• The door handles, seats, candle shrines, sacristy, toilets etc will be sanitised frequently. A spray steriliser/fogger will be used to sterilise the 3 churches. CORLOUGH/TEMPLEPORT PARISH NEWSLETTER • If you wish, you may wear a face covering during Mass. • People are asked to be kind to the volunteers as we all try to adjust to a new reality. Have you been impacted by a bereavement during COVID-19? Are you finding it more difficult to cope with a pre-Covid bereavement at this time? Sunday 5th July, 2020 –14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Would it help to talk to someone in confidence about your loss? Fr. Sean Maguire P.P. – Telephone 049-9523103/087- 2101540 The Irish Hospice Foundation Bereavement Support Line is a national freephone Parish Website: www.corloughtempleport.com service 1800 80 70 77 which is available from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday. The Email addresses:
[email protected] [email protected] line aims to provide comfort and emotional support. Neighbouring Priests: Fr. Oliver O’Reilly, P.P. Ballyconnell 049-9526291/086-2368446 Fr. Sean Mawn P.P. Ballinamore 071-9644039/087-6869040 Facebook: The parish now has a Facebook page. Check out the 'Corlough-Templeport Fr. Johnnie Cusack C.C. Ballinamore 071-9644050/0872408409 parish' page to keep up to date with what is happening in the local church, the diocese and the universal church. All liturgies from Kilnavart and Bawnboy will be broadcast on FM108. COMMUNITY NOTICES The weekend Masses in Corlough, Kilnavart and Bawnboy will be streamed live Please email notices by 7pm Thursday evening as late notices will not be on the Corlough-Templeport Parish Facebook page.