DOSBARTH 3/4M ACTIVITIES Monday 8th February 2021

Our Topic this week is: America!

English: Each country has their own National . Can you remember the for Wales? The Welsh National Anthem is called (Land of My Fathers). England’s National Anthem is called , ’s National Anthem is called Flower of Scotland and the Irish National Anthem is called Amhrán na bhFiann (The Soldier’s Song).

The National Anthem for the United States of America is called The Star Spangled Banner. It was written by Francis Scott Key during the war of 1812. After a heavy night of bombing, Mr. Key could still see the American flag waving among the debris and this inspired him to write the song about the flag, which has a stars and stripes design.

If you would like to listen to America’s National Anthem, you can watch this YouTube video: Here are the lyrics to the National Anthem of America:

Can you write down the words that rhyme with each other? There are 4 sets of rhyming words! I have given you the first set:

light rhymes with fight rhymes with rhymes with rhymes with

Can you think of any more words that will rhyme? Maths: In Britain, our currency (money) is Great British Pounds (GBP) and we use the Pound sign (£). In America, their currency is different. They use United States Dollars (USD) and use the Dollar sign ($). When I went to America, I had to change some of my Pounds to Dollars so I could spend money while I was there. This is called converting currency and it just means changing money. I thought we could have a go at converting currency today! I know you will all be wonderful at it!

For every £1, you get $2. For every $1, you get 50p. If you are converting money from Pounds into Dollars, you need to double. If you are converting money from Dollars into Pounds, you need to halve.

Work out how much in USD ($) I need for each item:

M&M’s Walkers Crisps Coca-Cola Cornflakes £1 £2 £1.50 £2.60

Price in GBP £ Price in USD $ M&M’s £1 $2 Walkers Crisps double (x 2) Coco-Cola Cornflakes

Work out how much in GPB (£) I need for each item:

Gatorade Drink Froot Loops Cereal Dunkin’ Donuts Donut Cheetos Crisps $2 $3 $2.50 $1.60

Price in USD $ Price in GBP £ Gatorade Drink $2 £1 Froot Loops Cereal halve (÷ 2) Dunkin’ Donuts Donut Cheetos Crisps Topic: As with all countries, America has many famous landmarks. A landmark is a building, object or part of the landscape that is easily seen and recognised. A few famous landmarks that you might know are:

Some famous landmarks in America include:

I would like you to choose 3 American landmarks to research and write a little bit about. You could choose from the 6 I have shown you, or you can do your own research to find some that I haven’t mentioned. Remember, they must be American! You can either research using the internet, or you can use the information on pages 5-10. In your sentences about each landmark, I would like you to include things like how long they’ve been there for, who built them or discovered them, and where in America they are. I am excited to see what you discover!

Reading and Spelling: You can now access the Oxford Reading Tree reading books online in eBook versions. We have a class login. Go to

The class username is: misslloyd1 The password is: year3/4

Choose ‘Oxford Owl eBook Library.

Click the arrows next to

‘Levels’ and choose the

Reading Stage that you are

on. If you are not sure

which Stage you should

choose, send me an email!

Before Christmas, we were on a roll with our spellings! I would like you to practise the last 6 words we were learning to spell – you could practise them in a spelling pyramid and then put the word in a sentence!

f fi I like having to find people during Hide and Seek! fin find

Our words to learn are: find over walk call all tall

Remember to email me any work you complete, you can take a picture of it or send it me from your Hwb account, my email is [email protected].

I am missing you all so much and absolutely love seeing the work you send me! I hope to see you all very soon.

Miss Lloyd x
