Fur Storagr Yaults on Premises a against moths, fire. dust, moisture and theft. \rc euaranteed protection thorougnly cleancd Out-of-Town Patrons All artieles taken for storage are by modern compressed Mail Order Catalogue, Spring Edition, Now Readv. Extension A^oataJ or Telephone Cail, Knickerbocker 5100, 34, Bringa Our Auto. Sent on Request. Since 1842'"' All mail orders receive and careful attention. "Furriers . prompt Shop bv mail when you 5and ST BROAD\rVAY-33rd ST. cannot call in person. Your orders will be filled by experienced salespeople. 9 1 pnng av Will Present a Series of Attractions in Apparel for Men, Women, Boys, Girls, and Babies That Demonstrates Anew the Value Giving Possibilittes of This Store Another Collection, as Books and Smart Picture New Serge Skirts An "April Drive" Clearaway Presented Last Monday, of ReligiousArticles Hats, Ciicular My Prayer Book, by Reverend Tucked Offering Exceptional Savings Father F. X. Lasance, 702 Pokes, Mushrooms, Turbans Is the smart fashion. WomenV Unusuallv Fine pages; size 5%x3% inches. $1.25 to $4.50 And a Score of Other Favorite specially priced Tailored Prayer and Hymnal Sets, $1.20 to New Higher-Priced Tailormade Suits $7.50 a set. Millinery Fashions in Self Pronouncinjr Riblcs, with $5.75 and Afternoon Dresses Ideal Helps, $1.75. Tuckings from above the ^ knoc to the hem and a S35 Cruritixcs, hanfciriR or standing, Untrimmetl Hats at very for Women «ith rolled gold plate Corpus, 15 belt tucked to match. Fashion- $1.10 and Of ably slender, button trimmed in "I haven't seen suits I liked as well as tnese at prices a up. shining back. Slit Kosaries, in attractive Celluloid j rrimlned without pockets. Navy blue $29.50 deal was one comment the cora- black liserr or $17.50, S22.50, J good higher," among many Cases, complete, $1.59. the black. ments just as enthusiastic. o r China \ charge when .Wool Jersey Dresses with strikingly smart hand- GIMBELS. Floor \m a 1 e r i a s are Also The new assortments present split straw 1 Box-Plaited Skirts embroideries in wool. of t y p .TjHv.v\.«;,">-^ chosen from of Mohair at $5.75 .Wool Jerseys, with extended pockets, latticcd tuck¬ individual selected G i m b e s .Thirtyseven styles cally f i n c 1 ings, string-wide sash belt. .In of broad as- Regularly higher priced. exceptional grades tricotines, serges, Poiret Womeir s New Ci ! m I) r GIMBELS.Third Floor .Russian tunic satins, with chain-stitch embroideric-?, twills, tweeds. qualities. ~3~ .. sortment. tasseled girdle. .Painstakingly man-tailored; deUils hand-finished. Sweaters .Taffetas with floating panel tunics; embroide-ries in .Linings of selected pattern, plain and patterned peau i'or Eastcr Giving silk and metal thread. de cygnes and Japanese silks. In Basketry Weave .Taffetas, combined with Georgette crepe, heavily .Skirts in fashions smartly corresponding with the Specially Priced $5.01 Cretonne beaded Georgette crepes in subtle afternoon shades and coats. soft pastel tones.. .The blue a navy deep. rich tone. $6.50 Novelties Here and there are one-of-a-kind rnndrls that are esperial prizet, .The sizes include 36 to 46. Beautifully spring-like and Coming right nowbefore Easter, this is a wonderful opportunity Of the $5.00 to have one or more We suggest forenoon shopping for the most light weight colorfully bright, may be found p'erfcctly stunning dresses at tar le«i than one leisurely wool, woven in in the Art Needlework expected to spend. choosing and full assortments from which to make selection. zephyr this Section. size is clever new fashion -these new V Handkerchief and Glove Boxea. Every representeii. GIMBELS.WOMEN'S SUIT SALONS.Third Floor neck slip-over sweater* with purled fish-tail bordcr 85c to $1.25 GIMBELS.WOMEN'S DRESS SALONS.Third Floor at the waisthne. beginning Veil Boxea, $1.25 l to Colors are Candy Boxea, 1b., 60c $1.00 cora!, poilu b!u»\ Povjder Jara, $1.50 to $2.00 turquoise, boige. Hair Meh's 89c KayserY' 2-Clasp Silk Gloves GIMBELS MILLINERY SALONS.Third Floor Pin Boxea, 65c to $1.50 Ties, l:cr GIMBELS.Third Floor GIMBELS.Second Floor Thousands of Them.Wonderful Value men a Most of IVo at 85c pair White them would ordinarily sell at twice this pric-e or Pique Waistcoats, $1.00 Women s more. Each tie in the lot ia fine value. pair hag thr puarantcc. Douhle Womcn's Colorcd are so fresli and smart Silfi Every "Kayscr's" fingfer with one's l:aster sult These show They could never be sold for so little but for the wav we c"t tipped, with two-tQ[r&.«r**d:T9felf-ernbroidered back?. Colors are tiny embroidered Modest) Vestee and Collar, One features them. No room here for details, but the great variety of white. gray r astic and prongee." clever beit, both models have esting patterns, truly beautiful silks, tine weavi *. and Silk Umbrellas button's. Stockings, $2 eolors make these the p GIMBELS.GLOVE SECTION.Main Floor Other Waistcoats of Organdy MaraboutCapesofiinesta.ua best ties that can be *o! and Silk and Metallic Em- ity in natural. snal and mo! Pair GIMBELS.MEN'S FURNISHING SECTION.Main Floor broidery, in gold and shades are priced from No $5.50 ver,' to SI> ..">.> * Eastcr outfit is complete $5 25 to $110-, without a beautifu! T'mbrelias that can pair of stock- br used GIMBELS NECKWEAR SECTION.Main Floor vnps to match your shoes. either for rain nr as a sun um- Purc silk of a brella. A beaatiful assortroent ingrain heavy WomenV of of handles, Including bakulite quality. T.isle tops and lisle sole*. Boys' Clothing Serge Capes tops and rings, silver Manufadurcr's Samplcs of Choice of black and white. All caps, cord are full fashioned. Ideal as East- Such Values Are Rare Easter loops, leather straps, and a va- er Gifts. Before ancl riety of other style ;. Mother G#ee Quality GIMBELS.Main Floor Every n>ill quickh realize hoto lon> these pnecs are. GIMBELS.Main Floor Dainty Lingerie The Fit for a Bridc's Trousscau Boys' Clothing Section is out to do its full share in increasing Lined Throughout with Coin- Gtmbels list of patrons by 100,000. Hence these values. They - Dot Foulard Silk Specially be considered good even late in the season. For the opening Priced Negligees season. With Easter yet to come. they are indeed exceptional \ alues that are Circular 85c to Veils 87.95 for Eatter Bride* ticularly when you consider that this is all new, untouched Sj most exceptional This sa!e of manufacturer's samples is held twice a year, merchandise. 59c. and is always looked forward to by a great raany women. $16.50 Boys' Norfolk Suits, $18.50 and $22.50 ^ are just tho with this sca- You will liri'l a beautiful de Chinr, and Satin S35 thing collection of fino N'ainsook, Batiste and Crepe Georgette New waist seam models with loose tson's chic little hats. These veils Gambric at the new Dolman. So belt, underwear, all bearing prices attractively !ow. emphasized lovely or One model is in the charming have chenille dotted borders and because of the exquisite fresh pink the very debirabie plain back model. The come in assorted colors. quality. The Georgette. The dainty "I.ady Fair" highest standard of tailoring. Alpaca lined styleipictured with shirring from bytheirlovely ribbons palest orchid on one side and in desirable assortment consists of flesh on very' Spring weight and Spring a Another shows a pink the other and tha cun- color wool fabrics. A yoke. square Mesh Veiling Nigbtgowns, $1.50 to $3 95. ningest new tassels, which ai-e not great many of these collar; satin inset, and a slit- tassels at all. hut little French "giands." suits have two pairs of knickers. 30c. 50c a yd. Envelope Chemitet, Then, of course. there ia lace, deli- through belt for the coatee front. 85c to $3.95. cately meshed. to be in consonance Boys' Norfolk Suits. $13.50, $15.00 or blue in fcatures smart acroll, fancy and with such Georgette. Black navy either border effects. In all the wantcd Petticoats. $1.25 to $7.95. Other Negligees. from short little Light weight suits. Two pairs-of knickers model, colora of springt'.me. Step-In Combinationa, Jackets to the trailing sort that are with each. Loose belts, slash side and breast "as graceful as the lines of falling A of Silvertone Velour in Twine GIMBELS.Main Floor $1.00 to $3.95. water." Several dozen designs from pockets. specially desirable assortment Capes This is a most oppor- which to choose. Prices range $3.95 of fabrics for Spring wear. or Poilu Blue are to $42.50. $35 tune sale for the Easter Other Knicherbocffer Suits, $7.50 to $10.00 With ciraped collar and coatee Bride, as well as for those GIMBELS.Second Flocr front. Two-toned planning to po away. Not New Wash Suits for the Little Fellow all sizea in ail styles, but Crepe de Chine, Washable Satin, $1.85. $2.50. $2.95, $3.50 New of Wool all sizes in the assortment, a r e Wrap-Capes Jersey L e, Hewetitching, Sosegaye, Several thousand jaunty new wash suits at Ribbons so every woman may en- Tucks, "Tnie Lovers' Knotn" in in fast Oliver $39.50 these un- Tatlored and eolors, Middies, Twists and joy fascinating Velyet Ribbon, Ruffl.es Junior Suits with both plain and contrast Other new capes, wrap-capes and dergarments. Xovrlties are the engaging features collar efTects. All standard in velours, com- 20c to 38c a Some are .that tr.rn.pt the EASTER BRIDE to materials and wrap-ccats tricotines, yd. charmingly choose, dependablc. binations of tricotine and duVetyn, are the smartest notes sirriple, depending upon iivia.in an assortment. we style fine and dain- of the season for stitchery Nobby Sailor Suits, $8.50. $10.00 are told, unsurpasscl for variety and Millinery tiest einbroidery and rib¬ These New All wool valuc. and Dress-trimming. They come bons for their serge. By far the nattiest suit good in satin with a dainty beauty. for the little lad. and be loo'p edge Others- have that. pretty GIMBELS.WOMENS COAT SALONS.Third Floor may had in such combina- laciness of effect Petticoats Long and short trousers. Service stripe tions as cerise and navy, turquoise and emblem on the arm. and black and other lovely shades GIMBELS UNDERMUSLIN SHOP .Second Floor m is.hite and in flesh pink, % of an inch to 1 inch wide. GIMBELS BOYS' CLOTHING SECTION -Fourth Floor Brassieres and Bandeaux GIMBELS.Main Floor at $3.50 to $25 * T.ook especially at the New Shadow- Well-Known Maf(es at Special Prices To Wear With Your Easter Frock Proof Petticoat of washable flesh Boys* and Children's are discontinued styles. pink satin. Tailored. and so cfftctively trimmed in wide tucks, hemstitched. e or styles trimmed back and front with Pearls Price. $5.95. 36 to 42, ----- $1.15 Perfumes for L'Opera Hats and Caps Are so yet so Petticoats in strcet shades mod- i fhite tricotine with ribbon rarely lovely, moderately priced. strap; At $10.50 is an opera lenirth 24 inches lonjr, in rream eratoly priced. Straws, Ttoeeds, Serges, Felts .- $1 string, Oriental beads. mounted with a The largest and most of voung folks* ei cross-back - 50c Milady's Easter color, tinted, graduated GIMBELS.Second Floor completr Bhowing bfoidery style, solid gold clasp. Others ranae in price from $t.Q* to $1*0 headgcar in the city.both for the little tot and the big bov. GIMBELS.CORSET SHOP.Second Floor Coty's Muguet Perfume, $7.75. GIMBELS JEWELRY SECTION.Main Floor Tweed Hats. $1.95. $2.50. $2.95 Coty Heliotrope Perfumc, $4.75. Women's "Kayser" Kniited Serge Hats and Tams, $1.65. $2.00, $3.00 Koger and Gallet's Bouquet des Caps. $1.00. $1.50. $2.00. $2.50 Feh Hats. $2.50 Amours Prrfume, $2.00. Straw Hats for Roger and GailH's Vlolette de Worth of Union Suits, $1.15 Sample Boys, Special, $1.93 to $5.95 I'arme Toilct Watcr. $1,.'I0, $1.75, $12,500 "1847- GIMBELS.MEN'S HAT SECTION.Fourth $2.15. Gcnuine "Kayser" union sujts Floor in a splendid quality. Every gar- Jransienne J'inaud* Lllac Vogetal, 78c. Bros." Silver Plate ment suitable for Spring and Perfumei Bottled by Uimbeli, from >gers Summer wear. Pink in regular A Whole World of New orlainal packagei received from the size*. Extra sizes in white only. Lovely An New Oxford importrrs or maken at Hnlf Regular Prices Most of them are tight knee with DJer , 1/4 or., 75r; 1 cw., $1.50 band tops. "Seconds." Exquisite Mary l.anion. os, Pic- <'<>!! stylea for kiddiea wishes to from *3*i .lender ia of leather, bags copied De aert Forks, $5.50 doz. Medium Knives, $3.60 doz. pe«sant, empira, yoke and spend, vamp patent perfectly plain; the quarters for the first time. Modium Forka, $6.00 doz. I'ruit Knive«, $2.75 doz. collar models. Trimming is to .re of bl/i' V satin with hand worked eyelets. lace, or tuckir.g, or cmbroidery $1.95 $12.75 The I.ouis heel and the Floral and other beautiful designi. or Hometimes colored amock- There are linens and black enameled patent leathrr Some of them very elaborate. nir, and maybe n ribbon or two. and checked and PirceB chambrays vamp contraat beautifully wjth thr lustre of the satin quarters. Stlf-coverad ihell framea. Serving Sklrta, 75r to $2.95, to be the cor- voilea and pi5 ery, shirring and braid by way barm model, all in broivn satin. 10.00 $24.95, $34.95 Baby Spoons, 40c each Child's Sets, $1.25 each of adornment. showiug. *ug GIMBELS -SILVERWARL GJMBLLi> WOMEN'S SHOE SHOP.Socond Floor GIMBELS.Main Floor SECTION.M.in Floor GIMBELS.Second Floor GIMBELS.MISSES' FASHION SECTION.Third Floor 55 Brooklyn, New Jersey and Long hland CustomerB Direct to Oimbels via Tubes and Suhwav^