Constituent Assembly Debates
Friday, 12th August, 1949 Volume IX to 18-9-1949 CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY DEBATES OFFICIAL REPORT REPRINTED BY LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT, NEW DELHI SIXTH REPRINT 2014 Printed at JAINCO ART INDIA, NEW DELHI. THE CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY OF INDIA President: THE HONOURABLE DR. RAJENDRA PRASAD. Vice-President: DR. H.C. MOOKHERJEE. Constitutional Adviser: SIR B.N. RAU, C.I.E. Secretary: SHRI H.V.R. IENGAR, C.I.E., I.C.S. Joint Secretary: MR. S.N. MUKHERJEE. Deputy Secretary: SHRI JUGAL KISHORE KHANNA. Marshal: SUBEDAR MAJOR HARBANS LAL JAIDKA. CONTENTS Volume IX—30th July to 18th September 1949 PAGES PAGES Saturday, 30th July 1949— Thrusday, 11th August 1949— Taking the Pledge & Signing the Draft Constitution—(contd.) ............... 351—391 Register ............................................. 1 [Articles 5 and 6 considered]. Draft Constitution—(contd.) ............... 2—42 Friday, 12th August 1949— [Articles 79-A, 104, 148-A, 150, Draft Constitution—(contd.) ............... 393—431 163-A and 175 considered]. [Articles 5 and 6 considered]. Monday, 1st August 1949— Thursday, 18th August 1949— Draft Constitution—(contd.) ............... 43—83 Government of India Act, 1935 [Articles 175, 172, 176, 83, 127, (Amendment) Bill ............................ 433—472 210, 211, 197, 212, 214 and 213 considered]. Friday, 19th August 1949— Tuesday, 2nd August 1949— Draft Constitution—(contd.) ............ 473—511 Taking the Pledge and Signing the [Articles 150, 215-A, 189, 190, Register ............................................. 85 250 and 277 considered]. Draft Constitution—(contd.) ............... 85—127 Saturday, 20th August 1949— [Articles 213, 213-A, 214 and Draft Constitution—(contd.) ............... 513—554 275 considered]. [Articles 277, 279-A and Wednesday, 3rd August 1949— 280 considered]. Draft Constitution—(contd.) ............... 129—163 Monday, 22nd August 1949— [Articles 276, 188, 277-A, 278 Draft Constitution—(contd.) ..............
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