WILTSHIRE BOTANY JOURNAL OF THE WILTSHIRE BOTANICAL SOCIETY ISSUE NO. 3, February 2000 CONTENTS 1 E DITORIAL 2 The Flora of Berwick St. James Barbara Last 15 Grassland Communities on Salisbury Plain Training Area: Results of the ITE ecological survey Kevin Walker and Richard Pywell 28 The recent history of Batology in Wiltshire Rob Randall 33 Plant records 1997 35 Addition to 1996 records 36 Plant records 1998 Wiltshire Botany 3, 2000, page1 EDITORIAL Each issue of Wiltshire Botany so far has managed to break new ground. This issue contains the first village flora to be included. Barbara Last has systematically recorded the plants growing in Berwick St James, and her article gives an account of her findings. Hopefully, it will inspire others to do similar work in their own localities. Our second article is the first systematic account we have published on the vegetation of Salisbury Plain. In this case, Kevin Walker and Richard Pywell describe the grassland communities of the MoD Training Area. Kevin and Richard can be contacted at the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood, Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon, Cambs., PE17 2LS. Tel. 01487 773381.Fax. 01487 773467. Email;
[email protected] Innovation is complemented by continuity. Rob Randall’s article continues his account of the history of recording the many different species of bramble in Wiltshire. His account brings us more or less up to the present day. It is hoped that the next issue will contain what is effectively an up-to-date bramble flora of Wiltshire. As in previous issues, a selection of the Society’s plant records is included.