JIA LSK4051, HKUST, Clear Water Bay, HK [email protected] +852 2358-7709 (Updated July 2021)


Columbia University, New York, NY Ph.D. in Marketing, 2017 M.S. in Marketing, 2011 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI M.S. in Statistics, 2010 Tianjin University, Tianjin, China B.S. in Mathematics, 2008


Hong University of Science & Technology, HK Assistant Professor of Marketing, Aug. 2018 - present

Microsoft Research, New York, NY Postdoctoral Researcher, mentored by Duncan Watts, Aug. 2017 - June 2018

RESEARCHINTERESTS Substantive: Consumer Online Search, Search Engine Marketing, TV Advertising, Cross- Channel Advertising, Loyalty Programs, Behavioral Economics, Recommendation Sys- tem, User Generated Content, Social Network Methodological: Topic Modeling, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Neural Network, Bayesian Methods, Causal Inference, Lab/Field Experiments


Liu, Jia, Olivier Toubia, and Shawndra Hill (2021), “Content-based Model of Web Search Be- havior: An Application to TV Show Search.” forthcoming at Management Science. [SSRN] [Paper] - Best paper award at the 2018 China Marketing International Conference

Liu, Jia, and Shawndra Hill (2021), “Moment Marketing: Measuring Dynamics in Cross- channel Ad Effectivenes.” Marketing Science, 40 (1), 13-22, [SSRN] [Paper] - One of the first few papers accepted by the Marketing Science Frontiers section

Jia Liu | 1 Liu, Jia, and Asim Ansari (2020), “Understanding Consumer Dynamic Decision Making Un- der Competing Loyalty Programs.” Journal of Marketing Research, 57(3), 422-444. [Paper]

Liu, Jia∗, and Olivier Toubia∗ (2020), “Search Query Formation by Strategic Consumers.” Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 18, 155-194. [Paper]

Liu, Jia, and Olivier Toubia (2018), “A Semantic Approach for Estimating Consumer Content Preferences from Online Search Queries.” Marketing Science, 37 (6), 930-952. [Paper] - Winner, 2018 John Little award for best marketing paper published in Marketing Sci- ence, Management Science, or other INFORMS journal - Finalist, 2018 Frank M. Bass outstanding dissertation award - Chosen for INFORMS press release by Editor-in-Chief of Marketing Science


Liu, Jia, Shawndra Hill, and David Rothschild (2021), “The Impact of Temporally Turning off TV Ad on Search: A Generalized Synthetic Control Estimator under Interference.” Under review at Management Science

Liu, Jia, and Ziwei Cong (2021), “The Daily Me versus The Daily Others: How Do Recom- mendation Systems Change User Interests on Knowledge Sharing Platform?” Under review for the 2nd round at Journal of Marketing Research

Cong, Ziwei, Jia Liu, and Puneet Manchanda (2021), “The Role of ‘Live’ In Livestreaming Markets: Evidence Using Orthogonal Random Forest” Preparing Manuscript for submission

Cong, Ziwei, and Jia Liu (2019), “Can Recommendation Systems Foster User-Generated Con- tent? Evidence from an Online Knowledge Sharing Platform.”

Liu, Jia, Asim Ansari, and Leonard Lee (2019), “The Joint Effect of Revenue-based Loyalty Programs and Promotions on Consumer Purchase Behavior.”


Liu, Jia, and Kohei Kawaguchi, “Location-Based Market Structure: A Dynamic Analysis of Product Assortment and Consumer Purchases in Panel Data.” Empirical study in progress

Wang, Xuewen, and Jia Liu, “Modeling Consumer Sequential Search with Keyword Filtering and Click-Stream under Non-Compensatory Decision Rules.” Empirical study in progress

Shi, , Yujie Qu, and Jia Liu, “Leveraging Consumer Complaints to Infer Product Defects and Time to Recall.” Empirical study in progress

Liu, Jia∗, Tejvir Singh Sekhon∗, Oded Netzer, and Remi Trudel, “Social Health Learning Through Crowd-Sourced Feedback.”

Jia Liu | 2 HONORS AND AWARDS Finalist, 2021 Best Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition, the American Statistical As- sociation Section on Statistics in Marketing (co-advisor of Ph.D. student Ziwei Cong) Dean’s Fellowship, HKUST Business School, 2021 HKUST Faculty Recognition Award, 2019 Winner, 2018 John Little award for best marketing paper published in Marketing Science, Management Science, or other INFORMS journal Finalist, 2018 Frank M. Bass outstanding dissertation award Best paper award at the Sixth China Marketing International Conference, 2018 Fellow, AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium, 2016 Fellow, Marketing Science Doctoral Consortium, 2015 Fellow, Quantitative Marketing & Structural Econometrics Workshop, Duke University, 2013 Student Representative, UH Annual Doctoral Symposium, University of Houston, 2015 Best Discussant Award, Haring Doctoral Symposium, Indiana University, 2014 Student Representative, Haring Doctoral Symposium, Indiana University, 2014 Luxury Education Foundation Award (US$14,000), Columbia Business School, 2015 Deming Doctoral Research Fellowship (US$10,000), Columbia Business School, 2014 Full Graduate Fellowship, Columbia University, 2011-2016 Full Scholarship, Michigan State University, 2008-2010 Summer Fellowship, Michigan State University, 2008

GRANTS General Research Fund (HK$409,993), PI, Research Grants Council, HK, 2021-23 Early Career Grant (HK$605,992), PI, Research Grants Council, HK, 2019-22 School-based Initiatives (HK$35,000), HKUST, 2019 UGC Block Grant (HK$100,000), HKUST, 2018

INVITED TALKS European Quantitative Marketing Seminar, Online, April 2021 HKUST Layman Talks, Online, Feb. 2021 Xi’an Jiao Tong University, Online, Nov. 2020 HKUST Thematic Interdisciplinary Seminar Series, Online, Nov. 2020 HKUST Business Insights Presentation Series, Online, April 2020 Jet.com, NJ, June 2018 Microsoft Research New York Lab, NY, April 2017

Jia Liu | 3 University of Oxford, UK, Nov. 2016 National University of Singapore, Singapore, Nov. 2016 Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, Nov. 2016 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Nov. 2016 Dartmouth University, , Oct. 2016 Carnegie Mellon University, PA, Oct. 2016 University of Southern California, CA, Oct. 2016 University of Chicago, IL, Oct. 2016 Yale University, NH, Oct. 2016 University of Maryland, College Park, MD, Oct. 2016 Emory University, GA, Sep. 2016 Southern Methodist University, TX, Sep. 2016

CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Theory + Practice in Marketing Conference, Online, 2021 Marketing Science Conference, Online, 2021 NYU-Temple-CMU Conference, Online, 2020 Marketing Science Conference, Online, 2020 Chinese Marketing International Conference, Shanghai, 2018 Marketing Science Conference, Philadelphia, 2018 The 12th Frank M. Bass FORMS Conference, Dallas, 2018 Marketing Dynamics Conference, Hong Kong, 2017 Marketing Science Conference, Baltimore, 2015 UH Annual Doctoral Symposium, Houston, 2015


Instructor, HKUST Marketing Research (Undergraduate) Spring 2019-21

Recitation Instructor, Michigan State University Statistical Methods (Undergraduate) 2009-10

Teaching Assistant, Columbia University Research to Revenue; Managing Marketing Programs (MBA); Marketing Research (MBA); Managing Marketing Programs (MBA); Introduction to Marketing (Undergraduate); Bayesian Modeling and Computation (Ph.D.); Empirical Methods in Marketing (Ph.D.); Applied Mul- tivariate Statistics (Ph.D.)


Editorial Board Journal of Marketing Research, 2019-present

Ad Hoc Reviewer Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology

Marketing Department, HKUST Faculty Recruiting Committee, 2021


Ph.D. Thesis Advisor Ziwei Cong, HKUST Marketing Department (Co-advisor) – 5th year

Ph.D. Thesis Committee Member Qiang , HKUST Marketing Department – CUHK Shenzhen

M.Phil. Thesis Advisor Jinghao Jia, HKUST (Guangzhou), Society Hub, IPE Thrust (Co-advisor) – ongoing Xindie , HKUST Marketing Department, 2020 Xuewen , HKUST Marketing Department, 2020

UG Program Corporate Project GSK, Effective Marketing Strategy, HKUST, 2021 GSK, Achieving in 5G networks, HKUST, 2021 New World Development, The Digital O2O2O Retail Customer Journey, HKUST, 2021


Microsoft Research, New York, NY Research Intern, mentored by Shawndra Hill, May - July, 2016 Consulting Researcher, Computational Social Science Group, February - April, 2016

Advertising Research Foundation, New York, NY Research Intern, under the supervision of Dr. William Cook, May-Aug. 2011

Jia Liu | 5