Iranians Shelling Border Garrison, Azerbaijan Says
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f USAFli WEATHER FOBKCASJ EURC'PEAF NORTH & WEST: Partly cloudy to One Year Ago Today cloudy. Max. 78, Mill. 52; SOUTH * EAST: Clear to partly cloudy, Max. J»s Allies send supplies to Trieste. Min. 48; BERLIN: Clear to partly cloudy, Max. 78, Min. 50; BREMEN. First V-E convoy reaches States. Partly cloudy to cloudy. Max. 68, Mm. THE STARS Ai 50; VIENNA: Clear to partly cloudy. Chinese in Foochow hold firm. Max. 80, Min. 50; FURTHER OUTLOOK. IZZ^ffi foree$ in Ihe European Thealef Continued fair and- warm. Unofficial Newspaper of U.S. Armed i Volume 2, Number 140 Tuesday, May 21, 1946 20 Pfg„ 2 fr., I a. Hoover Asks Iranians Shelling New World Food Board Border Garrison, From, Press Dispatches Herbert Hoover, President Azerbaijan Says Truman's investigator of the world's food problem, in Wash- TEHERAN, May 19 (Delayed) (AP)—Radio Tabriz announced ington today urged the cre- tonight that Iranian central government forces had attacked the ation by Sept. 1 of an inter- "Democrat" garrison south of. Shahindaj, also called Sainkaleh, national food administration board to spur production and with mortar fire at 5 p. m. today. guide supply distribution. "This is how Qavam (the Iranian Premier, Qavam es Speaking at the opening session of Sultaneh) desire peaceful settlement of Azerbaijan differences, a special conference on world food but we are ready," the radiof ~ needs, sponsored by the Food and declared. "There may be death, rnvr ~*1 Agriculture Organization, Mr. but no retreat." U IN \jOUIIC11 Hoover said such an organization Curfew Ordered in Cities should take over food and agri- culture activities from UNRRA, the The broadcast said that at 9 p.m. Combined Food Board and all other a curfew was ordered in all Azer- To Sift Iranian international agencies. He suggested baijan cities. Sadiq Padegan, secre- that the organization be named the tary of the Azerbaijan Democrat United Nations Food Administration Party's central committee, was Dispute Today to be directed by a special food ad- named military governor of Tabriz. NEW YORK, May 20 (AP)—* ministrator and a small advisory The same broadcast reported an Alexandre Parodi, chairman of the committee. attack by Iranian government forces United Nations Security Council, has Attack Hoover Optimism three days ago aganist Kurds north called a meeting of the council of Saqqiz on the Azerbaijan-Kur- President Truman told the con- distan border, 64 miles south of Lake tomorrow to take up the contro- ference that the remaining weeks versial Iranian case. Urmia. The Kurds were reported Meanwhile, the Syrian govern- before the 1946 grain harvest would to have taken 37 prisoners. be especially critical in famine ment informed the council that all ("If any clash occurred it is only British and French troops had with- areas. In a statement read by the local," the United Press quoted Secretary of Agriculture, ' Clinton drawn from Syria. The council Prince Firouz, Iranian minister of previously had been given the same P. Anderson, the President said the information, as saying. The UP added United States and others in a posi- information by the British and that political circles believed ultra- French governments. tion to help must increase their patriotic central government troops Russia has lost a behind-the- efforts. might have fired a few rounds scenes fight to make members of The FAO estimated that the world against Azerbaijans.) the UN's Permanent Commission on food supply might be one-third Meanwhile, it was announced Human Rights political represen- short of needs again this year. The that Gen. Aman-lah Jahanbani, one tatives of their governments, instead organization estimated that 30,500,000 Time Out for a Smoke of Iran's foremost Russophiles, had of experts selected for their indivi- metric tons of wheat would be After the signing in Belgrade of a non-aggression pact between been appointed chief of staff of the dual knowledge and understanding needed in shortage areas, and that Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, Czech Foreign Minister Jan Masaryk, Iranian army. The appointment of human problems. the wheat available in surplus left, and Yugoslavia's Marshal Tito light up for a smoke. came soon after a public attack by The Soviet effort to change the Qavam on certain foreign "malev- commission's composition came at countries was said to be only olent elements." 18,000,000 to 20,000,000. the last minute, with a sudden "Those persons who wish to fish alteration in the Russian represen- At the same time, the United in troubled waters, who run inces- tation on the commission. Press reported that the Food for Fall at Captain's Billet santly to their embassies and incite Freedom committee charged that intrigues and provocations, ignore Mr. Hoover had lulled the American the fact that no foreign government British Twins Wed Vets public into a false sense of security has the right to interfere in by his unwarranted optimism about Iranian internal affairs," Qavam At Same Baltimore Altar world famine. Is Fatal to Nude Typist said. BALTIMORE, May 20 (AP)—June Ukraine Drought Broken and Doreen Robbins, the 20-year-old In Moscow Generalissimo Joseph FRANKFURT, May 20 (AP)—A nude American War Department typist was fatally injured when she jumped or accidentally fell from RUSSIAN PRESS SILENT Nottingham (England) twins, mar- V. Stalin signed a decree voted by ried their former soldier sweet- the council of ministers ordering the the second floor of an American captain's bachelor apartment in the ON REPORTED CLASHES U. S. Army headquarters compound here early yesterday, the Provost hearts at a double ceremony in Bal- compulsory resowing of spring wheat MOSCOW, May 20 (AP)—Radio timore today. on land where winter wheat perished. Marshal's office announced today. Miss Dorothy Knapp, 38, of Port Tabriz reports of fighting between June was married to Earl Kahn, An Associated Press report said Richmond, Staten Island, N. Y., died last night at the 97th General the Iranian and Azerbaijian forces of Baltimore, and Doreen to Jack that rains had fallen in one region —— 'f'Hospital, more than 12 hours after were not mentioned by either Silver, of Los Angeles. The double of the Ukraine, Russia's bread bas- a German charwoman found her Pravda or the Tass News Agency romance began at a wartime Red ket, which has been stricken by British Vouchers unconscious on a back porch. today. Cross plub in Nottingham. drought. The officer with whom Miss * * * Sir Ramaswami Mudaliar, head of To Replace Marks in Knapp was reported to have 'spent India's food delegation to the United Saturday night was not arrested by States, charged in New York that Black-Market Fight Army investigators, but was or- 9 dered restricted to the headquarters Azerbaijan s Forces India has not received even one- HERFORD, May 20 (AP)—The tenth of promised shipments of area. His name was withheld. wheat, maize and rice. British authorities greatest attempt Later in the day officials an- to kill the black market in German In Athens the Greek government nounced the captain had been Deployed on Frontier announced that President Ismet currency will come into force Aug. released from restriction, Ihonu of Turkey had authorized the 1, in the form of vouchers to be (Criminal Investigation Division TABRIZ, May 20 (UP)—Azerbaijan has deployed an estimated 15,000 shipment of 10,000 tons of wheat issued to British military personnel agents were called in to investigate men—almost the entire Democratic army—along the southern provincial and 5,000 tons of rye to Greece. in lieu of German marks. the death, the United Press reported.) frontier to guard against any attack by central government forces from The Navy Department reported The troops thus will have a cur- Fall Believed Accident Teheran. The step was taken after rumors reached here that the Teheran government was moving troops to the Azerbaijan frontier. Tabriz reports that it had saved 11,000,000 pounds rency entirely different from that Lt. Col. Redmond J. Connolly, of of flour, fats, cereal and sugar in of the German population, and will said the Democrats moved one particularly large force from Maragheh New York, Frankfurt Provost Mar- south to the Saqqiz zone. The<£ March and April under the food con- no longer be able to pay for NAAFI shal, said Miss Knapp's fall servation program. and gift shop purchases with marks. Democrats have been constantly "appears to have been purely acci- making speeches asserting that they rifles and pistols. Armed civilians dental, but we have not yet will defend their liberties with their called Fidayle either walk or ride eliminated the possibility of suicide.': last drop of blood. horses. Many men both civilians The vivacious, dark-haired typist Only a few thousand regular troops and uniformed troops, wear a ribbon Booth Tarkiiigton Dies at 76; arrived here only six days ago from have been left in Tabriz. Most of on their chest indicating they fought the U. S. and reportedly first met them wear Russian uniforms with in the December revolution. the captain, several years her junior, Azerbaijan insignia—a rising sun Tabriz is a typical rebel capital. Famed Hoosier Wrote 'Penrod' at a Frankfurt military club Satur- with a red flame across the center. Almost everyone carries a gun and INDIANAPOLIS, May 20 (AP)— While there is hardly a high school day night. Some Kurds strut along the streets the population buzzes with the talk Booth Tarkington, dean of Amer- in the entire country which has not "They came home to the captain's wearing brightly colored turbans of spreading freedom throughout apartment, which he shared with an and black trousers and carryipg Iran.