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O U T B a C K a I R S P L A I N T H E NEWS IN M EM ORIAM C o m i n g E d w a r d P . s o o n W e r n e r in K eyport 1 9 8 6 - 1 9 9 7 P a g e 1 0 P a g e 2 1 OCTOBER 8, 1997 40 CENTS VOLUME 27, NUMBER 41 S p o r t s A u t h o r i t y p l a n s e t BY MARY DEMPSEY Staff Writer D evelopers last week presented conceptual plans to build a Sports Authority store on Bedle Road in Hazlet, just east of The Home Depot on Route 35. The plans were presented at the Oct. 2 Planning, Board workshop meeting by Brian Fahey, a Westfield attorney representing Hazlet Development L.P ., Westport, Conn., the develop­ er of The Hom e Depot site. Plans include a day-care center, which would be built on the northwest side of The Hom e Depot parking lot, along Clark Street, and two cul-de- sacs to separate residential and commercial prop­ erty on Bedle Road. In addition to the day-care center, the plans include a one-way entrance to The Home Depot parking lot from Clark Street. Currently, the site is - only accessible from Route 35. Members of the Middletown High School North band and color guard had a busy weekend, performing “Arabian The board also received traffic and environ­ Nights” at Sayreville War Memorial High School (pictured above) Saturday and at Giants Stadium in East Rutherford Sunday. For story, see page 7. (Augusto F. Menezes/Greater Media) . Continued on page 26 O utback airs plans at the meeting,” Stanley said. Steakhouse m oving to Tw o meetings were scheduled, one H oJo's site; landm ark tonight and another tomorrow night. Both will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Howard building to be razed Johnson’s restaurant, where the proposed __________BY LINDA DENICOLA __________ steakhouse would be built. Staff Writer The Howard Johnson’s is owned by the Morris family. Steve Morris runs the busi­ A pproximately 30 residents from the ness with his brother, George; sister, Angela Twin Brooks development, a resi­ Pappas, and Angela’s husband, Charles. dential community behind the pro­ They will continue to run the hotel. posed Outback steakhouse at the present site The Outback, famous for its steak season­ of the Route 35 Howard Johnson’s restau­ ings and “Bloom in’ Onion” appetizer, will rant, were disappointed when they were not lease the property and raze the 39-year-old able to express their concerns at last week’s landmark building. Planning Board meeting. Joe Lomonaco, a Woodland Drive resi­ After almost two hours of testimony from dent, said after the meeting, “I hope we can expert witnesses for Outback, a Tam pa, Fla.- come to some sort of an agreement with each based chain, board President Judith Stanley o th e r. said she felt there was too much information “I’m not opposed to the restaurant,” he for residents to absorb at one time and sug­ said. “I know we can’t stop them, but I hope gested the restaurant chain hold information­ that they take into consideration the concerns Lindsay Devlin, 3, Holm del, sizes up her competition as she takes part in a al meetings with the residents. Halloween parade during Holmdel Community Day Sunday at the W .R. Satz “A lot of your questions will be answered School. For more pictures, see page 15. (Augusto F. Menezes/Greater Media) Continued on page 23 _ INDEPENDENT, OCTOBER 8, 1997 3 THIS ISSUE: I n d o o r s t o r a g e p l a n n e d B Y L I N D A D e NICOLA Staff writer M IDDLETOW N — Indian summer may not seem like the time to plan for win­ ter storm management, but for township officials it is never too early. The Township Committee, at the Monday workshop meet­ ing, discussed going out for bid on a heated storage garage to house snow removal e q u ip m e n t. The new 75-by-100-foot building would be a duplicate of one the township built recently and would adjoin the prefabricated Jim Butler of Matawan gives metal building. The first section of the stor­ a thumbs up for his surprise age building, where all public works equip­ okra crop. ment can be housed at a temperature of 50 degrees, will be completed in time for the Page 16 cold weather. Construction of the second section of the storage garage should begin by the end of REGULAR FEATURES this year, Mayor Raymond O ’Grady said. It is possible bids will be in for the sec­ ond section by the next meeting on Oct. 20, • Calendar Page 25 said Township Administrator Joseph P. • Classifieds Page 43 Leo. “W e anticipate it will cost the same,” he said. • Editorials Page 20 According to Leo, “The first building • Letters Page 20 came in under $150,000 because we used in-house people. The lowest bid was for • M ilestones Page 33 $ 2 2 6 ,0 0 0 . • Obituaries Page 34 “Labor, flooring and cement work cost $85,000. Our in-house people laid the con­ * Police Beat Page 35 crete, did the wiring, the electrical and the • Real Estate Page 36 heating work.” This winter, the Public Works • Sports Page 37 SUCCESS — Robert Venditti, 7, Department will be able to house most of of Staten Island, N.Y., struggles the snow removal equipment, O ’Grady mightily (above) to lift a big said. The department has 36 snow plows, 10 Phone numbers: pumpkin Sunday at A. Casola sanders and seven small sanders to clear Farms, Route 34, Holmdel, after snow from more than 400 miles of roads. E d ito r ia l being told by his father, “If you Tw o new dump trucks with plows and 254-7000 Ext. 223 can carry it, we’ll take it.” His two sanders have been ordered through the FAX 254-0486 success is evident in his Monmouth County Improvement Authority Circulation expression at right. this y e a r. 2 5 4 - 1 7 5 5 “A substantial number of vehicles will Display Advertising (Augusto F. Menezes/ be in out of the weather this winter,” 9 7 2 - 6 7 4 0 Greater Media) O ’Grady said. “By storing equipment in a FAX 972-6746 heated garage, employees will be able to get Classified 1-800-660-4ADS equipment on the road faster. Storing equip­ Classified FAX 432-0016 ment in a garage will also extend its life.” B y next winter, all of the equipment will be inside. “N ot only will it be more efficient 2 robbed at A TM that way, it will be more aesthetic,” the mayor said. assailant grabbed it out of her hand ancl The equipment is currently stored in a B Y L I N D A D e NICOLA Independent ran into the woods toward Oxford Lane. parking lot. “It takes about an hour to warm Staff writer Police did not want to divulge the up the hydraulic equipment before employ­ Managing Editor amount stolen. ees can use it,” he said, and “when hit with A B ER D EEN — Two township women The two women drove home and rain and freezing snow, the product would Marilyn Duff were robbed at gunpoint at about 10 p.m. ca lle d 911. fr e e ze .” Executive Editor Sept. 30 after making a deposit at an auto­ Besides the mask, the women reported In the meantime, 1,000 tons of sand and Gregory Bean mated teller machine in the Summit Bank that the thief was wearing a gray hooded salt are being stored in a salt dome, which Publisher on Route 34. pullover sweatshirt made of a thick wool­ allows the municipality to stockpile the Kevin Wittman • The women reported to police that ly material, blue jeans and white sneakers. mixture that is needed to be spread along when they left the building and walked to Aberdeen police Detective Alan Geyer the icy roadways. their car, a white male, who was about 5 was called to the scene along with a “It takes about 150 tons o f salt to spread feet 9 inches tall with a medium build and Sheriff’s Department K-9 dog. They fol­ during each storm,” the mayor said. wearing a handmade mask with the eyes lowed the dog through the woods behind “Middletown has also begun adding liquid A Greater Media Newspaper cut out, put both hands on the car's hood Summit Bank with no results. ' calcium to its sand and salt mixture to help and pointed a black handgun at them. According to Detective Rick melt ice in temperatures down to 5 According to the women, he said, kfj VERIFIED Derechailo, this is the first incident of a d e g re e s.” ■ i • AUDIT CIRCULATION “Give me your wallets right now and you robbery at an A T M that he can remember. According to O ’Grady, the Farmer’s won’t get hurt.” “Police are still investigating,” he said. Almanac predicts there will be little snow­ The Independent is published W ednesday One of the women reported that she “We have some leads.” fall this winter, but “no one can be sure by the Greater M onm outh Publishing Co., took her money out of her wallet and put P.O.
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