Larkhill Medical & Dental Facility
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Aspire Defence Capital Works Army Basing Programme 2020 Landscape and Visual Study: Larkhill Medical & Dental Facility (ROGGEN) January 2016 Document No: 27-ROGGEN-43-RT-L1-001 Rev A Document Status Rev. Date Purpose of Issue Prep. Chkd. Appr. O 15.01.16 Draft for Discussion RJC TFT DAG A 19.06.17 For Planning RJC TFT DAG CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Methodology 3.0 Planning Policy 4.0 Elements of the Landscape 5.0 Landscape Character 6.0 Visual Amenity 7.0 Mitigation 8.0 Conclusion APPENDICES Appendix A – National Character Area Appendix B – Salisbury District Landscape Character Assessment FIGURES Figure 1* Landscape Constraints Figure 2* Landscape Context Figure 3* Topography Figure 4 Receptor Viewpoint Locations Figure 5 Receptor Viewpoint Photography Figure 6 Illustrative Building Proposals Figure 7 Visibility Matrix * reproduced from Landscape and Visual Appraisal, Capita June 2015, Document No: 27- XXXGEN-43-RT-L1-001 Aspire Defence Capital Works – Landscape & Visual Study – Larkhill Medical & Dental ROGGEN 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 Wiltshire’s landscape has been intensively used by the military for well over a century. Salisbury Plain is one of the largest training areas in the UK. 1.1.2 A hybrid planning application for the masterplan proposals for delivery of the Army Basing Programme (ABP) 2020 at MoD Larkhill has recently been submitted, as has a detailed application for the development of two messes and single living accommodation on the northern area of the camp. This draft report describes the landscape and visual effects of a proposed further development of a medical and dental facility (the scheme), which would replace an existing, smaller building that currently occupies part of the site. It appraises the likely effects on: · the individual landscape elements and features of the camp and surrounding area; · the landscape character of the camp and surrounding area; · the specific aesthetic or perceptual aspects of the landscape; and · visual amenity; with particular consideration of the location of the development within the designated area of the Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site (WHS). It has been prepared for discussion with the local planning authority and Historic England at pre-application meetings and will form the basis of documents to be submitted in support of the future detailed planning application. 1.1.3 The application site is shown outlined red in the photograph below (an oblique aerial view of the western part of the camp taken in 2012- looking north), which illustrates its immediate setting. It comprises some 0.9 hectares of partly developed land, lying immediately to the south of The Packway and within the camp’s built up area. 1.1.4 Larkhill has been in military use since the end of the 19th Century, being established, (along with nearby Bulford, Tidworth and Perham Down), as a Garrison since c1899 onwards. Incremental development has occurred in the intervening period to cater for evolving military operational requirements. In recent years, parts of the site have been redeveloped and modernised under the Project Allenby Connaught Public Private Partnership (PPP) – a process to be further extended within the camp under the ABP masterplan proposals. 27-ROGGEN-43-RT-L1-001 Rev A - 1 - January 2016 Aspire Defence Capital Works – Landscape & Visual Study – Larkhill Medical & Dental ROGGEN 1.1.5 The camp is relatively isolated from nearby settlement. It is accessed from The Packway, a public highway which runs through the southern part of the camp, connecting to the A345 to the east. The A303 runs some 2km to the south of the site. In contrast with its surroundings, the camp is largely enclosed and compact and characterised by the existing built development of significant extent. It comprises a mix of living, office, technical and training accommodation, together with other ancillary buildings, hardstanding, parking and sports facilities. Street tree planting and woodland blocks, both surrounding much of the camp’s perimeter and indeed within the camp itself, provide a strong green infrastructure and screening. 1.1.6 The camp lies within the predominantly rural setting of the sensitive landscape of Salisbury Plain. Notwithstanding, the area in and around Salisbury Plain hosts a number of military camps, including: Warminster; Perham Down; Tidworth; Upavon and Bulford; as well as Larkhill. The Cranbourne Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) lies some 9km to the south-west and the North Wessex Downs AONB lies to the north, over 10km from the camp’s northern boundary. There are a number of heritage resources (and tourist destinations) of national and international importance in the vicinity: notably the Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site (WHS) - The Packway forming its northern boundary - and including Woodhenge (a Scheduled Monument) approximately 1.5km to the east. The WHS contains much more than the stone monuments alone. Stonehenge (and the Avebury) stone circles lie at the heart of very dense archaeological landscapes 1.1.7 The quality of the built environment within the camp is variable. Although much, in particular the technical areas, is utilitarian, there are areas of higher townscape quality, such as The Royal School of Artillery buildings and their environs. 1.2 Study Area 1.2.1 The extent of the Study Area used for this study is based on the landform, land cover, land use and built form in the vicinity of the camp. It further takes into consideration the location of identifiable features within the WHS from which views of the proposed development potentially may be obtained. 1.2.2 It is important to note that the boundary of the Study Area does not define the area beyond which there will be no effects. Rather it contains the area within which there is potential for likely significant landscape and visual effects to occur. 1.3 Assumptions 1.3.1 This report makes the following assumptions: · The study is based on the parameters of the illustrative building proposals illustrated by Figure 6. · The continued contribution to screening of all existing vegetation located outside the potential development area; and · The application of good site construction practice in relation to trees. In particular, nearby retained trees are afforded protection in accordance with the recommendations provided in British Standard 5837:2012 Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction – Recommendations. 27-ROGGEN-43-RT-L1-001 Rev A - 2 - January 2016 Aspire Defence Capital Works – Landscape & Visual Study – Larkhill Medical & Dental ROGGEN 2. METHODOLOGY 2.1 General Approach 2.1.1 A Preliminary Landscape Assessment (PLA) - Capita November 2013 – of options for the Army Basing Programme (ABP) within the camp was undertaken in order to assist selection of options and the development of the masterplan for the ABP proposals and to identify potential landscape and visual mitigation requirements. 2.1.2 Further work was undertaken by suitably qualified and experienced Landscape Architects during 2014 and 2015 for the preparation of the Landscape and Visual Appraisal (LVA) that accompanies the recent hybrid application for the ABP masterplan (Landscape and Visual Appraisal, Capita June 2015, Document No: 27-XXXGEN-43-RT-L1-001). It should be noted also that each of the Priority Works applications for the camp which have also recently been lodged with the planning authority were themselves accompanied by a landscape and visual appraisal 2.1.3 The scope of the June 2015 ABP masterplan LVA study and locations of the representative viewpoints were agreed with Wiltshire Council (LPA). The work that was carried out for the ABP masterplan LVA has been augmented to address the scheme proposals for the Medical and Dental Centre. Site walkovers, initially with representatives from the LPA and subsequently with the LPA and Historic England in attendance were undertaken in the second part of 2015, including meetings to present and discuss outline proposals to inform layout and design development. During the first part of 2016, further site visits were undertaken to the wider landscape setting within the WHS - by suitably experienced, qualified landscape architects - for the purposes of additional photography and identifying the likely landscape and visual effects and mitigation for the scheme proposals. 2.1.4 The locations of the photographic viewpoints are shown on Figure 4 and the photography on Figure 5. 2.1.5 The methodology employed for this study is proportionate to the location, type and scale of the proposed development and appropriate to the nature of its effects. It draws upon a range of approaches and techniques, but is primarily based on the Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Third Edition, 2013 (GLVIA3) and carried out in accordance with the best practice guidance contained therein. 27-ROGGEN-43-RT-L1-001 Rev A - 3 - January 2016 Aspire Defence Capital Works – Landscape & Visual Study – Larkhill Medical & Dental ROGGEN 3. PLANNING POLICY 3.1 Introduction 3.1.1 Planning policies relevant to the Site and the Development are set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (adopted March 2012), the statutory Development Plan and the emerging Wiltshire Core Strategy. Polices relevant to landscape and visual matters are set out below. 3.2 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 3.2.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how they are expected to be applied by local planning authorities. 3.2.2 At paragraph 17, the NPPF sets out a list of core land-use planning principles to underpin decision taking, emphasising the need to: always seek to secure high quality design and a good standard of amenity; to take account of the different roles and character of different areas, recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside; to contribute to conserving and enhancing the natural environment; and to conserve heritage assets in a manner appropriate to their significance.