Processor and Bus Support for Agilent Technologies Logic Analyzers Configuring a Logic Analysis System for Your Specific Application Is As Easy As One, Two, Three

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Processor and Bus Support for Agilent Technologies Logic Analyzers Configuring a Logic Analysis System for Your Specific Application Is As Easy As One, Two, Three Processor and Bus Support for Agilent Technologies Logic Analyzers Configuring a logic analysis system for your specific application is as easy as one, two, three. To configure a Configuration Guide system you must select products that will 1. Probe, Tools to Accelerate Your Debugging Process 2. Acquire, and 3. Analyze the data from your system. May 1, 2000 The following figure gives a quick overview of typical system considerations. Use the information in each of the sections listed to help you configure a system that will meet your specific mea- surement needs. 1. Probing 2. 3. Acquisition Analysis Table of Contents The physical and electrical Data capture, stimulus View and analyze data in a form connection to target signals and processor control you easily understand to help Probing . .pg 2 debug problems faster • General Purpose . .pg 2 • Custom Probing . .pg 3 • TQFP, PQFP Adapters . .pg 4 • Device Specific – Processors, DSPs, Busses, etc . .pg 5 Accurate measurements start with reliable Logic Analysis Systems probing. Agilent Technologies offers a wide (Acquisition) . .pg 8 variety of probing accessories to support your • 16700 series frames . .pg 9 • Measurement modules . .pg 11 measurement needs making it easy to connect • 1670 Benchtops . .pg 14 your Agilent logic analyzer to your designs. Analysis Tools . .pg 15 • Application Software . .pg 15 • Debuggers . .pg 16 Example System Configuration . .pg 17 uP and Bus Support Matrix . .pg 18 Old to New Model Number Probing Adapters Frames with built-in acquisition Analysis Tools • General Purpose Lead Set or measurement modules Compatibility Table . .pg 53 • Post-processing Tool sets Third Party Contact Information . .pg 54 • High-density termination adapters • State/Timing Analyzers • Debuggers • Processor specific analysis probes • Oscilloscopes • Pattern Generators How To Determine Your Probing Probing – General Purpose Needs General Purpose Lead Set: 01650-61608 To determine what probing method is best to use you need to evaluate your needs and take the following into consideration: • Number of signals to be probed • Ability to design probing connectors into the target • Probing clearance requirements • Available probing devices • Signal loading • Ease of installation • Package type • DIP Dual Inline Package • PGA Pin Grid Array The Agilent Technologies wedge probe • BGA Ball Grid Array The Agilent wedge probe adapter provides • PLCC Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier mechanically sound, noninvasive connection to • PQFP Plastic Quad Flat Pack adjacent pins on TQFP and PQFP packages. Con- • TQFP Thin Quad Flat Pack nect logic analyzer flying leads directly to the 1 2 • Package Pin Pitch (distance between centers of adapter; connect scope probes through a dual- 3 adjoining pins) head adapter. • Pin count Electrical connection to pins Two contact Probing Options: points on each leg General purpose: Use as a convenient way to access individual signals anywhere on the target. Electrical connection between conductors Custom Probing - Designed Into the Target: Consider placing probing connectors directly on the target dur- Number of Pin Pitch Agilent Product # Number of Agilent ing board layout. Design for testability. (See pg 3) Signals Wedges Included 3 0.5 mm E2613A 1 IC Package Adapters: Simple means of connecting to 3 0.5 mm E2613B 2 all the pins of a PQFP or TQFP package. (See pg 4) 8 0.5 mm E2614A 1 16 0.5 mm E2643A 1 3 0.65 mm E2615A 1 Device Specific: Probe devices specifically designed 3 0.65 mm E2615B 2 for processors, DSPs, busses, and programmable logic 8 0.65 mm E2616A 1 devices. (See pg 5) 16 0.65 mm E2644A 1 2 Probing – Custom Probing (Designed into the Target System) Designing a Probing Solution for Unique Applications You can design test connections into your circuit using 01650-63203 test headers with termination adapters. Details of how 16 data channels to do this are shown in Probing Solutions for Agilent 1 clock channel Technologies Logic Analysis Systems, publication num- ber 5968-4632E. Agilent E5346A High- density termination adapter Mictor Connectors for High- Product Number Description 32 data channels density termination adapters 01650-63203 Standard Termination Adapter 2 clock channels Agilent Product Number Description E5346A High-Density Termination Adapter E5351A High-Density Adapter E5346-44701 Recommended Support Shroud E5346-60002 High Speed Mictor Break-out Adapter E5346-68701 Five Mictor Connectors and Five Support Shrouds 3 Probing – TQFP, PQFP Adapters Agilent Technologies’ state-of-the-art probe adapters offer a simple means of connecting to PQFP and TQFP packages with minimal “keep out” area. Agilent’s reli- able probes ensure trouble-free electrical and mechan- ical connection. Elastomeric Probe Adapter 1/4 Flex Adapter Elastomeric Probe Package Pin Pitch Elastomeric Probe 1/4 Flex Adapter Adapter 144-pin TQFP 0.5 mm E5336A E5340A Locator 144-pin PQFP/CQFP 0.65 mm E5361A E5340A (included with 160-pin QFP 0.5 mm E5377A E5349A Elastomeric Probe) 160-pin PQFP/CQFP 0.65 mm E5373A E5349A 176-pin TQFP 0.5 mm E5348A E5349A 208-pin PQFP/CQFP 0.5 mm E5374A E5371A 240-pin PQFP/CQFP 0.5 mm E5363A E5371A 4 Probing – Device Specific (Processors, DSPs, Controllers, Busses, and Programmable Logic Devices) This document lists available processor and bus sup- Example: Pentium with MMX has core speeds up The following describes the different measurement port products from Agilent Technologies and compli- to 233 MHz, but the external bus speed is 66 MHz. modes. mentary vendors. Agilent and our partners provide an extensive range of quality tools that offer non-intrusive, full-speed, real-time analysis and processor execution • Supported package types are listed. In some Timing – Data is sampled at regular intervals by the control to accelerate your debugging process. The fol- cases an inverse assembler is separately analyzer’s internal clock. The captured trace is dis- lowing steps help you to determine the necessary prod- available when the probing can be designed into played as waveforms (asynchronous). ucts to meet your specific measurement needs. the target. Check the notes for available probing State – Clocking is supplied by the system under test Simply: application notes and product literature for clearance requirements and target and captured data is displayed as a sequential listing of 1. Determine if your device is supported (pg 5) considerations. logical states (synchronous). Included inverse assem- blers convert the real-time trace into processor 2. Select the products that meet your measurement Contact Agilent Technologies if you do not see support mnemonics. needs (pg 5) for your specific device . A sales representative can: 3. Verify analyzer support and compatibility (pg 8) Enhanced Inverse Assembler –Provides advanced fil- • determine if support is under development tering capabilities such as removal of unexecuted The following provides information on how to use the • recommend third parties that design custom prefetches and certain cycle types. The specific filter- matrix starting on page 18 to accomplish each step. solutions ing capabilities are processor dependent. Refer to the 1. Determine if your device is supported • direct you to information on how to design a test product literature for details. solution (refer to the probing section in this Device Coverage document) Emulation – The product provides processor control including break, run, reset and single step, code down- Device Max Pin Manufacturer or Bus Count, 2. Select the product(s) that meet your measurement load, and register/memory modification. Architecture and Clk Pkg Type needs. Name MHz Setup Assistant – A menu driven interface that guides Product Information you through connecting and configuring a processor Product Type 3rd measurement. This feature is available on the Agilent Enhanced IA Setup Assist Party Emulation 16600A and 16700 series frames. • Use the “Device Coverage” section of the matrix Vendor or Timing Agilent to find your processor, controller, bus, or pro- State Product Contact Agilent or the Appropriate Third Party for Your grammable logic device. Processors are listed Number alpha-numerically, except for Intel and Selections Motorola, where processors are grouped by family. The “Product Information” section of the matrix lists Contact an Agilent Technologies sales representative the available products for each device. The diagrams to order the products you have selected or to obtain • The value in the ‘Max Bus Clk MHz’ column and tables on pages 6-7 give a high level overview of more information. Agilent sales information as well as refers to the maximum supported external bus third-party contact information is listed on pg 54. speed for the processor. In most cases this is not what each product type includes, provides, and the speed of the processor. requires as well as specifying compatibility. 5 Real-Time Trace Products Inverse Assembler Inverse Assembler Software that converts Includes • Inverse assembler software a captured state trace Provides • Converts real-time trace into processor mnemonics into processor Requires • Method for connecting to the processor either through the general purpose probes or through mnemonics. connectors designed onto the target Analysis Probes Analysis Probe (Formerly called Preprocessors) Includes • Inverse assembler (for analysis probes that support state mode) and configuration files • Analysis probe hardware (unless specified as inverse assembler only) Provides • Mechanical and electrical connection to the
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