Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1940-08-02
lUST I, 1940- ~ ltures Ti'~'r8 . 'WI" Partly Cloudy High r Over Yank. to MalnWn IOWA: Partly cloudy today and Amerioan L • ..,.. Tie. tomorrow, acaUHed abowers 10 See 8tott. GIl ".te t. nortb and e.- today; warmer. 40 degrees iIIl DaiI» month totaleQ 10"'0 'CIZy'. M or"inl Ne""pa'per IOI'ma t tor th eaving a ralii." VOLUME XL NUMBER 259 .1 5 of an lndJ. FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1940 ,th there IN t pa r\ly c10U~ IOUdy dars. n mark lor !ht I year Was tilt Ie smce the ill v~a ther burea; .m Iowa City. Jnc.hes and ~ n IS about I , : Iy . mark h cOlil. I large flat Pat • , , measuring eaej War on Axis Ra.iders Shower Pamphlets I' aporated. ~ In s indicates Soviet Sees U.S. Aiding WIth Last 'Appeal to Reason' 'orated +--- month. of eV.,TW·.II_ t-Page Papers Contain HitJer's Reichstag SpeecJl Molotoff Flays 'I British Fleet Aids French Control of Suez Bidding England to Talk Peace, Threaten Attitude to War " Destruction if War Continues ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, ISMAILIA, Egypt, Aug. 1 (AP). The canal's immediate activi- t entrance. So the canal's directors , solve "difficulties" facing the. Ismai lia , like the rest of Egypt LONDON, Aug. 2, (Friday) (AP)-Striking at England As "Imperialist' - From a sandbagged building ties are directed by the French are 21 Frenchmen, 10 Englishmen French administration because of is prepared to cope with any for the first time with leaflets instead of bombs, nazi air flying the tri-color of Fr*tce, from a single-story building in and one Netherlander.
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