Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping


SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME TREES Abies lasiocarpa subalpine fir Betula papyrifera paper birch Larix lyallii subalpine larch Larix occidentalis western larch Pice engelmannii x glauca hybrid white spruce Picea engelmannii Engelmann spruce Pinus albicaulis whitebark pine Pinus contorta lodgepole pine Pinus ponderosa ponderosa pine Populus tremuloides trembling aspen Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas-fir

SHRUBS Acer glabrum Douglas maple Alnus crispa ssp. sinuata Sitka alder Alnus tenuifolia mountain alder Amelanchier alnifolia saskatoon Betula glandulosa scrub birch Betula occidentalis water birch Ceanothus sp. n/a Ceanothus velutinus snowbrush Clematis occidentalis Columbia clematis Cornus stolonifera red-osier dogwood Crataegus douglasii black hawthorn Elaeagnus commutata silverberry Juniperus communis common juniper Juniperus horizontalis creeping juniper Juniperus scopulorum Rocky Mountain juniper Lonicera involucrata black twinberry Lonicera utahensis Utah honeysckle Mahonia aquifolium tall Oregon-grape Mahonia nervosa dull Oregon-grape Menziesia ferruginea false azalea Oplopanax horridus devil’s club Philadelphus lewisii mock-orange Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa black cottonwood Potentilla fruticosa shrubby cinquefoil Prunus virginiana choke cherry Purshia tridentata antelope-brush * Rhamnus purshiana cascara SHRUBS Rhododendron albiflorum white-flowered rhododendron Ribes lacustre black gooseberry Ribes viscosissimum sticky currant Rosa acicularis prickly rose Rosa gymnocarpa baldhip rose Rosa nutkana Nootka rose Rosa sp. rose Rosa woodsii prairie rose Rubus idaeus red raspberry Rubus parviflorus thimbleberry Salix barclayi Barclay’s willow

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 1 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Salix barrattiana Barratt’s willow Salix bebbiana Bebb’s willow Salix brachycarpa short-fruited willow Salix scouleriana Scouler’s willow Salix vestita rock willow Salix sp. willow Sambucus racemosa red elderberry Shepherdia canadensis soopolallie Sorbus scopulina western mountain-ash Spiraea betulifolia birch-leaved spirea Spiraea douglasii hardhack Symphoricarpos albus common snowberry Vaccinium membranaceum black huckleberry Viburnum edule highbush-cranberry

HERBS Achillea millefolium yarrow Actaea rubra baneberry Adenocaulon bicolor pathfinder Adiantum sp. n/a Agoseris aurantiaca orange agoseris Agoseris glauca short-beaked agoseris Agropyron sp. wheatgrass Agrostis gigantea redtop Agrostis humilis alpine bentgrass Agrostis scabra hair bentgrass Agrostis sp. bentgrass Allium cernuum nodding onion Anaphalis margaritacea pearly everlasting Androsace septentrionalis northern fairy-candelabra Anemone multifida cut-leaved anemone Anemone occidentalis western pasqueflower HERBS Anemone patens prairie crocus alpina alpine pussytoes Antennaria dimorpha low pussytoes Antennaria lanata woolly pussytoes Antennaria microphylla rosy pussytoes Antennaria neglecta field pussytoes Antennaria racemosa racemose pussytoes Antennaria umbrinella umber pussytoes Apocynum androsaemifolium spreading dogbane Aquilegia flavescens yellow columbine Aquilegia formosa red columbine Arabis divaricarpa spreading-pod rockcress Arabis drummondii Drummond’s rockcress Arabis glabra tower mustard Arabis hoboellii Holboell’s rockcress Arabis lyallii Lyall’s rockcress Aralia nudicaulis wild sarsaparilla Arctostaphylos uva-ursi kinnikinnick Arenaria capillaris thread-leaved sandwort Arenaria sp. sandwort Arnica chamissonis meadow arnica

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 2 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Arnica cordifolia heart-leaved arnica Arnica latifolia mountain arnica Arnica mollis hairy arnica Artemisia dracunculus tarragon Artemisia frigida prairie sagewort Artemisia michauxiana Michaux’s mugwort Artemisia norvegica mountain sagewort Aruncus dioicus goatsbeard Aster ciliolatus Lindley’s aster Aster conspicuus showy aster Aster foliaceus leafy aster Aster laevis smooth aster Aster sibiricus arctic aster Aster sp. aster Astragalus agrestis field milk-vetch Astragalus bourgovii Bourgeau’s milk-vetch Astragalus miser timber milk-vetch Astragalus vexilliflexus bent-flowered milk-vetch * Athyrium filix-femina lady fern Balsamorhiza sagittata arrow-leaved balsamroot Botrychium lunaria common moonwort HERBS Bromus anomalus nodding brome Bromus inermis smooth brome Bromus tectorum cheatgrass Bromus vulgaris Columbia brome Calamagrostis canadensis bluejoint Calamagrostis purpurascens purple reedgrass Calamagrostis rubescens pinegrass Calochortus apiculatus three-spot mariposa lily Calochortus macrocarpus sagebrush mariposa lily Caltha leptosepala white marsh-marigold Camelina microcarpa littlepod flax * Campanula rotundifolia common harebell Carex albonigra two-toned sedge Carex aquatilis water sedge Carex aurea golden sedge Carex capillaris hairlike sedge Carex concinna low northern sedge Carex concinnoides northwestern sedge Carex diandra lesser panicled sedge Carex disperma soft-leaved sedge Carex lanuginosa woolly sedge Carex media Scandinavian sedge Carex nardina spikenard sedge Carex nigricans black alpine sedge Carex pauciflora few-flowered sedge * Carex petasata pasture sedge * Carex phaeocephala dunhead sedge

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 3 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Carex podocarpa graceful mountain sedge Carex pyrenaica Pyrenean sedge Carex raynoldsii Raynold’s sedge Carex rossii Ross’ sedge Carex rupestris curly sedge * Carex scirpoidea single-spike sedge Carex sp. sedge Carex spectabilis showy sedge Cassiope tetragona four-angled mountain-heather Castilleja miniata scarlet paintbrush Castilleja occidentalis western paintbrush Castilleja thompsonii Thompson’s paintbrush * Cerastium arvense field chickweed Cerastium beeringianum Bering chickweed Chimaphila umbellata prince’s pine HERBS Cirsium arvense Canada thistle Cirsium edule edible thistle Cirsium hookerianum Hooker’s thistle Cirsium undulatum wavy-leaved thistle Cirsium vulgare bull thistle Coeloglossum viride ssp. bracteatum long-bracted frog orchid Collinsia parviflora small-flowered blue-eyed Mary Collomia linearis narrow-leaved collomia Cornus canadensis bunchberry Crepis atrabarba slender hawksbeard Crepis nana dwarf hawksbeard Cynoglossum officinale common hound’s-tongue Cystopteris fragilis fragile fern Dactylis glomerata orchardgrass Danthonia intermedia timber oatgrass Disporum hookeri Hooker’s fairybells Dodecatheon pulchellum few-flowered shootingstar Draba incerta Yellowstone draba Draba lonchocarpa lance-fruited draba Draba oligosperma few-seeded draba Dryas octopetala white mountain-avens Dryopteris expansa spiny wood fern Eleocharis palustris common spike-rush Elymus elymoides squirreltail grass Elymus glaucus blue wildrye Elymus repens quackgrass Elymus spicatus bluebunch wheatgrass Elymus trachycaulus slender wheatgrass Empetrum nigrum crowberry Epilobium anagallidifolium alpine willowherb Epilobium angustifolium fireweed Epilobium ciliatum purple-leaved willowherb Epilobium latifolium broad-leaved willowherb Epilobium minutum small-flowered willowherb Equisetum arvense common horsetail

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 4 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Equisetum hyemale scouring-rush Equisetum scirpoides dwarf scouring-rush Equiseum pratense meadow horsetail Erigeron aureus golden fleabane Erigeron caespitosus tufted fleabane Erigeron compositus cut-leaved daisy Erigeron corymbosus long-leaved fleabane HERBS Erigeron filifolius thread-leaved fleabane Erigeron humilis arctic daisy * Erigeron linearis line-leaved daisy Erigeron peregrinus subalpine daisy Erigeron pumilis shaggy fleabane Erigeron speciosus showy daisy Eriogonum ovalifolium cushion buckwheat * Erysimum inconspicuum small wallflower Erythronium grandiflorum yellow glacier lily Festuca brachyphylla alpine fescue Festuca campestris rough fescue Festuca idahoensis Idaho fescue Festuca saximontana Rocky Mountain fescue Festuca sp. fescue Filago arvensis field filago Fragaria vesca wood strawberry Fragaria virginiana wild strawberry Gaillardia aristata brown-eyed Susan Galium aparine cleavers * Galium boreale northern bedstraw Gayophytum diffusum spreading groundsmoke Gentianella amarella northern gentian Gentianella propinqua four-parted gentian Geum macrophyllum large-leaved avens Geum sp. n/a Geum triflorum old man’s whiskers Glyceria striata fowl mannagrass Goodyera oblongifolia rattlesnake-plantain Goodyera repens dwarf rattlesnake orchid Hackelia diffusa spreading stickseed Hedysarum sulphurescens yellow hedysarum Heracleum lanatum cow-parsnip Heterotheca villosa golden-aster Heuchera cylindrica round-leaved alumroot Hieracium albiflorum white hawkweed Hieracium gracile slender hawkweed Hieracium scouleri Scouler’s hawkweed Hieracium umbellatum narrow-leaved hawkweed Hordeum jubatum foxtail barley Hypopitys monotropa pinesap Juncus castaneus chestnut rush Juncus drummondii Drummond’s rush

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 5 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME HERBS Juncus mertensianus Mertens’ rush Kalmia microphylla western bog-laurel Kobresia simpliciuscula simple kobresia Koeleria macrantha junegrass Lactuca sp. lettuce Lappula redowskii western stickseed Lathyrus ochroleucus creamy peavine Lepidium densiflorum prairie pepper-grass Lesquerella douglasii Columbia bladderpod Lesquerella sp. n/a Leucanthemum vulgare oxeye daisy Leymus sp. n/a Linnaea borealis twinflower Linum perenne western blue flax Listera cordata heart-leaved twayblade Lithospermum ruderale lemonweed gromwell Lomatium dissectum fern-leaved desert-parsley Lomatium triternatum nine-leaved desert-parsley Luzula confusa confused woodrush Luzula parviflora small-flowered woodrush Luzula spicata spiked woodrush Lycopodium annotinum stiff clubmoss Matricaria discoidea pineapple weed Medicago lupulina black medic Medicago sativa alfalfa Melilotus alba white sweet-clover Mentha arvensis field mint Menyanthes trifoliata buckbean Microsteris gracilis pink microsteris Minuartia obtusiloba alpine sandwort Minuartia rubella boreal sandwort Moehringia lateriflora blunt-leaved sandwort Monarda fistulosa wild bergamot Moneses uniflora single delight Myosotis alpestris mountain forget-me-not * Myosotis sylvatica wood forget-me-not Oenothera villosa yellow evening-primrose Orthilia secunda one-sided wintergreen Orthocarpus luteus yelllow owl-clover Orthocarpus tenuifolius thin-leaved owl-clover Oryzopsis asperifolia rough-leaved ricegrass Osmorhiza chilensis mountain sweet-cicely HERBS Oxyria digyna mountain sorrel Oxytropis campestris field locoweed Oxytropis monticola mountain locoweed Oxytropis sericea silky locoweed Oxytropis sp. n/a Parnassia fimbriata fringed grass-of-Parnassus Pedicularis bracteosa bracted lousewort Pedicularis capitata capitate lousewort *

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 6 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Pedicularis racemosa sickletop lousewort Pedicularis sp. lousewort Penstemon confertus yellow penstemon Penstemon davidsonii Davidson’s penstemon Penstemon fruticosus shrubby penstemon Penstemon procerus small-flowered penstemon Penstemon sp. penstemon Phacelia hastata silverleaf phacelia Phacelia linearis thread-leaved phacelia Phacelia sericea silky phacelia Phleum alpinum alpine timothy Phleum pratense common timothy Phlox caespitosa tufted phlox Phlox diffusa spreading phlox * Phyllodoce empetriformis pink mountain-heather Piperia unalascensis Alaska rein orchid Plantago major common plantain Plantago patagonica woolly plantain Platanthera dilatata white bog orchid Poa alpina alpine bluegrass Poa compressa Canada bluegrass Poa cusickii Cusick’s bluegrass Poa glauca glaucous bluegrass Poa nervosa coastal bluegrass Poa palustris fowl bluegrass Poa pratensis Kentucky bluegrass Poa secunda ssp. juncifolia Nevada bluegrass Poa sp. bluegrass Poa wheeleri Wheeler’s bluegrass Polygonum amphibium water smartweed Polygonum douglasii Douglas’ knotweed * Polygonum viviparum alpine bistort Polystichum lonchitis mountain holly fern Potentilla anserina silverweed HERBS Potentilla argentea silvery cinquefoil Potentilla diversifolia diverse-leaved cinquefoil Potentilla glandulosa sticky cinquefoil Potentilla gracilis graceful cinquefoil Potentilla palustris marsh cinquefoil Potentilla pensylvanica Pennsylvanian cinquefoil Potentilla recta sulphur cinquefoil Potentilla sp. cinquefoil Potentilla villosa villous cinquefoil Prunella vulgaris self-heal Pyrola asarifolia pink wintergreen Pyrola chloranta green wintergreen Pyrola picta white-veined wintergreen * Ranunculus acris meadow buttercup Ranunculus eschscholtzii subalpine buttercup

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 7 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Ranunculus flabellaris yellow water-buttercup * Rubus pedatus five-leaved bramble Rubus pubescens trailing raspberry Rumex acetosella sheep sorrel Rumex sp. n/a Salix arctica arctic willow Salix reticulata ssp. nivalis dwarf snow willow Saussurea nuda ssp. densa dwarf sawwort Saxifraga bronchialis spotted saxifrage Saxifraga cespitosa tufted saxifrage Saxifraga occidentalis western saxifrage Saxifraga oppositifolia purple mountain saxifrage Scirpus microcarpus small-flowered bulrush Scirpus sp. bulrush Scolochloa festucacea rivergrass * Sedum lanceolatum lance-leaved stonecrop Selaginella densa compact selaginella Senecio canus woolly groundsel Senecio fremontii dwarf mountain butterweed Senecio indecorus rayless mountain butterweed Senecio lugens black-tipped groundsel Senecio pauciflorus rayless alpine butterweed Senecio triangularis arrow-leaved groundsel Sibbaldia procumbens sibbaldia Silene menziesii var. viscosa Menzies’ campion Silene parryi Parry’s campion Smilacina racemosa false Solomon’s-seal HERBS Smilacina stellata star-flowered false Solomon’s-seal Solidago canadensis Canada goldenrod Solidago multiradiata northern goldenrod Solidago spathulata spike-like goldenrod Sonchus arvensis perennial sow-thistle Stellaria longipes long-stalked starwort Stenanthium occidentale western mountainbells Stephanomeria tenuifolia narrow-leaved stephanomeria Stipa comata needle-and-thread grass Stipa curtiseta short-awned porcupinegrass Stipa hymenoides Indian ricegrass Stipa occidentalis stiff needlegrass Stipa richardsonii spreading needlegrass Streptopus amplexifolius clasping twistedstalk Taraxacum ceratophorum horned dandelion Taraxacum officinale common dandelion Taraxacum sp. n/a Thalictrum alpinum alpine meadowrue Thalictrum occidentale western meadowrue Thalictrum venulosum veiny meadowrue Tiarella trifoliata three-leaved foamflower Tofieldia glutinosa sticky false asphodel Tragopogon dubius yellow salsify

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 8 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Trifolium pratense red clover Trifolium repens white clover Triglochin palustre marsh arrow-grass Trisetum spicatum spike trisetum Trollius laxus globeflower Typha latifolia common cattail Urtica dioica stinging nettle Utricularia intermedia flat-leaved bladderwort Vaccinium myrtillus low bilberry Vaccinium scoparium grouseberry Vahlodea atropurpurea mountain hairgrass Valeriana sitchensis Sitka valerian Veratrum viride Indian hellebore Verbascum thapsus great mullein Veronica wormskjoldii alpine speedwell Vicia americana America vetch Viola adunca early blue violet Viola canadensis Canada violet HERBS Viola glabella stream violet Viola orbiculata rounded-leaved violet Viola palustris marsh violet Woodsia scopulina mountain cliff fern Zigadenus elegans mountain death-camas Zigadenus venenosus meadow death-camas

MOSSES & LIVERWORT S Abietinella abietina wiry fern moss Aulacomnium palustre glow moss Barbilophozia lycopodioides common leafy liverwort Brachythecium albicans lawn moss Brachythecium salebrosum golden ragged moss Brachythecium sp. n/a Brachythecium starkei n/a Bryum caespiticium n/a Calliergon stramineum n/a Dicranella crispa n/a Dicranum brevifolium n/a Dicranum fuscescens curly heron’s-bill moss Dicranum polysetum wavy-leaved moss Dicranum scoparium broom moss Dicranum sp. n/a Distichium capillaceum n/a Drepanocladus exannulatus Drepanocladus uncinatus sickle moss Encalypta procera n/a Eurhynchium pulchellum n/a Grimmia affinis n/a Homalothecium aeneum n/a Hylocomium splendens step moss Hypnum circinale n/a

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 9 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Hypnum revolutum n/a Hypnum vaucheri n/a Lepidozia reptans n/a Lophozia ventricosa n/a Marchantia polymorpha n/a Orthotrichum speciosum n/a Philonotis fontana spring moss Plagiomnium cuspidatum n/a Plagiomnium ellipticum n/a MOSSES Platydicta jungermannioides n/a Pleurozium schreberi red-stemmed feathermoss Pohlia cruda n/a Pohlia nutans n/a Pohlia wahlenbergii n/a Polytrichum juniperinum juniper haircap moss Polytrichum piliferum awned haircap moss Ptilidium ciliare n/a Ptilidium pulcherrimum n/a Ptilium crista-castrensis knight’s plume Racomitrium canescens grey rock moss Racomitrium heterostichum yellow-green rock moss Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus electrified cat’s-tail moss Rhytidiopsis robusta pipecleaner moss Thuidium sp. n/a Timmia austriaca false-polytrichum Tomentypnum nitens golden fuzzy fen moss Tortella tortuosa n/a Tortula norvegica n/a Tortula ruralis sidewalk moss

LICHENS Acarospora sp. n/a Candelariella vitellina n/a Cetraria ericetorum icelandmoss Cetraria islandica icelandmoss Cetraria sp. icelandmoss lichens Cladina arbuscula n/a Cladina rangiferina grey reindeer Cladina sp. reindeer lichens Cladonia borealis red pixie-cup Cladonia cariosa ribbed pixie Cladonia cenotea powdered pixie-funnel Cladonia chlorophaea peppered pixie-cup Cladonia coniocraea n/a Cladonia cornuta greater pixie stick Cladonia ecmocyna orange-footed pixie Cladonia fimbriata powdered pixie-cup Cladonia gracilis black-foot cladonia Cladonia ochrochlora powdered pixie-stick Cladonia pocillum carpeted pixie-cup Cladonia pyxidata brown pixie cup Cladonia sp. n/a

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 10 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME LICHENS Cladonia squamosa n/a Cladonia sulphurina sulphur cladonia Dactylina arctica few-finger lichen Diploschistes muscorum cow pie Flavocetraria cucullata curled snow Flavocetraria nivalis ragged snow Flavocetraria sp. n/a Haematommataceae n/a Hypogymnia physodes monk’s hood Icmadophila ericetorum spraypaint Lecanora sp. n/a Lecidella subincongrua n/a Lepraria neglecta n/a Peltigera aphthosa freckle pelt Peltigera canina dog pelt Peltigera membranacea greater dog pelt Peltigera rufescens felt pelt Peltigera sp. pelt lichens Physcia caesia powdered rosette Rhizocarpon geographicum green map Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca pink-eyed rockbright Solorina crocea chocolate chip Squamarina lentigera n/a Stereocaulon alpinum fan coral Stereocaulon tomentosum wooly coral Thamnolia vermicularis n/a Toninia sp. n/a Trapeliopsis granulosa n/a Umbilicaria sp. rocktripe lichens Umbilicaria torrefacta punctured rocktripe Umbilicaria vellea frosted rocktripe Vulpicida sp. sunshine lichens Xanthoparmelia cumberlandia questionable rockfrog Xanthoria elegans elegant orange

* These species are rare or infrequent in Southeastern BC, and their presence in the Premier Ridge – Diorite Study Area must be confirmed by examination of the voucher specimens collected by Ecological Insights, the contractor who identified them.

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 11 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping



Subzone Map Site Site Series Name Assumed Typical Conditions Moistu Mapped Sym- Series Modifiers re Modi- bol # Regime fiers AT AW 00 Mountain-avens - Snow c,s significant slopes; shallow, coarse subxeri j,k,w willow textured soils. c - mesic AT BP 00 Black alpine sedge - Woolly d,j,m gentle slope; deep, medium mesic - s pussytoes textured soils. subhygr ic AT SL 00 Saxicolous lichen m,v significant slopes; very shallow, xeric - k,w medium textured soils. subxeri c ESSFdk AF 00 Sitka alder – Oak fern m,s avalanching unit; significant subxeri c,d,k,w slopes; shallow, medium textured c - soils. mesic ESSFdk AS 00 Trembling aspen – birch m,s,w avalanching unit; warm aspect, xeric - d,k,v leaved spirea significant slopes; shallow, submesi medium textured soils. c ESSFdk AW 00 Sitka alder - willow d,j,m avalanching unit; gentle slopes; mesic - deep, medium textured soils. subhydr ic ESSFdk DM 02 Fd – Douglas maple - d,m,w significant slopes; warm aspect, xeric - c,k,n,s,v Soopolallie deep, medium textured soils. subxeri c ESSFdk EF 00 Blue wildrye - Fireweed m,s avalanching unit; significant subxeri d,k,w slopes; shallow, medium textured c - soils. mesic ESSFdk FA 01 Bl - Azalea - Foamflower d,j,m gentle slopes; deep, medium, mesic k,n,s,w textured soils. ESSFdk FC 00 Fireweed - Cow-parsnip d,j,m avalanching unit; gentle slopes; mesic - deep, medium textured soils. hygric ESSFdk FG 03 Bl - Azalea - Grouseberry d,j,m Gentle slopes; deep, medium- subxeri k,w textured, non-calcareous soils. c - mesic ESSFdk FH 06 Bl - Azalea - Horsetail d,j,m gentle to level slopes; receiving subhygr a sites; deep, medium textured ic - soils. hygric ESSFdk FM 05 Bl - Azalea - Step moss d,j,m gentle, lower slopes; moisture subhygr a receiving; deep, medium textured ic soils. ESSFdk FS 04 Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie d,j,m gentle slopes; deep, medium submesi c,k,n,s,v, textured, calcareous soils. c - w mesic ESSFdk SE 00 Subalpine fir – Englemann m,s avalanching unit; significant subxeri d,k,w spruce slopes; shallow, medium textured c - soils. mesic ESSFdkp AW 00 Mountain-avens - Snow c,j,s gentle slopes; shallow, coarse submesi k,v,w willow textured soils. c - mesic ESSFdkp DV 00 Subalpine daisy - Sitka d,j,m gentle slopes; deep, medium mesic - c,s valerian textured soils; receiving sites; subhygr disclimax ic ESSFdkp EM 00 SeBl - White mountain- d,m significant slopes; deep, medium mesic - j,k,s,v,w heather textured soils. submesi c

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 12 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

ESSFdkp FS 00 Subalpine fir - Engelmann m,s avalanching unit; significant subxeri k,w spruce slopes; shallow, medium textured c - soils. mesic ESSFdkp LM 00 Bl - Subalpine larch- White d,j,m gentle slopes; deep, medium mesic - c,s mountain-heather textured soils; receiving sites. subhygi rc ESSFdkp WF 00 Whitebark pine - Subalpine fir c,s,w significant slopes; warm aspect; subxeri c,j,k,v shallow, coarse-textured soils. c - mesic ESSFdkp YW 00 Yellow mountain-heather - d,m,w significant slopes; warm aspect; submesi c,j,k,s,v Woolly pussytoes deep, medium textured soils. c - mesic ESSFdku CH 00 Cow-parsnip - Indian d,j,m avalanching unit; gentle slopes; mesic - s hellebore deep, medium textured soils. hygric ESSFdku FA 00 Subalpine fir -Sitka alder d,j,m avalanching unit; gentle slopes; mesic - deep, medium textured soils. hygric ESSFdku FG 00 Bl - Grouseberry d,j,m gentle, convex slopes; deep, subxeri c,h,k,s,v, medium textured soils. c - w submesi c ESSFdku FH 00 Bl - Horsetail d,j,m gentle to level slopes; receiving hygric a sites; medium textured soils. ESSFdku FS 00 Subalpine fir - Engelmann m,s avalanching unit; significant subxeri k,v,w spruce slopes; shallow, medium textured c - soils. mesic ESSFdku HG 00 Bl - Pink mountain-heather d,j,m gentle, concave slopes; deep, subhygr s medium textured soils. ic ESSFdku LG 00 Subalpine larch - Mixed herb d,j,m gentle slopes; deep, medium mesic c,k,n,s textured soils. ESSFdku LH 00 Subalpine larch - Mountain- d,j,m gentle slope; deep, medium submesi c,ks,v,w heather textured soils. c - mesic ESSFdku LM 00 Subalpine larch - Moss c,k,s significant slopes; cool aspect; subxeri shallow, coarse textured soils. c - mesic ESSFdku PJ 00 Pa - Juniper d,m,w significant slopes; warm aspect; xeric - c,h,j,k,s, deep, medium textured soils. subxeri v c ESSFdku PV 00 Western pasqueflower - Sitka m,s avalanching unit; significant subxeri k,v,w valerian slopes; shallow, medium textured c - soils. submesi c ESSFdku PW 00 Western pasqueflower - Arctic d,j,m gentle, concave slopes; deep mesic - a,c,p,s,v willow medium-textured soils; disclimax. subhygr ic IDFdm2 AW 02 Antelope-brush – Bluebunch c,w significant slopes; warm aspect; very f,g,j,k,m, wheatgrass coarse textured soils. xeric - s,v,z xeric IDFdm2 BH 06 Scrub birch - Horsetail d wetlands; mineral soils; hygric - a,f,p calcareous seepage. subhygr ic IDFdm2 BU 00 Great Bulrush Marsh j depressional wetland; mineral subhydr p soils; fluctuating water level. ic - hydric IDFdm2 CT 00 Cattail Marsh j wetlands; mineral soils. hydric f IDFdm2 DS 03 Fd - Snowberry - Balsamroot d,m,w significant slopes; warm aspect; subxeri c,g,j,k,n, deep, medium textured soils. c - s,v submesi c

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 13 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

IDFdm2 DT 01 FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower d,j,m gentle slopes; deep, medium mesic c,f,g,h,k, textured soils. n,s,t,v,w IDFdm2 SF 00 Saltgrass - Foxtail d,f,j depressional meadow; deep, subhydr fine textured soils; fluctuating ic - water table. hygric IDFdm2 SH 07 Sxw - Horsetail c,d level; moist, deep, coarse-textured hygric - a,m,p soils; fluvial; calcareous seepage. subhydr ic IDFdm2 SM 00 Beaked sedge - Water sedge j depressional wetland; mineral subhydr p Marsh soils; fluctuating water level. ic - hydric IDFdm2 SP 04 FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass d,f,j gentle slopes; moisture receiving; mesic - a,c,g,h,k, deep, fine-textured soils. subhygr s,t ic IDFdm2 SS 05 SxwAt - Sarsaparilla f lower slopes; receiving position; subhygr a,g,k,,t fine-textured soils. ic - hygric MSdk AF 00 Sitka alder – Oak fern m,s avalanching unit; significant subxeri k,w slopes; shallow medium textured c - soils. mesic MSdk AS 00 Trembling aspen – birch m,s,w avalanching unit; warm aspect; xeric - leaved spirea significant slopes; shallow submesi medium textured soils. c MSdk AW 00 Sitka alder - willow d,j,m avalanching unit; gentle slopes; mesic - s deep, medium textured soils. subhydr ic MSdk EF 00 Blue wildrye - Fireweed m,s avalanching unit; significant subxeri k slopes; shallow, medium textured c - soils. mesic MSdk FC 00 Fireweed – Cow-parsnip d,j,m avalanching unit; gentle slopes; mesic - deep, medium textured soils. hygric MSdk LJ 03 Pl - Juniper - Pinegrass d,m,w significant slopes; warm aspect; xeric - c,j,k,n,s, deep, medium textured soils. submesi v,z c MSdk LP 04 Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass d,j,m, gentle slopes; deep medium submesi c,k,n,s,v, textured soils. c - w mesic MSdk SG 01 Sxw - Soopolallie - d,j,m gentle slopes; deep, medium mesic c,k,n,s,v, Grouseberry textured soils. w MSdk SM 00 Beaked sedge - Water sedge j depressional wetland; mineral subhydr p Marsh soils; fluctuating water level. ic - hydric MSdk SS 05 Sxw - Soopolallie - d,j,m lower slopes; receiving sites; subhygr a,c,s,w Snowberry deep, medium textured soils. ic MSdk SW 02 Saskatoon – Bluebunch d,m,w significant slopes; warm aspect; very c,s,v wheatgrass deep, medium textured soils. xeric - xeric Pdh2 AR 03 PyAt – Rose – Solomon’s-seal f lower slopes; receiving position; mesic - k,m,w fine textured soils. subhygr ic PPdh2 CD 04 Act – Dogwood – Nootka rose a,m active floodplain; medium subhygr a,f textured soils. ic - hygric PPdh2 SF 00 Saltgrass - Foxtail d,f,j depressional meadows; deep, subhydr fine textured soils; fluctuating ic - water table. hygric PPdh2 PW 01 Py – Bluebunch wheatgrass – d,j,m gentle slopes; deep, medium submesi c,f,k,s,v, Junegrass textured soils. c - w mesic

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 14 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

PPdh2 WJ 02a* Bluebunch wheatgrass – d,j,m gentle slopes; deep, medium xeric - f,k,s,w Junegrass textured soils. subxeri c PPdh2 WJ 02b* Bluebunch wheatgrass – d,j,m gentle slopes; deep, medium submesi s Junegrass textured soils. c - mesic *This site series can be listed in the database as only 02 due to RIC standards, but appears at the end of the database in the user defined column as 02a or 02b.

Anthropogenic Units Applied to All Subzones all CF Cultivated Field flat or gently rolling, subject to variable subzones human agricultural practices all CL Cliff steep, vertical or overhanging variable q,z subzones rock all ES Exposed Soil exposed soil variable k,w subzones all GB Gravel Bar unconsolidated fluvial materials variable subzones on active floodplain all GP Gravel Pit An area exposed through the variable subzones removal of sand or gravel. all LA Lake lake >2m deep subzones all MI Mine unvegetated area used for variable subzones extraction of mineral ores. all MO Moraine unvegetated glacial drift variable k,r,w subzones all MU Mudflat sediment Flat plain-like areas dominated by variable subzones fine textured sediments. all OW Shallow Open Water shallow open water <2m deep subzones all PD Pond small water body >2m deep and subzones <50 ha. all RE Reservoir An artificial basin created by the subzones impoundment of water behind a human-made structure. all RI River river subzones all RO Rock Outcrop gentle to steep rock outcrop variable ,k,q,r,w,z subzones all RP Road Surface road surface variable subzones all TA Talus gravitationally deposited variable k,q,r,w subzones materials

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 15 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping


ECOSEC- BEC BIOTERRAIN SITE SITE ECO- DESCRIPTION PLOTS TION FEATURES SERIES UNIT LANDSCAPE SURFICIAL POSITION MATERIAL EKT PPdh2 LEVEL Fluvial low bench med bench 04 CDat Act - Dogwood - Nutka rose P196 high bench Glaciofluvial 01 PW Py Bluebunch wheatgrass - P205,P209,P216 Junegrass terrace 02b WJ Bluebunch wheatgrass - 430,P200 Junegrass Organic bog fen

Glacio- fine 01 PWf Py Bluebunch wheatgrass - P147 lacustrine Junegrass 04 CD Act - Dogwood - Nutka rose 442 GENTLE- Moraine 01 PW Py Bluebunch wheatgrass - 353,355,445,446,P MODERATE Junegrass 166 SLOPES moist fine shallow

Colluvium deep shallow Glaciofluvial 01 PW Py Bluebunch wheatgrass - P150,P193,P154,P Junegrass 215,P239 02b WJ Bluebunch wheatgrass - 431,443,P154 Junegrass moist 03 AR PYAt - Rose - Solomon's- seal Glaciolacust rine




PPdh2 WARM Moraine 01 PWw Py Bluebunch wheatgrass - ASPECTS Junegrass 02b WJw Bluebunch wheatgrass - Junegrass shallow

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 16 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

ECOSEC- BEC BIOTERRAIN SITE SITE ECO- DESCRIPTION PLOTS TION FEATURES SERIES UNIT LANDSCAPE SURFICIAL POSITION MATERIAL fine 01 PWfw Py Bluebunch wheatgrass - Junegrass Colluvium 01 PWw Py Bluebunch wheatgrass - Junegrass 02b WJw Bluebunch wheatgrass - Junegrass shallow

Glaciofluvial ,coarse 02a WJcw Bluebunch wheatgrass - 434 Junegrass 01 PWw Py Bluebunch wheatgrass - 436 Junegrass 02b WJw Bluebunch wheatgrass - P148,P152 Junegrass very shallow COOL Moraine deep 02b WJk Bluebunch wheatgrass - Junegrass ASPECTS shallow

very shallow Colluvium deep 02b WJk Bluebunch wheatgrass - Junegrass

shallow Glaciofluvial deep 02b WJk Bluebunch wheatgrass - 435 Junegrass course shallow EKT/SPK IDFdm2 LEVEL Fluvial low bench 05 SSa SxwAt - Sarsaparilla P237 06 BHa Scrub birch - Horsetail 00 SM Sedge Meadow 00 BU Great Bulrush Marsh 437 07 SH Sxw - Horsetail 07 SHa Sxw - Horsetail P228 med bench 05 SSm SxwAt - Sarsaparilla 05 SS SxwAt - Sarsaparilla 01 DTac FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower high bench 04 SPc FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass 05 SSc SxwAt - Sarsaparilla 04 SPac FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass Glaciofluvial coarse- 01 DTct FdPl - Pinegrass - textured Twinflower terrace 04 SPct FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass medium- 01 DTt FdPl - Pinegrass - textured Twinflower 01 DT FdPl - Pinegrass - P181,P206 Twinflower 04 SP FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 17 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

ECOSEC- BEC BIOTERRAIN SITE SITE ECO- DESCRIPTION PLOTS TION FEATURES SERIES UNIT LANDSCAPE SURFICIAL POSITION MATERIAL 04 SPm FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass 04 SPt FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass Glaciofluvial 05 SS SxwAt - Sarsaparilla plain 05 SSc SxwAt - Sarsaparilla 01 DT FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower 01 DTc FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower 04 SPc FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass Moraine 07 SHm Sxw - Horsetail 01 DT FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower 01 DTc FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower 04 SPm FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass 05 SSm SxwAt - Sarsaparilla 04 SP FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass 05 SSc SxwAt - Sarsaparilla Organic bog 06 BHp Scub birch - Horsetail 00 SMp Sedge Meadow Glaciolacust 01 DT FdPl - Pinegrass - rine Twinflower 01 DTf FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower fine 04 SP FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass P231 05 SS SxwAt - Sarsaparilla 07 SHf Sxw - Horsetail 06 BH Scrub birch - Horsetail 438 GENTLE Moraine deep 04 SPm FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass SLOPES

very shallow 01 DTv FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower

med - 04 SPc FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass coarse 01 DT FdPl - Pinegrass - 369,359,432,P1,P6 Twinflower 6 03 DSj Fd - Snowberry - 357,363,364,366,3 Balsamroot 67,P161,P164,P22 0

shallow 04 SPms FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass fine 01 DTf FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower 04 SP FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass coarse 01 DTc FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower shallow 01 DTs FdPl - Pinegrass -

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 18 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

ECOSEC- BEC BIOTERRAIN SITE SITE ECO- DESCRIPTION PLOTS TION FEATURES SERIES UNIT LANDSCAPE SURFICIAL POSITION MATERIAL Twinflower very shallow 01 DTV FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower 03 DSj Fd - Snowberry - Balsamroot Colluvium deep 01 DT FdPl - Pinegrass - 428 Twinflower shallow&moi 07 SHm Sxw - Horsetail 424 st shallow 01 DTs FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower very shallow 02 Awj Antelope-brush - Bluebunch 427,426 wheatgrass Fluvial coarse 01 DTc FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower and 04 SP FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass 358 Glaciofluvial 01 DTcg FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower 03 DScj Fd - Snowberry - Balsamroot 04 SPc FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass moist & 05 SS SxwAt - Sarsaparilla coarse medium 01 DT FdPl - Pinegrass - 439,347,348,P187, Twinflower P180,P179,P225,P 234,P232 04 SPm FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass Glaciolacus 04 SP FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass UPPER all coarse - 01 DTc FdPl - Pinegrass - textured Twinflower SLOPES 01 DTck FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower 03 DSc Fd - Snowberry - Balsamroot 03 DScj Fd - Snowberry - Balsamroot 04 SPc FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass medium - 01 DT FdPl - Pinegrass - textured Twinflower 03 DS Fd - Snowberry - Balsamroot fine 01 DTf FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower CRESTS all 01 DT FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower 03 DSj Fd - Snowberry - Balsomroot coarse 01 DTc FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower shallow 03 DSjs Fd - Snowberry - Balsamroot 01 DTs FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 19 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

ECOSEC- BEC BIOTERRAIN SITE SITE ECO- DESCRIPTION PLOTS TION FEATURES SERIES UNIT LANDSCAPE SURFICIAL POSITION MATERIAL TOE all fine 05 SS SxwAt - Sarsaparilla SLOPES medium 05 SSm SxwAt - Sarsaparilla coarse 05 SSc SxwAt - Sarsaparilla IDFdm2 WARM Moraine deep 03 DS Fd - Snowberry - ASPECTS Balsamroot 01 DTsw FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower 02 AW Antelope-brush - Bluebunch wheatgrass coarse- 03 DSc Fd - Snowberry - textured Balsamroot 02 AW Antelope-brush - Bluebunch wheatgrass fine-textured 02 Awf Antelope-brush - Bluebunch 361 wheatgrass shallow 03 DSs Fd - Snowberry - Balsamroot 02 Aws Antelope-brush - Bluebunch 365 wheatgrass 03 DScs Fd - Snowberry - Balsamroot Colluvium deep 03 DS Fd - Snowberry - 423,362 Balsamroot 02 AW Antelope-brush - Bluebunch wheatgrass shallow 03 DSs Fd - Snowberry - Balsamroot very shallow 03 DSv Fd - Snowberry - Balsamroot Glaciofluvial deep 03 DS Fd - Snowberry - 356,440 Balsamroot 01 DTcw FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower shallow COOL Moraine deep 01 DTk FdPl - Pinegrass - ASPECTS Twinflower 03 DSks Fd - Snowberry - 349 Balsamroot shallow 01 DTks FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower very shallow 01 DTkv FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower 04 SPck FdPl - Spruce - Pinegrass 04 SPkm FdPl - Spruce - Pinegrass fine 04 SPk FdPl - Spruce - Pinegrass coarse- 01 DTck FdPl - Pinegrass - textured Twinflower Colluvium 01 DTk FdPl - Pinegrass - 351 Twinflower shallow 01 DTks FdPl - Pinegrass - 350 Twinflower 02 Awks Antelope-brush - Bluebunch 346 wheatgrass

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 20 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

ECOSEC- BEC BIOTERRAIN SITE SITE ECO- DESCRIPTION PLOTS TION FEATURES SERIES UNIT LANDSCAPE SURFICIAL POSITION MATERIAL 01 DTkv FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower Glaciofluvial deep - 01 DTck FdPl - Pinegrass - coarse Twinflower medium 01 DTk FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower Glaciolacust deep 01 DTfk FdPl - Pinegrass - rine Twinflower 01 DTk FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower 01 DTks FdPl - Pinegrass - Twinflower 04 SPkm FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass 04 SPk FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass 04 SPk FdLw - Spruce - Pinegrass coarse - 01 DTck FdPl - Pinegrass - textured Twinflower 03 DSks Fd - Snowberry - Balsamroot very shallow 03 DSkv Fd - Snowberry - Balsamroot 01 SGks Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry very shallow 04 LPkv Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass cone 01 SGkn Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry Glaciofluvial deep 04 LPk Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass 01 SGk Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry 03 DSk Fd - Snowberry - 360 Balsamroot 04 LPck Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass 01 SGck Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry shallow 01 SGks Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry SPK MSdk LEVEL Fluvial low bench 05 SSaf Sxw - Soopolallie - Snowberry 06 SH Sxw - Dogwood - Horsetail 06 SHa Sxw - Dogwood - Horsetail 06 SHaf Sxw - Dogwood - Horsetail 06 SHf Sxw - Dogwood - Horsetail 00 WS Willow - Sedge med bench 05 SSc Sxw - Soopolallie - Snowberry

high bench 01 SG Sxw - Soopolallie - Grouseberry 01 SGct Sxw - Soopolallie - Grouseberry

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 21 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

ECOSEC- BEC BIOTERRAIN SITE SITE ECO- DESCRIPTION PLOTS TION FEATURES SERIES UNIT LANDSCAPE SURFICIAL POSITION MATERIAL 01 SGf Sxw - Soopolallie - Grouseberry 01 SGt Sxw - Soopolallie - Grouseberry 05 SS Sxw - Soopolallie - Snowberry 05 SSf Sxw - Soopolallie - Snowberry 05 SSft Sxw - Soopolallie - Snowberry fan 05 SSn Sxw - Soopolallie - Snowberry 06 SHfn Sxw - Dogwood - Horsetail Glaciofluvial coarse- 01 SGc Sxw -Soopolallie - terrace textured Grouseberry 04 LPc Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass 01 SGct Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry 04 LPct Pl - Juniper - Pinegrass

medium- 04 LPt Pl - Juniper - Pinegrass textured 01 SGt Sxw - Soopolallie - Grouseberry 06 SHf Sxw - Dogwood - Horsetail 05 SS Sxw - Soopolallie - Snowberry 05 SSt Sxw - Soopolallie - Snowberry plain 05 SS Sxw - Soopolallie - Snowberry 05 SSc Sxw - Soopolallie - Snowberry fan 05 SSn Sxw - Soopolallie - Snowberry Moraine 01 SG Sxw - Soopolallie - Grouseberry 04 LP Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass 05 SS Sxw - Soopolallie - Snowberry

shallow 01 SGs Sxw - Soopolallie - Grouseberry 04 LPs Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass Organic 06 SHp Sxw - Dogwood - Horsetail bog 07 SB Sxw - Scrub birch - Sedge 00 SMp Beaked sedge - Water P27,447 sedge Marsh Glaciolacust 06 SHf Sxw - Dogwood - Horsetail rine

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 22 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping


GENTLE Moraine deep 01 SG Sxw -Soopolallie - SLOPES Grouseberry

04 LP Pl - Oregon-grape - 429 Pinegrass

fine 01 SGf Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry 04 LPf Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass coarse 04 LPc Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass 05 SS Sxw - Soopolallie - Snowberry shallow 04 LPs Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass 01 SGs Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry

very shallow 04 LPv Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass 01 SGv Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry Colluvium deep 01 SG Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry shallow 01 SGs Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry fan 01 SGn Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry 01 SGfn Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry Fluvial coarse 01 SGc Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry and Glaciofluvial 04 LPc Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass 05 SSc Sxw - Soopolallie - 417 Snowberry medium 01 SG Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry fan 05 SScn Sxw - Soopolallie - Snowberry Glaciolacus UPPER all warm 03 LJ Pl - Juniper - Pinegrass SLOPES -coarse 03 LJc Pl - Juniper - Pinegrass v. shallow 03 LJcv Pl - Juniper - Pinegrass cool 04 LPk Pl - Oregon-grape -

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 23 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

ECOSEC- BEC BIOTERRAIN SITE SITE ECO- DESCRIPTION PLOTS TION FEATURES SERIES UNIT LANDSCAPE SURFICIAL POSITION MATERIAL Pinegrass -coarse 03 LJck Pl - Juniper - Pinegrass 04 LPck Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass CRESTS all deep 04 LP Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass shallow 04 LPs Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass TOE all fine 01 SG Sxw -Soopolallie - SLOPES Grouseberry medium 05 SS Sxw - Soopolallie - Snowberry coarse GULLIES all 05 SSfg Sxw - Soopolallie - Snowberry 05 SSgw Sxw - Soopolallie - Snowberry Moraine deep - 01 SGw Sxw -Soopolallie - medium Grouseberry WARM 04 LPw Pl - Oregon-grape - ASPECTS Pinegrass deep -fine 04 LPfw Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass Moderate shallow 04 LPsw Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass to Steep Colluvium deep 03 LJ Pl - Juniper - Pinegrass P23 Slopes 04 LPw Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass shallow 03 LJs Pl - Juniper - Pinegrass 411 04 LPsw Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass cone 04 LPnw Pl - Oregon-grape - 415,416 Pinegrass very shallow 03 LJv Pl - Juniper - Pinegrass Avalanching 00 ACw Avalanche chute 413,414 Glaciofluvial deep 04 LPw Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass 03 LJ Pl - Juniper - Pinegrass 412,G412 shallow 04 LPsw Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass

Moraine deep - 01 SGfk Sxw -Soopolallie - medium Grouseberry 01 SGk Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry COOL 04 LPk Pl - Oregon-grape - 370 ASPECTS Pinegrass deep - 01 SGck Sxw -Soopolallie - coarse Grouseberry Moderate 04 LPck Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 24 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

ECOSEC- BEC BIOTERRAIN SITE SITE ECO- DESCRIPTION PLOTS TION FEATURES SERIES UNIT LANDSCAPE SURFICIAL POSITION MATERIAL to shallow 01 SGks Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry Steep 04 LPks Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass Slopes very shallow 04 LPkv Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass Colluvium deep 04 LPk Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass 04 LPck Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass 01 SGk Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry 01 SGfk Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry shallow 04 LPks Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass 01 SGks Sxw -Soopolallie - 422 Grouseberry very shallow 04 LPkv Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass cone 01 SGkn Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry Avalanching 00 ACk Avalanche chute 418 Glaciofluvial deep 04 LPk Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass 01 SGk Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry 04 LPck Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass 01 SGck Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry shallow 01 SGks Sxw -Soopolallie - Grouseberry 04 LPks Pl - Oregon-grape - Pinegrass SPK ESSFdk LEVEL low bench 07 WS Willow - Sedge Fluvial

06 FH Bl - Azalea - Horsetail med bench -fine 05 FMaf Bl - Azalea -Stepmoss high bench 05 FM Bl - Azalea -Stepmoss

Glaciofluvial 01 FA Bl - Azalea - Foamflower 04 FS Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie Moraine 01 FA Bl - Azalea - Foamflower 04 FS Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie 05 FM Bl - Azalea -Stepmoss Organic bog 07 WSp Willow - Sedge

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 25 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping


GENTLE- -fine 01 FAf Bl - Azalea - Foamflower MODERATE

shallow 03 FGs Bl - Azalea - Grouseberry very shallow 03 FGv Bl - Azalea - Grouseberry Colluvium deep shallow avalanching 00 ACjy Avalanche runout slope Fluvial coarse 04 FSct Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie and

Glaciofluvial terrace 04 FSt Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie fan 05 FMn Bl - Azalea -Stepmoss 06 FHn Bl - Azalea - Horsetail medium

Glaciolacus UPPER all coarse - 04 FScw Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie textured SLOPES 04 FSw Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie 03 FGw Bl - Azalea - Grouseberry

CRESTS all 04 FS Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie coarse 03 FG Bl - Azalea - Grouseberry shallow TOE all fine SLOPES medium 01 FA Bl - Azalea - Foamflower coarse GULLIES all Moraine deep - 03 FGw Bl - Azalea - Grouseberry medium WARM 04 FSw Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie ASPECTS Moderate to shallow 03 FGsw Bl - Azalea - Grouseberry Steep 04 FSsw Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie Slopes very shallow 04 FSvw Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie Colluvium deep 04 FSw Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 26 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

ECOSEC- BEC BIOTERRAIN SITE SITE ECO- DESCRIPTION PLOTS TION FEATURES SERIES UNIT LANDSCAPE SURFICIAL POSITION MATERIAL 03 FGw Bl - Azalea - Grouseberry shallow 04 FSsw Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie 406,408,410 very shallow 04 FSvw Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie Avalanching 00 ACw Avalanche chute 407 Glaciofluvial deep 04 FSw Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie 03 FGw Bl - Azalea - Grouseberry shallow 04 FSsw Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie 04 FSvw Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie Moraine deep - 03 FGk Bl - Azalea - Grouseberry medium COOL deep - ASPECTS coarse 04 FSk Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie Moderate shallow 03 FGks Bl - Azalea - Grouseberry very shallow 04 FSkv Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie to Colluvium deep 04 FSk Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie Steep Slopes shallow 04 FSks Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie 409,420

Avalanching 00 ACk Avalanche chute 419,421

Glaciofluvial deep 04 FSk Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie

shallow 04 FSks Bl - Azalea - Soopolallie

EPM ESSFdku Glaciofluvial LEVEL and 00 FH Bl - Horstail Fluvial 00 FHa Bl - Horstail and 00 HG Bl - Pink mountain-heather Lacustrine 00 HGa Bl - Pink mountain-heather 00 LG Ll - mixed herb 00 PW Western pasqueflower - Artic willow 00 WS Willow - Sedge G397 Moraine 00 LG Ll - mixed herb

Organic bog 00 WSp Willow - Sedge

Moraine deep 00 HG Bl - Pink mountain-heather 00 FH Bl - Horstail 00 LG Ll - mixed herb 376 00 PW Western pasqueflower - 379 Artic willow GENTLE- shallow 00 LGs Ll - mixed herb SLOPES

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 27 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

ECOSEC- BEC BIOTERRAIN SITE SITE ECO- DESCRIPTION PLOTS TION FEATURES SERIES UNIT LANDSCAPE SURFICIAL POSITION MATERIAL Colluvium deep 00 HG Bl - Pink mountain heather 00 PW Western pasqueflower - G379 Artic willow shallow avalanching 00 CH Cow-parsnip - Indian hellebore 00 FA Subalpine fir - Sitka alder Fluvial 00 HG Bl - Pink mountain-heather 00 LG Ll - mixed herb 383 and 00 FH Bl - Horstail Glaciofluvial 00 PW Western pasqueflower - 382 Artic willow fan 00 HGn Bl - Pink mountain-heather UPPER all deep 00 FGk Bl - Grouseberry SLOPES 00 FGw Bl - Grouseberry 00 PJ Pa - Juniper shallow 00 LM Ll - Moss 00 PJs Pa - Juniper 00 PJks Pa - Juniper very shallow 00 LMv Ll - Moss CRESTS all deep 00 PJ Pa - Juniper 00 PJk Pa - Juniper shallow 00 PJks Pa - Juniper 00 PJs Pa - Juniper TOE all deep 00 FH Bl - Horstail SLOPES 00 HG Bl - Pink mountain-heather 00 PW Western pasqueflower - Artic willow GULLIES all Moraine deep 00 FGw Bl - Grouseberry WARM 00 LHw Li - Mountain heather ASPECTS 00 LGw Ll - mixed herb 396 shallow 00 FGsw Bl - Grouseberry Moderate Colluvium deep 00 PJ Pa - Juniper to 00 FGw Bl - Grouseberry 381 Steep 00 LGw Ll - mixed herb Slopes shallow 00 FGsw Bl - Grouseberry 00 PJs Pa - Juniper 385,390 very shallow 00 LMvw Ll - Moss 00 PJv Pa - Juniper 397,399 avalanching 00 FSw Subalpine fir - Engelmann spruce 00 PVw Western pasqueflower - 384,400 Sitka valerian Glaciofluvial deep 00 FGw Bl - Grouseberry 00 LHw Li - Mountain heather Moraine deep 00 FGk Bl - Grouseberry

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 28 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

ECOSEC- BEC BIOTERRAIN SITE SITE ECO- DESCRIPTION PLOTS TION FEATURES SERIES UNIT LANDSCAPE SURFICIAL POSITION MATERIAL COOL 00 LGk Ll - mixed herb ASPECTS 00 LHk Ll - Mountain heather 00 PWk Western pasqueflower - Artic willow Moderate shallow 00 FGks Bl - Grouseberry to 00 LGks Ll - mixed herb Steep 00 LHks Ll - Mountain heather Slopes Colluvium deep 00 FGk Bl - Grouseberry 00 LGk Ll - mixed herb 00 LHk Ll - Mountain heather shallow 00 FGks Bl - Grouseberry 380 00 LHks Ll - Mountain heather 00 LM Ll - Moss 00 LGks Ll - mixed herb 403 00 PJks Pa - Juniper 391 very shallow 00 FGkv Bl - Grouseberry 00 PJkv Pa - Juniper avalanching 00 FSk Subalpine fir - Engelmann 396,405 spruce 00 PVk Western pasqueflower - 398 Sitka valerian Glaciofluvial deep 00 FGk Bl - Grouseberry 00 LHk Ll - Mountain heather

00 PVk Western pasqueflower - Sitka valerian SPK ESSFdkp Glaciofluvial LEVEL and 00 DV Subalpine daisy - Sitka valerian Fluvial 00 LM Bl -Ll -white mountain- heather Moraine 00 DV Subalpine daisy - Sitka valerian Colluvial 00 YWj Yellow mountain-heather - G374 Woolly pussytoes shallow 00 DVs Subalpine daisy - Sitka 388 valerian Organic bog Lacustrine 00 DV Subalpine daisy - Sitka 374 valerian Moraine deep 00 LM Bl -Ll -white mountain- heather 00 DV Subalpine daisy - Sitka valerian

shallow 00 LMs Bl -Ll -white mountain- heather GENTLE- SLOPES Colluvium deep 00 LM Bl -Ll -white mountain-

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 29 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

ECOSEC- BEC BIOTERRAIN SITE SITE ECO- DESCRIPTION PLOTS TION FEATURES SERIES UNIT LANDSCAPE SURFICIAL POSITION MATERIAL heather 00 EM Se Bl - White mountain- 377 heather shallow 00 EMs Se Bl - White mountain- heather 00 LMs Bl -Ll -white mountain- heather Fluvial 00 DV Subalpine daisy - Sitka valerian and 00 LM Bl -Ll -white mountain- heather

Glaciofluvial UPPER all warm 00 AWw Mountain-avens - Snow G402 SLOPES willow

cool 00 AWk Mountain-avens - Snow willow

CRESTS all coarse 00 AW Mountain-avens - Snow willow shallow TOE all 00 DV Subalpine daisy - Sitka SLOPES valerian 00 LM Bl -Ll -white mountain- heather GULLIES all Moraine deep 00 YW Yellow mountain-heather - Woolly pussytoes WARM 00 EMw Se Bl - White mountain- ASPECTS heather Moderate shallow 00 WF Whitebark pine - subalpine fir to Colluvium deep 00 YW Yellow mountain-heather - Woolly pussytoes Steep 00 WF Whitebark pine - subalpine fir Slopes shallow 00 YWs Yellow mountain-heather - 395 Woolly pussytoes very shallow 00 WFv Whitebark pine - subalpine G376 fir 00 YWv Yellow mountain-heather - 402,389 Woolly pussytoes Glaciofluvial deep 00 YW Yellow mountain-heather - Woolly pussytoes 00 EMw Se Bl - White mountain- heather shallow 00 WF Whitebark pine - subalpine fir 00 EMsw Se Bl - White mountain- heather Moraine deep 00 EMk Se Bl - White mountain-

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 30 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

ECOSEC- BEC BIOTERRAIN SITE SITE ECO- DESCRIPTION PLOTS TION FEATURES SERIES UNIT LANDSCAPE SURFICIAL POSITION MATERIAL heather COOL 00 YWk Yellow mountain-heather - Woolly pussytoes ASPECTS shallow 00 EMks Se Bl - White mountain- heather 00 YWks Yellow mountain-heather - Woolly pussytoes very shallow 00 YWv Yellow mountain-heather - Woolly pussytoes Colluvium deep 00 EMk Se Bl - White mountain- heather 00 YWk Yellow mountain-heather - Woolly pussytoes 00 AWdk Mountain-avens - Snow G376 willow shallow 00 EMks Se Bl - White mountain- heather 00 AWk Mountain-avens - Snow willow 00 YWks Yellow mountain-heather - 376,387 Woolly pussytoes very shallow 00 AWkv Mountain-avens - Snow willow Glaciofluvial deep 00 EMk Se Bl - White mountain- heather 00 YWk Yellow mountain-heather - Woolly pussytoes SPK AT LEVEL Fluvial BP Black alpine sedge - Woolly pussytoes Moraine deep BP Black alpine sedge - Woolly pussytoes shallow BPs Black alpine sedge - Woolly pussytoes Very BPv Black alpine sedge - Woolly shallow pussytoes Organic bog BPp Black alpine sedge - Woolly pussytoes

Moraine deep BP Black alpine sedge - Woolly pussytoes shallow BPs Black alpine sedge - Woolly pussytoes v. shallow BPv Black alpine sedge - Woolly pussytoes GENTLE- MODERATE Colluvium deep BP Black alpine sedge - Woolly pussytoes shallow BPs Black alpine sedge - Woolly pussytoes Fluvial coarse AWcj Mountain avens - Snow willow and Glaciofluvial

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 31 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping


TOE all BP Black alpine sedge - Woolly SLOPES pussytoes AW Mountain avens - Snow willow

GULLIES all Moraine deep AWdw Mountain avens - Snow willow WARM shallow AWw Mountain avens - Snow ASPECTS willow Moderate very shallow AWvw Mountain avens - Snow willow to Colluvium deep AWdw Mountain avens - Snow willow Steep shallow AWw Mountain avens - Snow 393 willow Slopes very shallow AWvw Mountain avens - Snow willow Glaciofluvial deep AWdw Mountain avens - Snow willow shallow AWw Mountain avens - Snow willow v. shallow AWvw Mountain avens - Snow willow COOL Moraine deep AWdk Mountain avens - Snow ASPECTS willow shallow AWk Mountain avens - Snow willow Colluvium deep AWd Mountain avens - Snow willow shallow AWk Mountain avens - Snow 372,394 willow very shallow AWkv Mountain avens - Snow willow steep, v AWkv Mountain avens - Snow shallow willow Glaciofluvial deep AWdk Mountain avens - Snow willow

shallow AWk Mountain avens - Snow willow

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 32 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping


Full Plots PlotNumber Zone SubZone MapUnit SiteSeries SiteSeriesSymb SiteModifier1 SiteModifier2 ol 9800346 IDF dm2 AWks2b 02 AW k s 9800347 IDF dm2 DT5 01 DT 9800348 IDF dm2 DT6/mC 01 DT 9800349 IDF dm2 DSk5/mC 03 DS k 9800350 IDF dm2 DTks6/mC 01 DT k s 9800351 IDF dm2 DTk6/mC 01 DT k 9800352 PP dh2 PWfw6/mC 01 PW f w 9800353 PP dh2 PW4/mC 01 PW 9800354 PP dh2 AR5/mC 03 AR 9800355 PP dh2 PW5/iC 01 PW 9800356 IDF dm2 DS6/iC 03 DS 9800357 IDF dm2 DSj6/mC 03 DS j 9800358 IDF dm2 SP5/sM 04 SP 9800359 IDF dm2 DT6/mC 01 DT 9800360 IDF dm2 DSk6/mC 03 DS k 9800361 IDF dm2 AWf3a 02 AW f 9800363 IDF dm2 DTf6/mC 01 DT f 9800364 IDF dm2 AWj3a 02 AW j 9800365 IDF dm2 AWs2b 02 AW s 9800366 IDF dm2 DScj5/sC 03 DS c j 9800367 IDF dm2 DSj3a 03 DS j 9800370 MS dk LPk5/sC 04 LP k 9800371 MS dk LPk6/sC 04 LP k 9800373 AT un AWw2d 00 AW w 9800374 ESSF dkp DV2b 00 DV 9800375 ESSF dkp WFs3a 00 WF s 9800376 ESSF dkp EMj6/tC 00 EM j 9800377 ESSF dkp YWjs2d 00 YW j s 9800378 ESSF dkp AWk2d 00 AW k 9800379 ESSF dku PW2b 00 PW 9800381 ESSF dku FGw7/mC 00 FG w 9800382 ESSF dku PW2b 00 PW 9800383 ESSF dku LGn6/mC 00 LG n 9800384 ESSF dku PVw2a 00 PV w 9800385 ESSF dku PJs3a/C 00 PJ s 9800386 ESSF dku FSw3a/C 00 FS w 9800387 ESSF dkp AWk2d 00 AW k 9800388 ESSF dkp DVs2b 00 DV s 9800389 ESSF dkp WFv3 00 WF v 9800390 ESSF dku PJv6 00 PJ v 9800391 ESSF dku PJkv7 00 PJ k v

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 33 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

PlotNumber Zone SubZone MapUnit SiteSeries SiteSeriesSymb SiteModifier1 SiteModifier2 ol 9800392 ESSF dku 9800393 AT un AWw2 00 AW w 9800394 AT un AWjk2 00 AW j k 9800395 ESSF dkp YWs2b 00 YW s 9800396 ESSF dku LGw5/tC 00 LG w 9800397 ESSF dku PJc5/sC 00 PJ c 9800398 ESSF dku PVk2a 00 PV k 9800399 ESSF dku PJs5/sC 00 PJ s 9800400 ESSF dku PVw2 00 PV w 9800401 ESSF dku 9800402 ESSF dkp WFv2a 00 WF v 9800403 ESSF dku LGks5/tC 00 LG k s 9800404 ESSF dku FGsw6/tC 00 FG s w 9800405 ESSF dku FSk3 00 FS k 9800406 ESSF dku PJs6/sC 00 PJ s 9800407 ESSF dk ASw3a/B 00 AS w 9800408 ESSF dk DMs5/tC 02 DM s 9800409 ESSF dk FSks6/tC 04 FS k s 9800410 ESSF dk FSsw5/tC 04 FS s w 9800411 MS dk LJs3a/B 03 LJ s 9800412 MS dk LJ4/tB 03 LJ 9800413 MS dk AS3a/B 00 AS 9800414 MS dk AS3b/B 00 AS 9800415 MS dk LJnw5/mC 03 LJ n w 9800416 MS dk LPnw6/tC 04 LP n w 9800417 MS dk SSc6/mC 05 SS c 9800418 MS dk EFk2a 00 EF k 9800419 ESSF dk AFk3b/B 00 AF k 9800420 ESSF dk FSks6/mC 04 FS k s 9800421 ESSF dk AFk3a/B 00 AF k 9800422 MS dk SGks6/mC 01 SG k s 9800423 IDF dm2 DS4/sC 03 DS 9800424 IDF dm2 SHm5/tB 07 SH m 9800425 IDF dm2 SP5/mM 04 SP 9800426 IDF dm2 AWjv3a 02 AW j v 9800427 IDF dm2 AWj2b 02 AW j 9800369 IDF dm2 DT5/mC 01 DT 9800372 AT un AWk2d 00 AW k 9800362 IDF dm2 DS5/mC 03 DS 9800368 PP dh2 PW5/mC 01 PW 9800380 ESSF dku FGks7/mC 00 FG k s 9800428 IDF dm2 DT3a 01 DT 9800429 MS dk LP6/tC 04 LP 9800430 PP dh2 PW5/tC 01 PW

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 34 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

PlotNumber Zone SubZone MapUnit SiteSeries SiteSeriesSymb SiteModifier1 SiteModifier2 ol 9800431 PP dh2 PW5 01 PW 9800432 IDF dm2 DT5/tC 01 DT 9800433 PP dh2 PWcw2b 01 PW c w 9800434 PP dh2 WJcw2b 02a WJ c w 9800435 PP dh2 WJk2a 02b WJ k 9800436 PP dh2 PWw3 01 PW w 9800437 IDF dm2 BU2b 00 BU 9800438 IDF dm2 BH 2b 06 BH 9800439 IDF dm2 DT2b 01 DT 9800440 IDF dm2 DS3a 03 DS 9800441 IDF dm2 DSj5/sC 03 DS j 9800442 PP dh2 CD2b 04 CD 9800443 PP dh2 PW2b 01 PW 9800444 PP dh2 WJw3 02a WJ w 9800445 PP dh2 PW5 01 PW 9800446 PP dh2 PW3a 01 PW 9800447 MS dk SMp2c 00 SM p

Ground Inspection Plots PlotNumber Zone SubZone SiteSeries MapUnit SiteSeriesSymbo SiteModifier1 SiteModifier2 l G376 ESSF dkp 00 YWw2a YW w G374 ESSF dkp 00 YWj2a YW j G392 ESSF dku k G397 ESSF dku 00 WS3a WS G400 ESSF dku w G402 ESSF dkp 00 AWw2a AW w G412 MS dk 03 LJ3a LJ G379 ESSF dku 00 PW2a PW G407 ESSF dk 00 FCk2a FC k G422 MS dk 05 SS5 SS G423 IDF dm2 s G427 IDF dm2 j s G378 ESSF dkp k

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 35 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

Ground Inspection Plots (JMJ) PlotNumber Zone SubZone SiteSeries MapUnit SiteSeriesSymbo SiteModifier1 SiteModifier2 l P1 IDF dm2 01 DT5/m DT P10 MS dk 04 LPw5 LP w P12 IDF dm2 03 DS6 DS P13 MS dk 04 LPk5 LP k P23 MS dk 03 LJ6 LJ P29 ESSF dk 04 FS6 FS P30 ESSF dk 04 FS6 FS P59 IDF dm2 05 SS 6 SS P66 IDF dm2 01 DT6 DT P84 IDF dm2 01 DT4 DT P94 IDF dm2 03 DSv3 DS v P147 PP dh2 01 PW5 PW P148 PP dh2 01 PW6 PW P150 PP dh2 01 PW6 PW P152 PP dh2 02a WJ2 WJ P154 PP dh2 01 PW6 PW P161 IDF dm2 03 DS6 DS P164 IDF dm2 03 DS3a DS P166 PP dh2 01 PW6 PW P168 PP dh2 01 PW6 PW P179 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P180 IDF dm2 01 DT6 DT P181 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P187 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P193 PP dh2 01 PW5 PW P194 PP dh2 01 PW5 PW P196 PP dh2 04 CD6 CD P200 PP dh2 02b WJ2b WJ P205 PP dh2 01 PW5 PW P206 IDF dm2 01 DT4 DT P209 PP dh2 01 PW6 PW P215 PP dh2 01 PW5 PW P216 PP dh2 01 PW5 PW P220 IDF dm2 03 DS4 DS P225 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P228 IDF dm2 07 SH3b SH P231 IDF dm2 04 SP6 SP P232 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P234 PP dh2 01 PW5 PW P239 PP dh2 01 PW6 PW

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 36 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

Visiual Inspection Plots (JMJ) PlotNumber Zone SubZone SiteSeries MapUnit SiteSeriesSymbo SiteModifier1 SiteModifier2 l P2 IDF dm2 01 DTj3a DT j P3 IDF dm2 04 SPg SP g P4 IDF dm2 P5 IDF dm2 03 DSw5 DS w P6 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P7 IDF dm2 04 SP5 SP P8 IDF dm2 P9 IDF dm2 03 DS5 DS P11 IDF dm2 P14 MS dk P15 MS dk P16 MS dk j P17 MS dk P18 IDF dm2 P19 IDF dm2 P20 IDF dm2 03 DS6 DS P21 IDF dm2 03 DS3b DS P22 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P24 MS dk P25 MS dk P26 MS dk 04 LP3b LP P27 MS dk 00 SMp2 SM p P28 MS dk 04 LPj3b LP j P31 ESSF dk 04 FS6 FS P32 MS dk 04 LP3a LP P33 MS dk P34 MS dk 04 LPj6 LP j P35 MS dk 03 LJw5 LJ w P36 MS dk 04 LPk3a LP k P37 MS dk 04 LP6 LP P38 MS dk 04 LP6 LP P39 MS dk 04 LP6 LP P40 MS dk P41 MS dk 04 LP5 LP P42 MS dk 01 SG5 SG P43 IDF dm2 P44 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P45 IDF dm2 01 DT6 DT P46 IDF dm2 05 SS 5 SS P47 IDF dm2 04 SP3b SP P48 IDF dm2 P49 IDF dm2 04 SP5 SP P50 IDF dm2 P51 IDF dm2

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 37 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

PlotNumber Zone SubZone SiteSeries MapUnit SiteSeriesSymbo SiteModifier1 SiteModifier2 l P52 IDF dm2 01 DTt5 DT t P53 IDF dm2 P54 MS dk P55 MS dk P56 MS dk 01 SG5 SG P57 IDF dm2 01 DTk6 DT k P58 IDF dm2 04 SPj3 SP j P60 IDF dm2 04 SP3a SP P61 IDF dm2 04 SP5 SP P62 IDF dm2 01 DTk6 DT k P63 IDF dm2 P64 IDF dm2 01 DTj3a DT j P65 IDF dm2 01 DT DT P67 IDF dm2 01 DT6 DT P68 IDF dm2 04 SP6 SP P69 IDF dm2 04 SP6/m SP P70 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P71 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P72 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P73 IDF dm2 P74 IDF dm2 P75 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P76 IDF dm2 P77 IDF dm2 01 DTj6 DT j P78 IDF dm2 P79 IDF dm2 P80 IDF dm2 01 DTj5 DT j P81 IDF dm2 03 DS6 DS P82 IDF dm2 01 DTc5 DT c P83 IDF dm2 P85 IDF dm2 P86 IDF dm2 P87 IDF dm2 01 DT3b DT P88 IDF dm2 P89 IDF dm2 P90 IDF dm2 P91 IDF dm2 P92 IDF dm2 00 SM2 SM P93 IDF dm2 01 DT DT P95 IDF dm2 01 DT6 DT P96 IDF dm2 02 AW5 AW P97 IDF dm2 P98 IDF dm2 P99 IDF dm2 P100 IDF dm2 01 DTk6 DT k

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 38 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

PlotNumber Zone SubZone SiteSeries MapUnit SiteSeriesSymbo SiteModifier1 SiteModifier2 l P101 IDF dm2 01 DTj6 DT j P102 IDF dm2 01 DTk5 DT k P103 IDF dm2 P104 MS dk P105 MS dk P106 MS dk P107 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P108 IDF dm2 00 SF2 SF P109 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P110 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P111 IDF dm2 01 DT DT P112 IDF dm2 06 BH 3b BH P113 IDF dm2 05 SS 6 SS P114 IDF dm2 P115 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P116 IDF dm2 P117 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P118 IDF dm2 01 DTj5 DT j P119 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P120 IDF dm2 P121 IDF dm2 P122 IDF dm2 P123 IDF dm2 P124 IDF dm2 P125 IDF dm2 P126 IDF dm2 02 AW5 AW P127 IDF dm2 P128 IDF dm2 P129 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P130 IDF dm2 P131 IDF dm2 03 DS6 DS P132 IDF dm2 P133 PP dh2 01 PWw5 PW w P134 PP dh2 P135 PP dh2 P136 PP dh2 01 PW6 PW P137 PP dh2 01 PW6 PW P138 PP dh2 P139 PP dh2 P140 PP dh2 P141 PP dh2 01 PW6 PW P142 PP dh2 01 PW5 PW P143 PP dh2 P144 PP dh2 P145 PP dh2

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 39 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

PlotNumber Zone SubZone SiteSeries MapUnit SiteSeriesSymbo SiteModifier1 SiteModifier2 l P146 PP dh2 P149 PP dh2 P151 PP dh2 01 PW6 PW P153 PP dh2 01 PW6 PW P155 PP dh2 01 PW2 PW P156 PP dh2 j P157 PP dh2 01 PW5 PW P158 PP dh2 P159 IDF dm2 02 AW3a AW P160 IDF dm2 02 AW3a AW P162 IDF dm2 03 DS6 DS P163 IDF dm2 03 DSj3a DS j P165 PP dh2 P167 PP dh2 P169 PP dh2 P170 PP dh2 01 PW5 PW P171 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P172 IDF dm2 01 DTk5 DT k P173 IDF dm2 P174 PP dh2 01 PW5 PW P175 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P176 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P177 IDF dm2 P178 IDF dm2 P182 IDF dm2 01 DT4 DT P183 IDF dm2 P184 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P185 IDF dm2 01 DT DT P186 IDF dm2 01 DT DT P188 IDF dm2 P189 IDF dm2 P190 IDF dm2 w P191 IDF dm2 P192 IDF dm2 P195 PP dh2 P197 PP dh2 03 AR6 AR P198 PP dh2 01 PW PW P199 PP dh2 P201 PP dh2 P202 PP dh2 P203 MS dk P204 PP dh2 01 PW5 PW P207 IDF dm2 P208 PP dh2 P210 PP dh2 01 PW5 PW

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 40 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

PlotNumber Zone SubZone SiteSeries MapUnit SiteSeriesSymbo SiteModifier1 SiteModifier2 l P211 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P212 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P213 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P214 PP dh2 04 CD2 CD P217 IDF dm2 03 DS5 DS P218 IDF dm2 03 DS5 DS P219 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P221 IDF dm2 P222 IDF dm2 P223 IDF dm2 P224 IDF dm2 P226 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P227 IDF dm2 P229 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P230 IDF dm2 01 DT5 DT P233 PP dh2 P235 PP dh2 P236 PP dh2 P237 PP dh2 03 AR5 AR P238 PP dh2 01 PW2 PW P240 PP dh2 01 PWk5 PW k

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 41 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping


The following wildlife species, or signs of them, were observed in the course of the Premier Ridge – Diorite TEM Study:

BIRDS – COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME CODE B-AMKE American Kestrel Falco sparverius B-BCCH Black-capped Chickadee Parus atricapillus B-BLGR Blue Grouse Dendragapus obscurus B-CEWA Cedar Waxwing Bombycilla cedrorum B-CLNU Clark’s Nutcracker Nucifraga columbiana B-COHA Cooper’s Hawk Accipiter cooperii B-COLO Common Loon Gavia immer B-CORA Common Raven Corvus corax B-DOWO Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens B-GRJA Gray Jay Perisoreus canadensis B-MALL Mallard Anas platyrhynchos B-MERL Merlin Falco columbarius B-MOCH Mountain Chickadee Parus gambeli B-NOHA Northern Harrier Circus cyaneus B-NOSH Northern Shrike Lanius excubitor B-PIWO Pileated Woodpecker Dryocopus pileatus B-RBNU Red-breasted Nuthatch Sitta canadensis B-RNSA Red-naped Sapsucker Sphyrapicus nuchalis B-RTHA Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis B-RUHU Rufous Hummingbird Selasphorus rufus B-SPGR Spruce Grouse Dendragapus canadensis B-SSHA Sharp-shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus B-TTWO Three-toed Woodpecker Picoides tridactylus B-TUVU Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura B-UFAL Unspecified Falcon n/a B-UGRU Unspecified Grouse n/a B-UOWL Unspecified Owl n/a B-UWOO Unspecified Woodpecker n/a B-WEME Western Meadowlark Sturnella neglecta B-WTPT White-tailed Ptarmigan Lagopus leucurus

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 42 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

MAMMALS, SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS - CODE M-ALAL Alces alces Moose M-BOTA Bos taurus Domestic Cow M-CALA Canis latrans Coyote M-CALU Canus lupus Gray Wolf M-CEEL Cervus elaphus Elk M-ERDO Erethizon dorsatum Porcupine M-LEAM Lepus americanus Snowshoe Hare M-MAAM Martes americana Marten M-MAPE Martes pennanti Fisher M-OCPR Ochotona princeps Common Pika M-ODHE * Odocoileus hemionus Mule Deer M-ODVI Odocoileus virginiana White-tailed Deer M-ORAM Oreamnos americanus Mountain Goat M-OVCA ** Ovis canadensis canadensis Bighorn Sheep M-SPCO Spermophilus columbianus Columbian Ground Squirrel M-SPLA Spermophilus lateralis Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel M-TAHU Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Red Squirrel M-TATA Taxidea taxus Badger M-UBEA n/a Unspecified Bear M-UCHP n/a Unspecified Chipmunk M-UDEE n/a Unspecified Deer M-URAM Ursus americanus Black Bear M-URAR Ursus arctos Grizzly Bear M-UWEA n/a Unspecified weasel

* All Mule Deer observed in this study area were Interior Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus) and should have been recorded as M-ODHH.

** All Bighorn Sheep observed in this study area were Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis) and should have been recorded as M-OVCC.

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 43 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping



Asio flammeus- Skookumchuck 1976: 2 sightings of 1 each – G. 11 09VRF01 short-eared owl Ryder 591222 (BLUE LIST) (091VRF01BCCA) 5529714

Melanerpes lewis – Canal Flats, N of 1997: one pair feeding young, 11 U97COO02 Lewis’ woodpecker Thunder Hill Park – 50m nest in broken top ponderosa pine 581806 (BLUE LIST) E of hwy. in the Findlay (C. Gillies & J. Cooper – 5558505 Burn, just N of Findlay U97COO02BCCA). Mature, live Forest Service Rd. ponderosa pine in a grassland burnt in 1985; SW-facing slope Kootenay R., N of Wasa 1997: one pair of adults observed 11 U97COO02 Lake - ~2km N of Wasa feeding young in cavity of large 589321 Bridge, N of TaTa Cr. ponderosa pine with a dead top, J. 5519617 between hwy. and river, & D. Cooper just past Echo Inn (U97COO02BCCA). Riparian strip along river.

Skookumchuck 1975 – 1989: 1-2 pairs nested in 11 G91SID02 area – M. White 591222 (G91SID01BCCA) 5529714 S of Skookumchuck – 1997: one pair of adults observed 11 U97COO02 Skookumchuck Prairie; on nest in a utility pole incubating 591572 5m E of Hwy. 95, 3.2 young, J. Cooper & S. 5525119 km N of Fence Post Mill Beauchesne (U97COO02BCCA). Area of cultivated hayfields.

Numenius 3.7 km S of Four records from this area: 1972, 11 M93OHA01 americanus – Long- Skookumchuck 1975 & 1978 (091NRS01BCCA) 591622 billed curlew and 1992: I.A. Ohanjanian 5526315 (BLUE LIST) (M93OHA01BCCA). 1-4 adults seen, twice with young 11 591322 5526215 Skookumchuck, Wolf 1992: A couple of pairs – I.A. 11 M93OHA01 Cr. Rd. Ohanjanian (M93OHA01BCCA). 592822 1977: 3 birds – J. Fitz-Gibbon 5520715 (091NRS01BCCA). Wasa, 3.8 km north of 1992: I.A. Ohanjanian 11 M93OHA01 Bridge (M93OHA01BCCA). 589422 1977: 1 and 6 birds – G. Kaiser 5520615 (091NRS01BCCA) 11 590021 5521317

Wasa, 5.5 km north of 1977: Seen on both sides of the 11 M93OHA01

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 44 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

SPECIES LOCATION NOTES UTM SOURCE NAD83 Bridge highway – G.W. Kaiser 591322 (091VRF01BCCA). 1992: I.A. 5523415 Ohanjanian (M93OHA01BCCA).

Otus flammeolus – Mt. Sabine – Columbia 1993-05-30: 2 heard, M. Porter. 11 P93HAL01 flammulated owl L. Ecological Reserve, 2 1993-05-31: 1 heard, 2307H to 584623 (BLUE LIST) km S of junction of Mt. 2338h; M. Porter, L. Halverson. 5560115 Sabine and radio tower Mature Douglas-fir, dry rock road. cliffs, SW exposure

Otus flammeolus – Wolf Cr., near Wasa Cr. 1990: 1 heard hooting – R. 11 P93HOW01 flammulated owl Howie. Open ponderosa pine – 597122 (BLUE LIST) Douglas-fir woodland at edge of 5522715 opening along creek. Open pine- fir forest in relatively flat country at bottom of Rocky Mountain Trench; near marshy creek

Tympanuchus Skookumchuck – in 1991: unconfirmed sighting; more 11 589122 M93OHA01 phasianellus Skookumchuck pulp mill prevalent in past. May be 5528614 columbianus – sharp- area extirpated in this area now tailed grouse, (M93OHA01BCCA) columbianus ssp. (BLUE LIST)


Castilleja minor ssp. Mt. Sabine – 2.7 mi. NE Flowers magenta 11 586523 091UBC01 minor – Annual from McGrath Ave., 5559115 paintbrush Canal flats (RED LIST)

Delphinium bicolor – Mt. Sabine Associated with lodgepole pine 11 586523 093UVI01 Montana larkspur and spruce; W exposure; slope 20 5559115 (BLUE LIST)

Pellaea atropurpurea Sun Lake, 1.75 km W of Crevices in 1st cliff 11 578723 091PMV01 – purple cliff-brake 5559415 (BLUE LIST)

Scolochloa Larsen Lake Flat, poor drainage 11 592922 091PMV01 festucacea – 5541314 rivergrass (RED LIST)

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 45 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

RARE COMMUNITIES The following rare plant communities were observed during the course of the Premier Ridge – Diorite TEM Study:

SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME SITE SERIES ECO- PROV. UNIT LIST Betula glandulosa - Equisetum Scrub Birch - Horsetail IDFdm2/06 BH Blue

Elymus spicatus - Bluebunch wheatgrass - PPdh2/02a WJ Red Koeleria macrantha Junegrass PPdh2/02b WJ

Pinus ponderosa – Populus Ponderosa pine – Trembling PPdh2/03 AR Blue tremuloides – Rosa woodsii aspen – Rose (Solomon’s seal)

Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa Black cottonwood – Red- PPdh2/04 CD Red – Cornus stolonifera – Rosa nutkana osier dogwood – Nootka rose

Pseudotsuga menziesii – Douglas-fir – Snowberry – IDFdm2/03 DS Red Symphoricarpos albus – Balsamroot Balsamorhiza sagittata

Purshia tridentata – Elymus spicatus Antelope-brush – Bluebunch IDFdm2/02 AW Blue wheatgrass

RARE VASCULAR PLANTS The following rare was observed during the course of the Premier Ridge-Diorite TEM Study: COMMON SCIENTIFIC PROV. PLOT SUB- ECO- MAP NO./ UTM NAME NAME LIST NO. ZONE/ UNIT GENERAL North/East SITE SERIES LOCATION rivergrass Scolochloa Red 9800 MSdk/00 EF 82G.093 11 5535140 festucacea 418 Avalanche chute 601080 – lower Diorite Cr. rivergrass Scolochloa Red 9800 MSdk/01 SG 82G.093 11 5535200 festucacea 422 Lower slope 600840 above Diorite Cr.

NOTE: The presence of Scolochloa festucacea in the Premier Ridge – Diorite Study Area must be confirmed by the examination of voucher specimens collected by Ecological Insights, the contractor who identified it.

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 46 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

RARE VERTERBRATE OBSERVATIONS The following rare vertebrate observations were made during the course of the Premier Ridge – Diorite TEM Study:


Fisher - Martes 9800404 EX ESSFdku/00 FGsw6 82G.093 11 pennanti Upper W. face of 5529860 (BLUE- Premier-Diorite Ridge 601425 LISTED)

Badger – 9800362 DE IDFdm2/03 DS5m 82G.082 11 Taxidea taxus c NE of “Island L.” on 5528005 (RED LISTED) the Wasa-Sheep Cr. 594365 Road 9800436 DE PPdh2/01 PWw3 82G.092 11 Sheep Cr. West 5532030 588305 9800347 EX DE IDFdm2/01 DT5 82G.092 11 100m NE of Premier 5532565 L. Rd. 595390

Grizzly Bear – 9800371 FD MSdk/04 LPk6c 82J.002 11 Ursus arctos s Upper Lussier Rd. 5548920 (BLUE- 592931 LISTED) 9800376 FD ESSFdkp/00 EMj6 82G.083 11 Second W Diorite 5524115 Basin between 2 upper 602840 lakes 9800379 FD ESSFdku/00 PW2 82G.083 11 La forest below upper 5521565 lake in Diorite 604380 drainage

Rocky Mt. 9800374 EX FD ESSFdkp/00 DV2 82G.083 11 Bighorn Sheep – N side of second basin 5524635 Ovis canadensis on W side of Diorite 603180 canadensis crest (BLUE LISTED) 9800372 EX AT/00 AWk2 82G.083 11 Ridgetop – Upper 5524475 Wasa/ 602160 Diorite Cr. slope break 9800346 EX IDFdm2/02 AWks 82G.082 11 2b W of Rock Bluff L. 5527110 597225

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 47 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

SPECIES PLOT TYPE OF SUBZONE/ ECO- MAP NO./ UTM NO. OBSERVATION SITE UNIT GENERAL Zone/ SERIES LOCATION North/ East Sighting- Sign - quantity type 9800364 EX IDFdm2/02 AWj3a 82G.082 11 S end of “Island Lake” 5526545 594980 9800365 EX IDFdm2/02 AWs2 82G.082 11 b S of “Island Lake” on 5526455 W face of Premier 595195 Rock Ridge 9800388 EX BE ESSFdkp/00 DVs2 82G.083 11 Saddle between 5525205 Diorite & Coyote 605240 Creeks 9800389 TP ESSFdkp/00 WF3 N of middle of Diorite 11 Cr./ 5525405 Coyote Cr. saddle 605195 9800391 TP ESSFdku/00 PJkv7 82G.083 11 E Upper Diorite 5525900 Valley 605260 9800392 BE ESSFdku/00 MO1 82G.083 11 Upper E basin above 5525935 Diorite Cr. 605375 9800393 EX TP AT/00 AWw2 82G.093 11 W Diorite, upper ridge 5528560 601940

Rocky Mt. 9800394 TW TP AT/00 AWdk 82G.093 11 Bighorn Sheep – EX FD 2 Upper scree slope, W 5528995 Ovis canadensis Diorite Cr. 601790 canadensis 9800395 EX TP ESSFdkp/00 YWs2 82G.093 11 Upper grassland, W 5529515 Diorite Cr. 601910 G376 TW ESSFdkp/00 YWjv2 82G.083 11 5524276 603042 G392 BE ESSFdku/00 TAk1 82G.083 11 5525875 605455

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Partial Cover Flag A single slash ‘/’ indicates that the overlying material in the terrain component only partially covers the underlying material. It means a moderately extensive but discontinuous cover of surface material.

Bioterrain Attributes TEXTURE SURFICIAL MATERIAL SURFACE EXPRESSION GEOMORPHOLOGICAL SOIL PROCESS DRAINAGE a=blocks A= anthropogenic material a=moderate slope (25-50%) A=avalanches r = rapid b=boulders C=colluvial b=blanket (>1m thick) B=braided channel w = well c=clay D=weathered bedrock c=cone C=cryoturbation m =moderately d=mixed E=eolian d=depression D=deflation well fragments F=fluvial f=fan E=channelled i = imperfect e=fibric FG= glacial fluvial h=hummocky F=slow mass movement p = poor g=gravel I=ice j=gentle slope (,<25%) H=kettled v = very poor h=humic L=lacustrine k=moderately steep I=irregular channel k=cobbles LG=glaciolacustrine m=rolling J=anastamosing channel m=mud M=morainal p=plain K=karst processes p=pebbles M1=ablation/deformation r=ridged M=meandering channel r=rubble till s=steep (>70%) N=nivation s=sand N=aquatic t=terrace P=piping u=mesic O=organic u=undulating R=rapid mass movement x=angular R=bedrock v=veneer (20-100cm thick) S=solifluction fragments U=undifferentiated w=mantle of varing thickness U=inundation z=silt material x=thin veneer (2-20cm thick) V=gully erosion W=washing X=permafrost Z=periglacial processes A = active process I = inactive process Note: M1 is used to describe ablation till at upper elevations and also deformation till (with glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits in small complex pockets)in the trench.


Subclasses for mass movement processes MAP SUBCLASS NAME DEFINITIONS SYMBOL Initiation zone “ Polygon includes sites or zones of instability, such as the headscarpes of debris slides or earthflows and source areas for rockfall and debris flows; use with –F and –R to distinguish initiation zones from runout zones.

Slow Mass Movement: use the following symbols with -F soil creep c slow movement of soil. rock creep g slow movement of angular debris under periglacial conditions (e.g. rock glaciers). open fissures, commonly near crest of slope. tension cracks k lateral spread lateral extension of a fractured mass of bedrock or -in bedrock p surficial material; movement is predominantly horizontal. -in surficial material j

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 49 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

MAP SUBCLASS NAME DEFINITIONS SYMBOL Rapid Mass Movement: use the following symbols with -R debris fall f descent of mass of surficial material by falling, bouncing and rolling. descent of masses of bedrock by falling, bouncing and rolling. rock fall b rapid flow of saturated debris. rapid flow of a mixture of water, earth and vegetation debris down a steep, well- debris flow d defined stream channel. debris torrent t Slow or Rapid Mass Movement; use the following symbols with -F or -R earthflow e slow viscous flow of material containing a high proportions of silt and clay. slump sliding of internally cohesive masses of bedrock -in bedrock m or surficial material along a slip plane that is concave upward or planar. -in surficial material u combined slump (upper part) and earthflow (lower part). slump sliding of disintegrating mass of surficial material. -earthflow x descent of large masses of disintegrating bedrock by sliding. debris slide s rockslide r Snow Avalanches: use the following symbols with -A major avalanche f in zones of coniferous forest: broad avalanche track(s) occupied by predominantly tracks; active shrubby, deciduous vegetation; conifers are largely absent. similar to above, but relatively narrow; generally narrower than the height of minor avalanche m adjacent trees. tracks; active polygon includes both major and minor avalanche tracks. mixed major and w tracks are clearly visible on air photos but are less well defined then active avalanche minor tracks; active tracks because they are partly or completely occupied by young conifers. old avalanche tracks o

Subclasses for Fluvial Processes MAP SUBCLASS NAME DEFINITIONS SYMBOL progressive bank u persistent bank erosion indicated by the presence of undercut banks, overhanging and erosion fallen trees, and much timber in the channel; old air photos and historical information can also be used as evidence. Example: sFAp-Mu the present channel has recently shifted abruptly to a previously vegetated area; the abrupt channel a former channel can be identified on air photos or on the ground. diversion; avulsion Examples sFAp-Ja gFAf-Ba small channels which may or may not be connected to the main channel. Examples: sFAp-Ib backchannels b backchannels joined to the main channel at the upstream end, allowing flowing or (undivided) standing water all year. Example: sgFAp-Jp permanent river-fed p backchannels joined to the main channel at the upstream end, but dry suring late backchannels summer. Example: sgFAp-Je sgFAp-Jpe sgFAf-Be ephemeral river-fed e backchannels spring-fed s backchannels in which water is maintained during the late summer by the emergence backchannels of floodplain groundwater. Examples: sFAp-Ms sFAp-Msu

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 50 Premier Ridge - Diorite Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping

MAP SUBCLASS NAME DEFINITIONS SYMBOL either flowing or standing water from tributaries is present in the backchannel all permanent t year. tributary-fed Example: Examples: sFAp-Jt backchannels backchannels normally fed by tributaries, but dry during late summer. ephemeral d Example: sgFAp-Jtr tributary-fed backchannels

Definitions from Howes and Kenk, 1997.

JMJ Holdings Inc. 208-507 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4J2 (250) 354-4913 fax (250)354-1162 [email protected] 51