Up to $30M in Extra Revenue Could Bolster Future Rosters, Fund More
CLIMER COLUMN Preds run the greatest ever? It ranks right up there for Tennessee teams, but there are 2 bigger accomplishments. AMPLIFY AWARDS Shining a light P12 on immigrants Awards offer examples of DAVIDSONLedger • WILLIAMSON • RUTHERFORD • CHEATHAM WILSON SUMNER• ROBERTSON • MAURY • DICKSONthose • MONTGOMERY who have made life better for themselves, others. P8 See our ad on page 11 June 23 – 29, 2017 The power of information.NASHVILLE Vol. 43 EDITION | Issue 25 www.TNLedger.com FORMERLY WESTVIEW SINCE 1978 Up to $30M in extra revenue could bolster Page 13 future rosters, Dec.: fund more Dec.: Keith Turner, Ratliff, Jeanan Mills Stuart, Resp.: Kimberly Dawn Wallace, Atty: Mary C Lagrone, 08/24/2010, 10P1318 community In re: Jeanan Mills Stuart, Princess Angela Gates, Jeanan Mills Stuart, Princess Angela Gates,Dec.: Resp.: Kim Prince Patrick, Angelo Terry Patrick, Gates, Atty: Monica D Edwards, 08/25/2010, 10P1326 In re: Keith Turner, TN Dept Of Correction, www.westviewonline.com TN Dept Of Correction, Resp.: Johnny Moore,Dec.: Melinda Atty: Bryce L Tomlinson, Coatney, Resp.: ice rinks Pltf(s): Rodney A Hall, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, 08/27/2010, 10P1336 In re: Kim Patrick, Terry Patrick, Pltf(s): Sandra Heavilon, Resp.: Jewell Tinnon, Atty: Ronald Andre Stewart, 08/24/2010,Dec.: Seton Corp 10P1322 Insurance Company, Dec.: Regions Bank, Resp.: Leigh A Collins, In re: Melinda L Tomlinson, Def(s): Jit Steel Transport Inc, National Fire Insurance Company, Elizabeth D Hale, Atty: William Warner McNeilly, 08/24/2010, Def Atty(s): J Brent Moore,
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