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ENVIRONMENTAL CHAD PORTION i-ENVIIRON MENTAL --= - ; =---C-V-= -- ASSESSMENT. APPENDICES Public Disclosure Authorized - E-ZoZ .~~~~~~~~ -voL..02 Chad Public Disclosure Authorized -Export Public Disclosure Authorized 'Project Public Disclosure Authorized .O8 ESSO Exploration and Production Chad Inc. OCTOBER 1997 ENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT APPENDICES CHAD EXPORTPROJECT CHAD PORTION ESSO EXPLORATIONAND PRODUCTION CHAD INC. OCTOBER 1997 C7 DAMES & MOORE CHAD EXPORTPROJECT This IEnvironmentalAssessment of the Chad Export Projectis being made availablefor public review in Chad and Cameroon,and through the World Bank Public Information Center in Washington,D.C., United States of America. Written commentscan be directedto the following: Esso Explorationand ProductionChad Inc. c/o Chad/CameroonEnvironmental Assessment BP 694 N'Djamena,Republic of Chad COTCO/EssoPipeline Company c/o Chad/CameroonEnvironmental Assessment SAGA 2 Building 179 Rue De La Motte Picquet Bonanjo,BP 3738 Douala, Republicof Cameroon Esso Explorationand ProductionChad Inc. c/o Chad/CameroonEnvironmental Assessment P. 0. Box 146 Houston,Texas 77001-0146,U.S.A. APPENDIXA * World Bank Environment, Health and Safety Guidelines, Onshore Oil and Gas Development * Typical Oil Spill Response Plan Content WORLD BANK ENVIRONMENT,HEALTH AND SAFETY GUIDELINES ONSHORE OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT WORLD BANK ENVIRONMENT.HEALTH AND SAFETY GUH)ELTNES' ONSHORE OIL ANT GAS DEVELOPMENT LIQUIDEFFLUEN-TS Processwastewater, domestic sewageand conamminatedstormwater should be treated to meet the following specifiecllimits before being dischargedto surface waters: pH 6 to9 BOD5 50 mg/t Oil and Grease 20 mg/f HeavyMetals, Total (exceptBarium) 10 mg/f PhenolicCompounds IO0 mg/l TotalSuspended Solids 50 mg/f Coliformas Less than 400 MPNlIOOml (MPN- Most Probable N=mber) Temperature- at the edge of Max 5O C above ambienttemperatre a designatedmixing zone of receiving waters - max 3° C if receiving waters >280 C AMBIENTAIR Concentrationsof contaminants,measured outside tie project property boundary,should not exceedthe following limits: ParticulateMatter (<I0 jim) Annual Arithmetic Mean 100 ,gim' Maximum 24-hour Average 500 jug/m2 NitrogenOxides, as NO, AnnualArithmetic Mean 100 ;tg/m Maximum24-hour Average 200 g/Im' Sulfur Dioxide Annual Arithmetic Meam 100Dgg'/ Maximum24-hour Average 500 ±g/m' STACKEMISSIONS ParticullateMatter 100 mg/rn' Sulfur Dioxide 100 TPD NitrogenOxides, as NO2 Gaseous fossil fuel 90 g/nillion BTU of heat input Liquid fossil fuel 135 g/million BTU of beat input 'Source: The World Bank policies and guidelines,supplemented with information from OECD sources and the proposedrevisions to the World Bank guidelines. OTHER GENERAL ENVIRONMENTALREQUIREMENTS a) Monitorsfor hydrogensulfide must be installed wherever this gas may accumulate. The monitors should be set to activate warning signals whenever detectedconcentration levels of H.S exceed 7 mg/m3 (S ppm). b) An assessmemtof oil spill risks must be conducted,and an oil spill contingency plan must be developedand implemented. ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDELINES SPECIFIC TO OIL PIPELINES a) Positive pipe corrosion control measures b) Program of periodic inspectionand maintenance c) Pressuresensors connected to alarms and automaticpump shutdown systems. d) Mcteringsystemn should provide continuousinput/output comparison for leak detection. e) Adequateengineering design providing adequateprotection from likely extenal physical forces f) Accurate and complete records of all inspections,leak incidents,unusual events, and safety measures taken g) Minimizationof disturbanceto natural vegetation,soils, hydrologicalregimes, and topography h) Positivemeasures to control populationinflux to remote areas due to increased access created by the pipeline right-of-way,and to prevent associatedsecondauy impacts (e.g., encroachment on taditional indigenouspopulation lands or prserves; imcoauolled exploitationof natural resources) WORKPLACE AIR QUALITY a) Periodic monitoring of workplace air quality should be conductedfor air contaminants relevant to employee tasks and the plant's operations. b) Ventilation,air contaminantcontrol equipment,protective rcspiratoryequipment and air quality monitoring equipmentshould be well maintained. c) Protectiverespiratory equipmentmust be used by employeeswhen the exposure levels for welding fumes, solventsand other materials present in the workplaceexceed local or internationally acceptedstandards, or the following threshold limit values (TLVs): CarbonMonoxide 29 mg/m' Hydrogen Sulfide 14 mg/rn NitrogenDioxide S mg/rn' Sulfur Dioxide S mg/n?' e) Monitorsshould be insalled which activate an audible alarm when toxic gas concentrationsexceed 1/2 the above threshold limit values. WORKPLACE NOISE a) Feasibleadministrative and engineeringcontols, including sound-insulatedequipment and control rooms should be employedto reduce the averagenoise level in norrnal work preas. b) Plant equipment should be well maintainedto minimiz noise levels. c) Personnel must use bearing protectionwhen exposedto noise levels above 85 dBA. WORK IN CONFINED SPACES a) Prior to entry and occupancy,all confined spaces (e.g, tanks, sumps, vessels, sewers, excavations)must be tested for the presence of toxic, flammableand explosivegases or vapors, and for the lack of oxygen. b) Adequateventilation must be provided before entry and during occupancyof these spaces. c) Personnelmust use air-suppliedrespirators when working in confined spaces which may become contaminatedor deficient in oxygen during the period of occupancy. d) Observers/assistantsmust be stationed outside of confined spaces to provide emergency assistance,if necessary, to personnel working inside these areas. Onshorc Oil and Os DevelopmenV2 HAZARDOUSMATERIAL HANDLINGAND STORAGE a) All hazardous (reactive,flammable, radioactive, corrosive and toxic) materials must be stored in clearly labeledcontainers or vessels. b) Storage and handling of hazardousmaterials must be in accordancewith local regulations,and appropriate to their hazard characteristics. c) Fir: preventionsystems and secondary containmentshould be provided for storage facilities,where necessaryor required by regulation,to prevent fires or the rlease of hazardousmaterials to the environment. EALTH- GENERAL a) Sanitay facilities should be well equippedwith supplies(e.g., protctive creams) and employeessbould be encouragedto wash fequently, particularlythose exposedto dust, chemicals or pathogens. b) Ventilationsystems should be provided to control work area temperaures and humidity. c) Personnelrequired to work in areas of high tempweam and/or high humidity should be allowed to take fequent breaks away from these area. d) Pre-employmentand periodicmedical examinationsshould be conductedfor all personnel, and specific surveillanceprograms instituted for personnel potentiallyexposed to toxic or radioactivesubstances. SAFETY - GENERAL a) Shieldguards or guard railings should be installed at all belts, pulleys, gears and other movingpars. b) Elevatedplatforms and walkways, and stairways and ramps should be equippedwith handrails,toeboards and non-slip surfaces. c) Eleerical equipmentshould be grounded,well insulatedand conformwith applicablecodes. d) Personnelshould use special footwear,masks and clothingfor work in ares with high dust levels or contaminatedwith hazardousmaterials. e) For work near molten or high temperaturematerials, employees should be providedwith non-slip footwear, gloves, safesyglasses, helmets, face protection,leggings and other necessaryprotective equipment. 1) Eye protectionshould be wom by personnel when in a where there is a risk of flying chips or sparks, or where intense light is generated. g) Personnelshould wear protective clothingand goggleswhen in areaswhere corrosivematerials are stored or processed. b) Energency eyewash and showers should be installed in areas containingcorrosive materials. i) A safety program should be establishedfor consuaction and maintenancework. j) A fire prevention and fire safety program should be implemented nd include regular drills. TRAINING a) Employeesshould be fained on the hazads, precautionsand proceduresfor the safe storage,handling and use of all potentiallyharmful materials relcvnt to'cach employee's task and work area b) Training should incorporateinformation from the MaterialSafety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for potentially harmful materials. e) Personnelshould be tained in environmental,health and safety matters including accident prevention,safe lifting practices, the use of MSDSs, safe chemical handlingprctices, and proper control and maintenanceof equipmentand facilities. d) Training also should include emergencyresponse, includingthe location and proper use of emergency equipment,use of personal protectiveequipment, procedures for raising the alarm and notifying emergency response teams, and proper response actionsfor each foreseeableemergency situation. RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING a) Tbe sponsor should maintainrecords of significantenviroanmental matters, including monitoring data, accidents and occupationalillnesses, and spills, fires and other emergencies. OinshorcOil and Gas Developmcnt3 b) This information should be reviewed nd evaluatedto improve the effectivenessof the environmcntal, health and safety progam. c) An annual summary of the aboveinformation should be providedto IFC. My ,1, 199s Onshore Oil and Gas Development/4 TYPIICALOIL SPILL RESPONSE PLAN CONTENT OIL SPILL RESPONSEPLAN CONTENT PART I: EMERGENCYRESPONSE ACTION PLAN 1.0 OVERVIEW Part I contains