flea NEWS 52 Department of Entomology Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011 outFleaNews.html> or through eith-er Gopher or anonymous FTP: Table of Contents <gopher.ent.iastate.edu> in the "Pub- Announcement...............................602 lications" directory. Electronic vers- ions are available for No. 46, July, Donors..............................................610 1993; No. 47, December, 1993; No. 48, Editorial...........................................596 July, 1994; No. 49, December, 1994; Literature........................................602 No 50, June, 1995; No. 51, December, 1995 and this number. Miscellanea.....................................599 The opinions and assertions New Species...................................602 contained herein are the private ones FLEA NEWS is a biannual newsletter of the author and are not to be con- devoted to matters involving insects strued as official or as reflecting the belonging to the order Siphonaptera views of the Department of Entomol- (fleas) and related subjects. It is com- ogy, Iowa State University or Sandoz piled and distributed free of charge by Animal Health. Robert E. Lewis (
[email protected]) with the support of the Department of ❊❖❊❖❊❖❊ Entomology at Iowa State University, Ames, IA, and a grant in aid from Editorial Sandoz Animal Health, based in Des It has now been slightly over 22 years Plaines, IL. It is mainly bibliograph-ic since Flea News was conceived by Mr. in nature. Many of the sources are F.G.A.M. Smit, then Curator of fleas at abstracting journals and title pages the British Museum (Natural History. and not all citations have been check- Prior to 1972 the combined Rothschild ed for completeness or accuracy. Ad- and British Museum coll-ection of fleas ditional information will be provided resided in the small village of Tring, upon written or e-mail request.