1776 The following schools present their 1918-19 require¬ Virginia Christian Tlrgtal^ flirtottMiPlo. The 191$ institute and ments and advantages. As many new features appear, a Randolph-Talcott study of their advertisements is suggested. College St. Anne's Hampden Sidney College IXNCnotRO, VIRGINIA. School STANDS POIl SCHOLARSHIP.CHAR. and A Senior for Agricultural Collei;o men and venies. 205-207 North ACTIOIt.SKHVICK. Stand* for hlrh'st Christian tdeala. Pre¬ J-omlinrdj Street. Attractive conditions of for the School living; mod- pares Hudy of tlin for Girls and Mechanical The Richmond professions. Con¬ Kindergarten, Primary Junior era to expenses, personal contact be¬ fers the decree of A. Ii. <EPISCOPAl>) Claeaea for boys and girls. Cellege Times-Dispatch n.. S. and A- M Ip-to-Hato tween professor aiul lU.AChMll ||(i, MHGINIA. StrouK courses In the Fine Arta. Fresh Air School" on roof garden. student. Stand¬ Campua of College Preparatory. Business Montesaorl features added to Ivindor- ard entrar.ee 'Jefro° P« acres In full view of I'eaka of Ottar and Course, Music, Art, Modern I..an« requirements, regular In A tcrleup ur«*. Educational lilue SlouDtaloa. system. Session 1918-n opens r.F.',f,!C?n, Directory ni'lRO Five mineral springe Buntcefl. Large campus, modern ctober 2nd. Apply early, as number college degree*. New Eymnaslum, all on.l Applied of excellent medicinal valu^. Every modern teulldlnge. Illustrated catalogue. BartenIs limited. Phone Boulevard athletic activities. 143d r"u""* Axriculiur« Special for children. 187G. Ad- session begins ii.l, ' armors WinterV- Improvement. Military training for younr department dress September 11, 1913. mou. Kducatlon MISS MAHY IITDE Apply t» Jt-cixtrwr for catalogue. universities. Physical for young women. DuVAL, MISS B. R. TAl,COTT, MILITARY THAI.VINO. Write for catalogue or other Information to Principal. Address J. D. KGGI.ENTON. I'roldrnt. University of Virginia Charlottesville, Va. J. T. T. HUXPI.KY. President. CkarlotttsrlUc, Va. 19 North Boulevard, CU7. THK PRESIDENT, and Leo Ilampden-Sldnoy, Va. Washington University Lexington. Va. Boys taken from 4 years to 10 years. Olrls from 4 to 16 Radford State COM-KOIATIi AND TECHMCAt INSTITUTIONS. Mary Baldwin years yoars. Medical Collego of Virginia Richmond, Va. School Virginia Military Institute Lexington. Va. Virginia Episcopal ri9Ha:iMi»:n wb Normal Virginia Polytechnic Institute Seminary (1VHAB liYNCnnunG, VA.) Blacksburg, Va. CEstabliflbed For boys of character, position and 1'rlmi.ry 18IJ) ability whose means will not permit fitammar 1«»,!?...»ra»I«* I f"r. T.-aeh»r», COLLEGER FOR MEM. ¦ j varher.i ar:«t i!!ir!i them to attend our more expensive »/ « Si roni: Episcopal ;M HouH.-hMM For * Young Ladies schools. Prepares at cost for college, J ManUul A,!* "¦"! other Special SuIj- Hampden-Sidney Collego Ilampden-Sldney. Va. university or Immediate entrance upon J0rt» Itandolptt-Macon Collego Ashland. Va. the duties of life. Made 'n #'-\»ilon v.»f k>T , a, i, possible by I'irty-fiRiii ltoanoke College Faletn. Va. Stpunton, Virginia. gifts of founders. Special terms to I High School t T»rm beclns September 12th, 1918. Trinity College N. c. ed In the beautiful and Locat¬ clergymen. Hoarders for the present M» NEAR Durham. historic Shenandoah are to ALRXANHRIi . VA. L Fork Union William and Mary Collego Wllliamaburg, Va. Vilify of Vlrirlnla. I'tiaurpavsed cllmnte, limited seventy-eight. One hun- handsome buildings and inoderu dren and six acres of land. The ses¬ The Eightieth year of thin ment*. Students appoint¬ ¦ ' pant seawlon from 30 sion begins September 19, 1918. Apply 'jplaml Jilu»? Ora« ~ School for will Virginia region u! CO-EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Ht a t".i Coursen: Colieplate <3 yenra). Pre¬ for Information and calaloguo to the Roys open Senium- S paratory (* yearn), with certificate privi- ® ber 18. 1918. Modern equipment bi Military Academy Kor catalogue and full wiito 'tKes- Music, Art and RUV, ROlllSRT CARTER D. D.. splendid "home school' for boye and Information. Guilford College Guilford. N. C. Uomestlc Scfencc. JETT, throughout. Catalogue on appll- ^ you iff me.i. A utrong mil..-., Small classcs and thorough work. Sond fOr Rector. 0 military1.._ orcanlxa- .JOHN I'ltorov Mct'ONXEI.I,, Virginia Christian College Lynchburg. Va. cat n 1 o 21j o. cation. gj lion. Charges I'Si per session. j,.Qr M.VKIAXXA 1*. HKV. THOS. KINI.OCII NELSON, HL A-, U-n"e. address I'r«:.iiJen(, IllGG1NS. Trlnrlpit). VIce-ilector. A. n. IIOXTON, D. A.. N. J. East SEMINARIES A ND COLLEGES Jg PKKK1NS. President. Va. FOR WOMEN - - - lta<ir<>r<l. B Principal. IJnx 22_ - - - Fork Vnlon, Vfc. Arerolt College Danville. Va. OUtli Year. »')00. No ExIru. Hriilgewater College Bridgewater, Va. m "wiwmw.M! ¦ ¦- era :m ma "After lllsliest Virginia Standard*." Chatham Episcopal Institute.... Chatham. Va. ERNEST H. COSBY State Normal Collegiate School for Cirlit Richmond, Va. Elizabeth College Salem, Va. A. A. G. O. Fauquier Institute Warrenton, Va- THERN Hollies J Teacher C©Ilege| Kort Loudon Seminary Winchester, Va. of School Elizabeth Hollins College . IIolHns, Va. I OK YOUNG WOMKX Martha Washington nABRISOVBUTIO. VIRGINIA. College Abingdon, Va. Piano, Organ, Harmony rREPARKS YOUNG WOMEN for tench- Mary IJaldvrin Seminary . Staunton. Va. Miss Winston Va. 223G Vcat Grace Street, inn In kindergartens, elementary *n<l high College Founded IS 12. Richmond, Jnnlor Monte Maria Academy Richmond. Va. sohool grades, for aupervlaora «nd commun¬ SALKM. VIRGINIA. College nnrt Finishing fnnP**. Randolph-Macon Institute Telephone Boolevard 713. ity workers, and for epcclallstP In home- KOIt GIRLS AND YOUNO WOMEN. Danville, Va. making, millinery and dressmaking. Ideal Collegiate. College Two-Yasr Cr.Ilege Course, also Prepara- Randolph-Talcott School Richmond. Va. Preparatory, Piano, torv or Finishing Courres Music, Art. B«- location."in tbe heart of tfce Shenandoah Voice, Expression and Home Economics nr-KKion. Domestic Science. Social Shenandoah Collegiate Institute. Dayton. Va. Training. St. Ann's School Special Course In Harmony by mall Valley." Btate scholarships give freo tui¬ Courses. New atone building arranet'l In Gymnasium, Tennis. Basketball. Studont* Uollins, VlltGlNIA. .Charlottesville, Va. tion. All expenaca very low. For catalogs two-room suites: heated from many States Ideal climate. Attrac- St. Mary's "5 Raleigh, N. C. for out-of-town pupils. by steam, lighted live courses for High School Graduates. Southern and full information, address by electricity and with hot and cohl water AKTIIl'R KYLE DAVIS. A. M.. Catalogue on Application.Box 9. College Petersburg. Va. J1.'I.IAN A. WfRRl'Ba. President. in each bed room. Thirty-acre with Southern Seminary Bucna Vista, Va. 1837 191S campus 24(5 College Place. Petersburg. Virginia^ Stuart Hail field for basketball, hockey and tennis. Staunton, Va. Beautiful for situation, unexcelled In Its Sullins College Bristol. Va. accommodations and devoted to the Chris¬ Sweet Briar Randolph-Macon tian education of y»un* women. College Sweet Briar. Va. A standard Guilford . four-year collcge, accredited Virginia Intcrmont College Bristol, Va. College by the State Hoard of Education. Tho Co-Educational. Ten modern, well- twenty-second session opens Soptember 17. MILITARY AND PREPARATORY SCHOOLS. Institute for Girls equipped buildings orj a large, beautiful For further Information, write for cata¬ VirginiaMiiitary St. DANVILLE, VIRGINIA. campus. Courses of the highest colleg¬ logue to PAUL 3EIU. Acting President. Mary's Augusta Military Academy Fort Defiance. Va. College Preparatory. iate standard In the Arts and Sciences, FOH Til K r.fllTATIO.V OK VOl XCi Benedictine Military Academy Richmond. Va. Additional work for those not look¬ Education, Household Arta and Mu6lc. U <>>!I.N AMI GIIU.S Blackatone Military Academy Blaekstone. Va. forward to un¬ Institute ing college. Ample athletic facilities. Prices < Entabllshrd lfil") Chamberlaync School Richmond, Va. Special advantages In Music. Art, usually low. Famous for thorough nifTTNTTTTH FEATURES. The attention of all who are Chatham Training School Chatham. Va. Klocatlon and Physical Culture. work, high moral tone. Christian In¬ Interested in RAJ.HIGH. NORTH CAROJ.INA. education Is respectfully railed to the spe¬ Episcopal High School Alexandria. Va. Faculty of twenty, well equipped, fluences and intimate personal contact cial advantages now offered by the Virginia Preparatory unit t oiirset Fishburn Military Academy Va. experienced. students between and feet Fort Military Institute. Among these odvant- C«llrge Waynesboro, Boarding limited faculty students. 1,000 Loudoun Fork Union to 100. Strom: Iluklnri.il iind Home Economics Military Academy Fork Union. Va. Home life wholesome. Rates above fea level. For catalog and fur¬ ,lKi.aUs Dlstlnrllve Military System. This I >r*>ar I nir i t> Madison Hall Washington. D. C. low. ther information address hasi sccurcd for it the name of the "Wsst Fourquler Institute Rlchtnond, Va. Address, for Catalogue, THE Point of the South." It tends to muscular -MLSIC.AltT.I-I.OCITIOX PHESIOEXT, development and physical health an an- Kandolph-Macon Academy Bedford City, Va. CUAS. O. A. Guilford College, N. C. forced In by llf» thy ! a'i^n V.ry rp». 13VANS, M, regularity food, sleep and exercise. .J:,M?tltnally *1'",r Virginia Episcopal School Lynchburg, Va. Principal. Seminary It creates habits of promptitude, order, aia> «?* .!dd?!?MBM- c»tal,.^V Virginia Randolph-Ellet School Richmond, Va. CCOOCOCOCOOOQSCCOCCOSOOOCO WTNcirrsTEn. va. clpHno and subordination. It foaters self- cuituro of young women, reliance and force of personal character by KEV. GEORGE \V. I.AY. I). C. I... pellahtful location In the beautiful removing all extraneous distinctions, ana SCHOOLS OF MUSIC. Shenandoah Valley, l.lterary ami Husl- canting each youth, whatever his antecedent ltrctor. circumstances. on his orni Individual re- Ho* A. St. Mars'* School. Ralrlcli, >.. p. i! Ernest If. Cosby Richmond. Va. TV Mraire8iT.'x,,f?CIAADVANT.Vt,VisI.snguage. Gymnasium sponslbllit v. It Is equal. uniform Md Averett andl.j all!n outdoor. exerclsoa. wholesomely restraining, without rlifor. Fredericksburg State College Terms JSfiU 00 II.
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