1776 The following schools present their 1918-19 require¬ Christian Tlrgtal^ flirtottMiPlo. The 191$ institute and ments and advantages. As many new features appear, a Randolph-Talcott study of their advertisements is suggested. College St. Anne's Hampden Sidney College IXNCnotRO, VIRGINIA. School STANDS POIl SCHOLARSHIP.CHAR. and A Senior for Agricultural Collei;o men and venies. 205-207 North ACTIOIt.SKHVICK. Stand* for hlrh'st Christian tdeala. Pre¬ J-omlinrdj Street. Attractive conditions of for the School living; mod- pares Hudy of tlin for Girls and Mechanical The Richmond professions. Con¬ Kindergarten, Primary Junior era to expenses, personal contact be¬ fers the decree of A. Ii. ) Claeaea for boys and girls. Cellege Times-Dispatch n.. S. and A- M Ip-to-Hato tween professor aiul lU.AChMll ||(i, MHGINIA. StrouK courses In the Fine Arta. Fresh Air School" on roof garden. student. Stand¬ Campua of College Preparatory. Business Montesaorl features added to Ivindor- ard entrar.ee 'Jefro° P« acres In full view of I'eaka of Ottar and Course, Music, Art, Modern I..an« requirements, regular In A tcrleup ur«*. Educational lilue SlouDtaloa. system. Session 1918-n opens r.F.',f,!C?n, Directory ni'lRO Five mineral springe Buntcefl. Large campus, modern ctober 2nd. Apply early, as number college degree*. New Eymnaslum, all on.l Applied of excellent medicinal valu^. Every modern teulldlnge. Illustrated catalogue. BartenIs limited. Phone Boulevard athletic activities. 143d r"u""* Axriculiur« Special for children. 187G. Ad- session begins ii.l, ' armors WinterV- Improvement. Military training for younr department dress September 11, 1913. mou. Kducatlon MISS MAHY IITDE Apply t» Jt-cixtrwr for catalogue. universities. Physical for young women. DuVAL, MISS B. R. TAl,COTT, MILITARY THAI.VINO. Write for catalogue or other Information to Principal. Address J. D. KGGI.ENTON. I'roldrnt. Charlottesville, Va. J. T. T. HUXPI.KY. President. CkarlotttsrlUc, Va. 19 North Boulevard, CU7. THK PRESIDENT, and Leo Ilampden-Sldnoy, Va. Washington University Lexington. Va. Boys taken from 4 years to 10 years. Olrls from 4 to 16 Radford State COM-KOIATIi AND TECHMCAt INSTITUTIONS. Mary Baldwin years yoars. Medical Collego of Virginia Richmond, Va. School Virginia Military Institute Lexington. Va. Virginia Episcopal ri9Ha:iMi»:n wb Normal Virginia Polytechnic Institute Seminary (1VHAB liYNCnnunG, VA.) Blacksburg, Va. CEstabliflbed For boys of character, position and 1'rlmi.ry 18IJ) ability whose means will not permit fitammar 1«»,!?...»ra»I«* I f"r. T.-aeh»r», COLLEGER FOR MEM. ¦ j varher.i ar:«t i!!ir!i them to attend our more expensive »/ « Si roni: Episcopal ;M HouH.-hMM For * Young Ladies schools. Prepares at cost for college, J ManUul A,!* "¦"! other Special SuIj- Hampden-Sidney Collego Ilampden-Sldney. Va. university or Immediate entrance upon J0rt» Itandolptt-Macon Collego Ashland. Va. the duties of life. Made 'n #'-\»ilon v.»f k>T , a, i, possible by I'irty-fiRiii ltoanoke College Faletn. Va. Stpunton, Virginia. gifts of founders. Special terms to I High School t T»rm beclns September 12th, 1918. Trinity College N. c. ed In the beautiful and Locat¬ clergymen. Hoarders for the present M» NEAR Durham. historic Shenandoah are to ALRXANHRIi . VA. L Fork Union William and Mary Collego Wllliamaburg, Va. Vilify of Vlrirlnla. I'tiaurpavsed cllmnte, limited seventy-eight. One hun- handsome buildings and inoderu dren and six acres of land. The ses¬ The Eightieth year of thin ment*. Students appoint¬ ¦ ' pant seawlon from 30 sion begins September 19, 1918. Apply 'jplaml Jilu»? Ora« ~ School for will Virginia region u! CO-EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Ht a t".i Coursen: Colieplate <3 yenra). Pre¬ for Information and calaloguo to the Roys open Senium- S paratory (* yearn), with certificate privi- ® ber 18. 1918. Modern equipment bi Military Academy Kor catalogue and full wiito 'tKes- Music, Art and RUV, ROlllSRT CARTER D. D.. splendid "home school' for boye and Information. Guilford College Guilford. N. C. Uomestlc Scfencc. JETT, throughout. Catalogue on appll- ^ you iff me.i. A utrong mil..-., Small classcs and thorough work. Sond fOr Rector. 0 military1.._ orcanlxa- .JOHN I'ltorov Mct'ONXEI.I,, Virginia Christian College Lynchburg. Va. cat n 1 o 21j o. cation. gj lion. Charges I'Si per session. j,.Qr M.VKIAXXA 1*. HKV. THOS. KINI.OCII NELSON, HL A-, U-n"e. address I'r«:.iiJen(, IllGG1NS. Trlnrlpit). VIce-ilector. A. n. IIOXTON, D. A.. N. J. East SEMINARIES A ND COLLEGES Jg PKKK1NS. President. Va. FOR WOMEN - - - ltar>!I.N AMI GIIU.S Blackatone Military Academy Blaekstone. Va. forward to un¬ Institute ing college. Ample athletic facilities. Prices < Entabllshrd lfil") Chamberlaync School Richmond, Va. Special advantages In Music. Art, usually low. Famous for thorough nifTTNTTTTH FEATURES. The attention of all who are Chatham Training School Chatham. Va. Klocatlon and Physical Culture. . work, high moral tone. Christian In¬ Interested in RAJ.HIGH. NORTH CAROJ.INA. education Is respectfully railed to the spe¬ Episcopal High School Alexandria. Va. Faculty of twenty, well equipped, fluences and intimate personal contact cial advantages now offered by the Virginia Preparatory unit t oiirset Fishburn Military Academy Va. experienced. students between and feet Fort Military Institute. Among these odvant- C«llrge Waynesboro, Boarding limited faculty students. 1,000 Loudoun Fork Union to 100. Strom: Iluklnri.il iind Home Economics Military Academy Fork Union. Va. Home life wholesome. Rates above fea level. For catalog and fur¬ ,lKi.aUs Dlstlnrllve Military System. This I >r*>ar I nir i t> Madison Hall Washington. D. C. low. ther information address hasi sccurcd for it the name of the "Wsst Fourquler Institute Rlchtnond, Va. Address, for Catalogue, THE Point of the South." It tends to muscular -MLSIC.AltT.I-I.OCITIOX PHESIOEXT, development and physical health an an- Kandolph-Macon Academy Bedford City, Va. CUAS. O. A. Guilford College, N. C. forced In by llf» thy ! a'i^n V.ry rp». 13VANS, M, regularity food, sleep and exercise. .J:,M?tltnally *1'",r Virginia Episcopal School Lynchburg, Va. Principal. Seminary It creates habits of promptitude, order, aia> «?* .!dd?!?MBM- c»tal,.^V Virginia Randolph-Ellet School Richmond, Va. CCOOCOCOCOOOQSCCOCCOSOOOCO WTNcirrsTEn. va. clpHno and subordination. It foaters self- cuituro of young women, reliance and force of personal character by KEV. GEORGE \V. I.AY. I). C. I... pellahtful location In the beautiful removing all extraneous distinctions, ana SCHOOLS OF MUSIC. Shenandoah Valley, l.lterary ami Husl- canting each youth, whatever his antecedent ltrctor. circumstances. on his orni Individual re- Ho* A. St. Mars'* School. Ralrlcli, >.. p. i! Ernest If. Cosby Richmond. Va. TV Mraire8iT.'x,,f?CIAADVANT.Vt,VisI.snguage. Gymnasium sponslbllit v. It Is equal. uniform Md Averett andl.j all!n outdoor. exerclsoa. wholesomely restraining, without rlifor. Fredericksburg State College Terms JSfiU 00 II. Its Dlstinrtlre Academic bupiunibur lath. For catalorue Currlcnlaaa. NORMAL, SCHOOLS, anilrmsOpens Thii< embraces the study of English, History, Fri-nch or Spanish, German or MISS UATIIEKLPTE R. GU\SS. President. mntlcs. Latin, Matfci- r-1 State Normal East Radford, Va. Phvslm. Oeology, Mechanic*. Sur¬ .» Normal 5.V.' .ii'V/, State Normal School for Women veying. Chemistry, Drawing, Law, Econom¬ Fredericksburg. Va. Young ics. I.lterature. Practical Science. State Normal Harrisonburg. Va. Fredericksburg, Virginia. Offers: III. I(h Technical Scientific Courses. Pre¬ vision ia made for the member of the «ec- teachers for all (1> Two-year college course ond class to elect between the courses of Prepares grades of Founded 1S38. Civil Engineering, of Analytical and tho public schools. Tuition free to (2) Four years' preparatory Chartered In 1850. plied Chemistry and of Electrical Engineer¬Ap¬ '."t'rAl-#?}* Mount de Sales of State students. (3) Special arts and sciences ing. These courses are of one and a half Academy Strong faculty. New venrs' duration, and nr»» illustrated by con¬ i MT. and modern loca¬ tinuous field and luboratory practice. The the Visitation ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE equipment. Helpful x For Catalog. Address Department of tion. For to Engineering la thoroughly Intermont Liiab. IH.Vi l>y Sisters of Visitation Noted for f-xceMence of Its courses, which catalogue, apply C. E. CROSLAND, President, oipilpped with Instrument* and models: College for and the chemical, physical and mineral- . Music, »nh vn>r Languages Courses.regu. E. H. ni'HSELL, Trinity appliances for Box Va. College Ir.K, T, Danville, thorough practical lar and elective. Commodious buildings. Medicine, Dentistry, l.avr and Ilualness. President. DURHAM, N. C. Instruction. ?.-Mvn.v.. v.-rv !!. ..'jti'ul irr-'Un'ls. Homelike environment. Prc-Medlcal course approved by American IV. Its Distinctive System of Instractleil, M I- i:i l ull J- namely, dividing of clatters Into ". .""l Ou: it. r recreation. on Me.Ileal Association. Hith mental, moral Sssooeoooseoos* A Southern College of liberal aaetlona. d'. ' a ;ij fiii<¦ ifj Catalog requeit. w a a h a a m a arts, whereby tli« s'.udents are accurately rrradsa * ». and with an established 1' * ¦' 1 iJ^ils. national ^ *\. . i:..«t Address THE phytic*! Colieso under direction reputa- and each secures a share of the personal 8y,nnaslum pool. DIRECTRESS, of Xavarian Hrothers. ,Special department tion for high standards, noble traill- attention of the Instructor. Tho aurcesa of losue!* < for tions and progressive policies. Its1 the eilucatlonal work of the school turns ntonNViile. Near Baltimore, Md. boys over 12 years Wrila for Catalog T The Chamberlayne largo endowment fund makes largely on this method. II. Ii. NOriMM.IIR, A. M.. Pre*ldent. to Brother Jamee. Director, Station D. Martha its possible V. Its The first-class equipment and Kcouomy. expenses are: 1J«* 101, ItrlMol. \ ircinia. Md. Washington large cadet. a year: Pay Lla'.tlmore. faculty of well-trained and carefully $525 Virginia cadets, tuition ACADEMY chosen teachcrs. Student free. 14 00 a year. Statu cadets, 1180 a year. School fees low. This estimato includes - Comfortable. rooms In auttion. board, fuel -*c -o- .of t he- A Oooatry Doardlnjr and Par School for Dora inexpensive and lights, washing, room rent, medical at¬ College carefully supervised hygienic dormi¬ tendance of tho moat, careful charaotsr. At Richmond. Va. Founded 1853 tories. clothing, books stationery and all necessary ^ Institute Elxhth 8esaloa UcxUih Thursday. September Classical and scientific courses lead¬ expense.-*, and falls below that of any insti¬ Chatham Visitation, Monte Maria Fauquier A School for Girls in Mountains of 10. 1018. ing to the bachelor's tution of like grade in this country. The $ Graduate I Founded 1800) degree. nxtimate Is exclusive of outfit, and mast ha Southwestern Virginia. courses In all departments. Schools of understood us an average for the entire 1IOA RHINO AMI DAY SCHOOL FOR Mnsineerinjr, Education and L,a\v. Mili¬ term, the llrst year being of necoaalty $ For Girls and Young Ladies Four years college work with A. tary training. the most costly. 4 School VOI NO LADIES B. Military Training Degrees B. A. and Training B. 8. Warrenton. Va. degree. Two years preparatory. Limited to IS. I-'or catalogue and Illustrated book¬ conferred la Beautifully situated, overlooking the Art, and Boarding Department let address course. Fifteen degree courses In Ajcrlculturc. Music, Expression Domestic Terma: Uw1, \ iltGI \ J \. prists all the requisites of a refined and campus. Terms $325. Catalogue on boarders. J£50: regular boarders, S600. For Secretary to the Corporation. GEN. P.. W. NICHOLS. 1 olished education. Special attention extensive grounds. Buildings modern and request. Va., Box 225. illustrated catalogue address Lexington. Virginia. "XIak!nj; M. n and :.ot M mioj-" Abingdon, Next session opens September paid to Music, Art and Language, up-to-date; electric lights, steam heat, S. D. LONG, I>. D., President. C. G. CHAMBERLAYNE. M. A.. Ph. n., 6th. Hit. All Advantas^r -l.owcst Cost. 4 French in Private courses running water, etc. Cultured Headmaster. 4 cataioi,'. y particular. community gi\en in latter branch by native dur¬ and advantages of Wasbiogton f City. Sweet > Briar College A* II. C A M I>K\, I'rrsliJt'nt, ing vacation. For further details ap¬ Faculty strong and studies of wide range; FOR WOMEN SWEET URIAH, VA. ply to. patronage limited; terms moderate. For Four-year college course. Degree ac¬ CHATHAM. \ lit*.IMA. cepted as hauls for £raduat>i work In y ^ MOTHER SUPERIOR, particulars, address leadiMB colleges and universities. Stu¬ dents received on cerMttcnt* from acrre- School For l r.<*)» Girls ^ MISS li'-Oli East (.race nnd «-d Streets. NELLIE V. BUTLEB. tilted school*. Detn rtmenta of Art. Collegiate Box 100. Music and Home Economics. Richmond, Virginia. Principal. of 3.000 ncrcs In Muo Ridge Mountains.Campus Unexcelled climate. Out-of-door sports In the the year round. EM 11.IB WATTS City of Richmond feulliiis M. VEA. A.M.. Llit.D.. President. Collegei Kv.r catalogue and views of College, ad¬ Announces the of dress tbe Secretary. Box 21. Sweet beginning the first semester of ses¬ 'T 0:r.s anlifihiful t Blaekstone Tlrlar. Virginia. .-'oil. ,.. Uur,,. |n ht-au*. :ful S-i'jlhwost \ .r- Military Academy Uandoipb-Macon Academy ADMINISTRATION sion 1918-1919 on nineteen- College Prepiimtorr. BUILDING September twenty-third, dr.i.\, RLACUSTONE,. VA. IlKDFOfcD. VIRGINIA.Military. 1 'jun>l*.l HT1*, r»lnj.:t un.t j o 1T Offers prompt *n I thorough eighteen. ^nlarc"'l Academic, Commercial und Military scientific preparation for .. Drpnrtmcnti.Military schools or huFinrss . .« r» cr.m; us. }.\»rv t !rr>oni h;is bath Department ^oiivgt\ life. 1019 Monument Equipped und Ofllcered War T h- liberal endowment of the Randolph- Avenue. htta h*ij. by Department. Macon System, of which this school la a ! Academic branch, i-f-miltfi of unusually low terms. Telephone 6248. Experienced faculty Strong li'erary Department, Commercial Department. / $315* covers all exnennc-s No extras. For Randolph nurse. Donartn.eiiiB (.r Art. Mu*tc. l:*- Offers instruction In all academic Offers course In Shorthand, Type¬ rre»s!on. r>o:ncs;io .< senct un.-.-r capable branches. Certificates accepted in writing. Bookkeeping, Business Pen¬ cmaloi^ue tt-.'r' sXiITlf/prlnrrptU^^** liistruetors colleges and universities. manship, Banking. < ata.osuo anJ b'tols of views on r^'iucjt. New building, thoroughly equipped. The most modern school plant In A «itlro: ^ the South. Water supply from deep well. Health rocord excellent. 5 RANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGE for MEN Graduates accepted l.y U. S. Military Acadmy without mental exami¬ ASHLAND, VIRGINIA. w. E. .MARTIN'. Pb [).. President, nation. r.oi t. J'risi ;. \.i. An Institution that stands for genuine scholarship, character. For and Christian and offers to manly of catalogue illustrated booklet address COL. E. S. LIGON, Pr*«, principles, its students the highest education at the ie»rtit cost. University Virginia liocntcd in the heart of % *' ' historic Virginia, the of Patrick University, Va. '- ' *. and birthplace J- ; .' 'K v Henry Henry Clay, sixteen mtles from Richmond, with electric cars (.." and railroad service hourly. UDU'IN A. ALD1211MAX, L.L. D., President. .' Modern Dormitories, equipped with up-to-date home conveniences. K .. Prepares men for the vr-%^ ..¦.'* study of Law. Medicine, Applied Sciences and The following departments are VIRGINIA RANDOLPH ELLET SCHOOL the Ministry. Confers the degree of B. S., A. B. and A. M. Will represented: w MILITARY TRAINING. give ?*i Established 1800. Westhampton, Richmond. 1917. Sironi; Faculty. All first The College, Graduate Studies, Law, Medicine, ^ Incorporated sonal students, especially year men, given per¬ Engineering attention by full professors. and tlio Summer Write us about your son who is planning to enter next School. Fishbwrne Military School' A A postal will bring catalogue. college session. vna;i\iA Country Day School for Girls n. S'iciuJMAyxr:si;niui,s-'ssiups -,'ft nr» E. nLACKWRIX, A. M. LL. D. President. ' ". The for lower school have been 8. C. D. ... rn eiiuU>: bungalows arranged bo that each HATCHER, U., Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer. War Courses pr"'V frr» room have a southern Special Offered u'U' V--";/ i;.' will exposure. Mrs. Charles Whitlock's well-vontilated and well-heated build¬ Military Science. Automobile Construction. Wireless Telegraphy, ing near the bungalows, with a private stop, has been leased for the Navigation, Meteorology, Practical French, etc., etc. r upper school. Loan Funds available. one t< a< lier t.. 4,' 1693.The College of William and sprinc cm anii; Jf. lit mil«,i. . Departments. Other I X IIK Mi.ll. Iil,\ (. athletic opportunities. For special information call Boulevard 249 3. The Oldest College In Virginia. expenses reduced to a minimum. Will Be Onen to Women Next Session. HOWARD WINSTON, Registrar. The college of Jefferson, Monroe, Mar Washington and Lss xhall, Tyler and scoros of dlstinsulshci University men of tho and I'oandrtl iiml past present. Kudotveri by tieorgc Standard courses for collegiate de¬ WiishlnBton. crees; & strong faculty: modern equip- AdtnlniMlrrcd by Itoberf !.;. |,ee, inent: a beautiful campus: military drill; a campus life full of rich tradi¬ ^Ituatod in tlic unrivaled Valloy of tions. >} .;"V .irginia. Willi it.i lofty traditions and Stuart, Avenue and Shcppard Street LYON G. TYLEB. LLJ>. rr*sident. inapiring memories. It {jives a 20t!i cen¬ II. L. Bridges, Registrar. SvSwit"V."¦ tury training amid the soeial culture OPENS SEPTEMBER 12th of OltJ Virginia at its best, and gathers OFFERS: to its campus a uelect studont-body Four years' Academic Course. from 35 States and foreign countries. Military Training a distinctive feature. Moral Training a special aim. I,f,r Catalogue, 10tc., Address One of the most modern, up-to-dato school rHESlDKXT IIKMIV I.Ol IS SMITH, buildings in Richmond. The Chatham Institute I.e\liigloii, Virginia. for at the Episcopal Apply Catalogue College STUART HALL For Girls AUGUSTA MILITARY ACADEMY CHATHAM. VA. (Holler** School> FOKT DEFIANCE, VlItCilNIA. Bi. Dev. B. D. Tucker. I>. D. A school with a country locntlon in the famous Valley of Virginia, hav¬ ing the highest endorsement of the Virginia Military Institute and other Episcopal Visitor. tiniversitien. Our new flro-proof barracks, costing nearly to¬ gether with one of the finest academic $80,000.00, STUART MoGUIRK, M. D.. LL. D.. Dean. With few buildings in the State, gives us a MEDICINE.DENTISTRY.PHARMACY B«t. C. Orlando Prudca, D, D., plant equals In the South. Steam heat, electric lights and an ample supply of pure water, in every portion of the buildings. School STAUNTON. VIHOIMA. fn the present national crisis a continuous supply of ade¬ Rector. property covers 250 acres. Exceptionally fine drill pround and athletic quately tralnud medical officers la absolutely cssentlul for the nolo. Daily drills and athlctlca under the Formerly Virginia Kcmale Infillulo. maintenance of armed forces In the tleld. It Is. therefore, the hers of personal supervision of mem* Founiln