Clear skies and a sun ny d ay greeted 12 5 members World trade does not autom atically and ’ t a of th e class of 7 5 as they m ade their w ay from inevi tably enhan ce goodwill be ween n tions , “ i al n a Ga mmon Gym to Hun dley Stadium to particip ate in Hopk ns warned , mentioning sever unfortu te ’ - h in i e t as the ra i e a . Hampden Sydney s 1 99t Commencement . c d n s , such A b o l mb rgo “ a a a il and and not The gr du tes , their f m ies friends , the However , we must be overwhelmed by these “ - Mr al Ha mpden Sydney communi ty listened to . Abner C . i n c id e n t s he continued . The mutu t and - a M - lt - at Hopkins , Direc or Vice President of Gener l ills , interdependence resulting from large scale mu i l eral to at h a at Inc . who spoke them on the unlikely combin ion trade inevita bly strengthens t e prob bility th pe ace ” Ba a a t an d of n n s , Telephone , Copper , A Fish S ore will be preserved . ” “ . 1 945 Ja a has a a You Since , p n ch nged from military a t r a E ch of these i ems , except one , is impo t nt in to a trading nation and in the process has become a “ nt a al a . are h i ern tion commerce , expl ined Hopkins They stabilizing force in Asia and a respected fri end of t e ” “ a Sa a an has a milar signific nt to you , he id , bec use growing United States . Germ y undergone si t at al a a a a the n t r a in ern ion tr de is vit l f ctor in development transformatio . The developmen of the Eu ope n ” of a ea ef . ta and m p c ul world Economic Community , hesi nt ti orous though t t h To suppor his hesis , Hopkins cited the words of it as been , w as brought about by economic needs “ l a P at war a A ex nder ope $ Wh could r vish , commerce powerful enough to force ancient enemies to “ ” u t and at co ld bes ow . Arnold Toynbee $ Unific ion by cooperate . t a i e te e a t e n i e conquest means mutual destruction . So we mus h ve Hopk ns r coun d s ver l o h r i c d nts which unification by have contributed to b etter world trade an d pointed out t eir te t a t h po n i l o promote better world r elations . Hopkins emphasized the progress m ade in U - t a a t . S . Sovie rel tions , citing the ttemp ed establishment of the US - USSR Commercial Comm ission in 1 97 2 as a significant move toward a ” a . a a a pe ceful world Fund ment l to the agreement , s id “ a Hopkins , w as the recognition th t two very different governmental and economic systems were seeking peaceful coexistence on the basis of full equality and ’ ” noninterference in each other s internal affai rs . Although the agreement could not be a t al implemented , the ttem p did produce some benefici “ a as t side effects ccording to Hopkins , such , the s rong desire of m any in$ uential people on both sides to continue building a bridge of understanding and friendship which will strengthen the prospects for ” a pe ce . “ at are d We must remember , however , th we , an a i prob bly w ll remain for a long time , ideologic al adversaries wi th W idely divergent political and - i socio economic ph losophies . We also differ in the a an d t a implic tions conno ta ions of m ny English words . a d The words freedom , pe ceful coexistence , an nonin terference may mean one thing to you an d t t to some hing quite differen the Soviets . It is important to listen carefully to public statements by ” a Soviet offici ls . Hopkin s said he is convinced that the Soviets as d sincerely desire incre ed trade with the U . S . an that they now feel sufficiently secure to seek detente with “ the tat United S es . This does not autom atically end all t ” “ conflic s , he said . Neither does it mean that the Sovi ets will refrain from an action which they believe t to be in their in erest simply bec ause we disapprove . are n They tough , discipli ed , and pragmatic . They will an a a t the push y dv n age to limit . “ What it may mean is that they believe the returns from a further military buildup are dim inishing a ta r pidly . To l reliance on systems of destruction as the road to security inevitably leads to growing complexity and a t a net t const n ly esc l ating costs . The resul of this ” r course could well be less rather than g eater security , a he s id . the a a Hopkins pointed out dv ntage to the U S . t a t a t hrough incre sed r de wi h the Soviet Union . “ Their proven oil and gas reserves are at least - i a a one th rd gre ter th n ours . Their potential is proba bly t a . a much gre er They h ve much larger coal deposits , ” t an d t huge fores s , un old m ineral wealth . “ We can exchange high technology and high la bor ” content finished products for valuable raw m aterials , a k s id Hop ins . t a at ta n a R Hopkins s rongly dvoc ed ki g positive ichmond . a ar a a a an d a ttitude tow d the remov l of tr de b rriers the Ch r acter , scholarship and a thletic ability are improvement of conditions under which trade can considered in determin ing the recipient of the . a an a a at a grow G mmon Cup , w rd initi ed by the l te Dr . Edgar - a a ar n . a h Americ n freedom c nnot be jeop dized whe G G mmon , president of t e College 1 939 1 9 5 5 and t at the i and al an . t am cul iv ing economic technolog c exch ges presen ly continued by members of his f ily . Charles at l a l sa t t Baskervill of S t B t i He pointed out th whi e m ny Soviets wi l y hey Thorn on ou h os on , V rginia, was a t t t 19 7 enj oy freedom , it is very different concep of presen ed he 5 trophy . At the a l a a Pa al i a freedom from ours . s me time he c autioned Wil i m D vid xton of S em , Virg ni , who “ that the liberty that Patrick Henry and countless like served as president of the student body in his junior — a i him cherished w as o ne which involved great risk and ye r , received the Anna Carrington Harrison Award n ” t a a . the willingness to ccept it . recogni ion of his constructive le dership This award “ This free dom is the antithesis of an all- pervading w as established as a memorial to his mother by the late Mr al d . ar R a centr government which plan s , directs , an controls Fred N H rison of ichmond , longtime B e a r t . everything . It is the liberty to select your career and to memb r of the o rd of T us ees ch ange it $ the freedom to leave a job as well as the The New York Southern Society annu ally , u a M a freedom of your employer to fire you . It is the right to presents Algernon Sydney S lliv n ed llions in honor ’ a . t a strike $ the right to spe k one s mind . It also is the risk of its first president One recipien is member of the ” a d ra at a has u of f ilure an of unemployment . g du ing cl ss who disting ished himself for He concluded his speech with a wish that excellence of character and generous service to his a - f t a and a at e . S a e M e e J e of i i a H mpden Sydney , its Trus ees , f culty , gr du es llows mu l os l y on s Concord , V rg ni , ’ t to at are con inue believe in and support the type of liberty received this year s award . Present ions also m ade ” a w a for which P trick Henry as willing to die . to friends of the College who h ve been conspicuously Mr w as and a a the ti and its . Hopkins one of three persons who helpful to ssoci ted with ins tution at d a and a ta a received honorary degrees Commencement , an the efforts to encour ge preserve high s nd rd of r 1 B thi d member of his family honored in this fashion by moral s .
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