Qns on Notice 29 Feb 2000
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29 Feb 2000 Questions on Notice 1 QUESTIONS ON NOTICE such as educational, personal and crisis 1889. Education Queensland counselling, behaviour management interventions, assessments, and special needs Mr HEGARTY asked the Minister for programs. Education (30/11/99)— (b) Three Hundred (300) Behaviour Management What was the Queensland Department of Education's personnel, including teachers, aides, youth and total Budget (and expenditure, where available) for social workers and psychologists located in school capital works for each financial year from teams across the state to work with schools in 1990-91 to 1999-2000? the area of preventing and dealing with Mr WELLS (10/2/00): The information the violence. This support is also within a context Honourable Member seeks is already published and of both proactive and reactive work. Such as publicly available in Budget Papers and Annual assisting schools with Behaviour Management Reports for the relevant years. Plans, addressing issues of violence through classroom teaching, intervention processes for students with behaviour problems, such as the 1909. Adopt-A-Cop setting up of alternative programs and running Mr FELDMAN asked the Minister for Education individual anger management programs for (1/12/99)— students. With reference to knowledge gained as an adopt-a- (c) All Guidance Officers, many Behaviour cop and seeing first hand the increase in incidents of Management staff and other school personnel violence in schools and being called to deal with the are trained in conflict resolution and resolution of conflict situations— professional counselling. (1) What programs and policies has the Education Since coming to office, I have also initiated a number Department developed, or he as Minister, put in of measures to combat bullying in schools. place to deal with these incidents? Anti-bullying strategies being implemented by (2) To what agencies has the Education Education Queensland include anti-racism and Department access in assisting the resolution of anti-harassment workshops which are provided on conflict and violent conflict situations with the request at centres throughout Queensland by the school environment? Equity Unit; the use of the professional development (3) In light of recent incidents at the Glenala State resource BULLYING—NO WAY! which has been High School and the calls from school provided to all State schools; direct assistance to principals and community leaders for more schools provided by the Behaviour Management Unit resources to help schools and community in identifying the extent to which bullying is groups to cope with these issues, what funding occurring, where it is occurring and options for is available through Education Queensland to addressing it through the curriculum and with the assist? wider school community, as well as with students who are directly involved. Education Queensland's (4) What is the "peacebuilders" program and is this website also provides schools with information on program available or adaptable to other schools workable solutions to bullying developed by State to assist in their development of conflict primary and secondary schools. Schools may access resolution guidelines? a range of good practice in managing bullying on the Mr WELLS (10/2/00): Behaviour Management Unit website, which currently 1. Two policies exist in this area—Managing lists about 40 school programs. Behaviour in a Supportive School Environment, and 2. Conflict within school environments is dealt with School Disciplinary Absence Policy, Guidelines and largely by personnel in schools. However, on some Advice. The first of these outlines both proactive and occasions the expertise of external organisations is reactive strategies for schools in addressing these accessed. Some of the private agencies which are issues, and the second outlines procedures for commonly used and jointly worked with are for schools to follow for suspensions and exclusions. example, the Conflict Resolution Network of The Education Act also requires all schools to have a Australia, Logan Learners for Life, and Peer Behaviour Management Plan, which is reviewed Mediation Training. regularly, and which outlines the manner in which Both Guidance Officers and Behaviour Management misdemeanours, including violence, are addressed. support staff work closely with other government These plans are developed both by both school and agencies in dealing with issues of violence and community representatives. students. Some of these agency workers are social Resources specifically targeted to deal with the and youth workers. The Youth Support Coordinators promotion of safe and supportive environments, and run by DYFCC, school-based police officers and to address issues of violence and harassment nursers, and Young People at Risk (YPAR) workers include: funded by Queensland Health and personnel from (a) Fifty-one (51) Senior Guidance Officers and in the Child and Youth Mental Health Service are all excess of 400 guidance officers located in examples of officers from other agencies contacted District Offices and schools to support on a regular basis to support schools and their students and schools in the area of violence students. and harassment. This support is within the 3. Elements of the Behaviour Management Initiative broader context of their proactive work in areas constitute opportunities for schools to take a holistic 2 Questions on Notice 29 Feb 2000 approach to dealing with violence and taking a In terms of the departmental Capital Investment Plan, proactive stance. the car park proposal at Beenleigh State School is a In addition to the Behaviour Management support minor work. Funds for minor works have been staff allocated to the 36 education districts and to allocated equitably among all schools and school their associated clusters of schools, financial principals have been given responsibility for use of resources are provided for the development of these funds to meet their minor works needs. In support programs for students at educational risk. other words, most of the minor works money District management teams decide how funds will be available to the Department has been devolved to used locally. schools. With devolution comes responsibility to take the hard decisions as to how to prioritise the There are also seventeen school-based police expenditure. Some additional minor works funding is officers across the state involved in preventive administered through Facilities Service Centres and anti-violence programs. The school-based police is predominantly intended for use on minor works at officer is appointed to a school cluster to assist that non-school centres that do not receive a minor works school community and police in promoting positive grant. Beenleigh State School received $10,793 for relationships between the school community and minor works in 1999, and an additional $2,701 as a police, and dealing with police related matters SIAS direct grant for capital improvements. It also including violence within the school community, received around $13,000 in 1998. These are the where appropriate. funds available for such works as the proposed car Funds for behaviour management initiatives are made park. Beenleigh State School has the option of available to each district and schools in each district establishing its car park in lower cost materials and are involved in decision-making about the allocation finishes and meeting the cost from its 1999 grant and of those funds on a district wide basis. any earlier, unexpended grant funds, or of putting 4. The Peace Builders Program is a long-term minor works funds aside until it has sufficient funds community crime and violence prevention program to undertake the work. The school community could which is being trialled in a number of Queensland also seek funds from other sources and may wish to schools. The outcome data of a longitudinal study consider seeking approval for recoverable funding into its effectiveness is due for release soon. that would be able to be repaid from future minor Discretionary funds currently available to schools works grants. have been used to support this program. I am aware that the local Council plans some street scaping in Beenleigh and that the school has consulted its Councillor as well as the Honourable 2151. Beenleigh State School Member about opportunities to combine the Mr BAUMANN asked the Minister for proposed car park with this work. Beenleigh State Education (10/12/99)— School has also approached its Facilities Service Centre for possible financial assistance, but a staff With reference to off-street car parking at the older car park has not been a sufficient priority in style Beenleigh primary school and the apparent comparison with other minor works needs to attract problems the department has in funding the supplementary funding from the minor works funds construction of internal car parking facilities— administered by the Facilities Service Centre. The What will he do to remedy this school's disadvantage Facilities Service Centre has relayed the request to before the commencement of the 2000 school year? Central Office, but unfortunately all minor works Mr WELLS (10/2/00): The department informs funds have been distributed to schools or Facilities me that a design has been prepared by a private Service Centres. There is no other funding available engineering consultant in conjunction with Beenleigh from Central Office. I have also considered the State School for a car park to be developed