Clear skies and a sun ny d ay greeted 12 5 members World trade does not autom atically and ’ t a of th e class of 7 5 as they m ade their w ay from inevi tably enhan ce goodwill be ween n tions , “ i al n a Ga mmon Gym to Hun dley Stadium to particip ate in Hopk ns warned , mentioning sever unfortu te ’ - h in i e t as the ra i e a . Hampden Sydney s 1 99t Commencement . c d n s , such A b o l mb rgo “ a a a il and and not The gr du tes , their f m ies friends , the However , we must be overwhelmed by these “ - Mr al Ha mpden Sydney communi ty listened to . Abner C . i n c id e n t s he continued . The mutu

t and - a M - lt - at Hopkins , Direc or Vice President of Gener l ills , interdependence resulting from large scale mu i l eral to at h a at Inc . who spoke them on the unlikely combin ion trade inevita bly strengthens t e prob bility th pe ace ” Ba a a t an d of n n s , Telephone , Copper , A Fish S ore will be preserved . ” “ . 1 945 Ja a has a a You Since , p n ch nged from military a t r a E ch of these i ems , except one , is impo t nt in to a trading nation and in the process has become a “

nt a al a . are h i ern tion commerce , expl ined Hopkins They stabilizing force in Asia and a respected fri end of t e ” “ a Sa a an has a milar signific nt to you , he id , bec use growing . Germ y undergone si t at al a a a a the n t r a in ern ion tr de is vit l f ctor in development transformatio . The developmen of the Eu ope n ” of a ea ef . ta and m p c ul world Economic Community , hesi nt ti orous though t t h To suppor his hesis , Hopkins cited the words of it as been , w as brought about by economic needs “ l a P at war a A ex nder ope $ Wh could r vish , commerce powerful enough to force ancient enemies to “ ” u t and at co ld bes ow . Arnold Toynbee $ Unific ion by cooperate . t a i e te e a t e n i e conquest means mutual destruction . So we mus h ve Hopk ns r coun d s ver l o h r i c d nts which unification by have contributed to b etter world trade an d pointed out t eir te t a t h po n i l o promote better world r elations . Hopkins emphasized the progress m ade in

U - t a a t . S . Sovie rel tions , citing the ttemp ed establishment of the US - USSR Commercial Comm ission in 1 97 2 as a significant move toward a ”

a . a a a pe ceful world Fund ment l to the agreement , s id “ a Hopkins , w as the recognition th t two very different governmental and economic systems were seeking peaceful coexistence on the basis of full equality and ’ ” noninterference in each other s internal affai rs . Although the agreement could not be a t al implemented , the ttem p did produce some benefici “ a as t side effects ccording to Hopkins , such , the s rong desire of m any in$ uential people on both sides to continue building a bridge of understanding and friendship which will strengthen the prospects for ” a pe ce . “ at are d We must remember , however , th we , an a i prob bly w ll remain for a long time , ideologic al adversaries wi th W idely divergent political and

- i socio economic ph losophies . We also differ in the a an d t a implic tions conno ta ions of m ny English words . a d The words freedom , pe ceful coexistence , an nonin terference may mean one thing to you an d t t to some hing quite differen the Soviets . It is important to listen carefully to public statements by ” a Soviet offici ls . Hopkin s said he is convinced that the Soviets as d sincerely desire incre ed trade with the U . S . an that they now feel sufficiently secure to seek detente with “ the tat United S es . This does not autom atically end all t ” “ conflic s , he said . Neither does it mean that the Sovi ets will refrain from an action which they believe t to be in their in erest simply bec ause we disapprove . are n They tough , discipli ed , and pragmatic . They will an a a t the push y dv n age to limit . “ What it may mean is that they believe the returns from a further military buildup are dim inishing a ta r pidly . To l reliance on systems of destruction as the road to security inevitably leads to growing complexity and a t a net t const n ly esc l ating costs . The resul of this ” r course could well be less rather than g eater security , a he s id .

the a a Hopkins pointed out dv ntage to the U S . t a t a t hrough incre sed r de wi h the Soviet Union . “ Their proven oil and gas reserves are at least - i a a one th rd gre ter th n ours . Their potential is proba bly t a . a much gre er They h ve much larger coal deposits , ” t an d t huge fores s , un old m ineral wealth . “ We can exchange high technology and high la bor ” content finished products for valuable raw m aterials , a k s id Hop ins . t a at ta n a R Hopkins s rongly dvoc ed ki g positive ichmond . a ar a a a an d a ttitude tow d the remov l of tr de b rriers the Ch r acter , scholarship and a thletic ability are improvement of conditions under which trade can considered in determin ing the recipient of the

. a an a a at a grow G mmon Cup , w rd initi ed by the l te Dr . Edgar

- a a ar n . a h Americ n freedom c nnot be jeop dized whe G G mmon , president of t e College 1 939 1 9 5 5 and t at the i and al an . t am cul iv ing economic technolog c exch ges presen ly continued by members of his f ily . Charles at l a l sa t t Baskervill of S t B t i He pointed out th whi e m ny Soviets wi l y hey Thorn on ou h os on , V rginia, was a t t t 19 7 enj oy freedom , it is very different concep of presen ed he 5 trophy . At the a l a a Pa al i a freedom from ours . s me time he c autioned Wil i m D vid xton of S em , Virg ni , who “ that the liberty that Patrick Henry and countless like served as president of the student body in his junior — a i him cherished w as o ne which involved great risk and ye r , received the Anna Carrington Harrison Award n ” t a a . the willingness to ccept it . recogni ion of his constructive le dership This award “ This free dom is the antithesis of an all- pervading w as established as a memorial to his mother by the late Mr al d . . ar R a centr government which plan s , directs , an controls Fred N H rison of ichmond , longtime B e a r t . everything . It is the liberty to select your career and to memb r of the o rd of T us ees ch ange it $ the freedom to leave a job as well as the The New York Southern Society annu ally , u a M a freedom of your employer to fire you . It is the right to presents Algernon Sydney S lliv n ed llions in honor ’ a . t a strike $ the right to spe k one s mind . It also is the risk of its first president One recipien is member of the ” a d ra at a has u of f ilure an of unemployment . g du ing cl ss who disting ished himself for He concluded his speech with a wish that excellence of character and generous service to his

a - f t a and a at e . S a e M e e J e of i i a H mpden Sydney , its Trus ees , f culty , gr du es llows mu l os l y on s Concord , V rg ni , ’ t to at are con inue believe in and support the type of liberty received this year s award . Present ions also m ade ” a w a for which P trick Henry as willing to die . to friends of the College who h ve been conspicuously Mr w as and a a the ti and its . Hopkins one of three persons who helpful to ssoci ted with ins tution at d a and a ta a received honorary degrees Commencement , an the efforts to encour ge preserve high s nd rd of r 1 B thi d member of his family honored in this fashion by moral s . 97 5 rec ipients were S . ruce Spencer of

a - B a 1 H mpden Sydney College . oth his father and F rmville , , a 937 alumnus and president of a a a the i at a Ba a d gr ndf ther , lumni of College , were g ven the First N ion l nk of F rmville , an Dr . Charles a i 1 924 and 1 882 Mc Rae t at honor ry doctor of div nity degrees in , F . , who re ired the end of the current session t respec ively . after serving 33 years as a member of the faculty in the T R R he ev . a . B d i i i a t of S an i ar . W ll m Kle n , p s or the econd ible relig on dep tment e e ia i R a e w a Pr sbyt r n Church n o nok , s aw ard ed the as w as J doctor of divinity degree , Dr . ohn Bell a Willi ms , Dean of Church Schools in the Diocese of h Virginia . Dr . Williams as the distinction of having

ar - received two honor y degrees from H ampden Sydney , the first one in 1 950 in recognition of his outstanding r contribution in seconda y education .

. a e Jr f i . a Henry W Ch pp ll , , rom Will msburg , who e a e - S e in t ee and a a f e compl ted H mpd n ydn y hr h l y ars , as served valedictori an of the class . Cha ppell has been awarded a graduate fellowship to Y ale University by the National Science Foundation to study public i a f n nce . An nual awards given by the College were t presented to hree students , two faculty members and an a a re alumnus . The seventh presenta tion of the Governor William

. a a ta te a H C bell Aw rd for outs nding ching went to Dr . m ai A os Lee L ne , associate professor of history and a a i t of the e e ee i ccomp n s Coll g Gl Club . Presentat on of thi s aw ard is m ade possible through gifts of the Robert a G . C bell , III and Maude Morgan Ca bell Foundation of S ir osi a m on Ame ri ca n$ R e li i on

Dr n J r b . w L N m n t y O e . or e , . Associa te Professor of B ible a nd R e ligion

Since its founding 200 years ago under the symposium on the general theme Religion and the

- a a a a auspices of Hanover Presbytery , Ham pden Sydney Americ n Tr dition is therefore pl nned for Tuesd y d 1 6 and 1 1 9 5 h and an a 7 7 . College as combined academic independence Wednesd y , September , integrity with a vital continuing relationship with the Obvi ously so broa d a topic can not be explored fully in P a ta a as can resbyterian Church . From the beginning , the College so brief time, but cer in of its cruci l pects be a e w as concerned both with general and with theological highlighted . Two bro d foci ar proj ected for the

at n w as an d . a as : a educ ion . The former co cern is expressive of sym posium The first will be focus on the p t an historic Presbyterian em ph asis on educ ation both consideration of a spects of the historic tradition that

- for personal development and public responsibility . seem particularly pertinent to Hampden Sydney . The The latter concern arose ini tially in response to the second wi ll be a focus on the futur e : a consideration i and t tat need for p reparation of m en for the m nistry , en ive though any such must be of certai n culminated in the founding early in the 19th century problem s an d possibilities for the American religious s t the of Union Theological Semin ary a an ou growth of tradition as the futur e unfolds . ’ al a a a t t College s Dep artment of Divi ni ty . Three princip spe kers , e ch no ed in erpreter ’ - a t a In broader context , Hampden Sydney s long of religion in America , will p r icip te in the

- h as a r at as r . history Chu ch rel ed college been expressive , symposium . The fi st will be Dr . Winthrop S Hudson , m t and the a t R and both i plici ly explicitly , of signific nt Professor of History at the Universi y of ochester relationship between religious faith and American Professor of the History of Christianity at the a al and a t has a n tion life culture . Th t rela ionship in f ct Rochester Center for Theological Studies . Author of a al far a a and a The Grea t Tra di tion the been vit one , more so th n slog ns sever l books , including of superficial piety and the occasionally shortsighted America n Churches an d the widely - used text R eligion a a a i h in Ameri a has a the ssumptions of speci l divine providence m g t c , Professor Hudson been c lled ”

B at t t t a . a suggest . ene h the sometimes prophe ic , some imes dean of Americ an church his ori ns He will spe k on a a ar a ar compl cent voices of religious spokesmen , religious a topic of p rticul signific nce both for e ly

a and a a and a am - t : ide s ide ls , particularly those stemming from the Americ n e rly H pden Sydney his ory “ a P t R a a r B t an d R : a the tr ditions of the ro tes ant eform tion , h ve exe ted Liberty , o h Civil eligious Slog n of

f a t $ an d a a R . signi ic n in uence in shaping the beliefs v lues , Americ n evolution

Ja . as at d h . a . the pir ions an hopes , of t e American people The second spe ker , Dr mes H Smylie , As a part of the continuing series of lectures an d Professor of American Church History at Union ’ a at am - B a a na R is a symposi celebr ing H pden Sydney s icentenni l , Theologic l Semi ry in ichmond , person lly

l - to a at a - n an d it has seemed appropriate to give attention to the we l known m ny H mpden Syd ey , much rel ationship between religion an d American national more broadly known in the aca demic world through life and to the role of Ha mpden- Sydney College in numerous articles on aspects of American religi ous life

- P a f n and u t a d and t . i typi yi g f rthering h t relationship . A two ay hought rofessor Smylie w ll ddress more it B rown White S chola rship Esta blished

Ha mp den- S yd ney College recently recei ved the Josep h Moss a nd Josep hine Virginia B rown Whi te S ho lar hi e ta bli hed b the three o n M a nd c s p s s y s s of r. Mr J h M . Wh e a r n r W s. o e i t o di to D . Ta lo r s p , cc g . y R eve le re ident o the olle e y, p s f C g . The three so n Jo e h W Ja me P S . and a ul F s, s p . , s , .

Whi te are alumni o Ha m den- dne r u n , f p S y y, g ad a ti g in 1 4 1 nd r 95 95 6 a 1 96 0 e e tivel . , , sp c y The a nn u n ement was ke t e ret un til Ma 1 o c p s c y 0, 1 9 75 when Mr a nd Mrs Whi te were inf rmed o h r , . . o f t ei ’ ons lan to esta b lish he h lar hi The Whi s p s t sc o s p . tes

were on the Ham den- S d ne a m u a t he ime p y y c p s t t , ’ a ttendin Mr Whi e h R uni g . t s 5 ot Cla ss e on . The schola rship will be gi ven to a studen t for the ’ firs t time in 1 9 76 Hamp den- S ydney s bicentennia l yeah

a an i a t a the a i to a a t specific lly mport n spect of In dd tion the m j or ddresses , here will be

- a a . a i H mpden Sydney tr dition His ddress , Theological opportun ties for inform al discussion . Following ’ a : a a and M i l Ma t a a Educ tion Ac demi the in stry , wi l deal Professor r y s ddress on Wednesd y evening , there a l t and l a a gener l y wi h issues changes in the developm ent wi l be p nel discussion , in which other of theological educa tion in America relative to other commentators on American religious life will be te a at a . institutions of higher educ ion , wi th special attention invi d to p rticip te to the rel ation between Hampden Sydney and Union All public events of the symposium will be held in J a . l s : Semin ry . ohns Auditorium The schedule wi l be a follows a 1 6 P M r a il Ma M . . . The thi d spe ker w l be Dr . rtin E . arty , Tuesd y , September , , Dr Winthrop

Professor of Modern Church History at the University S . Hudson P M a i h a 1 7 . . . Ja of Chic go Div nity School , Associate Dean of t e Wednesd y , September , , Dr mes

t and h . Divini y School , Associate Editor of T e Chris tia n H Smylie entur 1 P M M an a l a t 7 . . . a C y , ecumenic l religious week y . A prolific Wednesd y , Sep ember , , Dr rtin a and Mar uthor incisive interpreter of contempor ary E . ty ’ Ma t R h u a a l a religious trends , Dr . r y s books include ig teo s There will be p nel discussion fol owing e ch Em ire: The P ote ta nt Ex erien e in Ameri a c p r s p c c , le ture . Protesta ntism and The Pro a nd Con B ook of America n A public reception will be held in the Parents and “ R e li i n g o . His topic for the sym posium will be The Friends Lounge followi ng the pan el discussion on ” m a a : a it tu . A eric n Tr dition C tching Up w h Our Fu re Wednesday evening . i R Fellowships n e sidence for College Teachers , while ai i Dr . L ne is the recipient of a Summer St pend from a i the NEH . Dr . Elmore will be ttending the Un versity

of Chicago , while Dr . Heinem ann will be at the i M Un versity of ichigan . Dr . Tucker will attend a semin ar at the University of North Carolina in Ch apel a at as as Hill and Dr . L ine w ill be Duke University well

doing independent research .

l a . ar a Dr . Wil i m A She , associ te professor of i has ee a n i b ology , b n ppoi ted a nonres dent research ’ associate in the Ameri c an Museum of Natural History s a dep rtment of entomology .

. a al B i Dr Gr ves H . Thompson , W ter la r Professor a and J P r. of L tin Dr . Homer A . Smith , , rofessor of Chemistry have been named Outstan ding Educators of a 1 Americ for 97 5 . ’ The De an s List for the spring semester nam ed 1 46 t : 28 5 8 i 38 s udents seniors , jun ors , sophomores , an d 22 freshmen .

- t a Sixty five high school studen s from Arc dia , a u J Californi visited the CM p s on uly 3 . They were on a bicentennial tour plan ned by the Foreign Study a - and E a H mpden Sydney — the Prince dw rd ’ “ League , an extension of the Reader s Digest Bicentennial Committee ho sted Cap tain Jack this J Educ ational Service . ohn Brinkley spoke to the group summer during the reenactment of the ride of Captain a and a Ja the a tte t ar i a on the history of this section of Virgini of the J mes ck , Ch rlo , Nor h C ol n , tavern f t h d n a a a . 1 5 t M l College , er which they picnic lu ch keeper , who in 7 7 ook the eck enburg Declaration of Independence to the Continental P i Congress in hiladelph a . Ten Hampden - Sydney students were named Outstanding College Athletes of America for 1 97 5 : Ed a al Keefer of Lynchburg , Nicky Thom s of S em , Chip a a a a Ch ppell of Willi m sburg , Gr y Tuttle of Albem rle , Rob Cumbia of Ch arlottesville , Larry Hentz of Ba a i ltimore , Hunt H rris of V rginia Beach , Gray R a B Goldsmith of o noke , Dusty allard of Richlands , and a Baskervi ll B t Ch rles of South os on . J a a ohn W ters , Director of Admissions , nnounces that Stephen Earl Baril of Richmond and Oden Jr a am Kenneth Semones , . of Leesburg h ve been n ed rec ipients of the Junior Baker Scholarships for a a t gr du te s udy in business administration . “ ” r h Hen y W . Chip Cha ppell as been awarded a Graduate Fellowship to Yale University by the

a al a - N tion Science Found tion . One of only thirty four students in the n ation to receive a fellowship in the field of economics , Chip hopes to specialize in the area of f n a e i e i i t at a public i nc wh l pursu ng h s doc or e t Yale . Four Hampden- Sydney faculty members received grants from the National Endowment for the t : a . R Hum ni ies Dr Albert E . Elmore , Dr . onald L .

a . Heinem nn , Dr C . Wayne Tucker , and Dr . Amos Lee a L ine . Drs . Elmore , Heinem ann , and Tucker received of the Crawley Music Award given for the outstanding h Kearfo freshman in t e Glee Club . The tt Stone Memorial for overall contribution to the Glee Club J m through the years went to i Tubbs . The Macon Reed Award w as presented to George

Gimpelson as the best sophomore m athem atician . For r a R Ih'umbo the third consecutive ye r , ick received the M a a a as David C . Wilson emori l w rd the most an t outst ding Greek s udent .

B a a w as . B . William A . l ckm n given the H Overc ash Prize as the most outstanding medical t nd a the studen , a Chip Ch ppell was recipient of the Wall Street Journal Award as the outstanding senior P student in Economics . The i Delta Epsilon award in al t B j ourn ism wen to Lee rown . a - l a In sports , the Dunnington Dedication Award for Four H mpden Sydney Col ege students h ve a a a a n a Ba al w as to t . a seb l presented Rober C Hensh w . p rticip ted in N tion l Science Fou d tion

M a an d the a a R ar . ike Donovan received the I . F . C . Aw rd Undergr du te ese ch Projects this summer They are : M a t P a r V c a . ar following Pi Kappa Alpha awards were given : 1 ) Phil S . Hoge c l ugher y of e risbu g , , Edw d

a a t Va . a R Lotz Memorial to Art Coleman for best exemplifying L . C rm ines , II of H mp on , , G . Edg r ice of M w a Va . and a . a t fraternity characteristics $ 2) one member from each Victori , , rk E V n ormer of Arling on , fraternity was presented the Victor Hayes Hayden Va . ’ M a a a and 3 as the P - h emori l w rd , ) Nicky Thom received . Hampden Sydney s Gus Fran ke as been selected ” - - - n a . T . Atki son Aw rd Golf Co ach of the Year in the Virginia College ’ P B a a a a . the hi et K pp t pped thirteen students in April Athletic Association . Franke s Tigers won college

are : a . Jr . M The newly elected members Ch rles C Ashby , divisi on of the overall Virginia State eet . J V Ba a r. a . of Dinwiddie , , Leslie Arlington ll rd , of Basketball co ach , Don Thompson , announces the Va ar Baskervill B R an . . ichl ds , , Ch les T of South oston , confirmation of five outsta nding basketball stars who M J V B a a . a Va . a . a d a as , rk ell of Ashl nd , , H ywood Gordon will be wearing the G rnet an Gr y next se on . They J V a r. a . a . R . a Fr nce , of South Ch rleston , W , oger P Gl ss are Lewis Elliott from Halifax County Senior High J Jr t J a a Va . . . R . of Alex ndri , , Glen E efferson , of us burg , School , ohn Lee from W . T Woodson High School in M J Va J ai a Ja Va a . . , S muel . ones of Concord , , ohn Simpson F rf x , Tommy ckson of Fort Chiswell High School M Max M a a B an d J Va . . R oss of Fredericksburg , , George E ice of in e dows , G ry eck ohn Glisson from

a V ilee Va u a R . Victori , a . , Eugene T . R , III of Richmond , . , Hug enot Ac demy in ichmond J K d the e a a a . an R ar mes S . Shropshire of Lexington , y , ich d Three members of golf t m were n med to ’ - t a t Lee Ma al Va . a . a Trumbo of rsh l , the division s All Americ n e m his spring Ch rles Baskervill was named to the first team an d Gray Tuttle and Dave Anthony were named to the second team

- a All Americ n . Hampden- Sydney College recently received an exceptional achievement aw ard from The Council for a Advancement and Support of Education . The ward w as given in recognition of the Hampden - Sydney slide presentation which w as shown last ye ar to prospective

n a - students a d at several H mpden Sydney Club events . Coach Fulton reports he will have thirty - four t a t a returning let ermen . Five experienced qu r erb cks , J n i i Bi M a a e Mar o D aly , Donn e Sequ n , lly eeh n , D l ks

and ournow a . Cournow and Donny C , will be on h nd If Sequin recuperate from knee operations this position h should be a strong point . Tiger strength should be t e d $ ur offensive backf ield an receivers . weakness could

be in the defensive second ary and linebackers . me t w I Kings unto , II Chronicles J k by ohn L . Brin ley Associate Professor of Classical Studies

One of the few reasons I see for not lapsing into tearful despondency over the not altogether meek generation which is now preparing to inherit the earth is the occasional acknowledgment by some uncommonly perceptive young man that there is some i wisdom to be found , if not n the contemptible dross — — a i n of my generation , then certai nly lbeit rarely our mutual elders . So one can imagi ne the comfort I derive from my cherished memory of ambling up the walk in front of at Morton Hall with a student whom , until th moment , “ I would h ave hesitated to call uncommonly But a u a perceptive . then striking fig re on vintage a a a bicycle ppe rs , deftly negoti ting the curve into i B n a a e to humani c t e I a Cush ng Circle . ei g sl v cul ur , c ll ” him a B al i a hero $ from the iblic po nt of view , he is

W d no t fa t is the ma tr ix of a i th. A M on er , c f It a . c Rae an prophet . is Ch rles F , once eccentric for r t ul wo ld de vo id of wond er is frigh f , because it is — m a t a an a a . riding bicycle ruly he d of his time The d - le G o ss . a a a am - M c Ra e sight is f mili r one in the H pden Sydney C . F . — ta n p an oram a , so I expect no comment cer i ly not deculturati on a process , diagnostic of this unh ppy from this cheerful young man . d a “ century an , frighteningly enough , firmly est blished M e Bu : n . c Ra t it comes You k ow , Dr is the t ’ in our universi ies . h s l u coolest guy I ve ever seen . He re ally a it al fig red e 7 0 a t - ar a ” At ag , f er thirty three ye s of wesomely

l d . out . I felt like giving the a an honorary de gree The exemplary service to a Hampden - Sydney in which he irony is that the man would vigorously object to the — an n n a “ bec ame i stitution y , indeed , in which he a t a i it all u compliment , not le s because h v ng fig red ” bec ame an unsettlingly authentic Old Testament out would entail the successful exercise of secular — prophet - figu re this welcome son of Davidson surely rational ism $ his faith and his humility would demur . n a deserves a rest . It is interesti g to note th t when a However , I choose to find refreshing c use for hope in Charles McRae graduated from D avidson he w as the the impression obviously deeply m ade on this typical ’ senior cl ass recipient of the Algernon Sydney Sullivan t Mc e s vic im of what Eric Voegelin $one of Dr . Ra M a a a a a “ ed llion , the supreme ccol de to ch r cter$ when he favorite thinkers) has c alled the Western - a a retired , forty seven ye rs l ter , he received from us the “ Medallion awarded to a friend of the College who has ” “ contributed distinguished servi ce $ and contribute is

an understatement . According to the Algernon Sydney l a at t is a Su liv n Found ion , his double recipiency lmost

certai nly unique . B ta In addition to ible , he also formerly ught an d C reek a and is as Germ an $ , on occ sion) , his a students c an fervently te stify , thoroughly convers nt and B al wi th German theology , philosophy , iblic scholarship $ when he went off to Germ any on

h - sabbatical leave for t e 1 9 56 5 7 year , one of my friends wondered aloud if he w as going to study or to

teach . Mc ae a a a t Dr . R is ch rter member of our ch p er of Phi Beta Kapp a $ the most movi ng $though soberingly pessimistic) expression of personal concern for and the a t t a a radi t a The Chris tia n fa i th p romis es nothing to Ma n within commitment to u hen ic liber l rts t tion h t a a was hi s a a at hi story . I h ve ever he rd f rewell ddress the M e . c Ra C . F initiation banquet this April . ’ — But as u a t Mc Rae s ide from the sing l r role his our Dr . disciples a rem arkably diverse as — J a - - as a as erem i h cum Amos filled our f culty conscience , well numerous group w ere responsible for his being a a x t the and an at t solemnly or p ssion tely e hor ing folk , innov ive eacher in a w ay that wo uld discomfit “ ” ste rnly or subtly exposing his Hanani ahs and most self- styled innovative te achers $whatever that m a a a a ma a t a w a t a a a a A z i hs , lw ys uncompro mising in his ze al ous y me n ) , hough in y h t , g in , is welcome regard for integrity and in his disarm ingly puristic reminder of the survi val of some residu al interest in

- d to B a . Mc e a . a a an devotion the iblic l world view , Dr Ra w as a genuine educ tion For m ny ye rs , he his elite a a M met a t an d m sterful cl ssroom teacher . an y a student took students regul rly for s udy discussion , with a a M 1 6 a a t the t t a w y from orton some wholesome lessons in life , no c demic credi for s udents $ h t would “ ” not a a t the B the a and a if m s ery of iblic al perspective . I cite corrupt tmosphere) no te ching credit “ ” an M e a a cRa . par ticularly his unm atched talent for humbling those $much less y overlo d p y) for Dr . This it t M w as ar and a t at who need mos . y favorite exam ple of this is his his cherished Semin , those who p r icip ed j olting of the boy who had not le arned the valuable in it count it among the richest of their college

ni l nu m i n l r I he . truth mag s e a bo e. t seems that t author experiences t had e t M a the a at n al of the tex book quot d some La in . Dr . c Rae For five ye rs gr du i g seniors were lowed

la at a . Mc ae w a s a t an a it Ba a . R c lled for someone to r sl te $ no one volunteered . to choose the cc ure e pre cher Dr and He then called for a show of han ds by those who had the first one chosen the only one chosen tw ice . had at 1 964 and 19 74 Ka le ido e at to L in . He selected one of tho se who confessed and The scop s were dedic ed asked him why he could not render the text into an t n at man wa at English . Here is eyewi ness report of the conclusio A gre who found his y l e to

n : a - M e h of the conversatio H mpden Sydney , Dr . cRa as left with us a ’ : a and v Boy I didn t learn much . priceless ex mple of unselfish service igorous CFMc R : not$ n $ to a Why Did you fi d it so difficult commitment uthentic values . Those who ’ Bo : a a t at man y No , sir$ I just didn t study it , you know , ppreci te him know h the is unique in his a to le rn it . majestic ability to combine the offices of conscience ’ CFMcR : $ a a $ and a as Why not Didn t you w nt to le rn it tutor . We wish h im fruitful well as restful ’ Bo : a t 6 A M - n y Yes , sir$ but I didn t study it retirement of g rdening , s udying , . . joggi g , — ’ c a e t n a be us well , I just didn t enjoy it . s udy ing , chopp ing wood , studyi g , pre ching ,

FMcR : $ a a - t - C i n an d t . $eyes shing like the j sper stone of s udy ng , bee keepi g , s udying J : d r a r to . M Rae d an n the New e us lem ) Does it occu Dr c an his talented char mi g wife , ’ t a t R a M R e i a t at you h t your mo her proba bly didn t Orene ich rdson c a , w ll m ke heir home “ ” en i $ tra h rae joy g ving birth to you S t b , near Center Cross . He kept him self prepared for his courses in the t t a t w d mos me iculously exh us ive ay, an each clas s lecture w as literally a report on his cumulative an d t the current s udy of m aterial at han d . A model for us ’ all , he gave each new ye ar s students not just new or a a k re rr nged nowledge , but a higher distillation of his i w sdom . His complete absorption of the Biblical world -view w as made all the more compell ing as the framework of his teaching because he w as clearly so as t a the v tly much more intelligent h n rest of us , a n including the periodic vill ge ag ostic , confused

- ai a - al do gooder , pl n sm rt eck , or whatever , who was enticed or vexed into the chastening experience of the “ ”— true but rare meaningful dialogu e t he kind fr om an d which one emerges more humble more m ature . And who could forget the illustrations of the ti meless 1 ha ve se t thee for a to wer a nd a fortress a B i al t in a relev nce of ibl c tru hs to be found d ily life , as a m m l th t th u t kn w nd ong y p eop e , a o mayes o a try the t a t n a the when dis r c i g r ttling of windows in the th ei r way . as a ll and tr t cl sroom , so c refu y proudly cons uc ed to Jeremiah t t fos er undisturbed , efficient s udy , is shown to be clear

“ ’ “ evidence of the failure of scientific technology to defy There is a n escha tologica l yes to ma n s no . ’ McRa e the inevitable frustration of Man s designs $ C . F . o m os mm interesting presentation on The $ ueen Anne Style in y p ” and a a Colonial America . Through his slides n rr tive , a a Dr . Fitzger ld tr ced the development of the $ ueen An ne style through a num ber of specific pieces of r ar at fu niture which were popul during th period , such

as tea ta a and -a t the ble , d ybed , corner or round bou

chair . Fitzgerald explained that $ ueen Anne followed e a and Ma t e if n the ea i th Willi m ry s yl , mod yi g h v er , a at l a and M t squ rer , m ore orn e design of Wi li m ary in o

more graceful and delicate curves . $ ueen Anne has become characterized by its ” a melody of curves , as Fitzger ld called it , which smoothed out the transition from one p art of the

a t . a a a M 1 th a 1 20 furniture to no her For ex m ple , the delic te lines of On Saturd y , ay 7 , more th n persons a n ai $ ow n a - the legs of $ ueen A ne ch r i to the se t gathered at Hampden Sydney for an antiques he a a t a and M t t a . - wi hout brupt tr nsi ions of Willi m ry symposium sponsored by the HampdenSydney a a a and M t a t a a The orn te bec me subordin te to form style with useum . Regis r n s c me from Virgini , West

n a a . t $ ueen A ne , Fitzger ld s id a a and . Virgi nia , North C rolin , Tennessee Ou side of ’ a a a i an d a t h e c o un t i e s i m m e d i a t e l y s u rr o u n d ing Dr . Fitzger ld s e sy spe k ng style bility to a a t its a as - an d R the pl ce e ch piece of furni ure in historic l context Hampden Sydney , Lynchburg ichmond were well as to focus the attention of his listeners on the best represented among the Virginia localities . a al a a The d ay began under cloudy skies with rtistry of the coloni c binetm ker delighted his a registration and co n tinental breakf ast in the Parents udience . d Mr a w as . d n a The third lecture of the y given by an Frie ds Loun ge in Venable H ll . The first lecture J M a du P of the symposium was to have been given by The ohn W . elody of The Henry Fr ncis ont

M n t a ar . Mr n t . a C a t Wi ter hur useum in Wi ter hur , Del w e Honor ble Clement E . Conger , ur tor of The Whi e M Melody holds the position of Furniture Conservator at r. w as a a House , but Conger un ble to ttend the and the a and symposium bec ause of surgery on the Thursday prior Winterthur is responsible for preserv tion ’

a all . 1 Mr as a and a restor tion of furniture in the museum s collection to the 7th . . Conger w bly ch rmingly a at t a Mrs a Covering the entire r nge of restor ion projects on represen ed by his White House assist nt , . Sus n E . ’ Mr M a . M n which he is eng ged , elody discussed his work on l a t a a r . A ex nder , who presen ed t pe of Co ger s “ ” a and a i i lecture on The White House an d Its Collections p inted furniture , veneered inl id furn ture , g lt

a and a a . a which w as illustrated by slides prepared by fr mes , wooden st tu ry He expl ined his a and n a r n techniques in rep iring broken veneer i l y , photog aphers from the Natio al Geo gr aphic Society . ’ a t to a i al ai i Mr blending p in s m tch orig n p nt when it s . Conger s lecture outlined the history of The White d necessary to apply new but save the old , an salvaging House and the contributions of i ts famous residents .

a a a al a . The White House slides gave glimpses of cr cked st tu ry with b s wood Melody sai d he was once asked his opinion of the before - and - after renovations as well as detailed am a at n a and - P f ili r combin ion of turpenti e , vineg r linseed close ups of individual item s . articularly interesting “ it oil for refinishing furniture . He replied , Well , were slides contrasting renovations under different ’ a a a t it t sounds good for s l d , but I wouldn use on my presiden s . ” furniture . One such renovation took place under Theodore ’ Mr a and a . R n After brief question nswer period with oosevelt . Roosevelt s char acter as a outdoor hunting

M w as . a a t r a a n at elody , the sym posium concluded sportsm n c me h ough he vily in th t re ov ion . w as a the The dining room w as paneled in dark walnut and elk The symposium so successful th t M has a a useum Committee decided to sponsor second he ds hung imposingly from the high walls . The

a Ma 22 1 976 . paneling has since been p ai nted and the elk herded off ntiques symposium on y , a a to w rehouse . ’ Conger s commentary explai ned how m any of the as a items were obtained during renovations , such ’ skyline painting of Philadelphia s Independence Hall that was found in a shop in India and purchased for a 8 bout $ . d . a P Dr Osc r enn Fitzgerald , historian an lecturer , a a r a a an from Alex ndri , Vi gini , g ve extremely l l / l l l / W l U l u I W S

a has encour ging token gifts . This not been the cas e at

a - H mpden Sydney . The size of our average alumni — gi ft i ndicates th at Ham pden - Sydney alumni are a 40 m king thoughtful gifts . Our % participation represents a commitment to educational excellence ” i h as l n a wh ch been bui di g over number of years . Found ations an d corporations for some years “ ” have been aware of the p articipation game which B riel mentions . In considering the dispensation of their a funds , they c refully review both the p articipation and a ft figure verage gi level . Strong support in both respects is viewed as an indication of institutional strength and often plays a determining role in decisions

- a t i . a t 4 on gr n eligib lity H mpden Sydney , wi h 070 al t a ar a umni suppor , combined with l ge verage gift , a a a st nds now mong very few institutions at this level , and its ch ances of substantial found ation and M P R P P 40% t ALU N I A TICI ATION TO S corpora e support have increased accordingly . The goals of the 1 97 5- 76 Alumni Fund h ave been The Alumni Fund closed its most signific ant year t set a from alumni . In commenting , J 30 a a in history on une , exceeding both the doll r go l Mr B a t t a a . riel s id , It is fit ing h t college , founded in of and the participation percentage of 1 i 7 76 , with a long heritage of ndivi dual sacrifice an d h d M which a been set by College officials last fall . ore t e t t e f r t n commi m n , s riv o con i ual rebirth by asking for than alumni m ade gifts totaling a a 1 renewed commitment . The go ls we set in 972 The dollar amoun t represents a increase ta a to 1 9 6 d w s nd re dy be fulfilled in 7 , an ith the good - u i a t over the equivalent period in 1 97 3 74 . D r ng th d l m d will an generosity of al our alu ni an friends , I h ave a the m ’ ” s me time , nu ber of contributors increased by no doubt we ll succeed . 2 62 . Alum ni p articipation now sta nds at the P R RP R finest record among all Virgi ni a colleges an d A ENTS FUND SU ASSES GOAL , T IPLES $ ’ u a - O IN niversities . This is H mpden Sydney s best showing SH W G

- at as all a - to d e , surp sing the time high of chieved The H ampden Sydney Parents Coun cil has

- 1 9 5 8 - during the 7 5 Alumni Fund . a t at 1 4 ar nnounced h during 97 7 5 , p ents provided a ’ With the advent of Hampden - Sydney s total of to support the plann ing phases of B al 1 icentenni observance in 97 2 , alumni participation a a a a t converting Gr h m H ll , now dorm itory , in o a began to increa se steadily from its accustomed plateau as a the Student Center . Surp sing its go l , 1 ’ of 7 That sa me year an anonymous challenge Parents Fund more than tripled its previous ye ar s total gift and the first Alumni Fund Telethon combined to of a al a a encour ge umni to upgr de support . College offici ls Plans for the conversion of Grah am Hall are at t a set a a a 5 070 al n d h t time long r nge go l of umni proceedi g swiftly , an a final report from the a at a the a a Nexsen an d p rticip ion , to be chieved by close of the rchitects Cl rk , , Owen in Lynchburg 1 - 97 5 76 al a . 50% a at 1 e fisc ye r At the level of p rticip ion , will be forthcoming by September . Efforts ar also Ha mpden - Sydney will as sume a position among the underway to secure temporary housing for the finest colleges and universities in the nation in alumni students to be displaced from Graham during its

t . suppor conversion .

B a R P n i 1 9 4 - Louis riel , Director of Individu l esources , Chairm an of the arents Cou c l during 7 7 5 , t a u w as as to J who direc s the Annu l F nd , ked comment Catesby B . ones of Richm ond , commented Surely on the significance of the achievement to date . the success the Fund has enjoyed is due in large “ $ ’ the i at ar a am Observers of colleg e p ticip tion g e , measure to the vi tal ity of the project it has supported “ ” B a a a a Pa t l t riel s id , h ve seen m ny colleges signific ntly this year . A new ren s Counci under the direc ion a art at i and Mrs B a t upgr de p icip ion by using g mmicks of . Nancy . Squire of Empori will meet a Ha mpden- Sydney on September 6 to set its 197 5 - 76 $ Ba i a a a a u . sed on the l test v l ble fig res goal and select a project . AN N $ U N CIN G

the 2 00 L UB a new annua l i vin C , g g

r l r - clu b fo the B icentennia yea 1 9 75 76 . Mem er hi is offered to tho e alu mni b s p s ,

aren t a nd friend Ha m den- S dne p s, s of p y y who wish to salute the College on the h nni ver r s f undin i n 1 7 2 00t a sa y of it o g 76 . Gifts of $ 2 00 made d uring 1 9 75 - 76 will sec ure cha rter membership i n the clu b a nd entitle the d onor to rece i ve an attra c ti ve p la q u e e sp e c i a lly d e signed to e or te he i e n enn l comm m a t B c t ia . CLU B

Ha mp den- S yd ney College wishes ex r r n t Mr to p ess its app ec ia tio o . D na ld B er lund ner o B er lund o g , o w f g hevrole in R oa n ke Vir i nia or C t o , g , f his dona tion of the use of four 1 9 75 h vr l C e olet Imp a as . ’ Mr B er lund on o tt is a . g s s , S c , r i s i n g s o p h o m o r e a t

H - a mpden S yd ney. spe ake r at the dedication of the new S outh Boston Bank an d Trust Com

i b i i . U W S . i m . Dr . Ernest Tr ce Thompson , pan y u ld ng Former Senator llia B

s . Profes or Emeritus of Church Spong , Jr of Portsmouth is being History at Union Theological suggested by faculty members at i - W Seminary in R chmond , was the Marshall ythe School of Law honored at a dinner held in 1 9 33 of the College of William and Mary

Charlotte , North Carolina on June as a top choice for the post of law

1 3 h . , just prior to the opening of the sc ool dean Albert L . Sturm , professor of G e ner l As sembly of the a political science at , W Presbyterian Church in the United has been named to direct the alter R . Banton of Roanoke ’ U - S . . has been appointed chief . States Friends from across the university s decennial self study . W church , including seven former probation officer for the estern

D istrict of irgini . Moderators , paid high tribute to Dr . V a Thompson for his dedicated and faithful service as teacher , minister , 1 942 The Rev . P . G . Cosby , III

cou nselor nd le der . Dr . author , a a received a National Brotherhood . i - Col Franc s Randolph M unt , hav Thompson serves as co editor of the Citation from the Lynchburg i n served in W orl d W a r nd Pres by teria n O u tlook and for the g II a Chapter of the National Conference i i di i i past fifty - one years his weekly Korea, was ret red w th st nct on of Christian s and Jews . i i i i i commentaries on the International and s now res d ng n Alexandr a

i i i . Uniform Lessons have appeared in V rg n a this publication . 1 944 Southern States Cooperative has

announced the appointment of E . A new partnership has been W W r B . Pendleton , Jr . to the position of illiam a ren Barnwell , retired formed by Charles A . Blanton , II vice president nd tre surer . ’ ’ insurance executive and bank a a 44 W W 7 0 and illiam . Muse for the director from Waynesboro attended general practice of law under the the 5 oth reunion banq uet at firm name of Blanton and Muse , - Hampden Sydney in May . His located in Rich mond . roommate in Cushing Hall , Dr . D . Mott Robertson , an educator W 3 9 illiam C . Barger from Ft . for years and a Roanoke City 4 1 4 19 5 Lauderdale , Florida , also attended School Administrator for years , the reunion . has announced his retirement to devote more time to teaching for Ja m e s M . J o n e s was u n a n i m o u s l y r e el e c ted as 1 929 the . - n Vice Chairman of the Southside Robertson , director of pla ning and Virginia Community College Board W special programs for the past year , Dr . illiam C . Finch of Nashville 1 - at Keysville for the 97 5 7 6 year . was awar ded an ho norary Doctor of has been teaching one or two Humane Letters during the June courses a year at night for the Commencement exercises at Emory University of Virginia Roanoke 1 94 8

Ce nter for the last ten years . Henry College . The degree was ’ given in recognition of Dr . Finch s service to Emory Henry as its Lester E . Andrews has been fifteenth president and in elected to the boar d of directors of r appreciation of his overall Virginia National Bank . And ews is contribution to private higher president of Andrews , Large W hidden , nc . , F rmville education . I a a

construction company . W i li . ak r . i i l am H B er , J , sen or v ce pres id ent and gen eral counsel of Lawyers Title Insurance Corpora m The Rev . D . Kirk Ha mond is i i i rvin . owling r . h s been the of . Ma C B , J a t on , ret red at end Ap r l i Elected to succeed him was Marv in Associate Pastor of Trin ty elected senior vice president and ’ r Presbyterian Church , Clea water , . i . 48 f i general counsel of Lawyers Title C Bowl ng , Jr , ormerly v ce Florida . i . pres dent and counsel . Insurance Corporation He succeeds W ’ 29 illiam H . Baker , Jr . who

1940 retired the end of April . 1 9 30

’ W r The Norfolk estern Railway Saint Paul s Co llege awa ded Dr . W R b . r. i i n . o e rt Lawson , J , Cha rma Co . has promoted Thomas B . Shelton H Short , III a d ploma for of the Board of the Fede ral Rese rve Mason from general attorney to a seminar held there on Politica l of Ri f t e . Bank chmond was the eatured general solici or in Roanoke . L adership AN N $ U N CIN G

L UB a ne a nnua l ivin the 2 00 C , w g g

r - clu b for the B icen tennia l yea 1 9 75 76 . h ffered to those a lu mni Me mbers ip is o ,

arent a nd friend Ha m de n- S dne p s, s of p y y who wish to sa lute the College on the f u ndi i n 1 7 6 2 00th a nniversa ry of its o ng 7 . Gifts of $ 2 00 made d uring 1 9 75 - 76 will sec ure cha rter membership i n the clu b a nd enti tle the d onor to receive a n attra ctive p la q u e e sp e c i a lly d e signed to

commemora te the B ice ntennia l. CLUB

Ha mp den- S yd ney Co llege wishes Mr to exp ress its app rec ia tio n to . l er lund ner o B er lund Do na d B g , o w f g r l in R a noke Vir i nia or Chev o et o , g , f his do na tio n of the use of fou r 1 9 75 r Chev olet Imp a las . ’ Mr B er lund son S ott is a . g s , c , r i s i n g s o p h o m o r e a t

- Ha mp den S yd ney. 19 1 4 speaker at the dedication of the new S outh Boston Bank and Trust Com

b i i . U W i S . Dr . Ernest Trice Thompson , pany u ld n g Former Senator lliam B .

Professor Emeritus of Church Spong , Jr . of Portsmouth is being History at Union Theological suggested by faculty members at r -W Seminary in Richmond , was the Ma shall ythe School of Law honored at a dinner held in 1 9 33 of the College of W illiam and Mar y

Charlotte , North Carolina on June as a top choice for the post of law

1 3 . , just prior to the opening of the school dean Albert L . Sturm , professor of G e ner l Assembly of the a political science at Virginia Tech , W Presbyterian Church in the United has been named to direct the alter R . Banton of Roanoke ’ - U S . has been appointed chief . . States Friends from across the university s decennial self study . prob tion officer for the Western church , including seven former a

District of irgini . . V a Moderators , paid high tribute to Dr 1 934 Thompson for his dedicated and faithful service as teacher , minister , 1 942 The Rev . P . G . Cosby , III author , counselor and leader . Dr . received a National Brotherhood . i R - Col Franc s andolph M unt , hav Thompson serves as co editor of the Citation from the Lynchburg i n g served in W orld W a r I I and Pres by teria n O u tlook and for the Chapter of the National Conference i i i i i a, past fifty - one years his weekly Kore was ret red w th d st nct on of Christians and Jews . a nd i e i i i i commentaries on the International s now r s d ng n Alexandr a ,

i i i . Uniform Lessons have appeared in V rg n a this publication . 1 944 1 925 Southern States Cooperative has

announced the appointment of E . A new partnership has been W W r r B . Pendleton , Jr . to the position of illiam a ren Barnwell , reti ed II formed by Charles A . Blanton , vice president nd tre surer . ’ ’ insurance executive and bank a a 44 W W 7 0 and illiam . Muse for the d irector from Waynesboro attended general practice of law under the the 5 0th reunion banq uet at i f rm name of Blanton and Muse , - Ha mpden Sydney in May . His h located in Ric mond . s roommate in Cushing Hall , Dr . D . Mott Robert on , an educator W 39 illiam C . Barger from Ft . for years and a Roanoke C ity 1 4 Lauderdale , Florida , also attended School Administrator for years , the reunion . has announced his retirement to devote more time to teaching for J a m e s M . J o n e s was u n a n i m o u s l y r e el e c ted as the University of Virginia . - s n Vice Chairman of the South ide Robertson , director of pla ning and Virginia Community College Board W l special programs for the past year , Dr . illiam C . Finch of Nashvi le 1 - at Keysville for the 97 5 7 6 year . was awarded an honorary Doctor of has been teaching one or two Humane Letters duri ng the June courses a year at night for the Commencement exercises at Emory University of Virginia Roanoke 1 948

Center for the last ten years . Henry College . The degree was ' given in recognition of Dr . Finch s $ has service to Emory Henry as its Le ter E . Andrews been fifteenth president and in elected to the board of directors of appreciation of his overall Virginia National Bank . Andrews is contribution to private higher president of Andrews , Large W hidden , Inc . a Farmville educa tion .

construction company . W i li . e i i l am H Bak r , J r sen or v ce president and gene ral counsel of Lawyers Title Insurance Corpora m The Rev . D . Kirk Ha mond is i i n i rvin . owling r . h s been the e d of . , t on , ret red at Apr l Ma C B J a Elected to succeed him was Marv in Associate Pastor of Trinity elected senior vice president and ' Presbyterian Church , Clearwater , . i . 48 f i general counsel of Lawyers Title C Bowl ng , Jr , ormerly v ce Florida . . president and counsel . Insurance Corporation He succeeds ’

W . . 2 9 illiam H Baker , Jr who

1940 retired the end of April .

’ The Norfolk Western Railway Saint Paul s Co llege awar ded Dr . W b . . i n a i Ro ert Lawson , J r Cha rma Co . has promoted Thomas B . Shelton H . Short , III d ploma for of the Board of the Fede ral Reserve Mason from general attorney to a seminar held there on Political of i f Bank R chmond was the eatured general solicitor in Roanoke . Leadership . George J . Kostel has been named Thomas N . Allen was elected to the Longwood College Board of President of East Coas t Oil

Visitors by Governor Mills E . James J . Keating , Jr . is now Corporation in Richmond at a recent meeting of the o rd of Godwin , Jr . serving as Alumnus Adviser to B a

- Alpha Eta Chapter of the Kappa Directors . Sigma fraternity at George W ashington University . In this Bank of North Carolina has

War i nner capacity he attended the 5 oth announced the appointment of Edwin D . is Treasurer and o n the Board of D irectors of Bienn iel Conclave of the Kappa John N . $Jack ) Harrington as r Sigma fraternity held this summer assistant vice president and the G irl Scout Council of Vi ginia .

. t in Hollywood Beach , Florida . collection manager Harring on is ssigned to the centr l credit 1 9 50 a a admin istration department in Raleigh and is responsible for collection efforts for the bank ’s s W T . A hby atts , III has been st tewide system . named a senior vice president of a First Merchants National Bank in

Lynchburg .

orwood H . D vis r . h s been 1 9 59 N a , J a named executive vice president of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Virginia and will serve as the plans ’ Dr . Claudius Pritchard , president chief operating officer . of Sullins College , has been selected to appear in the 1 97 5 ed ition of

Outstanding Educators in America .

A . Fr ncis obinson , r . h s n a R J a The Rev . L . Ra dolph Harrison has been installed pastor of the become a member of the law firm l of M itchel , Petty Shetterly in Lexington Presbyterian Church . New York City . For the past twelve years , Mr . Harrison has been a missionary in Edmund L . Benso n, III , of $ Bra il . Richmond has been elected to the Boar d of D irectors of the Virginia Wi W Luc a do lliam . has been Association of Insurance Agents at named appar el and industrial the group ’ s 7 7th Anniversary marketing manager for Dow Convention at The Homestead , Hot W Bad ische Co . of illiamsburg . Springs , Virginia . Benson is r Ih'easurer of the Richmond based

insurance agency , Saunders

Benson , Inc . Robert Alfred Bud Francis W B has accepted the position of T h e s t o c k h o l d e rs o f . Sidney ruen has been r e re n - elected assistant secretary of the Di ector of R c ati c a l Activities Heilig Meyers Company , Richmond

Nationwide Insurance co mpanies . at Morris Harvey College , based furniture re tailer , elected W Charleston , est Virginia . For a Lawrence N . Smith to their Board i number of years Mr . Francis has of D rectors . Smith is president of been the D irector of Activities at United Virginia Ban k/S ea b oard r Peter l ckwell Smith received the Fi st Presbyterian Church in National . B a

. Charleston . his Juris Doctor Degree from the T W 19 60 C . illiams School of Law .

Alb ert S . Kemper , III , formerly

W . senior vice president and head of W Jr illiam B . Crawley , Jr has been illiam T . Saunders , . , branch the b nk ’s trust division h s been appointed chairman of the a , a manager of the Newport News elected to executive vice president W Department of History at M ary office of heat , First Securities , of United Virginia Ba nk/First W a s h i n g t o n C o l l e g e i n Inc . , has been elected a senior vice

National . Fredericksburg . president .

19 52 re . b E r tt H Callahan , J r has een i i ed i S i $ i re nv t nto gma , honorary rv H ey . org n of Gloucester i at i i al . a B M a search soc ety , Cathol c Un ver Ger d A Claybrook has been has 1 9 7 5 - 7 6 si t i W i he i w W been named the y n ash n gton , wh e re s appointed T isting and eaving p r e sident of the Virginia workin g on h is doctorate in a h Superintendant at the Scottsville

i . Pharmaceut cal Association . thropology. Plant of UNIROYAL

The marriage of Miss Karen Mr . and Mrs . James B . Edge W Lynn Read to Robert arren annou nce the birth of a daughter ,

r 1 7 1 9 7 5 . 9 Ca son took place on May , Laura Randolph , born Sept , 1 4 at Grace Memorial Episcopal 97 .

W Church in Lynchburg . Mr . . Robert Eason , Jr . and

Judith A . Culhan were married on 3 0 1 9 7 4 November , in Richmond , ’ . . e 7 0 . D r nd rs l u d llory Va . David C . Alley was Mr a M C a M a ’ n W i i the b i of Easo s best man . lk n son announce rth i i d i i i the r second ch l , Kr st n M chelle

7 1975 . 1 9 74 on March ,

Francis Breckinridge Montague and Miss Anna Maria Van Lynden

r in . . . n i of the Netherlands were ma ried Mr . and Mrs . Carter B . Spalding M r and M rs J Da el Pond , II ,

1 4 the b i of . 97 . August , announce the birth of a son , born announce rth a son , J

i b r 2 1975 . 20 1 9 7 5 . Feb . , Dan el , III , on Fe uary ,

The marriage of Miss Jeanette $ Marie Lawrence to Henry Spiller Mr . and Mrs . Leigh S . Fult of Mr . and Mrs . David C . W 1 9 W - Trumb ow er inston , IV took place July , inston Salem announce the birth announce the birth of 1 97 5 ’ in Saint Bridget s Roman of their second child , a daughter , their daughter , Alison Beth , born

. 1 1 20 1 9 7 4 . Catholic Church , Richmond Susan Tyler , born April . October ,

W 1 . 9 2 6 . n PONTON , ANDRE J Garden , a Kenbridge businessma

9 09 . 1 . 1 1 1 8 9 7 5 . 9 38 LANCASTER , The Rev PONTON , JR . died April , since , was owner of W LE IS H . LANCASTER d ied April He was in the real estate business in Kenbridge Hardware Co . and 27 1 97 5 , in Clinton , South Newport News . He was very active Kenbridge Farm Eq uipment Co . He d Carolina . Mr . Lancaster went to r is survived by his wife an two i for many yea s in the masonic Ch na as a missionary of the lodge and had the honor of daughters . n 1 9 1 6 rd s Presbyteria Church in and becoming a 33 degree ma on . He 1 9 5 0 1 9 3 3 . . served in China until , except is survived by his wife and two ROGERS , OLIN A n for periods of unrest and war when sons . ROGERS , former assista t city

he served pastorates in Nashville , attorney for Richmond and a T a lled e a 1 92 7 M . Tennessee , g , Alabama and MOORE , . JA ES L partner in the law firm of Rogers , 1 9 5 0 . 21 1 97 5 . u dli 1 8 Sumter , South Carolina In , MOORE died January , He C pp Runkle died April , a 1 7 5 he became a st ff member of the was a professor at North Carolina 9 . He is survived by his wife , W d 37 . an Board of orld Missions and served State Un iversity for years He is one son , one daughter five 1 1 96 . until his retirement in He is survived by his wife . grandchildren .

survived by his wife , two daughters, W 1 9 3 0 . M 1 9 35 . one so n , ten grandchildren and one MCCAMISH , ED ARD DRU HELLER , FRANK W . . . M 27 great grandchild MCCAMISH , JR of La Mesa , D . DRU HELLER died June ,

24 1 97 4 . California d ied May , He 1 97 5 . MCDANALD H 1 9 25 . C ARLES , was an engineering analyst for w M ’ . CDANALD 1 W M 1 9 44 . died o n March , G e n e r a l Dynamic s Convair DANBY , ILLIA 1 97 5 . Division . He is survived by his wife . LYLE DANBY of Cumberland ,

i 8 1 9 7 5 . V rginia died July , He was 1 9 26 . 1 93 2 . . LUSH , CLIFFORD GARDEN , CHARLES A a retired rural mail carrier . He is JR ERNEST LUSH of Burkeville died GARDEN , . , mayor of survived by his wife and one 2 1 9 7 4 . 1 7 5 . 7 27 9 . March , Kenbridge , died May , Mr daughter . FOOTBALL SCHEDULE 1 97 5 76

Sewanee Madison Bridgewater Guilford Washi ngton Lee Davidson Emory Henry Towson Randolph - Macon

$ Other dates to remember

Parents Friends Day Admissions Resources Day Homecoming Prospective Student Day


an d cost be m ai led to area club to appro ately weeks prior the meeting date .