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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-11639-8 - The Quest for Artificial Intelligence: A History of Ideas and Achievements Nils J. Nilsson Index More information Index 1 2 2 -D sketch, 260, 265, 268, 437 Albert, Lev, 482 3-LISP, 463 Albus, James, 458 Alder, Phillip, 487 A Box and T Box, 356 Allen, Paul, 175 A∗, 165–168, 218, 417, 435, 505 Aloimonos, Yiannis, 266 its use in computer games, 504 ALPAC, 109, 181, 318 its extensions by Richard Korf, 168 alpha–beta procedure, 93, 193 its use in parsing, 168, 435 Alvey Program, 272, 282 its use in route finding, 503 its research areas, 282 AAAI Alvey, John, 282 founding of, 271 ALVINN, 411–413 abductive reasoning, 352 Amarel, Saul, 85 ABE, 297 ambient intelligence, see ubiquitous AI Abelson, Robert, 156, 334 Ames Research Center, 488 ABSTRIPS, 176 analogy problems AC-3, 366 solving of, 96–98 ACLS, 407 analysis of photographs, 74–77, 268, 295 ACRONYM, 265, 268 anaphora, 189 ACT-R, 469–471, 474 Anderson, Alan Ross, 305 its applications, 471 Anderson, John, 154, 469 actions his co-authored book Human Associative in reinforcement learning, 416 Memory, 154 Adaboost, 423 photo of, 469 ADALINE, 69 Andreae, John, 415 Adams, James, 176 antenna systems adaptive cell decomposition, 166 derived by genetic programming, add lists 511 in STRIPS, 170 applications Adelson-Velskiy, Georgi, 193 of SOAR, 474 Advanced Research Projects Agency, see DARPA architectures advice taker, 56 ACT-R, 469–471 Agent Communication Language (ACL), 467 SOAR, 471–474 AgentSpeak, 467 based on cortical models, 448 Agin, Gerald, 265
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