Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate ENSI

Decommissioning in

Regulatory Information Conference 2017 Bethesda MD, 15 March 2017

Dr. Hans Wanner, Director General ENSI

Nuclear Power Plants in Switzerland

Leibstadt Beznau I & II



NPP Type Year MWe Vendor Beznau I PWR 1969 365 Westinghouse Beznau II PWR 1971 365 Westinghouse Mühleberg BWR 1972 373 General Electric Gösgen PWR 1979 985 Siemens-KWU Leibstadt BWR 1984 1165 General Electric

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Decommissioning Projects



Lucens reactor

Installation Type Operating time Decommissioned reactor HWGCR 1968-1969 1995/2004 DIORIT RR 1960-1977 * Geneva RR 1958-1987 1989 Geneva SAPHIR RR 1957-1994 * VVA Incinerator 1974-2002 * PROTEUS RR 1968-2011 * Basel University RR 1959-2013 Starting 2019 Mühleberg NPP BWR 1973-2019 Starting 2019

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1 Nuclear Phase-Out

 New build projects suspended (14 March 2011)

 Phase-out decided by Government and approved by Parliament

 New Energy Strategy 2050

 Parliamentary elections in 2015

 In March 2016 Parliament rejected restricting operational lifetime of Swiss NPPs, also rejecting compulsory LTO concept after 40 years operation

 In November 2016 a public initiative to limit operational lifetime to 45 years was rejected by popular vote

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Key elements of the Energy Strategy 2050

• Exploiting energy efficiency potentials • Promotion of renewable energy sources • Nuclear phase-out: no new builds • Ban on reprocessing spent fuel

 Popular vote on 21 May 2017

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Institutional Framework

Federal Council General licences

DETEC Construction and operation licences Nuclear Safety Swiss Federal Other nuclear licences and safeguards Commission NSC Office of Energy SFOE Supervise nuclear safety and security: • NPPs • Research reactors • Interim storage facilities Supervise safety of transports of Swiss Federal nuclear materials to and from Nuclear Safety nuclear installations Inspectorate Assess safety for geological ENSI disposal of Approve safety-relevant changes to nuclear installations within current licences Decommissioning in Switzerland | RIC 2017 | Dr. Hans Wanner 6 ENSIENSI

2 Decommissioning: Legal Background (1/2)

Decommissioning is addressed in the Swiss legal framework: • Nuclear Energy Act (NEA, SR 732.1) • Nuclear Energy Ordinance (NEO, SR 732.11) • Decommissioning Guideline ENSI-G17 • Ordinance on the Decommissioning Fund and the Waste Disposal Fund for Nuclear Installations (SEFV, SR 732.17)

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Decommissioning: Legal Background (2/2)

Art. 13 NEA: Conditions governing the granting of a general licence A general licence may be granted if the following conditions are met: a. … c.a a conceptconcept has has been been submitted submitted for decommissioning for decommissioning, or for the monitoring period and the closure of the installation;

Art. 16 NEA: Conditions governing the granting of a construction licence A construction licence is granted if the following conditions are met: a. … e. a plan has has been been submitted submitted for decommissioning for decommissioning, or a , or a project for the monitoring period and a plan for the closure of the installation.

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All Swiss NPPs have Decommissioning Plans

Leibstadt Beznau I & II ZZL Gösgen


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3 Financial Aspects (1/2)

Principle of “user pays” (Swiss Nuclear Energy Act) • Operators of NPPs are responsible for the management and disposal of radioactive waste and the decommissioning of their plants. • Costs arising after final shutdown of NPPs are covered by the Decommissioning Fund and the Waste Management Fund. • Contributions to be paid by Beznau, Mühleberg, Gösgen and Leibstadt NPPs and Zwilag (interim storage facility). • Funds are supervised by a special Commission appointed by the Government.

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Financial Aspects (2/2)

• The decommissioning and waste management costs are calculated every five years under the supervision of the two funds. • Currently the cost study 2016 is being reviewed.

Annual contributions Annual contributions Interests from NPP operators from NPP operators Interests

Decommissioning Waste Disposal Fund Fund

Funding of Funding of waste decommissioning costs management costs

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Current financial situation

CHF (~ USD) Decommissioning Waste disposal Cost study 2011 2,974,000,000 15,970,000,000 To be covered by the funds 2,974,000,000 * 8,448,000,000 Debit amount as per 31.12.15 1,972,100,000 4,100,800,000 Fund holding as per 31.12.15 1,999,813,210 4,222,622,357 Surplus/underfunding 27,713,210 121,822,357 Surplus/underfunding 1.41% 2.97%

* The waste management costs arising during operation are covered by the operators on an on-going basis (5.5 billion USD spent to date).

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4 CNS 06 Challenges

Nuclear Phase-Out and Decommissioning

• ENSI guideline G17 (Decommissioning Guideline) • Information on staff situation, their competence and motivation for the remaining operating time of Mühleberg NPP • First permanent shutdown of a Swiss commercial power reactor (Mühleberg NPP) in 2019 • Backfittings for remaining operating time period of Mühleberg NPP

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Regulatory Process of Decommissioning

• Decommissioning plan, submitted for Construction License, is updated every ten years. • Submission of Decommissioning Project by licensee • Review of decommissioning project by ENSI, comments by NSC • DETEC enacts Decommissioning Order, including final state of decommissioning • Supervisory authority for decommissioning is ENSI

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First permanent shut-down of a Swiss NPP

Oct 2013: Licensee (BKW) decides to permanently shut down Mühleberg NPP in 2019 Nov 2013: ENSI issues a formal order with conditions for operation until 2019 Jan 2015: ENSI accepts proposed backfitting measures for residual lifetime with certain conditions Dec 2015: BKW submits decommissioning project for review. ENSI assessment is expected in late 2017 2019: Decommissioning order expected from DETEC

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5 Phases of decommissioning of Mühleberg NPP

2nd legal procedure

Submission of Cessation of Permanent Spent fuel Clearance of Subsequent decommissioning operation shutdown removed nuclear site usage project

2015 2019 2020 2024 2031 2034

Power operation Preparation of Nuclear dismantling Nuclear Conventional and planning of dismantling - dismantling dismantling decommissioning Removal of spent fuel

Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Source: BKW

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for more information please visit:!/ENSI_CH

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