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6.5 X 11 Double Line.P65 Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-11639-8 - The Quest for Artificial Intelligence: A History of Ideas and Achievements Nils J. Nilsson Index More information Index 1 2 2 -D sketch, 260, 265, 268, 437 Albert, Lev, 482 3-LISP, 463 Albus, James, 458 Alder, Phillip, 487 A Box and T Box, 356 Allen, Paul, 175 A∗, 165–168, 218, 417, 435, 505 Aloimonos, Yiannis, 266 its use in computer games, 504 ALPAC, 109, 181, 318 its extensions by Richard Korf, 168 alpha–beta procedure, 93, 193 its use in parsing, 168, 435 Alvey Program, 272, 282 its use in route finding, 503 its research areas, 282 AAAI Alvey, John, 282 founding of, 271 ALVINN, 411–413 abductive reasoning, 352 Amarel, Saul, 85 ABE, 297 ambient intelligence, see ubiquitous AI Abelson, Robert, 156, 334 Ames Research Center, 488 ABSTRIPS, 176 analogy problems AC-3, 366 solving of, 96–98 ACLS, 407 analysis of photographs, 74–77, 268, 295 ACRONYM, 265, 268 anaphora, 189 ACT-R, 469–471, 474 Anderson, Alan Ross, 305 its applications, 471 Anderson, John, 154, 469 actions his co-authored book Human Associative in reinforcement learning, 416 Memory, 154 Adaboost, 423 photo of, 469 ADALINE, 69 Andreae, John, 415 Adams, James, 176 antenna systems adaptive cell decomposition, 166 derived by genetic programming, add lists 511 in STRIPS, 170 applications Adelson-Velskiy, Georgi, 193 of SOAR, 474 Advanced Research Projects Agency, see DARPA architectures advice taker, 56 ACT-R, 469–471 Agent Communication Language (ACL), 467 SOAR, 471–474 AgentSpeak, 467 based on cortical models, 448 Agin, Gerald, 265 BDI, 461–463 AI and cognitive science, 22, 47 behavior-based, 457, 461 AI complete, 431 blackboard, 218, 253, 255, 261, 314, 443, AI Projects 461 early cognitive, 467–474 at CMU, 115 reference model of James Albus, 458 at Edinburgh, 117 subsumption, 335, 457 at MIT, 116 three-layer, 456–457 at Stanford, 116 triple tower, 459 AI winter, 272, 305, 327 ARGO project, 492 539 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-11639-8 - The Quest for Artificial Intelligence: A History of Ideas and Achievements Nils J. Nilsson Index More information 540 Index Aristotle, 3, 10, 149, 535 back propagation, see backprop algorithm syllogism of, 10, 150 backgammon, 420 Arkin, Ronald, 531 background knowledge ARPA, see DARPA in inductive logic programming, 408 Arpanet, 128, 271, 286 backing up scores in a game tree, 91–93 Ars Magna, 3 backprop algorithm, 340, 409 artificial general intelligence (AGI), 527 backtracking, 365, 368 Artificial General Intelligence Research Institute Backus, John, 112 (AGIRI), 527 backward connections Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, 402 in neural networks, 444 Ashby, Ross, 28, 31, 56 bagging, 422 photo of, 29 Baker, James, 213 ASK, 251 Baker, James and Janet, 221 assignment problems, see constraint satisfaction Baker, Janet, 216 problems Bao, Xinlong, 523 Association for Computational Linguistics Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua, 108 (ACL), 109 his comment on McCarthy’s Teddington association units paper, 109 in perceptrons, 67, 424 Barlow, Horace, 127 associative links Barnett, Jeffrey, 221 in Quillian’s network, 100 Barricelli, Nils, 22 Athena DSS Barrow, Harry, 147, 260, 261, 263, 278, 445 for hypertension management, 508 Barto, Andrew, 415, 421 Atkeson, Christopher, 399 photo of, 416 photo of, 400 BASEBALL, 110 Atkin, Larry, 194 Basic English, 111 auctions among agents, 467 battle management systems, 289–291 augmented transition networks, 185–188, 248 Bayes’s rule, 29–31 AURORATM definition of, 30 for scheduling, 509 use of Austin, John, 466 in PROSPECTOR, 234 AutoClass, 414, 415 in Bayesian networks, 385 automata, 5, 25 in pattern recognition, 73 automated trading, 509–510 in signal detection, 29 Automatic Language Processing Advisory in tracking, 442 Committee, see ALPAC Bayes, Thomas, 29 automaton memo Bayesian networks, 333, 381–395, 398, 408 of Charles Rosen, 162 applications of, 387, 393 Autonomous Land Vehicle (ALV) project, automatic construction of, 387–391 292–294, 491 temporal, 393 its termination, 294 BBN, 115, 116, 119, 120, 185, 186, 188, 211, 212, milestones for, 292 220, 246, 251, 286, 291, 295–297, 355, participants in, 292 466, 511 autonomous vehicles, 289, 292–294, 413, 437, its work on speech recognition, 212–213 442, 457, 491–498 BBN-LISP, 230 axiom model BDI architecture, 461–463 in STRIPS, 169 beam search, 218 Axline, Stanton, 230 Beast axons, 15 Johns Hopkins robot, 162 Beer, Randall, 340 Babbage, Charles Begriffsschrift, 14 his Analytical Engine, 33, 39 behavior-based architectures, 457 his Difference Engine, 32 being in the world, 313 his interest in chess, 89 belief networks, see Bayesian networks Bach, Michael, 125 beliefs, desires, and intentions, 461 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-11639-8 - The Quest for Artificial Intelligence: A History of Ideas and Achievements Nils J. Nilsson Index More information Index 541 Bell Laboratories, 109, 211 Boston Dynamics, 518 Bell, Anthony, 127 bottom-up search, 106 Bellman, Richard, 415 Bower, Gordon, 154, 469 Berliner, Hans, 194 his co-authored book Human Associative Bethe, Hans, 384 Memory, 154 BigDog BOXES, 415 a walking robot, 518 Boyer, Robert, 117 its sensors, 518 Brachman, Ronald, 355 Binford, Thomas, 141, 265 photo of, 355 Binford–Horn line finder, 142 Brain, Alfred E. (Ted), 69, 70 bionics, 25 brain-style computation, 339 Bisson, Charles, 127 branching factor, 319 Black and White 2 reduction of, 320 a computer game, 505 Bratley, Paul, 187 Black, Fisher, 150 Breiman, Leo, 408, 422 blackboard architectures, 255, 261, 314, 443, 461, Bremermann, Hans, 23 464 Bresnan, Joan, 518 in HASP, 253 Brice, Claude, 172 in HEARSAY, 218 Broadcast Monitoring System, 511 Blackbox, 373 Brooks, Rodney, 265, 334, 457 Blake, Andrew, 441 his graded list of AI challenges, 529 photo of, 441 photo of, 335 BLAZE ADVISOR 6.1, 510 brute-force methods, 483 Bledsoe, Woodrow Bryson, Arthur, 409 at MCC, 281 Buchanan, Bruce, 198, 229 his work on face recognition, 127 photo of, 198 his work on simulating evolution, 23 buffers his work on theorem proving, 151 in ACT-R, 469 his N-tuple method, 68 BUILD, 353 Blei, David, 378 Burstall, Rod, 117 Block, H. David, 68 business rule engines, 240, 510 block-sorting and stacking business rule management systems (BRMSs), 510 at SAIL, 143 business rules, 240, 510–511 blocks world, 184, 353 Butterfly Multiprocessor, 295 Bobrow, Daniel, 115, 190 his GUS system, 188 C, 407 his KRL system, 158 C4.5, 407 his STUDENT system, 111 C5.0, 407 his transition network, 187 caching results Bod, Rens, 435 in SOAR, 472 Boden, Margaret, 181 calculus Bolles, Robert, 148 use of in backprop, 409 Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, see BBN calculus ratiocinator, 11 Boltzmann machines, 340, 395 CALO book games a cognitive assistant, 522–523 in Samuel’s checker-playing program, 93 its AI components, 522 book moves Caltech, 518 in Deep Blue, 483 Campbell, Alan, 233, 235 Boole, George, 13, 31, 149 Campbell, Murray, 89, 482 Boolean algebra, 13–14, 35 cancellation of inheritance, 350 boosting, 423 Canny edge detector, 133 Booth, Taylor, 433 Canny, John, 133 bootstrap samples, 422 Carlstrom, David, 267 Boss Carnegie Institute of Technology, see CMU entrant in Urban Challenge, 496, 497 Carnegie Mellon University, see CMU © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-11639-8 - The Quest for Artificial Intelligence: A History of Ideas and Achievements Nils J. Nilsson Index More information 542 Index CART, 405, 408 cliffs CART 5, 408 in the error surface, 409 cartography, 295 closed-world assumption (CWA), 350 case-based reasoning (CBR), 400–402 in Cyc, 360 CASES, 291 Clowes, Max, 137 CASNET, 237, 238 cluster analysis, 415 categorial grammars, 432 clusters, 413 categorical data, 402 CMU, 51, 78, 100, 110, 115, 117, 120, 123, 128, causality reasoning, 385 211, 212, 238, 292, 404, 411, 464, 465, CCH-ES, 239 469, 482, 493, 496, 521, 524 cell assemblies, 18 its work on speech recognition, 213–220 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 153 Cocke–Younger–Kasami (CYK) algorithm, Cerf, Vinton, 286 432 his Turing Award, 286 Cognitec Systems GmbH, 512 certainty factors, 230 cognitive architectures, 467–474 their relationship to probabilities, 232 cognitive science, 22, 114 character recognition, 62–64 birth of, 21 of hand-printed characters, 71 foundations of, 49 ONR’s support of, 119 Cohen, Philip, 466 using templates, 63 Cohen, Stanley, 229 Charniak, Eugene, 433 Coles, Stephen, 174 chart parser, 432 collaborative filtering CHAT-80, 249–251 in recommending systems, 504 checkers, 36, 47, 53, 90, 115, 118, 152, 193, 319, Collins, John, 117 415, 481, 484–487, 504 collision avoidance systems, 395 Arthur Samuel’s research on, 90–93 Colmerauer, Alain, 153, 249, 278 Jonathan Schaeffer’s research on, 484–487 combinatorial explosion, 83, 204, 319–321, 323, optimum play in, 486 381 proof that optimum play ends in a draw, 485 combinatorial optimization problems, 342 Cheeseman, Peter, 414 command and control, 246 chemical structure, 197 common sense, 56, 156, 326, 358, 361, 432 elucidation of, 198 Commonsense Computing Initiative, 361 CHESS, Northwestern University programs, 194, COMPANIONS 325, 482 a personal assistant project, 523 chess, 47, 118, 193, 325, 481–484 complex cells Chinese Room in visual cortex, 127 Searle’s thought experiment, 307–309 complex information processing CHINOOK, 485 phrase used to describe CMU’s AI work, 115 Chomsky, Noam complexity theory, 321
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