PARSNIPFLOWER BUCKWHEAT Eriogonum Heracleoides Nutt
PARSNIPFLOWER BUCKWHEAT Eriogonum heracleoides Nutt. Polygonaceae – Buckwheat family Corey L. Gucker & Nancy L. Shaw | 2019 ORGANIZATION NOMENCLATURE Parsnipflower buckwheat (Eriogonum Names, subtaxa, chromosome number(s), hybridization. heracleoides Nutt.) belongs to the Polygonaceae family and the Oligogonum subgenus (Reveal 2005). Nomenclature for subtaxa follows Reveal (2005). Nomenclature Range, habitat, plant associations, elevation, soils. for synonyms follows Reveal (2005) and Tropicos (2019). NRCS Plant Code. ERHE2 (USDA NRCS 2017). Life form, morphology, distinguishing characteristics, reproduction. Subtaxa. The Flora of North America (Reveal 2005) recognizes two varieties: heracleoides and leucophaeum. Growth rate, successional status, disturbance ecology, importance to Synonyms. Eriogonum heracleoides var. animals/people. micranthum Gand., E. h. var. multiceps Gand., E. h. var. rydbergii Gand., E. h. var. simplex S. Watson ex. Piper, E. h. var. utahensis Gand., E. Current or potential uses in restoration. h. var. viride Gand. Variety heracleoides: E. angustifolium Nutt., E. heracleoides subsp. angustifolium Seed sourcing, wildland seed collection, seed cleaning, storage, testing and marketing standards. Piper, E. h. var. angustifolium Torrey & A. Gray, E. h. var. minus Bentham. Variety leucophaeum: E. caespitosum Recommendations/guidelines for producing seed. subsp. ramosum (Piper) S. Stokes. Common Names. Parsnipflower buckwheat, Wyeth buckwheat, creamy buckwheat, Recommendations/guidelines for producing planting stock. Hercules buckwheat, Indian tobacco, umbrella plant, wild buckwheat, whorled buckwheat (Dayton 1960; Craighead et al. 1963; Camp and Sanderson 2007; James and Nunnallee 2011; Recommendations/guidelines, wildland restoration successes/ failures. Pavek et al. 2012; Luna et al. 2018; UW Ext. 2018). Chromosome Number. Chromosome numbers Primary funding sources, chapter reviewers. were not reported in the literature. Hybridization. Parsnipflower buckwheat hybridizes with some sulphur-flower Bibliography.
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