Liu Shao-Chi
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Liu Shao-chi ADDRESS AT THE MEETING IN CELEBRATION OF THE 4OTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF CHINA * FORHIGN LA},IGUAGES PRESS PEKING Liu Shao-chi . ADDRESS AT THE UNNUUG I1\ CELEBRATION OF THB 4OT[I ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF CHINA FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRESS PEKING 1961 . qrTF ll3ll:': CONTENTS Address at the Meeting in Celebration of the 40th Anni- versary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China Liu Shao-chi Appendices: . Carry tr'orward the Party's Fine Tradition Hongqi. editorial 2t Forty Great and Glorious Years Remmin Ribao editorial 31 Printed i,n the People's Republic of ahina rf ADDRESS AT T}XE MEETING IN CELEBRATION OF THE 4OTH ANNIVERSARY OF' TI{E FOUI{DING OF' TIIE COMMUNIST PAITTY OF' CHINA (June 30, 1961) LIU SI{AO-CHI Comrades and Friends, 'We are gathered here today to celebrate the 40th anniversar.y of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The forty years since the founding of the Communist party of China have been years during which our party has led the people of the whole country in heroic struggles and in achiev- ing great victories, years during which Marxism-Leninism has spread widely in China and has rvon great victories. Before the founding of the Communist party of China the Chinese people waged a long struggle against imperialism and feudalism, with new fighters always stepping forward as others fell, a struggle that moves us to song and tears. However, they never attained genuine victory. It was not until Marxism- Leninism spread to china following the Great october socialist Revolution in Russia that the Chinese people found the best theoretical weapon for their liberation. The Communist party of China wielded this,,veapon and formulated the correct objec- tives, policies and methods for the struggle to liberate the Chinese people. From then on the march of the Chinese peo- ple from victory to victory has been irresistible" Dlrring these forty years the Communist Party of China, to- gether with the Chinese people, has accomplished a great deal. of 650 million, under the leadership of the Communist Party To sum up, what has been accomplished consists mainly of of China, the people's democratic revolution has won complete two important things: victory, the socialist revolution has won decisive victory and First, we carried out the people's democratic revolution in socialist construction has won initial victory. Both before and bour- China. Because of its weakness the Chinese national after the October Revolution Lenin predicted many timeb that geoisie could not lead China's bourgeois-democratic revolution the Chinese revolution and the revolutions in other Asian coun- to victory. The responsibility of leading this revolution had tries would exert a profound and far-reaching influence on the to be shouldered by the proletariat. For a very long time course of human history. His prediction has begun to come many people tried to establish in China the system of a bour- true. Undoubtedly, the victory of the Chinese revolution has geois republic, but all these attempts ended in bankruptcy. In changed to a certain degree the international balance of forces China, if a republic was to be set up, it had to be a people's in favour of the people of the world and against imperialism democratic republic under the leadership of the working class and all the reactionaries. This victory has therefore been and based on the worker-peasant alliance. Our Party united welcomed by the working people and peace-loving people the the people of the whole country and after twenty-eight years, world over. It has also incurred the enmity of the imperial- from 1921 to 1949, finally overthrew the reactionary rule of ists, the reactionaries of various countries and the Yugoslav imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism and estab- revisionist group. The imperialists, the reactionaries of vari- Iished the People's Republic of China. ous countries and the Yugoslav revisionist group have been Second, we have been carrying out the socialist revolution and are cursing us venomously and will go on doing so. This and socialist construction in China. We have been doing this is inevitable and not surprising. But it will not harm us in for the past twelve years and we are continuing to do it. The the slightest. founding of the People's Republic of China marked the be- The historical facts of forty years have proved that the Com- ginning of the transition from the democratic to the socialist munist Party of China is a great, glorious and correct Marxist- revolution. The Chinese people's democratic state po.,ver is Leninist poiitical party. It has been unswerving in its loyalty people and the Chinese na- in essence the dictatorship of the proletariat, In the past twelve to the interests of the Chinese before domestic or foreign years we have basically completed the socialist revolution and tion. It has never bent nor flinched has led the Chinese people to great victories and have achieved immense successes in socialist construction. A enemies. It greater very long time is still required to build China into a great will lead them to still victories. over the forty years of history, we pay socialist country with modern industry, modern agriculture As we look back high tribute to our glorious martyrs to the cause of communism and modern science and culture. And a longer historical period and the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people. Among is required to realize the transition from socialism to com- them were many members of the Communist Party, many munism. Nevertheless, anyone can see that the socialist working people and. many persons outside the Party. In the system is already established in this great land of China and struggle they gave their last blood and sacrificed their lives. that China is no longer a stagnant countr5r but is forging ahead They will live in our hearts for ever ! vigorously. The history of the Communist Party of China is the history It is a great event in the history of the development of pf the ever closer integration of the universal truth of Marxism- ffiarxism-J,eninism that in a large country with a popqlatio! fl Leninism with the concrete practice of the chinese rervolution. certain periods, however, some Rigtrrt and sorne "Left" errors Comrade Mao Tse-tung has said, "The victor.ies of the revolu- were committed. The most serious of these were the Right tion and construction in our country are all victories of opportunist error of Chen Tu-hsiu in 1927 and tire Marxism-Leninism. The ideological principle consistenUy third "Left" dogmatist error 1931 1934 under followed by our Party is to link closely the theory of Marxism- of to the ]eadership oi Com- teninism and the practice of the Chinese revo1ution.,, rade Wang Ming. These errors all violated what Comrade Mao Tse-tung correctly advocated and they inflicted losses In every historical period of our party it has been the leader on the Party and the cause of the people's The of our Party, Comrade Mao Tse-tung, who has stood at the revolution. many experiences, positive and very forefront and who has been the most able in integrating negative, tirat were accurnu- lated by our Party struggle educated the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism with the concrete in its the whole Party practice of China. and raised the level of political consciousness of the comrades. Confronted with the extreme cornplexity of the Chinese rev- Under the leadership of Comrade Mao Tse-tung, the Party olution, Comrade Mao Tse-tung correctly posed and resolved overcame both the Right and the "Left" errors. The Tsunyi a series of theoretical and tactical problems, thus enabling the Meeting of January 1935 estabiished Cornrade Mao Tse-tung's Chinese revolution to steer clear of one shoal after another and leadership throughout the Party. Since then, our revolutionary to capture one position after another. cause has proceeded much more smoothly. Proceeding from a concrete analysis of the classes in Chinese The rectification movement launched in the Party in 1942, society, Comrade Mao Tse-tung charted the historical course which lasted more than three years, gave the cadres of the of the Chinese revolution. He pointed out that the Chinese whole Party a profound education, and they learned more about revolution must advance in two steps, the first was the pcople,s how to integrate the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism with democratic revolution and the second, the socialist revolution. the qoncrete practice of the Chinese revolution. The general The enemies of China's democratic revolution were imperial- line and various specific policies of the Farty came to be ism, feudalisrn and bureaucrat-capitalism and they *"rL ,r"ry really understood by the overwhelming majority of the Party's powerful. But the latent revolutionary strength of the Chi- cadreS. The style of linking onesel.f with the masses, of in- nese people was even more powerful. The peasantry con- vestigating and studying and of seeking truth from facts be- stituted the overwhelming majority of the population of our came the unified style of the Farty. Consequently, at the country" By forming a solid worker-peasant alliance with the Seventh Congr-ess of the Party in 1945, the whole Party at- broad masses of peasants and by uniting on the basis of this tained unprecedented unity under the banner of Mao Tse- alliance with the people of various nationalities and of aII tung's thinking. This ensured that after the conclusion of the revolutionary strata, the Chinese working class could clefeat War of Resistance Against Japarr, our Party could correctly these powerful enemies.