South Wiltshire Core Strategy Proposed submission document July 2009 Wiltshire Council Information about Wiltshire Council services can be made available in other formats (such as large print or audio) and languages on request. Please contact the council on 0300 456 0100, by textphone on (01225) 712500 or by email on
[email protected]. Contents Delivering strong, safe, resilient and prosperous communities in Wiltshire A Core Strategy Focused on Delivering Managed Growth Foreword 1. Introduction - a strategy focussed on delivering managed growth . .1 2. Characteristics of south Wiltshire . .9 3. Tackling local needs - the challenges facing south Wiltshire . .17 4. The core strategy spatial vision & strategic objectives for south Wiltshire . .27 5. Delivering the vision - the spatial strategy for south Wiltshire . .37 6. The spatial strategy for Salisbury . .69 7. The spatial strategy for the Wilton community area . .89 8. The spatial strategy for the Amesbury community area . .95 9. The spatial strategy for the southern Wiltshire community area . .105 10. The spatial strategy for the Mere community area . .113 11. The spatial strategy for the Tisbury community area . .119 12. Managing development . .125 13. Managing and monitoring the delivery of the strategy . .135 Appendices Appendix A - development templates for strategic growth sites . .143 Appendix B - replaced local plan policies . .173 Appendix C - saved local plan polices . .175 Appendix D - next steps and further local development framework documents . .181 Appendix E - integrated delivery plan . .185 Appendix F - schedule of changes to local plan maps . .211 Appendix G - schedule of topic papers . .223 Appendix H - housing trajectories . .225 Appendix I - delivery risk assessment .