Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1946-08-22
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~ice GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITYI Portly cloudy today and tomorrow. High today a bout 80. low tonight about 60. Warmer tomorrow OWtlJll with scattered showers. ~i r..tabUabed 1868 Vol. 78, No. 28S-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, Auguat 22. 1946-Five Cents ' - f) ~mJ iii » ~ stud. la two. I drivt \ely 40 ~ iii the is Ga. Mn, to uslnf. ! office U· IversltJ ir,enc, nllll of * * * nents. , to tlie Itudl!nt u.s. 6iyes lito GOlernmen\ .~evel towns- at~ Uie lll-tilne 48 Hours 10 Release Airmen, rollilli . ~ of ailE State Department Threatens to Bring Case Ig the WASHINGTON (AP) - PricertrOlled. wlU 'drain" into produc- statements that the new meat Before Se~uri.ty Council of United Nations ~ WSUI · AdJnin istrator Paul Porter an- tion not under control." price ceilings will be "at or near" BELGRADE (AP)-The wreck- b Ra~, pounced yesterday that retail meat At the same time the CIO re- the levels of those which died lew the ' age of the American military tran WA HJNG'rO (AP}-In an angry ultimatum, the United price ceilings will be restored Sept. leased a statement from its presi States last nighl gave Yug() 'Iavia 48 houl'll to free imprisoned. ot the i 'and promised to "throw the dent, Philip Murray, contending June 30. He explained thal In- port plane which was shot down :\:h and 1Ioo)('\ at black marketeers. Plat 'recontrol o( meats means creases on some meats probably in names by Yugoslav fighters American airmen and to permit thi nati n's diplomatic repre I of St. "There is no substantial basis very little when livestock and will be necessary to meet parity north of Bled Monday lies approx-, sentatives to inveJ!tigate the disappearance of an army plane near ch. A (or reports that we are going poultry feed products are left price requirements, and cmpha- Imately two mile!; from the Aus Marshal Tito' summer born . Irecede back to widespread black mark- free. of controls." Murray announ sized: trian border, it was learned last A bitterly caustic note-the sbarpest issu d by this government.' tIS," he' told a news conference. ced the CIO will urge the new de ~inC6 Pearl Harbor - accused YUj:t'oslavia of a "plain violation" • "I have been careful to say that night. ocram. 'I hope packers will devote a sub- control board to "reinstitute ceil The wreckage was just Inside of international law and the United Nation ' charter and said II• It.urday ,lanUal part of their energy to ing~ on all items which it failed the new ceilings wUl be at or ncar Yugoslav territory. that the Yugoslav explanation was "wholly inadequate" and a.m., k o ' malte recontrol work-at least as to control." June 30 levels." n'hls dispatch did not speculate shocking to the people of the Uni,ted States. l5 p.lIi. • much energy as they devoted try- Porter announced that flour The ceilings wlU be restored on on whether the air attack which "If, within that time (48 hours) these demands are not com 30a~ I. -1nI to get rid of controls." price ceilings wlU be raised sev- k a staggered plan which will put forced the American plane down plied with, the United tatcs go\'ernment will call the security , • • • en cents per 100 pounds Friday them into cffect on livestock Aug. occurred over Austrian or Yugo- r II .llI4luk7 spok_n and .otb- to reflect a higher parity price 29, at the packing house Sept. I, slav territory. council of. the United Nalions to me promptly and to take the er foa of meat cOlltrols alrea- on wheat. , at wholesale levels Sept. 5, and • • • appropriMe action." the note said. q are predlctlq lIIe JNIIIIIible He set Sept. 9 as the date for In the retaU butcher shop Sept. 9. (Yllloslavia baa based its rea- It was handed to ergije Makiedo, Yugo lav's charge d'affairet retlU'll of black markets aDd restoring retail ceilings on salad Porter explained that the OPA son for the attack on the lIon in Washington by Und r eeretary of State Acheson shortly after ..,arelUei. and cooking oils. and Sept. 3 tor and the agriculture department tentlon that U. S. aircraft bave 4lJ.m. (C~1') - 11 few hours after a translltiantic telephone con !r, an; III A statement by the United reimposing celIings at all levels decided upon the staggered time repeatedly flown over Yuroslav versation between Acheson and Secretary of tate Byrnes in I. states Chamber of Commerce de- on soy beans, flaxseed and by-' e ma.~ , schedule in order to "clean out territory dellplle the protests of PSI·is. ~. elared that "the order unques- product feed grains. overceUlng meat" which dealers Premier Manhal TUo's covern- "The use of torce by Yugoslavia .sa ' ~H!·an r. tionably will reduce the meat s4P- Near June 30 Levels have on hand. ment. (In forcing down American trans in Lif \. pil" because grains, left uncon- Porter renewed his prevIous To Enfone Celllnr' • • • port planes near Trieste)" the note Pledging vigorous efforts to en- It aiso has been learned that British Military Force said, "under the circumstances .;, th, to force the ceilings, Porter said: representatives of the United was without the slightest justifi l",rt9... "We will have twice as many states graves rleglstrallon com Reported Encircling cation in international law, was • investigators on meat as we ever mission have been granted per clearly inconststent with relations :sistalll I had before. We will hit a level of mAssion to leave Belgrade and between friendly states, and was visited 2,500 investigators in September- search' the wreckage for the bodies Jewish City Tel Aviv a plain violation of the obligations ,l- c.rr" easily double the previous num- of three American air force per restlnll upon Yugoslavia under ber." sonnel beJleved to have been kiU- ~orical JERUSALEM, Thursday (AP) the charter of the United Natlona Bread ceilings, recently increas- ed when the transport crashed to UNITED STATES Ambassador to Yugoslavia Rl cha.~d C. PaUerson Strong British military forcei not to use force except in self ed by one cent a loa!, will be cut by earth and exploded. n Lif~ Jr. (rilh&) and Marshall TUo of Yugoslavia are pictured above a$ a were reported today to have sur defense. weeks; WASHINGTON (AP)-Housing finished, and to get more new the same amount as soon DS J c- • • • time when thelr relations were more pleasant-on a huntlnr triP rounded the all-Jewish city of Tel • • • , • > Expediter Wilson W. Wyatt last homes under way. strictlon on the milling ot flour Uolted States authorUJes 10 near Ruma. Relations between Patterson, representing the UnUed Aviv and surrounding towns on At no time did the Yuroslav niehl announced a "big push" on Final decision on t.he slash In have been lifted by t.he agriculture B Ilrade have reeeived notlllca States ' rovemment, and Tlto aTe now omewhat "trained due to Palestine's coastal plain. rovernment advfse the United ~ department, Porter said. lie had lion frOm the Yllcoltav lovern · the ,housing front, hinting at a non-residential building has not Yuroslav action In IIhootlng down one unarmed American plane and The reported movement of Sta.tes rovernment that If one of no information on when these re- Il'ent that two mell'ber of the d~p . new cut in non-residential been reached by Civllian Pro forclnr down another. then Internlnl the crew. Patterson will dlllCusa troops came a short time after a Its planes Ihould, beeauae of strlctlons may be removed. five-man CI!flW parachuted to bllllding to check the drain of duOlion Administrator John D. the matter with TUo today. The Yugoslav charge d'affaires In Wash Jewish underground radio station weather, be forced a mUe or two materials away (rom new homes. Small. hpusing officials reported, • • • lIafety, thull Indleatlnl that both Inrtob Yesterday wa handed an ultimatum. givIng his rovernment 48 declared that lhe British were Here are dates when price 6urvlvor now are In the custody outside the corridor or becallse Some of his aides disclosed that but they indicated Small had a hOUri to free the American airmen or the Unlt~ tate wiJl RJace about to start a new operation 01 1llecbanleal trollble lIhoalcl cellln15 will be restorecl on fats of YurOSlav authorIties. Wyatt proposes a 30 to 50 percent green in principle to a reduction. the cue before lIIe United NaLions security counefJ. aClfihst the Jews with a "regime. fhld Ueelt outsldp of lhat cor cuf4n the already re.duced volullle ,, "Tough action t n~ed and and OUI: • • • (International 80undphoto) ot the guillotine and death &en Tank oils. crude and refined, In Berlin Gen. Joseph T. Mc- ridor, the YurOlllav rovemment ot Office, store and '~ factory con such action is justified at the tences." The broadcast asserted: would shoot to death the occu struction. present time," WYatt declared. Aur.ust 23; conswner products, Narney, U. S. European theater "we are prepared to meet this re such a8 sal.ad oils and mayon- commander, announced that U. S. pant, of the plane. The aim of "a series of sweep The housing administrator was gime." • • • '. ing steps" now being prepared, not specific about the orders to naise, at manufacturlnc levels, air transport (lights between Vi en The residents of Tel Aviv were Aurullt 30; non-manufacturlq na and Udlne were cancelled until "Th deliberate firing without Wyatt said in a stateme~t , is to be Issued by the end of this month, United States Moves thrown into a state of excitement warning on the unarmed passen dlslributors of end products (urther notice.