Attest, in some news- 1'. libike und Michael Bradley giving her youth and strength the and sisters. proceeds are to help paint the church.. W.M. .1. BEECHEK, Judge. place, by publishing this order $20. Gents' Gold Filled Amer- In due time, the sis- A hen's rive paper having a circulation, in said District t,t Iliinover have, had their barns and care of the family. StonvIIill egg .weighed KXCHAXUE. A line of and a on the sign-iKs- t v-- Visited ! SALK OK by posting copy public - lea Edmond Smith, bride and son ounce-- mid pair ntlu-i- buililiic'-- i iminted. Folllett of ters married ; later, the father died, The Kvenlng Farmer has this to had three, distinct yolks. i?K would exchange in the Town of Xewtown.wnere the deceas- ican Watches $15 up. br father-in-la- I'.jidKeyorl Steers, twins; was the artist. lng her alone in the, old home. Jier 1a-- his Sbnday. say ot one of our most enternriiif? aiiveiti.s for a milch cow, also n finp Jersey Yearling ed last dwelt. Attest, Jtrldgewater here did not cease, for to nearly ev- era anil we are sure that the moat favorable Bull for sale. I.. K. lyLL, Walker's Farm. W'm. J. BEECHEK, Judge. and Munson Banks, after many years of notice given of them will lie given of them S0UTHBUBY. All Kinds. All Prices. home Martha was summoned - Kooth took In the cele ery suffering, died, Monday, April .'i0. will be fully endorsed by their many custom- MrJosiah hlg was always reactv 10 assist m i.mui ei's and friends : In their new advertisement IT. A. Jones's successor at the station New last week. Messrs fSwan & of .102 Water Btrent bration at Haven, th Hick, to lav out the. dead or superin the school Iiushnell ia TVIr If of West X. 1. mo The guardians of Staples mention some of the ffreat variety of goods Ionian Pawling, Every One Warranted. tend at a wedding, suddenly rung J. W. J. X. B. dealt, in them. nartiealaiiv desire to Mr Jones will visit his in Massa a fund, Johnson, Field, by They - parents C. 11. Peck of Xew Haven has gen- - of Terrors called her, without good held their annual call attention to the ver- full line of all iuate and from tnere to Omana. Mrs rare wen uu Johnson, meeting, ior nnuae chusetts go ron-il- v association or a to tne irientis 1 rials painting anit decora. frivi'ii the library bye, Puesday, May , at the .staples tarm, tion and to urete upon those intending: to FOR 1.00! The brother 1 1 zine for 1MX8 for the use mourn her untimely (light. Cdward their this season, use of The "suit of John Reynolds against miss her in her accustomed ill, proprietor. paint buildings, the receiv- C. & f their room. and sisters will tnepure uaicuttii llmseea oil, ot wbica they Southford Paper Co. for damages m W. BRYANT CO., rending visits and in the old home where Sirs' Sophia Patterson is" very sick. nave seenreu nevoral tnousanu gallons. The ed w hile in their employ came oft at the increase in ot vessels- - em- - so many years she made them welcome. rapid the number Superior court at Waterbury, luesuay. Mr Jhmald A. Warner will leave the will miss her in the. And to-- Service at the. Judd school house by ploying stearn for business or pleasure has 259 MAIN CT. ' All village. DANBURY, lie v Mr Bulklev on 0th, at t ii grrai increase in ineir line oi ST., ..midov of the Kubber Co. as coachman, lay, in the early Springtime, with tears Sunday, engineers' supplies, so that, In addition to the Miss Ann Stiles is able to he out again. week ami win u wonv im v m- - we her o'clock. tsual goons usiii by sailins eratt. thev now We have in our window a Handsome n'xt go of sorrow, lay away of of is placed s it, Son, Berkshire. Beneath the April sliowera unit snnslmie, Mr Nathaniel M. Belden, Theodore W. keep every variety articles used bv engin .'Emerson Baldwin Middlebnry Next J. M. Ives Co. Wlii-ietli- niKt are ill r eers on vessels or on shore. The firm assure fiiithhtl the weury and Charles B. Cur us Is war moving into the Scott place. UPRIGHT MATHUSHEK -- V. A. II. Beach of Bridgeport that every article sold bv them fully PIANO, WAT EIVEa. t m a ranted and wilt thank one HALF tis of Strati onl have been appointed their they to errorany calling Miss Lucie Bennett has visited .friends committee to deckle the cpiestion of the attention any or oversight H..ar1u Samuel KlenheusV harn . TEUilBULL wiucn may occur in me nurry ot Dusiuess. iu Burrville. which we to away. With every $1 NEWTOWN,. Probate Court. 'n... new highway to replace that flooded by propose give DISTRICT? wave wav. last week and his three cows, took a drive to Bridge- - .- Ii. J. l?otsford the reservoir below the Xarrows "nfillianis Clark Co.. : 1 Warner is at w ork in Xauga-tuek- . Estate of WII.IJAM CI.ARK, l&t of New- ...jfun...!1 in the stanchions, were kdled and, Gentlemen used Samuel worth of said water, last week. with the counsel on both sides, II last soason,5different kinds ot fertllizersto : town, in District, dccensl. rescued : The Court of Probate for the District New - , ' tied with rone?, were Wheeler and Curtis ti.ut them Bradley's. Baker's. Baker's. Bow of mmrtera of beef were carried to the State con t'anfleld,O.W. Thomp(.. Blood (iuano, your Americus, BOOTS AND SHOES town hath limited and allowed six months ..ii The Delegates Republican son, will view the next ker's, times in planting Howard Hickok has put a telegraph from the date hereof for the Creditors ot said witli rreiif, reioieinrr. bv Italian la vention : A. . proposed layout, savior al my piece strips with these Metiois, ir jiui. Tuesday. live different kinds; and honestly I think 1 got instrument in S. L. Tuttle's store. Estate to exhibit tlieir claims for settlement. borers on the railroad. two baskets where J one Those who neglect to present their accounts, is more comfortable. almost put your goods of us receive chance in the w ithin Raid w Kheltouand I E. ft. Edwards Wakcman has another car of where 1 got one basket where 1 put any of the purchased you properly attested, time, ill be Wurden 1. X.Clark of Bradley Your Keane & Co., the live and vigilant debarred a recovery- - AH persona indebted for v.ov V' K. of other kinds. truly, Henry Bradley. Jones, in- V. Howe of Biriniiihain were Ashing Holden Bridgeport preach horses. Xorwalk, Conn., April 2, 1888. clothiers are ever on the lookout lor the beautitui mstrument, to said estate are requested to make ImmeilK Hint from the Congregational terest of their patrons. They are offering, ate payment to IIKItMO U. PiX'K, trout watehing Italians, saturuay ed acceptably -- and Itev A. O. Miss Frankie Wilson has sold a cow to this Week, sailor suits in blue, brown and vuiuiniKiraior. The lire. Hundav. was nuite exciting pulpit, Sunday morning note the testimonial from grev, sizes from 3 to 12 years, at $1.S, which REMEMBER, 'of it out. OI xiaveu in iiic lifter George Nelson. Henry Wheeler has sold Please Henry sold less than 2. This is the big It took a number men to put I'ettinglll iew Bradley of Norwalk in regard to Williams, wm iuvr 10. (iood one to super-phosphat- L.. iu Men's fine suits at OFNEWTOWX,. Probate Court, burned over about KM) acres on land of noon, taking for his cuDject, "ine (ieorge tiregory. Clark & Co., high grade gest bargain B'p't. DISTRICT It " B. Booth is for Williams, Clark & Co's Men's black woostea cutaway ami suck nuns while a chance to this val ISs. i. Loveland and J. IJ. Downs. Man." M. V'. Silliuian of Xorwalk Agentj cannot be any- that giving you get Estate of WILLIAM B. TAYLOR, late ot II. Mrs has goods. He also has a stock of Baker's at for $12,50, which implicated in said runs a butcher cart at "Wills has the contract to friends. reduced where for $13. Xewtown, district, deceased. luirles Johnson ITenry taken visited Easton greatly prices. to The written resignation ot Hermon C. Tay- v we shall continue sell Zoar - build the new Darn in uie ongrcgaiiuu. uable instrument you lor as executor on said estate been re- Bridge. V new in Red h having are al Mr and Mrs Frank Wheeler of Long A see ad. E. Uawley lias something top ceived by this Court, it The (50 men on the railroad job get parsonage. Hill with Easton friends. Dental surgery, lhany Dentists; seed. It's cleaned without the chart"., .Much mat a Hearing be had thereon at at not set at worn , had a fine spent Sunday to the old Oftice in said Newtown on the Mh ting impatient being Charles W. Beach has gran ' superior style BOOTS & Iordkrkd Htle for two weeKa noes uoi my if olaced in Charles Burr a new carriage. SHOES 18s, at I o'clock P. M. and that lying nioniiment la the cemetery, sports Hardware, farming tools, Plumb Hardware be by tor h'm Co ; see ail. V. & hearing given publication U tender svmuathv to Shiloh memory or Ma aunt. Anna aiaria, wiuov The of Miss Hall to Hallock Co., Main street, Birmingham, labor and its sorrowful results, of Aaron Summers. It was built by wedding Augusta have a large store full of nice goods and do it and bv posting the same on the public sifni- - day's - Charles Bootli of White Plains is soon to Xew new store and low on large wholesale and retail trade. Their ad- o.Ht in the town of Newtown. Attfwt, last week. Sexton & Sons of East Bridgeport. goods, prices a. take place. . hardware, etc., at C. W. Haw ley's, 447 Main vertisement mentions few of the articles Low m. j. isitciiilt, Juiige. Sunda v w as warmer ; 1)0 in the shade .T. took no a horse, - for which they have the agency. A full line Prices as as the Lowest, If. Williama strange street, Bridgeport. of general hardware and kindi-e- articles lis for which he would A monument to the memory of the late on Hallock-- - be OF NEWTOWN, as Probate Thursday morning, always hand and Messrs will DISTRICT - Court, MIDDLEBUHT. like to lind .an owner. Martin Wilson of Ansonia has been erect Call and consult Dr Dickinson,' Bridgeport, pleased to have you call. . ed in the Gilberttown if you are troubled with any chronic disease ; - Estateof WM1.B. J EXXI NG$, late of Vewt own. cemetery. , man who moved to the J. I). llVWilliaros has pota toes already up. consultation free. . reader of this will no doubt be Tlie young Every paper j Court of Xew -- . W. "Wilson of Dr The Probatefor th District of m to run a milk team to E. of Xewtown was with interested in rending the ad Knowles, i T. 'I'utt le fai 11. W. Walker of the llousatonic lec The Handsomest Lady in Newtown chiropodist;-an- d town bath liinitetl and allowed aix month his David 1. the physician and surgeon j t lie hereof fur ere titorn d.d not. over night. ! - father, Wilson, Saturday. Remarked to a friend she w besnc.iik doctor a natronairo which The Boot Shoe from date the ot saiit terhury stay Co. was in town, Sunday. the other day that for the Leading and Merchant, , estikte to exhibit their rlalms for netUement. knew Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs Mi patronage in Bridgeport has warranted Tliose who iu'KUcl to present their acconnta home at the Sehreiber have 1'ev Mr preached for the was a as n uu seem lie-liu- s 7 Mrs Treat is having her CW. Tutor and Anson Phelps Bap superior remedy, it stopped her in ing, certain ly purioruico pnMTly attcviwl...... M... w ,u cough instantly when other cough remedies some wonderful cures. His operations being a m-ine- All Center repaired. worked for T, A. Iallett. tists, Synday. no effect whatever. So with con-- . tlcbarred persons indebted to hiul to prove this and painless and nis remedies harmless, Haiti are requeHted to make immediate Mrs B Smith Mrs Plumb of Canada visits her sister convince yon ot Its merit, any druggist will situation free und prices reasonable, slioultl to B.AlKClill-D- Mrs Kind. all has had her front, fence Elmer spent Wednesday a bottle free. siae SOc i to of hH 3E5ridGOoi7t? payment, JUKfll , ; give you sample Large induce sufferers avail themselves Conn. Mrs Burr.- ; : - AtluiinJj5trati?r. taken away. ill Stepney. (ieorge and?!- - tsHUl- See advertisement, WOODBUKT. II. J. Lewis, who bought the Bach S. Tlumb, O. B. Burton, W. N'. French; Wavd U buildiuff an addition to George place, contemplates extensive repairs. It song, Mr and Mrs O. B. Burton, Mrs i j SPRING STILES FOR '88 Eoswt'll's house in Cat Swamp. is one of the finest places on the street Plumb, W. N. French; duet, Mr and II fl -- and It is pleasant to know that it is to be Mrs O. B. Burton. This was followed Swan- - & 3k.T T H r! Almou fJalpin is making extensive re- occupied once more. ' by such a supper as the Congregational pairs on his house on North Main. Al- ladies know so well how to Re- Bob. Silliman, clerk in Clark's store at prepare. ien is to build a house on Hooppole Hill, were about $11. those South is to a . ceipts Among for Judson. Mr Allen has com- Meriden, at home attending Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Manufacturers Ralph which he off present from out of town was Mr Dibble the addition to his house in West finger cut while monkeying and Painters Supplies. pleted with a new of Birmingham. Side and will move in about 1. G. axe. It seems to be doing May well. SHIP II. Wells has the John Cur- LONG CHANDLERS, bought Capt HILL. 362 "Water St., foot of A One of is Bank, tis homestead, price said to be $2500. the busiest places in town the A. W. Coan and wife in BRIDGEPORT, CT. a man in marble and C. spent Sunday good place and good possession. granite works of J. Shelton, Offer at New Tori: prices at wholesale or retail Hughes. The long, hard Winter has all the best makes of strictly pure This M eek will see a area large plant- been a dull one in their line of business, Members of Grace church choir were ed with With seed potatoes. potatoes but the Spring opens with a rush and presented Avith bouquets of beautiful and small at 1 23 (and at that) per bushel, they are well filled with orders. fragrant arbutus, Sunday, by Marcus And Calcutta Linseed Oil. there will be trouble in getting back pay Nichols. A new feature of the service The house that John is mov- Agent of principal Paint and Color works in for time and seed. McGahay was a solo sung by Miss Dora Beach the country. ' ing on his lot struck a rock, last week On the of trees is in during the offertory. Window Glass all colors and sizes. WHERE YOU CAN GET MOST FOR YOUR MONEY. May 4, planting and has come to a standstill, awaiting its Fish order. In 1870, a few in W. C. Sniffin and Sails, Awnings, Tents, Nets, QUALITY AMOUNTS TO LITTLE UNLESS THE PBICE BE PAIK. neighbors owner's return from Europe. daughter of Bridge- and Eel Clam LOW PRICES ABE NOT BARGAINS UKLFSS TOE QUALITY IS THERE. North set out on the mam omm Spears, Rakes, Ladders, - A E COMBINE THEM ! BUY ! ! - Woodbury highway port were with Henry Wills, Sunday. Oil REJOICE AND 43 elm trees in one they are all alive bwmg Stagings, Rope, Clothing day; BRIDGEPORT. II. R. and W. C. Wheeler, administra- orse Covers. to-d- ay and growing nicely. in & assortment! is to a tors, have sold land with buildings on EVERYTHING NEEDED BY ENGINEERS. Perfection style George Gowdy preparing open FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS. ! Thf wad machine this week, and in the at West Myrtle avenue, to I. C. Fow- & starts, tack naiIfactory shop Bridgeport, - in our ler. Telephone. Never Undersold. N. T. Prices- Satisfaction quality price for a two months' cruise along high- Stratford. Careful attention to Hail Orders- - THESE ARE YOURS IP YOU MAKE SELECTIONS FROM OUR W cPKING STOCK ways. There is plenty of work for man NE OF The New York Sunday papers have Next Sunday's offering at Grace church and machiue, the blizzard having left its raised their price to newsdealers, who will be for the ,diocesan convention. mark on our hilly roads. FOR SALE: s and Bovs'm0 CJlothinir.J will be obliged to sell them at 0 cents a Beach Hall and F. J. Booth are at work J The kind of boy wanted at the Report- copy. The World has given notice that for M. O. Wheeler. THo limine, building and ten acres of lanil belonging ti the estate of Mra.Mnrgaret Mad- - ents' roods. er otllce is apt to die young. The like copies of the daily issue are no longer re- lgun, ueceaseci. jiust no boiu betore May 1U. William Mallett and wife of ashua KB Furnishing has not been seen here in a turnable.' jam js. MADKJAN, Administrator. OUR SPRING STOCK is Handsome and - generation. Sandy Hook, April 10, 1888. - Shlish as Any ou Earth- The of 10 who can answer their were here, Sunday. boy years Thomas Walker, formerly with A. L. call can aud do better. from a severe Rev Mr Immense Assortment! go up higher Wmton on Middle street, is no Suffering cold, Newark, N. J., Sept. 19, 1885. DUCK EGGS FOR SITTING: longer omitted his intended sermon on New ! - The Democrats held their caucus, last with L. B. Vaill of West Stratford. Boylston ' Ecrgs pure Pekin Ducks 50c. Armlv to or ad Features the on of made Messrs. Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati. dress, MRS W. S. WHKEI.KR, Ct. ! - laying hands,Sunday, but Trumbull, week- The Republican and Prohibition The annual of the Associated Exclusive Styles meeting a few earnest remarks on the necessity Gentlemen : a to and testimonial RELIABLE, TRUSTY, SERVICEABLE GOODS MARKED AT ROCK BOTTOM have, not been called. charities will be held at SO't Although stranger you, my VTOTlCE The copartnership heretofore ex PRICES. Lafayette of confirmation and again invited all to is I i.1 isting between II. S. Blackmnn & Co. of resumed his street, 7th. Ofllcefs will be entirely unnecessary as it certainly unsolicited, yet take great Hawleyville bus been dissolved bv mutual . F. R. Ford has weekly Monday, meet at the church, - Friday evening. consent. H. S. lilackinan assumes the part- HUB CLOTHING to New Haven; during the Winter, elected and other important business pleasure in testifying to the excellence of your "Ivory." Soap, ership debts and all partnership credits are HOUSE, trips John M. Wheeler and were Sun- 11. on- transacted. family to be paid to him. S. BLACKMAN, JOHN business in his line called for the trip and for it on the market at so low a T. LANCA.STMJ. 1888. 311 Main Cor. day guests of M. O. Wheeler. thanking you putting price. Newtown, April 28, Street, State, Bridgeport, Conn. ly once in two weeks. All will be pleas- W. D. Bishop's steam Venture has the use of Castile and other fine yacht It entirely supplanted LA ST Kit FOR SALJ5 20 tons of ed to see him ou the road, in regular has been five i .About lengthened feet. EAST VILLAGE. in household for several in no way .Nova hcotm riaster tor sale. Apply to STERLING 346 MAIN time.' s"aps my years past, being . A. MALLtl l, jNewtown. BROS., ST., BT0RT, CT., W. F. Swords and wife are home from Mrs Sarah Blackman attended the fun- and from to seventy-fiv- e cent, more economical. A. W. of the inferior, fifty per LEADING HOUSE FURNISHERS. MrundMrs Chapman Florida. eral of her Lewis at OR SALE The barn standing on the Parker House celebrated their silver brother, Booth, A good test I find for the purity of soap is to try it with a irrouiHls of the Conirresrationiil society. AVhite Hills. Trunihnl Center. For particulars inquire of LARGEST AND OLDEST CROCKERY AND GLASS HOUSE IN THE STATE. wedding, Wednesday evening, April 2.J. Memorial day will, as usual, be well brush for cleansing the teeth, and the taste of the "Ivory" Soap s. is. lir.ACii. committee. Tuere waS a attendance of friend observed in this P. is Charles MeEwen has a Low prices and good goods our motto. large city. Wade, Jr, purchased pair so used is sweet and clean. 1 perfectly y iri'lLh. would have it distinctly under and neighbors and the many present chairman of the G. A. 11. committee. of oxen of Ben net Nichols. siooa tnar i win pay an Dills ot my own KOGEHS' PLATED WARE, HA VI LAND DECORATED DIXXER AXD TEA Yours, W. S. BAKER, M. D. ' without were beautiful and A Very Respectfully contracting, having them charged to FANCY AND STAPLE CAIXA AXD GLASS appropriate. Don't refuse to when Charlie Sherwood has moved into A.J. any one else. AliTlll li .J. v II, SOX, Newtown. SETS, TOILET WARE, WARE, was made Rev Mr respond heartily April 20, 1888. speech by Wyckofl". to Beers's house. HANGING AXD STAND LAMPS IX ENDLESS VARIETY.. SPECIAL IX. Rev Mr Freeman the bridal asked help defray the expenses of Sat presented concerts at Seaside 1GS FOR SALE. Aiv extra nice lot of nrCEMEXTS OFFERED IX EVERY DEPARTMENT. SOLE AGENTS FOR with remarks, which urday night Park, Ed Johnson has exchanged his sorrel A WORD OF WARNING. yomiK Viixs, ready to i?o May 10, at the gifts appropriate this Summer. is market price for such First come, first TIIE EDDY REFRIGERATORS. Rev Mr on Bridgeport justly proud horse for another. " ' No piss. Mere responded to by Dean There are white eich to bo as as ths Ivory' ;" serve'. ehromos or cider, "and don't vou TVEDDIXG PEE3ESTS AND PARLOR 0RSAMEST5 A SPECIALTY. of her splendid Wheeler it Wilson band, many soaps, represented just good it." F. 1). HOLL1STKK, near behalf of Mr and Mrs Boun- W. W. Hliss was over torfjet Monroe, ESTABLISHED 1835. Chapman. but the music never sounds better than home, Sunday. they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of East Villnge. tiful refreshments were served, prepared when it floats over this The of Will Clark's incubator the genuine. Ask for. "ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. by the visiting party. After the gentle- great breathing setting A A A A . A A A AIM k I . of the of and a failure. 1883, Prm t?r & men of the cloth had retired, the young- ph:ce city parks bridges. proved Copyright by Luced er visitors had a season of tripping the The Rambling Wheelmen had a club light fantastic toe, (ieorge Cam giving' run over the city, Friday night ; ." mem- WyandoUrs, the music. bers participated. Hawkins Our debating club is in a flourishing Mrs Mary Wooster of Birmingham has WASH DRESS AT BOTTOM PRICES- - cotiditlou. Next question, "Would a spent several days with her son. Patent LARGEST STOCK OF FIXE MILLINEET :K THE CITY. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT GOODS, Strain. school be more beneficial to Wood- A. M. Wooster. high Attorney ! ' - --l- 5A. I V ' Owatd and bred than to our school as in our If J4sxr- t r tiSWif i J . by bury keep they I'lie funeral of the wife of Rev C. attractions tor Easter Week Each of it hi, now are?"' Ray Special Palmer at the North Congregational Miss Susie Morris of Bridge water is to church, last Friday, shows what, a hold Many Departments. tench, this Summer, in the Wecuppeniec a Godly, devoted woman gains ou the GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. district. This district is named after the hearts of business men and citizens gen - ': in fivo Indian Sagamore who lies buried in that The floral tributes were Superb assortment new Spring stybs men's scarfs and ties at 12 c, 19c, 25c to $1 23 each. Men's pura linen collars, BEAUl.SI.EV. ' erally. lavishly 17c 98c half latest shapes, fulilina of sizes in each, 9c each, $1 05 per doz. Man's pure linen cuffs, round or square cjm?rs, per pair, par lovely dell. beautiful, including memorials from the full cloz. English web suspenders, 23o per pair- Men's seamless half hose 4 pairs for 25c. Men's f incy stripsd half hose, regular made, Chinese for whom Mrs Palmer labored 6 for Conn. Silas C. Judson, who lately sold his new Spring styles, 19c per pair. Men's silk embroidered super fins Balbriggan half hose 19c per pair, pair SI. mMmmm In ;md President Dwight of Vale pronounc farm that district and now boards at - EGGS. . ed the funeral eulogy. Mrs Palmer was NIGHT SHIRTS. the Parker House, proposes to purchase Full size unlaunderad night shirts, mide of heavy bleached muslin full felled seams, coat sleoves, collar and packet, 50c each, worth 7! c. in work and her closed :c- - "rd a small farm near the center, on which prominent every good CiTGents' Balbriggan underwear in broken sizes, goods carried over from last season and sold th9n for 42c and 50c, now at 3 $1 will be sweet in a to pasture cattle and sheep. memory many heart Per SiJUa. for months to come. LADIES' HOSIERY. 12 doz ladies' hoso in modes, browns, slates and navy, including Siitln S3. Misses Lottie Hitchcock and Ladies' fancy striped hose. 3 pair for 25c, regular price ho per pair. 50 i fj, Mary William the blacks 12 would be value at 18c Special.line of Ladies' fancy cotton hose, latest Spring styles of stripes, prints and record or have received Meckel, painter suicide, at he pr. pair, good Looi atxht Hyde diplomas, having died at the last figures, 2 :c, 38c, 47c to 79c per pair. XT 35 HESS completed the four years couree at the hospital, Friday. SHIRTS : Nine Reasons man should buy W. R. Lewis & Co.'s 13 170 DATS Parker Academy. Druggist Edwin Shelton died, Satur VNLAUNDERED why every, r. Tram JTozember 14 day evening; funeral on Wednesday. Great i'orty-mne- The remains of Miss Julia E. Bull have is ever offered double t itched. lonsr. To 2 First. This the, best value We shirt to fit Hi LiU been removed from their rest Ruth, widow of Alonzo was ind the exceeding low price, 4Slc, places it Fourth. The sleeves tire fuccd with wide Kiiiliril. guarantee every temporary Jennings, ennal to custom made li'oods. -- - - rn 2333 EGGS. vitliin the reach ot all. plackets. - al- .. n-iti- , and buried in her own lot on from the residence It Iiiim a linen The back is stvcnsrthened with con Ninth. In case of the least dissatisfaction tj,t ,yfi ' ,.j ing place buried, Monday, ..:coNi. pure bosom, Fifth. wo will back the shirts and return the Mrs M. md the body of the whirt i of I'tien. muslin, tinuous facing, having no corners to tear out. take me western slope or our ancient ceme of her daughter, Josephine bv all to be one of the SIXTH. The shirt is made double at front purchase money without any argument. acknowledged experts - to PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS in 200 Downes of 11 Harriett street. She most durable cottons manufactured. and back. Sample shirt- sent by mail free of charge tery, which her ancestors for years died, shirtingr 30 inches address on ot 411c. TimtP. The scamsare all telled and lacings Skvesth. The bodies are full size, any receipt price, hi'iKltsl a iliu' l have been laid away. The removal took Saturday, 80 years old. From yiml by (Mile strain) score !ti at New Havon Poult ry In CUSTOM SHIRT DEPARTMENT. . place the midst of a fierce storm. 1:1. George, son of Eugene I. Bunten of fit. A circular instructions for self measurement Show. Erks 7."e per D. C. PKl'K, We make to order six of the best shirts in the world for $6 and perfect giving . There were no funeral services and none guarantee Mt Pleas-.mt- Ni b Hardware! Prospect street, was drowned in Peru- - to of (imn'Comi. turned out In the storm but immediate mailed any address upon receipt request croke lake, Saturday. - friends. BARGAINS IN JERSEYS- reduced from $l.-- Ho. II. Ladies' fast black Jer- W. B. HALL BRADLEY'S CELEBRATED Ho-1- . Ladies' fast black jerseys, coat backs, Breton fronts, warranted not to crock. 79c, 'CO. ( James R. Thomas has finished embroidered at 79c worth SI 23.- - No. Ill- - One lot manu- 'apt his STEPNEY. seys, warranted not to crock, coat backs, plaited Breton fronts and vests each, the best No. IV- - Small lot of Berlin SUPERPHOSPHATES, fast. It lasted 10 days. facturers' samples of fine Jerseys, worth from $2 50 to $3 50, to be closed at $1 90. imported samples The 1 SO train from was a beaded one half their actual value. The best to Hard- Bridgeport manufacture, including novelties in braided and Jerseys, at fertilizer for all crops, in quan- place bay Mr White has bought the interest of great convenience and we are heartily I Ladies' super weight vests, silk bound, patent finished seams, high neck anil short sleeves 35c, U would be value at 3.c. Ladies' ribbed vests, Kgyptimi yarn, lull regular made low to A. in the for the LaClieS nClerWear good Jersey roc. - tities suit at ware and (inorge Capewell Capewell sorry change. uTek slu.it sleeve" crochet triuiming at neck and sleeves, neck trimmed with ribbon, 4rte, worth Ladies' t rench Balling- all farmers' Supplies West L. silk binding" French neck and i)c, worth 1. Ladies' muslm drawers and chemises, great va- Manufacturing Co., at Side. J Wilbur a vests peaw buttons, sleeves, 4.1c 2 50. Warner & Hook. Benedict has put up small riety of st vies iV, to 1 75. Ladies' muslin skirts, 3!c to S3. Ludies' muslin night dresses, to Chrk's, Sandy Allen owns the remainder of the proper and neck trimmed with lace ruffle, of fine Have a world-wid- e reputation for thoroughly is at the SHELTON HARD- building and intends to have conven nrTrr-nrjPHTJ.- r A flA "DC? Corded lawn caps, top, face strings Mr White owns valuable I (IPLl lawn. l'.c. worth i.e. Uliitdrens line quamy caps, nice ind neck trimmed with reliable ty. patents iences for his own animals. n lUaCiW OU ttU Un.LO z.c. Kxtensive assortment of novelties shoeing lace trimmed with lace ruffle, oi tine lawn oiiu.otj. - and articles manufactured under them heavy plaiting, top triple strings ....--. - of covers Three blacksmith to atl'on. in chilitrei) s luce, lawn ana emoroiaereo caps aim iiuww u'uu voice lace, parasol WARE STORE, where can be be shops ought over 50 new at low will added to the business. sufficient facilities to all this section. lor children's carriages; styles very prices. WELLS & FRENCH, found a full line of . "Agricultural John J. Holmes, our genial and ac Rev I). G. Lawson will administer the BLACK DRESS GOODS AND has the old commodating barber, bought ordinance of baptism to several candi- Il'iauf.vcturars of Implements, G:rden and Grass Orion tavern stand and Is arranging con- dates, next Sunday at in. Returning venient rooms for his business on lp GOOD WEARING BLACK SADDLES, . HARNESS, BRIDLES, the to the church, the right hand of fellow- Seeds, Paints and Oils, Baby 8 uth side of the house. They are to be ship will be extended to the new mem- -- - - St. SURCINGLES, HALTERS, ETC. shut off from the rest of the which Ave. BRIDGEPORT Middle Masons' and house, bers by the pastor in behalf of the Fairfield SILKS. Carriages, Buildsrs leaves a commodious now oc- - 200 & 202 State dwelling, church; public service. At 7 p mra ser- line mixed cofi'ee, 25c pound; Japan and street, etc. our McLane is M. J. Charles L. Plumb, 1 Supplies, Agents for the cupied by popular stage driver. Th vice of praise and thanksgiving to God. The familiar voice of Smith Beers, Mallett, Oolong tea 30c pound, 4 pounds ; fine ' C. M. - C. T. Sherwood. This road was describ- is cnoie Conn. Central hotel, Harvey proprietor, Ladies' aid society will meet in the o ice more heard in our village- currant jelly pounds tor 2jc; Bridgeport, Genuine Buckeye Slower and is on the side of the as ed as nearly opposite the late buckwheat flour 15 nouuds 50c, at W. E THEY NOV OFFER opposite street, church parlors on Wednesday afternoon im- starting 58 State between Main well as the ofllco and he Is David Blackmail makes ready for Sheldon Hubbell place and running Wills, street, Horse Rake, ahc fo : Mart- stage exactly and evening. Come and quilt. Remem- street and Pont Office, Bridgeport. Wa are now offering at the lowest prlca3 a fall Tigar between the provements on his housa; H. II. Bliss to Zoar across the pri- four churches. ber the next entertainment for the bene" northwest Bridge line of "Sheet" Robes and Dusters, together with inez & Best a ad son do the work. vate lands of the estate of Longman's Prepared Mrs Sherman has been on the fit of the church property huprovemcu way through our Harness and Saddles, ar.d can assure the pub- Joseph been late S. Wells, Charles Me- SILK WARP HENRIETTAS lot of sick list fund, 23d. James W. Clarke of Orange has the Timothy lic that an of our goods will Paints. Large Poultry Wednesday, E. Plumb and Samuel inspection satisfy in town. Ewen, Henry them that ws are in all that belongs Mrs S. T. has road and headquarters Netting at lower prices than Abernethy recovered Stephens, to cross the old Webb to or HORSE. late TASHTJA. O. J. Sherwood has a new horse. the STABLE the from her sickness. the Housatonic railroad by an overgrade tv-- a owu QZc, ever. and all the lead- i ra of their at $1 20, Abraham Klein out importation 75c, Bradley's moved, Saturday, , Oliver is the of I). about 800 feet west of the bridge k. Lr VT- Miss Eastman, who has spent the Win trimming up place crossing ',11 ff $1 45, $1 70. brands of in of Dr Hill's tenement to the house he and the Half Eiv-e-r. It rsnv.M Yl NX ing Fertilizers ter at the home of her brother, II. B. Blakeman, his father, painting crossing J;he Little Boy's Way All Wool Henriettas, 40 inches wide at 58c, in has been building. house. The town now owes $300G on ac- stock of Pa- stock. Call and examine Eastman of Roxbury, has returned to jet black; also in blooming black, 43 inches, at Largest large count of Zoar borrowed from the the home of her sister, Mrs Beardsley. Adelbert Hubbell moved into Dr Hill's Benjamin Miles of Beacon Falls has Bridge, 75, $1 and $1 25. In addition to goods of their Bor- our goods and prices. town fund and has a and The latter has recovered from an attack tenement, the last day of April. moved into the Nichols place on Barn deposit floating own importation, they offer the celebrated Priest- per Hangings debt of Selectman S. S. Hard hav- of neuralgia Mrs Everett's after hill. $1000, ley's Henriettas, also Priestley's Second Mourn- in KUGGLES & Mary house, being aw off $500 of the latter recently. ders new designs and CLARK, - ing paid Goods and the Clar Two of Mayor Hewitt's sons of New- shut up all Winter, again shows signs of ing Imperial Twills, jette, MONROE. Mel- - CONN. The town has with Oxford -- Priacetta, Convent,' Venetian, Tamise and lowest is at E. F. SHELTON, York .were guests of Curtis's Woodbury being occupied. arranged f'.Vfi, ()V, prices Jake Miller works for F. W. Wheeler. to build a horse shed at Zoar rose Cloths of the same manufacture- - hotel, last week Clare C. the rector's Bridge. Bulkley, brother, Mrs D. Wheeler has taken the Hawlev's: also a com- - black- mJ J is spent Sunday with his family at the rec- Charles Shelton is building a Henry t The Parker house being extensively oaliiiK-torpa- - contract to keep the poor another year. Tliv was . smith and shop. , , improved ; long needed. With these In tory. joiner line.', of Window ORGANS. IntlxxliHH'il in itK nm-- W. Clark has been doing some plete S22TOdOO. fill l'onn liv Mun provements, the house will be second to .Miss Sarah Nichols was one of a Allie S. Edwards has a pair of pet George BARGAINS. H:mi,n in Other mnktrs IolioiM n J. fine of a Swiss SPECIAL tlio tjl.- none in the and will be a 11 Susie and broken to the copying late, particularly 11 with. iiutiiulnctun- ofthfw iiiMtrumrntii, county calves, Speck, limiii-taim-- popular party of that partook of the birthday Shades, complete .M:lsi & Hauiliii lnriuu have nliruvx .i scene rFFbiP r v - "The jt resort for Summer boarders. It is to be and, prettier still, Evening A tln-i- iijr'iim-- us tin- in lh supper of Margie Bulkley on her fifth yoke. Hour." wnrH. hoped that the proprietors will rebuild " fixtures,from 35e Miwra A It i:nlin ofl"-- r, a !ouiontttratla anniversary. W. Edwards of Johnson bill adver- lead- spring e of II. We offer following lots selected from the the exr-lifnc- of the front fence removed some six The blizzard turned Uncle t niK'qiUi"l tlieironntnH, the years tised 22 for sale in the Bee- and .Charles sold frtc-- thiit at nil thr trrvtit WtirUI'n pigs and most desirable fabrics that are being Kxlnliition,n - Brace Bennett head over heels into a so ing sinef Hint of i'nris. ls7. in foni)M-titH:- tlU ago. Up. could have sold 100, he Custo .drift, t says. at the present time- - ii. makers of ail countries, thoy linre invar- You are feeling depressed, your appe Bir- that he could hardly crawl into his house iably taken the highi'-- liouor. IlliiHtratHt E. Burr has rented the Lenimon mers came in person or wrote from . t Fanny tite is poor, you are bothered with head- and it was several before his old Thesf ars all fresh and perfect goods, having CHtulotu'ti fn-o- place and Rev W. W. Wisegarver moves are nervous and mingham, Shelton, Huntington, Nichols, days Ma.n A HaiuUn t iMtt ache, you fidgety, gen steed food or drink. just been taken from the Custom House and were ilitt .' . hexstato to , into the II. Rhodes out of sorts and want to brace up. Trumbull and Bridgeport. All that ben- got HA!K BALSAM VQO. iriakc llw place erally 'Absolu Pure. made the best and most noted manufacturers C dreati iUPUIGKT. tnior.liury tlwir by 2 tha iMjpuir frvrorito for tln-- y - fr ". tely ! Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring 23c !' .lt ilt-l..-!.? liHii.s. tnHt iin- to all ottient. efit for Miss Burr has her . art never A of Z the uiiv, cui..r hen y or only Fanny pursued This powder varies. marvel pu in Europe : . EH Tb.-- rc.5ruir. liitU medicines, bitters, which have for their wholesomeness. More eco r wbicveil STRATFORD. basis Pad and which Master Clarence Clark of at New York through the Winter.." ity, strength and 42 'f by otlif iimkon in tlwt art of piano veay cheap, whisky, Bridgeport nomical than the and cannot pieces hair (tLltiiig, i ure to pleaaii. iMiiMiuir, but still clniiu tM'rioriiv. Tliiothw an ordinary kinds, iuirov-liu-n- stimulate you for hour and then leave has visited his aunt,-Mr- a Austin Gannan. L. S. or 13 or 10 in atiribnt unU'ly ta tlw riiiarkaliie t PattersonT f years tn multitude c John Lattin's bakery is nearly ready vou in worse condition than before. be sold competition with the of Tin w a m intiYHlu-- bv them in the yrnr lvi. an.t for business. Since he the build What want is an alterative that will The the new road from the the employ of the Housatonic road, re- low test, short weignt alum or phosphate pow now known nw the "Mason A IIamux l'l began you petition for HlNDERCORftS. u-- i ders." SoM in cans. Av TRtx;K!t," liy the of which mx ured thr and the weather has your blood, start action Abram to cently gave up his position, rather than only Thennfest, surest and best enre for Com. Pun ion. frrrnttM anil ing oven, greatly purify healthy foot of the hill near Turdy's Roval Uakixg Powder Co., I(X Wall St., X & StotnaU jwin. KnPiires comfort to the foot. Never foil iwssilile purity of of liver ana Kidneys, restore your vital move his to ALB ATR0S NUN'S VEILING lot'ure. la ccnUat Lrutrcists. HiscoX & COw, 2i. V. tone, lowihfr with jrrvat'y Increawil rir-it- y retarded operations aud most men would Stennev Denot was sierned by A. B. Cur family Bridgeport. iV.r siaiulin in tune, a:ul other and give renewed health and , 37 1 2c. tnijHirtant .the ity strength Sc'mndra's ailvantiiffes. have suffered annoyance ; but many Such a medicine you will find in Electric tis, John Benedict, Charles II. Hawley, Mrs Kate Hall has" left Jesse Turner's rreserre4 A circular, containing textinioniala. from vexations delays have seemed only to in- bitters and only 60 cents a bottle at E. D. L. Sturges, E. A. Daily, Solon B. in street and wants for thrett hvuilrtKl pnrcbiifr,iiUMit-ianHanltiit- Pepper ji place iviathusheic Vf. nt, w illi s - er, together .lft rtp!iv crease his stock of stories and love for F. Hawley's. B. II. P. C. G. -- rallioie. Wales, Eli Seeley, Burr, tho Summer. , to any applicant. I'ianon an4 ic?an aohl for . John S. '; c:ush or easy payincntK; alio rente-il- good joke. ; TEUMBULL. Sherman, Olmstead, George 40x26 ALL WOOL SERGES . F. W. Wheeler's new horse barn, pianos.: MiOX"4 HAMIX OK'iAX A IMAXOCO. G. A. Frank 1-- NlCW Grey, Abbott, Beardsley, 2, PuU-Iyj- UoSTOX. TOHK. Mr D'Orsay of New lork, an expert built Philo J. Burr and Freder- "Tried and Triumphant." 29, 37 CO, 02 3, 75, $1 . O'rosounced CHIOSO. S. B. Beach and A. A. Hall were Dein John D. Beach, E. M, Beardsley, F. W. feet, by in building and altering church edifices, ick W. is a fitted with in Richness and of Tone. oeratic delegates to the State convention B. Curtis, E.G. Wil Hawley, daisy, up Unequalled Depth T3A0E - is to meet the members of the M. E jjawley, Beardsley, conveniences. has room for six '3S MARVELOUS V j latest It GREAT CAPACITY OF VIBRATION at llartford. liam E. Philo J. G. M. la A Xatural and is NOT a this week, to suggest a for Brothwell, Burr, AMD It Product, Tatr; church, plan Olm-clu- with every arrangement for feed DURABILITY. Medic ue. W The entertainment of the Nameless Robertson, W. B. Lanphear, J. F. b, stalls, IMPERIAL SERGES mi 7 alteration of their building. n the second floor and is to be joined to Each Instrument over 12 months In It is the pure and aini;,!e Julco of th.a Century 1- was E. S. Olmstead, Sherman, . -2 last week Thursday evening, stead, Henry a shed 20x24 which prooess of construction. Best materials 40 inch, 62 0 inch, 73. riant of Mexico, on.idiilterntcd aud uncou.puadtd. services of Mrs Graves the old barn by feet, k The funeral as successful and well attended as its Louis B. Beardsley, Charles S. Booth, and finest workmanship. IT CCUES vlU. ' were held under the direction of Presidi- will break northwest winds and give a predecessors. The program consisted of George W. Clark. The petition for the FULLY WARRANTED. f TThey will last KIDNEY MLM um a number of shed to drive under. 'Mr Wheeler has ute-ti- ma ax ono-- TROUELSS, Elder Cheney. Quite shadow several two and a half miles of new road to H. ;a ana Keep in tune sua is mo or.iy iliigwu Fpcciac lor and took in pictures, representing had. fine horses on hand, one with a i Wie expense of nny other piano. DISCOVERY.- ministers were present part unusual feats in W. E. Plnmb's Wildwood flag station on the quarter aa'.sii arti3aial surgical practice, by Hamilton-Cla-y sire and Hooker a IPI Wiilly the exercises. . s anH A. E. Plumb and O. B. Burton : Derbv extension was signed by Alex dam, OVER 17,000 USE Any book Is irajd ia oa tyta.ratinr. - Vcrmonter six years old, an Ohio colt and I da of 1087 t Baltimore. 1005 at Tues-da- y. Send for full descriptive and lfr.-.- Curtis Judson, 84, was buried, tableau, "Jealousy," & F. Plumb, Misses Sinclair, II. Burr, Legrand Osborne, pamphlet In cams of Jjyaptpsis, awmnia Fkbiiitp, 1500 at rhi!:i.i !;il,ia.lll3 at WaMiiuirton 1215 two Walkill Chief and Morgan horses nt ito.-fton- , liiirr-- ot Columbia w ." dia-- Waite Charles M. II. &.CO. cl:irci. Lt ; .. - Florence Jennie Wheeler; Clark, Beardsley, W.B.HALL Welle-lc- y, , Merwin, - ; T'EPARD r Circular p:rc Hit ty a Vale, - from Vermont. THE TREAT A CO., pirn UMimunj trjjrc if Oberlia, a O. B. II. Bliss, Edward E. L.- T. phyaitHaiis. tia!Jfor h:.t, of Ch:iutn l'nircrity logue, "Only Working Girl," Johnson, - li.m.mvnnl,Klfh-f- iua.tlf. Enloel of Rev Mr rector ST Srr.tr- Haven, conn. C Boitlr-WIEitJCA- 'l the Scientist. Hon The family Walker,, Mrs W. S. Emory Tuttle, T. II. Lockw.ood, Orange llKtail Ii kv, 50c. i:er Q cu ty I'mrhir, WAV. returned from a Burton, AE. Plumb, Plumb, Sharpe, is Now Babbitt's and Astor, Juilali I. ilciiSauitii, Ju'lie l.iton, ir of Christ church, have - What Coming c augury, Stam PiiLQUH CO., Hroa ii. K. H. l.'mik. X. Y. Xor-ni- al Misses Alice Burton, Cora Beach, Natal- VV.lliam A. McEwen, Andrew L. Burr, Bridgeport, mesic..:, , i'rincipal State Conn. Welcome soap 5 cake 25c ; best MIDOLCTO.i! C WEST WINSTEO. ( V. S. Cenem! Ciiice.) Jersey Cig-- K. J,: l oileso. eto. Tauirht eorrewiMHiilenee. of some weeks at Cromwell, Pilisbury ford, - by visit ; 3. B. Oscar I ProKiiectu- ie Merwin, Jennie Wheeler tableau, Thomas Osborne, Clark, J. and Jones patent flour 80c bagy choice SOLE aMT FOR TMC STATE OF CONNECTICUT "T rKK from Mrs Walker's health seems much roa s.vi.a v aim lhhuhhts." PKOF IHSKTTK, Fifth N. "The Soldiers Dream,"' Mr and Mrs W. Sherwood, John W. Waterbury, A. J. creamery butter 20c pound, 4 pounds $1 ; it; Ave, V, NEWTOWN J J) 11 A JLio .nnex of May 4, 1S88, L. D. WILCOXSON, M. D., era heated from the Inside, and our in manu- and New York Belting and Packing Company's Works at Newtown. gradual- during long experience the Physician Surgeon, in therewith the and we have been able to . Newtown, Ct. ly feeding sulphur facture, originate other substances to be. in ' Residence and Office at Dick's Hottl. incorporated many improvements better adapting our Telephone. the finished The rollers run at to the various OSCAE PITZSCHLEE. product. products specific purposes; '" different and the sheets are con- for which are The Shaving and Hair Cutting', speeds they designed. pow Hot and Cold Baths, Cigars ani"Tobs,cco, Hair tinually passed and ed between ders required to give rubber any desired" Oil, Hair Tonic and Cosmetics. them, until the mixture has been thor- color are here introduced, but the bulkv ' worked into the whole mass and to effect GEORGE W. BOTSFOED, oughly necessary this purpose is always Botsford Depot, Conn. evenly distributed in every part, making very slight. The quality of vulcanized Carriage making and repairing, blacksmithing a rather stiff, homogeneous body, but rubber for any special purpose cannot be and jobbing. one yet sufficiently plastic to be mould very readily determined by one slightly" A. W. 0EGLEMAN. ed into any desired shape by the power acquainted with the business, except un- Sandy Hook. Ct. ful machinery employed. Sulphur is the der the test of actual use ; the pressure t Manufacturer and dealer ic Haraess, Saddles, vulcanizing agent and must form a part of a large proportion of inert matter Bridles, Collars. Blankets, etc. of all the mixtures used, about ten per greatly lessens its elasticity and reduce cent.of consti- I. J. WELLS It the weight of the rubber its strength ; how difficult it is then for SON, a Sandy Hook, Ct. tuting very common paoportiou, al the chance purchaser to calculate upon Boots, Shoes and Rubbers of all descriptions. though the amount varies widely in the the quality of the goods he obtains, may Making and repairing at short notice. FACTORY NO. 1. different articles made. It is highly im be inferred from the fact that it some- that the used should be times as 80 JAMES F. BEENNAN, portant sulphur happens that much as per ' The N. Y. B. & P. Co.'s Works on the and allowed to soak until the exterior is free from acid and also from Mason and Builder, Newtown. the moist cent.of foreign matter goes into a product First-Cla- ss when surface All work and Warranted to Give Pootatuck River near Newtown. partly softened, impurities ure which acid sulphur always takes up which is called "rubber," consisting Satisfaction. be removed and the rude so on atmos- 'Die works of the New York may matting, rapidly exposuse to the principally of various earthy substances, Belting woven in wide meshes, which sometimes Great care is taken in this EDSON W. & are located in one phere. par clay, chalk, whiting, magnesia, silica,etc. WILSON, Packing Company surrounds of raw can ticular and all used Is care Furniture and Undertaking, of the most situations to be packages rubber, the sulphur After the mixing process has been charming be oft". The masses of rubber tested. The to . Sandy Hook, Ct. found in New on the stripped fully mixtures be worked thoroughly completed, the rubber is England, Pootatuck are then cut into slabs of about an inch into are river. are but a short distance the rubber accurately weighed, ready to receive the shaping for the final DAVENPORT Si O'HAEA, They in thickness by means of a large circular so much mixture for so much article to be either and Counselors at from the but Connecticut rubber, produced, by being Attorneys Law, quiet pretty knife, between three and four feet in di sul- Post-Otfi- each specific article besides into or between OSice in Building, village of Xewtown and Ihe drive pre- t having, pressed moulds, paseed Conn. ameter, which revolves with great speed, phur, certain different and rollers to form it into thick sheets Bridgeport, sents a scene of romantic beauty, the ingredients heavy cutting the tough mass as easily as if it proportions of the oxides $f lead, zinc, and then JOHN H. BLACKMAN, road winding a and narrow through powerful calendering through deep were clay. A good idea of this operation iron, etc., as has the latter heated Newtown Market. valley, at whose bottom flows the Poota- according experience machines, being by Dealer in and etc. may be obtained from the accompanying indicated the most efficient for steam from the inside and care be- fresh cured moats, etc, tuck, while the banks are thickly wood- compound great Cash.ft illustration. the result desired. The future taken to the a ed, except where the cliff's stand attaining ing regulate temperature, gray of the rubber is de- different' CELEST A. BENEDICT, M. D., out from the The quality principally degree of heat being required boldly glen. factory, termined here Physician and Surgeon, with its outside and store- and, from thousands of for each kind of goods, and this varying 228 State workshops which we have conducted to some extent St., Bridgeport. houses, a small level be- experiments during the operation Electricity one of the therapeutic agents. Of- occupies space fice hours from 10 a. m. to 12 m, 2 to 4 p. m. low the mill-pon- d, while here is a house for the superintendent and cottages for "E. J- - A. STITES, the workmen on the sloping hillside op- Successor to Dr A. P. Smith, posite, the whole presenting a view of Sandy Hook, Conn. attractiveness seldom met connections- - Calls may be left at picturesque Telephone in a or at N- - E. with manufacturing village. awleyvillo hat shop Depot. j, ,MI III The raw rubber used at the factory in- '"" 7. B. . cludes all the leading varieties, stacks of PMNDLE, which are constantly kept on hand in the Undertaker, Newtown. adjoining fire-pro- of storehouses, from whence it is taken as required for use in FIRE ! FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! the several specialties for which the dif- ferent varieties are deemed best suited. In all kinds of rubber, the first step in Insurance. CVTTINC UP SAW RUBBER. ABEL F. the manufacture is to cleanse it of all CLARK, foreign matter, it being more or less From" the above cutters, the slabs SANDT HOOK, CONN. and of are taken to machines called Policios issued on all kinds of Insurable Prop- - mixed with dust, bark, leaves, chips rubber other extraneous substances, which be- "crackers,"' invented for the purpose and come incorporated with it through care- having large, deeply-groove- d iron cylin J. 15. 1SAK121C, or from the desire of the na- ders which revolve in and stretch ll. lessness, pairs CALENDER ROOMl 45 Cannon St., Near W. B. Hall & Co'a.. tives to add something to the weight in and macerate the rubber in such a way Ct. Bridgeport, this way. The process of cleansing is as to drive out much of the bark, dust These machines are heavier than those one represented in the engraving is the slow and laborious and during the opera- and dirt it contains, leaving less to do at used for calendering generally, and the largest ever made for this kind of work. which follows. The ma- Tlttntiefrv lit mniipra.t.n rat.A. TtpfftrAnftps from tion the rubber loses a material portion the washing 12 15 the is also the leading citizens of Newtown. Telephone. of its weight, from about or per chine for latter purpose espec cent. in the best qualities, up to as high ially contrived for the work and the way COUCH lin nuos., as 40 per cent. in the cheapest kinds. It in which it is operated will be readily Iiridyoport. is first placed in a large vat of hot water understood from the engraving. DEALERS IN FINE GOLD WALL BAPEKS, OIL TINTS, FEESCO BORDERS, DECORA- TIONS, WINDOW SHADES, FIXTUEES, ETC. . 'It. II. N. HKTTS, .Jr, Dentist, Sandy Hook. Teeth extracted without pain, by the use of Ozide or Teeth Nitrous (laughing gas) Ether. u J-- inserted on Celluloid or Eubber. Money paid for - 'J,''IK'. , extracting is allowed on sets. Will call at the ' house when requested. Brooknald every Wed- nesday. WASHING RAW KUIiBER. NUYVTOYVN SAVINGS BANK, The rubber is placed in a large rectan- is in the form of rough and broken-su- r gular vat,in water kept hot by steam pipes faced sheets, and the different workings 1 mIkI Newtown, Conn. and, while here, is cut into small pieces by have somewhat agglomerated the mass, - Incorporated 1855. numerous sharp knives attached to a re- without effecting a thorough mastica- PHILO CLARKE, is President, volving shaft, the rubber, during the op- tion, a process which afterward pro COATING AND CALENDERING: C. H. N0ETHE0P, Treasurer. eration, undergoing something of a ceeded with where the articles to be man Hours, 9am to 3 p in; Tuesdays and Fridays, therewith are to consist of The rubber is here rolled a fold over its aud meet in the mid- 7 to 8 p m. kneading and washing process quite like ufactured great many edges that employed in preparing the pulp for pure, unvulcanized rubber. These sheets times, some of it being finished in sheets dle, which makes a three-pl- y belt. In rub- of washed rubber form the and and some of it with this the are between a C1IAKLES JONAS, a paper mill. Tne water which the thoroughly long strips pure, way strips passed ber takes up in this treatment opens its starting point from which all the manu the rubber, in successive operations, series of powerful rollers, the tempera- a cotton is ( Merchant Tailor, pores, so that in the crushing, grinding facturing operations proceed, but they pressed upon web of heavy duck, ture of which evenly regulated, as in Church St., Newtown, Conn. and tearing to which it is afterward sub- contain a good deal of water and must previously coated with rubber driven all the other operations ; the folding over steam-heate- m, it.s I beg leave to announce that I have received jected, by being passed between plain-face- d first go to the d drying-roo- through and through meshes by pow- at the sides makes an even and perfectly a fine lot of suitings and overcoating3 in the and fluted rollers, all of the me- where it will require from one to four erful machinery. The fabric used for uniform half-roun- d edge, and, at the stores at Newtown and where I will Bridgeport, chanical impurities are removed. A months to thoroughly evaporate all the this purpose is made expressly for this middle, where the edges 'of the outside be pleased to wait on patrons and will guarantee which the and has more double come a narrow ribbon of satisfaction. CHAELES JONAS. stream of water is kept constantly flow moisture they contain, without establishment, than strip together, . . is fed to cover line of 1 ing on the rubber while the rollers are rubber would only be fit for inferior the strength of the heavy cotton duck rubber exactly the D-- and kinds of The neces- used for sails of This duck thus In this the entire outside ED WARDS M. SMITH, M. , effecting the disintegrating process' goods. long delay ships. meeting. way '" at this of the re combined with the rubber the belt- of the belt is the heated roll- PHYSICIAN AND sasOBOW, the operation is continued for a longer or sary stage manufacture gives pressed by ' Successor to D0CT0ES WILE Si SMITH. shorter period, according to the original quires the keeping on hand at all times ing and hose subsequently made there- ers into an even, regular surface, each Ofllce nn! Resilience Newtown tr'et. condition of the rubber, until all extra of an extensive stock of raw rubber in from great tensile strength; and inhose, different kind of belt showing the same Telephone connection!. 1 been removed and the washed and cured where the tests can be most form aud for any number of feet i neous substances have condition, ready accurately weight Hoars. 8 to a in ; 1 to 2 p m. nothing but pure rubber is left. for the subsequent operations. t made by gauging the exact pressure to and presenting none of the irregularities in surface aud thickness so often seen iu With the "mixing"" process we come to the square inch, the strength has been a branclf" of the business of prime im proven to be about twice that of the best leather belting where copper rivets are anil where substance portance in the production of all first leather hose. plentifully used, the rubber-coate- d and hide varies so class goods and this is also a part of the For belt making, the of the widely; Warner & Clark have a de- just work-wher- the opportunity is. offered impregnated duck is taken to large As the rubber surfaces, before being received good assortment ofWall for the introduction of large quantities partment where this branch of the busi- vulcanized, would stick together, they low of the utterly valueless cheapening sub ness is carried on, and unrolled upon are rolled up with a thickness of duck be- at pri- belt-maki- ng Papers exceptionally stances so often incorporated with lc?w tables one hundred feet long, where the tween, and the machine has ces, in Brown Blanks, White grade rubber fabrics. The operation of workmen cut it accurately to the requir- an attachment which takes up this fabrie fold- - Borders to mixing simply consists in passing the ed, width. One strip is cut so that, as the machine is fed. Blaaks and Gilts, and rough sheets, whose preparation has ed, it will make the width of belt, The thicknesses of the regular sizes of match. will on When the rubber leaves the rollers, it been previously described, between roll another, so that the wide strip just (Continued FourtU FKe.)' SPLENDID WORK DONE BY RUB- be of the ordinary iron pattern or wheth- they have another one at Passaic' The er be BER BELTS. they covered with leather, rubber, offices, salesroom and warehouse are at for Ag- paper, or other the Headquarters The high standard of which material, rubber belt No. 15 Park Eow, . John efficiency has incontestably the as it ricultural can be realized by the employment of advantage, II, Cheever is the treasurer of the com- will never slip under any service to which Implements, strictly first class rubber belts is now re- pany and general manager of the busi- & - a belt of suitable size for the pow- ness. ' L. B. shoes- ceiving merited from users nearly Scientific American. Booth, Newtown, Boots recognition er required can be who have had them in severe service for subjected, whether the pulleys be covered or not. The Conn. and whose can- slipping many years experience of belts is one of the most SPRING not fail to be of value to all mill owners troublesome MILLINERY incidents in in- Now for The Yankee Swivel and furnishers of many shops and it la not Ready Inspection. factory equipments. to find mechanics Trimmed and BOOTS AND SHOES i In the matter of tensile frequent rubbing them Untrimmed Hats and simple strength, with beeswax,resin and other Bonnets. Plow, National Steeled the superiority of these belts has substances, long to prevent slipping. This should never Children's School Hats. been conceded.In ordinary work, howev- Metal be done with any kind of belt ; but where MISS A. SANF0RD, Hook. Plow, New York er, this consideration is of far Sandy stock. practically a rubber belt is used, the which Splendid less than of a slipping, steel M. importance that having affords a to resort to ex plow, plow, belt which will the temptation such hug pulley tightly, pedients, does not occur. or with which there will be no "slip." In For outside or inside painting WakeeleV plows, and thlsViarttfiilar. whether the used "Popular low prices. pulleys use Rubber Paint and you will parts for them all. Yan- have the best. kee disc harrow, Evans H. S. BLACKMAN." BITST harrow, can be used PLUMB & either as a smoothing WINTON'S Hawleyville Grocer. Pure Ground Bone or drag harrow. Shovels, AND BONE FERTILIZER. spades, hoes, manure The best Fertilizer en the market. Bone Ma- &c. nures are now admitted to be better than chemi- forks, garden rakes, cals One trial will convince; $30 on ton lots- - Cash paid for Hides and Tallow. PLUMB & Fertilizers, Tools WINT0N, Agricultural Have in stock new Floor Oil Bridgeport, Conn. and Garden Seeds. A stock large Cloth from 25 to 50c. just in at E. F. Hawley's. per square yard; also Ingrain Carpets 25 to Sob Agency for H. J. Baker 75c. and an excellent quality & Co's celebrated "A. A." Am- Tapestry Brussels 75c: in THE D moniated Super-Phospha- te, and 9 ANBURY bright, cheerful pattern; also In the accompanying illustration, we pletely take the "stretchout of the Special Crop Manures, also larg- Rugs in different sizes and pat- show two large belts of this kind recent- est sized belt. The press will take a belt 0XE PRICE CLOTH- Mapes', Bowker's and E. Frank the New six feet 15 tern. ly completed by York Belting wide and feet of its length, Coes' Fertilizers. and Packing Company, each of them steam being let into its bed and platen ING CO. three feet wide and nearly half a mile so that the temperature can be readily New lot of Su- Plows, Cultivators, long. These belts were sent to West regulated and the pressure and heat ap- and each of them while is Hoes, Manure Forks, Shovels, perior, Wis., weighed plied the belt under the full ten- E. F. makes a 11,000 pounds. Had they been made of sion of the heaviest strain it may be de- Wheelbarrows,&c. Hawley special- leather, they would have required at least sired to put upon it, thus setting its fibers SPRING 1888. ty of fine coffees, teas,, crackers 500 STOCK, New lot of Onion Setts, Multi- selected hides to manufacture each as compactly as they are formed in a and canned His cof- one goods. Java of them. With this lot the company steel spring. The company owns the pat- plier Onions, Peas, Corn, Beans, also 52 fee for 30c and Old Dutch Java furnished a driving belt inches ent for this stretcher, in combination Seed Potatoes, &c. D.M. eight-pl- y, 298 feet and Ferry's wide, long weigh- jvith the press, as well as many other The best fine all Wool Over- and for 35c are superior to any sold. ing 4,000 pounds. Some idea of the quan- patents of great value in the business. Landreth's Garden Seeds all coats in the world 3 Try his Oolong Tea at 48c and tity of material reqnired can be formed, They have made a specialty of this $10.00. new, as our old ones are all burnt when we state that these orders consum- branch of uncolored Tea for 40c. their business and call atten- shades, light, medium and dark. up. Call and see us and see the Japan ed 88,000 pounds of cotton duck and rub- tion to the immense quantity of their ber. best assortment rubber belting which has been running of goods of all for in $3.00 25 to 50 the most consider- years the manufactories through- Pants, patterns kinds, in town, at the lowest Perhaps Important out our and abroad ation of all to be taken into account in country and invite on hand all the time. Warner & Clark have examination of some of the eleva- prices. just Is to have the great fitting up machinery plant tors which have received New Styles of Clothing so with that there shall they supplied, among TTERTILIZKK8 FOR. SA LK. Mil pes Corn provided power -- which we may. mention: David Dows' stock of 0?eralls in 1 Milium;, Jl per ton; Mapen' Potato Ma- for Spring trade in Men's and be no "breakdowns." Such mishaps ne- Largest, nure, $43; Mapes' A Brand, f.Hi; Mapes' Gen-or- Stores, in Brooklyn, the in the I He, $.!; 1'lntnli & Winton's Bone, 30. cessitate the of workmen in time largest the State. V. Orders taken for Suits waiting world, now five miles in S. W11KKLER, Trumbull, Conn. Boys'. are as well as of the using length of they paid for, delay their from two to from work and involve an increased belts, four feet iu samples. expense width ; those of the Krie E. F. in the cost of is railroad and Hawley sells the best productiou,which seldom railroad at estimated at its true In Pennsylvania Jersey City. To $1.50 and $2.00 Shoes in Ladies' importance. fact, the latter the UACKETT & there is no room allowed at ail for such they supplied Champion SPALDING, Carrying Belt, the largest ever made of and Gents' in town. The celebra- STIRN & WALKER an item of cost, with the close figuring either rubber or leather, weighing 16,000 ted Hartford Shoe3 are the best Have tlie lino of WALL FAPEES 4 practiced in many of our large industries largest pounds and 2,0(50 feet also for Ar- DANBURY this State', which they are selling at BottOL at the present day, it occurs long; in the solid although mour, Bole & Co., Chicago, ank J. & E. ONE country, throughout. Prices. PAINTS, OILS, ice , at Wholesale aa' with more or less frequency in every bus- PRICE CLOTHING CO. retail. 500 Main Buckingham, Illinois Central elevators ; Every warranted to Street, iness. As touching this point, the com- pair give Conn. the Chesapeake & Ohio Co., Bridgeport, pany received a highly significant testi- Newport W. F. satisfaction. All widths and sizes News, Va.; the Dakota Elevators, Buf- BRETT, Manager. Tj"Ort SALE. A tract of Pasturo monial of the of one ox their from I and Meadow durability falo, N. Y. ; all t he elevators of $2.50 to $5.00 pair. Land, containing about 28 acres, on the belts large the Bethel road near (iideon II. Camp's in Taun- under heavy service. It was a main Lake ton, to the estate Superior Co. aud Union Improve- ... belonging of Beach Camp. driving belt, 48 inches wide and 320 feet inum-iiiu- enquire ui iviuiHin or ment Co., Duluth ; the Minneapolis Ele- the executor of the estate. u.iamp, six-pl- y, used in Central elevator NO PLACE LIKE long, vator Co. and G. W. Van Dusen & Co. K. L. .IOHXSOX, executor. and had been in constant at Newtown, Apjil 2(J, l!W. "B," Chicago Minneapolis, Minn. service from 1869, until - H - September, April, Vanderbilt's two elevators of the ALLOC 1880, a period of 16 years and 7 months. great If you need in the line New York Central & Hudson Biver rail- O anything The uninterrupted use for so long a peri- road, New York, after using their belts of Ladies', Misses', Children's, od of so large and hervy a driving belt HARDWARE $39 over eight years, ay : V Men's, and Youths' Shoes afl'ords the best possible practical gauge m Boys' Gentlemen : I am of the character of its manufacture. Tile pleased to hear the new or call on E. belt for Elevator "A" is finished. In AGRICULTURAL i'x liti'frw Rubbers, F. Hawley tensile regard great strength of rubber belting to the old one, I must say it has done excel- and inspect his complete stoc is due to its web of heavy cotton duck, lent service. It is now eight years since the IMPLEMENTS. was We the rubber being driven through and belt put up and a great portion of the first WE ARE AGENTS FOB have a large assortment i five years it was run 20 honrs a day and 30 A.DRIANCE. PL ATT & CO. '3 its meshes machin- - all of our through by powerful f and days in the month. George W. Phelon, jt jr 7. Staple Shoes, hat ery. The fabric used for this purpose is BUCKEYE MOWERS. HAVE added an immense variety ofnev. made expressly for the company by The following letters from Mr Charles SOLD A LARGE N UAIiSJCR THE PAST TH3H3 YEAR AND Do lirinckerhofl, Tnrner & Co. of New York E. Davis, superintendent of the Girard i TH3Z lines. not fail to see our goods and ha's more double ALWAYS PLEASE. than the Strength Point Storage Co., Philadelphia, and oth- before tmrchasincr- - of the cotton WE ARE AG E5TTS FOR THESE i o- heavy duck used for sails ers, explain themselves : .' cf ships. The preparation of the rubber In October, 1874, we received from the Xew FERTILIZERS: itself is, however, a long and very elab- York Belting and Packing Co. 13 elevator H. Ba- xir belts, 20 inches wide, nine 30 Stockbridge, Bowker's, J. Have you A. & conveyor belts, suffered or are with diff- J. Co's orate process, in which the present man- ker & Liss-ter- suffering any Christian inches wide find two main driving belts, 30 Bro.'s, Mapes, 's, icult, neglected, obscure or ner of has been af- complicated working only reached inches wide. They have been running con- Pacific Guano Co's. Chronic Diseases: Superlative is the very ter years of experiment. The sulphur to tinually since, part ot the time night and day; LV ADDITION TO THE to 12 SPECIALS.WE IF TOU have tried all the different systems be used in the vulcanizing is caret' equivalent years' ordinary running time. ' . , and methods ot cure : best Minnesota New ully I have never OFFER without avail tested and weighed, as are also the dif- had to patch or piece any one of them and at the time our de- Ammoniated Bone IF TOU are weary and and be- semi-metall- elevator was Phosphates, discouraged Process ic Flour ferent metallic oxides, making a -- lieve you can never get any better: thai stroyed by fire, last A pril, they were yet in an Hill and Drill, Fish & Pot- -' compound, which gives the sur- excellent condition and bid fair to last for an THEN WHY not call at our office and have a 01 ' Bone 1 wheat will make face of the belts a high degree of firm- Indefinite period. ash, Meal, Etc. .. Httlo talk' It will Gentlemen We ARE-AGENT- S ness, while there is yet sufficient elastic- take pleasure in stating WE FOR COST NOTHING to receive from in a xuu utu that for the 14 careful, uiuiLcy to allow of their past years we have been and Railroad the scientillc diagnosis, a clear and positive un- viy. the Masury's d ity hugging pulley are now using iu our elevators belts of Colors, derstanding ot your case and an honest, can-di- B yonr opinion. always get it at L. closely and enables them to resist a high manufacture and have the confidence best don't don't ' - greatest paint; fade, f of heat, so that their surfaces in their durability.- Yours very Dole WE HAVE cured many hundreds of Booth's. degree - truly, don't chalk. Also people & ' spot, Ready since In ot not be sev- Company. '. settling Bridgeport, many whom may injured by friction. The Mixed Floor have been given up as incurable and now rubber-impregnat- Gentlemen Carriage Paint,, eral thicknesses of ed In September, i860, Ttfessrs C. & THEY duck which to make several G. Cooper of Ml. Vernon, Ohio, placed a Paint, House Faint. ARE WELL and it may be that we can go the rubber belt of as WE ARE show you how to regain your health. of belts are so your manufacture, a main SELLING weights arranged, by the driving belt in our elevato B. 3-- central This Wire 4c CONSULTATION FREE. over of the outside as to belt was 48 320 Hennery at per foot folding strip, inches wide, feet long, six ply the Paint1 present a perfectly even and half round and,was in constant service until April, 188, by roll. The best Wringer Rubber covering a period of 16 and seven dge and then between years ; at $2 50. for Yankee DR EUB3EK PAINT. passed powerful months. Yours & Agents DICKINSON, heated rollers. to truly, J. E. Buekinafraro. Subsequent this, the Chicago, 4, 1887. Horse Rake. Best Paint In The Worl belts are August large finished iu an immense The principal of the 338 BROAD STREET, BRIDGEPORT. POHSALBBY f Rteam said to be factory company, press, the largest of the the oldest one engaged in the rubber bus- F. HALLOCK& CO., kind in tho world aud calculated to com-- HOURS-- 10 to 12, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8. ' iness, is at Newtown, Conn., although - BIRMINGHAM. BOOTH Office closed, Fridays and Sundays, LB. - Charles there now : William on Goodyear's Beginning. E. Ackley, Augus- springs, pure white and black tub.ng; THE NEWTOWN LIBRARY : V neTtEtoTnJ?er lm,, ot' bouse About the year 1843. a renins' man. tus Peck, Patrick Gafihey, John Lavey valves of all kinds; corrugated stair and Will be open for drawing Books every Tues- Charles Thomas Kane. Mr Ackley worked and mats 1 G Goodyear by name, came to treads,, corrugated perforated day to 5 p m and to 9 in the evening; Satur- WR SALE The Fann. t,.,.L- - .i Sandy Hook from New Haven. He was at making belting and it took only three and matting, rubber cement. This com day from 10 a m to 12, 1 to 5 p m, 6 to 9 in the with a man of much mechanical and Inventive or four men to do the belt making then. pany has the largest factories of the kind evening. for a a Mr Peck ran a calender. Messrs Gaff-ne-y in the world and have the greatest facil genius and, time, occupied little FARM FOR SALE: shop that stood near the lane back of and Lavey worked on grinders. Mr ities and advantages for manufacturing Snd w?th ntvJ? ValoT' Past"re, and wood de- Situated in Plumtrees ii ilrn and other where the Methodist church now stands. Ackley still has charge of the belt with machinery of the most approved district, consisting of a A flJ variety of fruit on the i louse, Barn and 70 acres of Land. The build- Po"?seif To looker-o- n, partment. Mr Peck learned the carpen- about 40 the casual his work was description, with years' exneri are MTS WAU- - ter and is now ings in good condition and the land wi.il NEK, BotsfonlV' IAVII) the of block-tin- , trade head carpenter. Mr ence in tl manufacture of vulcanized a'liT making spoons from watered in good heart and suitable for either Patrick still continues in cal- but, while his hands were busy . in that Gaft'uey the rubber for mechanical purposes: are the pasturage or wheat raising. For particulars ender room and is foreman. Mr 01 - 15otHforCoCnnL' ' LtMB' ono mIto ettst f occupation, his brain was poring over Lavey owners of numerous valuable patents, enquire JAMJiS MOORE, 2d, chemical when walk- went to the Dutch factory and is now the covering processes incidental and indis 4G4 Main Street, Danbury deep problems and, A UARI. Haying made arrangements to ing on the street, so absorbed was he in engineer. Mr Thomas Kane continues pensable to the making of beltinsr. pack with the and is now in the FOR SALE: ei butter lor the season, the people of New. thought that he was pointed at as the company ing and hose and, particularly, for ma vlclnlt wlu o sale a - htnrteet'ml "Ut crazy man. The ejaculation, "There beaten department. Immediately after chine belting, which is made of heavy Choice seed notatoes. seed str.fl.- nil tl aur the old was last seaeon. Early Maine from ne,4,Sii tVri,naklnsare 80 Kood aiul my goes the crazy man," was sure to factory destroyed by lire, cotton duck, woven for the (seed Gregory). place ot business so conveii-ient- , protty expressly x.ariy sunrise, w line i'lower. Home Comforts that I expect to be follow him, as he went his rounds. most of the workmen were sent to Xew and is vulcanized lav with able to keen him in daily purpose between 5i.ao per bushel. 1). c. PECK, mipply ireHh stock everv two or three m Lime- - ii. p1 mn L rnar ma York city and manufactured in ers of a metallic Mt. goods patent alloy, bv which Pleasant. Newtown, Conn. ,y two, years rut-in- fVrn the Xew Co's to experience Ilea WPrp iinnnonf nnnn England Car Spring build- the stretch is entirely taken out, the sur place on the market a quality of butte? which had to THE that compares favorably with any nznr.ion or inmn runner sirm ing, they rented, make face made perfectly smooth and the sub PERCHER0N STALLION, the l,C',"a",, exceeds hose, as the old here was not stance rnvsunn' K- - L years spent, in experiments, factory thoroughly and evenly vulcaniz ho Petit Due (Little Duke), No. 41C7, will JOHNSON. ich time he and his liv- - large enough to make hose in. Mr I). C. ed, all of the mane uis second season at the barn of S. L A NY ONE having colts for castration family greatest importance. They ,,e bV Kot" destitution, he succeeded in Gately, who had just assumed superin- nave lately made some of the Thomas, Trumbull, Ct., Daniel's Farm dis ford, Conn. 'AI.LETT, largest trlct. Terms $20; 8.1 at time ti. sr. bv of Kiilnhnr tendence, remained and looked after the smooth bore suction hose ever 15 nfmrvta. nipnna tha vnl. made balance when with fonl. N"o POK SALE A Carriage 6 of new The fac-- and 18 proved business Horse, years old. India rubber now so extensively the factory. inches internal diameter, used Hone on Sunday. Ai, WALTER JJKAKDSLKY. GO I'cppcrStree), Conn. manufacture. Josiah Tomlin- - j tory was enlarged to feet wide and 200 tor dredging the harbor. They have also Stepney. resident of Sandy Hook, married J long, four stories and attic. They work-- ! just gotten up a new mat called the X. V. FOR SALE: FOR SALE: ed at it all Winter in M. a kind and, February, work mats, of embossed mat of two A house and lot, situated in the north A good farm and family horse. M of on part was commenced in the new r Long Hill, Trumbull, the main street, corn and seed 50 - embarked in the enterprise that, factory. very pretty designs, for which they are one mile from the Will potatoes, $1 to $1 per bush- - depot. be sold cheap el. ii hx T.riR nrsr. i tiah- Ackley returned and took charge of the Having orders by the 100 dozen. NORTHROP, Newtown. 2ti, 18SS. UQ 1 ft ...... belt Loilg Hill, March ' a V nf l.n LUW11 department. Assistant Superintend- Ininlinivitn.,,icauili lliuutl Ul (.ill: HORSES: ent Hugh Campbell, who had worked for A revivifying of nature's latent forces ADOLPH OP PAWT.TKTG One Car load of fine Horses, I In V. . . . I . 1 : the Xew Car was occurs Registered bv the Holatein Just received at IrAl kilrtlCi.Vt.tAQ 'I lin lllrtb MUI1U111K England Spring Co., every .Spring. At this time, bet Freisian Associ in illicit ilic ation of America, Vol 1, No. 1253. Bred bv .T. I my place Elm Street, Monroe, consisting sent them to the in or- ter than at Wfln7(iT A Snn Pllurlinc XT. V . t , t , cted on the site where the pres- - by put machinery any other, the blood may be in now owned of fine driving Horses, Matched Teams, Fam- der at Xew York cleansed by Albert Klackaian,"(,.Newtown,i., Ct. Terms tor and the year 1845, at an estimated their factory, where he from the humors which infest UsJtt oikiIi ily work Horses, for sale cheap, and war- ranted as Of 810.000. KiiKineaa seemorl t.n was hired by the Xew York Belting and it. The best and most popular remedy just represented. Also new and second hand top and no for a few months nml 20 men Packing Co., first as machinist, then boss to use for this purpose is A yens' com FOR SALE OR RENT: top buggies, Snrries, machinist and finally succeeded Dca W. extract of Spindles, etc., etc.; also single and double pound sarsaparilla. A Farm situated - harness. W. Perkins as in the tow;n of Monroe, con- j. I;. STERLING. short lived. assistant superintendent. Elm Street- - thereon For further ad- - Monroe. James M. Blackmail came to the factory WANTED Three first class fresh milch standing. particulars must. le inilL-.....-j n in 1859 to work in the - belt department, j?1'- f,A(1(1,'ss. M. HCI5KKLL & SON'S, White i, GET to ifcHJi-- VISUM, OUR TERMS but left teach. He returned to the Ilcfore letting your services to any office M. lilim 1?. fllovor rioiKrht fViia fu and took charge of the company's W. STEVENS, NURSERY FIRM, 18GC. L. B. BOOTH has the If Josiah S. books in the Spring of largest Manufacturer of you wish permanent and profitable Tomlinson in Julv. and most attractive stork nf it was run by John Greasen and MARBLE AND GEANITE EMPLOYMENT. White HEADSTONES, EN E. G. CHASE & CO., E. Frame and afterward by the Blanks, Satin, Mica, Gilt CLOSURES FOE CEMETERY The Old Dutch Factory. ana LOTS, ETC. Pemberton Sq, Boston. uoia .Paper Hangings ever ESTIMATES FURNISHED. sifrn ill i lie rww nrir rino inn Mr William B. shown town. Glover bought this prop- in His sales nf Dealer in all kinds of Am - Warner & . : : ad- .Time ?.. !" Clark show in erty of Conrad Poimenhnsen. mounted shades and Onaaue Cur oiaroie ana uramte, moluding the celebaated June 2, 1856. It was burned down 18G3 and it was transferred to the Xew i dition to their Laundri:d Shirts, . . were ,.. . I. . l i tains double last of WESTERLY GRANITE! tor i York and Co. Wil- year a fine Belting Packing by any previous year and. if varietv quality of Figured Percale liam B. Glover, October 14, 18G3. Previ- M. W. - of Shirts at $1 also ,7 It was a wooden structure and ous to who style and are STEVENS, 50, a Poppeuhusen, gave it the popular prices N0RWALK. CONN. variety ryinmg was destroyed by hre except name of the Putch shop, it was used for appreciated, his sales this year of Spring Neck Wear. a cotton mill for spinning cotton thread win oe mucn than last. in the L at the east end of the fac-- for cloth. the larger Poppenhusen enlarged H0USAT0NIC R. R. factory aud manufactured hard rubber - - it and the arms of the wheel were goods, chiefly combs. After the Xew BARGAINS! CHAS..J.HUGHES H0USAT0NIC DIVISION. uniicu, uui, uy turning uie water on, York Belting and Packing Co. purchased Desirable Places for sale Successor to April 25, 1888. a cheap trip tt'heel ituelf u-n- D9t-u- J Tf woo frlw. the property, they fitted it up for use. in iub Kny aim BRIDGEP0KX, Morth 7 10, 10 05 a m, 4 32, 5 50 wheel coimiry. 7 3U 5 largest of the kind in the world, They also bought the old button shop Building Lots in the CITY at LOW PRICES. CURTIS & pa; freight, 25, 10 20 a m, 9pm HUGHES, Sunday, 7 30 am. Arrive 6 9 45 m about 45 feet in 15 feet i on west 50, a being diameter, that formerly stood the side of If you wish to 12 wide and was a to the 15, 5 25, 6 45, 7 25 p m; Sunday milk great curiosity people road, opposits Mr Wofl'enden's house BUY, SELL or EXCHANGE 6 60 m; 4 15 a 4 i p freight m, 15 p m. visiting the factory for man' years after, and, for a number of rented it to years, REAL Stratford Granite TRUMBULL CHURCH, North 5 7 10 40 i ESTATE and 45, 20, A few years ago, this motor was Hall & Tilson for a mill. In 1870, great paper in the City or Country, Call on a m; 6 02, 7 50, 9 25 p m; Sunday 7 42 am removed and two j 6 replaced with small they built the stone dam and put in the GEO. S. South, 38, 9 31 a m, 12 01, 3 45, 6 29 p m We PLATT, Marble Works- - milk 6 36 turbine wheels. say small, as they Leffell water wheels. They still found 9 Wall St., Conn. Sunday p m. are in comparison to the the water insufficient for Bridgeport, LONG HILL, North 6 00, 7 10 6 08 great monster, power the pow- I also sell a First-Cla- ss 25, 55am, Safe for 35. 7 9 40 the largest turbine wheel being 30 inches er required to meet the increase in busi- that will protect vour Bank Deeds! 58, p m; Sunday 7 49 am, South Books, All kinds of Cemeterv Work, in Rran 6 31, 9134, 11 55 a 3 6 20 m Son-da- in diameter and the other 24 inches. ness in 1880, built a boiler and Notes, Siverware. from Fire or Bur-- m, SO, p ; y and, they Etc., ' ita or Marble, from artistic milk, 6 28 pm. ' Greasen & Frame manufactured in a set ?lars. CALL AXD SEE IT. designs rubber engine room, put of Lowe boilers ana oesi istocK in the market at. rmunnah nri. STEPNET, North 6 27, 7 30, 10 25, 11 10 a m ces. toys, such as dolls, balls, etc. Mr G. A. and a Harris Corliss engine, 150 horse Designs furnished on nunlicatinn T.ttar. o Id, 8 05, 9 55 p m ; Sunday 7 55 a m in Cemeteries a Hough worked for them and used to run power and made sundry other improve- Bargains. Bargains Oi o lot Lr.. ing specialty. Write for infor South 3 30, 6 27, 9 19, 11 50 a m, 3 20 mation or come ana see us. 6 milk 6 22 n m. a calender, previous to going to Califor- ments. Fire wiped the Dutch Rubber 13pm; Sunday dies' Opposite R. R. Station, Stratford. B0TSF0RD, North 6 7 10 11 40 a m nia for The Rubber Co. out in 188" ahd a line brick has (.rained Button Shoes at 50, 39, 35, gold. Goodyear factory 6 22, 8 18, 10 15 Sunday 8 05 a m .made rubber and belts on pm; packing and only risen the ruins. 65cts. a pair. One lot lueifs ood South 3,6 18,9 09,11 40 a m,3 15, 4 58,5 54 five that worked for them are working- - p m. Sunday milk 6 08 n m. Calf Boots $l.G0 a pair. Men's NEWTOWN, North 7 20. 7 47, 10 43 am, 12 m J.W.JOHNSON, 6 30, 8 29, 10 30 p m ; 8 13 a m BOYS AND SELLS Sunday $2.50 Calf B,ls at $2.00 a pair, South, 3 00, 6 10, 9 00.11 32 a m, 2 40, 4 47 5 40, 6 50 p m; Sunday milk 5 56 n m t CITY AND and ho best line of Ladies' and COUNTRY HAWLETVILLE, North 7 55, 8 00, 10 52 a m. 12 20,5 11.6 41,8 41,10 45 p m; Sunday 8 22 Gents' Kid, Doagola and Calf PROPERTY a m. South 2 49, 6 02, 8 52, 11 25 a m, 2 20 4 5 25 milk 5 42 Shoes ON COMMISSION. 38, pm; Sunday p m ever shown, at L. B. Leave for Bethel 9 a m, 4 45, 6 42 p m; Sun-da- y 4 52 (m From 8 10 Booth's Has on hand, for p Bethel, 45, 35 ready delivery, a m, 6 17 pm: Sundav 4 29 pm. i JEXTCist BE00KFIELD JUNCTION, North 8 03, 8 42 11 01 a m, 12 45, 6 51, 8 62, 11 05 p m; Sun- 6 cent class De- Per Registered and Coupon day 8 31 a m. South 2 11, 5 53, 8 42. 11 15 FARMERS! benture Bonds. a m, 1 40, 4 29, 4 53 p m ; Sunday milk 6 and 7 Per cent Guaranteed Western 5 28 p m For Danbury, 6, 8 05, 50. 11 20 am, 4 SO, 6 55 p m. I m m m Farm Loans. y m m s m a Arrive 6 8 9 11 ii Don't fail to call at E. Writes Life and DANBURY, 15, 20, 05, 35 am Fire Insurance Policies in the 4 7 most Reliable 45, 10 p m. Leave 5 35, 7 45. 8 25 ex- Companies, giving the best 10 40 a m, 4 10, 6 15 m. F. Hawley's and form of Policy. p , No. 4, Conn. National Bank DANBURT AND N0RWALK DIVISION. FACTORY NO. 2. amine the Gibbs Patent Building, BETHEL, from Danbury. 6 36. 6 46, 8 20, 9 36 Bridgeport, Oonn. a m, 12 07, 3 61, 6 30, 6 26, 7. 12, 7 45 p m The main building is 44x7-- t feet, three is now. fitted up with new machinery, Steel Plow. It's For Danbury 6 50, 7 48. 10 16 a m, 1 10 Imperial Haw-leyvil- le stories and a basement. The long L on with all the latest improvements and is 3 20. 6 01, 6 30, 7 12,11 19 p m. For the right is 30x12 1 feet, two stories ; en- well with the best automatic a Easi- SAFE INVESTMENTS PAY- 8 30, 10 19 am, 6 02 p m- - From equipped very light draft, Hawleyville 9 20 a m. 5 7 room lpxGO feet ; boiler 26x30 05, 01pm. gine room, sprinklers and alarm for protection ING 7 PER CENT. RIDDING, North 3 18, 7 88, 10 08 a m, 1 03 feet, one story. ,Xo manufacturing is against fire. ly handled, run- I desire to resDectfnllvca.il S 05, 7 05. 11 South 6 62, 9 43 a m Steady attention 11pm. " 12 3 5 7 59 m. done at this factory, but the vulcanized so a can han- to the fact that the Guaranty Invest- 13, 57, 55, p rubber that contain cloth and the The Goods Made. ning boy ment scraps Company of Atchison. Kansas. NEV YOHK AXD NEW ENGLAND It. It. .vutcanizea ruuoer scraps are reciaimeu have In order to give some idea of what this dle it. It's the dur- established an Agency at No 9, DECEMBER 11. 1SS7. iiiLU tt MLate new best, tuiu uruuui uulk ui company makes and the extent of their wau uonn., lor the Sale HAWLETVILLE, East 7 54. 9 11 59 am. which is and &t,iJnageport, 45, rubber, ground prepared business, we give the principal articles able and piow of Kansas and Nebraska First-Mo-rt 7 04 p m; West, 8 55 a m, 2 45, 4 50 for use at' the other The first cheapest 6 factory. manufactured, all for mechanical pur- gage Farm Loans, bearing interest at 30pm. NEWTOWN, East 7 59 a tory of the main building is the grinder : Machine for the Farmer. Test ana seven Semi- m,fl2 04, f7 09 pm; poses belting, elevator belts, it; six per cent, payable f8 43 a f2 6 23 m. room, containing 12 grinders, West, m, 39, p heavy endless belts, railway and agricultural annually and are redeemable at the op- SANDY HOOK, East 8 10 40 a m. 12 10. where the old rubber is fine. The if not true return 06, ground belts and polishing belts ; leading hose, it. tion of the holder.at the Imnorters and 7 15 p m; West, 8 42 am, 2 34, 4 05, 6 IS second and stories are used for sift- third air brake hose, brewer's hose, cotton Traders' National Bank in N.Y. These p m. and rooms. The first Also, the celebrated M. S0UTHBURY, East 8 16, 11 05 a 12 ing drying story hose, hard rubber suction hose, linen loans are made with aereat care hv a m, 19, of the long L is used for devulcanizing oil j 7 24 p m; West, 8 32 a m, 2 24, 3 10. 6 09 hose, hose, suction hose, steam hose, company that have been . and second as a iron beam plows, N. Y. thoroughly p m. storage, the story dry- test hose ; anti shaft rattlers, bicycle examined by the Bank. Commissioners room. Back of the ing long L, by the tires, billiard cushions, emery Wheels, Plows and a full stock of this State and pronounced A. No.l. SHEPAUG R It. is situated the boiler and 1 large chimney, pure cord, gaskets, rings, grain drill The Company absolutely guarantee the DECEMBER 23, 1SS7." room. In the small addition at : engine tubes ; piston packing, pure packing, ofAgricultural Tools of principal and interest of aJl loans nego- HAWLETVILLE, North 10am, 615 pm; Sun the left is the where the j 5 8 50 extracting room, steam packing, salamanda pure tiated by them. Correspondence solic- day 23 pm. Arrive am, 4 52 p m or fiber is from the packing; 5 12 m. rag separated rubber, j rings, fruit jar rings, wringer rolls, rub- all kinds. Fertilizers, ited and full Information furnished Sunday p which Is carried down a into the SHEPAUG, North 10 14 a m, 6 28 p m; Sunday trough ber covered rolls for bleacheries, and upon request. Call on or address m. dye y a J4 p South S 3G a m, 4 08 pm: Sun- into the washer. The etc., at Bottom t. bnsemept factory print works ; tennis soling, car and wag- - prices. GEORGE S,PLATTfNo.9 Wall St-,Bp- day, 4 58 p m. rubber belts for most machine work are single leather holts and the four-pl- y with calculated according to the two or more companying illustration. When hose is the square inch. It has lieen repeatedly four-pl- y, y over must tbree-iil-y aud four-pl- although two-pl- y double leather bells. In making thicknesses which it be folded made over brass or galvanized iroiAvire, demonstrated that rubber hose was far belts are also made. The three-pl- y is rubber belts, or in heavier ones when or and the operation then proceeds as in or the latter is entirely imbedded therein, stronger than that made of leather, but of the outside is the three-pl- y so a generally compared with the heaviest dered, the width strip making that only smooth' rubber surface its principal advantage, aside from its shall be presented outside and inside, much higher tensile strength, lies in the this is effected by working the different fact that it requires no care, only to bo layers successively, and then, as in other hung up to dry after use, while leather kinds of hose, subjecting eaoh to power- -' hose must frequently be 'stuffed' with ful pressure by heated rollers before vul-- oil and tallow, etc., after the manner a canizing. Although the materials used currier finishes leather, only the stu fling are somewhat different and the working must be forced inside of the hose, mak-vari- es accordingly, this issubstautially ing the operation more difficult. For the way in which all kinds of hose are these reasons the. use of leather hose is made, from that of half an inch in diain- - steadily being relegated to the small eter to that which is ten inches, from country towns where only hand engines the common garden hose to that made are used and where the volunteer firemen lor the steam fire engine, which will have ample time to devote to leather stand a pressure of over 400 pounds to dressing.

to allow Officers : The long lengths of belting which there is yet sufficient elasticity .1. and have to be previous to going in- - of its hugging the pulley closely, which II. Cukicvek, Treasurer Manager. prepared .1. 1). Treasurer. then to be carried all machinists understand is necessary to Cukkvku, Deputy to the machine have Cazknove Superintendent. a well ; in the com-th- is Fkank Jones, forward into the vulcanizing heater and enable belt to work Gkouok Assistant Superin- - in Woffkndkn, If NIK operation must be continuous from pound, also, as well as the vulcanizing tendent at Passaic. 'l a belt the commencement until the vulcanizing attention is directed to making Tube making covers the production of of investigation before Charles (iooi a of FACTORY NO. 1. 1 process is complete. which will resist high degree heat, a great variety of goods, and tubes are finally worked out the problem. not be Office: All of the great grain elevator belt s in so that the surface may injured by In the made either of pure rubber or with cloth sists in subjecting the rubber, mixed - mechanics will understand Assistant the country are of rubber and the com- friction. All Hugh Campbell, Superintendent. insertion. Their manufacture. proceeds its proper proportion of sulphur. Chi- - on belts should be .Tames M. Blackman, Bookkeeper. pany have some of their big belts in that in putting they on substantially the same principles as certain degree of heat for a special lej as as and, in I. Pekcv Blackman, Correspondence and ca"0 elevators which have been running stretched tightly possible Orders. the hose making, except that from their of time, the amount of heat and V4 - where are sti engtheu- - perfectly for twelve vears. The metal- large belts, joints KiiEO I., Iteeeiving ami Shipping small diameter they are, after being necessary varying according to til a thin of rubber dims, lic compound with which the rubber for ed by overlapping piece Clerk. formed on the mandrel, rolled aud finish- ture, the kind of rubber and the Geokgk . lit Ki.iii- IT, ortiee and mail hoy. belts is prepared, which we have through - ed for the vulcanizing by hand, as shown to be made. Whatever other to its Zt - in Where the into many years of experiment brought )elt witn tne ,H,nev, iUn the more per- Hose : the engraving. square substances enter the compel - Department present state of perfection, gives its sur- fCct the exclusion of air from between Foreman. packing is made ready for vulcanizing, is the sulphur which, by making a" the better the service. 1. Ckokkctt, face a high degree of firmness, while belt and pulley, S. E. FairchiUI, John Finnell, the rubber is furnished in sheets and ical union with the rubber, effect Patrick Lvnch, Michael Qualey, of different sizes and for and it is Patrick ()"'Iea, Martin Keane, Jr, plates shapes vulcanization, yet only meo John Keating, .Martin Blake, regular articles, either pure or with cloth ical absorption, and not chemical unJ Kdward Murphy, Thomas Finnell, Patrick Murphy, 2d, Martin Haugh, insertion, but where irregular shapes and which would be effected if the degree Thomas Bradley, Frank Kilbride, forms are wanted, which cannot be cut heat were not above a certain whil Timothy Shehan, Will Gallagher, point Owen l'yan, Patrick Tnlty, out of the standard products, they must ranges from about 210 to 300 F. James Bradley, Michael Cnrmody, John L. Sanford, Michael Keane, be made in moulds, not cast, as many make ebonite or hard rnbber, a greil .Maurice Colgau, Matthew McMahon, and the after having amount of and a longer subjel William tester, John T. Carmody, suppose, rubber, sulphur "-- "- Austin Mclnerney, Thomas Keating, been prepared by mixing and otherwise, ion to heat is necessary. The kind i "V ? - - i Matthew Frederick ''tfifzb4 - 1-h Qualey, Wentzell, must be ovens for this ar I lit) terZr&V- - - , Patrick Keane, 3d, John J. Kane, as in the other operations, press- necessary purpose "ft m Thomas Farrell, .Martin Corbett, ed into the moulds. In this way the cor some of them, 100 feet they as Mark Worcester, Patrick Scanlon, Jr, long; Patrick Bradley, Patrick McCarty, rugated matting, stair pads, car springs, arranged with thermometers, for t' Michael Collins. Thomas McGnire, Jr, are made. The demand for this of the ten! Michael Lynch, John Keating, 4th, etc., purpose accurately gauging Michael llalpin, John Donlon, packing in steam work, to pack around j perature, and are made somewhat James Purtill, John Wain, Jr, lilj Frederick Botst'ord, George L. Young, piston rods, and wherever there is a joint steam boilers, tracks running into theiiii Thomas Lynch, niomas Mccarty, is to different on laden with ar ' Thomas Lillis. where the metal subjected which long platforms mil degrees of temperature in valves, etc., is ticles to be vulcanized may be rolled in. Belt Department : enormous, and only an engineer who has These ovens are heated by steam, com- William K. Acklev, Foreman. had experience with the materials for- ing directly from the boiler, the heat and George Graham, James Collins, James Smith, Thomas Keane, Jr, merly used for this purpose can fully re pressure being gradually raised and then John J. Lyons, George Kepka, alize its value for such use. as upon the care Thomas Kinsey, Frank McGran, steadily maintained, THE GREAT HYDRAULIC PRESS. G. P. Lillis, Thomas Lillis, Jr, The last and most important of all the i with which this is attended to, and the John Kilbride, Jr, Thomas Cavanaugh, in the rubber manufacture, nice distinctions necessary in making the der the full tension of the. heaviest strain Charles N. Shepard, John Blake, Jr, operation We have introduced an improvement Joseph Kilbride, Patrick Bradley, however, and one without which all the different articles, much depends the in our it may be desired to put upon it, it may Daniel Corbett, Michael Bradley, as) of especial importance belting Daniel Lvnch, . Martin Kelly, other steps would have been worthless, strength and elasticity of the future can at the same time be between M. manufacture, by which the "stretch" compressed McMahon, Lawrence Lillis, Jr, is the vulcanizing. This is the part of hot and thus set its fibres as James McMahon, Malachl Keating, be thoroughly taken out of the largest the plates, Matthew McCnrtv. the work which was so long the subject sized belt. This we are able to do by the firmly as a bar of steel. It does not seem steam the - that an engineer would ever Sundry Department : aid of an immense press, larg- very likely , Owen Burns, Michael Maloney, FOR SALE: r in Thi.s be troubled with to up" a A. C. Stei-Hanv- Foreman. Dennis Mclnern v, William F.gan. of the kind the world. ores? having. . . . . White Flower Potatoes for seed, stock, our. unu'G Menu inn Victor Shwartz, John Hurley, Kdward Nichols, pure will take a belt six feet wide and 15 feet belt whose 'stretch had been taueu J()hn Ke(ltinf, tl Kdward McGran, Michael Pohohue W. H. McNamara, quality flue, yield larger Iban any other variety in this We own the for this Thomas Lynch, Thomas Hurley, William Cribben, John Matthews. S2 a bushel at L. B. BOOTH'S, Newtown, Ct. of its length at once; it weighs 85,000 way. patent M. Blake, Jr, in combination with the press, James : pounds ; the steam is let into the bed and stretcher ,,oml Bhike,' Lavey, Machine Shop of reat James Carmoilv, DESIRABLE FARM FOR SALE platen so that the temperature can.be as well as many other patents 'VstL .Martin Tally, William Conlong, Foreman. - Grinin...... 1 ..... 1 ; the is station- - in the business The princi- Stephen Charles Hurlbutt, John Graham, r ...f,,, hnllillnira readily regulated platen importance joim.Menwjriie.v, Kichard Haley, James Conlong, on vulcanizing ex- - ,,'ohn cavimnuVth, M. Joseph Lavery, situated in the town of Monroe, East . ...- - arv and the bed is lifted by hydraulic pal Goodyear patent Meyers, Thomns Carv, Thomas Ncynor, . i . Thomas Lyons, Thomas F. Bradley, (tireman,) school district, 1 mile from Zoar Bridge, pressure. The most novel feature of thU I'atrick McMahon, VV. Michael (engineer,)C. Dayton, ablv divided into meadow, pasture and wod however,! that it is arranged with Casey, David Conlong, Charles Payna, etc. on the press, ;ubRequeilt patents for improvements, ilirKa,' David Kiusey, Fred J. Geiger, (watchmen,) land, well watered, Enquire pren at eacn enu ior some, of which are ot vaiue in me ;,.OI-- Miss Annie Kilbride, Charles Donald A. Warner, ises. CHARLES McEWEN. appliances streicning great Aliss Marcella Kilbride Pourchat, the belts, so that, while the belt is un- - production of our staple goods;.- (coachman.) Calender and Grinder Department: Carpentors : 31. O. KEASE'S, I'ATKICK Gafenev, Foreman. Al'GLSTl.s PECK, Foreman. Monumental AVorka, Thomas McGran, Michael Carroll, M. S. Otis. Thomas Kelly Cor. Gold and Middle Streets. Patrick Lynch, Daniel Harrigan, Henry F. Becker, James K. Williams, Kit ward F.gan, John Kilbride, John Kelly, Charles Hawley. " Bridgeport, Cons M. MeNanmra, 1st, M. McCarty, 3d, L. Monuments and Headstones in all the lea- James Hoach, O'Connell, FACTORY NO. 2: Patrick Hurley, .lolin Harrigan, Granites and Marbles at Bottom Prices. Patrick Crotty, Michael Lynch, 2d, G. A. HocoH, Foreman. Patrick McNa'mara, Thomas Galfney, Patrick Finnell, M. F. Kilbride, .Martin Kane, John Madigan, L. John McNamara, John McGran, Henry Madigan, John Lavey, Jr, ERNEST STAPLES, James John John'Foran, Dennis Qninliven, McGuire, Lynch, John Kane, John Talty, Attorney and Counselor at Law, James Carley, M. McNamara, Jr, John 2d, A. F. Donloil, -- Barney Keating, Peter Bradley, Campbell, William Patrick McNamara, Daniel Foran, Pinney's block, Shelton. Martin McCarty, Rvan, Thomas McGnire, W. H. Ingram, Conn Matthew Lavey, John F. Kilbride, John Daniel Ryan, P. 0. Birmingham, Michael Haugb, Van Kayes, Lavey, Branch Office of Smith & Hubbard, Solicitors ol Patrick Lynch, Martin Cory, John Brew, Patrick Looey, Daniel Honan, Costello, Michael Honan, Barney Keating, Patents. Malonev."Timothy Thomas Lavey, Michael Keating, John John McDermott, Dennis Keane, Charles McDermott, Luther Todd, FOR SALE: Shipping Department: William McDermott, Mills Congo, A n Coolev as as new; Michael 2d. Creamer. good John Cavmo.ly, John Houlihan. Keating, been used only one year. K. A. CLARK. John F. Keane. Hawieyvuie, April a, jws. PL ANTERS : Heater Department: PLOWS, John Wain, Foreman Beforo purchasing a new plow, I would in- HOSt MACHINES. chilled John Kelly, Patrick Donohuo, vite you to examine and try the Viard WW. & CO Kdwanl Kilbride John are made in sizes to suit all, from J. PLATT uuite T'homas Lynch, plow., They pressed together, one-hors- e three-horse- In the making of rubber hose, special edges being they Kane, Henry Kane, light to heavy ; also se- to Maehael Carroll, Jr, us- care is taken in the first place in the so firmly as hold with great tenacity, J.V'f Yiiak,?'1"' Patrick Shea, swivel and sulkey. The testimony of those PRINTERS, of best kinds of raw rubber but to make the joint more firm, and of Michael Fiimeil, Patrick Lyons, ing th.jni is, "There Is no equal." I also have lection the John McMahon, The of to equal with the other portions, a jhemeiscanion. Michael a stock of Fisk automatic corn planters. NO. 9 WALL STREET, for the particular description goods strength Lynch, introduction of one in a sells different mixtures be- thin ribbon of rubber is pressed against Kdward Kirby, place always be manufactured, "'"miirio Michael Shehan, more. Send postal card for circulars. BRIDGEPORT, and the treatment in it, and then the mandrel or cylinder is John vonohue, W. McBath, B. Haw Conn. ing used varying James J. Norton, J. FAIRCIIILD, leyville, in order to obtain the revol ved other cylinders, in which all the processes against France Kirby, " John Kane, de-- MISCELLANEOUS, . which will a and the requisite John Carroll, James Kilbride, - , exact condition and temper powerful pressure Thomas Casey, FARM FOR SALE: allow the rubber to be best applied to gree of heat makes firm and compact the Michael M. Mahon, John Church, A farm of 30 acres, consisting ot mead- COMMERCIAL V Hartley Colgan, good and incorporated with the duck, to give entire section of fabrio which has been wnuninVwheH- Matthew Carroll, ow, pasture and woodland, with apple and AND in situated in Mon- SOCIETY PRi the greatest amount of strength. The fitted around it. This mandrel or form- William Brown, Thomas Madigan, pear orchard good bearing, of John Bradley. roe Center and within 5 minutes ot church and a and widths required for the mak- ing cylinder remains in each length P. O. Buildings in good repair, consisting oi Wedding Stationery Spev lengths - - and two one of which is new. A of hose, are , cut from hose until after the subsequent vulcaniz- Jobbing Department: house barns, ing of each piece well of good water on the place. For particu- Printed or Engraved. in has been to Thomas Kiley, Foreman. to J. A. PKNFIKLD, the long strips previously made ready ing process "completed, but, lars apply I to rub- - Thomas Maloney, Lawrence Lillis, Real Estate ami Loans, Engraved Calling CardB. the calendering machine and then wrap prevent the rubber .sticking it, the Henrv Costello. Daniel Griltin, 188 State Street, Bridgeport. or mandrels ber is coated with a powder, as soapstone William McMahon, Michael Keating, ' OUR PRICES ARE L0W.1 . ped around long cylinders Patrick Scanlon, Patrick Curtln, so that the freshly-c- ut or steatite, or some substance which will John not tightly, but Wiliinm Kirby, Lynch, FOR SALE: Estimates on any kind of Prii edees of rubber willjust meet. 1 he rub answer that end. Some idea of these .,. .(teimstor.uohn Bailey, New While Oak Curt Bodies, as tood as can he j ac-- made. Price low at L. B. BOOTH'S. furnished on ber 18 then in such condition that", on the operations may be obtained fiotn the (ttram.stttr,) Patrick Harrianp application.