JUNE 25, 1944 VOLUME XIJV • NUMBER 231 ,Veil Band Wlu Mal Dance
JUNE 24, 1944 ~~ Idi ..' Second / ~ity Party unON CALENDAR Rain PROCESSED F eODS blue stamps A8 throu,h VI valid Indo'l· ise," the secolld olltl¥; MEAT I'ed , tamp. Ae throu,h WI valid Indefinitely; SUGAR ty of the suni. otamp 30. 31 (book 4) valid indefinitely, ltamp to for cannln, JU,ar DAlLY' IOWAN IOWA: Fair, ~r ..plre . Feb. 28. 1945; SHOE stamp. airplane stamp. 1 and • (book ! held next Sat I) vaUd Incl eflnltely; GASOLINE A-II ooupon expire. luna U: fUlL OIL per. 4 ancl ~ oou ponl expire Sept. 30. III p. m. In ~ Iowa City'. Morning Newspaper ~ain lounge Of =a t1VE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 1944 VOLUME XIJV • NUMBER 231 ,veil band WlU mal dance. e party incluQfI POPE RECEIVES GENERAL CLARK A4 of MarlOl\' ng, A3 of lOW; Wanslck, E3 Of .nn. Tickets W\IJ y at Iowa Union IcNeal Costs I !al, 29, of Rack $500 and costs Last Major Barrier At a Glance- Flying-Bomb Ramps yesterday br Evans. McNe.!1 Expand Wedge charges of iI. IJ 0 Vital Hengyang AHacked by U. S., In of intoxicat. Toda.y's defendant paid I Smashed by Nippons I RAF Heavy Bombers 'In Nazi Lines vhisky and tlliO ----- ---- ich were taken Chinese Fear Enemy Iowan Robots Cause Some ven by McNeal British Coast Forces local hospita ls, Will Use Changsha * * * Damage in England Stop German Attempt Ire not accepted, Type of Encirclement Chefbourl'- United States shock After IS-Hour Lull To Flee by Sea nfiscate them. troops within 1,000 yards ot ---- dri ven by Me.
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